-- This file was included in WWP MIB release 04-16-00-0047 -- -- CIENA-CES-MPLS-MIB.my -- -- CIENA-CES-MPLS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TimeTicks, Counter32, Integer32, Unsigned32, IpAddress, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue, DisplayString, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, RowPointer, StorageType, TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC AddressFamilyNumbers FROM IANA-ADDRESS-FAMILY-NUMBERS-MIB CienaGlobalState FROM CIENA-TC cienaCesConfig, cienaCesNotifications FROM CIENA-SMI cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress FROM CIENA-GLOBAL-MIB MplsBitRate FROM MPLS-TC-STD-MIB; cienaCesMplsMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201611220000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ciena, Inc" CONTACT-INFO " Mib Meister 115 North Sullivan Road Spokane Valley, WA 99037 USA Phone: +1 509 242 9000 Email: support@ciena.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines the mgmt objects for the MPLS feature for LEOS based Ciena products." REVISION "201611220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedLspId in cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201611170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeMode in cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201610210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID cienaCesTeLinkSrlgCount in cienaCesTeLinkTable" REVISION "201610120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingPackets, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingPackets, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingBytes, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingBytes in cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201609210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID cienaCesTeResourceColorUseCount,cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupUseCount in cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable and cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable respectively" REVISION "201608290000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OIDs cienaCesMplsPwConfigBandwidth, cienaCesMplsPwOperBandwidth and cienaCesMplsPwBandwidthState in cienaCesMplsPwTable" REVISION "201608220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified enums AutoSizeFailHdlr, AutoSizeState, PathDisjointType, PathDisjointMode and added new enums TEMode, MplsGlobalState. updated type of cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReoptimization and cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeEnable, and description of cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoBackupEnable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReOptTimeInterval, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeInterval, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMinBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMaxBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIncBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAll, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAny, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceExcludeAny in cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable. Added new OIDs cienaCesTeResourceColorBitMask, cienaCesTeLinkMode and per priority unreserved bandwidth in cienaCesTeLinkTable and updated maximum bandwidth range" REVISION "201607180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated the description of some of the attributes in following tables cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTable, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201607120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added tables: cienaCesTeLinkTable, cienaCesTeResourceGrpTable, cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable, cienaCesTeLinkSrlgTable" REVISION "201607110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added attributes cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReoptimization, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReOptTimeInterval, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointType, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointMode, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeEnable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeInterval, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeFailureHdlr, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMinBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMaxBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIncBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCurBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReqBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelUsedBandwidth, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelClassType, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAll, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAny, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceExcludeAny in cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201607040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for MPLS-CAC (Diffserv-TE) feature" REVISION "201606100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelResizeResultTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelMbbResultTrap, cienaCesMplsCacInterfaceThresholdTrap" REVISION "201603110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OID for auto-backup tunnel in the cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201602150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified attributes related to if-num, LSP-id, src-tunnel-id and dest-tunnel-id in cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTable to match with the previous release 6.13.1" REVISION "201601040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new attributes if-num, LSP-id, src-tunel-id and dest-tunnel-id in static tp corouted tunnel tables" REVISION "201508180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OIDs for the Traffic Statistics in the following tables cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTable, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTable" REVISION "201502230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added MS-PW support" REVISION "201412010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OIDs cienaCesMplsPwProtectionRole & cienaCesMplsPwProtectionState and deprecate OID cienaCesMplsPwRole" REVISION "201411040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added new OIDs cienaCesMplsPwReversion, cienaCesMplsPwRevertTime and modifed status of cienaCesServiceDelimiterVID, cienaCesServiceDelimiterTPID to Deprecated in cienaCesMplsPwEntry table" REVISION "201406110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified tables: cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileTable." REVISION "201404080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified the OID of cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelOperStateChgTrap. Updated the description of cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap and added varbinds cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress to cienaCesMplsPwDown, cienaCesMplsPwUp and cienaCesMplsPwBundleActivePwChange traps" REVISION "201402280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Created cienaCesMplsPw under cienaCesMplsMIBObjects. Added cienaCesMplsPwTable, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileTable and cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileTable under cienaCesMplsPw. Added a scalar cienaCesMplsGlobalNextFreeStaticVcLabel and cienaCesMplsFreeStaticTunnelTable under cienaCesMplsGlobal. Added BFD profile index in cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTable, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTable and cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelTable. Added cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapUnidirTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsTransitUnidirTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsTransitCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelOperStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapUnidirTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChangeTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChangeTrap, cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChangeTrap, cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap, cienaCesGmplsTunnelAisFaultErrorTrap, cienaCesMplsPwDown, cienaCesMplsPwUp and cienaCesMplsPwBundleActivePwChange" REVISION "201309270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Created new table cienaCesMplsGlobal under cienaCesMplsMIBObjects and added cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileTable and added cienaCesMplsAttrs and cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPath from cienaCesMpls.Modified tunnel tables under cienaCesMpls, adding protection information, CosProfileIndex and CosProfileName, deprecated cos-profile parameters from individual tunnel tables. Added new tables cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelTable and cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopTable under cienaCesMpls. Added gmpls tunnel cienaCesGmpls under cienaCesMplsMIBObjects which contains all tuunel table, path table, AR hop table" REVISION "201305080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified the status of cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedExp under cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTable and cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedExp under cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTable to deprecated. Added objects cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTC under cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTable and cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTC under cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTable. Modified the description of certain MIB tables and objects to match the description in 7.X" REVISION "201102020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version." ::= { cienaCesConfig 18 } -- -- Textual convention -- TTLPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TTL Policy" SYNTAX INTEGER { decrement(0), fixed(1), inherit(2) } PseudoWireType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pseudo Wire Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { raw(1), tagged(2) } RCosPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resolved Cos Policy" SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed(1), exp-mapped(2) } FCosPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frame Cos Policy" SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed(1), rcos-mapped(2) } --StatusTLV ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "Status TLV" -- SYNTAX INTEGER { -- on(1), -- off(2) -- } PrivateForwardGroup ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Private Forwarding Group" SYNTAX INTEGER { groupA(1), groupB(2), groupC(3) } -- AdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION "Virtual Circuit Admin State." -- SYNTAX INTEGER { -- enabled(1), -- disabled(2) -- } OperState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual Circuit Opererational State." SYNTAX INTEGER { capable(1), not-capable(2) } VCFailReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Virtual Circuit Failure Reason" SYNTAX INTEGER { indeterminate(1), ignore(2) } VCStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VC Status. This is used for both local and remote status faults" SYNTAX BITS { notForwarding(0), servicePwRxFault(1), servicePwTxFault(2), psnPwIngressRxFault(3), psnPwEgressTxFault(4), pwStandby(5) } VCState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current VC state" SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), notActive(2) } AttachGroupType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attach Group Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } TunnelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transport tunnel types for MPLS VC" SYNTAX INTEGER { mplsStaticIngress(1), mplsDynamicIngress(2), mplsAssociated(3), gmplsStaticIngressCorouted(4), gmplsDynamicIngressCorouted(5), gmplsStaticEgressCorouted(6), gmplsDynamicEgressCorouted(7), gmplsAssociated(8) } TunnelAisFault ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This is replaced by TunnelOamFault." SYNTAX INTEGER { fault(1), nofault(2) } TunnelOamFault ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Oam fault status on the tunnel." SYNTAX INTEGER { aisfault(1), bfdfault(2), aisbfdfault(3), nofault(4) } AutoSizeFailHdlr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto size failure handler." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), alarm(2), mbb(3), notApplicable(4) } AutoSizeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto size dynamic states." SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), upsizeInProgress(2), upsizeFailed(3), downsizeInProgress(4), downsizeFailed(5), notApplicable(6) } AutoSizeMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto size mode." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), cac(2), utilization(3), notApplicable(4) } CacPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPLS Class Profile Cac Policy" SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(1), mam(2), rdm(3) } PathDisjointType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel Path Disjoint Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), none(2), link(3), srlg(4), node(5), srlgAndNode(6), srlgOrNode(7), notApplicable(8) } PathDisjointMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel Path Disjoint Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), strict(2), maximal(3), notApplicable(4) } SRLGState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SRLG state" SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inActive(2) } TEMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TE mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { diffServ(1), diffServ-Te(2) } MplsGlobalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention enumerates the administrative and operational state with not applicable value." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), notApplicable(3) } -- -- Node definitions -- cienaCesMplsMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIB 1 } cienaCesMpls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBObjects 1 } cienaCesGmpls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBObjects 2 } cienaCesMplsGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBObjects 3 } cienaCesMplsPw OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBObjects 4 } cienaCesMplsTe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBObjects 5 } -- Notifications cienaCesMplsMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotifications 17 } cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotificationPrefix 0 } cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotificationPrefix 1 } cienaCesMplsPwMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotificationPrefix 2 } -- -- Mpls Global Attrs -- cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 1 } cienaCesMplsStaticAdminLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 1 } cienaCesMplsStaticAdminLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The end of the static administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 2 } cienaCesMplsStaticOperLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 3 } cienaCesMplsStaticOperLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The end of the static operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 4 } cienaCesMplsDynamicAdminLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The beginning of the dynamic administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 5 } cienaCesMplsDynamicAdminLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The end of the dynamic administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 6 } cienaCesMplsDynamicOperLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The beginning of the dynamic operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 7 } cienaCesMplsDynamicOperLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The end of the dynamic operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalAttrs 8 } -- -- MPLS Static Encap tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static encap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesMpls 2 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS static encap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelWeight INTEGER, --cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelLabel INTEGER, --cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelCspfEnabled INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFrmCosPolicy FCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFrmCosMapId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedExp Unsigned32, --cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFastRoute INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, -- cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelRowStatus RowStatus, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelReversionTimeout INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelPrimaryTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTC Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelCosProfileIndex INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelRecoveryDisjoint INTEGER } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name. Tunnel names are common across static and dynamic." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A parameter to select the order of precedence of encap tunnels during tunnel switchover or reversion (if tunnel reversion is enabled). A higher weight indicates higher preference during switchover or reversion." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static encap tunnel. If not specified, the static encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the static encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFrmCosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Frame CoS policy of the static encap tunnel." DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFrmCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The frame CoS map ID of the static encap tunnel. This value is valid if the frame CoS policy selected for the static encap tunnel is rcos-mapped. This value corresponds to the index cienaCesTceDpTsCosMapFcosMapId of the cienaCesTceDpTsCosMapFcosMapTable." ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedExp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This object is deprecated and the new object to provide this information is cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTC in this table." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 11 } --cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFastRoute OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { -- none(1), -- link-protect(2), -- node-protect(3) -- } -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "" -- DEFVAL { link-protect } -- ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the static encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 14 } --cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelPrimaryTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This object represents the primary tunnel it is protecting, if this is a backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelFixedTC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "If the frame CoS policy for the static encap tunnel is fixed, this value is used for MPLS encapsulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection role of the static encap tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection status of the static encap tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the primary tunnel it is protecting, if this is a backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelRecoveryDisjoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link(2), node(3), srlg(4), unknown(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of Recovery Disjoint" ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticIngressTunnelEntry 25 } -- -- MPLS Dynamic Encap tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS encap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesMpls 3 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dynamic encap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelWeight INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelLabel INTEGER, --cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelCspfEnabled INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFrmCosPolicy INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFrmCosMapId INTEGER, --include frame cos map name as RO cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedExp Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelSetupPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelHoldPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelRecordRoute INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFastRoute INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTTLPolicy INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPathIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPathName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, -- cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelRowStatus RowStatus, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelResourcePointer RowPointer, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelReversionTimeout INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelBandwidthProfile DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPrimaryTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTC Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelCosProfileIndex INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) -- Is the size range correct? MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the dynamic encap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A parameter to select the order of precedence of encap tunnels during tunnel switchover or reversion (if tunnel reversion is enabled). A higher weight indicates higher preference during switchover or reversion." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique index within a tunnel group." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the dynamic encap tunnel. If not specified, the dynamic encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel group. This object cannot be modified once the dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only -- for dynamic it is read-only?? STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Label for the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFrmCosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed(1), rcos-mapped(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Frame CoS policy of the dynamic encap tunnel." DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFrmCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The frame CoS map ID of the dynamic encap tunnel. This value is valid if the frame CoS policy selected for the dynamic encap tunnel is rcos-mapped. This value corresponds to the index cienaCesTceDpTsCosMapFcosMapId of the cienaCesTceDpTsCosMapFcosMapTable." ::= {cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedExp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This object is deprecated and the new object to provide this information is cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTC in this table." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelSetupPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the set up priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelHoldPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the holding priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelRecordRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not an FRR (fast re-route) tunnel needs to be created for this dynamic encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFastRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link-protect(2), node-protect(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the fast route method for the dynamic encap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." DEFVAL { link-protect } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fixed(1), inherit(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the cienaCesmplsTunnelPathTable entry that specifies the explicit route hops for this dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path name corresponding to the pathIndex object." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group id of the tunnel group of which the dynamic encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 21 } --cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelResourcePointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OID must be one of the entries in mplsTunnelResourceTable." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelBandwidthProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the bandwidth profile attached to this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelPrimaryTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This object represents the primary tunnel it is protecting, if this is a backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 27 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelFixedTC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "If the frame CoS policy for the dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, this value is used for MPLS encapsulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 28 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection role of the static encap tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 29 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection status of the static encap tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 30 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the primary tunnel it is protecting, if this is a backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 31 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 32 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressTunnelEntry 33 } -- -- MPLS static Decap tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS decap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesMpls 4 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static decap tunnel table. " INDEX {cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelLabel Unsigned32 -- cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelRowStatus RowStatus } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of the static decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the label of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 6 } -- cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticEgressTunnelEntry 7 } -- -- MPLS Dynamic Decap tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS dynamic decap tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesMpls 5 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dynamic decap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelIndex,cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelInstance,cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelSourceIpAddr,cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelDestIpAddr} ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelInstance Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelLabel Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the dynamic decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the dynamic decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the LSP ID." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Idicates the label of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicEgressTunnelEntry 8 } -- -- MPLS Static transit tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static transit tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesMpls 6 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static transit tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelInLabel INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutLabel INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFcosPolicy FCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFixedTc Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFrmCosMapId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelRcosPolicy FCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelRCosMapId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelCosProfileIndex INTEGER, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the static transit tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the static transit tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFcosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Frame CoS policy of the static transit tunnel." DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFixedTc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "If frame CoS policy for the static transit tunnel is fixed, this value is used for MPLS encapsulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFrmCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The frame CoS map ID of the static transit tunnel. This value is valid if the frame cos policy selected for the static transit tunnel is rcos-mapped." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static transit tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelRcosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Resolved CoS policy of the static transit tunnel." DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelRCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The resolved CoS map ID of the static transit tunnel. This value is valid if the resolved CoS policy selected for the static transit tunnel is rcos-mapped." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsStaticTransitTunnelEntry 22 } -- -- MPLS Dynamic transit tunnel table -- cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS dynamic transit tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesMpls 7 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dynamic transit tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelInLabel INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutLabel INTEGER, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the dynamic transit tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the dynamic transit tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the dynamic transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the dynamic transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the dynamic transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the Dynamic transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsDynamicTransitTunnelEntry 13 } -- -- MPLS tunnel Path table (going to be deprecated) -- cienaCesMplsTunnelPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 8 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS tunnel paths. To create an entry in the tunnel path table, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathName and cienaCesMplsTunnelPathRowStatus must both be specified." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPath 1 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tunnel path table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsTunnelPathIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathTable 1 } CienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathUseCount Counter32 -- cienaCesMplsTunnelPathRowStatus RowStatus } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique index in the path entry table." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE ( 1..31) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name associated with the path." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathUseCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of encap tunnels that are using this path." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry 3 } -- cienaCesMplsTunnelPathRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathEntry 4 } -- -- MPLS tunnel Path Hop table(going to be deprecated) -- cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS tunnel path hop. To create an entry in the path-hop table, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIpAddr and cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopRowStatus must both be specified." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPath 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tunnel hop entry." INDEX {cienaCesMplsTunnelPathIndex, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopTable 1 } CienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopType INTEGER --cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopRowStatus RowStatus } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the path hop table." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address associated with this hop. This object cannot be modified once the path hop is created." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { strict(1), loose(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indidcates the hop type of the path member. This object cannot be modified once the path hop is created." DEFVAL { strict } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry 3 } --cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelPathHopEntry 4 } -- -- Extension to the MPLS Tunnel table table -- -- cienaCesMplsEncapTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 9 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for encap tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsEncapTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId IpAddress } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2), frr(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encap tunnel type of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the node with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsTransitTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 10 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for transit tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsTransitTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the transit tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transit tunnel type of the transit tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the transit tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsEncapTunnelGrpNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 11 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for encap tunnel group notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsEncapTunnelGrpNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable 1 } CienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType INTEGER } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group index of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group name of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Encap Tunnel index of the tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Encap Tunnel name of the Tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2), frr(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encap tunnel type of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 5 } -- -- MPLS Associated Tunnel -- cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table listing the MPLS Associated tunnels." ::= { cienaCesMpls 12 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS associated tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelType DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelType DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsAssociatedDynamicTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsAssociatedProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesMplsAssociatedProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table. Specifies mpls associated tunnel index" ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies mpls associated tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated forward tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated forward tunnel type." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated reverse tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated reverse tunnel type." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated mpls forward tunnel destination IP address" ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedDynamicTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated mpls reverse tunnel source IP address." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedForwardTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated forward tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedReverseTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated reverse tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection role of the associated tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection status of the associated tunnel " ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel name it is protecting" ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of BFD monitoring." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session name." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if BFD is faulted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this associated tunnel" ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 20 } -- -- MPLS AR HOP TABLE -- cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mplsTunnelARHopTable is used to indicate the hops for an MPLS tunnel defined in mplsTunnelTable, as reported by the MPLS signalling protocol. Thus at a transit LSR, this table (if the table is supported and if the signaling protocol is recording actual route information) contains the actual route of the whole tunnel. If the signaling protocol is not recording the actual route, this table MAY report the information from the mplsTunnelHopTable or the mplsTunnelCHopTable. Each row in this table is indexed by mplsTunnelARHopListIndex. Each row also has a secondary index mplsTunnelARHopIndex, corresponding to the next hop that this row corresponds to. Please note that since the information necessary to build entries within this table is not provided by some MPLS signalling protocols, implementation of this table is optional. Furthermore, since the information in this table is actually provided by the MPLS signalling protocol after the path has been set-up, the entries in this table are provided only for observation, and hence, all variables in this table are accessible exclusively as read- only. Note also that the contencts of this table may change while it is being read because of re-routing activities. A network administrator may verify that the actual route read is consistent by reference to the mplsTunnelLastPathChange object." ::= { cienaCesMpls 13 } cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop. An entry is created by the agent for signaled ERLSP set up by an MPLS signalling protocol." INDEX { cienaMplsTunnelARHopListIndex, cienaMplsTunnelARHopIndex } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopTable 1 } CienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaMplsTunnelARHopListIndex Unsigned32, cienaMplsTunnelARHopIndex Unsigned32, cienaMplsTunnelARHopAddrType INTEGER , cienaMplsTunnelARHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaMplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum Unsigned32, cienaMplsTunnelARHopLspId Unsigned32 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular recorded hop list." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 1 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying the particular hop." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 2 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop. Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only for tunnels signaled via CRLDP." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 3 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop. The type of this address is determined by the value of the corresponding mplsTunnelARHopAddrType. If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then this value contains the LSR Router ID of the unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent SHOULD set this object to the zero-length string and the manager should ignore this object." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 4 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then this value will contain the interface identifier of the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object should be used in conjunction with mplsTunnelARHopIpAddr which would contain the LSR Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 5 } cienaMplsTunnelARHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If mplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelARHopEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 14 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for associated tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId IpAddress } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the associated tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associated tunnel type of the associated tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the associated tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the node with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 7 } -- -- CAC TE Table -- cienaCesMplsCacInterfaceNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMpls 15 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for CAC interface notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsCacInterfaceNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsNotifCACInterfaceTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceClassType, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceTable 1 } CienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceClassType Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceThreshold Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CAC entry index associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CAC class type value of the associated interface associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the associated interface name." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm threshold value of the associated interface associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsClassProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Class Profiles." ::= { cienaCesMpls 16 } cienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry for MPLS Class Profile." INDEX { cienaCesMplsClassProfileIndex } ::= { cienaCesMplsClassProfileTable 1 } CienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsClassProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsClassProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsClassProfileCacPolicy CacPolicy } cienaCesMplsClassProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..500) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index for MPLS Class Profile." ::= { cienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsClassProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the MPLS Class Profile name." ::= { cienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsClassProfileCacPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CacPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MPLS Class Profile Cac policy." DEFVAL { mam } ::= { cienaCesMplsClassProfileEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Class Types." ::= { cienaCesMpls 17 } cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry for MPLS Class Type." INDEX { cienaCesMplsClassProfileIndex, cienaCesMplsClassType } ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeTable 1 } CienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsClassType Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsClassTypeQueueGroupIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsClassTypeQueueGroupInstance Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsClassTypeLom Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsClassTypeAlarmThreshold Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the MPLS Class Type value. Used as an Index in combination with MPLS Class Profile Index." ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsClassTypeQueueGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..500) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the queue group index associated with MPLS Class Type." ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsClassTypeQueueGroupInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65534) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the instance for MPLS Class Type mapped to a particular queue group." ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsClassTypeLom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the link multiplier value for the MPLS Class Type." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsClassTypeAlarmThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Alarm Threshold percentage (%) for MPLS Class Type." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { cienaCesMplsTEClassTypeEntry 5 } -- -- TE Tunnel Traps -- cienaCesMplsTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an encap tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultNodeId." ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications 1 } cienaCesMplsEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName, cienaCesMplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent whenever the active encap tunnel in a tunnel group changes." ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications 2 } cienaCesMplsTransitTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of a transit tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted." ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications 3 } cienaCesMplsAssociatedTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an associated tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesMplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId." ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications 6 } cienaCesMplsCacInterfaceThresholdTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceClassType, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceName, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when LSP bandwith usage exceeds the threshold. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsNotifCasInterfaceIndex, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceClassType, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceName, cienaCesMplsNotifCacInterfaceThreshold." ::= { cienaCesMplsMIBNotifications 7 } -- -- GMPLS-TP Static Encap uni directional tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static encap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS static encap TP unidirectional tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelRecoveryDisjoint INTEGER } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name. Tunnel names are common across static and dynamic." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static encap tunnel. If not specified, the static encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the static encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static encap tunnel. If not specified, the static encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the static encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the static encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelRecoveryDisjoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link(2), node(3), srlg(4), unknown(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of Recovery Disjoint" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 19 } -- -- GMPLS-TP Static Encap corouted tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static encap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS static encap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelRecoveryDisjoint INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIfNum Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name. Tunnel names are common across static and dynamic." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static encap tunnel. If not specified, the static encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the static encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static encap tunnel. If not specified, the static encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the static encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the static encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of BFD monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of AIS monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent AIS profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if BFD is faulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this gmpls static ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelRecoveryDisjoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link(2), node(3), srlg(4), unknown(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of Recovery Disjoint" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 27 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIfNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents next hop interface number for this gmpls static ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 28 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents LSP ID for this gmpls static ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 29 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents source tunnel ID for this gmpls static ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 30 } cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents destination tunnel ID for this gmpls static ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 31 } -- -- GMPLS-TP Dynamic Encap uni directional tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Dynamic encap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS Dynamic encap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelRecordRoute INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelFastRoute INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelSetupPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelHoldPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelPathIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelPathName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelBandwidthProfile DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelResourcePointer RowPointer } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name. Tunnel names are common across Dynamic and dynamic." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique index within a tunnel group." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the Dynamic encap tunnel. If not specified, the Dynamic encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the Dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the Dynamic encap tunnel. If not specified, the Dynamic encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the Dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the Dynamic encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelRecordRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not an FRR (fast re-route) tunnel needs to be created for this dynamic encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelFastRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link-protect(2), node-protect(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the fast route method for the dynamic encap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." DEFVAL { link-protect } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelSetupPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the set up priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelHoldPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the holding priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the cienaCesmplsTunnelPathTable entry that specifies the explicit route hops for this dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path name corresponding to the pathIndex object." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelBandwidthProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the bandwidth profile attached to this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelResourcePointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OID must be one of the entries in mplsTunnelResourceTable." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressUniDirTunnelEntry 27 } -- -- GMPLS-TP Dynamic Encap corouted tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Dynamic encap co-routed tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS Dynamic encap co-routed tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIp IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelRecordRoute INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelFastRoute INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelSetupPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelHoldPriority Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBandwidthProfile DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourcePointer RowPointer, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoBackupEnable INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReoptimization MplsGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReOptTimeInterval Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointType PathDisjointType, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointMode PathDisjointMode, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeEnable MplsGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeInterval Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeFailureHdlr AutoSizeFailHdlr, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeState AutoSizeState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMinBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMaxBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIncBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCurBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReqBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelUsedBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelClassType Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAll Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAny Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceExcludeAny Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedLspId Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name. Tunnel names are common across Dynamic and dynamic." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelNextHopIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the next hop IP address for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the Dynamic encap tunnel. If not specified, the Dynamic encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the Dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the Dynamic encap tunnel. If not specified, the Dynamic encap tunnel inherits the IP address of the tunnel-group. This object cannot be modified once the Dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the administrative status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the operational status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The label for the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the Dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the Dynamic encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelRecordRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether or not an FRR (fast re-route) tunnel needs to be created for this dynamic encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelFastRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link-protect(2), node-protect(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the fast route method for the dynamic encap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the dynamic encap tunnel entry is created." DEFVAL { link-protect } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelSetupPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the set up priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelHoldPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the holding priority of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into the cienaCesmplsTunnelPathTable entry that specifies the explicit route hops for this dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The path name corresponding to the pathIndex object." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBandwidthProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the bandwidth profile attached to this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourcePointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowPointer MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OID must be one of the entries in mplsTunnelResourceTable." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 27 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of BFD monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 28 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 29 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 30 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if BFD is faulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 31 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this gmpls dynamic ingress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoBackupEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if auto-backup is enabled for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 33 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReoptimization OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if Lsp-Reoptimization is enabled or disabled for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 34 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelLspReOptTimeInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..60) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates Lsp-Reoptimization Time interval(in minutes) for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." DEFVAL {30} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 35 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PathDisjointType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates path diversification criteria used for this tunnel. It can either be node based or srlg based or link based or combination." DEFVAL { srlg } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 36 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelPathDisjointMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PathDisjointMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates mode used for path diversification for this tunnel ." DEFVAL { strict } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 37 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if auto-size is enabled for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 38 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (5..60) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-sizing interval(in minutes) for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 39 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeFailureHdlr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoSizeFailHdlr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-sizing failure handler for this tunnel." DEFVAL { alarm } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 40 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoSizeState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates dynamic auto-sizing states for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 41 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelAutoSizeMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AutoSizeMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-sizing mode for this tunnel." DEFVAL { cac } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 42 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMinBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size minimum bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 43 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size maximum bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." DEFVAL { 1000000000 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 44 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelIncBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size increment bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 45 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelCurBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size current bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 46 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelReqBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size requested bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 47 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelUsedBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates auto-size used bandwidth(in kbps) for this tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 48 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the DSTE class type (CT0-CT7) mapped to this Tunnel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 49 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAll OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resource affinity Admin Color-Group which is applied in include-all colors mode to constrain path selection and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 50 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceIncludeAny OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resource affinity Admin Color-Group which is applied in include-any colors mode to constrain path selection and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 51 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelResourceExcludeAny OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resource affinity Admin Color-Group which is applied in exclude-any colors mode to constrain path selection and always remains 0 in case of backup tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 52 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Ingress LSP ID." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicIngressCoroutedTunnelEntry 53 } -- -- GMPLS static Decap uni dir tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS decap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static decap tunnel table. " INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of the static decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prev hop IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "destination IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the label of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } -- -- GMPLS static Decap co routed tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS decap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static decap tunnel table. " INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelRecoveryDisjoint INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIfNum Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of the static decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prev hop IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "destination IP address of the static decap tunnel. This object cannot be modified once the static decap tunnel entry is created." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the in label of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the out label of the static decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies protection tunnel role." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the static encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the Dynamic encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of BFD monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of AIS monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent AIS profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if BFD is faulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this gmpls static egress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelRecoveryDisjoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), link(2), node(3), srlg(4), unknown(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of Recovery Disjoint" ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 27 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIfNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents previous hop interface number for this gmpls static egress corouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 28 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents LSP ID for this gmpls static egress corouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 29 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents source tunnel ID for this gmpls static egress corouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 30 } cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents source tunnel ID for this gmpls static egress corouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 31 } -- -- GMPLS Dynamic Decap uni dir tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS dynamic decap tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dynamic decap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the dynamic decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the dynamic decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the LSP ID." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Idicates the label of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressUniDirTunnelEntry 9 } -- -- GMPLS Dynamic Decap co routed tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS dynamic decap tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesGmpls 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dynamic decap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReversion INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the dynamic decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the dynamic decap tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the LSP ID." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prev hop IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Idicates the label of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the out label of the dynamic decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies role of this dynamic tunnel" ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protection partner name of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the Protection status of the static encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group ID of the tunnel group of which the Dynamic encap tunnel is a member." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether tunnel reversion is turned on/off for this encap tunnel." DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelReversionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel reversion hold time in seconds before the primary encap tunnel switches back as active tunnel in its tunnel group." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter indicates if BFD monitoring is enabled or disableb on tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It Indicates assigned BFD profile names to tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It Indicates BFD session names." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies if BFD faulted" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this gmpls dynamic egress corouted tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic encap tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicEgressCoroutedTunnelEntry 25 } -- -- GMPLS Static transit uni dir tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static TransitUniDir tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesGmpls 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static TransitUniDir tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAisMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAisProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the static TransitUniDir tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Previous hop IP address of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the static TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static TransitUniDir tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAisMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies AIS monitoring's status." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelAisProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contais AIS profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 20 } -- -- GMPLS Static transit co routed tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS static TransitCorouted tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesGmpls 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the static TransitCorouted tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIfNum Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIfNum Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelLspId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the static TransitCorouted tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Previous hop IP address of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the static TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the static TransitCorouted tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents Cos profile index" --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the name of Cos profile" ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAisMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies AIS monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelAisProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains AIS profile name " ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIfNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents previous hop interface number for this gmpls transit corouted tunnel." --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIfNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents next hop interface number for this gmpls transit corouted tunnel." --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents LSP ID for this gmpls transit corouted tunnel." --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelSrcTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents source tunnel ID for this gmpls transit corouted tunnel." --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelDestTunnelId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents destination tunnel ID for this gmpls transit corouted tunnel." --DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 23 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 24 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 25 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 26 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 27 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse direction incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 28 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse direction outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 29 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse direction incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 30 } cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse direction outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsStaticTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 31 } -- -- GMPLS Dynamic transit unidir tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesGmpls 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic TransitUniDir tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitUniDirTunnelEntry 15 } -- -- GMPLS Dynamic transit corouted tunnel table -- cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS Dynamic TransitCoRouted tunnels. " ::= { cienaCesGmpls 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy TTLPolicy, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the administrative status of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." DEFVAL {enabled} ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the operational status of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelSourceIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source IP address of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination IP address of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelNextHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Next hop IP address of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelPrevHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Previous hop IP address of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelForwardOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the incoming label of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0..1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outgoing label of the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelTTLPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TTLPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether TTL is fixed or inherited from the frame." DEFVAL { fixed } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelFixedTTL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the TTL policy for the Dynamic TransitCorouted tunnel is fixed, then this object is the TTL value." DEFVAL { 255 } ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= {cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse incoming packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse outgoing packets for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse incoming bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelReverseOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of reverse outgoing bytes for the given transit tunnel. This object is supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDynamicTransitCoroutedTunnelEntry 22 } -- -- GMPLS Associated Tunnel -- cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the Gmpls Associated tunnels." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 13 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the Gmpls static encap tunnel table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelType DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelType DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelDestIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedDynamicTunnelSrcIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelProtectionPartnerName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdSessionName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedAisMonitoring CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedAisProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdSessionFaulted INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdProfileIndex Unsigned32 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique tunnel index in the table." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies Gmpls associated tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated forward tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated forward tunnel type." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated reverse tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated reverse tunnel type." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelDestIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated Gmpls forward tunnel destination IP address" ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedDynamicTunnelSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies associated Gmpls reverse tunnel source IP address." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrator status of associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedForwardTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated forward tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedReverseTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of associated reverse tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection role of the associated tunnel " ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { standby(0), active(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection status of the associated tunnel " ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelProtectionPartnerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the tunnel name it is protecting" ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 15 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of BFD monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 16 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 17 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdSessionName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 18 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedAisMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies status of AIS monitoring." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 19 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedAisProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represent BFD profile name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 20 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdSessionFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies BFD session error code." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 21 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedBfdProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the BFD profile index in the BFD profile table configured for this gmpls associated tunnel" ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelEntry 22 } -- -- GMPLS AR HOP TABLE -- cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The GmplsTunnelARHopTable is used to indicate the hops for an Gmpls tunnel defined in GmplsTunnelTable, as reported by the Gmpls signalling protocol. Thus at a transit LSR, this table (if the table is supported and if the signaling protocol is recording actual route information) contains the actual route of the whole tunnel. If the signaling protocol is not recording the actual route, this table MAY report the information from the GmplsTunnelHopTable or the GmplsTunnelCHopTable. Each row in this table is indexed by GmplsTunnelARHopListIndex. Each row also has a secondary index GmplsTunnelARHopIndex, corresponding to the next hop that this row corresponds to. Please note that since the information necessary to build entries within this table is not provided by some Gmpls signalling protocols, implementation of this table is optional. Furthermore, since the information in this table is actually provided by the Gmpls signalling protocol after the path has been set-up, the entries in this table are provided only for observation, and hence, all variables in this table are accessible exclusively as read- only. Note also that the contencts of this table may change while it is being read because of re-routing activities. A network administrator may verify that the actual route read is consistent by reference to the GmplsTunnelLastPathChange object." ::= { cienaCesGmpls 14 } cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table represents a tunnel hop. An entry is created by the agent for signaled ERLSP set up by an Gmpls signalling protocol." INDEX { cienaGmplsTunnelARHopListIndex, cienaGmplsTunnelARHopIndex } ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaGmplsTunnelARHopListIndex Unsigned32, cienaGmplsTunnelARHopIndex Unsigned32, cienaGmplsTunnelARHopAddrType INTEGER , cienaGmplsTunnelARHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaGmplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum Unsigned32, cienaGmplsTunnelARHopLspId Unsigned32 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary index into this table identifying a particular recorded hop list." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 1 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Secondary index into this table identifying the particular hop." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 2 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hop Address Type of this tunnel hop. Note that lspid(5) is a valid option only for tunnels signaled via CRLDP." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 3 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tunnel Hop Address for this tunnel hop. The type of this address is determined by the value of the corresponding GmplsTunnelARHopAddrType. If GmplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then this value contains the LSR Router ID of the unnumbered interface. Otherwise the agent SHOULD set this object to the zero-length string and the manager should ignore this object." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 4 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopAddrUnnum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If GmplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to unnum(4), then this value will contain the interface identifier of the unnumbered interface for this hop. This object should be used in conjunction with GmplsTunnelARHopIpAddr which would contain the LSR Router ID in this case. Otherwise the agent should set this object to zero-length string and the manager should ignore this." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 5 } cienaGmplsTunnelARHopLspId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If GmplsTunnelARHopAddrType is set to lspid(5), then this value will contain the LSP ID of this hop. This object is otherwise insignificant and should contain a value of 0 to indicate this fact." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelARHopEntry 6 } -- -- Extension to the GMPLS Tunnel table -- -- cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 15 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for encap tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAisFaulted TunnelAisFault, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFarEndLerId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestedBw Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelMbbParentApp INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encap tunnel type of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the encap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAisFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelAisFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This is replaced by cienaCesGmplsNotifOamTunnelAisFaulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the node with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFarEndLerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the far end LER for the tunne with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { success(1), fail(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the result of encap tunnel auto sizing/MBB." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), primary(1), backup(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the protection role of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 10 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestedBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the requested bandwidth of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 11 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the operational bandwidth of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 12 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelMbbParentApp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), autosize(2), lspreoptimization(3) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specifies the parent application using MBB of the dynamic encap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 13 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelEntry 14 } cienaCesGmplsDecapTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 16 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for decap tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDecapTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAisFaulted TunnelAisFault, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFaultedNodeId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFarEndLerId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the decap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Decap tunnel type of the decap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the decap tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the decap tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAisFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelAisFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This is replaced by cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOamFaulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFaultedNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the node with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFarEndLerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the far end LER for the tunne with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsTransitTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 17 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for transit tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTransitTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex } ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the transit tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transit tunnel type of the transit tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the transit tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the transit tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 18 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for associated tunnel notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex } ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType INTEGER, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAisFaulted TunnelAisFault, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFarEndLerId IpAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted TunnelOamFault } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel index of the associated tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Associated tunnel type of the associated tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the associated tunnel name." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative state of the associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational state of the associated tunnel." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAisFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelAisFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Replaced by cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted" ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 6 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the node with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 7 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFarEndLerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the far end LER for the tunne with the AIS fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 8 } cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelOamFault MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication if the tunnel has Oam fault." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelEntry 9 } cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelGrpNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 19 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for encap tunnel group notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelGrpNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType INTEGER } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group index of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group name of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Encap Tunnel index of the tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Encap Tunnel name of the Tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Encap tunnel type of the encap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsDecapTunnelGrpNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 20 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for decap tunnel group notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsDecapTunnelGrpNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry(conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX {cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpIndex} ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlName DisplayString, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlType INTEGER } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group index of the decap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tunnel group name of the decap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry 2 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Decap Tunnel index of the tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry 3 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Active Decap Tunnel name of the Tunnel group associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry 4 } cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Decap tunnel type of the decap tunnel associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpEntry 5 } cienaCesGmplsTunnelAisFaultErrorNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesGmpls 21 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for tunnel Ais Fault error notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsTunnelAisFaultErrorNotif 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorTable No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelDecapLabel} ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorTable 1 } CienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelDecapLabel Unsigned32, cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelErrorMsg DisplayString } cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelDecapLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Decap label associated with the notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry 1 } cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelErrorMsg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the fault error message for decap label associated with the notification" ::= { cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelAisFaultErrorEntry 2 } -- -- TP Tunnel Traps -- cienaCesGmplsEncapUnidirTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an encap uni-direction tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 1 } cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an encap corouted tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 2 } cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an decap corouted tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFaultedNodeId." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 3 } cienaCesGmplsTransitUnidirTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of a transit uni-direcition tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 4 } cienaCesGmplsTransitCoroutedTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of a transit corouted tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifTransitTunnelOamFaulted." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 5 } cienaCesGmplsEncapUnidirTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent whenever the active encap tunnel in an encap uni-direction tunnel group changes." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 6 } cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunnelChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelGrpActiveEncapTunlType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent whenever the active encap tunnel in an encap corouted tunnel group changes." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 7 } cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunnelChangeTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpName, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlName, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelGrpActiveDecapTunlType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent whenever the active decap tunnel in a decap corouted tunnel group changes." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 8 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelOperStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of an encap tunnel changes. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAdminState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOperState, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelOamFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 9 } cienaCesGmplsEncapCoroutedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelAisFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFaultedNodeId, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelFarEndLerId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This notification is obsoleted, its functionality is absorbed in the OperState Change notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 10 } cienaCesGmplsDecapCoroutedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelAisFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFaultedNodeId, cienaCesGmplsNotifDecapTunnelFarEndLerId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This notification is obsoleted, its functionality is absorbed in the OperState Change notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 11 } cienaCesGmplsAssociatedTunnelAisFaultStateChgTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelAisFaulted, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFaultedNodeId, cienaCesGmplsNotifAssociatedTunnelFarEndLerId } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This notification is obsoleted, its functionality is absorbed in the OperState Change notification." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 12 } cienaCesGmplsTunnelAisFaultErrorTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelDecapLabel, cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelErrorMsg } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when there is a fault sent for a LSP whose label is not associated with any tunnel. This will happen whenever the AIS admin state is disabled for the bidirectional tunnel. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelDecapLabel, and cienaCesGmplsNotifTunnelErrorMsg" ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 13 } cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelResizeResultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestedBw, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the encap tunnel auto size is done Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestdBw and cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 14 } cienaCesGmplsEncapTunnelMbbResultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestedBw, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelMbbParentApp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the encap tunnel MBB done Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelIndex, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelType, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelName, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelResult, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelProtectionRole, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelRequestdBw and cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelOperationalBw, cienaCesGmplsNotifEncapTunnelMbbParentApp." ::= { cienaCesGmplsMIBNotifications 15 } -- -- Mpls Global -- cienaCesMplsAttrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobal 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 2 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 3 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 4 } cienaCesMplsGlobalDynamicAdminLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The beginning of the dynamic administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 5 } cienaCesMplsGlobalDynamicAdminLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end of the dynamic administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 6 } cienaCesMplsGlobalDynamicOperLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The beginning of the dynamic operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 7 } cienaCesMplsGlobalDynamicOperLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end of the dynamic operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 8 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminTunnelLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static tunnel administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 9 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminTunnelLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static tunnel administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 10 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperTunnelLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static tunnel operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 11 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperTunnelLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static tunnel operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 12 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminVcLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static VC administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 13 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticAdminVcLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static VC administrative label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges. Setting this object does not become effective until the device is rebooted." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 14 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperVcLabelRangeStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The beginning of the static VC operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 15 } cienaCesMplsGlobalStaticOperVcLabelRangeEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The end of the static VC operational label range. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 16 } cienaCesMplsGlobalNextFreeStaticVcLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The next free static VC label. There cannot be any overlap between static and dynamic label ranges." ::= { cienaCesMplsAttrs 17 } -- -- Mpls Global Cos profile -- cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls cos-profile table." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobal 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls cos-profile table entry." INDEX {cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileTable 1 } CienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosPolicy FCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosMapId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosMapName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsTunnelFixedTC Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosPolicy RCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosMapName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsTunnelRCosMapId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsTunnelRCosProfileId Unsigned32 --cienaCesGmplsTunnelPathHopRowStatus RowStatus } -- cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfile -- OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobal 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for Mpls tunnel Cos profile." ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls tunnel Cos profile name" ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frame CoS policy of the tunnel." DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame CoS map ID of tunnel. This value is valid if the frame CoS policy selected for the tunnel is rcos-mapped." ::= {cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsTunnelFrmCosMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls tunnel frame cos Map name" ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsTunnelFixedTC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the frame CoS policy for the tunnel is fixed, this value is used for MPLS encapsulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resolved CoS policy of the tunnel." DEFVAL { exp-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls tunnel resolved cos Map name. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsTunnelRCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The resolved CoS map ID of the tunnel. This value is valid if the resolved CoS policy selected for the tunnel is rcos-mapped. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsTunnelRcosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls Tunnel resolved cos Profile name. This object is valid only for 87XX platforms" ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsTunnelRCosProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The resolved Cos profile ID of the Tunnel. This value is valid if the resolved Cos policy selected for the pseudowire is rcos-mapped. This object is valid only for 87XX platforms" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsTunnelCosProfileEntry 11 } -- -- MPLS tunnel Path table -- cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobal 3 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS tunnel paths. To create an entry in the tunnel path table, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathName and cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathRowStatus must both be specified." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPath 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tunnel path table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathTable 1 } CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathUseCount Counter32 -- cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathRowStatus RowStatus } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique index in the path entry table." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE ( 1..31) ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name associated with the path." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathUseCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of encap tunnels that are using this path." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry 3 } -- cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX RowStatus -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Setting this object to 'createAndGo' will create the entry -- in the table. Setting this object to 'destroy' will delete -- the entry from the table." -- ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathEntry 4 } -- -- MPLS tunnel Path Hop table -- cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS tunnel path hop. To create an entry in the path-hop table, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIpAddr and cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopRowStatus must both be specified." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPath 2 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tunnel hop entry." INDEX {cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathIndex, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopTable 1 } CienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopType INTEGER } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the path hop table." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address associated with this hop. This object cannot be modified once the path hop is created." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { strict(1), loose(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indidcates the hop type of the path member. This object cannot be modified once the path hop is created." DEFVAL { strict } ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalTunnelPathHopEntry 3 } -- -- Mpls Global Free Static Tunnel Label table -- cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls Free static Tunnel Label table." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobal 4 } cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls Free static Tunnel Label table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelTable 1 } CienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabel Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for Mpls Free static Tunnel Label table." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 16..1048575) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls Free static Tunnel Label." ::= { cienaCesMplsGlobalFreeStaticTunnelLabelEntry 2 } -- -- Mpls TE Link Table -- cienaCesTeLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesTeLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table captures the TE-link entries along with their respective attributes." ::= { cienaCesMplsTe 1 } cienaCesTeLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesTeLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry for the TE-Link interface" INDEX { cienaCesTeIfIndex } ::= { cienaCesTeLinkTable 1 } CienaCesTeLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesTeIfIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesTeInterfaceName DisplayString, cienaCesTeLinkMetric Unsigned32, cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesTeResourceColorBitMask OCTET STRING, cienaCesMplsClassProfIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesTeLinkMode TEMode, cienaCesTeLinkSrlgCount Unsigned32, cienaCesTeLinkMaximumBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkMaximumReservableBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio0 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio0 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio0 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio1 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio1 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio1 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio2 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio2 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio2 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio3 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio3 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio3 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio4 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio4 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio4 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio5 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio5 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio5 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio6 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio6 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio6 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio7 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio7 MplsBitRate, cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio7 MplsBitRate } cienaCesTeIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index for TE-Interface." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 1 } cienaCesTeInterfaceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the TE Interface name." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 2 } cienaCesTeLinkMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Link cost of the TE-Interface." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 3 } cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resource Color Group Index this TE-link is associated to." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 4 } cienaCesTeResourceColorBitMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents individual bit for Resource Color which will be set in Resource Color Group." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsClassProfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..500) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Class Profile Index this TE-link is associated to." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 6 } cienaCesTeLinkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TEMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TE mode of the TE-Interface." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 7 } cienaCesTeLinkSrlgCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This identifies the total number of SRLGs configured on this TE link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 8 } cienaCesTeLinkMaximumBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum TE-link Bandwidth(in kbps). This is same as the port bandwidth on which this TE-link is created" ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 9 } cienaCesTeLinkMaximumReservableBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Reservable bandwidth(in kbps) on this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 10 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 0 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 11 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 0 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 12 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 0 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 13 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 1 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 14 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 1 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 15 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 1 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 16 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 2 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 17 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 2 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 18 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 2 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 19 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 3 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 20 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 3 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 21 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 3 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 22 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 4 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 23 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 4 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 24 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 4 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 25 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 5 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 26 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 5 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 27 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 5 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 28 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 6 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 29 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 6 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 30 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 6 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 31 } cienaCesTeLinkTotalBandwidthPrio7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Priority 7 Bandwidth(in kbps) allocated in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 32 } cienaCesTeLinkReservedBandwidthPrio7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reserved Priority 7 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 33 } cienaCesTeLinkUnReservedBandwidthPrio7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..1000000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "UnReserved Priority 7 Bandwidth(in kbps) in this TE-link." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkEntry 34 } -- -- Mpls Resource Color group Table -- cienaCesTeResourceGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesTeResGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table captures the Resource Color Group Template entries." ::= { cienaCesMplsTe 2 } cienaCesTeResGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesTeResGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table exists for each of the Resource color group template." INDEX { cienaCesTeResourceColorGrpIndex } ::= { cienaCesTeResourceGrpTable 1 } CienaCesTeResGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesTeResourceColorGrpIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesTeResourceGrpName DisplayString, cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupBitMask OCTET STRING, cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupUseCount Counter32 } cienaCesTeResourceColorGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..64) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index for Resource Color Group entry. Index 0 is used to get the colors which are not associated to any color group cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable" ::= { cienaCesTeResGrpEntry 1 } cienaCesTeResourceGrpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the name of the Resource Color Group." ::= { cienaCesTeResGrpEntry 2 } cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupBitMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the bitmask value for colors added to this Resource Color Group." ::= { cienaCesTeResGrpEntry 3 } cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupUseCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of Tunnels using this MPLS Resource Color Group." ::= { cienaCesTeResGrpEntry 4 } -- End of Mpls Resource Color group Table -- MPLS Resource Color Table cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesTeResColorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table captures the Resource Colors entries. These colors can be associated to any Resource Color Group" ::= { cienaCesMplsTe 3 } cienaCesTeResColorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesTeResColorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table exists for each of the Resource colors configured along with its associated Resource Group." INDEX { cienaCesTeResourceColorGrpIndex, cienaCesTeResourceColorIndex } ::= { cienaCesTeResourceColorsTable 1 } CienaCesTeResColorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesTeResourceColorIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesTeResourceColorName DisplayString, cienaCesTeResourceColorBit OCTET STRING, cienaCesTeResourceColorUseCount Counter32 } cienaCesTeResourceColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique index for Resource Color entry." ::= { cienaCesTeResColorEntry 1 } cienaCesTeResourceColorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the name of the Resource Color." ::= { cienaCesTeResColorEntry 2 } cienaCesTeResourceColorBit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents individual bit for Resource Color which will be set in Resource Color Group's cienaCesTeResourceColorGroupBitMask." ::= { cienaCesTeResColorEntry 3 } cienaCesTeResourceColorUseCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of MPLS Resource Groups using this Resource Color." ::= { cienaCesTeResColorEntry 4 } -- End of Mpls Resource Color Table -- TE Link Shared Risk Link Group Table cienaCesTeLinkSrlgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies the SRLGs associated with TE links." ::= { cienaCesMplsTe 4 } cienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table contains information about an SRLG associated with a TE link. An ifEntry in the ifTable must exist before a teLinkSrlgEntry using the same ifIndex is created. The ifType of ifEntry must be teLink(200). If a TE link entry in the ifTable is destroyed, then so are all of the entries in the teLinkSrlgTable that use the ifIndex of this TE link." INDEX { cienaCesTeIfIndex, cienaCesTeLinkSrlg } ::= { cienaCesTeLinkSrlgTable 1 } CienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesTeLinkSrlg Unsigned32, cienaCesTeLinkSrlgStatus SRLGState } cienaCesTeLinkSrlg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This identifies an SRLG supported by the TE link. An SRLG is identified with a 32-bit number that is unique within an IGP domain. Zero is a valid SRLG number." REFERENCE "OSPF Extensions in Support of Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS), RFC 4203" ::= { cienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry 1 } cienaCesTeLinkSrlgStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SRLGState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable represents the SRLG value status. Currently we support only active(1) indicating SRLG is configured." ::= { cienaCesTeLinkSrlgEntry 2 } -- End of teLinkSrlgTable -- -- MPLS PW table -- cienaCesMplsPwTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsPwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS pseudo wires." ::= { cienaCesMplsPw 1 } cienaCesMplsPwEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsPwEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS pseudowire table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsPwIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsPwTable 1 } CienaCesMplsPwEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsPwIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwSignallingType INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCustomerName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwAdminState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsPwOperState CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsPwPeerIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsPwInLabel Integer32, cienaCesMplsPwOutLabel Integer32, cienaCesMplsPwStatusTlv INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwRefreshStatusIntvl Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwLocalFault VCStatus, cienaCesMplsPwRemoteFault VCStatus, cienaCesMplsPwMtu Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwType INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwMode INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwCoSProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCoSProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwEgressL2PtTransform CienaGlobalState, cienaCesMplsPwVccVProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwVccVProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwLocalCcCv DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwRemoteCcCv DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwOperatingCcCv DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwBlocking INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwVifIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelType TunnelType, cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelType TunnelType, cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwRole INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwPrimaryPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwPrimaryPwIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwVsIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesServiceDelimiterVID Unsigned32, cienaCesServiceDelimiterTPID Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwReversion INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwRevertTime Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwProtectionRole INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwProtectionState INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwVsName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwStatusQuery INTEGER, cienaCesMplsMsPwPeerPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsMsPwPeerPwIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwIdInRemoteFault Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsLocalIpInRemoteFault IpAddress, cienaCesMplsRemoteIpInRemoteFault IpAddress, cienaCesMplsPwFaultToNextHop VCStatus, cienaCesMplsPwIdInFaultToNextHop Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsLocalIpInFaultToNextHop IpAddress, cienaCesMplsRemoteIpInFaultToNextHop IpAddress, cienaCesMplsPwConfigBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesMplsPwOperBandwidth MplsBitRate, cienaCesMplsPwBandwidthState INTEGER } cienaCesMplsPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index in the table." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsPwSignallingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies Pw signalling type" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the unique id that is signalled in LDP" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire name" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsPwCustomerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the customer name" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsPwAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire administrative status" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsPwOperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire operational status" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsPwPeerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peer Ip address of the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsPwInLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the inbound label of the pseudowire" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsPwOutLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1.. 1048575 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the outbound label of the pseudowire" DEFVAL { -1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsPwStatusTlv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents whether the pseudowire status tlv is turned on or off" DEFVAL { off } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsPwRefreshStatusIntvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the refresh interval for status tlv. This is only applicable for static Pseudowire. For dynamic Pseudowire this is displayed as 0." DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 12 } cienaCesMplsPwLocalFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VCStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire local fault" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 13 } cienaCesMplsPwRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VCStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire remote fault" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 14 } cienaCesMplsPwMtu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1500.. 9128 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the pseudowire mtu " DEFVAL { 1500 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 15 } cienaCesMplsPwType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { raw(1), tagged(2), tdm(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire type raw or tagged" DEFVAL { raw } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 16 } cienaCesMplsPwMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { mesh(1), spoke(2), switching(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire mode whether it is mesh, spoke, or a MS-PW segment" DEFVAL { mesh } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 17 } cienaCesMplsPwCoSProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the cos profile name that is being used by pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 18 } cienaCesMplsPwCoSProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the index in cienaCesMplsPwCosProfile table " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 19 } cienaCesMplsPwEgressL2PtTransform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire L2PT transform for classified L2 CFT control frames" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 20 } cienaCesMplsPwVccVProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the vccv profile name that is being used by pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 21 } cienaCesMplsPwVccVProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the index in cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfile table " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 22 } cienaCesMplsPwLocalCcCv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the CC/CV configured on the local pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 23 } cienaCesMplsPwRemoteCcCv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the CC/CV configured on the remote pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 24 } cienaCesMplsPwOperatingCcCv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the negotiated/operating CC/CV" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 25 } cienaCesMplsPwBlocking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether pseudowire is blocking or forwarding " DEFVAL { yes } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 26 } cienaCesMplsPwVifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (32769..