Axos-Trap-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI axosAlarmIndex,axosAlarmName,axosAlarmType,axosAlarmCategory, axosAlarmInstanceId,axosAlarmSeverity, axosAlarmServiceAffecting,axosAlarmAddress, axosAlarmText,axosAlarmTimeStamp,axosAlarmTime, axosAlarmAdditionalInfo,axosEventAdditionalInfo1, axosEventAdditionalInfo2,axosEventAdditionalInfo3, axosEventAdditionalInfo4,axosEventAdditionalInfo5, axosEventAdditionalInfo6,axosEventAdditionalInfo7 FROM AXOS-ALARM-MIB axosModules FROM CALIX-PRODUCT-MIB; axosTrapModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201604250000Z" ORGANIZATION "Calix" CONTACT-INFO " Calix Networks, Inc. Postal: 1035 North McDowell Boulevard Petaluma, CA 94954-1173 USA Phone: +1 707 766 3000 Fax: +1 707 766 3100 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION "Describes all the notifications related to Calix AXOS products." REVISION "201604250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision" ::= { axosModules 1 } axosTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { axosTrapModule 1} axosNotificationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { axosTrap 1 } axosNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { axosTrap 2 } --Objects in the Notification. axosTrapSequenceNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is an incrementing counter that shows the sequence number of the last trap sent. This may be used to indentify a missing trap. This value is reset to 0 when the system is reset." ::= { axosNotificationObjects 1 } --Traps axosTrapAlarmRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { axosTrapSequenceNo, axosAlarmIndex, axosAlarmName, axosAlarmType, axosAlarmCategory, axosAlarmInstanceId, axosAlarmSeverity, axosAlarmServiceAffecting, axosAlarmAddress, axosAlarmText, axosAlarmTimeStamp, axosAlarmTime, axosAlarmAdditionalInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "axosTrapAlarmRaised is generated whenever an alarm is raised" ::= { axosNotifications 1 } axosTrapAlarmCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { axosTrapSequenceNo, axosAlarmIndex, axosAlarmName, axosAlarmType, axosAlarmCategory, axosAlarmInstanceId, axosAlarmSeverity, axosAlarmServiceAffecting, axosAlarmAddress, axosAlarmText, axosAlarmTimeStamp, axosAlarmTime, axosAlarmAdditionalInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "axosTrapAlarmRaised is generated whenever an alarm is cleared" ::= { axosNotifications 2 } axosTrapEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { axosTrapSequenceNo, axosAlarmIndex, axosAlarmName, axosAlarmType, axosAlarmCategory, axosAlarmAddress, axosAlarmText, axosAlarmTimeStamp, axosAlarmTime, axosEventAdditionalInfo1, axosEventAdditionalInfo2, axosEventAdditionalInfo3, axosEventAdditionalInfo4, axosEventAdditionalInfo5, axosEventAdditionalInfo6, axosEventAdditionalInfo7 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "axosTrapEvent is sent whenever an event is generated" ::= { axosNotifications 3 } END