--**************************************** -- CET MIB file definition for TSI -- -- Vs 1.1 written by Nicolas Marique --**************************************** CET-TSI-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI cetMIB FROM CET-TSI-SMI DisplayString, DateAndTime FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF; cetTSIMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200712051000Z" -- 05/12/2007 10:00 AM ORGANIZATION "CE+T" CONTACT-INFO "Construction Electronique + Telecommunication (CE+T) Postal: Rue du charbonnage, 12 B-4020 Wandre BELGIUM Tel: ++3243456742 E-mail: n.marique@cet.be" DESCRIPTION "CET MIB file definition for TSI" REVISION "200712051000Z" -- 05/12/2007 10:00 AM DESCRIPTION "Update of MIB file content to match database that can be retrieved using T2S Modbus protocol Vs 2.00 This include : - Addition of tsiRestrained and tsiEPC items in tsiModuleTable - Modification of some DESCRIPTION fields in tsiPhaseTable to clarify installed and available power notion - Addition of tsiACGroupACinFreq in tsiACGroupTable - Deprecation of tsiT2SSoftwareVersion in tsiT2SInfo - Addition of tsiT2SMainSoftwareVersion, tsiT2SSubSoftwareVersion, tsiT2SMaxKnownParameters and tsiT2SVersionTextError in tsiT2SInfo - Addition of tsiConfiguration node and associated subtree - Addition of Conformance clause and group for deprecated objects" REVISION "200708130900Z" -- 13/08/2007 09:00 AM DESCRIPTION "First Release of the TSI MIB definition file" -- OID : ::= { cetMIB 4 } --================== -- TSI Subtree --================== -- OID : tsiObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cetTSIMIB 1 } -- OID : tsiConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cetTSIMIB 2 } --================================================================================ -- TSI Objects --================================================================================ -- OID : tsiModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 1 } -- OID : tsiPhases OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 2 } -- OID : tsiACGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 3 } -- OID : tsiDCGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 4 } -- OID : tsiAlarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 5 } -- OID : tsiTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 6 } -- OID : tsiEventDescription OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 7 } -- OID : tsiT2SInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 8 } -- OID : tsiConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiObjects 9 } --======================= -- TSI Modules Subtree --======================= --OID : tsiModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiModuleTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing the different values related to the TSI modules such as voltages, current, status, ..." ::= { tsiModules 1 } --OID : . tsiModuleTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiModuleTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiModuleTableIndex } ::= { tsiModuleTable 1 } TsiModuleTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiModuleTableIndex Integer32, tsiModuleSeen INTEGER, tsiModuleACOutState INTEGER, tsiModuleACInState INTEGER, tsiModuleDCInState INTEGER, tsiModuleAddress Integer32, tsiModuleInputRepartition Integer32, tsiModuleLoadRatioW Integer32, tsiModuleLoadRatioVA Integer32, tsiModulePhaseNumber Integer32, tsiModuleACGroupNumber Integer32, tsiModuleDCGroupNumber Integer32, tsiModuleStatus Integer32, tsiModuleACInStatus Integer32, tsiModuleDCInStatus Integer32, tsiModuleVout Integer32, tsiModuleIout Integer32, tsiModulePoutW Integer32, tsiModulePoutVA Integer32, tsiModuleVinAC Integer32, tsiModuleIinAC Integer32, tsiModulePinACW Integer32, tsiModulePinACVA Integer32, tsiModuleACinFreq Integer32, tsiModuleVinDC Integer32, tsiModuleIinDC Integer32, tsiModulePinDC Integer32, tsiModuleTemperature Integer32, tsiModuleSoftwareVersion Integer32, tsiModuleSerialNumber Integer32, tsiModuleNominalPoutW Integer32, tsiModuleNominalPoutVA Integer32, tsiModuleNominalVinAC Integer32, tsiModuleNominalVinDC Integer32, tsiModuleNominalFreqAC Integer32, tsiRestrained INTEGER, tsiEPC INTEGER } --OID : . tsiModuleTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inverter identifier" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 1 } --OID : . tsiModuleSeen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating if the module is seen on the communication bus or not" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 2 } --OID : . tsiModuleACOutState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sbr(0), sb(1), sbwe(2), sbwre(3), unknown(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the module AC output stage" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 3 } --OID : . tsiModuleACInState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), safe(1), notSync(2), off(3), unknown(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the module AC input stage" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 4 } --OID : . tsiModuleDCInState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(0), fail(1), unknown(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the module DC input stage" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 5 } --OID : . tsiModuleAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured address of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 6 } --OID : . tsiModuleInputRepartition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load repartition ratio between AC and DC Inputs (0% is AC and 100% is DC)" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 7 } --OID : . tsiModuleLoadRatioW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loading ratio regarding power in watts" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 8 } --OID : . tsiModuleLoadRatioVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loading ratio regarding power in VA" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 9 } --OID : . tsiModulePhaseNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Label of the phase module is belonging to" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 10 } --OID : . tsiModuleACGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Label of the AC group module is belonging to" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 11 } --OID : . tsiModuleDCGroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Label of the DC group module is belonging to" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 12 } --OID : . tsiModuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event number describing module output stage and internal status" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 13 } --OID : . tsiModuleACInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event number describing AC input stage" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 14 } --OID : . tsiModuleDCInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event number describing DC input stage" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 15 } --OID : . tsiModuleVout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output voltage of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 16 } --OID : . tsiModuleIout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output current of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 17 } --OID : . tsiModulePoutW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power in watts of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 18 } --OID : . tsiModulePoutVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output power in VA of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 19 } --OID : . tsiModuleVinAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input voltage of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 20 } --OID : . tsiModuleIinAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input current of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 21 } --OID : . tsiModulePinACW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power in watts sourced from the AC input of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 22 } --OID : . tsiModulePinACVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power in VA sourced from the AC input of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 23 } --OID : . tsiModuleACinFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of the AC input source of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 24 } --OID : . tsiModuleVinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC input voltage of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 25 } --OID : . tsiModuleIinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC input current of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 26 } --OID : . tsiModulePinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power in watts sourced from the DC input of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 27 } --OID : . tsiModuleTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "K" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 28 } --OID : . tsiModuleSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software version number of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 29 } --OID : . tsiModuleSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial number of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 30 } --OID : . tsiModuleNominalPoutW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nominal output power in watts of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 31 } --OID : . tsiModuleNominalPoutVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nominal output power in VA of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 32 } --OID : . tsiModuleNominalVinAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nominal voltage of the AC input of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 33 } --OID : . tsiModuleNominalVinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nominal voltage of the DC input of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 34 } --OID : . tsiModuleNominalFreqAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Nominal AC frequency of the module" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 35 } --OID : . tsiRestrained OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating if the module has limited features" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 36 } --OID : . tsiEPC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag indicating if the module has an EPC converter" ::= { tsiModuleTableEntry 37 } --====================== -- TSI Phases Subtree --====================== --OID : . tsiNbPhaseConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of phases configured in the system" ::= { tsiPhases 1 } --OID : . tsiPhaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiPhaseTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing the different values related to the phases such as voltages, current, loading, ..." ::= { tsiPhases 2 } --OID : . tsiPhaseTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiPhaseTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiPhaseTableIndex } ::= { tsiPhaseTable 1 } TsiPhaseTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiPhaseTableIndex Integer32, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioW Integer32, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioVA Integer32, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioW Integer32, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioVA Integer32, tsiPhaseVout Integer32, tsiPhaseIout Integer32, tsiPhaseACOutFreq Integer32, tsiPhasePinDC Integer32, tsiPhasePinACW Integer32, tsiPhasePinACVA Integer32, tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInW Integer32, tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInVA Integer32, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInW Integer32, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInVA Integer32, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInW Integer32, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInVA Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModConfigured Integer32, tsiPhaseRedundancy Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModSeen Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModOK Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModMO Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModKO Integer32, tsiPhaseNbModNT Integer32 } --OID : . tsiPhaseTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Phase identifier" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 1 } --OID : . tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio between output load and available power in watts. By available power, we mean the total power that could be delivered to load. That's to say, the number of valid modules multiplied by nominal power (no redundancy notion here)" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 2 } --OID : . tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio between output load and available power in VA By available power, we mean the total power that could be delivered to load. That's to say, the number of valid modules multiplied by nominal power (no redundancy notion here)" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 3 } --OID : . tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio between output load and installed power in W By installed power, we mean the total amount of power the system was designed for. That's to say, the number of valid modules minus the number of redundant modules multiplied by nominal power" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 4 } --OID : . tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio between output load and installed power in VA By installed power, we mean the total amount of power the system was designed for. That's to say, the number of valid modules minus the number of redundant modules multiplied by nominal power" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 5 } --OID : . tsiPhaseVout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output voltage of the phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 6 } --OID : . tsiPhaseIout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Output current of the phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 7 } --OID : . tsiPhaseACOutFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of the output of the phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 8 } --OID : . tsiPhasePinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power sourced from the DC input of the module belonging to that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 9 } --OID : . tsiPhasePinACW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in watts sourced from the AC input of the module belonging to that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 10 } --OID : . tsiPhasePinACVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in VA sourced from the AC input of the module belonging to that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 11 } --OID : . tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in watts delivered by the module belonging to that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 12 } --OID : . tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in VA delivered by the module belonging to that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 13 } --OID : . tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in W installed in that phase By installed power, we mean the total amount of power the system was designed for. That's to say, the number of valid modules minus the number of redundant modules multiplied by nominal power" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 14 } --OID : . tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in VA installed in that phase By installed power, we mean the total amount of power the system was designed for. That's to say, the number of valid modules minus the number of redundant modules multiplied by nominal power" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 15 } --OID : . tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total available power in watts in that phase By available power, we mean the total power that could be delivered to load. That's to say, the number of valid modules multiplied by nominal power (no redundancy notion here)" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 16 } --OID : . tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total available power in VA in that phase By available power, we mean the total power that could be delivered to load. That's to say, the number of valid modules multiplied by nominal power (no redundancy notion here)" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 17 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module configured in the phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 18 } --OID : . tsiPhaseRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of redundant module configured in the phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 19 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModSeen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module seen in that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 20 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module delivering output in that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 21 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModMO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module manually off in that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 22 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModKO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module not delivering output due to a failure in that phase" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 23 } --OID : . tsiPhaseNbModNT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module not seen in that phase (accordingly to tsiPhaseNbModConfigured)" ::= { tsiPhaseTableEntry 24 } --======================== -- TSI AC Group Subtree --======================== --OID : . tsiNbACGroupConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of AC groups configured in the system" ::= { tsiACGroups 1} --OID : . tsiACGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiACGroupTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing the different values related to the AC groups such as voltages, currents, ..." ::= { tsiACGroups 2 } --OID : . tsiACGroupTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiACGroupTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiACGroupTableIndex } ::= { tsiACGroupTable 1 } TsiACGroupTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiACGroupTableIndex Integer32, tsiACGroupVinAC Integer32, tsiACGroupIinAC Integer32, tsiACGroupPinACW Integer32, tsiACGroupPinACVA Integer32, tsiACGroupNbModSeen Integer32, tsiACGroupNbModOK Integer32, tsiACGroupNbModMO