-- Copyright 2017 BlueCat Networks. All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** -- BCN-COMMANDSERVER-MIB.mib: BlueCat Networks COMMANDSERVER services -- -- -- December 2010, Fabian Ischia -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** BCN-COMMANDSERVER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF BcnAlarmSeverity FROM BCN-TC-MIB bcnServices FROM BCN-SMI-MIB; bcnCommandServerMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201106301200Z" ORGANIZATION "BlueCat Networks" CONTACT-INFO "BlueCat Networks. Customer Care. North America Call: +1.866.491.2228 Europe Call: +44.8081.011.306 Other Call: +1.416.646.8433 Email: support@bluecatnetworks.com" DESCRIPTION "This module provides status as well as statistical information about the COMMANDSERVER service." REVISION "201106301200Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { bcnCommandServer 1 } bcnCommandServer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnServices 7 } -- Organization bcnCommandServerObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServer 2 } bcnCommandServerNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServer 3 } bcnCommandServerConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServer 4 } -- Data objects bcnCommandServerServiceStatus OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General state of the COMMANDSERVER Service." ::= { bcnCommandServerObjects 1 } bcnCommandServerSerOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { running(1), notRunning(2), starting(3), stopping(4), fault(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the Service. The possible states are: running(1) The service is running normally. notRunning(2) The service is stopped either intentionally (i.e.: the service is not supposed to run on this node) or unintentionally (a problem has occurred). starting(3) The service is in the process of starting, either for the first time of after an event occurred. stopping(4) The service is in the process of stopping. Stopping a service might be necessary after a configuration change. fault(5) An error has been detected and the state is undefined. " ::= { bcnCommandServerServiceStatus 1 } -- Notification definitions bcnCommandServerNotificationEvents OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServerNotification 0 } bcnCommandServerNotificationData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServerNotification 1 } -- Notification data bcnCommandServerAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BcnAlarmSeverity MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity classification for the alarm." ::= { bcnCommandServerNotificationData 1 } bcnCommandServerAlarmInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Descriptive information about the alarm event." ::= { bcnCommandServerNotificationData 2 } -- Notification events bcnCommandServerAlarmNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { bcnCommandServerSerOperState, bcnCommandServerAlarmSeverity, bcnCommandServerAlarmInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bcnCommandServerAlarmNotif signifies that the COMMANDSERVER service has transitioned state or a particular event has been detected on the service." ::= { bcnCommandServerNotificationEvents 1 } -- Conformance bcnCommandServerServiceCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServerConformance 1 } bcnCommandServerServiceGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bcnCommandServerConformance 2 } bcnCommandServerServiceStatusGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { bcnCommandServerSerOperState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status conformance." ::= { bcnCommandServerServiceGroups 1 } bcnCommandServerNotificationEventGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { bcnCommandServerAlarmNotif } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server statistics conformance." ::= { bcnCommandServerServiceGroups 2 } bcnCommandServerNotificationDataGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { bcnCommandServerAlarmSeverity, bcnCommandServerAlarmInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Server statistics conformance." ::= { bcnCommandServerServiceGroups 3 } bcnCommandServerStatusCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Basic conformance" MODULE -- This module MANDATORY-GROUPS { bcnCommandServerServiceStatusGroup, bcnCommandServerNotificationEventGroup, bcnCommandServerNotificationDataGroup } -- GROUP CCC ::= {bcnCommandServerServiceCompliances 1 } END