--MWRM-RADIO-MIB VERSION --MWRM (MicroWave-Radio-MIB) MWRM-RADIO-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI EnableDisable FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB EnableDisableSMI2 FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB OffOn FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB MetricImperial FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB AllowedNotAllowed FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ProgressStatus FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Severity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB NoYes FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB DownUp FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SupportedNotsupported FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailIfType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB PmTableType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RateMbps FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB HalfFull FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB BerLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SignalLevel FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB LoopbackType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB QueueName FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RadioId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB RfuId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommand FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB TrailProtectedType FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB ClockSrc FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SlotId FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB Integrity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB GreenYellow FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB InputSeverity FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB SwCommandTimer FROM MWRM-UNIT-MIB; MuteOnOff ::= INTEGER { on(2), off(3) } RfuGrade ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), grade-1(1), grade-2(2), grade-3(3) } MrmcBitRate ::= INTEGER (1..1000000000) MrmcScriptId ::= INTEGER (1..999999) QamOrder ::= INTEGER (0..2048) MrmcProfile ::= INTEGER { profile-0(0), profile-1(1), profile-2(2), profile-3(3), profile-4(4), profile-5(5), profile-6(6), profile-7(7), profile-8(8), profile-9(9), profile-10(10), profile-11(11), profile-12(12), profile-13(13), profile-14(14), profile-15(15) } ThresholdExponent ::= INTEGER { n1e-1(0), n1e-2(1), n1e-3(2), n1e-4(3), n1e-5(4), n1e-6(5), n1e-7(6), n1e-8(7), n1e-9(8), n1e-11(10), n1e-12(11), n1e-13(12), n1e-14(13), n1e-15(14), n1e-16(15), n1e-17(16), n1e-18(17), n1e-0(18) } RFUSoftwareInstallStat ::= INTEGER { ready(0), verifying-files(1), transferring-files(2), installation-in-progress(3), installation-success(4), installation-failure(5) } RadioProtectionCmd ::= INTEGER { clear(0), manual-switch(1), force-switch(2), lockout(3) } RfuMajorType ::= INTEGER { unknown(0), rfu-HC(1), rfu-HP(2), rfu-SP(3), rfu-C(4), rfu-H(5), rfu-HP-2(6), rfu-A(7), rfu-D(8) } Copy2mate ::= INTEGER { noAction(0), copyToMate(1) } XpicState ::= INTEGER { init(0), xpicDisabled(1), singleChannel(2), xrsmDisabled(3), xrsmRecovery(4), xpicIdle(5) } HcModeType ::= INTEGER { legacy(0), disabled(1), layer2(2), mpls(3), layer3(4), layer4(5), tunnel(6), tunnel-layer3(7), tunnel-layer4(8) } EnhancedHCExclRuleType ::= INTEGER { vlan(0), mac-da(1), mac-sa(2), ethertype(3), flow-type(4) } HcType ::= INTEGER { legacy(0), no-compression(1), multi-layer-header-compression(2), deep-header-compression(3) } CommunicationChannel ::= INTEGER { ftp(0), sftp(1), http(2), https(3) } FalseTrue ::= INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } WaysideBandwidth ::= INTEGER { n0(0), n64(64), n128(128), n192(192), n256(256), n320(320), n384(384), n448(448), n512(512), n1024(1024), n2048(2048) } microwave-radio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 2281 } genEquip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { microwave-radio 10} genEquipUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genEquip 1} -- RFU genEquipRFU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 5} genEquipRfuStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Status Data." ::= { genEquipRFU 1 } genEquipRfuStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU." INDEX { genEquipRfuStatusId } ::= { genEquipRfuStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRfuStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuStatusId RfuId, genEquipRfuStatusRxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusTemperature INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRunningVersion DisplayString, genEquipRfuStatusRFUType INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUGrade RfuGrade, genEquipRfuStatusTxRxFreqSeparation INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUMode INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRxLevelDiversity INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRxLevelCombined INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusAutoDelayCalStatus INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUSerialNumber DisplayString, genEquipRfuStatusRFUPartNumber DisplayString, genEquipRfuStatusRFUmateCarrier INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUMaxTxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUMinTxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUMaxRxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusRFUMinRxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusInstallation INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusDataSciErrors INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusDeviceError INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusBand INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusPATemp INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusTxMute OffOn, genEquipRfuStatusMinTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusMaxTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusMinBW INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusMaxBW INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusCommunication DownUp, genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerState INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusIfCombSupport SupportedNotsupported, genEquipRfuStatusMinRxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuStatusMaxRxLevel INTEGER } genEquipRfuStatusId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRfuStatusRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-199..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the RFU Receive Level Status." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRfuStatusTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-99..34) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the RFU Transmit Level Status." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRfuStatusTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the RFU temperature. The value depends on the represented measurement system. with genEquipUnitMeasurementSystem parameter." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 4 } genEquipRfuStatusRunningVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the running SW version on the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 5 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(2), rfu-1500p(3), rfu-1500hp(5), rfu-1500sp(6), rfu-c(7), rfu-h(8), rfu-c(9), rfu-h(10), rfu-1500sp(11), rfu-hp(12), rfu-a(13), rfu-d(14), rfu-1500p(32), rfu-1500hp(34), rfu-1500sp(35), rfu-c(36), rfu-h(37), rfu-c(38), rfu-h(39), rfu-1500sp(40), rfu-hp(41), rfu-a(42), rfu-d(43) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The different types of the supported RFUs" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 6 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUGrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuGrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The grade of the RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 7 } genEquipRfuStatusTxRxFreqSeparation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tx to Rx frequency separation (MHz), For some RFUs the user cannot set the Tx and Rx frequencies separately (one of them affects the other one's value)." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 8 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main(2), diversity(3), combined(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining parameter - The mode of the RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 9 } genEquipRfuStatusRxLevelDiversity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-199..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining parameter - The Rx Diversity level (dBm)" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 10 } genEquipRfuStatusRxLevelCombined OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-199..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining parameter - The Rx Combined level (dBm)" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 11 } genEquipRfuStatusAutoDelayCalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no-action(2), pass(3), error(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining parameter - the automatic delay calibration status. Supported only for specific RFUs." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 12 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU Serial number." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 13 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU Part number." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 14 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUmateCarrier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The returned value indicates the slot number of the 'copartner RFU-D carrier'. The returned value will be '-1' when the RFU is not RFU-D, or if the 'copartner RFU-D' carrier is not found." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 15 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUMaxTxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum Tx frequency of the RFU that is allowed by the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 16 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUMinTxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum Tx frequency of the RFU that is allowed by the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 17 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUMaxRxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum Rx frequency of the RFU that is allowed by the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 18 } genEquipRfuStatusRFUMinRxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum Rx frequency of the RFU that is allowed by the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 19 } genEquipRfuStatusInstallation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { split-mount(0), all-indoor(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns 'all-indoor' or 'split' according to the RFU installation." ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 20 } genEquipRfuStatusDataSciErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Data Sci Errors" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 21 } genEquipRfuStatusDeviceError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status Device Error" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 22 } genEquipRfuStatusBand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), band-18(2), band-23(3), band-26(4), band-28(5), band-38(6), band-29(7), band-31(8), band-15(9), band-13(10), band-10dot5-11(11), band-7-8(12), band-6L-6H(13), band-32(14) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Band of the RF-Module in GHz" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 23 } genEquipRfuStatusPATemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured temperature in celsius of the PA (Power Amplifier) of the RF module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 24 } genEquipRfuStatusTxMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The mute status, whether it is on (mute) or off (un-mute) of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 25 } genEquipRfuStatusMinTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum feasible TX signal level (TSL) in dBm of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 26 } genEquipRfuStatusMaxTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum feasible TX signal level (TSL) in dBm of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 27 } genEquipRfuStatusMinBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum supported bandwidth in KHz of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 28 } genEquipRfuStatusMaxBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum supported bandwidth in KHz of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 29 } genEquipRfuStatusCommunication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The communication status between the host and the RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 30 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), expired(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Returns the state of the ATPC 'override timer', whether it is regular or expired" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 31 } genEquipRfuStatusIfCombSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SupportedNotsupported ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the IF-Combiner function is supported" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 32 } genEquipRfuStatusMinRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum feasible RX signal level (RSL) in dBm of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 33 } genEquipRfuStatusMaxRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum feasible RX signal level (RSL) in dBm of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuStatusEntry 34 } -- RFU CFG TABLE genEquipRfuCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Configuration." ::= { genEquipRFU 2 } genEquipRfuCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table indicates the RFU Configuration." INDEX { genEquipRfuCfgId } ::= { genEquipRfuCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRfuCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuCfgId RfuId, genEquipRfuCfgMaxTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgTxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgRxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgATPCAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRfuCfgATPCRefRSL INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgMuteTx MuteOnOff, genEquipRfuCfgRSLConnSrc INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgDelayCal INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgLoopback LoopbackType, genEquipRfuCfgLogAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRfuCfgClearComDeviceError OffOn, genEquipRfuCfgGreenModeAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRfuCfgGreenModeReferenceLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimeout INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerCounter INTEGER, genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerCancel OffOn } genEquipRfuCfgId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRfuCfgMaxTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-50..34) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the RFU Maximum Transmit Level Configuration." ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 2 } genEquipRfuCfgTxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tx Frequency configuration (Mhz)" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 3 } genEquipRfuCfgRxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Rx Frequency configuration (Mhz)" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 4 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATPC configuration - Admin mode Possible values: - enable(2) - disable(3)" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 5 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCRefRSL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-70..-30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ATPC configuration - reference RSL level (dBm)" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 6 } genEquipRfuCfgMuteTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MuteOnOff ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The required TX mute status of the RF-Module" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 7 } genEquipRfuCfgRSLConnSrc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main(2), diversity(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining - RFU RSL (Received Signal Level) connector source " ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 8 } genEquipRfuCfgDelayCal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-130..130) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IF combining - Delay calibration" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 9 } genEquipRfuCfgLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), towardsSystem(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU RF loopback command" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 10 } genEquipRfuCfgLogAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU internal log file admin Possible values: - enable(2) - disable(3)" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 11 } genEquipRfuCfgClearComDeviceError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear Com device Error." ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 12 } genEquipRfuCfgGreenModeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enables/disables RFU green mode. This mode will minimize power consumption while ensuring the highest transmission power possible to get an RSL not higher than defined in the reference level genEquipRfuCfgGreenModeReferenceLevel" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 13 } genEquipRfuCfgGreenModeReferenceLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-70..-30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSL reference level (in dB) for green mode operation" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 14 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-50..34) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter configures the default transmission signal level in case of ATPC override due to expiration of maximum power timer as defined in genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimeout." ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 15 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..600) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter configures the timer to be counted while in ATPC in case of maximum power transmission. If this timer expires, the system will transmit at a default level defined in genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 16 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..600) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter shows the time left in the timer defined by genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 17 } genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTimerCancel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this parameter to ON will cancel the ATPC override mode. This will only be effective while in this mode i.e. the system had been transmitting at maximum power for a time longer than defined in genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel and now is transmitting at the default level defined in genEquipRfuCfgATPCOverrideTxLevel. Following execution, the system will go back to normal ATPC operating mode" ::= { genEquipRfuCfgEntry 18 } -- Upload table genEquipRfuUploadTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuUploadEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU Upload Data table." ::= { genEquipRFU 3 } genEquipRfuUploadEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuUploadEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Entry containing the data of the RFU." INDEX { genEquipRfuUploadId } ::= { genEquipRfuUploadTable 1 } GenEquipRfuUploadEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuUploadId RadioId, genEquipRfuUploadSwCommand INTEGER, genEquipRfuUploadSwStatus INTEGER, genEquipRfuUploadCounter INTEGER } genEquipRfuUploadId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates an index of a specific RFU" ::= { genEquipRfuUploadEntry 1 } genEquipRfuUploadSwCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ uploadSW(1), noOperation(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value initiates SW upload to the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuUploadEntry 2 } genEquipRfuUploadSwStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ noLoad(0), loadError(1), loadStart(2), loadSendBlock(3), loadDone(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the status of the SW load operation on the RFU." ::= { genEquipRfuUploadEntry 3 } genEquipRfuUploadCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter shows the progress (in blocks) of RFU software download" ::= { genEquipRfuUploadEntry 4 } -- RFU tables for NG genEquipRFUNG OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRFU 4} -- -- rfu-software-mgt-table-install-config -- genEquipRfuSwInstallTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuSwInstallEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet install configuration." ::= { genEquipRFUNG 2 } genEquipRfuSwInstallEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuSwInstallEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet install configuration." INDEX { genEquipRfuSwInstallIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRfuSwInstallTable 1 } GenEquipRfuSwInstallEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuSwInstallIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRfuSwInstallOperation INTEGER, genEquipRfuSwInstallTimedInstallation NoYes, genEquipRfuSwInstallTimer INTEGER } genEquipRfuSwInstallIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU ifIndex" ::= { genEquipRfuSwInstallEntry 1 } genEquipRfuSwInstallOperation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ no-operation(0), update-version-from-bundle(1), install-existing-version(2), abort-timer(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software installation operation to be performed." ::= { genEquipRfuSwInstallEntry 2 } genEquipRfuSwInstallTimedInstallation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines whether the installation will be carried out after a configured timer." ::= { genEquipRfuSwInstallEntry 3 } genEquipRfuSwInstallTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Timer for timed installations" ::= { genEquipRfuSwInstallEntry 4 } -- -- rfu-software-mgt-table-installed-versions -- genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet installed versuion." ::= { genEquipRFUNG 3 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet installed version." INDEX { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsTable 1 } GenEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsDSP DisplayString, genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsConfigurations DisplayString, genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsConstants DisplayString, genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsScripts DisplayString, genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsFirmware DisplayString } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU ifIndex" ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 1 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsDSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU version DSP." ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 2 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsConfigurations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration tables." ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 3 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsConstants OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Constant tables" ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 4 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsScripts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU scripts" ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 5 } genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware" ::= { genEquipRfuInstalledVersionsEntry 6 } -- -- rfu-software-mgt-table-install-status -- genEquipRfuSwStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuSwStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet installed status." ::= { genEquipRFUNG 4 } genEquipRfuSwStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuSwStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet installed status." INDEX { genEquipRfuSwStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRfuSwStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRfuSwStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuSwStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRfuSwStatusCurrentState RFUSoftwareInstallStat, genEquipRfuSwStatusProgress INTEGER } genEquipRfuSwStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU ifIndex" ::= { genEquipRfuSwStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRfuSwStatusCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RFUSoftwareInstallStat ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current state of the install operation." ::= { genEquipRfuSwStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRfuSwStatusProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Progress of the current install operation in percentage." ::= { genEquipRfuSwStatusEntry 3 } -- -- rfu-software-mgt-table-running-versions -- genEquipRfuRunningVersionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet rinning versions." ::= { genEquipRFUNG 5 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet running versions." INDEX { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsTable 1 } GenEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRfuRunningVersionsDSP DisplayString, genEquipRfuRunningVersionsConfigurations DisplayString, genEquipRfuRunningVersionsConstants DisplayString, genEquipRfuRunningVersionsScripts DisplayString, genEquipRfuRunningVersionsFirmware DisplayString } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU ifIndex" ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 1 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsDSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DSP." ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 2 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsConfigurations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration tables." ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 3 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsConstants OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Constant tables." ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 4 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsScripts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU scripts." ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 5 } genEquipRfuRunningVersionsFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware." ::= { genEquipRfuRunningVersionsEntry 6 } -- -- rfu-software-mgt-table-available-versions -- genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet available versions." ::= { genEquipRFUNG 6 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU software managemet available versions." INDEX { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsRfuType } ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsTable 1 } GenEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsRfuType RfuMajorType, genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsDSP DisplayString, genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsConfigurations DisplayString, genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsConstants DisplayString, genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsScripts DisplayString, genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsFirmware DisplayString } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsRfuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuMajorType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU Type" ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 1 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsDSP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DSP." ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 2 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsConfigurations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration tables." ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 3 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsConstants OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Constant tables." ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 4 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsScripts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RFU scripts." ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 5 } genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware." ::= { genEquipRfuAvailableVersionsEntry 6 } -- Radio Configuration genEquipRadio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquip 7} -- Radio Status Table genEquipRadioStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio status table" ::= { genEquipRadio 1 } genEquipRadioStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio status table" INDEX { genEquipRadioStatusRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioStatusRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioStatusMSE INTEGER, genEquipRadioStatusDefectedBlocks INTEGER, genEquipRadioStatusBER ThresholdExponent, genEquipRadioStatusXPI INTEGER, genEquipRadioStatusXPICEnabled EnableDisableSMI2 } genEquipRadioStatusRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the radio ID that serves as the table Index." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioStatusMSE OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MSE (Mean Square Error) of the Rx signal (measured in dB * 100). -9900 value (-99.00 dB) means that the signal is not locked. ~ -3500 value (-35.00 dB) is a good MSE." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioStatusDefectedBlocks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of counted defective radio blocks." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRadioStatusBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ThresholdExponent ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The measured BER (Bit Error Rate) level of the modem." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 4 } genEquipRadioStatusXPI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "XPI (Cross Polar Interference) level measured by the modem." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 5 } genEquipRadioStatusXPICEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisableSMI2 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates whether an XPIC script is currently loaded." ::= { genEquipRadioStatusEntry 6 } -- Radio Configuration table genEquipRadioCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Configuration table." ::= { genEquipRadio 2 } genEquipRadioCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Configuration table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioCfgLinkId INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgMACHeaderCompression EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgClearCounters OffOn, genEquipRadioCfgIfLoopback INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgExcessiveBERThreshold ThresholdExponent, genEquipRadioCfgSignalDegradeThreshold ThresholdExponent, genEquipRadioCfgRadioAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgRadioOperationalStatus DownUp, genEquipRadioCfgRadioTrafficPriorityScheme INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgRadioHiPriorityEthernetBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioEnable EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioBlockLocalTraffic INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioBlockMateTraffic INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgRadioCurrentAvailableCapacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioExcessiveBERAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioSignalDegradeAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgEnAlarmGenOnRslDegrade EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgAlarmGenRslNominalLevel INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgAlarmGenRslDegradationMargin INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgLinkShutDownOnRadioFailure EnableDisable, genEquipRadioCfgLoopbackTimeout INTEGER, genEquipRadioCfgAbcMode INTEGER } genEquipRadioCfgRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the radio ID that serves as this table Index" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCfgLinkId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio configuration link ID" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCfgMACHeaderCompression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Admin state of the MAC header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCfgClearCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this parameter to ON will clear the radio counters." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCfgIfLoopback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), towardsSystem(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The administrative state of the IF loopback." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 5 } genEquipRadioCfgExcessiveBERThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ThresholdExponent ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The BER threshold that when exceeded will be considered as 'Excessive BER'." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 6 } genEquipRadioCfgSignalDegradeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ThresholdExponent ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The BER (Bit Error Rate) threshold that when exceeded will be considered as 'Signal Degrade'." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 7 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Radio Admin state (Enable,Disable) can be used in ifTable::ifAdminStatus" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 8 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioOperationalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the radio interface." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 9 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioTrafficPriorityScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { high-tdm-over-ethernet (0), high-ethernet-over-tdm (1), high-tdm-over-high-ethernet (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter configures the relative priority of different traffic streams. High-tdm-over-high-ethernet gives priorities as follows: (1) TDM high priority (2) Ethernet high priority (3) TDM low priority (4) Etherenet low priority. High-Ethernet-over-tdm gives priorities as follows: (1) Ethernet high priority (2) TDM high priority (3) TDM low priority (4) Etherenet low priority. Tdm-over-ethernet gives priorities as follows: (1) TDM high priority (2) TDM low priority (3) Ethernet" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 10 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioHiPriorityEthernetBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..500000) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter configures the amount of bandwith reserved for high-priority Ethernet. It must be a number in resolution of 2.048 Mbit/s for E1 systems or 1.544 Mbit/s for T1 systems. The maximum possible capacity is given by genEquipRadioCfgRadioCurrentAvailableCapacity" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 11 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter enables/disables the multi-radio feature for this radio. Notice that for the feature to work it must be configured in two adjacent radios (odd and even slots)" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 12 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioBlockLocalTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dont-block (0), block-this-radio (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter allows stopping distribution of data to different radios in Multi-Radio mode for debugging purposes" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 13 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioBlockMateTraffic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dont-block (0), block-this-radio (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "this parameter allows stopping distribution of data to the radio in the mate IDU in Multi-Radio mode for debugging purposes" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 14 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioCurrentAvailableCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates the maximum possible capacity available for Ethernet. This sets a top limit for amount of high-priority Ethernet bandwidth" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 15 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioExcessiveBERAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter configures whether in Multi-Radio mode data stops being distributed to the radio in case of an excessive BER condition" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 16 } genEquipRadioCfgRadioMultiRadioSignalDegradeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter configures whether in Multi-Radio mode data stops being distributed to the radio in case of a signal degraded condition" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 17 } genEquipRadioCfgEnAlarmGenOnRslDegrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TEnable/Disable alarm and trapgeneration on RSL degradationbelow user defined threshold.If enabled, trap and alarm willbe generated when current RSLlevel degrades below userdefined threshold for 5subsequent seconds. Alarm willbe cleared after RSL level staysabove the threshold for at leastanother 5 seconds. Thresholdis calculated as a nominal RSLlevel minus the degradationmargin." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 18 } genEquipRadioCfgAlarmGenRslNominalLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-100..0) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSL nominal level [in dBm] foralarm and event generation." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 19 } genEquipRadioCfgAlarmGenRslDegradationMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (10..30) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSL degradation margin [in dB]for alarm and eventgeneration. The margin isrelative to the nominal RSLlevel" ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 20 } genEquipRadioCfgLinkShutDownOnRadioFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This parameter enables shutting down the link and initiating automatic state propagation upon a failure in each one of the radios. Radio failure condition is determined by user configurations and can be one of the following: Radio LOF, Link ID mismatch, Radio excessive BER, Radio signal degrade, Link ID mismatch." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 21 } genEquipRadioCfgLoopbackTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1440) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The timeout in minutes for automatic termination of the loopback. The value '0' refers to 'no timeout'." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 22 } genEquipRadioCfgAbcMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { multi-carrier-abc(2), multi-directional(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TThe radio mode (multi direction or multi carrier)." ::= { genEquipRadioCfgEntry 23 } -- Remote Radio genEquipRemoteRadio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 3} genEquipRemoteRadioTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRemoteRadioEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote radio table." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadio 1 } genEquipRemoteRadioEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRemoteRadioEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote radio table." INDEX { genEquipRemoteRadioRadioId } ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioTable 1 } GenEquipRemoteRadioEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRemoteRadioRadioId RadioId, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteCommunication DownUp, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteIPAddr IpAddress, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteRxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteForceMaxTxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteTxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteRxFreq INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCReferenceRxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteFloatingIPAddr IpAddress, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDefaultGateway IpAddress, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteMostSevereAlarm Severity, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteSubnetMask IpAddress, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteSlotID INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteForceTxMute OffOn, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteLinkId INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCoverrideState NoYes, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCoverrideStateCancel NoYes, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackDuration INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackSwitchAddress EnableDisable, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteGreenReferenceRxLevel INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteMNGvlan INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteReset FalseTrue, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteGreenModeAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteWebProtocol CommunicationChannel, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteIPv6Addr OCTET STRING, genEquipRemoteRadioRemotePrefixLength INTEGER, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDefaultGatewayIpv6 OCTET STRING, genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteResetSlot FalseTrue } genEquipRemoteRadioRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the radio ID that serves as this table Index" ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 1 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteCommunication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the remote radio." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 2 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote Ip address." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 3 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-199..0) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rx level of the remote radio (in dBm)" ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 4 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteForceMaxTxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-50..34) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Command that forces the remote radio maximum Tx level (in dBm)" ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 5 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteTxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote radio Tx frequancy (in MHz)." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 6 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteRxFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote radio Rx frequancy (in MHz)." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 7 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCReferenceRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..199) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RSL reference level for the ATPC mechanism in the remote radio." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 8 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteFloatingIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the floating IP address used in the remote shelf if its main units are in 1+1 protection mode." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 9 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDefaultGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default gateway of remote NE (Network Element) across this radio link." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 10 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteMostSevereAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Severity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Most severe alarm of remote NE (Network Element) across this radio link." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 11 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Subnet mask of remote NE (Network Element) across this radio link." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 12 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteSlotID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..6) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote radio slot number." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 13 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteForceTxMute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Force the mute state of the remote unit radio interface." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 14 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteLinkId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Link Id of the remote unit radio interface." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 15 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCoverrideState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Radio ATPC Override Timer expire state." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 16 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteATPCoverrideStateCancel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "his coomand cancel remote ATPC override state." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 17 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote unit administrator state of data loopback." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 18 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Data LoopBack Duration at remote unit[Minutes], zero for infinite loop back." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 19 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDataLoopBackSwitchAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Unit switch MAC DA." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 20 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteGreenReferenceRxLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Radio Green RSL reference level[dBm]." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 21 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteMNGvlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Management Vlan." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 22 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FalseTrue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote reset of unit." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 23 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteGreenModeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Unit Tx Green Mode Admin." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 24 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteWebProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommunicationChannel ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote web protocol." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 25 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteIPv6Addr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote IPv6 Address." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 26 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemotePrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote IPv6 Subnet-Mask." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 27 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteDefaultGatewayIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..16)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote IPv6 Default Gateway." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 28 } genEquipRemoteRadioRemoteResetSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FalseTrue ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Unit Reset Slot." ::= { genEquipRemoteRadioEntry 29 } -- Radio MRMC genEquipRadioMRMC OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 4} genEquipRadioMRMCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC stauts table (Multi rate multi constellation)" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC status table (Multi rate multi constellation)" INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCSelectedScriptIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCOccupidBandwidth INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCOperMode INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxQAM INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxBitrate MrmcBitRate, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxVc INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxQAM INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxBitrate MrmcBitRate, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxVc INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCCurrGrade RfuGrade, genEquipRadioMRMCEnAlarmOnAcmProfileDegrade EnableDisable, genEquipRadioMRMCAlarmOnAcmProfileDegradeThreshold INTEGER } genEquipRadioMRMCRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the radio ID that serves as this table Index" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCSelectedScriptIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the MRMC script. The description of the script located in the genEquipRadioMRMCScriptTable." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCOccupidBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Occupid Bandwidth (in KHz)." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { regular-mode(0), acm-fixed-mode(1), acm-adaptive-mode(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Mode of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Tx profile number." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxQAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4..2048) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current Tx QAM (modulation)." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcBitRate ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current Tx bit rate (in Kbps)" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 7 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrTxVc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current number of Tx TDM channels." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 8 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current Rx profile number" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 9 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxQAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4..2048) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current Rx QAM (modulation)." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 10 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcBitRate ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current total Rx bit rate (in Kbps)" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 11 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrRxVc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1024) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current number of Rx TDM channels." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 12 } genEquipRadioMRMCCurrGrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuGrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The grade of the current script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 13 } genEquipRadioMRMCEnAlarmOnAcmProfileDegrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable event and trapgeneration on ACM profiledegrade. When enabled and ifcurrent radio script supports Adaptive Code Modulation(ACM) event and trap will begenerated upon ACM profiledegradation below userdefinedthreshold. Alarm willbe generated only if the ACMprofile stays below thethreshold for at least 5 subsequent seconds. Alarm willbe cleared after ACM profilereturns to be above thethreshold again." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 14 } genEquipRadioMRMCAlarmOnAcmProfileDegradeThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ACM profile threshold foralarm generation" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCEntry 15 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC script table." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC script table." INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptRadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptName DisplayString, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptOperMode INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptProfileBitrate MrmcBitRate, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAdaptivePower INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptReference INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptMinProfile MrmcProfile } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the radio ID that serves as this table Index" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the MRMC scripts." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC script name." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { regular-mode(0), acm-fixed-mode(1), acm-adaptive-mode(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The script operational mode." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The profile number of the script" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptProfileBitrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcBitRate ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Bit rate of the MRMC profile (in Kbps)." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAdaptivePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable-adaptive-power(0), disable-adaptive-power(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'Adaptive Power' option which is available only when operation mode is ACM-adaptive" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 7 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { calss-2(0), class-4(1), class-5b(2), class-6a(3), fcc(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'Reference Class' option which is available only when operation mode 'ACM-adaptive' AND 'Adaptive Power' are enabled." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 8 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptMinProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "'Minimum Profile' option which is available only when operation mode 'ACM-adaptive' AND 'Adaptive Power' are enabled. It state the minimum profile level for this script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptEntry 9 } genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Filtered MRMC scripts table." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of the filtered MRMC scripts." INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredRadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredScriptId } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredScriptId MrmcScriptId } genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the radio interface" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredScriptId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcScriptId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The MRMC filtered script IDs that are available in the specific radio." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCFilteredEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC profile attribute table." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC script profile's attributes." INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrScriptId, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxProfile } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrScriptId MrmcScriptId, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxQAM QamOrder, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxBitRate MrmcBitRate, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxQAM QamOrder, genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxBitRate MrmcBitRate } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrScriptId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcScriptId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the table" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The profile number of the TX channel." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The profile number of the RX channel." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxQAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QamOrder ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the QAM level of the TX channel." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrTxBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcBitRate ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the TX bit-rate of the profile." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxQAM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QamOrder ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the QAM level of the RX channel." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrRxBitRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcBitRate ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RX bit-rate of the profile." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCProfileAttrEntry 7 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC script attribute table." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC script attributes." INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrScriptId } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrScriptId MrmcScriptId, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrScriptName DisplayString, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrSupportACM NoYes, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrStandard INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrMultiCarrier INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrAdjChannel NoYes, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrModScheme INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrSymmetry INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrLatency INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxOccupiedBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxOccupiedBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrLinkGrade RfuGrade, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrDiffGrade RfuGrade, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrChannelBW INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxMaxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxMaxProfile MrmcProfile } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrScriptId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcScriptId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ID of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrScriptName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..100)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name that identifies the script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrSupportACM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the MRMC script supports ACM (Adaptive Coding Modulation) functionality" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), etsi(1), fcc(2), etsi-fcc(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standard that the MRMC script is designed to comply with." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrMultiCarrier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { single-carrier(0), xpic(1), mimo(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the MRMC script support a single carrier or any kind of multi carrier." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrAdjChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the MRMC script supports adjacent channel" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrModScheme OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { regular(2), fixed(3), adaptive(4), fixed-adaptive(5), manual(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the MRMC script supports fixed or adaptive (ACM) modulation scheme." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 7 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrSymmetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), asymmetry(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the MRMC script is designed to normal (symmetrical) BW or an Asymmetrical BW." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 8 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrLatency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), low(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Latency level of the MRMC Script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 9 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TX channel bandwidth (channel spacing) of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 10 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RX channel bandwidth (channel spacing) of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 11 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxOccupiedBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The TX channel occupied bandwidth of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 12 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxOccupiedBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The RX channel occupied bandwidth of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 13 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrLinkGrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuGrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The link grade level that the MRMC script is designed to cope with." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 14 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrDiffGrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RfuGrade ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Differential grade level that the MRMC script is designed to cope with." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 15 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrChannelBW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..512000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The channel bandwidth (channel spacing) the MRMC script is designed to." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 16 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrTxMaxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum available TX profile of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 17 } genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrRxMaxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum available RX profile of the MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCScriptAttrEntry 18 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MRMC script configuration." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMC 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The configured parameters of the MRMC script." INDEX { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigTable 1 } GenEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigRadioId RadioId, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigActiveScriptId MrmcScriptId, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigStandbyScriptId MrmcScriptId, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigOperMode INTEGER, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigMaxProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigMinProfile MrmcProfile, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigAdaptivePowerAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioMRMCConfigAdaptivePowerRefClass INTEGER } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigRadioId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioId ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index of the MRMC Configuration Table." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 1 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigActiveScriptId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcScriptId ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The script ID of required MRMC script." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 2 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigStandbyScriptId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcScriptId ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The script ID which is in standby." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 3 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigOperMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed(2), adaptive(3), manual(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational mode of the MRMC script, whether it is fixed or adaptive modulation functionality." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 4 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigMaxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum profile which is required for the MRMC script" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 5 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigMinProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MrmcProfile ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum profile which is required for the MRMC script" ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 6 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigAdaptivePowerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable the adaptive power functionality during ACM operation." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 7 } genEquipRadioMRMCConfigAdaptivePowerRefClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { class-2(0), class-4(1), class-5b(2), class-6a(3), fcc(4), class-7a(5), class-7b(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Determines the efficiency class for the adaptive power functionality in ACM operation." ::= { genEquipRadioMRMCConfigEntry 8 } -- Radio Compression Table genEquipRadioComp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 5} genEquipRadioCompCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Compression table" ::= { genEquipRadioComp 1 } genEquipRadioCompCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Compression table" INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioCompCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompCfgEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompMode INTEGER, genEquipRadioEnhHeaderCompAdmin AllowedNotAllowed, genEquipRadioEnhDataCompAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioEnhHeaderCompMode INTEGER } genEquipRadioCompMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { legacy(0), enhanced(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Ethernet packet header & payload compression mode. In Enhanced mode packet header can be compressed up to L4 and data compression can be activated. Legacy mode is back compatible to earlier software and hardware releases." ::= { genEquipRadioCompCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRadioEnhHeaderCompAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AllowedNotAllowed ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Enhanced Header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompCfgEntry 2 } genEquipRadioEnhDataCompAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable Enhanced Data compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompCfgEntry 3 } genEquipRadioEnhHeaderCompMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { l2(0), l3(1), l4(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting Enhanced Header Compression depth." ::= { genEquipRadioCompCfgEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCompStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Compression status table." ::= { genEquipRadioComp 2 } genEquipRadioCompStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Compression status table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioCompStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompStatusEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompOperationalState INTEGER } genEquipRadioCompOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { legacy(0), enhanced-HC-DC-bypass(1), enhanced-HC-active-DC-bypass(2), enhanced-DC-active-HC-bypass(3), enhanced-HC-DC-active(4), undefined(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current compression mode operational status." ::= { genEquipRadioCompStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCompExclRulesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced Header Compression excluding rules table." ::= { genEquipRadioComp 3 } genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced Header Compression excluding rules table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId, genEquipRadioCompExclRuleId } ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompExclRuleId INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompExclRuleType INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompExclRuleName DisplayString, genEquipRadioCompExclRuleValue OCTET STRING, genEquipRadioCompExclRuleRowStatus INTEGER } genEquipRadioCompExclRuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule number index." ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCompExclRuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { flow-Id(0), vlan(1), mac-DA(2), mac-SA(3), ethertype(4), none(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Add excluding rule for enhanced header compression. Excluding rule must have a number (rule-id), text description (rule-name) and excluding rule type whichcan be one of the following: VLAN Id or MAC destination address or MAC source address or Ethernet ethertype or user defined flow type." ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCompExclRuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule name. User specified." ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCompExclRuleValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule value. For example: MAC address or Ethertype." ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCompExclRuleRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status for this table." ::= { genEquipRadioCompExclRulesEntry 30 } -- NG ESS genEquipRadioCompNG OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioComp 4} -- -- Radio Ethernet and compression config table radio-ethernet-config-table -- genEquipRadioCompNGCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Ethernet and compression config table" ::= { genEquipRadioCompNG 1 } genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Ethernet and compression config table entry" INDEX { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgifIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgifIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgClearStats NoYes, genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgUserFlowType INTEGER, genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgMode INTEGER, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCfgMode NoYes } genEquipRadioCompNGCfgifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Index." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgClearStats OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear counters on the radio port. This includes: compression counters, PTP optimized transport and cut-through counters." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry 2 } genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgUserFlowType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User configured flow type for enhanced HC. This flow type is used for statistics and performance evaluation of the enhanced HC." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry 3 } genEquipRadioHeaderCompNGCfgMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HcModeType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Legacy mode is compatible for old platforms. Disabled mode disables compression. Other modes specify compression depth." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCfgMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable cut-through." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCfgEntry 5 } -- -- Enhanced HC excluding rules table radio-ethernet-hc-excl-rules-table -- genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced HC excluding rules table" ::= { genEquipRadioCompNG 2 } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced HC excluding rules table entry" INDEX { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesifIndex, genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleId } ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesifIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleId INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleName DisplayString, genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleType EnhancedHCExclRuleType, genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleValue OCTET STRING } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Index." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule number." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..10)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule name." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnhancedHCExclRuleType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule type. Possible options are: DA MAC, SA MAC, VLAN(4 bytes), Ethertype or Flow type." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCompNGExclRuleValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excluding rule value. The value may be MAC address, VLAN(4 bytes), Ethertype(2 bytes) or Flow type(1 byte)." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGExclRulesEntry 5 } -- -- Port counters table radio-ethernet-queue-counters-table -- genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port counters table" ::= { genEquipRadioCompNG 3 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port counters table entry" INDEX { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersifIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersifIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersRxFrames Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersRxBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTxFrames Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTxBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalRxFrames Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalRxBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxBytesOut Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxFrames Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxIdleBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxBytesIn Counter64 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface Index." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of good cut-through bytes received." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of good cut-through bytes received." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of cut-through frames transmitted." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of cut-through bytes transmitted." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 5 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total good frames received on the port." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 6 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total good bytes received on the port." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 7 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxBytesOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total transmitted bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 8 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total transmitted frames." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 9 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxIdleBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total transmitted idle bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 10 } genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersTotalTxBytesIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of total transmitted bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughNGCountersEntry 11 } -- -- Radio Ethernet and compression status table radio-ethernet-status-table -- genEquipRadioCompNGStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Ethernet and compression status table" ::= { genEquipRadioCompNG 4 } genEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio Ethernet and compression status table entry" INDEX { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusifindex } ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusifindex INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompNGStatusOperationalState HcModeType, genEquipRadioCompNGStatusType HcType } genEquipRadioCompNGStatusifindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface location." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCompNGStatusOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HcModeType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Header Compression operational state." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCompNGStatusType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HcType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Header Compression type." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGStatusEntry 3 } -- -- Enhanced HC counters table radio-ethernet-hc-counters-table -- genEquipRadioCompNGCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced HC counters table" ::= { genEquipRadioCompNG 7 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enhanced HC counters table entry" INDEX { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersifIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersifIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCInBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCOutBytes Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCCompFrm Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCFrmUncmpExclRule Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCFrmUcompInternal Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCLearningFrm Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCUserFlowTypeActiveFlows Counter64, genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCTotalActiveFlows Counter64 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Interface location." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of bytes on the TX side before enhanced header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCOutBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of bytes on the TX side compressed by enhanced header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCCompFrm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of frames on the TX side compressed by enhanced header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCFrmUncmpExclRule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of frames on the TX side not compressed by enhanced header compression due to excluding rules." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 5 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCFrmUcompInternal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of frames on the TX side not compressed by enhanced header compression due to other resons." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 6 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCLearningFrm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter of learning frames transmitted by enhanced header compression." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 7 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCUserFlowTypeActiveFlows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of enhanced HC active flows occupied by user selected flow type." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 8 } genEquipRadioCompNGCountersHCTotalActiveFlows OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of enhanced HC active flows on the TX side." ::= { genEquipRadioCompNGCountersEntry 9 } -- -- -- genEquipRadioPtpTransport OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 6} genEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport channel configuration table." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransport 1 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport channel configuration table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioPtpTransportChannelAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioPtpTransportChannelMode INTEGER } genEquipRadioPtpTransportChannelAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport admin." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportChannelMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { h-cos(0), ieee-1588(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport operational mode." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCfgEntry 2 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport channel counters table." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransport 2 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport channel counters table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId} ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxFrames INTEGER, genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxDroppedFrames INTEGER, genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxBytes INTEGER, genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxDroppedBytes INTEGER, genEquipRadioPtpTransportRxFrames INTEGER, genEquipRadioPtpTransportRxBytes INTEGER } genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport TX frames." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport TX dropped frames." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport TX bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportTxDroppedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport TX dropped bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport RX frames." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 5 } genEquipRadioPtpTransportRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PTP optimized transport RX bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioPtpTransportCountersEntry 6 } genEquipRadioCutThrough OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 7} genEquipRadioCutThroughCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCutThroughCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through configuration table." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThrough 1 } genEquipRadioCutThroughCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCutThroughCfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through configuration table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId } ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCfgTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCutThroughCfgEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCutThroughChannelAdmin EnableDisable } genEquipRadioCutThroughChannelAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable/Disable cut through mode." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCfgEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through mode counters table." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThrough 2 } genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through mode counters table." INDEX { genEquipRadioCfgRadioId} ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioCutThroughTxFrames INTEGER, genEquipRadioCutThroughTxBytes INTEGER, genEquipRadioCutThroughRxFrames INTEGER, genEquipRadioCutThroughRxBytes INTEGER } genEquipRadioCutThroughTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through TX frames." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioCutThroughTxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through TX bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioCutThroughRxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through RX frames." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioCutThroughRxBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cut through RX bytes." ::= { genEquipRadioCutThroughCountersEntry 4 } -- -- Radio groups -- genEquipRadioGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadio 8} -- -- Radio group protection -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtection OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroups 1} -- -- Radio protection attribute table - radio-protection-attribute-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the attributes of the radio protection groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtection 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the attributes of the radio protection groups." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrGroupId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCommand RadioProtectionCmd, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCopyToMate OffOn, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCopyToMateSourceIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrRevertiveAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrRevertivePrimaryIfIndex INTEGER } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Id of the radio protection group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioProtectionCmd ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Radio protection user commands for maintenance purposes: force-switch, lockout and manual-switch." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCopyToMate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Copy to mate command that copies the configuration from one radio to another in order to achieve configuration alignment." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrCopyToMateSourceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location which is required to be the source of configuration for copy-to-mate command." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrRevertiveAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable revertive mode of radio protection." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrRevertivePrimaryIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio which the system is required to revert to." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionAttrEntry 7 } -- -- Radio protection members table - radio-protection-members-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the radio protection groups members." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtection 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the radio protection groups members." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersIfIndexGroup } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersIfIndexGroup INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersGroupId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersMem1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersMem2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersIfIndexGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the radio protection group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Id of the radio protection group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersMem1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 1." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersMem2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 2." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionMembersEntry 30 } -- -- Radio protection status table - radio-protection-status-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the status of the radio protection." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtection 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the status of the radio protection." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusActiveIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusStandbyIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusLockout NoYes } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusActiveIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active radio location" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusStandbyIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standby radio location." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusLockout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 1." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionStatusEntry 4 } -- -- Radio group protection BBSSD -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroupsProtection 10} -- -- Radio protection bbs-sd attribute table - radio-protection-bbs-sd-attribute-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the BBS-SD attributes of the radio protection groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSD 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the BBS-SD attributes of the radio protection groups." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrRevertive EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrClrSwCnt OffOn, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrFWAuto EnableDisable } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrRevertive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable revertive mode for BBS-SD Rx switch." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrClrSwCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Clear BBS-SD Rx switch counter." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrFWAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enable or disable automatic Rx switching in BBS-SD." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDAttrEntry 4 } -- -- Radio protection bbs-sd status table - radio-protection-bbs-sd-status-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the BBS-SD status of the radio protection groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSD 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the BBS-SD status of the radio protection groups." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusAbcGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveRxQuality INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveRxRadioIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveTxRadioIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusLockout NoYes, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusRxChId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStdbyRxQuality INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStdbyRxRadioIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStandbyTxRadioIfIndex INTEGER } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusAbcGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The attached MC-ABC group if_index." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveRxQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active MC-ABC channel quality." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveRxRadioIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active rx radio if_index." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusActiveTxRadioIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The active Tx radio if_index." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusLockout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NoYes ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the radio protection is currently in lockout." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusRxChId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The attached MC-ABC channel ID." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 7 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStdbyRxQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standby MC-ABC channel quality." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 8 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStdbyRxRadioIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standby rx radio if_index." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 9 } genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusStandbyTxRadioIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standby Tx radio if_index." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsProtectionBBSSDStatusEntry 10 } -- -- Radio group XPIC -- genEquipRadioGroupsXpic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroups 2} -- -- Radio XPIC configuration table -- genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the configuration of the radio XPIC groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXpic 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the configuration of the radio XPIC groups." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrCopyToMateSourceIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrGroupId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrXRSMAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrCopyToMate Copy2mate } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrCopyToMateSourceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location which is required to be the source of configuration for copy-to-mate command." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "XPIC group id." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrXRSMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of XPIC recovery state machine." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of XPIC." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrCopyToMate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Copy2mate ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "User Command to resolve the mismatch between the two carriers in the XPIC group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICAttrEntry 6 } -- -- Radio XPIC members table -- genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the radio XPIC groups members." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXpic 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the radio XPIC groups members." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersIfIndexGroup } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersIfIndexGroup INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersMem1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersMem2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersIfIndexGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the radio XPIC group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersMem1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 1." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersMem2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 2." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICMembersEntry 30 } -- -- Radio XPIC status table -- genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the status of the XPIC." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXpic 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table entry contains the status of the XPIC." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusState XpicState } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XpicState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of XPIC State Machine" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsXPICStatusEntry 2 } -- -- Radio group Multi Radio -- genEquipRadioGroupsMR OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroups 3} -- -- Radio Groups MR attribute table - mr-config-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR config table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMR 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR config table entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrGroupId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrBlockRadioIfindex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrBlockRadioAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrCopy2MateIfindex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrCopy2MateAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrExBerAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrMinNumRadio INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrMinProfileAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrSigDegardeAdmin EnableDisable } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Id of the radio MR group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR Admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrBlockRadioIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Block Radio ifindex." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrBlockRadioAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Block Radio Admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrCopy2MateIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Copy2mate Radio ifindex." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrCopy2MateAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Copy2Mate Admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 7 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrExBerAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Excessive BER Admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 8 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrMinNumRadio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimal num of radios." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 9 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrMinProfileAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Min ACM profile admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 10 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrSigDegardeAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Signal Degrade Admin." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRAttrEntry 11 } -- -- Radio MR members table - mr-members-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR members table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMR 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR members table entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersIfIndexGroup } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersIfIndexGroup INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersMem1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersMem2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersIfIndexGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the radio MR group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersMem1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 1." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersMem2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 2." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRMembersEntry 30 } -- -- Radio MR status table - mr-status-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR Status table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMR 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MR Status table entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusOpertionalState INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusRemoteOpertionalState INTEGER } genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The location of the group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusOpertionalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operational State" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusRemoteOpertionalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote Operational State." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMRStatusEntry 3 } -- -- MIMO Radio Group -- genEquipRadioGroupsMIMO OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroups 4} -- -- Radio MIMO Configuration table - mimo-config-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The configuration table of the MIMO groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMO 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The configuration table of the MIMO groups entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrRole INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrAdmin EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrResetStateMachine OffOn } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO configuration table index" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slave(0), master(1), not-relevant(2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Role can be Master or Slave." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Administrating state of the MIMO group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrResetStateMachine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OffOn ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reset MIMO state machine." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOAttrEntry 4 } -- -- Radio MIMO Members table - mimo-members-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description the radio carrier members of the MIMO groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMO 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The description the radio carrier members of the MIMO groups entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersGroupType INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem3IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem4IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO members table index" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersGroupType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mimo-2x2(0), mimo-4x4(1), base-band-combining-2x2(2), base-band-combining-4x4(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of MIMO group: 2x2 or 4x4 etc..." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 1." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 2." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem3IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 3." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersMem4IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The radio location of member 4." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Row status to allow user add entries dynamically." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOMembersEntry 30 } -- -- Radio MIMO Status table - mimo-status-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status table of the MIMO groups." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMO 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status table of the MIMO groups entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusState INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus1stMMI INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus2ndMMI INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus3rdMMI INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus4thMMI INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusAdvancedState INTEGER } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO status table index" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { slave(0), init(1), disabled(2), idle(3), recovery(4), half-capacity(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO-State" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus1stMMI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO interference in dB of the 1st carrier." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus2ndMMI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO interference in dB of the 2nd carrier." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus3rdMMI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO interference in dB of the 3rd carrier." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatus4thMMI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO interference in dB of the 4th carrier." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusAdvancedState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), initializing(1), init-retry(2), init-retry-checkup(3), init-retry-bringup(4), idle(5), unsuitable-hw(6), half-capacity(7), master-failure(8), remote-master-failure(9), remote-has-no-master(10), mute-slave(11), slave-init(12), slave-idle(13), slave-mutted(14), self-mute-comm-fail-to-master(15), half-capacity-no-master(16), half-capacity-master-failure(17) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MIMO advanced state." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsMIMOStatusEntry 7 } -- -- Multi Carrier ABC group -- genEquipRadioGroupsAbc OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {genEquipRadioGroups 5} -- -- Multi Carrier ABC configuration table - abc-config-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC configuration table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbc 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC configuration table." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrGroupName DisplayString, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrAdminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrQnumberOfRadioMembers INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrProtectionEnable EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrHighPriEthernetBandwidth INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrQualityThreshold INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrRowStatus RowStatus } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface-index of the ABC group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Textual description of the ABC group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of ABC radio group which decides if the Multi Carrier ABC group is enabled or disabled." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrQnumberOfRadioMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of radios that can be members of the Multi Carrier ABC group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrProtectionEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When Protection is Enabled protecion groups can be added to the Multi-carrier ABC group. When disabled regular channels can be attached." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrHighPriEthernetBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Bandwidth reserved for high priority ethernet in Kbps. Values range from from 0 (i.e. No high pri ethernet) to max capacity (I.e. no STM-1s) in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrQualityThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Members degrading below this threshold will be set to 'do not use' in the group." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 7 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This is the row status." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcAttrEntry 30 } -- -- Multi Carrier ABC members table - abc-members-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC members table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbc 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC members table entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersGroupIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersGroupIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersGroupId INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel1MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel1adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel2MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel2adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel3MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel3adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel4MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel4adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel5MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel5adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel6MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel6adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel7MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel7adminState EnableDisable, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel8MemberIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel8adminState EnableDisable } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Integer representing the group interface ifindex" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Integer representing the group interface ID." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel1MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel1adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel2MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel2adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel3MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 7 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel3adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 8 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel4MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 9 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel4adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 10 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel5MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 11 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel5adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 12 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel6MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 13 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel6adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 14 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel7MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 15 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel7adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 16 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel8MemberIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IfIndex representing the group member connect to this ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 17 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersChannel8adminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableDisable ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Administrative state of an ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcMembersEntry 18 } -- -- Multi Carrier ABC status table - abc-status-table -- genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC status table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbc 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC status table entry." INDEX { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusIfIndex } ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusTable 1 } GenEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusOperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusRemoteOperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusCurrentAggregatedCapacityRX INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusCurrentAggregatedCapacityTX INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel1Operstate DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel1Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel2Operstate DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel2Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel3OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel3Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel4OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel4Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel5OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel5Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel6OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel6Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel7OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel7Capacity INTEGER, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel8OperState DownUp, genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel8Capacity INTEGER } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface-index of the ABC group" ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 1 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC group as a WAN." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 2 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusRemoteOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The remote ABC groups operational state." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 3 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusCurrentAggregatedCapacityRX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The combined current RX throughput capacity of the ABC group in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 4 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusCurrentAggregatedCapacityTX OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The combined current TX throughput capacity of the ABC group in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 5 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel1Operstate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 6 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel1Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 7 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel2Operstate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 8 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel2Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 9 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel3OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 10 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel3Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 11 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel4OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 12 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel4Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 13 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel5OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 14 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel5Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 15 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel6OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 16 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel6Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 17 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel7OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 18 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel7Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 19 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel8OperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DownUp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The operational state of the ABC channel." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 20 } genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusChannel8Capacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current throughput capacity of the ABC channel in Kbps." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbcStatusEntry 21 } -- -- Multi Carrier ABC stm1 table - abc-stm1-table -- genEquipStm1AbcAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GenEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC stm1 table." ::= { genEquipRadioGroupsAbc 5 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GenEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multi Carrier ABC stm1 table entry." INDEX { genEquipStm1AbcAttrIfIndex } ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrTable 1 } GenEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { genEquipStm1AbcAttrIfIndex INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrGroupId INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrNumberOfMembers INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri1IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri2IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri3IfIndex INTEGER, genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri4IfIndex INTEGER } genEquipStm1AbcAttrIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The interface-index of the ABC group" ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 1 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrGroupId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Integer representing the group interface ID." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 2 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrNumberOfMembers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of STM-1/OC-3 channels that can be members of the Multi Carrier ABC group." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 3 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri1IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the highest priority STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 4 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri2IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the highest priority STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 5 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri3IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the highest priority STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 6 } genEquipStm1AbcAttrPri4IfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Location of the highest priority STM-1/OC-3 interface." ::= { genEquipStm1AbcAttrEntry 7 } END