Integer32, tsiACGroupNbModKO Integer32, tsiACGroupNbModACinOK Integer32, tsiACGroupACinFreq Integer32 } --OID : . tsiACGroupTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC group number identifier" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 1 } --OID : . tsiACGroupVinAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC input voltage of the group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 2 } --OID : . tsiACGroupIinAC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current sourced from the AC input of the module belonging to that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 3 } --OID : . tsiACGroupPinACW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in watts sourced from the AC input of the module belonging to that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 4 } --OID : . tsiACGroupPinACVA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "VA" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in VA sourced from the AC input of the module belonging to that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 5 } --OID : . tsiACGroupNbModSeen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module seen in that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 6 } --OID : . tsiACGroupNbModOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module delivering output in that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 7 } --OID : . tsiACGroupNbModMO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module manually off in that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 8 } --OID : . tsiACGroupNbModKO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module not delivering output due to a failure in that group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 9 } --OID : . tsiACGroupNbModACinOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module stating that their AC input stage is fully functional" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 10 } --OID : . tsiACGroupACinFreq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1Hz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frequency of the AC input of the group" ::= { tsiACGroupTableEntry 11 } --======================== -- TSI DC Group Subtree --======================== --OID : . tsiNbDCGroupConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of DC groups configured in the system" ::= { tsiDCGroups 1} --OID : . tsiDCGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiDCGroupTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table describing the different values related to the DC groups such as voltages, currents, ..." ::= { tsiDCGroups 2 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiDCGroupTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiDCGroupTableIndex } ::= { tsiDCGroupTable 1 } TsiDCGroupTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiDCGroupTableIndex Integer32, tsiDCGroupVinDC Integer32, tsiDCGroupIinDC Integer32, tsiDCGroupPinDC Integer32, tsiDCGroupNbModSeen Integer32, tsiDCGroupNbModOK Integer32, tsiDCGroupNbModMO Integer32, tsiDCGroupNbModKO Integer32, tsiDCGroupNbModDCinOK Integer32 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupTableIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AC group number identifier" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 1 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupVinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1V" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DC input voltage of the group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 2 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupIinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "0.1A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total current sourced from the DC input of the module belonging to that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 3 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupPinDC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "W" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total power in watts sourced from the DC input of the module belonging to that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 4 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupNbModSeen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module seen in that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 5 } --OID : tsiDCGroupNbModOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module delivering output in that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 6 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupNbModMO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module manually off in that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 7 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupNbModKO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module not delivering output due to a failure in that group" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 8 } --OID : . tsiDCGroupNbModDCinOK OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of module stating that their AC input stage is fully functional" ::= { tsiDCGroupTableEntry 9 } --===================== -- TSI Alarm Subtree --===================== --OID : . tsiNbMinorAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of minor alarms present in the system" ::= { tsiAlarms 1 } --OID : . tsiNbMajorAlarm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of major alarms present in the system" ::= { tsiAlarms 2 } --OID : . tsiTotalAlarmNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of alarms present in the system" ::= { tsiAlarms 3 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the alarm present in the system" ::= { tsiAlarms 4 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiAlarmIndex } ::= { tsiAlarmTable 1 } TsiAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiAlarmIndex Integer32, tsiAlarmID Integer32, tsiAlarmType INTEGER, tsiAlarmSource INTEGER, tsiAlarmDescription DisplayString, tsiAlarmTime DateAndTime } -- OID : . tsiAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..50) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm entry identifier" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 1 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier number of the alarm" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 2 