-- This file was included in Ciena MIB release MIBS-CIENA-CES-08-07-00-024 -- -- CIENA-CES-FILE-TRANSFER-MIB.my -- CIENA-CES-FILE-TRANSFER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress FROM CIENA-GLOBAL-MIB cienaCesNotifications, cienaCesConfig FROM CIENA-SMI; cienaCesFileTransferMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706070000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ciena Corp." CONTACT-INFO " Mib Meister 7035 Ridge Road Hanover, Maryland 21076 USA Phone: +1 800 921 1144 Email: support@ciena.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the file transfer objects." REVISION "201706070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated contact info." REVISION "201102020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial creation. " ::= { cienaCesConfig 15 } -- -- Node definitions -- cienaCesFileTransferMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesFileTransferMIB 1 } -- -- System Attributes -- cienaCesFileTransfer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesFileTransferMIBObjects 1 } -- -- Notifications -- cienaCesFileTransferMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotifications 16 } cienaCesFileTransferMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesFileTransferMIBNotificationPrefix 0 } -- -- System Attributes -- cienaCesFTransferRemoteFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file name (including the path, if applicable) to be retrieved from the xFTP server. If the switch/device is downloading a file, then this should be the name of the file on the remote server. The length of the filename string must not exceed 64 alpha-numeric characters, no spaces in filenames." ::= { cienaCesFileTransfer 1 } cienaCesFTransferLocalFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file name (including the path, if applicable) to be written to. If the switch/device is downloading a file, then this should be name of the file on the switch/device. Length of filename string must not exceed 64 alpha-numeric characters, no spaces in filenames. By default it will have the same value as of cienaCesFTransferRemoteFilename." ::= { cienaCesFileTransfer 2 } cienaCesFTransferNotificationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fileAlreadyExist(1), tftpServerNotFound(2), fileGetError(3), filePutError(4), fileSystemError(5), fileContentsInvalid(6), flashOffline(7), badFileCrc(8), allFilesSkipped(9), serverIpAddrInvalid(10), filePathInvalid(11), fileNameInvalid(12), sourceNotFound(13), fileNameNeeded(14), notEnoughSpace(15), putSuccessful(16), downloadSuccess(17), internalError(18), noStatus(0) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the file transfer that is to be reported via the FileTransfer Notification." ::= { cienaCesFileTransfer 3 } cienaCesFTransferNotificationInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string explaining the error code in detail or the additional information for the file transfer completion. " ::= { cienaCesFileTransfer 4 } -- -- Notifications -- cienaCesFTransferCompletion NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesFTransferRemoteFilename, cienaCesFTransferLocalFilename, cienaCesFTransferNotificationStatus, cienaCesFTransferNotificationInfo } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cienaCesFTransferCompletion notification is sent at the completion of a file transfer request. The cienaCesFileTransferCompletionTrapState must be enabled to generate this notification. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesFTransferRemoteFilename, cienaCesFTransferLocalFilename, cienaCesFTransferNotificationStatus, and cienaCesFTransferNotificationInfo." ::= { cienaCesFileTransferMIBNotifications 1 } END