--MWRM-PM-MIB VERSION --MWRM (MicroWave-Radio-MIB) MWRM-PM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS -- Ipv6Address FROM IPV6-TC -- Counter, enterprises, Gauge, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI Counter32, enterprises, Gauge32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 EnableDisable FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB EnableDisableSMI2 FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB OffOn FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB MetricImperial FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB AllowedNotAllowed FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ProgressStatus FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Severity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB NoYes FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB DownUp FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailIfType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB PmTableType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RateMbps FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB HalfFull FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB BerLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SignalLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB LoopbackType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB QueueName FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RadioId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RfuId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommand FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailProtectedType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ClockSrc FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SlotId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Integrity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB GreenYellow FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB InputSeverity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommandTimer FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB genEquipRadioCfgRadioId FROM MWRM-RADIO-MIB; microwave-radio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2281 } genEquip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microwave-radio 10} genEquipUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genEquip 1} -- Performance Monitoring Tables genEquipPM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 6} genEquipPmRfu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPM 1} genEquipPmRfuCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmRfu 1} genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Signal Level PM data." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommon 1 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU SL PM." INDEX { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minId } ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTable 1 } GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minId INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMinRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMaxRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minRslExceed1 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minRslExceed2 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMinTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMaxTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTslExceed INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 1 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 2 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 3 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMinRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the minimum RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 4 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMaxRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the maximum RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 5 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minRslExceed1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 1." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 6 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minRslExceed2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 2." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 7 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMinTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Min TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 8 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minMaxTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Max TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 9 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minTslExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds TSL exceeded the threshold" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 10 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minEntry 11 } -- SL 15 min CURRENT table -- genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Signal Level PM data for the current 15 min. interval." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommon 2 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the Rfu SL PM." INDEX { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrId } ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTable 1 } GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrId INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMinRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMaxRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrRslExceed1 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrRslExceed2 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMinTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMaxTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTslExceed INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 1 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 2 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 3 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMinRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the minimum RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 4 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMaxRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the maximum RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 5 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrRslExceed1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 1." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 6 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrRslExceed2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 2." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 7 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMinTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Min TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 8 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrMaxTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Max TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 9 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrTslExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds TSL exceeded the threshold" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 10 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the current interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL15minCurrEntry 11 } -- PM Tables for SL 24 hour intervals genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Signal Level 24 hr PM data." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommon 3 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU SL PM." INDEX { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrId } ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTable 1 } GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrId INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMinRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMaxRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrRslExceed1 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrRslExceed2 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMinTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMaxTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTslExceed INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 1 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 2 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 3 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMinRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the min RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 4 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMaxRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the max RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 5 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrRslExceed1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 1." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 6 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrRslExceed2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 2." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 7 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMinTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Min TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 8 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrMaxTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Max TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 9 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrTslExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded the threshold" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 10 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrEntry 11 } -- SL 24 HR CURRENT table -- genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Signal Level PM data for the current 24 hour interval." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommon 4 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU SL PM." INDEX { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrId } ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTable 1 } GenEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrId INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMinRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMaxRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrRslExceed1 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrRslExceed2 INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMinTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMaxTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTslExceed INTEGER, genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 1 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 2 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 3 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMinRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the min RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 4 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMaxRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Max RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 5 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrRslExceed1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 1." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 6 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrRslExceed2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 2." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 7 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMinTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Min TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 8 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrMaxTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Max TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 9 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrTslExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds TSL exceeded the threshold" ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 10 } genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmRfuCommonSL24hrCurrEntry 11 } -- PM for Radio Aggregate - 15 min intervals genEquipPmTraffic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPM 2} genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." ::= { genEquipPmTraffic 1 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minId } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minId INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the ES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the SES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the UAS value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the BBE value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minEntry 8 } -- PM for Radio Agg. - 15min - Current interval genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." ::= { genEquipPmTraffic 2 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrId } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrId INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the ES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the SES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the UAS value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the BBE value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg15minCurrEntry 8 } -- PM for Radio Aggregate - 24 hours intervals genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." ::= { genEquipPmTraffic 3 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrId } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrId INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the ES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the SES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the UAS value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the BBE value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrEntry 8 } -- PM for Radio Agg. - 24hr - Current interval genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." ::= { genEquipPmTraffic 4 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data for all 15 min intervals." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrId } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrId INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrTimeAndDate DisplayString, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrTimeAndDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time and date for the specific PM." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the ES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the SES value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the UAS value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the BBE value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the IDF (Invalid Data Flag) of the current interval. integrity(0), nointegrity(1)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficRadioAgg24hrCurrEntry 8 } -- New PM tables - Add PM Table Type to the tables as index. genEquipPmAll OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPM 3} genEquipPmClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear All values for PM tables." ::= { genEquipPmAll 1 } -- Signal Level PM Group genEquipPmTrafficSL OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 2} genEquipPmTrafficSLTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficSLEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Signal Level PM data." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSL 1 } genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficSLEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU signal level PM." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficSLPmType, genEquipPmTrafficSLId, genEquipPmTrafficSLInterval } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficSLEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficSLPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmTrafficSLId RfuId, genEquipPmTrafficSLInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLMinRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLMaxRsl INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLRslExceed1 INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLRslExceed2 INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLMinTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLMaxTsl INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLTslExceed INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficSLIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficSLPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficSLId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficSLInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific PM Interval" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficSLMinRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the min RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficSLMaxRsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the max RSL value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficSLRslExceed1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 1." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficSLRslExceed2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds RSL exceeded threshold number 2." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrafficSLMinTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Minimum TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 8 } genEquipPmTrafficSLMaxTsl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the Maximum TSL value." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 9 } genEquipPmTrafficSLTslExceed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the number of seconds TSL exceeded the threshold" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 10 } genEquipPmTrafficSLIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficSLEntry 11 } -- Aggregate PM Group genEquipPmTrafficAggregate OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 3} genEquipPmTrafficAggTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrafficAggEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggregate 1 } genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrafficAggEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the Radio Aggregate PM data." INDEX { genEquipPmTrafficAggPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmTrafficAggInterval } ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrafficAggEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrafficAggPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmTrafficAggInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficAggES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficAggSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficAggUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficAggBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrafficAggIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrafficAggPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrafficAggInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific PM Interval" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrafficAggES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the ES value (Errored seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrafficAggSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the SES value (Severe Errored seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrafficAggUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the UAS value. (Unavailable Seconds)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrafficAggBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the BBE value. (Background Block Error)" ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrafficAggIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmTrafficAggEntry 7 } -- Radio PM Group genEquipPmRadio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 4} -- Radio MRMC PM Group genEquipPmRadioMRMC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmRadio 1} -- Radio MRMC PM Table genEquipPmRadioMRMCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC PM table" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMC 1 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC PM table" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioMRMCPmType, genEquipPmRadioMRMCId, genEquipPmRadioMRMCInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioMRMCPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioMRMCId RadioId, genEquipPmRadioMRMCInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinProfile INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxProfile INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinBitrate INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxBitrate INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinTDMIf INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxTDMIf INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMRMCIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRadioMRMCPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific PM Interval" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface index of a specific RFU interface (as appears in the ifTable)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum MRMC profile." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 5 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum profile (Kbps) that was measured during the interva" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 6 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum MRMC nominal bitrate (Units are Kbps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 7 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum MRMC nominal bitrate (Units are Kbps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 8 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMinTDMIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of allocated TDM channels" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 9 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCMaxTDMIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum number of allocated TDM channels" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 10 } genEquipPmRadioMRMCIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMRMCEntry 11 } -- Radio E1/T1 PM Group genEquipPmRadioTDM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmRadio 2} -- Radio E1/T1 TDM PM Table genEquipPmRadioTDMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioTDMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PM table of logical TDM channels within the Radio link" ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDM 1 } genEquipPmRadioTDMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioTDMEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PM table of logical TDM channels within the Radio link" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioTDMPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmRadioTDMInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDMTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioTDMEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioTDMPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioTDMInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioTDMRadioUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioTDMIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRadioTDMPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDMEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioTDMInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDMEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioTDMRadioUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TDM channel UAS (unavailable seconds)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDMEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioTDMIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioTDMEntry 4 } -- Radio Ethernet PM Group genEquipPmRadioEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmRadio 3} -- Radio E1/T1 TDM PM Table genEquipPmRadioEthernetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet PMs on the radio link" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernet 1 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet PMs on the radio link" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioEthernetPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmRadioEthernetInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioEthernetPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioEthernetInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetFrameErrorRate INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakThroughput INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageThroughput INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedThroughput INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakCapacity INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageCapacity INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedCapacity INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRadioEthernetPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetFrameErrorRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Frame Error Rate PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Peak throughput PM (Units are bits per second)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Average throughput PM (Units are bits per second)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 5 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Exceed throughput PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 6 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Peak capacity PM (in bps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 7 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Average capacity PM (in bps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 8 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Exceed capacity PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 9 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetPeakUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Peak utilization PM (%)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 10 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetAverageUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Average utilization PM (%)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 11 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetExceedUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Exceed utilization PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 12 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEntry 13 } -- Radio Thresholds genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet PMs on the radio link" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernet 2 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet PMs on the radio link" INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdThroughput INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdCapacity INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdUtilization INTEGER } genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdThroughput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Throughput threshold (in Mbps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet capacity threshold (in Mbps)" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { above-0(0), above-20(1), above-40(2), above-60(3), above-80(4), no-threshold(5)} ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet utilization threshold (in percentage)." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetThresholdEntry 3 } -- The Ethernet ETM PMs on the radio link genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet PMs on the radio link" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernet 3 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The entry of Ethernet ETM PMs on the radio link" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmType, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmQueueIndex, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenBytesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenBytesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowBytesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowBytesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxRedFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgRedFramesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmIDF Integrity, --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenBytesDropped -- INTEGER, --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenBytesDropped -- INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenFramesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenFramesPassed INTEGER, --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowBytesDropped -- INTEGER, --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowBytesDropped -- INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowFramesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowFramesPassed INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxRedBytesDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgRedBytesDropped INTEGER } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Queue index" ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..96) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenBytesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Green Traffic Passed Bytes." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenBytesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Green Traffic Passed Bytes." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 5 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Green Traffic Frames Droped by WRED." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 6 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Green Traffic Frames Droped by WRED." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 7 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowBytesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Yellow Traffic Passed Bytes." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 8 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowBytesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Yellow Traffic Passed Bytes." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 9 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Yellow Traffic Frames Droped by WRED." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 10 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Yellow Traffic Frames Droped by WRED." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 11 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxRedFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Red Traffic Frames Dropped." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 12 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgRedFramesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Red Traffic Frames Dropped." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 13 } genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 14 } --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Maximum Green Traffic Dropped Bytes." -- ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 15} --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Average Green Traffic Dropped Bytes." -- ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 16} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxGreenFramesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Green Traffic Frames Passed." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 17} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgGreenFramesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Green Traffic Frames Passed." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 18} --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Maximum Yellow Traffic Dropped Bytes." -- ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 19} --genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- ACCESS read-only -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION -- "Average Yellow Traffic Dropped Bytes." -- ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 20} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxYellowFramesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Yellow Traffic Frames Passed." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 21} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgYellowFramesPassed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Yellow Traffic Frames Passed." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 22} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmMaxRedBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum Red Traffic Bytes Dropped." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 23} genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmPmAvgRedBytesDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Red Traffic Bytes Dropped." ::= { genEquipPmRadioEthernetEtmEntry 24} -- genEquipPmRadioMSETable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioMSEEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio MSE PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadio 4 } genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioMSEEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio MSE PM" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioMSEPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmRadioMSEInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSETable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioMSEEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioMSEPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioMSEInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMSEMinMse INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMSEMaxMse INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMSEexceeded INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioMSEIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRadioMSEPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioMSEInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioMSEMinMse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the minimum MSE value detected in the interval." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioMSEMaxMse OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the maximum MSE value detected in the interval." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioMSEexceeded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the number of seconds that the MSE exceeded the configured threshold." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 5 } genEquipPmRadioMSEIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioMSEEntry 6 } -- Radio Thresold genEquipPmRadioThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio MSE PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadio 5 } genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio MSE PM" INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdTable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioThresholdMSE INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioThresholdRSL1 INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioThresholdRSL2 INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioThresholdTSL INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioThresholdXPI INTEGER } genEquipPmRadioThresholdMSE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-99..-1) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold above which MSE (Mean Square Error) exceeded seconds will be counted" ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioThresholdRSL1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-75..-15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold below which RSL 1 exceeded seconds will be counted" ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioThresholdRSL2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-75..-15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold below which RSL 2 exceeded seconds will be counted" ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioThresholdTSL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold above which TSL exceeded seconds will be counted" ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioThresholdXPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..99) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The threshold above which XPI (Cross Polar Interference) exceeded seconds will be counted" ::= { genEquipPmRadioThresholdEntry 5 } -- Radio XPIC genEquipPmRadioXPITable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmRadioXPIEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio XPIC PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadio 6 } genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmRadioXPIEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio XPIC PM" INDEX { genEquipPmRadioXPIPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmRadioXPIPmInterval } ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPITable 1 } GenEquipPmRadioXPIEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmRadioXPIPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmRadioXPIPmInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioXPIPmMinXPI INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioXPIPmMaxXPI INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioXPIBelowThreshold INTEGER, genEquipPmRadioXPIIDF Integrity } genEquipPmRadioXPIPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 1 } genEquipPmRadioXPIPmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the interval: 1-30 in case the interval is 24 hours or 1-900 in case the interval is 15 minutes" ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 2 } genEquipPmRadioXPIPmMinXPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the minimum XPI value detected in the interval" ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 3 } genEquipPmRadioXPIPmMaxXPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the maximum XPI value detected in the interval" ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 4 } genEquipPmRadioXPIBelowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter holds the number of seconds in the interval that the XPI value was below the configured threshold." ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 5 } genEquipPmRadioXPIIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmRadioXPIEntry 6 } -- Clear RAdio PM genEquipPmRadioClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all radio PMs (Performance Monitoring)." ::= { genEquipPmRadio 7 } -- TDM (E1/T1) PM Group genEquipPmTDM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 5} -- TDM (E1/T1) PM Table genEquipPmTdmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTdmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The line TDM PM table" ::= { genEquipPmTDM 1 } genEquipPmTdmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTdmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The line TDM PM table" INDEX { genEquipPmTdmPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmTdmInterval } ::= { genEquipPmTdmTable 1 } GenEquipPmTdmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTdmPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmTdmInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmTdmES INTEGER, genEquipPmTdmSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTdmUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTdmBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTdmIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTdmPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 1 } genEquipPmTdmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 2 } genEquipPmTdmES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ES PM (Errored second)" ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 3 } genEquipPmTdmSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SES PM (Severe Errored Seconds)" ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 4 } genEquipPmTdmUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UAS PM (Unavailable Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 5 } genEquipPmTdmBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BBE PM (Background Block Errors)" ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 6 } genEquipPmTdmIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmTdmEntry 7 } -- SDH/Sonet PM Group genEquipPmSDH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 6} genEquipPmSdhTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmSdhEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The line SDH PM table." ::= { genEquipPmSDH 1 } genEquipPmSdhEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmSdhEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The line SDH PM table." INDEX { genEquipPmSdhPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmSdhInterval } ::= { genEquipPmSdhTable 1 } GenEquipPmSdhEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmSdhPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmSdhInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhSES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhEB INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhIDF Integrity, genEquipPmSdhIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhTimeStamp INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhUAS INTEGER } genEquipPmSdhPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 1 } genEquipPmSdhInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 2 } genEquipPmSdhES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ES STM-1/OC-3 PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 3 } genEquipPmSdhSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SES STM-1/OC-3 PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 4 } genEquipPmSdhEB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EB STM-1/OC-3 PM (Errored block)." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 5 } genEquipPmSdhBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BBE PM (background errored block STM-1/OC-3 PM or CVL PM (code violation line) when using OC-3." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 6 } genEquipPmSdhIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 7 } genEquipPmSdhIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port Number." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 8 } genEquipPmSdhTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time stamp of the interval." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 9 } genEquipPmSdhUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Un-Available Seconds STM-1/OC-3 PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhEntry 10 } -- SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for line to radio direction - rst-stm1oc3-pm-status-ltor-table -- genEquipPmSdhRstLRTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmSdhRstLREntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSDH 2 } genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmSdhRstLREntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for line to radio direction entry." INDEX { genEquipPmSdhRstLRPmType, genEquipPmSdhRstLRIfIndex, genEquipPmSdhRstLRInterval } ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLRTable 1 } GenEquipPmSdhRstLREntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmSdhRstLRPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmSdhRstLRIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRTimeStamp INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRSES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLREB INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRCV INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstLRIDF Integrity } genEquipPmSdhRstLRPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 1 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 2 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 3 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time stamp of the interval." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 4 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3 on line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 5 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3 on line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 6 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 7 } genEquipPmSdhRstLREB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks PM for STM-1/OC-3 on line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 8 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRCV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Code Viloations PM for STM-1/OC-3 on line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 9 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Background Block Error PM for STM-1/OC-3 on line to radio direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 10 } genEquipPmSdhRstLRIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstLREntry 11 } -- SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for radio to line direction - rst-stm1oc3-pm-status-crl-type -- genEquipPmSdhRstRLTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSDH 3 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SONET/STM-1 interface-level PMs for radio to line direction entry." INDEX { genEquipPmSdhRstRLPmType, genEquipPmSdhRstRLIfIndex, genEquipPmSdhRstRLInterval } ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLTable 1 } GenEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmSdhRstRLPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmSdhRstRLIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLTimeStamp INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLSES INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLEB INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLCV INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmSdhRstRLIDF Integrity } genEquipPmSdhRstRLPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 1 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port number." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 2 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 3 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the time stamp of the interval." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 4 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Errored Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3 on radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 5 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Severely Errored Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3 on radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 6 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unavailable Seconds PM for STM-1/OC-3." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 7 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLEB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Errored Blocks PM for STM-1/OC-3 on radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 8 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLCV OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Code Viloations PM for STM-1/OC-3 on radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 9 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Background Block Error PM for STM-1/OC-3 on radio to line direction." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 10 } genEquipPmSdhRstRLIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmSdhRstRLEntry 11 } -- Trails PM Group genEquipPmTrails OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 7} -- TDM (E1/T1) PM Table genEquipPmTrailsEndPointTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PM table of the E1/T1 trails." ::= { genEquipPmTrails 1 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PM table of the E1/T1 trails." INDEX { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointPmType, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointId, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEPId, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointInterval } ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointTable 1 } GenEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointId DisplayString, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEPId INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointSES INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointBBE INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointNoOfSwitches INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointActivePathCounts INTEGER, genEquipPmTrailsEndPointIDF Integrity } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 1 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the trail id." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 2 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEPId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the end point number for this trail. If the trail is protected, there will be two end points for the trail (primary path and the secondary path)." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 3 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 4 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ES PM (Errored Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 5 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SES PM (Severe Errored Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 6 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UAS PM (Unavailable Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 7 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointBBE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BBE PM (Background Block Errors)." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 8 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointNoOfSwitches OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A counter of the number of SNCP switches (between primary and secondary paths) that trail had in the relevant interval." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 9 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointActivePathCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Active path seconds. " ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 10 } genEquipPmTrailsEndPointIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmTrailsEndPointEntry 11 } -- PW PM Group genEquipPmPW OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 8} -- TDM (E1/T1) PM Table genEquipPmPWTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmPWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table shows standard pseudowire-level PM measurements. Notice that PMs at the TDM port level are maintained separately." ::= { genEquipPmPW 1 } genEquipPmPWEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmPWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table shows standard pseudowire-level PM measurements. Notice that PMs at the TDM port level are maintained separately." INDEX { genEquipPmPWPmType, genEquipPmPWId, genEquipPmPWInterval } ::= { genEquipPmPWTable 1 } GenEquipPmPWEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmPWPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmPWId INTEGER, genEquipPmPWInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmPWMissingPkts INTEGER, genEquipPmPWPktsReOrder INTEGER, genEquipPmPWtrBfrUnderruns INTEGER, genEquipPmPWMisOrderDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmPWMalformedPkt INTEGER, genEquipPmPWES INTEGER, genEquipPmPWSES INTEGER, genEquipPmPWUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmPWFC INTEGER, genEquipPmPWIDF Integrity } genEquipPmPWPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 1 } genEquipPmPWId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the trail id." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 2 } genEquipPmPWInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 3 } genEquipPmPWMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word sequence number gaps)." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 4 } genEquipPmPWPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control word sequence number) but successfully re-ordered." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 5 } genEquipPmPWtrBfrUnderruns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of times a packet needed to be played out and the jitter buffer was empty." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 6 } genEquipPmPWMisOrderDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word sequence numbers) that could not be re-ordered or could not fit in the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 7 } genEquipPmPWMalformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected with unexpected size, or bad headers' stack." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 8 } genEquipPmPWES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ES PM (Errored Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 9 } genEquipPmPWSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SES PM (Severe Errored Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 10 } genEquipPmPWUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UAS PM (Unavailable Seconds)." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 11 } genEquipPmPWFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FC (Failure Counts) PM. A failure is a LOPS event." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 12 } genEquipPmPWIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmPWEntry 13 } -- -- PW service PMs table - pw-service-pm-status-table -- genEquipPmNGPWTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmNGPWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains PW Performance Monitoring counters." ::= { genEquipPmPW 2 } genEquipPmNGPWEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmNGPWEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains PW Performance Monitoring counters." INDEX { genEquipPmNGPWPmType, genEquipPmNGPWIfIndex, genEquipPmNGPWInterval } ::= { genEquipPmNGPWTable 1 } GenEquipPmNGPWEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmNGPWPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmNGPWIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWES INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWSES INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWUAS INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWFC INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWFER INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWMissingPkts INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWPktsReOrder INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWMisOrderDropped INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWMalformedPkt INTEGER, genEquipPmNGPWIdf Integrity } genEquipPmNGPWPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 1 } genEquipPmNGPWIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the interface Index." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 2 } genEquipPmNGPWInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 3 } genEquipPmNGPWES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ES (Errored Seconds) PM." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 4 } genEquipPmNGPWSES OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SES (Severe Errored Seconds) PM." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 5 } genEquipPmNGPWUAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UAS (Unavailable Seconds) PM." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 6 } genEquipPmNGPWFC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FC (Failure Counts) PM. A failure is a LOPS event." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 7 } genEquipPmNGPWFER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Frame Error Ratio." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 8 } genEquipPmNGPWMissingPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of missing packets (as detected via control word sequence number gaps)." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 9 } genEquipPmNGPWPktsReOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected out of sequence (via control word sequence number) but successfully re-ordered." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 10 } genEquipPmNGPWMisOrderDropped OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected out of order (via control word sequence numbers) that could not be re-ordered or could not fit in the jitter buffer." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 11 } genEquipPmNGPWMalformedPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of packets detected with unexpected size, or bad headers' stack." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 12 } genEquipPmNGPWIdf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmNGPWEntry 13 } -- PM Utilization genEquipPmEthUtilization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 9} genEquipPmEthUtilizationAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet port utilization PM admin" ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilization 1 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User defined threshold for Ethernet port utilization PM." ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilization 2 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet ports Utilization PMs" ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilization 3 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Ethernet ports Utilization PMs" INDEX { genEquipPmEthUtilizationPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmEthUtilizationInterval } ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthUtilizationPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmEthUtilizationInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmEthUtilizationPeakUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmEthUtilizationAverageUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmEthUtilizationExceedUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmEthUtilizationIDF Integrity } genEquipPmEthUtilizationPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationPeakUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak Ethernet port utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationAverageUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Ethernet port utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationExceedUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds in current interval when Ethernet port utilization exceeded the user defined threshold." ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthUtilizationIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmEthUtilizationEntry 6 } -- PM Utilization genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 10} -- -- Logical Port unicast policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer1-unicast-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "logical Interface unicast policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "logical Interface unicast policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerUnicastStatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Logical Port unicast policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer2-multicast-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Logical Port multicast policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Logical Port multicast policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerMulticastStatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Logical Port broadcast policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer3-broadcast-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port broadcast policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port broadcast policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerBroadcastStatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Logical Port ether Type 1 policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer4-eth-type1-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 1 policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 1 policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType1StatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Logical Port ether Type 2 policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer5-eth-type2-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 2 policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 2 policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType2StatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Logical Port ether Type 3 policer statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-logical-ingress-policer6-eth-type3-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 3 policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicer 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Logical Port ether Type 3 policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsRedPacket Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Logical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counter statistics after reading." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as green." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as yellow." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of packets that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of bytes that were counted as red." ::= { genEquipPmEthernetIngressPolicerEtherType3StatisticsEntry 8 } -- -- Interface physical Port RMON statistics - sw-ap-l2-if-phy-rmon-statistics-table -- genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface physical Port RMON statistics." ::= { genEquipPmAll 11 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface physical Port RMON statistics." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxByteCount Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxMulticastFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxBroadcastFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxControlFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxPauseFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFcsErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxLengthErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxOversizeFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxUndersizeFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFragmentFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxJabberFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx64FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx65-127FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx128-255FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx256-511FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx512-1023FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx1024-1518FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx1519-1522FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxByteCount Counter64, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxMulticastFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxBroadcastFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxControlFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxPauseFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFcsErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxLengthErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxcode-ErrorCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxoversizeFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxundersize-ErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFragmentFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx64FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx65-127FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx128-255FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx256-511FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx512-1023FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx1024-1518FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx1519-1522FrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxExceedmaxFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxExceedMaxWithErrorFrameCount Counter, genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxJabberFrameCount Counter } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Physical port if-index table key" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear on read" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX byte count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxMulticastFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX multicast frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxBroadcastFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX broadcast frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxControlFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX control frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxPauseFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX pause frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 8 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFcsErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX fcs error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 9 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxLengthErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX length error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 10 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxOversizeFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX oversize frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 11 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxUndersizeFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX undersize frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 12 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxFragmentFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX fragment frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 13 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTxJabberFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX jabber frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 14 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx64FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 64 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 15 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx65-127FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 65-127 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 16 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx128-255FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 128-255 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 17 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx256-511FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 256-511 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 18 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx512-1023FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 512-1023 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 19 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx1024-1518FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 1024-1518 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 20 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsTx1519-1522FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TX 1519-1522 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 21 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxByteCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX byte count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 22 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 23 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxMulticastFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX multicast frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 24 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxBroadcastFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX broadcast frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 25 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxControlFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX control frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 26 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxPauseFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX pause frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 27 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFcsErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX fcs error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 28 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxLengthErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX length error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 29 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxcode-ErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX code error count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 30 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxoversizeFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX oversize frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 31 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxundersize-ErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX undersize error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 32 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxFragmentFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX fragment frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 33 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx64FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 64 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 35 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx65-127FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 65-127 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 36 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx128-255FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 128-255 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 37 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx256-511FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 256-511 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 38 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx512-1023FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 512-1023 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 39 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx1024-1518FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 1024-1518 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 40 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRx1519-1522FrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX 1519-1522 frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 41 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxExceedmaxFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX exceed max frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 42 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxExceedMaxWithErrorFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX exceed max with error frame count" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 43 } genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsRxJabberFrameCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX jabber frame count - frames with length > 1518 bytes (1522 bytes for VLAN tagged frames) with errors" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetRmonStatisticsEntry 44 } -- -- Service queues aggragation statistics - sw-ap-l3-srv-egress-queues-aggragate-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service queues aggragation statistics." ::= { genEquipPmAll 12 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service queues aggragation statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsIfIndex, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsServiceIndex} ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenBitsPerSecond INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowBitsPerSecond INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedYellowBytes Counter64 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifIndex" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Egress service bundle ID" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "clear on read" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted green packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted green bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedGreenBitsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted green bits per second" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped green packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped green bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted yellow packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted yellow bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsTransmittedYellowBitsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted yellow bits per second" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 11 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tdropped yellow packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 12 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsDroppedYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped yellow bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueuesAggragateStatisticsEntry 13 } -- -- Cos Service Point ingress Policer statistics - sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-cos-ingress-policer-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cos Service Point ingress Policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmAll 13 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cos Service Point ingress Policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiCos } ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiCos INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiRedPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "service-index" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "sp-index" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "cos index" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear on read" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "green-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "green-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "yellow-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "yellow-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "red-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatiRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "red-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmCosIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 10 } -- -- Service Point ingress Policer statistics - sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-ingress-policer-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ingress Policer statistics." ::= { genEquipPmAll 14 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point ingress Policer statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiRedPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiRedBytes Counter64 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "service-index" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiSpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "sp-index" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear on read" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "green-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "green-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "yellow-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "yellow-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiRedPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "red-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatiRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "red-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCetSpPmIngressPolicerStatisticsEntry 9 } -- -- Service Point egress queue statistics - sw-ap-l4-srv-sp-egress-queue-statistics-table -- genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point egress queue statistics." ::= { genEquipPmAll 15 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service Point egress queue statistics." INDEX { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsIfIndex, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsServiceIndex, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsCosQueueIndex } ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTable 1 } GenEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsServiceIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsCosQueueIndex INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsClearOnRead NoYes, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenBitsPerSecond INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedGreenPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedGreenBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowBytes Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowBitsPerSecond INTEGER, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedYellowPacket Counter64, genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedYellowBytes Counter64 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ifindex" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 1 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsServiceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Servic class ID" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 2 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsCosQueueIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "cos-queue-index" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 3 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsClearOnRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear on read" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 4 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-green-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 5 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-green-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 6 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedGreenBitsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-green-bits-per-second" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 7 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedGreenPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped-green-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 8 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped-green-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 9 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-yellow-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 10 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-yellow-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 11 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsTransmittedYellowBitsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "transmitted-yellow-bits-per-second" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 12 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedYellowPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped-yellow-packet" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 13 } genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsDroppedYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "dropped-yellow-bytes" ::= { genEquipServicesCETTmPmSpEgressQueueStatisticsEntry 14 } -- PM Utilization genEquipPmUtilization OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 16} -- PM CPU Utilization genEquipPmUtilizationCPU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmUtilization 1} genEquipPmUtilizationCPUAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU utilization PM admin" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPU 1 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User defined threshold for CPU utilization PM." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPU 2 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CPU Utilization PMs" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPU 3 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The CPU Utilization PMs" INDEX { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUPmType, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUInterval } ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUTable 1 } GenEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUPeakUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUAverageUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUMinimumUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUExceedUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationCPUIDF Integrity } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 1 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 2 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUPeakUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak CPU utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 3 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUAverageUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average CPU utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 4 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUMinimumUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimal CPU utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 5 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUExceedUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds in the current interval when CPU utilization exceeded user defined threshold." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 6 } genEquipPmUtilizationCPUIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationCPUEntry 7 } -- PM Memory Utilization genEquipPmUtilizationMem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmUtilization 2} genEquipPmUtilizationMemAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory utilization PM admin" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMem 1 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory threshold for Ethernet port utilization PM." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMem 2 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Memory Utilization PMs" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMem 3 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Memory Utilization PMs" INDEX { genEquipPmUtilizationMemPmType, genEquipPmUtilizationMemInterval } ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemTable 1 } GenEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmUtilizationMemPmType PmTableType, genEquipPmUtilizationMemInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationMemPeakUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationMemAverageUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationMemMinimumUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationMemExceedUtilization INTEGER, genEquipPmUtilizationMemIDF Integrity } genEquipPmUtilizationMemPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PmTableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 1 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interval of the PM" ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 2 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemPeakUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak Memory utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 3 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemAverageUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Memory utilization of the current interval." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 4 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemMinimumUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds in current interval when Memory utilization exceeded the user defined threshold." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 5 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemExceedUtilization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds in current interval when Memory utilization exceeded the user defined threshold." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 6 } genEquipPmUtilizationMemIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integrity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates if the IDF (Invalid Data Flag), was set." ::= { genEquipPmUtilizationMemEntry 7 } -- PM Ethernet Port genEquipPmEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPmAll 17} -- -- PM on Ethernet port counters - sw-ap-l2-if-phy-pm-table -- genEquipPmEthernetPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipPmEthernetPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PM on Ethernet port counters." ::= { genEquipPmEthernet 1 } genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipPmEthernetPortEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PM on Ethernet port counters entry." INDEX { genEquipPmEthernetPortPmType, ifIndex, genEquipPmEthernetPortPmInterval} ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortTable 1 } GenEquipPmEthernetPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipPmEthernetPortPmType INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortPmInterval INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxBytesLayer1ExcedThSecCnt INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBytesLayer1 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBytesLayer1 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBytesLayer2 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBytesLayer2 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgMcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakMcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxBytesLayer1ExcedThSecCnt INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBytesLayer1 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBytesLayer1 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBytesLayer2 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBytesLayer2 INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgMcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakMcastPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakPackets INTEGER, genEquipPmEthernetPortPmIDF INTEGER } genEquipPmEthernetPortPmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the PM Type table to access, 15 min, current 15 min, 24 hours or current 24 hours" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 1 } genEquipPmEthernetPortPmInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of the interval: 1-30 in case the interval is 24 hours or 1-96 in case the interval is 15 minutes" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 2 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average received broadcast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 3 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak received broadcast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 4 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxBytesLayer1ExcedThSecCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of seconds in interval when received bytes in Layer1 exceeded threshold" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 5 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBytesLayer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average received bytes in Layer1" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 6 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBytesLayer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak received bytes in Layer1" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 7 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgBytesLayer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average received bytes in Layer2" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 8 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakBytesLayer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak received bytes in Layer2" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 9 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average received multicast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 10 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak received multicast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 11 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxAvgPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average received packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 12 } genEquipPmEthernetPortRxPeakPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak received packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 13 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average transmitted broadcast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 14 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak transmitted broadcast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 15 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxBytesLayer1ExcedThSecCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of seconds in interval when transmitted bytes in Layer1 exceeded threshold" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 16 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBytesLayer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average transmitted bytes in Layer1" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 17 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBytesLayer1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak transmitted bytes in Layer1" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 18 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgBytesLayer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average transmitted bytes in Layer2" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 19 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakBytesLayer2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak transmitted bytes in Layer2" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 20 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average transmitted multicast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 21 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakMcastPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak transmitted multicast packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 22 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxAvgPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average transmitted packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 23 } genEquipPmEthernetPortTxPeakPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak transmitted packets" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 24 } genEquipPmEthernetPortPmIDF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the performance values of the interval can be trusted" ::= { genEquipPmEthernetPortEntry 25 } -- PM Scalars genEquipPMStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipPM 4} genEquipRMONResetCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all Ethernet RMON counters." ::= { genEquipPMStatistics 1 } genEquipPMStatisticsResetAllL2PortPm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear all L2 port PMs." ::= { genEquipPMStatistics 2 } END