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAlarm(0), minor(1), major(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Severity level of the alarm" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 3 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { t2s(0), module01(1), module02(2), module03(3), module04(4), module05(5), module06(6), module07(7), module08(8), module09(9), module10(10), module11(11), module12(12), module13(13), module14(14), module15(15), module16(16), module17(17), module18(18), module19(19), module20(20), module21(21), module22(22), module23(23), module24(24), module25(25), module26(26), module27(27), module28(28), module29(29), module30(30), module31(31), module32(32), system(33) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device responsible of the alarm" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 4 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description string of the alarm" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 5 } -- OID : . tsiAlarmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date and time of the occurence of the alarm" ::= { tsiAlarmEntry 6 } --OID : . tsiTempoMajorRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "s" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporisation of the major alarm relay" ::= { tsiAlarms 5 } --OID : . tsiTempoMinorRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "s" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temporisation of the minor alarm relay" ::= { tsiAlarms 6 } --OID : . tsiACInputPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag that indicates if the AC input should be considered as present or not" ::= { tsiAlarms 7 } --OID : . tsiSaturationThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ratio threshold over which the saturation alarm will be raised" ::= { tsiAlarms 8 } --OID : . tsiProgrammableRelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "%" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event number on which the programmable alarm relay will trigger" ::= { tsiAlarms 9 } --================ -- Trap SubTree --================ --OID : . tsiTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiTraps 0 } --OID : . tsiTrapMajorAlarmAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tsiAlarmID, tsiAlarmSource, tsiAlarmDescription, tsiAlarmTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a new major alarm is detected in the system" ::= { tsiTrapsPrefix 1 } --OID : . tsiTrapMajorAlarmRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tsiAlarmID, tsiAlarmSource, tsiAlarmDescription, tsiAlarmTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a major alarm that was present in the system disappear from it" ::= { tsiTrapsPrefix 2 } --OID : . tsiTrapMinorAlarmAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tsiAlarmID, tsiAlarmSource, tsiAlarmDescription, tsiAlarmTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a new minor alarm is detected in the system" ::= { tsiTrapsPrefix 3 } --OID : . tsiTrapMinorAlarmRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tsiAlarmID, tsiAlarmSource, tsiAlarmDescription, tsiAlarmTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent each time a minor alarm that was present in the system disappear from it" ::= { tsiTrapsPrefix 4 } --================================= -- TSI Event Description Subtree --================================= -- OID : . tsiEventDescriptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiEventDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the event description strings" ::= { tsiEventDescription 1 } -- OID : . tsiEventDescriptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiEventDescriptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiEventDescriptionIndex } ::= { tsiEventDescriptionTable 1 } TsiEventDescriptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiEventDescriptionIndex Integer32, tsiEventDescriptionString DisplayString } -- OID : . tsiEventDescriptionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..300) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The event identifier" ::= { tsiEventDescriptionEntry 1 } -- OID : . tsiEventDescriptionString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description string of the event" ::= { tsiEventDescriptionEntry 2 } --======================== -- TSI T2S Info Subtree --======================== -- OID : . tsiT2SSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Description string of the software version" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 1 } -- OID : . tsiT2SSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description string of the event" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 2 } -- OID : . tsiT2SDateAndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured date and time of the T2S" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 3 } -- OID : . tsiT2SMainSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Major revision software number of the T2S" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 4 } -- OID : . tsiT2SSubSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minor revision software number of the T2S" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 5 } -- OID : . tsiT2SMaxKnownParameters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number of TSI modules configuration parameters" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 6 } -- OID : . tsiT2SVersionTextError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Version number of TSI events description" ::= { tsiT2SInfo 7 } --============================= -- TSI Configuration Subtree --============================= -- OID : . tsiConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TsiConfigurationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the configurable parameters" ::= { tsiConfiguration 1 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TsiConfigurationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The conceptual row referencing the SEQUENCE definition" INDEX { tsiConfigurationIndex } ::= { tsiConfigurationTable 1 } TsiConfigurationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tsiConfigurationIndex Integer32, tsiConfigurationID Integer32, tsiConfigurationValue Integer32, tsiConfigurationDescription DisplayString, tsiConfigurationUnits