--MWRM-NETWORK-MIB VERSION --MWRM (MicroWave-Radio-MIB) MWRM-NETWORK-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS -- Ipv6Address FROM IPV6-TC -- Counter, enterprises, Gauge, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI Counter32, enterprises, Gauge32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 EnableDisable FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB EnableDisableSMI2 FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB OffOn FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB MetricImperial FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB AllowedNotAllowed FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ProgressStatus FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Severity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB NoYes FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB DownUp FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailIfType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB PmTableType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RateMbps FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB HalfFull FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB BerLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SignalLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB LoopbackType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB QueueName FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RadioId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RfuId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommand FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailProtectedType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ClockSrc FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SlotId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Integrity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB GreenYellow FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB InputSeverity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommandTimer FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB; microwave-radio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2281 } genEquip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microwave-radio 10} genEquipUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genEquip 1} -- Local enumeration types MediaType ::= INTEGER { auto-type(0), rj45(1), sfp(2), radio(3), pwe3(4) } AutoNegMode ::= INTEGER { off(0), on(1), restart(2) } SpeedDefs ::= INTEGER { speed-10(0), speed-100(1), speed-1000(2), speed-2500(3), speed-10000(4) } MasterSalveSetMode ::= INTEGER { auto(0), slave(1), master(2) } FlowControl ::= INTEGER { disable(0), rx(1), tx-rx(2) } PortType ::= INTEGER { management(0), line(1), radio(2), pwe(3), cpu(4) } EdgePortType ::= INTEGER { none(0), edge(1) } TrustMode ::= INTEGER { untrust(0), trust(1) } ServiceType ::= INTEGER { mng(0), mp(1), p2p(2) } ServiceSubType ::= INTEGER { ethernet(0), tdm(1), pwe(2) } ServiceAdmin ::= INTEGER { reserved(0), operational(1) } ServiceCosMode ::= INTEGER { default-cos(0), preserve-sp-cos(1) } SPType ::= INTEGER { sap(0), snp(1), mng(2), pipe(3) } SPSubType ::= INTEGER { dot1q(0), s-tag(1), bundle-c(2), bundle-s(3), all-to-one(4), qinq(5) } DisableAllowed ::= INTEGER { disable(0), allow(1) } SPCosMode ::= INTEGER { sp-def-cos(0), interface-decision(1), pc1(2), tcam(3) } SplitHorizonGroup ::= INTEGER { group-a(0), group-b(1), group-c(2), group-d(3) } TrueFalse ::= INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } PolicerType ::= INTEGER { mef-trtcm(0) } PolicerColorMode ::= INTEGER { color-blind(0), color-aware(1) } PWfpClockSignal ::= INTEGER { sync(0), unframed(1), e1-mf(2), e1-mf-crc(3), ds1-d4(4), ds1-esf(5) } PWCclockSysRef ::= INTEGER { none(0), front-panel(1), clock-recovery(2) } PWCDiffClockSrc ::= INTEGER { none(0), front-panel(1), sys-ref(2), clock-1588(3) } PWRtpTimeStampMode ::= INTEGER { absolute(0), differential(1) } PWTunnelPsnType ::= INTEGER { upd-ip(0), eth(1), mpls(2) } PWTunnelVlanType ::= INTEGER { none(0), c-type(1), s-type(2) } PWPDHClockSource ::= INTEGER { sys-ref(0), rx-sdh(1), internal(2) } TunnelGroupProtectionCmd ::= INTEGER { no-request(0), force-switch(1), manual-switch(2), lockout(3), clear(4) } PWSOAMccmInterval ::= INTEGER { n3-3-ms(0), n10-ms(1), n100-ms(2), n1-s(3), n10-s(4), n1-m(5), n10-m(6) } Dot1CfmInterfaceStatus ::= INTEGER { no-interface(0), up(1), down(2), testing(3), unknown(4), dormant(5), not-present(6), lower-layer-down(7) } BurstType ::= INTEGER { short(0), long(1) } IfMgrTrueFalse ::= INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } MibTrueFalse ::= INTEGER { true(1), false(2) } G8032LastState ::= INTEGER { nr(0), raps-nr(1), raps-rb-nr(2), running-wtb(3), expired-wtb(4), running-wtr(5), expired-wtr(6), ms(7), raps-ms(8), raps-sd(9), clear-sd(10), local-sd(11), raps-sf(12), clear-sf(13), local-sf(14), raps-fs(15), fs(16), clear(17) } TDMLoopbackType ::= INTEGER { none(0), towards-line(1), towards-system(2) } RSTLoopbackType ::= INTEGER { none(0), towards-system(1), towards-line(2) } LBState ::=INTEGER { soamLbInactive(0), soamLbActive(1), soamLbStopped(2), soamLbCompleted(3), soamLbFailed(4) } -- Network genEquipNetwork OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 2} genEquipNetworkRemoteIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Remote IP address." ::= { genEquipNetwork 1 } genEquipNetworkMateIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Mate IP address. (same as genEquipProtectionMateIPAddr)" ::= { genEquipNetwork 2 } genEquipNetworkAgentIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Agent IP address. (same as genEquipNetworkManagmentLocalIp)" ::= { genEquipNetwork 3 } --- Network Managment information genEquipNetworkManagment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genEquipNetwork 4} genEquipNetworkManagmentLocalIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local IP address. (same as genEquipNetworkAgentIp)" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 1 } genEquipNetworkManagmentLocalSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local subnet mask. (for example" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 2 } genEquipNetworkManagmentLocalDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local default gateway." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 3 } genEquipNetworkManagmentLocalHWAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the MAC Address used for management (related to the management IP address of the system)." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 4 } genEquipNetworkManagmentRemoteSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Remote subnet mask.(for example" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 5 } genEquipNetworkManagmentNumOfPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..3) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of management ports." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 6 } genEquipNetworkManagmentInBandVLAN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4090) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of in-band VLANs." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 7 } genEquipNetworkManagmentPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outOfBand(0), inBand(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is a configurable option to use in-band or out-of-band management." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 8 } genEquipNetworkManagmentPortCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n64(0), n128(1), n256(2), n512(3), n1024(4), n2048(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates a limit rate for the management port capacity in kbps." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 9 } genEquipNetworkManagmentPortAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the Auto Negotiation option, on all management ports." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 10 } genEquipNetworkManagmentPortRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), n10(0), n100(1), n1000(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the port rate in Mbps (all management ports). Possible values are: - n10(0) 10Mbps - n100(1) 100Mbps - n1000(2) 1000Mbps" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 11 } genEquipNetworkManagmentPortDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { half(0), full(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the port duplex value, for all management ports." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 12 } genEquipNetworkManagmentBlockMngTowardsLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Blocking the in-band management frames to egress via the Ethernet line interface in pipe application." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 13 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table keeps the information about the neighbour attributes, such as IP address, MAC address, slot, port number and description. It can be used by the NMS for topology discovery." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagment 20 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table keeps the information about the neighbour attributes, such as IP address, MAC address, slot, port number and description. It can be used by the NMS for topology discovery." INDEX { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgMngId } ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgTable 1 } GenEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgMngId INTEGER, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv4Address IpAddress, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv4SubnetMask IpAddress, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgDefaultGateway IpAddress, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv6Address OCTET STRING, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv6PrefixLength INTEGER, genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgDefaultGatewayIPv6 OCTET STRING } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgMngId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management Ifindex." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 1 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv4Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local IP address" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 2 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv4SubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local subnet mask. (for example" ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 3 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local default gateway." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 4 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv6Address OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Local IPv6. y is a 16-bit hexadecimal field of the form xxxx, where x takes values from 0 to F." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 5 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgIpv6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IPv6 Prefix-Length specifies the IPv6 subnet." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 6 } genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgDefaultGatewayIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the local IPv6 default gateway." ::= { genEquipNetworkManagmentIpAddrCfgEntry 7 } --- IP Table information genEquipNetworkIP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genEquipNetwork 5} genEquipNetworkIPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipNetworkIPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table keeps the information about the neighbour attributes, such as IP address, MAC address, slot, port number and description. It can be used by the NMS for topology discovery." ::= { genEquipNetworkIP 1 } genEquipNetworkIPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipNetworkIPEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table keeps the information about the neighbour attributes, such as IP address, MAC address, slot, port number and description. It can be used by the NMS for topology discovery." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipNetworkIPTable 1 } GenEquipNetworkIPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipNetworkIPEthernetPort INTEGER, genEquipNetworkIPPeerMacAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipNetworkIPPeerIPAddr IpAddress, genEquipNetworkIPPeerSlotID INTEGER, genEquipNetworkIPPeerPortNumber INTEGER, genEquipNetworkIPPeerDescr DisplayString, genEquipNetworkIPPeerNodeToNodeConnection EnableDisable } genEquipNetworkIPEthernetPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet port (local port) is the index of the table, to be taken from ifIndex." ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 1 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peer (far-end) Mac address of the managed NE (CPU) connected on the local Ethernet port" ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 2 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peer (far-end) IP address of the managed NE (CPU) connected on the local Ethernet port" ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 3 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peer (far-end) slot-id of the managed NE connected on the local Ethernet port." ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 4 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Peer (far-end) port number of the managed NE connected on the local Ethernet port. The port number is sequential starting with 1" ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 5 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User defined description for the peer port" ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 6 } genEquipNetworkIPPeerNodeToNodeConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Node To Node Connection. This column is relevant only for STM-1/OC-3 connections. if this parameter is enabled, it means that the STM-1/OC-3 port is connected with another microwave-radio NE, the STM-1/OC-3 port is not an access port, it is used by the NMS to find TDM trails." ::= { genEquipNetworkIPEntry 7 } genEquipNetworkIPClearAllPeerInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is a command to clear the neighbor IP table info" ::= { genEquipNetworkIP 2 } genEquipNetworkFloatingIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the floating IP used when system is in protection mode. This address must differ from system's own IP address (genEquipNetworkAgentIp) as well as mate unit's (genEquipProtectionMateIPAddr)and must be in the same subnet. A value of will disable the feature." ::= { genEquipNetwork 6 } genEquipNetworkAgentIpV6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the agent IP V6. This parameter will be use for Trap only." ::= { genEquipNetwork 7 } -- Services Configuration genEquipServices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 8} -- Ethernet Switch genEquipEthernetSwitch OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 1} -- Ethernet Switch configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 1} genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgAppType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { single-pipe(1), managed-switch(2), metro-switch(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mode of the switch application. Note, managed-switch or metro-swtich require license. Single-pipe: No switching is done, the NE acts as a Pipe. Managed-switch: The switch application is configured as IEEE 802.1Q switch. Metro-switch: The switch application is configured as IEEE 802.1ad switch." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The switch VLAN table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The switch VLAN table." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDName DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDState INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDMemberPorts DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEVCID DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEVCDescription DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4095) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN number, the index of the table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN name." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { suspend(1), active(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN state." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDMemberPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A string that indicates in which ports this VLAN is allowed. Port numbers are separated by spaces" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEVCID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter defines a name for the Ethernet service running over this VLAN. This information is used by the NMS as a service identifier" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEVCDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter allows adding a description for the Ethernet service running over this VLAN. This information is informational only for users purposes" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus -- active(1),notInService(2),notReady(3),createAndGo(4),createAndWait(5),destroy(6) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The raw status of the vlan table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDEntry 30 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgPbbteEthertype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PBB-TE-Tag ethertype value" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgProviderEthertype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { i0x8100(0), i0x88A8(1), i0x9100(2), i0x9200(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethertype of the provider VLANS (S-tag). This parameter configures the Marvell switch and it applys for all the ethernet ports. Possible choises are { 0x8100 , 0x9100 , 0x88A8 , 0x9200 }." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgJumboModeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This configuration defines the Ethernet Maximal Transmit Unit (MTU) size. When jumbo mode is enabled, MTU=9612 bytes. When disabled, MTU=1632 bytes. This configuration applies to all Ethernet traffic ports except management ports" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfg 5 } -- Ethernet Switch xSTP genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 2} genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), stp(1), rstp(2), ring-rstp(3), mstp(4), ring-mstp(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Selection of the xSTP protocol. Note that not all protocols may be available in all software releases" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTP 1 } -- Ethernet Switch RSTP family (Ring RSTP or RSTP) genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTP 2} genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPBridgeID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RSTP bridge ID" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPRootID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RSTP root id." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPRootPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RSTP root path cost." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPBridgeRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { root-bridge(0), designated-bridge(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bridge role." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPCfgPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..61440) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP Bridge priority." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP port status table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParams 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP port status table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsState INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsRole INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsPathCost INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsPriority INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetDesPathCost INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetEdgePort NoYes } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { discarding(0), listening(1), learning(2), forwarding(3), blocking(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP port state." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { masterport(0), alternate(1), rootport(2), designated(3), disabled(4), backup(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP port role." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..200000000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP configured path cost." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..240) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP configured port priority." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetDesPathCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTP designated path cost. This is the path cost to the root port from this local port." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetEdgePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if the port is an Edge port or not." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsEntry 6 } -- Ethernet Switch QoS & Rate Limiting genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 3} genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The switch application, QoS Table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The switch application, QoS Table, per Ethernet port based on ifIndex." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSFirstCrit INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSSecondCrit INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSThirdCrit INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSDefClassification INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressSched INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressShaper OffOn, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressShaperRate INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIngressPolicer DisplayString } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSFirstCrit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), queueDecision(1), pbitOverride(2), queueAndPbitOverride(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "First classification criteria. This is the first criteria which will be evaluated for incoming frames. queueDecision causes classification by defined static MAC address. pbitOverride causes classification by pbits. queueAndPbitOverridecauses classification by defined static MAC address, and changes the pbits accordingly." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSSecondCrit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), queueDecision(1), pbitOverride(2), queueAndPbitOverride(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Second classification criteria. Applicable if match with first criteria is not found. queueDecision causes classification by defined VLAN to queue mapping. pbitOverride causes classification by pbits. queueAndPbitOverrideclassification by defined VLAN to queue mapping, and changes the pbits accordingly." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSThirdCrit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipTosPriority(0), vlanPbitspriority(1), ipTosOverVlanPbitsPriority(2), vlanPbitsOverIpTosPriority(3), portPriority(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Third classification criteria. Applicable if match with first or second criteria is not found. ipTosPriority causes classification by defined IP TOS to queue mapping only. vlanPbitspriority causes classification by pbits only. ipTosOverVlanPbitsPriority causes classification by IP TOS and then by pbits . ipTosOverVlanPbitsPriority causes classification by pbits and then by IP TOS. portPriority causes port-based classification according to port priority." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSDefClassification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { first(0), second(1), third(2), fourth(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default classification for frame that does suit to the previous classifications. Choosing first will classify this frame as the first criteria for example." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressSched OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allQueuesStrict(0), fourthQueueStrict(1), fourthThirdQueuesStrict(2), allQueuesHrr(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress scheduler options." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressShaper OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable egress shaping." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEgressShaperRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (64..1000000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress shaper rate." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 7 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIngressPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress policer (rate limiting) name assiciated with this port. The policer Name is defined in genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameName (in a table)" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSEntry 8 } -- VLAN Pbit Remap table genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN priority bits remapping table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN priority bits remap table." INDEX { ifIndex, genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapPbit } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapPbit INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapRemappedPbit INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapPbit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ingress Pbit." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapRemappedPbit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remapped Pbit." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchVlanPbitRemapEntry 2 } -- VLAN Id Queue genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Id to Queue mapping table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Id to Queue mapping table." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchCfgVIDIndex } -- list of all defined vlans (vlan index) ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueQueue QueueName } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QueueName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue for the vlan." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANIdToQueueEntry 1 } -- LAG Defenitions genEquipEthernetSwitchLag OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 4} genEquipEthernetSwitchLagDistFunction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { simple-xor(0), hash(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LAG distribution function. " ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchLag 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchLagMaxNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max number of LAG port groups." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchLag 2 } -- Traffic Managment Defenitions genEquipEthernetSwitchETM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 5} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling the entire enhanced TM functionality." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPTPOptimizedTransportModeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Precision Time Protocol low PDV channel admin Upon enabling all the packets classified to the 8th queue will bypass the scheduler and will be sent directly to the Radio Frame. Enabling this parameter will fail if Wayside is enabled." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmCountersClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset selected module's counters." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPTPOptimizedTransportMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { high-Cos-Queue-8(0), ieee-1588(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport channel operation mode. In High-CoS-Queue-8 mode all the frames that will be classified to the 8th queue in the traffic manager will be send to the PTP optimized transport channel. In IEEE-1588 mode IEEE 1588 frames will be identified automatically based on UDP ports and/or ethertypes." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 4 } -- TM Packet classification tables and control parameters. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 6} -- TM CoS classification by destination MAC address. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMac OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 1} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by destination MAC addresses." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMac 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by destination MAC address." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMac 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by destination MAC address." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacValue OCTET STRING, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacColor GreenYellow, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different MAC address." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC Address value for CoS Classification by MAC Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for CoS Classification by MAC Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for CoS Classification by MAC Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMacEntry 30 } -- TM CoS classification by UDP port. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 2} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by UDP source and/or destination ports." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPort 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by UDP ports. Classification may be based on source port, dest port ,or both - use validity parameter." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPort 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry for CoS and color classification by UDP ports. Classification may be based on source port, dest port ,or both - use validity parameter." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortSrcPort INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortDestPort INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortColor GreenYellow, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortValidity INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different UDP source and destination ports." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UDP source port value for CoS Classification by UDP ports Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortDestPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UDP dest. port value for CoS Classification by UDP ports Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for CoS Classification by UDP Ports Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for CoS Classification by UDP ports Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unused(0), src(1), dest(2), both(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Validity value for CoS Classification by UDP ports Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row Status for this table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByUdpPortEntry 30 } -- TM CoS classification by Ethertypes. -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 3} -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesAdmin OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX EnableDisable -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by Ethertypes." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypes 1 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesTable OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry -- ACCESS not-accessible -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Table for CoS and color classification by Ethertype." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypes 2 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry -- ACCESS not-accessible -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Table entry for CoS and color classification by Ethertype." -- INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesIndex } -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesTable 1 } -- -- GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry ::= -- SEQUENCE { -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesIndex -- INTEGER, -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesValue -- INTEGER, -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesCos -- INTEGER, -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesColor -- GreenYellow, -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesRowStatus -- RowStatus -- } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesIndex OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different Ethertype value." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry 1 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesValue OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Ethertype tag value for CoS Classification by Ethertype Table Entry." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry 2 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesCos OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "CoS value for CoS Classification by Ethertype Table Entry." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry 3 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesColor OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX GreenYellow -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Color value for CoS Classification by Ethertype Table Entry." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry 4 } -- -- genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Row Status for this table." -- ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByEthertypesEntry 30 } -- -- TM CoS classification by Known PDU MAC addresses. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMac OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 4} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by known PDU MAC addresses." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMac 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by known PDU MAC addresses." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMac 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for CoS and color classification by known PDU MAC addresses." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacAddress OCTET STRING, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacColor GreenYellow, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacValidity EnableDisable } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..66) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different PDU MAC address value." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for MAC address Classification by known PDU Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for CoS Classification by known PDU Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for CoS Classification by known PDU Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Validity value for Cos Classification by known PDU Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByKnownPduMacEntry 5 } -- TM CoS classification by Service. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 5} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by service IDs." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByService 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by service-ids." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByService 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for CoS and color classification by service-ids." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceColor GreenYellow, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceUsage EnableDisable } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains a mapping of service-id to CoS." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for CoS serviceID Mapping Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for CoS serviceId Mapping Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Validity value for CoS serviceID Mapping Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceEntry 4 } -- TM CoS classification by VLAN P-bits. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 6} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by VLAN P-bits and CFI/DEI bit." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbits 1 } -- Vlan table genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by VLAN S-tag P-bits and DEI bit." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbits 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for CoS and color classification by VLAN S-tag P-bits and DEI bit." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanPriority INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanDei INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanColor GreenYellow } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pbit vlan index to table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pbit value for regular classification prioritization." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanDei OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DEI value for regular classification prioritization by S-tag vlan." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for regular classification prioritization by S-tag VLAN." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for regular classification prioritization by S-tag VLAN." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByVlanPbitsVlanEntry 5 } -- TM CoS classification by IP DSCP bits. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 7} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling Cos and color classification by DSCP/TOS bits." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscp 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by DSCP/TOS bits." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscp 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for CoS and color classification by DSCP/TOS bits." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpValue } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpValue INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpColor GreenYellow } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different DSCP/TOS bits mapping." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for regular classification prioritization by DSCP-tag." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for regular classification prioritization by MPLS." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDscpEntry 3 } -- TM CoS classification by MPLS experimental bits. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 8} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and color classification by MPLS experimantal bits." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExp 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for CoS and color classification by MPLS experimental bits." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExp 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for CoS and color classification by MPLS experimental bits." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpValue } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpValue INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpCos INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpColor GreenYellow } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains different MPLS experimantal bits mapping." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "value for regular classification prioritization by MPLS." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value for regular classification prioritization by MPLS." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByMplsExpEntry 3 } -- TM CoS default color defs. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDefaultCosColor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 9} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDefaultCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value for regular classification prioritization by default port." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDefaultCosColor 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDefaultColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for regular priority by default port mapping table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByDefaultCosColor 2 } -- TM CoS classification by Cos To Queue genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 10} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for VLAN to FlowId mapping ." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueue 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for VLAN to FlowId mapping ." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueValue INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains a mapping of a different CoS to a queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue index for CoS to Queue Mapping Table Entry." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByCosToQueueEntry 2 } -- TM CoS classification by Vlan to Service genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToService OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 11} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for VLAN to Vlan To Servies mapping ." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToService 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for VLAN to Vlan To Servies mapping ." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceVlanidToServiceIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceVlanidToServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByFlowsVlanidToServiceValue INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByServiceVlanidToServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index is pointing to a table entry. Each entry contains a mapping of a different CoS to a queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierByFlowsVlanidToServiceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierVlanidToServiceEntry 2 } -- TM Classifier Inband Managment Qos -- Cos and Color classification by VLAN-ID. Only a single VLAN-ID value can be specified. -- This is configuration should be used for inband management VLAN-ID classification to the high priority queue. genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtQoS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifier 12} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling CoS and Color classification by VLAN ID." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtQoS 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4090) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Inband Management vlan id. This parameter should be the same as genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtVlanId." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtQoS 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Class of Service. Allowed values: [0-7]." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtQoS 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color 1=green ; 0=yellow." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmClassifierInbandMgmtQoS 4 } -- TM ACM drop per queue paramters. --genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmAcmDropPerQueue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 7} -- TM Policers configuration and mapping tables and parameters genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 8} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerModuleAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling Policing." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicers 1 } -- Table of Service to Policeer mapping genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Service to Policeer mapping." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicers 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Service to Policeer mapping." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerValue INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerPerCosOption EnableDisable } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Index." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer to be used for the specific Service." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerPerCosOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer per CoS option. If enabled, each Service will be mapped to 8 policers while each policer will be used for a different CoS value. This option can be used only for the pilicers with indeces of multiple of 8. i.e 8,16,24,32,240,248." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmServiceToPolicerEntry 3 } -- Table of Policers configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Policers configuration." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicers 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of Policers configuration." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigColorAware EnableDisable, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCir INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCbs INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEir INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEbs INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCoupling EnableDisable, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigLineComp INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Index." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer admin disables/enables the policing feature per policer. If not enabled, the policer is in bypass mode (no rate limiting)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigColorAware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether policer is color aware." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer CIR value - the committed rate user requests." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer committed burst size value." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer EIR value - the excess rate user requests." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer excess burst size value (bytes)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 7 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigCoupling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer coupling mode." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 8 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigLineComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress policer line compensation value (bytes)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmPolicerConfigEntry 9 } -- TM Queues configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueues OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 9} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of queue sizes." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueues 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry of queue sizes." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesSize INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Index to a queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kbit-0(0), kbit-500(1), kbit-1000(2), kbit-2000(3), kbit-4000(4), kbit-250(5), kbit-3000(6), kbit-3500(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of queue[i]" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmQueuesEntry 2 } -- TM WRED configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWred OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 10} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling WRED." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWred 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED thresholds per queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWred 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED entry thresholds per queue." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredQueuesIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredQueuesIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenThLow INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenThHigh INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowThLow INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowThHigh INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenMaxDrop INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowMaxDrop INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredQueuesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED thresholds per queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenThLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED green low threshold defines the queue level (in Kbits) point that the mechanism should start checking if to drop the green frames." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenThHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED green high threshold defines the queue level of occupancy (in Kbits) point that the WRED must drop all arriving green colored frames." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowThLow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED yellow low threshold defines the queue level (in Kbits) point that the mechanism should start checking if to drop the yellow frames." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowThHigh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED yellow high threshold defines the queue level of occupancy (in Kbits) point that the WRED must drop all arriving yellow colored frames." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsGreenMaxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED green max drop threshold the probability to drop frame at the green high threshold (in percent based units)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsYellowMaxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED yellow max drop threshold the probability to drop frame at the yellow high threshold (in percent based units)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmWredThresholdsEntry 7 } -- TM Marker configurations genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarker OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 11} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enabling/Disabling marking of VLAN P-bits and DEI/CFI bit at the egress." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarker 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of CoS and color to Pbits and DEI marking for S-VALNS." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarker 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of CoS and color to Pbits and DEI marking for S-VALNS." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerCoS, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerColor } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerCoS INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerColor INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerPbit INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerCfi INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS value as was mapped by the TM calssifier." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color value as was mapped by the TM calssifier." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerPbit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN 802.1p P-bit value to be modified." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerCfi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN CFI/DEI value to be modified." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmMarkerEntry 4 } -- TM Scheduler configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmScheduler OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 12} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerQuantum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WFQ Quantum for credit calculation in bytes (64, 128, 256, 512)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmScheduler 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table for scheduler configuration: priority and weight for each queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmScheduler 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry for scheduler configuration: priority and weight for each queue." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigQueueIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigPriority INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigWeight INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "queue index." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Strict priority of each queue. 4=highest , 1=lowest." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WFQ Weights for each queue" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmSchedulerConfigEntry 3 } -- TM Egress shaper configuration genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaper OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 13} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperGlobalAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global Shaper admin disables/enables the global shaping feature." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaper 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of shapers' configurations. Each shaper is on the egress of a queue.." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaper 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table entry of shapers' configurations. Each shaper is on the egress of a queue.." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigIndex } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigIndex INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigAdmin INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigCir INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigCbs INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigLineComp INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "queue index." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress Shaper admin disables/enables the shaping feature per queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress shaper CIR value - the committed rate as given by the user." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..128000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress shaper committed burst size value." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigLineComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress shaper line compensation value transmitted IFG + Preamble. The shaper adds this value to each arriving frame size." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmShaperConfigEntry 5 } -- TM Statistics counters genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchETM 14} genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortTotalBytesTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes transmitted via the port (goes into PM)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortTotalUnicastFramesTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TThe number of Unicast frames transmitted to the radio port.." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortTotalMulticastFramesTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Multicast frames transmitted to the radio port.." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortTotalBroadcastFramesTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Broadcast frames transmitted to the radio port.." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames64octTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted with a length of exactly 64 Octets." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames65to127Transmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted with a length of 65-127 Octets." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames128to255Transmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted with a length of 128-255 Octets." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 7 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames256to511Transmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted with a length of 256-511 Octets)." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 8 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames512to1023Transmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TThe total number of frames transmitted with a length of 512-1023 Octets." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 9 } genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatisticsPortFrames1024toMtuTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of frames transmitted with a length between 1024 and MaxTransmitSize Octets." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchEtmStatistics 10 } -- IP Pbits to Queue genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbits OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 4} genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsIPPrio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ipPrecedence(0), ipv4TOSIPv6(1) -- diffserv. } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP priority options." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbits 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mapping of IP pbits to Queue." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbits 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mapping of IP pbits to Queue." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsQueue QueueName } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pbit number." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QueueName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "the queue for that pbit." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSIPPbitsEntry 2 } -- VLAN Pbits to queue genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN pbit to queue mapping table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN pbit to queue mapping table." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsQueue QueueName } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VLAN'S pbit (index of the table)" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QueueName ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mapped queue for the corresponding VLAN ." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSVLANPbitsEntry 2 } -- Queue Weights genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue weights mapping table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue weights mapping table." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsQueue QueueName, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsWeight INTEGER } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index for this table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QueueName ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The queue number." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weight for the queue" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSQueueWeightsEntry 3 } -- Policer list -- Policer Name table genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of configured policers." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 7 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of configured policers." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameName DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer ID" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer name." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer row status." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameEntry 30 } -- Policer list table genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The policer class table list." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 8 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The policer class table list." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerNameId, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListName DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListClassName DisplayString, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListTrafficType INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListCIR INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListCBS INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The policer ID." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The policer class name" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The policer class name" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListTrafficType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknownUcast(1), unknowMulticast(2), broadcast(3), multicast(5), unicast(6), arp(8), tcpData(9), tcpControl(10), udp(11), noTcpUdp(12), firstPriority(13), secondPriority(14), thirdPriority(15), forthPriority(16), allTraffic(17) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The traffic type that the policer applies to." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CIR (Critical Information Rate) value (in Kbps)" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CBS (Critical Burst Size) value (in Bytes)" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 6 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status of the table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSPolicerListEntry 30 } -- Static MAC genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC forwarding table." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoS 9 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC forwarding table." INDEX { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacId } ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacTable 1 } GenEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacVlanId INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacForwardTo INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacPriority INTEGER, genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the table" ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 1 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Static MAC Address." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 2 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID for this MAC." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 3 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacForwardTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port number to be forwarded to, starting from 1." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 4 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The priority to be given to this MAC address." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 5 } genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The row status of the operation." ::= { genEquipEthernetSwitchQoSStaticMacEntry 30 } -- MSTP -- genEquipProtocols OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipEthernetSwitch 6} genEquipProtocolsMstp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipProtocols 1} -- -- MSTP General attributes - mstp-general-attributes-table -- genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing NE configuration and maintenance attributes which are not part of the standard MIB." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstp 1 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing NE configuration and maintenance attributes which are not part of the standard MIB." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesComponentId } ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesComponentId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesMstpEnabled TrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesNumberOfinstances INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesMigrateTime INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesBpduDestinationMAC INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesFrozen TrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesSdHandling INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesReset TrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesResetCounters TrueFalse } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesComponentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Distinguished between multiple virtual bridge instances within a PB or PBB. In simple situations, i.e. single component the default is 1" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesMstpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set, MSTP protocol is enabled on NE" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesNumberOfinstances OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies number of instances supported. Value ranges from 2 to 16." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesMigrateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When MSTP bridge detects the presence of STP data on one of its ports, it migrates after 'MigrateTime' has elapsed, if migrate is enabled." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesBpduDestinationMAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { customer(0), provider(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to 'customer', BPDU Dest MAC address should be set to 0x0180-C200-0000. Otherwise, BPDU Dest MAC address should be set to 0x0180-C200-0008" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesFrozen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set, MSTP protocol stops running in NE., i.e. BPDU are neither processed nor transmitted. All ports states are maintained." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesSdHandling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ignored(0), sameAsSF(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to 'ignored', SD (Signal Degrade) failures are ignored in MSTP. Otherwise, SD failures are treated same as SF." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction(0), reset(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to reset, MSTP Protocol suit is reset" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesResetCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction(0), reset(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When set to reset, MSTP counters are reset" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpGeneralAttributesEntry 9 } -- -- MSTP counters per instance per port - mstp-mstp-port-counters-table -- genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing MSTP counters per instance per port." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstp 2 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing MSTP counters per instance per port." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersPortId } ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersPortId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedTCN INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedConfigurationBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedRstBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedMstBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedTcnBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedConfigurationBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedRstBpdu INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedMstBpdu INTEGER } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port ID (ifIndex)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedTCN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of received TCN" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedConfigurationBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of received Configuration BPDU." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedRstBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of received RST BPDU." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfReceivedMstBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of received MST BPDU" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedTcnBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number Of Transmitted TCN BPDU." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedConfigurationBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of transmitted Configuration BPDU." ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedRstBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of transmitted RST BPDU" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersNumberOfTransmittedMstBpdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of transmitted MST BPDU" ::= { genEquipProtocolsMstpCountersEntry 9 } genEquipProtocolsEoam OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipProtocols 2} -- -- EOAM Configuration and Status - eoam-bw-vsm-table -- genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Table containing Ethernet OAM Configuration and Status." ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoam 1 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Table entry containing Ethernet OAM Configuration and Status." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmName } ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmName DisplayString, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmAdmin Dot1CfmInterfaceStatus, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmPeriod INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmCurrentBw INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmControlIfindex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMonitoredIfindex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoff INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoffStartTime INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoffState INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmLastSentMsg OCTET STRING, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMel INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMonitoringInterval INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmNominalBw INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmTxMsgCounter INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmVersion INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmVlan INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmResetMsgCounter OffOn, genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of EOAM entity" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1CfmInterfaceStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Eoam Admin. Possible valuew: Up, Down" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of transmitting messages, when current nominal." ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmCurrentBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Current BW measure by 4 samples (with 250msec interval)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmControlIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control Interface of the eoam entity" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EOAM index." ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMonitoredIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Monitored Interface of the eoam entity" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The holdoff time in which, if BW below nominal, a message is sent" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoffStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The holdoff start counting time" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 9 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmHoldoffState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The holdoff state of the EOAM entity" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 10 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmLastSentMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The last EOAM message transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 11 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MEL to be set in the bw-vsm messages" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 12 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmMonitoringInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The monitoring interval of the average BE calculation" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 13 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmNominalBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The nominal BW of the monitored interface, to be set in the bw-vsm messages" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 14 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmTxMsgCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of transmitted messages" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 15 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EOAM version used" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 16 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The VLAN to be set in the bw-vsm messages" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 17 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmResetMsgCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset Messages Counter" ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 18 } genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProtocolsEoamBwVsmEntry 30 } genEquipProtocolsG8032Erpi OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipProtocols 3} -- -- G8032 ERPI attributes - g8032-erpi-attributes-table -- genEquipProtocols8032DestMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "G8032 (Resiliency protocol) destination MAC address" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032Erpi 1 } genEquipProtocolsG8032NodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(10)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "G.8032 Node ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032Erpi 2 } -- -- genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing ERPI attributes." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032Erpi 10 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table entry containing ERPI attributes." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiId } ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiName DisplayString, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesGuardTime INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesHoldoffTime INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastChangeTs INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastHpRequest G8032LastState, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastLocalState G8032LastState, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastRemoteState G8032LastState, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesMegLevel INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesDownMep INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRevertive IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRingState INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRplOwner INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesSdHandling IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesServiceId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiType INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesVersion INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesVirtualChannel INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesWtr INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ERPI ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ERPI Name" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesGuardTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ERPI Guard Time; units are msec, steps are 10msec." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesHoldoffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ERPI holdoff Time; units are msec, steps are 100msec. Controls the time from failure detection to responding to failure" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastChangeTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Denotes the Timestamp of the last ring state machine transition" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastHpRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX G8032LastState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the last high-priority request." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastLocalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX G8032LastState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the current local state that is input to the ERPI state machine" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesLastRemoteState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX G8032LastState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the last event received from the far end" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesMegLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates MEG LEVEL, when interoperating with SOAM" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 9 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesDownMep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the ERPI is related to a down MEP and if to which one" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 10 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the ERPI is revertive" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 11 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRingState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes the state in which id ERPI is assumed. Possible states are: Initializing, Idle, Pending, Protecting, FS, MS)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 12 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRplOwner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), west(1), east(2), sub-ring(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the ERPI is RPL owner and if such, which ERPI Port is the owner" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 13 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesSdHandling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ERPI takes into account SD (Signal Degraded) events (BER, capacity degradation)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 14 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates Service ID of the ERPI" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 15 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesErpiType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ring(0), sub-ring(1), ring-with-sub-ring(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ERPI Type ( ring / sub-ring / ring with sub-ring port)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 16 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ERPI version number used in the ERPI protocol" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 17 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesVirtualChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN of virtual channel; 0 denotes no virtual channel" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 18 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesWtr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the ERPI WTR; units are minutes" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 19 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiAttributesEntry 30 } -- -- G8032 ERP port attributes - g8032-erpi-port-attributes-table -- genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing ERP port attributes." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032Erpi 11 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table entry containing ERP port attributes." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiId, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiIfindex} ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiIfindex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesActiveState IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesDataFwdState IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesDefectState INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRapsChannelFwdState IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRplLinkBlockState IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxInvalidRapsFrames INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxRapsEvents INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxRapsFrames INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesFs INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesMs INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesNr INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRb INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSd INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSf INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesCapacityDegRatioThreshold INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSpId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsCntrol IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsEvents INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsFrames INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsFs INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsMs INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsNr INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsRb INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsSd INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsSf INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesClearCommand INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRowStatus RowStatus, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesFsCommand INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesMsCommand INTEGER, } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Denotes the ERPI ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesErpiIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "g8032_erp_port_sp_index" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Denotes if G8032 port (SP) is active for traffic forwarding or not" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesDataFwdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the port is forwarding or blocking data" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesDefectState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-defect(0), sd-defect(1), sf-defect(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines the ERPI Port Oper-state derived from port. It is updates when Oper-state is changed." ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRapsChannelFwdState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the port is forwarding or blocking raps frames" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRplLinkBlockState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the RPL is in blocking state. relevant only for RPL owner" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxInvalidRapsFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of invalid R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxRapsEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of events R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 9 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRxRapsFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 10 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesFs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of FS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 11 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of MS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 12 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of NR R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 13 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of RB R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 14 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of SD R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 15 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of SF R-APS PDU received" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 17 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesCapacityDegRatioThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The capacity degradation threshold, in percentage, from which SD is indicated from this ERPI Port" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 18 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesSpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 19 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsCntrol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When value is False, R-APS are not transmitted by ERPI Port" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 20 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of events R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 21 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of Total R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 22 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsFs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of FS R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 23 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of MS R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 24 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of NR R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 25 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsRb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of RB R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 26 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsSd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of SD R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 27 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesTxRapsSf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of SF R-APS PDU transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 28 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesClearCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear Command" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 29 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 30 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesFsCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force Switch (FS)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 31 } genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesMsCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Manual Switch (MS)" ::= { genEquipProtocolsG8032ErpiPortAttributesEntry 32 } genEquipProtocolsSoam OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipProtocols 4} -- -- SOAM MEP Table - dot1ag-cfm-mep-table -- genEquipProtocolsSoamMepTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containg MEP attributes." ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoam 10 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table entry containg MEP attributes." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMdIndex, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMaIndex, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMepIndentifier } ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMdIndex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMaIndex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMepIndentifier INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepSpId INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionLbmOut INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionlbmToSend INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionLbrIn INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionlbState LBState, genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLbmOut INTEGER } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MD Index" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MA/MEG Index" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepMepIndentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MEP ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 3 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepSpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 4 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionLbmOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of LBM frames transmitted during the current/last session" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 5 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionlbmToSend OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of LBM frames left to send in the session" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 6 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionLbrIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of LBR messages received during the current/last session" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 7 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLastSessionlbState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LBState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the loopback session State" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 8 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMepLbmOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the mumber of the LBM frames transmitted" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMepEntry 9 } -- -- SOAM MA/MEG Network Table - dot1ag-cfm-ma-mef-net-table -- genEquipProtocolsSoamMegTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table containing SOAM MA/MEG network identical attributes common to 802.1ag." ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoam 11 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table entry containing SOAM MA/MEG network identical attributes common to 802.1ag." INDEX { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMdIndex, genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMaIndex } ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegTable 1 } GenEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMdIndex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMaIndex INTEGER, genEquipProtocolsSoamMegServiceId INTEGER } genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MD Index" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry 1 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMegMaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MA/MEG Index" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry 2 } genEquipProtocolsSoamMegServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID" ::= { genEquipProtocolsSoamMegEntry 3 } -- TDM Trails genEquipTdmTrails OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 2} genEquipTdmTrailsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTdmTrailsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM Trails configuration and status table." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 1 } genEquipTdmTrailsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTdmTrailsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM Trails PM table." INDEX { genEquipTdmTrailID } ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsTable 1 } GenEquipTdmTrailsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTdmTrailID DisplayString, genEquipTdmTrailDescr DisplayString, genEquipTdmTrailProtected INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailAcmPrio INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailOperStatus INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailAlarmStatus INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailSrcSlot INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailSrcType TrailIfType, genEquipTdmTrailSrcNum INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailDest1Slot INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailDest1Type TrailIfType, genEquipTdmTrailDest1Num INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailDest2Slot INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailDest2Type TrailIfType, genEquipTdmTrailDest2Num INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailProtectedForceActive TrailProtectedType, genEquipTdmTrailProtectedActiveTrail TrailProtectedType, genEquipTdmTrailProtectedNumOfSwitches INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailPrimaryPathAlarmStatus INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailSecondaryPathAlarmStatus INTEGER, genEquipTdmTrailRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipTdmTrailID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Trail ID. This parameter is the index of the table." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 1 } genEquipTdmTrailDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trail description." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 2 } genEquipTdmTrailProtected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unProtected(0), protected(1), protectedAbr(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the trail is protected or not." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 3 } genEquipTdmTrailAcmPrio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(0), high(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ACM priority of the trail. In case of High priority TDM trail, ACM is enabled on the link and there is a reduction of the link capacity, this trail will be prioritized before the low priority trails to be dropped." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 4 } genEquipTdmTrailOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved(0), operational(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the TDM trail. in operational case, the trail is active/enabled and send alarms." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 5 } genEquipTdmTrailAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the trail active path. The value is a Bit Map: Id-Mismatch(0x01), Excessive-Ber(0x02), Signal-Degrade-Ber(0x04), Invalid-Trail-Status(0x08), Signal-Failure(0x10), RDI-Detected(0x20)." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 6 } genEquipTdmTrailSrcSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trail source slot number." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 7 } genEquipTdmTrailSrcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailIfType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the source interface of the trail line(0), radio(1),stm-1-oc-3(2), sync(4)." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 8 } genEquipTdmTrailSrcNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface number, for example E1 number 5. in case of a line." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 9 } genEquipTdmTrailDest1Slot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slot destination of the trail." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 10 } genEquipTdmTrailDest1Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailIfType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface type destination of the trail." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 11 } genEquipTdmTrailDest1Num OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The destination interface number." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 12 } genEquipTdmTrailDest2Slot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A secondary slot number that is being used when protection is enabled. " ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 13 } genEquipTdmTrailDest2Type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailIfType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A secondary interface type that is being used when protection is enabled." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 14 } genEquipTdmTrailDest2Num OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A secondary interface number that is being used when protection is enabled." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 15 } genEquipTdmTrailProtectedForceActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailProtectedType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force active of the primary or the secondary trails." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 16 } genEquipTdmTrailProtectedActiveTrail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailProtectedType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The trail current active path. That tells us Who is the active trail." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 17 } genEquipTdmTrailProtectedNumOfSwitches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The value represent the number of switches in SNCP between the primary and secondary trails. Setting this value to 0, clears this counter" ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 18 } genEquipTdmTrailPrimaryPathAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the trail primary path. The value is a Bit Map: Id-Mismatch(0x01), Excessive-Ber(0x02), Signal-Degrade-Ber(0x04), Invalid-Trail-Status(0x08), Signal-Failure(0x10), RDI-Detected(0x20)." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 19 } genEquipTdmTrailSecondaryPathAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the trail secondary path. The value is a Bit Map: Id-Mismatch(0x01), Excessive-Ber(0x02), Signal-Degrade-Ber(0x04), Invalid-Trail-Status(0x08), Signal-Failure(0x10), RDI-Detected(0x20)." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 20 } genEquipTdmTrailRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Row status of the entry." ::= { genEquipTdmTrailsEntry 30 } -- Protected trail force active all trails command genEquipTdmTrailsProtectedForceActiveAllCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrailProtectedType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force all active trails to be either primary or secondary." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 2 } -- Protected trail force operational or reserved all trails command genEquipTdmTrailsProtectedForceOperationalOrReservedCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reserved(0), operational(1), idle(30) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force all active trails to be either operational or reserved." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 3 } genEquipTdmTrailsProtectedRevertiveSwitchTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1800) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The revertive switch timeout in seconds for revertive protected trails." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 4 } genEquipTdmTrailsSwitchCounterClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter will clear the counter for protected switches." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 5 } genEquipTdmTrailsDeleteAllTrails OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter will delete all existing trails." ::= { genEquipTdmTrails 6 } -- Synchronization genEquipSynchronization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 3} genEquipSynchronizationSrcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Synchronization source table." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 1 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Synchronization source table." INDEX { genEquipSynchronizationSrcPriority } ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcTable 1 } GenEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipSynchronizationSrcPriority INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcSlot INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcType INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcNum INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcValid INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcTrail EnableDisable, genEquipSynchronizationSrcAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipSynchronizationSrcQuality INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcReceivedSSM INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationSrcQualityStatus INTEGER } genEquipSynchronizationSrcPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source for system synchronization (primary, seconday)." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 1 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotId ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The slot number of the sync source (1..6). Possible values: - standalone(0) - slot1(1) - slot2(2) - slot3(3) - slot4(4) - slot5(5) - slot6(6)" ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 2 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(-1), line(0), radio-ch(1), stm-vc(2), pw(3), stm-signal(4), ether(5), pw-reference-clock(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface type (line (PDH), Radio, STM-1/OC-3), or signal coming from the PW card." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 3 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sync source number: VC in STM-1/OC-3, Radio channel in case the interface is Radio, or E1 number in case the interface is PDH (E1s)." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 4 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcValid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-valid(0), valid(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This paremter is the source status, if the source if valid or not. In case it is valid, it means that the clock being extracted from the source is ok and can be used. In case it is not-valid the source is not in use, each interface will have it's own clock." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 5 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcTrail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the synchronization source is the signal of an existing co-located TDM trail used for traffic. Enabling this parameter in an interface which does not belong to a trail will fail, as well as disabling it for an interface which belongs to a trail." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 6 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Admin state of the sync source (the sync source is enabled or disabled)." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 7 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), prs(1), g811(2), transit-node(3), ssu-a(4), unknown(5), stratum2(7), ssu-b(8), stratum3(10), g813-8262(11), smc(12), stratum3e(13), do-not-use (15) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "parameter configures the quality of the incoming clock signal." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 8 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcReceivedSSM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter shows the current value of the received SSM messages." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 9 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcQualityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), prs(1), g811(2), transit-node(3), ssu-a(4), unknown(5), stratum2(7), ssu-b(8), stratum3(10), g813-8262(11), smc(12), stratum3e(13), do-not-use(15), failure(16) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter shows the current quality level of the interface." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationSrcEntry 10 } -- PW services configuration genEquipServicesPW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 4} genEquipServicesPWBundlesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of DS0 bundles. Notice that the bundle description is not located in this table but in table genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionTable." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 1 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of DS0 bundles. Notice that the bundle description is not located in this table but in table genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionTable." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDs0List, genEquipServicesPWBundlesBundleId } ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWBundlesBundleId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDs0List INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWBundlesRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWBundlesBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..496) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique DS0 bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDs0List OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DS0 slot number belonging to a bundle." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesEntry 30 } -- genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionTable genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of DS0 bundles description. Notice that the bundle configuration itself is not located in this table but in table genEquipServicesPWBundlesTable." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 2 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of DS0 bundles description. Notice that the bundle configuration itself is not located in this table but in table genEquipServicesPWBundlesTable." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId } ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleDesc DisplayString, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleOperStatus INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleTdmPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..496) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique DS0 bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DS0 bundle description." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Admin." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operational status." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionBundleTdmPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port from which the channels are assigned to the bundle." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 5 } genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 30 } -- PW PSN tunnels Table genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PSN encapsulations meant for pseudowire services." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 3 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PSN encapsulations meant for pseudowire services." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSlotNumber, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId } ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSlotNumber INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsPsnType INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSVid INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsCVid EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsPBits INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestIpAddr IpAddress, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestIpSubnet IpAddress, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsNextHopIp IpAddress, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTosDscp INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsRemoteMacAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceIpAddr IpAddress, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceMacAddr OCTET STRING, -- New part genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsStatus DownUp, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceMPLSLabel INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestinationMPLSLabel INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsMPLSexp INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsVlanType PWTunnelVlanType, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsVid INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsMAid INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot number where the relevant PW card is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsPsnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udpip(0), ethernet(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Psn type supported by this tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4091) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel S-VLAN Id." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsCVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4091) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel C-VLAN Id." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsPBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel P-bits." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination IP Address for UDP/IP PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestIpSubnet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination IP Subnet for UDP/IP PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP Address for UDP/IP PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsTosDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel ToS (DSCP)." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 10 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsRemoteMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote MAC Adress." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 11 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source IP Address." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 12 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source MAC Address." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 13 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel admin." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 14 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsSourceMPLSLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (16..1048575) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source MPLS Label." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 15 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsDestinationMPLSLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (16..1048575) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination MPLS label." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 16 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsMPLSexp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MPLS Experimental field." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 17 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsVlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTunnelVlanType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN type supported by this PSN tunnel (S-VLAN or C-VLAN)." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 18 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4094) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel VLAN ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 19 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsMAid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association Id." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 20 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelsEntry 30 } -- PW Profiles Configuration Table genEquipServicesPWProfilesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of pseudowire profiles. These profiles are used when configuring PW services in table genEquipServicesPWServiceTable." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 4 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of pseudowire profiles. These profiles are used when configuring PW services in table genEquipServicesPWServiceTable." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWProfilesPWProfileId } ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWProfilesPWProfileId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadSize INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesJitterBufferDepth INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesLopsDetection EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpHeaderUsed NoYes, genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpTimestampMode PWRtpTimeStampMode, genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpTimestampAbsFactor INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadSuppression EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadType INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesConseqPacketsInSync INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesConseqMissPktsOutSync INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesPktLossTimeWindow INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesExcessivePktLossThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesAlarmThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesClearAlarmThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesMissingPktsToSes INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesDs0Filler INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesCasAlarmPattern INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWProfilesRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWProfilesPWProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique PW profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1500) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload size in bytes." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesJitterBufferDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Jitter buffer depth (in milliseconds) to allow accommodation to the PSN-specific packet delay variation" ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesLopsDetection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If enabled, LOPS detection is supported." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpHeaderUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If set to False: an RTP header is not pre-pended to the TDM packet." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 5 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpTimestampMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWRtpTimeStampMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RTP timestamp mode" ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 6 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesRtpTimestampAbsFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multiplication factor for 8KHz units in absolute mode of RTP timestamping." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 7 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload suppression." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 8 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..123) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload type." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 9 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesConseqPacketsInSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..10) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of consecutive packets with sequential sequence numbers required to exit LOPS." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 10 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesConseqMissPktsOutSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of consecutive missing packets required to enter LOPS." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 11 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesPktLossTimeWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time for computing average packet loss rate to detect excessive packet loss." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 12 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesExcessivePktLossThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm threshold (in percent) for excessive packet loss." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 13 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay (in msecs) for persistent alarm setting." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 14 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesClearAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay (in msecs) for persistent alarm clearing." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 15 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesMissingPktsToSes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Percent of missing packets detected in 1 second window to cause SES to be counted." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 16 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesDs0Filler OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Byte pattern transmitted on ds0 channels when packets over/underflow the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 17 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesCasAlarmPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CAS alarm pattern transmitted on E1 interface when packets over/underflow the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 18 } genEquipServicesPWProfilesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWProfilesEntry 30 } -- PW Service Configuration Table genEquipServicesPWServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of pseudowire services, by assigning TDM ports or bundles, PSN tunnels, and profiles to a service." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 5 } genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of pseudowire services, by assigning TDM ports or bundles, PSN tunnels, and profiles to a service." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWServicePWId } ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWServicePWId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServicePWType INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServicePsnType INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceTdmPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceDs0bundle INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceTdmProfileId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServicePsnTunnelProtection EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWServicePsnTunnelOrGroupId INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceSrcUdpPortOrEcid INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceDstUdpPortOrEcid INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWServiceAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWServiceCrReference EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWServiceOperStatus EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWServiceRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWServicePWId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pseudo Wire ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWServicePWType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1-satop(0), cespsn(1), cas-cespsn(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PW type. E1-satop denotes SAToP. Cespsn Denotes CESoP without CAS signalling, and cas-cespsn denotes CESoP with CAS signalling." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWServicePsnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udpip(0), eth(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel type. UDPIP denotes UDP/IP, while eth denotes MEF8 encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWServiceTdmPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of TDM port (for SATOP). This parameter must be zero for CESoP." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWServiceDs0bundle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..496) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number DS0 bundle (for CESoPSN). This parameter must be zero for SAToP." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 5 } genEquipServicesPWServiceTdmProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM configuration profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 6 } genEquipServicesPWServicePsnTunnelProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel protection mode." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 7 } genEquipServicesPWServicePsnTunnelOrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel ID for unprotected or PSN tunnel group ID for protected PSN channel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 8 } genEquipServicesPWServiceSrcUdpPortOrEcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source UDP Port for UDP IP tunnel or ECID for Ethernet tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 9 } genEquipServicesPWServiceDstUdpPortOrEcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination UDP Port for UDP IP tunnel or ECID for Ethernet tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 10 } genEquipServicesPWServiceAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Admin status." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 11 } genEquipServicesPWServiceCrReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock recovery reference." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 12 } genEquipServicesPWServiceOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operational status." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 13 } genEquipServicesPWServiceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWServiceEntry 30 } -- -- NG PW Services -- genEquipServicesNGPW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesPW 6} -- -- Bundle channel list configuration table - pw-bundle-channel-list-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows definition of the group of timeslots comprising a bundle." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows definition of the group of timeslots comprising a bundle." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesSlotId, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesTdmPort, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDs0List } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesSlotId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesTdmPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDs0List INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesBundleId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesTdmPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM Port number." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDs0List OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timeslot number to be included in a bundle." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "iIndex." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesEntry 30 } -- -- Bundle configuration table - pw-bundle-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuring admin state and description for bundles." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuring admin state and description for bundles." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionSlotId, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionSlotId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionBundleDesc DisplayString, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle administrative state." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionBundleDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle description." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesDescriptionEntry 30 } -- -- PW profile configuraiton table - pw-profile-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PW service profiles." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of PW service profiles." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPWProfileId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPWProfileId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadSize INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesJitterBufferDepth INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadSuppression EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadType INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesDs0Filler INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesCasAlarmPattern INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpHeaderUsed EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpTimestampMode PWRtpTimeStampMode, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpTimestampAbsFactor INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesLopsDetection EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesConseqPacketsInSync INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesConseqMissPktsOutSync INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPktLossTimeWindow INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesExcessivePktLossThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesAlarmThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesClearAlarmThresh INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesMissingPktsToSes INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPWProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unique PW profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload size, in terms of TDM frames in each packet." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesJitterBufferDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Jitter buffer depth (in milliseconds) to allow accommodation to the PSN-specific packet delay variation." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadSuppression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When enabled, payload is suppresed upon incoming TDM failure." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPayloadType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload type byte." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesDs0Filler OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Byte pattern transmitted on ds0 channels when packets over/underflow the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesCasAlarmPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CAS alarm pattern transmitted on E1 interface when packets over/underflow the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpHeaderUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If set to False: an RTP header is not pre-pended to the TDM packet." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpTimestampMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWRtpTimeStampMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RTP timestamp mode." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRtpTimestampAbsFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multiplication factor for 8KHz units in absolute mode of RTP timestamping." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesLopsDetection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timeout for TDM ports loopback." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesConseqPacketsInSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..10) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of consecutive packets with sequential sequence numbers required to exit LOPS." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 12 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesConseqMissPktsOutSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of consecutive missing packets required to enter LOPS." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 13 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesPktLossTimeWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time for computing average packet loss rate to detect excessive packet loss." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 14 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesExcessivePktLossThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..500) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm threshold (in percent) for excessive packet loss." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 15 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay (in msecs) for persistent alarm setting." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 16 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesClearAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay (in msecs) for persistent alarm clearing." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 17 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesMissingPktsToSes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPercent of missing packets detected in 1 second window to cause SES to be counted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 18 } genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWProfilesEntry 30 } -- -- PSN tunnel configuration table - pw-psn-tunnel-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PSN tunnel encapsulations for PW services." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of PSN tunnel encapsulations for PW services." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsPsnType PWTunnelPsnType, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsDestIpAddr IpAddress, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsNextHopIp IpAddress, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTosDscp INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsRemoteMacAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsSourceMPLSLabel INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsDestinationMPLSLabel INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsMPLSexp INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsVlanType PWTunnelVlanType, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsVid INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsPBits INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsMaId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTDMDefectPropagation EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Payload type byte." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsPsnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTunnelPsnType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel type. UDPIP denotes UDP/IP, while eth denotes MEF8 encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination IP." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP Address for UDP/IP PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTosDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel ToS (DSCP)." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsRemoteMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote MAC address." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsSourceMPLSLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source MPLS Label." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsDestinationMPLSLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination MPLS label." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsMPLSexp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MPLS Experimental field." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsVlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTunnelVlanType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN type supported by this PSN tunnel (S-VLAN or C-VLAN)." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 12 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4090) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel VLAN ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 13 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsPBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel P-bits." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 14 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsMaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 15 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsTDMDefectPropagation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM defect propagation to SOAM. Enable for dual homing configuration." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 16 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsEntry 30 } -- -- PW service configuration table - pw-service-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows definition of PW services." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows definition of PW services." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWServicePWId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServicePWId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWServicePWType INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServicePsnType PWTunnelPsnType, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceDs0bundle INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTdmProfileId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTunnel INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceCrReference NoYes, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceSrcPsnId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceDstPsnId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServicePsnTunnelProtection INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWServicePWId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pseudowire ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of this PW service." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWServicePWType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { satop(0), cespsn(1), cas-cespsn(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the emulated service to be carried over the PW service (SAToP, CESoP, CESoP with PSN)." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWServicePsnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTunnelPsnType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PSN type that the PW service will use over the network." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceDs0bundle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number DS0 bundle (for CESoPSN). This parameter must be zero for SAToP." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTdmProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the PW profile id for this PW service." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel ID for unprotected or PSN tunnel group ID for protected PSN channel." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceCrReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether this PW may be used as a reference for clock recovery." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceSrcPsnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source UDP Port for UDP IP tunnel, ECID for Ethernet tunnel or label for MPLS tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceDstPsnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Destination UDP Port for UDP IP tunnel, ECID for Ethernet tunnel or label for MPLS tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWServicePsnTunnelProtection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this PW service is PSN protected." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 12 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceEntry 30 } -- -- TDM port configuration table - pw-tdm-port-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of TDM ports." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of TDM ports." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsPort } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLineType INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLineCoding INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsChannelization EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsTimingMode INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsClockSourceRef INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsClkSrcRefPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsIdleCode INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsCableLength INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLoopback TDMLoopbackType } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Physical port number in the card." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifIndex." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port administrative state." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLineType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1Unframed(0), e1(1), e1-crc(2), e1-mf(3), e1-mf-crc(4), ds1-d4(5), ds1-esf(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line type of this TDM port." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { hdb3-b8zs(0), ami(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line coding for this port. The value hdb3-b8zs means b8zs for T1 and hdb3 for E1. AMI is only for T1." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsChannelization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indication whether this TDM port is channelized into DS0s." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsTimingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loop(0), absolute(1), clock-recovery(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock reference for the outgoing TDM signal." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsClockSourceRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), front-panel(1), sys-ref(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock source reference for Absolute clock mode. ???none??? - for loop or clock-recovery timing modes." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsClkSrcRefPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as a clock reference for loop or clock-recovery timing modes." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsIdleCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value to be transmitted on this TDM port in unused timeslots." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsCableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed-or-0-133ft(0), len-133-266ft(1), len-266-399ft(2), len-399-533ft(3), len-533-655ft(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cable length for this port. The value fixed-or-0-133ft means fixed for E1 (the only valid value) and 0-133ft for T1." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 12 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDMLoopbackType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of required loopback on this TDM port." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsEntry 13 } -- -- PSN tunnel status table - pw-psn-tunnel-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status and information about existing PSN tunnels." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains status and information about existing PSN tunnels." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusTunnelId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusTunnelId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusOperStatus DownUp, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSourceIpAddr IpAddress, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSourceMacAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusRemoteMacAddr OCTET STRING } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel operational state." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel source IP address." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusSourceMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel source MAC address." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusRemoteMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN tunnel remote MAC address." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelsStatusEntry 6 } -- -- PW service status table - pw-service-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status information of existing PW services." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains status information of existing PW services." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusID } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusOperStatus DownUp, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusClearStats NoYes, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTxPkts Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusReceivedPkts Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTransitionsLOPS Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusJitterBufferOverruns Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusBufferDeviations Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusMinJitterCount Counter64, genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusMaxJitterCount Counter64 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pseudowire ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of PW service." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusClearStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all statistics for this PW service." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTxPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of transmitted packets." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusReceivedPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of received packets." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusTransitionsLOPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of transitions from the normal state to the LOPS." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusJitterBufferOverruns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of jitter buffer overruns." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusBufferDeviations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Max Jitter Buffer Deviation." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusMinJitterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum jitter buffer usage registered for the last second." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusMaxJitterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum jitter buffer usage registered for the last second." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWServiceStatusEntry 11 } -- -- PW TDM port status table - pw-tdm-port-status-table and pw-tdm-port-loopback-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status information about TDM ports." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains status information about TDM ports." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusPort INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusOperStatus DownUp, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLoopbackCounter INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusActualLoopback INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLineStatus INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLoopback TDMLoopbackType } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Physical port number in the card." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifIndex." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the port." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLoopbackCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Loopback time left (in seconds)" ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusActualLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual status of loopback on this TDM port reported by the card." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLineStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently present line-level PDH alarms." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TDMLoopbackType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of required loopback on this TDM port." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDMPortsStatusEntry 8 } -- -- Bundle status table - pw-bundle-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current staus for bundles." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the current staus for bundles." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusSlotID, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusBundleId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusBundleId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusOperStatus DownUp } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusBundleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle operational state." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWBundlesStatusEntry 3 } -- -- PW Tunnel group configuration table - pw-psn-tunnel-group-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of groups of tunnels for PW path protection." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of groups of tunnels for PW path protection." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupSlot, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupSlot INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupPrimaryId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupSecondaryId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupRevertive EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupProtectionMode EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the corresponding PSN Tunnel Protection Group." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupPrimaryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tunnel ID for the primary path." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupSecondaryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tunnel ID for the secondary path." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Admin." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable for revertive protection. Default is disabled." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupProtectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Protection mode 1+1." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupEntry 30 } -- -- PW Tunnel group status table - pw-psn-tunnel-group-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status of path protection tunnels." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 12 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains status of path protection tunnels." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusSlot, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusSlot INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusOperStatus DownUp, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusProtectionCommand TunnelGroupProtectionCmd, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusProtectionSwitches INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusActiveTunnel INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusClearStats OffOn, genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusRevertiveCountdown INTEGER } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group operational state." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusProtectionCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelGroupProtectionCmd ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User command to perform a path protection switch." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusProtectionSwitches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A counter of PSN tunnel protection switches." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusActiveTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current active PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusClearStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User command to clear number of switches counter." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusRevertiveCountdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time left until revertive switch is performed." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 8 } -- -- PW Maintenance Domain configuration table - pw-soam-md-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of MD parameters at the PW card." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 13 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of MD parameters at the PW card." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDSlot, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDSlot INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDName DisplayString, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDLevel INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Domain ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Domain Name." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Domain level." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMDEntry 30 } -- -- PW Maintenance Association configuration table - pw-soam-ma-configuration-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of MA parameters at the PW card." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 14 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of MA parameters at the PW card." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMASlot, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMATable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMASlot INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAName DisplayString, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAMdId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMALocalMepId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMARemoteMepId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAVid INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAVlanType PWTunnelVlanType, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMInterval PWSOAMccmInterval, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMLTMPriority INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMARowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMASlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance association ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association name." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAMdId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Domain ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 4 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMALocalMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Local MEP ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 5 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMARemoteMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote MEP ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 6 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN ID of the Maintenance Association." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 7 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAVlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWTunnelVlanType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN type of the Maintenance Association." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 8 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association CCM administrative status." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 9 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWSOAMccmInterval ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association CCM Interval." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 10 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMACCMLTMPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association link trace message priority." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 11 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMARowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAEntry 30 } -- -- PW Maintenance Association status table - pw-soam-ma-status-table -- genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table shows the SOAM status of each MA at the PW card level." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPW 15 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry shows the SOAM status of each MA at the PW card level." INDEX { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusSlot, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusId } ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusSlot INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusId INTEGER, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusRemoteMepMACAddr MacAddress, genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusDefects INTEGER } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance association ID." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusRemoteMepMACAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote MEP MAC Address." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusDefects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bitmap field: no-alarm (0), RDI (1), MAC-status (2), remote CCM (4), error CCM (8), Cross-connection CCM (16), AIS (32)." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWSOAMMAStatusEntry 4 } -- -- Service TDM Scalars. -- genEquipServicesNGPWTDM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesNGPW 20} genEquipServicesNGPWTDMRevertiveTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The WTR (Wait To Restore) timer for revertive switches." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDM 1 } genEquipServicesNGPWRangeVC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM services VC range." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDM 2 } genEquipServicesNGPWOffsetVC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM services VC offset." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDM 3 } genEquipServicesNGPWLatencyOptimizationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables/Disables the option of choosing a latency-optimized mode for TDM services." ::= { genEquipServicesNGPWTDM 4 } -- -- PSN tunnel groups table, (addition for PWC Phase-2) -- genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PSN protection groups for pseudowire service path protection." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 10 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This entry table allows configuration of PSN protection groups for pseudowire service path protection." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelGroupID } ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelGroupID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelIDPrimary INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelIDSecondary INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsSwitchToStandby OffOn, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel Group ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelIDPrimary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Primary PSN tunnel ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsTunnelIDSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Secondary PSN tunnel ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsSwitchToStandby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force a switch from primary to secondary tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupsEntry 30 } -- PSN tunnel groups status table, (addition for PWC Phase-2) genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows monitoring of PSN protection groups status." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 11 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows monitoring of PSN protection groups status." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTunnelGroupID } ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTunnelGroupID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusCurrActiveTunnel INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusNumProtSwitches INTEGER } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusTunnelGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PSN Tunnel Group ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusCurrActiveTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(0), secondary(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently active PSN tunnel." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusNumProtSwitches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of PSN tunnel protection switches." ::= { genEquipServicesPWPSNTunnelGroupStatusEntry 3 } -- SOAM MD definitions table, (addition for PWC Phase-2) genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domains for service monitoring and path protection." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 12 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of Ethernet OAM Maintenance Domains for service monitoring and path protection." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainID } ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDTable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainName DisplayString, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainLevel INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Domain ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Domain Name." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDDomainLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Domain Level." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMDEntry 30 } -- SOAM MA definitions table, (addition for PWC Phase-2) genEquipServicesPWSOAMMATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association for service monitoring and path protection." ::= { genEquipServicesPW 13 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of Ethernet OAM Maintenance Association for service monitoring and path protection." INDEX { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalID } ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMATable 1 } GenEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalName DisplayString, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMADomainID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalMEP INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARemoteMEP INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAVlanType INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAVlanID INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMInterval INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMPriority INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARemoteMEPAddr OCTET STRING, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMADefects INTEGER, genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association local ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 1 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association local Name." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 2 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMADomainID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association domain ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 3 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association Admin." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 4 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMALocalMEP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8191) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association local MEP ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 5 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARemoteMEP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8191) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association remote MEP ID." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 6 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAVlanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), c-type(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN type of the Maintenance Association." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 7 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAVlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4090) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VLAN Id of the Maintenance Association." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 8 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nInvalid(0), n3-3-msec(1), n10-msec(2), n100-msec(3), n1s(4), n10s(5), n1min(6), n10min(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CCM Interval." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 9 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Association CCM admin." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 10 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMACCMPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CCM Priority." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 11 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARemoteMEPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC Address of the Maintenance Association Remote MEP." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 12 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMADefects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bitmap field: no-alarm (0), RDI (1), MAC-status (2), remote CCM (4), error CCM (8), Cross-connection CCM (16), AIS (32)." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 13 } genEquipServicesPWSOAMMARowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the status of the entry." ::= { genEquipServicesPWSOAMMAEntry 30 } -- -- The following are the Services part of Switch application tables -- genEquipServicesCet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 5} genEquipServicesCetGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesCet 1} genEquipServicesCetSvlanEtherType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ether-type-0x88a8(0), ether-type-0x9100(1), ether-type-0x9200(2), ether-type-0x8100(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "S VLAN Ether type." ::= { genEquipServicesCetGeneral 1 } genEquipServicesCetAgingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (15..3825) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC forwarding entry aging timeout in seconds." ::= { genEquipServicesCetGeneral 2 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l3-srv-config-table -- genEquipServicesCetConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Services configuration table - the table describes the connectivity between the interface of the switch." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 2 } genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Services configuration table entry - the table describes the connectivity between the interface of the switch." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetConfigIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetConfigIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigType ServiceType, genEquipServicesCetConfigAdmin ServiceAdmin, genEquipServicesCetConfigMacTableSize INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigDefaultCos INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigCosMode ServiceCosMode, genEquipServicesCetConfigEvcId DisplayString, genEquipServicesCetConfigEvcDescription DisplayString, genEquipServicesCetConfigSplitHorizon EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetConfigResiliencyProtocolInstance INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigProtectingTrail INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigProtectingTrailIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceSubType ServiceSubType, genEquipServicesCetConfigTrailIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesCetConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1025) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetConfigType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Service Type (Management, MP, P2P)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceAdmin ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Admin state." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetConfigMacTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (16..131072) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC Table size of the service,granularity of 16." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetConfigDefaultCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service default CoS." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetConfigCosMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceCosMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service CoS Color mode." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetConfigEvcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetConfigEvcDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Virtual Connection (EVC) Description." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetConfigSplitHorizon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Split Horizon group Admin." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCetConfigResiliencyProtocolInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Resiliency Protocol Instance." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCetConfigProtectingTrail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Protecting trail." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 11 } genEquipServicesCetConfigProtectingTrailIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Protecting trail id." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 12 } genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceSubType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ServiceSubType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service sub type (Ethernet / TDM / PWE)" ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 13 } genEquipServicesCetConfigTrailIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM Trail ID" ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 14 } genEquipServicesCetConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-srv-status-multicast -- genEquipServicesCetStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Services status table - the table describes the status of the configured services." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 3 } genEquipServicesCetStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Services status table - the table describes the status of the configured services entry." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetStatusIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetStatusTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetStatusIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetStatusMulticast EnableDisable } genEquipServicesCetStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1025) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetStatusEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetStatusMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configured Multicast Group." ::= { genEquipServicesCetStatusEntry 2 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-config-table -- genEquipServicesCetSpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Service Points (SP) configuration table - this table describes the ingress and egress attributes (operation) per SPs of each service." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Service Points (SP) configuration table entry - this table describes the ingress and egress attributes (operation) per SPs of each service." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServiceIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServicePointIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServicePointIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpType SPType, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpSubtype SPSubType, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpName DisplayString, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanEncap INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanEncap INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigLearning EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigFlooding DisableAllowed, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigBroadcast DisableAllowed, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCosMode SPCosMode, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigDefCos INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigPclProfileId INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigPclAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigMonitorCounterGroup INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSplitHorizon SplitHorizonGroup, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanEgressPreserve EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanCosPreserve EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanEgressPreserve EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanCosPreserve EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigMarkingMode EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServiceClassId INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigTcamClassification INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpConfigRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1025) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServicePointIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point Type (SAP, SNP, PIPE, MNG)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPSubType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Service Point Attached Interface Type." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point Name." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4096..4097) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "S-Vlan Encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanEncap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4097) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "C-Vlan Encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigLearning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point Learning Admin (disable / enable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigFlooding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisableAllowed ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Ingress aatribute - Allow Flooding of the incoming packet." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisableAllowed ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Ingress aatribute - Allow Broadcast of the incoming packet." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 11 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCosMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPCosMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point CoS Color mode." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 12 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigDefCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point Default CoS." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 13 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigPclProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "pcl-profile-id." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 14 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigPclAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PCL Admin." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 15 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigMonitorCounterGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Ingress attribute - Assign the SP to a specific Monitor Counters Group." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 16 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSplitHorizon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SplitHorizonGroup ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Split Horizon Group." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 17 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanEgressPreserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Egress attribute - Preserve the S VLAN as it was on the Ingress Service Point." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 18 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigSvlanCosPreserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Egress attribute - Preserve the S VLAN CoS as it was on the Ingress Service Point." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 19 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanEgressPreserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Egress attribute - Preserve the C VLAN as it was on the Ingress Service Point." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 20 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigCvlanCosPreserve OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Egress attribute - Preserve the C VLAN CoS as it was on the Ingress Service Point." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 21 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigMarkingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Ingress attribute - Enable / Disable Marking of the incoming packet." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 22 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigServiceClassId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SP Egress attribute - Service Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 23 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigTcamClassification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TCAM-Classification." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 24 } genEquipServicesCetSpConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpConfigEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-ingress-policer-profile-association-to-cos-table -- genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point and Service Point CoS Policing configuration table." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point and Service Point CoS Policing configuration table." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationServiceIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationSpIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationSpIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationSpPolicerAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos0Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos0Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos1Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos1Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos2Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos2Admin INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos3Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos3Admin DisableAllowed, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos4Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos4Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos5Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos5Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos6Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos6Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos7Profile INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos7Admin EnableDisable, genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1025) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationSpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationSpPolicerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos0Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 0 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos0Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 0 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos1Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 1 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos1Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 1 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos2Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 2 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos2Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 2 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos3Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 3 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos3Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisableAllowed ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 3 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 11 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos4Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SPCosMode (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 4 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 12 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos4Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 4 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 13 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos5Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 5 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 14 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos5Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 5 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 15 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos6Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 6 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 16 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos6Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 6 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 17 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos7Profile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 7 Policer attached Profile ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 18 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationCos7Admin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 7 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 19 } genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-vlan-config-table -- genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the VLAN TAG ID that build a single ingress classification of Port+OutterVLAN+InnerVLAN to Service Point." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the VLAN TAG ID that build a single ingress classification of Port+OutterVLAN+InnerVLAN to Service Point." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingServiceId, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSpId, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSvlanIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingCvlanIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingServiceId INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSpId INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSvlanIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingCvlanIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingVlanCosOverride TrueFalse, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingVlanDefCos INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingColor GreenYellow, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfSlotIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfPortIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingServiceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1025) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingSvlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4097) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "S-Vlan Encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingCvlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4097) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "C-Vlan Encapsulation." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingVlanCosOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CoS Value field is valid." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingVlanDefCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS overwrite value." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point COLOR." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot index." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingIfPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..10) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port index." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpVlanMappingEntry 30 } -- -- Clear all interface egress queues statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-egress-clear-all-queues-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all interface egress queues statistics." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 7 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all interface egress queues statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifIndex." ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all statistics for the specific port." ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL2InterfaceQueuesStatisticsEntry 2 } -- -- Clear all Service egress queues statistics - sw-ap-l3-srv-egress-clear-all-queues-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all Service egress queues statistics." ::= { genEquipServicesCet 8 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all Service egress queues statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsServiceIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifIndex." ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress service bundle ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "clear on read." ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressClearAllL3ServiceQueuesStatisticsEntry 3 } -- -- The following are the Services part of Switch application tables -- genEquipServicesTM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServices 6} -- TM Mapping genEquipTmMapping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesTM 1} -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-ingress-mapping-802_1ad-up-to-cos-table -- genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1AD classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 1 } genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1AD classification table to CoS and Color entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosUpIndex, genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosDeiIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosTable 1 } GenEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosUpIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosDeiIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosCos INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosColor GreenYellow } genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosUpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Priority bits - Global 802.1AD User Priority and DEI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry 1 } genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosDeiIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DEI bit - Global 802.1AD User Priority and DEI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry 2 } genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bits - Global 802.1AD User Priority and DEI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry 3 } genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global 802.1AD User Priority and DEI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingSVlanPriToCosEntry 4 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-ingress-mapping-802_1q-up-to-cos-table -- genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1Q classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 2 } genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1Q classification table to CoS and Color entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosUpIndex, genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosCfiIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosTable 1 } GenEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosUpIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosCfiIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosCos INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosColor GreenYellow } genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosUpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Priority bits - Global 802.1Q User Priority and CFI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry 1 } genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosCfiIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CFI bit - Global 802.1Q User Priority and CFI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry 2 } genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bits - Global 802.1AD User Priority and DEI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry 3 } genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global 802.1Q User Priority and CFI bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingCVlanPriToCosEntry 4 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-ingress-mapping-dscp-to-cos-table -- genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 3 } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosDscpIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosTable 1 } GenEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosDscpIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosBinary OCTET STRING, genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosDescription DisplayString, genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosCos INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosColor GreenYellow } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosDscpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..56) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DSCP bits - Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry 1 } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosBinary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry 2 } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "user description field - Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry 3 } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bits - Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry 4 } genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global DSCP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingDscpToCosEntry 5 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-mapping-mpls-exp-to-cos-color -- genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global MPLS EXP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 4 } genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global MPLS EXP bits classification table to CoS and Color entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosMplsExpIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosTable 1 } GenEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosMplsExpIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosCos INTEGER, genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosColor GreenYellow } genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosMplsExpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Experimental bits - Global MPLS EXP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry 1 } genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bit - Global MPLS EXP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry 2 } genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global MPLS EXP bits classification table to CoS and Color." ::= { genEquipTmMappingMPLSExpPriToCosEntry 3 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-egress-marking-802_1ad-table -- genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 5 } genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriCosIndex, genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriColorIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriTable 1 } GenEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriCosIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriColorIndex GreenYellow, genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriUserPriority INTEGER, genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriDEI INTEGER } genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriCosIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bits - Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry 1 } genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry 2 } genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriUserPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Priority bits - Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry 3 } genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriDEI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DEI bit - Global 802.1AD Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and DEI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingSVlanPriEntry 4 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-egress-marking-802_1q-table -- genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI." ::= { genEquipTmMapping 6 } genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI entry." INDEX { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriCosIndex, genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriColorIndex } ::= { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriTable 1 } GenEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriCosIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriColorIndex GreenYellow, genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriUserPriority INTEGER, genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriCFI INTEGER } genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriCosIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS bits - Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry 1 } genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GreenYellow ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Color bit - Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry 2 } genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriUserPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Priority bits - Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry 3 } genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriCFI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CFI bit - Global 802.1Q Marking Table User CoS and Color to User Priority bits and CFI." ::= { genEquipTmMarkingCVlanPriEntry 4 } -- TM Profiles genEquipTmProfiles OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesTM 2} -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-ingress-policer-profiles-list-table -- genEquipProfilesPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesPolicerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Policer Profile configuration table." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 1 } genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesPolicerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General Policer Profile configuration table entry." INDEX { genEquipProfilesPolicerIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesPolicerIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerDescription DisplayString, genEquipProfilesPolicerPolicerType PolicerType, genEquipProfilesPolicerCir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerCbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerEir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerEbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerColorMode PolicerColorMode, genEquipProfilesPolicerCouplingFlagMode EnableDisable, genEquipProfilesPolicerDataPlaneId INTEGER, genEquipProfilesPolicerRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesPolicerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Profile ID number." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesPolicerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer user Description field." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesPolicerPolicerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PolicerType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Type (MEF TrTCM,RFC2697,RFC2698)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesPolicerCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Commited Information Rate (CIR)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesPolicerCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Commited Burst Size (CBS)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesPolicerEir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Excess Information Rate (EIR)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 6 } genEquipProfilesPolicerEbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..128) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Excess Burst Size (EBS)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 7 } genEquipProfilesPolicerColorMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PolicerColorMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Color Mode (Color Aware or Color Blind)." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 8 } genEquipProfilesPolicerCouplingFlagMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Coupling Flag between Green and Yellow leaky buckets." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 9 } genEquipProfilesPolicerDataPlaneId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..4096) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The real policer ID in the dataplan 0 to 10000." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 10 } genEquipProfilesPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesPolicerEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-profile-egress-l4-wred-green-max-drop -- genEquipProfilesL4WredTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesL4WredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green Curve Maximal Drop Ratio (in percentage)." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 2 } genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesL4WredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green Curve Maximal Drop Ratio (in percentage) entry." INDEX { genEquipProfilesL4WredIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesL4WredEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesL4WredIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMinThreshold INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMaxThreshold INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMaxDrop INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMinThreshold INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMaxThreshold INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMaxDrop INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesL4WredIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED Curves Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMinThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8192) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green Curve Minimal occupancy (No drop until this level)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMaxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8192) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green Curve Maximal occupancy (from this point 100% will be dropped)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesL4WredGreenMaxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green Curve Maximal Drop Ratio (in percentage)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMinThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8192) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Yellow Curve Minimal occupancy (No drop until this level)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMaxThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8192) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Yellow Curve Maximal occupancy (from this point 100% will be dropped)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 6 } genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowMaxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8192) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Yellow Curve Maximal Drop Ratio (in percentage)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 7 } genEquipProfilesL4WredYellowRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesL4WredEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-egress-scheduler-cos-priority-profiles-list-table -- genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the Egress Scheduler Port priority profile (each profile contain 8 priorities per 8 queues of single port)." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 3 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the Egress Scheduler Port priority profile (each profile contain 8 priorities per 8 queues of single port)." INDEX { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos0Description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos0Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos1description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos1Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos2Description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos2Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos3description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos3Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos4description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos4Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos5description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos5Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos6description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos6Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos7description DisplayString, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos7Priority INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos0Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 0 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos0Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 0 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos1description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 1 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos1Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 1 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos2Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 2 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 6 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos2Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 2 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 7 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos3description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 3 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 8 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos3Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 3 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 9 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos4description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 4 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 10 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos4Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 4 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 11 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos5description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 5 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 12 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos5Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 5 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 13 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos6description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 6 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 14 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos6Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 6 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 15 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriCos7description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 7 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 16 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriGreenCos7Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..42) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 7 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 17 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerCoSPriEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-global-egress-scheduler-wfq-profiles-list-table -- genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the Egress Scheduler Port WFQ profiles (each profile contain 8 weights per 8 queues of single port)." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 4 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the Egress Scheduler Port WFQ profiles (each profile contain 8 weights per 8 queues of single port)." INDEX { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos0Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos1Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos2Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos3Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos4Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos5Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos6Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos7Weight INTEGER, genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WFQ Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos0Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 0 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos1Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 1 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos2Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 2 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos3Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 3 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos4Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 4 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 6 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos5Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Green CoS 2 priority." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 7 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos6Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 3 Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 8 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqCos7Weight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS 7 Weight." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 9 } genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesSchedulerWfqEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l2-if-logical-profile-egress-shaper-table -- genEquipProfilesL2ShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the Egress Shaper profiles at port level." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 5 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the Egress Shaper profiles at port level." INDEX { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL2ShaperDescription DisplayString, genEquipProfilesL2ShaperCir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL2ShaperCbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL2ShaperBurstType BurstType, genEquipProfilesL2ShaperRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Information Rate (in Bits)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2048) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Burst Size (in Bytes)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperBurstType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BurstType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CBS burst type - short (minimal) size or long burst (recomanded for long RTT)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesL2ShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesL2ShaperEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l3-srv-profile-egress-shaper-table -- genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the Egress Shaper profiles at service level." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 6 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the Egress Shaper profiles at service level." INDEX { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperDescription DisplayString, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperCir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperCbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperPir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperPbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperBurstType BurstType, genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Information Rate (in Bits)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1016) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Burst Size (in Bytes)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak Information Rate (in Bits)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperPbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1016) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak Burst size (in Bytes)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 6 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperBurstType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BurstType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CBS and PBS burst type - short (minimal) size or long burst (recomanded for long RTT)." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 7 } genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesL3ServiceShaperEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-profile-egress-queue-shaper-table -- genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the Egress Shaper profiles at Queue level." ::= { genEquipTmProfiles 7 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the Egress Shaper profiles at Queue level." INDEX { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperIndex } ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperTable 1 } GenEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperIndex INTEGER, genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperDescription DisplayString, genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperCir INTEGER, genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperCbs INTEGER, genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperBurstType BurstType, genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 1 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..21)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Description." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 2 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Information Rate (in Bits)." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 3 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1016) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Committed Burst Size (in Bytes)." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 4 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperBurstType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BurstType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CBS burst type - short (minimal) size or long burst (recomanded for long RTT)." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 5 } genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipProfilesEgressL4QueueShaperEntry 30 } -- TM Config genEquipTmConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipServicesTM 3} -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-egress-wred-profile-association-queue-table -- genEquipTmL4WredAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selelcted WRED profile for eac Egress Queue." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 1 } genEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selelcted WRED profile for eac Egress Queue." INDEX { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationIfIndex, genEquipTmL4WredAssociationServiceIndex, genEquipTmL4WredAssociationCosQueueIndex } ::= { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4WredAssociationServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4WredAssociationCosQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4WredAssociationWredProfileId INTEGER } genEquipTmL4WredAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmL4WredAssociationServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipTmL4WredAssociationCosQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS Queue ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipTmL4WredAssociationWredProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WRED Profile ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4WredAssociationEntry 4 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l2-if-logical-egress-scheduler-cos-priority-profile-association-to-if-table -- genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selected Scheduler Priority Profile for each Egress port." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 2 } genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selected Scheduler Priority Profile for each Egress port." INDEX { genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER } genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..9) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue Scheduler Profile ID." ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerCoSPriAssociationEntry 2 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l3-srv-egress-shaper-profile-association-to-service-bundle-table -- genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each Service Bundle." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 3 } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each Service Bundle." INDEX { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationIfIndex, genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationServiceClassIndex } ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationServiceClassIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationShaperProfileId INTEGER, genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationShaperAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationServiceClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationShaperProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationShaperAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shaper Admin." ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipTmL3ServiceShaperAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l2-if-logical-egress-shaper-profile-association-to-if-table -- genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each Ethernet Port." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 4 } genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each Ethernet Port." INDEX { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationProfileId INTEGER, genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Shaper Admin." ::= { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipTmL2ShaperAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-egress-queue-shaper-profile-association-to-queue-table -- genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each Ethernet PortThe table holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each transmitting Queue." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 5 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selected Shapping profiles for each transmitting Queue." INDEX { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationIfIndex, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationServiceIndex, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationCosQueueIndex } ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationCosQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationShaperProfileId INTEGER, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationShaperProfileAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationCosQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CoS Queue ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationShaperProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue Shaper Profile ID." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationShaperProfileAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue Shaper Admin." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 5 } genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipTmL4QueueShaperAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-l2-if-logical-egress-scheduler-cos-wfq-profile-association-to-if-table -- genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the user selected Scheduler WFQ weights Profile for each Egress port." ::= { genEquipTmConfig 6 } genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the user selected Scheduler WFQ weights Profile for each Egress port." INDEX { genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationProfileId INTEGER } genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "WFQ Scheduler Profile ID" ::= { genEquipTmSchedulerWfqAssociationEntry 2 } -- The following tables are accessed by its slot, there is no indirect access to this tables through main slot -- Radio Clock Source genEquipSynchronizationRadioClkSrcSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameters determines whether the system reference frequency is transported through the radio. 0 indicates that the outgoing signal takes its clock from an independant local clock. channel number indicates that the clock is from that radio-channel reference clock, as taken from the synchronization source interface." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 3 } genEquipSynchronizationSDHClkSrcSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameters determines whether the system reference frequency is transported through the interface. if value is 0 it indicates that the outgoing signal takes its clock from an independant local clock. system-clock-source indicates that the clock is from the system reference clock, as taken from the synchronization source interface." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 4 } genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Synchronization source table." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 5 } genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Synchronization source table." INDEX { genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcIFNum } ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcTable 1 } GenEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcIFNum INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcSource INTEGER } genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcIFNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameters the interface which is configured to take the system reference clock or a local clock in genEquipSynchronizationSDHClkSrcSource. The number indicates the E1/DS1 interface being configured (1-32)." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry 2 } genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local-clock(0), system-clock-source(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameters determines whether the system reference frequency is transported through the interface defined in genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcIFNum. local-clock indicates that the outgoing signal takes its clock from an independant local clock. system-clock-source indicates that the clock is from the system reference clock, as taken from the synchronization source interface." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPDHClkSrcEntry 3 } genEquipSynchronizationPRCRegeneratorMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter sets the IDU to point-to-point PRC quality frequency distribution mode. Notice that this is relevant only for smart pipe applications" ::= { genEquipSynchronization 6 } genEquipSynchronizationPRCRegeneratorDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { line-to-radio (0), radio-to-line (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter sets the direction in which the frequency signal is transported, in the case of electrical GBE interfaces. Notice that for optical interfaces, this parameter has no effect." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 7 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcRevertiveTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter sets the timeout (in seconds) for a counter which is set once an interface recovers from a failure; after this timeout the interface will be considered stable and can be used as a synchronization source. A value of zero means no timer." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 8 } genEquipSynchronizationSrcActiveSyncSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active synchronization source." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 9 } genEquipSynchronizationNodeMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic (0), force (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter allows forcing a certain source as the active source for the system reference clock. When forced, the active source is specified by genEquipSynchronizationForceSource. In automatic mode, the active source is determined by quality and priority of the relevant interfaces (as configured in table genEquipSynchronizationSrcTable)." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 10 } genEquipSynchronizationForceSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter determines which source number will be forced as active when genEquipSynchronizationNodeMode is set to force." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 11 } genEquipSynchronizationSystemReferenceQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), prs(1), g811(2), transit-node(3), ssu-a(4), unknown(5), stratum2(7), ssu-b(8), stratum3(10), g813-8262(11), smc(12), stratum3e(13), do-not-use (15) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter shows the current quality of the system reference clock" ::= { genEquipSynchronization 12 } genEquipSynchronizationRegeneratorSSMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter determines whether or not in pipe mode the system generates SSM messages" ::= { genEquipSynchronization 13 } genEquipSynchronizationPWClkExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local-clock(0), system-clock-source(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter determines whether the system reference clock is exported toward the PWE3 T-Card; This reference can be exported towards front panel using ExportClkFrontPannel or used as a common clock for PWs using ClockSourceRef. Notice that either this or any single one of the PW T-card TDM interfaces can export the reference clock, but not both at the same time." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 14 } -- Synch Pipe Configurations - sync-pipe-config-table -- genEquipSynchronizationPipeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table shows pipe interfaces." ::= { genEquipSynchronization 20 } genEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry shows pipe interfaces." INDEX { genEquipSynchronizationPipeId } ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPipeTable 1 } GenEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipSynchronizationPipeId INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPipeInd1 INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPipeInd2 INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPipeStatus INTEGER } genEquipSynchronizationPipeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Pipe ID." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry 1 } genEquipSynchronizationPipeInd1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sync Interface 1." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry 2 } genEquipSynchronizationPipeInd2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sync Interface 2." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry 3 } genEquipSynchronizationPipeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sync Pipe Status." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPipeEntry 4 } -- PTP (Precision Time Protocol) genEquipSynchronizationPTP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipSynchronization 21} genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Transparent Clock (TC) administrative state." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTP 1 } -- TC configuartion - ptp-tc-config-table -- genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP (Precision Time Protocol) TC (Transparent Clock) configuration table." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTP 10 } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP (Precision Time Protocol) TC (Transparent Clock) configuration table entry." INDEX { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigId } ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigTable 1 } GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigId INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigMaster INTEGER } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface on which TC function is required." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry 1 } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigMaster OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upstream(0), downstream(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Points whether the interface's direction is upstream or downstream." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcConfigEntry 2 } -- TC Status - ptp-tc-status-table -- genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP (Precision Time Protocol) TC (Transparent Clock) status table." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTP 11 } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP (Precision Time Protocol) TC (Transparent Clock) status table entry." INDEX { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusId } ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusTable 1 } GenEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusId INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusState INTEGER, genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusFreqLock DownUp } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface on which TC status is required." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry 1 } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(0), init(1), calibrating(2), up(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the TC function that may be: Down, Init, Calibrating or Up." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry 2 } genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusFreqLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lock status, Up or Down, of the network synchronization frequency that passes through the interface." ::= { genEquipSynchronizationPTPTcStatusEntry 3 } -- Interfaces genEquipInterfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 9} -- Interfaces - Ethernet genEquipInterfacesEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 1} genEquipInterfacesEtherTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesEtherEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet interface configuration and status table. The index of the table is via ifIndex, as well as the operational status and the admin state, speed and port connector." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEther 1 } genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesEtherEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet interface configuration and status table. The index of the table is via ifIndex, as well as the operational status and the admin state, speed and port connector." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesEtherEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesEtherConnType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherPortType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherAutoNegotiation INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherDuplex HalfFull, genEquipInterfacesEtherRate RateMbps, genEquipInterfacesEtherPortLerningAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesEtherFlowCtrl INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherLagPortMember INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherActualDuplex HalfFull, genEquipInterfacesEtherActualRate RateMbps, genEquipInterfacesEtherClkSrc INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherPortServiceType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtheMACAddress MacAddress, genEquipInterfacesEtherDefaultVLANId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesEtherPortBlockSharedVlans EnableDisable } genEquipInterfacesEtherConnType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), rj45(0), electricalSFP(1), opticalSFP(2), radio(3), sfp100base-fx(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical interface type. For port 8 the only valid value is radio. For ports 3 to 7 the only valid value is rj45." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesEtherPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), access(0), trunk(1), hybrid(2), cN(3), pN(4), management(30), wayside(31) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the port. Access - untagged port (in case of managed switch). Trunk - C-VID tagged port (in case of managed switch). CN - Don't care on the vlan tag (in case of metro switch configuration). SN - S-VID is used as the first vlan (in case of metro switch configuration)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesEtherAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), off(0), on(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable auto-negotiation on the port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesEtherDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HalfFull ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Half or full duplex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesEtherRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateMbps ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "10, 100 OR 1000 Mbps." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesEtherPortLerningAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), enable(2), disable(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable MAC address learning in the port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesEtherFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), off(0), on(1), na(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable flow control on the port. Supported only in pipe mode. " ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesEtherLagPortMember OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), not-aggrigated(0), group-1(1), group-2(2), group-3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The syntax is ifIndex, or FFFF for port that is not member in a lag." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesEtherActualDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HalfFull ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual duplex (in auto-negotiation, the mode the two ports agreed upon) - Half or full duplex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesEtherActualRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RateMbps ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual rate (in auto-negotiation, the rate the two ports agreed upon) - 10, 100 OR 1000 Mbps." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesEtherClkSrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), local-clock(0), system-clock-source(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source for the outgoing carrier signal clock. Local-clock is an internal independent oscilator. system-clock-source causes the ethernet clock to be derived from the defined system clock source (which can be taken from another interface) Note: changing this parameter per port affect all the Ethernet ports." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesEtherPortServiceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), sap(0), snp(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether the port is being used as a Service Access Point (SAP) or as a Service Network Point (SNP) in a network-wide Ethernet service; the parameter has no functionality, but is meant to hold data for the NMS." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesEtheMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the port for CFM or PWE3 addressing purposes." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesEtherDefaultVLANId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4090) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default VLAN ID of the Ethernet interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesEtherPortBlockSharedVlans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When enabled, this parameter blocks transfer of Ethernet frames to/from other ports for which it is enabled, effectively eliminating all shared VLANs." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEtherEntry 15 } --------------- genEquipInterfacesEtherStatePropagation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0) , lof-loc(1) , lof-loc-excber(3) , lof-loc-remote(5) , lof-loc-excber-remote(7) , lof(9) , lof-excber(11) , lof-remote(13) , lof-excber-remote(15) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter configures the behavior of Ethernet ports in single pipe mode. When a failure is detected, ports will be automatically shut down when the configured conditions take place. The possible choices are a combination of the following failures in the local and the remote IDUs: radio LOF, Ethernet line LOC, radio excessive ber" ::= { genEquipInterfacesEther 2 } genEquipInterfacesEtherPWPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port in the traffic bridge connected to the PWE3 T-card." ::= { genEquipInterfacesEther 3 } -- Interfaces E1/T1 genEquipInterfacesE1T1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 2} genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General parameters for group of E1 or T1 interfaces." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1 1 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "General parameters for group of E1 or T1 interfaces." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupId } ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupExcessiveBERthreshold BerLevel, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupSignalDegradeThreshold INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode1to8 INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode9to16 INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode17to24 INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode25to32 INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Group id. the index of this table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2), hdb3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PDH line coding. b8zs is for T1 and hdb3 for E1. ami is only for T1. This parameter is relevant only for versions up to (including)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupExcessiveBERthreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BerLevel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excessive BER threshold for the group of E1s/T1s." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupSignalDegradeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n1e-6(3), n1e-7(4), n1e-8(5), n1e-9(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Signal degrade threshold for the group of E1s/T1s." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode1to8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2), hdb3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PDH line coding for line interfaces 1 to 8. b8zs is for T1 and hdb3 for E1. ami is only for T1." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode9to16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2), hdb3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PDH line coding for line interfaces 9 to 16. b8zs is for T1 and hdb3 for E1. ami is only for T1." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode17to24 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2), hdb3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PDH line coding for line interfaces 17 to 24. b8zs is for T1 and hdb3 for E1. ami is only for T1." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupLineCode25to32 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { b8zs(1), ami(2), hdb3(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PDH line coding for interfaces 25 to 32. b8zs is for T1 and hdb3 for E1. ami is only for T1." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1PortGroupEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "E1/T1 interface configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1 2 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "E1/T1 interface configuration table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Table 1 } GenEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Priority INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1CurrBER BerLevel, genEquipInterfacesE1T1Loopback INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1AISSStatus INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesE1T1CableLength INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesE1T1Priority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), high(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ACM priority of the E1/T1. This parameter is relevant only for stand-alone mode. In shelf this parameter is defined in the trail configuration." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry 1 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1CurrBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BerLevel ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "E1/T1 current BER." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry 2 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1Loopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), towardsLine(2), towardsRadio(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or Disable line loopback on the E1/T1 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry 3 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1AISSStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detected(0), notDetected(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the AIS detection, if the AIS detection is activated." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry 4 } genEquipInterfacesE1T1CableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { len-0-133ft-0-41m(1), len-133ft-266ft-41m-81m(2), len-266ft-399ft-81m-122m(3), len-399ft-533ft-122m-162m(4), len-533ft-655ft-162m-200m(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter is valid only for T1 interfaces, and determines cable length range." ::= { genEquipInterfacesE1T1Entry 5 } genEquipInterfacesAux OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 3} -- Interfaces Way Side genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySide OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfacesAux 1} genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Way-side interface configuration." ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySide 1 } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Way-side interface configuration." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideCapacity INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideAutoNegotiation OffOn, genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideDuplex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideRate RateMbps } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable - Set Ethernet port #4 to be a wayside port. Disabling this option will cause the port to behave as a normal traffic Ethernet port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { narrow(0), wide(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Narrow band (64Kbps) or Wide band (2Mbps)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wayside port auto negotiation (Off, on)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), half(0), full(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wayside port duplex (Half, Full)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(-1), n10(0), n100(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Wayside interface port rate (10Mbps,100Mbps)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxWaySideEntry 5 } -- Interfaces User channel genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of configured user channels." ::= { genEquipInterfacesAux 2 } genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of configured user channels." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanType INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { asynchronous-rs232(1), asynchronous-v-11(2), twin-asynchronous-rs232-and-v-11(3), synchronous-v-11-codirectional(4), synchronous-v-11-contradirectional(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User channel type. The asynchronous modes allow two channels, one in each port. The twin asynchronous mode uses port 1 for v.11 and port 2 for RS-232. The Synchronous modes use two ports each" ::= { genEquipInterfacesAuxUserChanEntry 1 } -- Interfaces Sonet/SDH genEquipInterfacesSdh OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 4} genEquipInterfacesSdhTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesSdhEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1,OC-3 interface configuration and status table. " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdh 1 } genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesSdhEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1,OC-3 interface configuration and status table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesSdhEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesSdhMuteTx EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesSdhClockSource INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhAISAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdReceived DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdTransmitted DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdExpected DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdStringLength INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhExcessiveBer INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhSignalDegrade INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopback INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhClockSourceStatus INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLineTxProtectionMode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhSyncVC INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesSdhPdhTimingMode PWPDHClockSource, genEquipInterfacesSdhSlot INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhIdleCode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhSSMAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesSdhSSMPattern INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesSdhVCSignalLabel INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhVcRdiAdmin EnableDisableSMI2 } genEquipInterfacesSdhMuteTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Mute Tx option on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesSdhClockSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal-clock(0), loop(1), synchronization-vc(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The source of the clock being used. sync-vc option is for future support, to use one of the outgoing TDM VCs as a source." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesSdhAISAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable, Disable AIS signaling at the V5 byte on the STM-1, OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "J0 Trace Identifier signal that was received on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdTransmitted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "J0 Trace Identifier signal that is transmitted on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdExpected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "J0 Trace Identifier signal that is expected to be received on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdStringLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { len1(0), len15(1), len62(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trace identifier string length. Lengths 0 and 15 are valid for SDH systems. Length 62 is additionally available in SONET systems." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesSdhExcessiveBer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n1e-3(0), n1e-4(1), n1e-5(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excessive BER threshold on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesSdhSignalDegrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { n1e-6(3), n1e-7(4), n1e-8(5), n1e-9(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Signal degrade threshold on the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), loopback-towards-system(1), loopback-towards-line(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SDH Loopback." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesSdhClockSourceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal-clock(0), loop(1), synchronization-vc(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual source of the clock for the outgoing STM-1/OC-3 signal. It may differ from the desired source if the source signal is missing or corrupt" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLineTxProtectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), uni-directional-MSP(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter configures the behavior of the transmitting line in a 1+1 HSB configuration. In normal mode the stand-by signal is silenced. In uni-directional MSP both units will transmit" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesSdhSyncVC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The outgoing VC signal to be taken as the STM-1/OC-3 synchronization source if genEquipInterfacesSdhClockSource is set to synchronization-vc" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesSdhAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of the STM-1/OC3 port" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesSdhPdhTimingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock reference for outgoing PDH signals configured in 'absolute clock' mode" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesSdhSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot ID" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 16 } genEquipInterfacesSdhIdleCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value to be transmitted at PDH signals inside the STM-1/OC3 when there is no data to transmit" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 17 } genEquipInterfacesSdhSSMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SSM support admin for this interface" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 18 } genEquipInterfacesSdhSSMPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the default SSM pattern to be transmitted in case if TCC clock synchronization subsystem doesn't provide SSM pattern value" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 19 } genEquipInterfacesSdhTraceIdAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable of J0 mismatch checking on RX direction" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 20 } genEquipInterfacesSdhVCSignalLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { asynchronous(0), non-specific-payload(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sets the signal label bits to be sent and expected in every VC-11/12; use non-specific payload only for backwards compatibility with old equipment" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 21 } genEquipInterfacesSdhVcRdiAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VC-RDI signaling admin status" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhEntry 22 } -- LPVC (Low Oreder Path VC) genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table includes properties for each Low-order path VC (VC-11/12) in the SDH interface. " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdh 2 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table includes properties for each Low-order path VC (VC-11/12) in the SDH interface. " INDEX { ifIndex, genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcId } ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcAIS INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..84) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "VC-11 or VC-12 number; VCs are numbered according to standard KLM order. " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcAIS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { aisDetected(0), aisNotDetected(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether incoming AIS is currently detected in the VC's payload. 0 indicates that AIS is detected, 1 that is not detected." ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLpVcEntry 2 } -- TDM pw-stm1oc3-status-table genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SDH Status. " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdh 3 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SDH Status" INDEX { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusLine INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusOperState DownUp, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusRegenerator INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusClockSourceStatus PWPDHClockSource, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusPdhClockStatus PWPDHClockSource, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSlotId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusLoopback INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusMultiplexer INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSsmRx INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSsmTx INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Portnumber" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bitmap field according to the following values: no-defect (1), AIS (2), RDI (4)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface operational status" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusRegenerator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bitmap field according to the following values: no-defect (1), AIS (2), RDI (4)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusClockSourceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWPDHClockSource ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The actual source of the clock for the outgoing STM-1/OC-3 signal. It may differ from the desired source if the source signal is missing or corrupt" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusPdhClockStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWPDHClockSource ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PDH clock source status" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot ID" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), towards-system(1), towards-line(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the loopback for the SONET/SDH interface" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusMultiplexer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bitmask: no-defect (1), STS-LOP(2), STS-AIS(4), STS-RDI(8), unequipped (16), label-mismatch (32)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSsmRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the currently received SSM bits " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusSsmTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the currently transmitted SSM bits " ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhStatusEntry 11 } -- -- TDM pw-stm1oc3-loopback-status-table genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/SDH interface loopback status" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdh 4 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/SDH interface loopback status entry" INDEX { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusSlotId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusCounter INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Portnumber" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot ID" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), towards-system(1), towards-line(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface operational status" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current value of STM1/OC3 interface Looback Timeout Counter" ::= { genEquipInterfacesSdhLoopbackStatusEntry 4 } -- Interfaces AIS genEquipInterfacesAIS OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 5} genEquipInterfacesAISAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control AIS Detection over all E1/T1/SDH ports." ::= { genEquipInterfacesAIS 1 } -- Automatic State Propagation genEquipInterfacesASP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 6} genEquipInterfacesASPAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controls the Automatic State Propagation" ::= { genEquipInterfacesASP 1 } genEquipInterfacesASPLocalLOC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables fault propagation upon detection of local LOC. This configuration is relevant only for non-protected single-pipe switch mode only." ::= { genEquipInterfacesASP 2 } genEquipInterfacesASPLocalExcessiveBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables fault propagation to the Ethernet interface upon detection of radio excessive BER. This configuration is relevant only for non-protected single-pipe switch mode only." ::= { genEquipInterfacesASP 3 } genEquipInterfacesASPACMthreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { profile-0(0), profile-1(1), profile-2(2), profile-3(3), profile-4(4), profile-5(5), profile-6(6), profile-7(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the propagation when Radio ACM profile degrades below a defined profile. This configuration is relevant only for non-protected single-pipe switch mode only when ACM radio script is running." ::= { genEquipInterfacesASP 4 } genEquipInterfacesASPRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter enables/disables automatic state propagation. The following remote faults are propagated to the NE by default: - Radio LOF - Radio link ID mismatch - Ethernet line LOC any other remote faults are propagated to the NE only if they are enabled at the local NE" ::= { genEquipInterfacesASP 5 } -- NG ASP genEquipInterfacesNGASP OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfacesASP 7} -- -- Automatic state propagation configuration table - asp-config-table -- genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table configures automatic state propagation functionality." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASP 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table configures automatic state propagation functionality entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigControlledInterfaceIfindex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigControlledInterfaceIfindex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterfaceIfindex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigAcmThreshold INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRadioExcessiveBerCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigLinkIdMismatchCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRadioLofCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteRadioLofCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRxAcmThresholdCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigTxAcmThresholdCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteEthLocCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteFaultTriggerAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteRadioExcessiveBerCriterionAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterface56 INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigCsfModeAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterface INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigDelayTime INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigControlledInterfaceIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index of the controlled interface. This interface will be disabled upon initiation of auto state propagation" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables/disables automatic state propagation." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterfaceIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index to the monitored interface. Auto state propagation will act upon detecting a failure indication on this interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigAcmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ACM profile threshold for initiating auto state propagation." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRadioExcessiveBerCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon local radio excessive BER." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigLinkIdMismatchCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon local radio link Id mismatch." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRadioLofCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon local radio LOF." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteRadioLofCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon remote radio LOF." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRxAcmThresholdCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon radio ACM RX profile below threshold." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigTxAcmThresholdCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon radio ACM TX profile below threshold." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteEthLocCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation due to remote ethernet LOC." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteFaultTriggerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Auto state propagation trigger by remote fault." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRemoteRadioExcessiveBerCriterionAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Initiate auto state propagation upon remote radio excessive BER." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterface56 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index to the monitored interface. Auto state propagation will act upon detecting a failure indication on this interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigCsfModeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This mode upon failure sends CSF OAM packet instead of shuting down port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigMonitoredInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index to the monitored interface. Auto state propagation will act upon detecting a failure indication on this interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 16 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigDelayTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Debounce time for ASP (in milliseconds)" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 17 } genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGASPConfigEntry 30 } -- PW T-card genEquipInterfacesPW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 7} genEquipInterfacesPWCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PW-Card configuration table. using the table to configure the system PW-T features." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPW 1 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PW-Card configuration table. using the table to configure the system PW-T features." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesPWCardSlotNumber } ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesPWCardSlotNumber INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkSysRef INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkFrontPannel INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkSysRefCrPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkFrontPanelCrPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardFrontPanelClockSignalInput INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardFrontPanelClockSignalOutp INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardIpAddrUdpIpTraffic IpAddress, genEquipInterfacesPWCardIpSubnetUdpIpTraffic IpAddress, genEquipInterfacesPWCardClkRecoveryMode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardDifferentialClkFrequency INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesPWCardDifferentialClkSource INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesPWCardSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot number where the relevant PW card is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkSysRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), frontPanel(1), clockRecovery(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Which card clock to provide as source towards system reference clock; FrontPanel takes the clock inserted into the front panel interface; ClockRecovery takes the clock recovered from the PW service mapped to the TDM port defined in ExportClkSysRefCrPort." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkFrontPannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), sysRefClk(1), clockRecovery(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Which clock to export to the front panel clock; SysRefClk exports the system reference clock; ClockRecovery exports the clock recovered from the PW service mapped to the TDM port defined in ExportClkFrontPanelCrPort." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkSysRefCrPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as clock recovery reference if ExportClkSysRef is set to ClockRecovery." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardExportClkFrontPanelCrPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as clock recovery reference if ExportClkFrontPannel is set to ClockRecovery." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardFrontPanelClockSignalInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(0), e1t1(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the type of input clock signal of the front panel port. Sync is 2.048MHz/1.544MHz (differential sine/square 3.3V); e1t1 is a G.823/G.824 signal." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardFrontPanelClockSignalOutp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sync(0), e1t1(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configure the type of output clock signal of the front panel port. Sync is 2.048MHz/1.544MHz (differential sine/square 3.3V); e1t1 is a G.823/G.824 signal." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardIpAddrUdpIpTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address for UDP/IP encapsulated PWs." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardIpSubnetUdpIpTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Subnet for UDP/IP encapsulated PWs." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardClkRecoveryMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adaptive(0), differential(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock recovery mode for the card." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardDifferentialClkFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), n25MHz(1), n125MHz(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frequency for differential clock (none for adaptive)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesPWCardDifferentialClkSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), sysReference(2), frontPanel(3), n1588(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reference clock source for differential clock recovery (none for adaptive)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPWCardEntry 12 } -- PW t-card TDM ports table genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of the 16 internal E1/DS1 ports." ::= { genEquipInterfacesPW 2 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of the 16 internal E1/DS1 ports." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineCoding INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsAssigned NoYes, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsChannelization EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTimingMode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClockSourceRef INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClkSrcRefPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClkSrcPWId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLoopback INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTimeout INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsIdleCode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsCounter INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineStatus INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1Unframed(0), e1(1), e1Crc(2), e1Mf(3), e1MfCrc(4), ds1Uxnframed(5), ds1Sf(6), ds1Esf(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line type of this TDM port. E1 types are for E1 systems and DS1 types for DS1 systems." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line coding for this port. The value hdb3-b8zs means b8zs for T1 and hdb3 for E1. Ami is only for T1." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsAssigned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indication whether this port is currently assigned to a TDM trail." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsChannelization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TIndication whether this TDM port is channelized into DS0s." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTimingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loop(0), absolute(1), clockRecovery(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Transmission towards TDM timing mode. Loop means transmitting with the received clock from TDM signal. Absolute means transmitting with the clock selected by ClockSourceRef. ClockRecovery means adaptive clock recovery mode." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClockSourceRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), sysRefClk(1), frontPanel(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock source reference for Absolute clock mode. 'none' for loop or clock-recovery timing modes." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClkSrcRefPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as a clock reference for loop or clock-recovery timing modes" ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsClkSrcPWId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PW ID (as defined in genEquipServicesPWServicePWId) from which clock will be derived for this port when TimingMode is ClockRecovery." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), towardsLine(2), towardsSystem(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or Disable line loopback on the E1/T1 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1440) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line loopback timeout, in minutes. 0 means no timer." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsIdleCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Value to be transmitted on this TDM port in unused timeslots." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Loopback time left (in seconds)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsLineStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarm(0), rxLof(1), txLof(2), rxAis(3), txAis(4), ts16RxLomf(5), ts16TxLomf(6), loopbackAlarm(7), otherFailure(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Line status of this TDM port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesServicesPWTDMPortsEntry 13 } -- -- NG PW Interfaces -- genEquipInterfacesNGPW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfacesPW 3} -- -- PW-LIC card configuration table - pw-card-configuration-table -- genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of PW-LIC card level parameters." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of PW-LIC card level parameters." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardSlotID } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardSlotID INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardExportClkSysRef PWCclockSysRef, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardExportClkSysRefCrPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardIPAddress IpAddress, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardIPSubnetMask IpAddress, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardClkRecoveryMode INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardDifferentialClkSource PWCDiffClockSrc, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardClockFreq INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardTDMType INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardLoopbackTimeout INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardExportClkSysRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWCclockSysRef ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures which clock the PW-LIC exports towards the system." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardExportClkSysRefCrPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as clock recovery reference towards the system." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP Address for UDP/IP and MPLS encapsulations." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardIPSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP subnet mask for UDP/IP and MPLS encapsulations." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardClkRecoveryMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adaptive(0), differential(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Sets the card either in ACR or differential clock recovery mode." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardDifferentialClkSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWCDiffClockSrc ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reference clock source for differential clock recovery (none for adaptive)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardClockFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), fr-25(1), fr-125(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frequency for differential clock (none for adaptive)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardTDMType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { e1(0), ds1(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of TDM interfaces (E1, DS1)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardLoopbackTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1440) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timeout for TDM ports loopback." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardEntry 10 } -- pwe3-pwc-fp-clock-configuration-table genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of the front panel clock interface in the PW-LIC." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry allows configuration of the front panel clock interface in the PW-LIC." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSlotID } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSlotID INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceAdminRx EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceAdminTx EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceExportClkFrontPannel INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceExportClkFrontPanelCrPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceFrontPanelClockSignalInput PWfpClockSignal, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceFrontPanelClockSignalOutput PWfpClockSignal, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMBit INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMTxDefault INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface IfIndex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceAdminRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock interface administrative state." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceAdminTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock interface administrative state." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceExportClkFrontPannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), sysRef(1), clockRecovery(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configures which signal the PW-LIC exports to the front panel clock interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceExportClkFrontPanelCrPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM port serving as clock recovery reference for front panel interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceFrontPanelClockSignalInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWfpClockSignal ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Expected input signal type: E1 or differential sine/square 3.3V 2MHz" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceFrontPanelClockSignalOutput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PWfpClockSignal ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Output signal type: E1 or differential sine/square 3.3V 2MH." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable SSM sending in this interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMBit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4..8) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines which bit in the frame." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceSSMTxDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "..." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceEntry 11 } -- pw-clock-interface-status-table genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about current state of the clock interface in the PW-LIC." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains information about current state of the clock interface in the PW-LIC." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSlotID } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusOperationalState DownUp, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSSMTx INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSSMRx INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface IfIndex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clock interface operational state." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSSMTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently transmitted SSM bits." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusSSMRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently received SSM bits." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWClockInterfaceStatusEntry 5 } -- pw-eth-port-configuration-table genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows enabling/disabling the PW-LIC internal Ethernet port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 5 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows enabling/disabling the PW-LIC internal Ethernet port." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceSlotID } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceSlotID INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceIfIndex INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface IfIndex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceEntry 2 } -- pw-eth-port-status-table genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains status and RMON statistics of the internal PW-LIC Ethernet port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 6 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table enatry contains status and RMON statistics of the internal PW-LIC Ethernet port." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusMACAddress OCTET STRING, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusClearStats NoYes, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames64 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames127 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames255 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames511 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1023 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1518 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1522 Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxBytes Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxPackets Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFcs Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMulticast Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxBroadcast Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacControl Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacPause Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacUnknown Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrCode Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFalseCarrier Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxUndersize Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxOversize Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxFragments Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxJabber Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxDropped Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxBytes Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxPackets Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMulticast Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxBroadcast Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMacPause Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxDefer Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxExcessDefer Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxSingleCollision Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMultiCollision Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxLateCollision Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxExcessCollision Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxNoCollision Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMacPauseHonored Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxDropped Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxJabber Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxErrFcs Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxControl Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxOversize Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxUndersize Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxFragments Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxIwFrames Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFbpUnderrun Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrNonvalidMac Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrMru Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrSdu Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxErrUnderrun Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrOverrun Counter64, genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusSlotID INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface IfIndex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC Address to be used in Ethernet and UDP/IP PSN packets" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusClearStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS write-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clears internal Ethernet port RMON counters" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames64 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 64 bytes in length inclusive" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames127 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 65 to 127 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames255 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 128 to 255 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames511 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 256 to 511 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1023 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 512 to 1023 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1518 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 1024 to 1518 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxRxFrames1522 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of good or bad frames transmitted and received that are 1519 to 1522 bytes in length inclusive." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of byte count of frames received with 0 to 1518 bytes, including those in bad packets." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of received packets (including bad packets, all Unicast, Broadcast, and Multicast packets)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFcs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received that have a integral 64 to 1518 byte length and contain a Frame Check Sequence error.." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of multicast good frames of length 64 to1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes excluding Broadcast frames." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of broadcast good frames of length 64 to1518 (non VLAN) or 1522 (VLAN) bytes excluding Broadcast frames." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 16 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of MAC Control frames received (PAUSE &Unsupported)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 17 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacPause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of valid PAUSE MAC Control frames received." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 18 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxMacUnknown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of MAC Control Frames received that contain an opcode other than a PAUSE." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 19 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of instances where a valid carrier was present and at least one invalid data symbol was detected." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 20 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFalseCarrier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of false carriers detected during idle, as defined by a 1 on RX_ER and an '0xE' on RXD." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 21 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxUndersize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received that are less than 64 bytes in length, contain a valid FCS, and were otherwise well formed." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 22 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received that exceeded maximum bytes in length, contain a valid FCS, and were otherwise well formed." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 23 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxFragments OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received which are less than 64 bytes in length and contain an invalid FCS." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 24 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxJabber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received which exceed maximum length and contain an invalid FCS, including alignment errors." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 25 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames received that are streamed to the system but are later dropped due to lack of system resources." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 26 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of bytes that were put on the wire including fragments of frames that were involved with collisions." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 27 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of transmitted packets." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 28 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMulticast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of Multicast valid frames transmitted (excluding Broadcast frames)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 29 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxBroadcast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of Broadcast frames transmitted (excluding Multicast frames)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 30 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMacPause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of valid PAUSE MAC Control frames transmitted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 31 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxDefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames that were deferred upon first transmission attempt. Does not include frames involved in collisions.." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 32 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxExcessDefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of frames aborted that were deferred for an excessive period of time (3036 byte times)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 33 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxSingleCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames transmitted which experienced exactly one collision during transmission." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 34 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMultiCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames transmitted which experienced 2-15 collisions." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 35 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxLateCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames transmitted that experienced a late collision during a transmission attempt." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 36 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxExcessCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of frames that experienced 16 collisions during transmission and were aborted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 37 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxNoCollision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of frames transmitted that had no collision." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 38 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxMacPauseHonored OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of times a valid PAUSE MAC Control frame was transmitted and honored." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 39 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of times the input PFH is asserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 40 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxJabber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of oversized transmitted frames with an incorrect FCS value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 41 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxErrFcs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of valid sized packets transmitted with an incorrec tFCS value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 42 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of valid size frames transmitted with a Type Field signifying a Control frame.." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 43 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxOversize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of oversized transmitted frames with a correct." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 44 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxUndersize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of transmitted frames less then 64 bytes, with a correctFCS value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 45 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxFragments OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of transmitted frames less then 64 bytes, with an incorrect FCS value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 46 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxIwFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of the number of received Ethernet Interworking frames that were received and sent to the L3 Interworking module." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 47 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrFbpUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of the number of received Ethernet Interworking frames which were dropped due free buffer pool (FBP) Overrun." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 48 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrNonvalidMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of the number of received Ethernet frames whose MAC-DA is not valid." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 49 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrMru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of the number of received Ethernet Interworking frames which were dropped due the Maximum Receive Unit." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 50 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrSdu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of the number of Ethernet frames which were closed due the maximum frame size has been exceeded." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 51 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusTxErrUnderrun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of times Ethernet transmitter underun occurred." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 52 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusRxErrOverrun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64-bit modulo counter of number of received Ethernet frames which were closed or discarded due to a receive buffer overrun event." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 53 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted" ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWEthInterfaceStatusEntry 54 } -- -- PW-LIC card staus table - pw-card-status-table -- genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about PW-LIC card level status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPW 7 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about PW-LIC card level status." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusSlotID } ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusSlotID INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusSWVersion DisplayString } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (2..12) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Slot where PW-LIC is inserted." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusSWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bundle ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesNGPWCardStatusEntry 2 } -- Switch Application Branch genEquipInterfacesCet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 8} genEquipInterfacesCetGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfacesCet 1} genEquipInterfacesCetMru OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (64..9612) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Frame Size." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetGeneral 1 } -- -- Switch Application if-physical-configuration-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port configuration table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigDescription DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMediaType MediaType, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigAutoNegotiation AutoNegMode, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigSpeed SpeedDefs, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigDuplex HalfFull, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMasterSlave MasterSalveSetMode, -- genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigFlowControl -- FlowControl, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigIfg INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPreamble INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMacAddress OCTET STRING, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigType PortType, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmRxBytesThreshold INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmTxBytesThreshold INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port user description." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MediaType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port media type." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port administration." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoNegMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port auto negotiation state." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpeedDefs ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical maximum port speed Affects Auto Neg Capability Advertised Bits." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HalfFull ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port duplex Affects Auto Neg Capability Advertised Bits." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMasterSlave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MasterSalveSetMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port master slave for 1000BaseT Affects Auto Neg Capability Advertised Bits." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 8 } --genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX FlowControl -- ACCESS read-write -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting Ethernet physical port flow-control Affects Auto Neg Capability Advertised Bits" --::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigIfg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (6..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Inter Frame GAP value in bytes." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPreamble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (6..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "port preamble value in bytes." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port mac-address." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port type." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable PMs on port level." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmRxBytesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold of received bytes PM." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigPortPmTxBytesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Threshold of transmitted bytes PM." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyConfigEntry 16 } -- -- Interfaces Switch Application Physical Port Status Table -- if-physical-status-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table allows configuration of the 16 internal E1/DS1 ports." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusMediaType MediaType, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusOperationalStatus DownUp, genEquipInterfacesCetPhystatusAutoNegotiation AutoNegMode, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusSpeed SpeedDefs, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusDuplex HalfFull, genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusMasterSlave MasterSalveSetMode } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MediaType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet physical port media type." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusOperationalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port operational-status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhystatusAutoNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoNegMode ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet physical port auto negotiation status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SpeedDefs ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual Ethernet physical port speed." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HalfFull ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual Ethernet physical port duplex." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusMasterSlave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MasterSalveSetMode ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual Ethernet physical port master slave for 1000BaseT." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetPhyStatusEntry 7 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-configuration-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the ingress logical port configuration (it is the same point of view for single interface or group of ports) ." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the ingress logical port configuration (it is the same point of view for single interface or group of ports)." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigTrafficFlow EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEdgePort EdgePortType, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigIngressTcamClassification INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDefaultVlanTag INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigInLineCompensation INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigOutLineCompensation INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigPclId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDefCos INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigVlanUpToCosTrustMode TrustMode, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDscpToCosTrustMode TrustMode, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigMplsExpToCosTrustMode TrustMode, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigMacAddress OCTET STRING, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackSwapMacAddressAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackDuration INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigTrafficFlow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control the the traffic via logical port which is connected to physical interface (in case of group it control the all interfaces of the group)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEdgePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EdgePortType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Edge Mode (edge / non-edge)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigIngressTcamClassification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ingress-tcam-classification." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDefaultVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default Network Vlan ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigInLineCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..32) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Layer 1 Ingress Byte Compensation." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigOutLineCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..26) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Layer 1 Egress Byte Compensation from the specific logical port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigPclId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "...." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDefCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Default CoS." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigVlanUpToCosTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrustMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trust VLAN UP bits for classification from the specific logical port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigDscpToCosTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrustMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trust DSCP for classification from the specific logical port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigMplsExpToCosTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrustMode ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trust MPLS EXP bits for classification from the specific logical port." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet logical port mac-address." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackSwapMacAddressAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Swap MAC address for Ethernet port loopback." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet loopback admin." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigLoopbackDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet loopback duration. Allowed values 1 to 9000 seconds." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicConfigEntry 16 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-mgr -- genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table holds the ingress logical port status (it is the same point of view for single interface or group of ports)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 5 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The table entry holds the ingress logical port status (it is the same point of view for single interface or group of ports)." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusOperationalStatus DownUp } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusOperationalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet logical port operational-status (Up or Down)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLogicStatusEntry 2 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-broadcast_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Broadcast configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 6 } genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Broadcast configuration table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Policer Profile." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Broadcast Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetBcastPolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-ethertype1_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 1 (at port level) table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 7 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 1 (at port level) table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEthertype INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Profile ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEthertype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Ethertype 1 user configuration value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Ethertype 1 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype1PolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-ethertype2_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 2 (at port level) table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 8 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 2 (at port level) table." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEthertype INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Profile ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEthertype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Ethertype 2 user configuration value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Ethertype 2 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype2PolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-ethertype3_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 3 (at port level) table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 9 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Policing of user configuration ethertype type 3 (at port level) table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEthertype INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Profile ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEthertype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Ethertype 3 user configuration value." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Ethertype 3 Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetEtype3PolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-multicast_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Multicast configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 10 } genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Multicast configuration table." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Profile ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Multicast Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetMcastPolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application if-logical-unicast_policing-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Multicast configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 11 } genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Port Multicast configuration table." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationAssociatedProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..256) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Policer Profile ID." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ingress Unicast Policer Admin (enable / disable)." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetUcastPolicerAssociationEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sys-if-logical-mgr-if-logical-lag-table -- genEquipInterfacesCetLagTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table holds the members of a Link Aggregation Group." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 12 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table holds the members of a Link Aggregation Group entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCetLagIfIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCetLagIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember3IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember4IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember5IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember6IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember7IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember8IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember9IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember10IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember11IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember12IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember13IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember14IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember15IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember16IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCetLagRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipInterfacesCetLagIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation group IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 1 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 2 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember3IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 3 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember4IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 4 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember5IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 5 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember6IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 6 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember7IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 7 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember8IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 8 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember9IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 9 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember10IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 9 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember11IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 11 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember12IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 12 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember13IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 13 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember14IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 14 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember15IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 15 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 16 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagMember16IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Link aggregation member 16 IF index." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 17 } genEquipInterfacesCetLagRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table Mib Row Status." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCetLagEntry 30 } -- -- Switch Application sw-ap-service-to-instance-table -- genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table is used for mapping xSTP instance number per service." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCet 13 } genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry is used for mapping xSTP instance number per service." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceServiceIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceInstanceIndex INTEGER } genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service ID." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "xSTP Instance ID for the specific Service." ::= { genEquipServicesCetConfigServiceToInstanceEntry 2 } -- IF Manager if-manager-configuration-table genEquipInterfacesIfManager OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 9} genEquipInterfacesIfManagerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains a list of configuration information about the user managed interfaces." ::= { genEquipInterfacesIfManager 1 } genEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains a list of configuration information about the user managed interfaces." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesIfManagerTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesIfManagerifCascading IfMgrTrueFalse, genEquipInterfacesIfManagerifSecondaryOperStatus INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesIfManagerifCascading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IfMgrTrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cascading state of the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesIfManagerifSecondaryOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An additional information about the current operational state of the interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesIfManagerEntry 2 } -- -- IF Cascading if-physical-cascading-port-config-table genEquipInterfacesCascading OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 10} genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cascading Port Configuration Table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCascading 1 } genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cascading Port Configuration Table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationIfindex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationIfindex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationCascading MibTrueFalse } genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cascading port if-index table key." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationCascading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MibTrueFalse ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the port is cascading or not." ::= { genEquipInterfacesCascadingConfigurationEntry 2 } -- STM-1/OC-3 genEquipInterfacesStm1Rst OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipInterfaces 11} -- stm1-config-table genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 configuration table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1Rst 1 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 configuration table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigIfindex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigIfindex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigPort INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigAdmin EnableDisableSMI2, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigMute INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface index of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Admin Sate of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unmute(0), mute(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SFP Mute config of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstConfigEntry 4 } -- -- stm1-status-table genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 status table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1Rst 2 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 status table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusIfindex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusIfindex INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusLoopbackTimer INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusLoopbackType RSTLoopbackType, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusOperstatus DownUp } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface index of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusLoopbackTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusLoopbackType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RSTLoopbackType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The loopback type of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusOperstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusEntry 4 } -- stm1-status-table only prbs genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 status table." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1Rst 3 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "STM-1/OC-3 status table entry." INDEX { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstStatusIfindex } ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsTable 1 } GenEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineClear INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLine INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineInv INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineStatus DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineTotErr INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioClear INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadio INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioInv INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioStatus DisplayString, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioTotErr INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLine INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLineErrIns INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLineInv INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadio INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadioErrIns INTEGER, genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadioInv INTEGER } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Line Direction Reset counter of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 1 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Line Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 2 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineInv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Line Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 3 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Line Direction Status of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 4 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckLineTotErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Line Direction Total Error counter of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 5 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Radio Direction Reset counter of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 6 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Radio Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 7 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioInv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Radio Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 8 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Radio Direction Status of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 9 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsCheckRadioTotErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Checker Radio Direction Total Error counter of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 10 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Line Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 11 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLineErrIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Line Direction Error Insert of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 12 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenLineInv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Line Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 13 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Radio Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 14 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadioErrIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Radio Direction Error Insert of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 15 } genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsGenRadioInv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PRBS Generator Radio Direction of the STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipInterfacesStm1RstPrbsEntry 16 } -- ########################################################### -- Traps Section -- ########################################################### alarmTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipCurrentAlarmState, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } DESCRIPTION "Alarm network trap" ::= 1001 eventTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } DESCRIPTION "Event network trap" ::= 1002 heartbeatTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } DESCRIPTION "The heartbeat trap, sent once per heartbeat period" ::= 1003 eventTrapSTP TRAP-TYPE -- STP, RSTP, Ring RSTP trap ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, -- general event parameters genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, -- This field shows show the descriptions of the event -- "STP event - on port: , root id: , Bridge role: , -- Role: , State: " genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsRole, -- event trigger genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsState, -- event trigger genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPBridgeRole, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPRootID -- RSTP parameters } DESCRIPTION "STP trap. (1) The description field shows show the descriptions of the event STP event - on port: , root id: , Bridge role: , Role: , State: In addition to the general trap event var-binds, this trap also adds the STP parameters." ::= 1004 genTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microwave-radio 11 } generalV3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipCurrentAlarmState, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "General network V3 trap" ::= { genTraps 1 } eventV3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event network V3 trap" ::= { genTraps 2 } heartbeatV3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heartbeat v3 trap - The heartbeat trap, sent once per heartbeat period" ::= { genTraps 3 } eventv3TrapSTP NOTIFICATION-TYPE -- STP, RSTP, Ring RSTP trap OBJECTS { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, -- general event parameters genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmSlotId, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmModule, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, -- This field shows show the descriptions of the event -- "STP event - on port: , root id: , Bridge role: , -- Role: , State: , genEquipMostSevereAlarm, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsRole, -- event trigger genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPParamsEthernetPortsState, -- event trigger genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPBridgeRole, genEquipEthernetSwitchXSTPRootID -- RSTP parameters } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "STP trap. (1) The description field shows show the descriptions of the event STP event - on port: , root id: , Bridge role: , Role: , State: , In addition to the general trap event var-binds, this trap also adds the STP parameters." ::= { genTraps 4 } -- ########################################################### -- NG Traps Section -- ########################################################### alarmTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmState, genEquipCurrentAlarmUserText, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI, genEquipNetworkAgentIpV6 } DESCRIPTION "NG Alarm network trap" ::= 2000 heartbeatTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE microwave-radio VARIABLES { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } DESCRIPTION "NG heartbeat trap, sent once per heartbeat period" ::= 2001 -- ########################################################### -- NG Notificatin Section (V2 V3) -- ########################################################### generalNGV3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipCurrentAlarmRaisedTimeT, genEquipNetworkAgentIp, genEquipCurrentAlarmId, genEquipCurrentAlarmDesc, genEquipCurrentAlarmIfIndex, genEquipCurrentAlarmInstance, genEquipCurrentAlarmSeverity, genEquipCurrentAlarmState, genEquipCurrentAlarmUserText, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI, genEquipNetworkAgentIpV6 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NG General network V3 trap" ::= { genTraps 2000 } heartbeatNGV3Trap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { genEquipCurrentAlarmCounter, genEquipTrapCfgMgrCLLI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NG Heartbeat v3 trap - The heartbeat trap, sent once per heartbeat period" ::= { genTraps 2001 } END