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the Vif/tunnel group that is being used for the pseudowire " ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 27 } cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the configured transport tunnel name for the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 28 } cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the configured transport tunnel type for the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 29 } cienaCesMplsPwConfigTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the configured transport tunnel index in one of the cienaCesMplsTunnel/cienaCesGmplsTunnel tables for the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 30 } cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the active transport tunnel name for the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 31 } cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TunnelType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the active transport tunnel type for the pseudo wire. This would be the same as configured tunnel type" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 32 } cienaCesMplsPwActiveTunnelIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the active transport tunnel index in one of the cienaCesMplsTunnel/cienaCesGmplsTunnel tables for the pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 33 } cienaCesMplsPwRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(1), secondary(2), stand-alone(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire role whether it is a protecting or primary pseudowire" DEFVAL { primary } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 34 } cienaCesMplsPwPrimaryPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the primary pseudowire name if this is a secondary pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 35 } cienaCesMplsPwPrimaryPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the primary pseudowire index in cienaCesMplsPw table if this is a secondary pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 36 } cienaCesMplsPwVsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the virtual switch index in the virtual switch MIB table" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 37 } cienaCesServiceDelimiterVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This represents the service delimiter VID. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 38 } cienaCesServiceDelimiterTPID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This represents the service delimiter TPID. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 39 } cienaCesMplsPwReversion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents whether the Pseudowire Reversion is turned on or off. With the Reversion turned on, when the Primary Pseudowire has recovered from earlier failure, it will be held down for a period of cienaCesMplsPwRevertTime(sec) before the switchover from the Backup Pseudowire to Primary Pseudowire takes place. With the Reversion turned off, the user must use manual switchover command to perform a switchover back to the Primary Pseudowire" DEFVAL { on } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 40 } cienaCesMplsPwRevertTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the Reversion Hold-time(in seconds) on the Primary Pseudowire. When the Primary Pseudowire has recovered from earlier failure, it will be held down for the length of this hold time. Once the time has elapsed, and if the Primary Pseudowire does not encountered any more failure, there will be a switchover from the Backup Pseudowire back to the Primary Pseudowire" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 41 } cienaCesMplsPwProtectionRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary-pseudowire(1), backup-pseudowire(2), stand-alone-pseudowire(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the role of the pseudowire in a Protection bundle." DEFVAL { stand-alone-pseudowire } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 42 } cienaCesMplsPwProtectionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(1), active(2), standby(3), man-swo-active(4), man-swo-standby(5), pw-reversion-pending(6), pw-activation-pending(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire protection state. It only applies to those pseudowires in the protection bundle. For stand alone pseudowire this has no meaning and is reflected as n/a in this object" DEFVAL { not-applicable } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 43 } cienaCesMplsPwVsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the virtual switch name to which the pseudowire is attached." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 44 } cienaCesMplsPwStatusQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents whether the pseudowire status query is enabled. With the status query enabled, the pseudowire is able to query the remote status when it comes up and the remote status is unknown." DEFVAL { on } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 45 } cienaCesMplsMsPwPeerPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..31)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the peer pseudowire name if this is a MS-PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 46 } cienaCesMplsMsPwPeerPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the peer pseudowire index if this is a MS-PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 47 } cienaCesMplsPwIdInRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW Id in the SP-PE TLV of the remote Status" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 48 } cienaCesMplsLocalIpInRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local Ip address in the SP-PE TLV of the remote Status" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 49 } cienaCesMplsRemoteIpInRemoteFault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote Ip address in the SP-PE TLV of the remote Status" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 50 } cienaCesMplsPwFaultToNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VCStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the aggregated MS-PW faults sent to the next hop" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 51 } cienaCesMplsPwIdInFaultToNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW Id in the SP-PE TLV sent to the next hop" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 52 } cienaCesMplsLocalIpInFaultToNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local Ip address in the SP-PE TLV sent to the next hop" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 53 } cienaCesMplsRemoteIpInFaultToNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote Ip address in the SP-PE TLV sent to the next hop" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 54 } cienaCesMplsPwConfigBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..10000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the configured Bandwidth(in kbps) of pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 55 } cienaCesMplsPwOperBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsBitRate (0..10000000) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the operational Bandwidth(in kbps) of pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 56 } cienaCesMplsPwBandwidthState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), configured(2), notRequired(3), admitted(4), acquired(5), rejected(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the Bandwidth state of pseudowire" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwEntry 57 } -- -- MPLS Pw Cos profile table -- cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS pseudowire cos profiles." ::= { cienaCesMplsPw 2 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS pseudowire Cos profile table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileTable 1 } CienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosPolicy FCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosMapId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosMapName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFixedTC Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosPolicy RCosPolicy, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosMapName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosMapId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosProfileId INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosFixed Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for Mpls Pw Cos profile." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls pseudowire Cos profile name" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frame CoS policy of the pseudowire" DEFVAL { rcos-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame CoS map ID of pseudo wire. This value is valid if the frame Cos policy selected for the pseudowire is rcos-mapped" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= {cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFrmCosMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls pseudowire frame cos Map name" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileFixedTC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the frame CoS policy for the pseudowire is fixed, this value is used for MPLS encapsulation." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RCosPolicy MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resolved CoS policy of the pseudowire" DEFVAL { exp-mapped } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls pseudowire resolved cos Map name. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosMapId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The resolved Cos map ID of the pseudo wire. This value is valid if the resolved Cos policy selected for the pseudowire is rcos-mapped. This object is valid only for 39XX and 51XX platforms" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRcosProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls pseudowire resolved cos Profile name. This object is valid only for 87XX" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The resolved Cos profile ID of the pseudo wire. This value is valid if the resolved Cos policy selected for the pseudowire is rcos-mapped. This object is valid only for 87XX" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 11 } cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileRCosFixed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the resolved CoS policy for the pseudowire is fixed, this value is used" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwCosProfileEntry 12 } -- -- MPLS Pw Vccv profile table -- cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the MPLS pseudowire Vccv profiles." ::= { cienaCesMplsPw 3 } cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents an entry of the MPLS pseudowire Vccv profile table." INDEX {cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileTable 1 } CienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileCcTtlExp INTEGER, cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileCcCienaOob INTEGER } cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for Mpls Pw Vccv profile." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls pseudowire Vccv profile name" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileCcTtlExp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire TTL-expiry VCCV control channel (CC Type-3) operation" DEFVAL { on } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileCcCienaOob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on(1), off(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the pseudowire CIENA proprietary out-of-band VCCV control channel (CC Type-4) operation" DEFVAL { on } ::= { cienaCesMplsPwVccvProfileEntry 4 } -- -- MPLS PW Notifications table -- cienaCesMplsPwNotif OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesMplsPw 4 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of notification objects required for pseudowire notification." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotif 1 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the cienaCesMplsPwNotifTable. No Get, GetNext or Set is allowed on this table." INDEX { cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifTable 1 } CienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwPeerIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwPeerIpAddr IpAddress, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwId Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwName DisplayString, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwPeerIpAddr IpAddress } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique pseudowire index in the PW table" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique Pseudowire ID used to identify the PW in the signaling. For the static PW this represents the locally configured value." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the locally configured PW name." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwPeerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the IP address of the Peer on the remote end of the PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW Id of the primary PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 5 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW name of the primary PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 6 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwPeerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the IP address of the Peer on the remote end of the primary PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 7 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique pseudowire index in the PW table" ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 8 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW Id of the active PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 9 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the PW name of the active PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 10 } cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwPeerIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the IP address of the Peer on the remote end of the active PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwNotifEntry 11 } -- -- PW Traps -- cienaCesMplsPwDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwIndex, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwName, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwId, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwPeerIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of a pseudowire has changed from up to down." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwMIBNotifications 1 } cienaCesMplsPwUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwIndex, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwName, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwId, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPwPeerIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the operational state of a pseudowire has changed from down to up." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwMIBNotifications 2 } cienaCesMplsPwBundleActivePwChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwIndex, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwName, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwId, cienaCesMplsPwNotifActPwPeerIpAddr, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwName, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwId, cienaCesMplsPwNotifPriPwPeerIpAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is sent when the active member of the pseudowire bundle has changed." ::= { cienaCesMplsPwMIBNotifications 3 } -- -- Mpls PW Traffic Statistics Table -- cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls PW Traffic Statistics table. The attributes in this table are supported only on specific platforms." ::= { cienaCesMplsPw 5 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mpls PW Traffic Statistics table entry." INDEX {cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsPWIndex} ::= { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsTable 1 } CienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsPWIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsIncomingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsOutgoingPackets Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsIncomingBytes Unsigned32, cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsOutgoingBytes Unsigned32 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsPWIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique index for Mpls PW Traffic Statistics table." ::= { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry 1 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsIncomingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming packets for the given PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry 2 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsOutgoingPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing packets for the given PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry 3 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsIncomingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of incoming bytes for the given PW." ::= {cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry 4 } cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsOutgoingBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of outgoing bytes for the given PW." ::= { cienaCesMplsPWTrafficStatsEntry 5 } END