-- -- ALARM-MIB.my -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 4.0 Build 349 -- Friday, November 21, 2003 at 15:00:38 -- SPIDCOM-ALARM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS neMibAlarm FROM NE-ALARM-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, TimeTicks, IpAddress, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, DateAndTime, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- neAlarm MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200207151330Z" -- July 15, 2002 at 13:30 GMT ORGANIZATION "SPiDCOM" CONTACT-INFO " TO BE SPECIFIED BY SPiDCOM " DESCRIPTION "Definition of the MIB tree structure to manage the Alarm Monitoring." ::= { neMibAlarm 1 } -- -- Textual conventions -- ItuAlarmProbableCause ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ItuAlarmProbableCause is the probable cause according the ITU X.733." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), adapterError(2), applicationSubsystemFailure(3), bandwidthReduced(4), callEstablishmentError(5), communicationsProtocolError(6), communicationsSubsystemFailure(7), configurationOrCustomizationError(8), congestion(9), corruptData(10), cpuCyclesLimitExceeded(11), dataSetOrModemError(12), degradedSignal(13), dteDceInterfaceError(14), enclosureDoorOpen(15), equipmentMalfunction(16), excessiveVibration(17), fileError(18), fireDetected(19), floodDetected(20), framingError(21), heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem(22), humidityUnacceptable(23), inputOutputDeviceError(24), inputDeviceError(25), lanError(26), leakDetected(27), localNodeTransmissionError(28), lossOfFrame(29), lossOfSignal(30), materialSupplyExhausted(31), multiplexerProblem(32), outOfMemory(33), ouputDeviceError(34), performanceDegraded(35), powerProblem(36), pressureUnacceptable(37), processorProblem(38), pumpFailure(39), queueSizeExceeded(40), receiveFailure(41), receiverFailure(42), remoteNodeTransmissionError(43), resourceAtOrNearingCapacity(44), responseTimeExecessive(45), retransmissionRateExcessive(46), softwareError(47), softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated(48), softwareProgramError(49), storageCapacityProblem(50), temperatureUnacceptable(51), thresholdCrossed(52), timingProblem(53), toxicLeakDetected(54), transmitFailure(55), transmitterFailure(56), underlyingResourceUnavailable(57), versionMismatch(58), authenticationFailure(59), breachOfConfidentiality(60), cableTamper(61), delayedInformation(62), denialOfService(63), duplicateInformation(64), informationMissing(65), informationModificationDetected(66), informationOutOfSequence(67), intrusionDetection(68), keyExpired(69), nonRepudiationFailure(70), outOfHoursActivity(71), outOfService(72), proceduralError(73), unauthorizedAccessAttempt(74), unexpectedInformation(75) } ItuAlarmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ItuAlarmType is the alarm type according the ITU X.733." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), communicationsAlarm(2), qualityOfServiceAlarm(3), processingErrorAlarm(4), equipmentAlarm(5), environmentalAlarm(6), integrityViolation(7), operationalViolation(8), physicalViolation(9), securityServiceOrMechanismViolation(10), timeDomainViolation(11) } NeAlarmPhoto ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." SYNTAX INTEGER { takePhoto(1) } NeTrapFilter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Filtertype used for control of traps by manager. If trapFilterOn, the agent sends non traps." SYNTAX INTEGER { trapFilterOff(0), trapFilterOn(1) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- neAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NeAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmTable represents all the possible alarms on the NE, stating the probable cause, the alarm type and the perceived severity as per [X.733]. Note that each entry is significant until neAlarmIsApplicable is applicable(1). Entries should never be removed unless the NE they refer to disconnected NEs. To invalidate an entry the Agent sets neAlarmIsApplicable to notApplicable(0). before invalidating the entry, the agent sets the neAlarmPerceivedSeverity to cleared." ::= { neAlarm 1 } -- neAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmMibEntry: an entry in neAlarmMibTable. " INDEX { neAlarmIndex } ::= { neAlarmTable 1 } NeAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { neAlarmIndex Unsigned32, neAlarmAdditionalText DisplayString, neAlarmProbableCause ItuAlarmProbableCause, neAlarmDescription DisplayString, neAlarmType ItuAlarmType, neAlarmManagedObject DisplayString, neAlarmStatus INTEGER, neAlarmAlreadyPresent INTEGER, neAlarmTimeStamp TimeTicks } -- neAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmIndex is a unique identifier for an alarm on a given type of NE. The association between the alarmIndex and the alarm for the type of NE is described in the NE MIB. For example for the SRA L it is in the NETVIEWER SRAL 16X2 MIB. " ::= { neAlarmEntry 1 } -- neAlarmAdditionalText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmDescription is a brief description of a given alarm. E.g. Tributary 1 Card Fail." ::= { neAlarmEntry 2 } -- neAlarmProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ItuAlarmProbableCause MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmProbablecause represents the probable cause values for the alarms as per [X.733]. " ::= { neAlarmEntry 3 } -- neAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmDescription represents a description of the Alarm, as per [X.733] " ::= { neAlarmEntry 4 } -- neAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ItuAlarmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmType represents the event type values for the alarms as per [X.733]. " ::= { neAlarmEntry 5 } -- neAlarmManagedObject OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "neAlarmManagedObject represents the managed Object values for the alarms. " ::= { neAlarmEntry 6 } -- neAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2), terminate(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If neAlarmStatus is active(1) the current alarm is active for the NE. If neAlarmStatus is inactive(2), the current alarm is inactive (normality) for the NE. If neAlarmStatus is notAffected(3), the current alarm is not significant for the NE." ::= { neAlarmEntry 7 } -- neAlarmAlreadyPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field could be use to know if alarm already there. " ::= { neAlarmEntry 8 } -- neAlarmTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm timestamp." ::= { neAlarmEntry 9 } -- neAlarmActiveLastTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Alarm Index sent for which the last trap was sent " ::= { neAlarm 2 } -- neClearTerminatedAlarms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the manager sets this object, the agent deletes its alarms which status is terminated " ::= { neAlarm 3 } -- neAlarmActivePhoto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the manager sets this object, the agent sends all the active alarms from neAlarmtable to the manager. " ::= { neAlarm 4 } -- neAlarmTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { neAlarm 10 } -- neAlarmTrapCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object counts only the traps sent under node neAlarmTrap." ::= { neAlarmTrap 2 } -- neAlarmTrapFilter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NeTrapFilter MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If trapFilterOn, the agent sends no traps under node neAlarmTrap. " ::= { neAlarmTrap 3 } -- neAlarmTrapDestiIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The @IP where traps are sent" ::= { neAlarmTrap 4 } -- neAlarmTrapDestiPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The UDP port where traps are sent" ::= { neAlarmTrap 5 } -- neAlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { neAlarmIndex, neAlarmAdditionalText, neAlarmProbableCause, neAlarmDescription, neAlarmType, neAlarmManagedObject, neAlarmAlreadyPresent, neAlarmTimeStamp, neAlarmStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects you can find in this MIB." ::= { neAlarm 11 } -- --neAlarmMibNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP -- NOTIFICATIONS { neAlarmChangeNotification } -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Description." -- ::= { neAlarm 12 } -- neAlarmActiveGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { neAlarmActiveLastTrapIndex, neAlarmActivePhoto, neAlarmTrapFilter, neAlarmTrapDestiIp, neAlarmTrapDestiPort, neAlarmTrapCounter, neClearTerminatedAlarms } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The object regarding active alarms" ::= { neAlarm 13 } END -- -- SPIDCOM-ALARM-MIB.my --