Integer32, tsiConfigurationValidity DisplayString } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..500) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the table" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 1 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique identifier number associated to the parameter" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 2 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured value of the parameter" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 3 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual description of the parameter" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 4 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value defining the conversion rule to apply to parameter value to obtain real value in MKS units. This value should be expressed in its hexidecimal form 0xYYWW to understand it better - The high byte YY represents the exponent of the power of 10 by wich the value should be divided - The low byte WW represents the unit in which the parameter is expressed 0 : No units 1 : Volts 2 : Amperes 3 : Hertz 4 : Second 5 : Angle (in degrees) 6 : Watt 7 : VA 8 : Percent 9 : Degree 10 : Ohm" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 5 } -- OID : . tsiConfigurationValidity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Textual description regarding the validity status of the parameter" ::= { tsiConfigurationEntry 6 } -- OID : . tsiDigInpLabel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured label associated to digital input 1" ::= { tsiConfiguration 2 } -- OID : . tsiDigInpLabel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configured label associated to digital input 2" ::= { tsiConfiguration 3 } --=============================================================================== -- Conformance Subtree --=============================================================================== --OID : . tsiMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiConformance 1 } --OID : . tsiMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tsiConformance 2 } --========================= -- Compliance Statements --========================= --OID : . tsiMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The core compliance statements for TSI agent" MODULE -- this module GROUP tsiFunctionalGroup DESCRIPTION "The tsiFunctionalGroup contains the objects that are mandatory for a TSI agent to support" GROUP tsiNotificationGroup DESCRIPTION "The tsiNotificationGroup contains the notification type that are mandatory for a TSI agent to support" ::= { tsiMIBCompliances 1 } --OID : . tsiMIBDeprecated MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The core compliance statements for TSI agent deprecated objects" MODULE -- this module GROUP tsiDeprecatedGroup DESCRIPTION "The tsiDeprecatedGroup contains the objets that have been deprecated and that are hence not mandatory anymore" ::= { tsiMIBCompliances 2 } --====================== -- Conformance Groups --====================== --OID : . tsiFunctionalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { -- TSI Modules Subtree tsiModuleSeen, tsiModuleACOutState, tsiModuleACInState, tsiModuleDCInState, tsiModuleAddress, tsiModuleInputRepartition, tsiModuleLoadRatioW, tsiModuleLoadRatioVA, tsiModulePhaseNumber, tsiModuleACGroupNumber, tsiModuleDCGroupNumber, tsiModuleStatus, tsiModuleACInStatus, tsiModuleDCInStatus, tsiModuleVout, tsiModuleIout, tsiModulePoutW, tsiModulePoutVA, tsiModuleVinAC, tsiModuleIinAC, tsiModulePinACW, tsiModulePinACVA, tsiModuleACinFreq, tsiModuleVinDC, tsiModuleIinDC, tsiModulePinDC, tsiModuleTemperature, tsiModuleSoftwareVersion, tsiModuleSerialNumber, tsiModuleNominalPoutW, tsiModuleNominalPoutVA, tsiModuleNominalVinAC, tsiModuleNominalVinDC, tsiModuleNominalFreqAC, tsiRestrained, tsiEPC, -- TSI Phases Subtree tsiNbPhaseConfigured, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioW, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerRatioVA, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioW, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerRatioVA, tsiPhaseVout, tsiPhaseIout, tsiPhaseACOutFreq, tsiPhasePinDC, tsiPhasePinACW, tsiPhasePinACVA, tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInW, tsiPhaseCurrentPowerInVA, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInW, tsiPhaseInstalledPowerInVA, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInW, tsiPhaseAvailablePowerInVA, tsiPhaseNbModConfigured, tsiPhaseRedundancy, tsiPhaseNbModSeen, tsiPhaseNbModOK, tsiPhaseNbModMO, tsiPhaseNbModKO, tsiPhaseNbModNT, -- TSI AC Group Subtree tsiNbACGroupConfigured, tsiACGroupVinAC, tsiACGroupIinAC, tsiACGroupPinACW, tsiACGroupPinACVA, tsiACGroupNbModSeen, tsiACGroupNbModOK, tsiACGroupNbModMO, tsiACGroupNbModKO, tsiACGroupNbModACinOK, tsiACGroupACinFreq, -- TSI DC Group Subtree tsiNbDCGroupConfigured, tsiDCGroupVinDC, tsiDCGroupIinDC, tsiDCGroupPinDC, tsiDCGroupNbModSeen, tsiDCGroupNbModOK, tsiDCGroupNbModMO, tsiDCGroupNbModKO, tsiDCGroupNbModDCinOK, -- TSI Alarm Subtree tsiNbMinorAlarm, tsiNbMajorAlarm, tsiTotalAlarmNumber, tsiAlarmID, tsiAlarmType, tsiAlarmSource, tsiAlarmDescription, tsiAlarmTime, tsiTempoMajorRelay, tsiTempoMinorRelay, tsiACInputPresent, tsiSaturationThreshold, tsiProgrammableRelay, -- TSI Event Description Subtree tsiEventDescriptionString, -- TSI T2S Info Subtree -- tsiT2SSoftwareVersion, tsiT2SSerialNumber, tsiT2SDateAndTime, tsiT2SMainSoftwareVersion, tsiT2SSubSoftwareVersion, tsiT2SMaxKnownParameters, tsiT2SVersionTextError, -- TSI Configuration subtree tsiConfigurationID, tsiConfigurationValue, tsiConfigurationDescription, tsiConfigurationUnits, tsiConfigurationValidity, tsiDigInpLabel1, tsiDigInpLabel2 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for TSI functional supervision." ::= { tsiMIBGroups 1 } --OID : . tsiNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tsiTrapMajorAlarmAdded, tsiTrapMajorAlarmRemoved, tsiTrapMinorAlarmAdded, tsiTrapMinorAlarmRemoved } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The TSI MIB notification group" ::= { tsiMIBGroups 2 } --OID : . tsiDeprecatedGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { -- TSI T2S Info Subtree tsiT2SSoftwareVersion } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Conformance group for TSI deprecated objects" ::= { tsiMIBGroups 3 } END