-- -- EPON-EOC-MIB.my -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 3.0 Build 253 -- Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 18:05:47 -- EPON-EOC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; eponeoc MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201005271056Z" -- May 27, 2010 at 10:56 GMT ORGANIZATION "epon eoc factory." CONTACT-INFO "" DESCRIPTION "epon eoc common mib module" ::= { enterprises 34592 } -- -- Textual conventions -- OperSwitch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device function operation switch type" SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } DeviceStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device work status type. One device or dummy device may have following five work status: notPresent(1): the device is not present (not installed) offline(2):the device is present,but can not be communicated (or failed to get its info) online(3):the device is present and can be communicated normal(4):the device is online and work well abnormal(5): the device is online but work abnormal for some reason" SYNTAX INTEGER { notPresent(1), offline(2), online(3), normal(4), abnormal(5) } DataDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A data channel normally have two direction, up and down" SYNTAX INTEGER { upstream(1), downstream(2) } DeviceOperation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This type defines an operate action aggregate" SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(2), default(3), saveConfig(4), restore(5), delete(6) } LedStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Led status" SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2), blink(3) } DeviceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device type convention. Define all PBB device type value. ---------------------------------- | family | series | class | type | ---------------------------------- 8b 8b 8b 8b refer to document " SYNTAX INTEGER { SYSTEM(16842752), EPON-2U8P(16843009), OLT(16843265), PON(16843521), PON(16909057), EPON-1U2P(17105153), OLT(17105409), PON(17105665), EPON-1U4P(17236225), OLT(17236481), PON(17236737), PON(17235968), EPON-1U8P(17170689), OLT(17170945), PON(17171201), PON(17171202), ONU4D-B(16974081), ONU4D-B(16974082), ONU4D-B(16974083), ONU1D-G(16974087), ONU2D-GM(16974095), ONU4D-GM(16974094), ONU4D-P(16974089), ONU3D-M(16974090), ONU2D-M(16974092), ONU4D2P(16974337), ONU4D2P-P(16974338), ONU4D1R-P(16974594), ONU4D2P1R(16974849), ONU4D2P1R(17040129), ONU4D2P1R-P(16974850), ONU24D(17039617), ONU1GE(825307496), ONU2GE(825307757), ONU4GEB(825308258), ONU4GE(825308269), ONU1GE1FE1P(825307464), ONU4FE1RF(858797160), ONU1FE(16974086), ONU1FE1GE(16974088), ONU4FE(16974085), ONU4FE(16974091), ONU8FEB(16974084), ONU4FE1TV-WDM(16974593), ONU1FEC(825241683), ONU1GEC(825241671), ONU4FEC(875573331), ONU4GEB(875573314), ONU2GEM(842018893), ONU4GEM(875573325), ONU4FEW(875573335), ONU4FE1TVC-WDM(875647827), ONU4FE1TVCA(875643987), ONU4FE1TVW-WDM(875647831), ONU4FE1TVW(875643991), ONU4FE2P(1), ONU4FE2PA(16974337), ONU4FE2P1TV(2), ONU24FEB(3), ONU4FE2PW(4), ONU2FE1P(5), ONU1FECA(825241960), ONU1GECA(825307496), ONU4FECA(825242728), ONU1GEM (825241674), ONU16FEB(8), ONU4GE(16974097) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- ipProduct OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the base identifier containing the definition of ip products line. " ::= { eponeoc 1 } -- mediaConverter OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the base identifier for the subtree supported by media converter line products. " ::= { ipProduct 1 } -- switch OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the base identifier for the subtree supported by smartCPE Switch line products. " ::= { ipProduct 2 } -- epon OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ipProduct 3 } -- eoc OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { ipProduct 4 } END -- -- EPON-EOC-MIB.my --