-- This file was included in Ciena MIB release MIBS-CIENA-CES-08-07-00-024 -- -- CIENA-CES-NOTIFICATIONS-CONTROL-MIB.my -- -- CIENA-CES-NOTIFICATIONS-CONTROL DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI cienaCesNotificationsControlModule FROM CIENA-SMI CienaGlobalState FROM CIENA-TC; cienaCesNotificationsControlMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201706070000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ciena Corp." CONTACT-INFO " Mib Meister 7035 Ridge Road Hanover, Maryland 21076 USA Phone: +1 800 921 1144 Email: support@ciena.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the object identifiers to control the notification state for each of the notification or set of notifications defined for CES." REVISION "201706070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated contact info." REVISION "201610270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesCommandFileCompletedTrapState and cienaCesCommandFileFailedTrapState." REVISION "201610070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesXcvrUncertifiedTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 73." REVISION "201603060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesDataplanePortShapingSubscriptionTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 72." REVISION "201505060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesAlarmCutoffTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 71." REVISION "201501070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesSyncModuleSlotTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 70." REVISION "201412100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesSyncInputProtectionUnitTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 68. Added cienaCesSyncInputProtectionGroupTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 69." REVISION "201402250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesChassisUsbFlashEnableChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 66. Added cienaCesChassisAirFilterTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 67." REVISION "201312180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesIOMStateChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 61. Added cienaCesIOMBuzzerEnableChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 62. Added cienaCesIOMBuzzerStateChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 63. Added cienaCesIOMAlarmOutputStateChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 64. Added cienaCesIOMAlarmInputStateChangeTrapState at cienaCesNotificationsControl 65." REVISION "201311050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesCfmDelayVariationFaultTrapState." REVISION "201310280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesCfmSyntheticLossNearFaultTrapState and cienaCesCfmSyntheticLossFarFaultTrapState for controlling synthetic loss traps" REVISION "201103220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial creation. This module defines the object identifiers to control the notification state for each of the notification or set of notifications defined for CES." ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControlModule 1 } cienaCesNotificationsControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControlMIB 1 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- -- Port related notification control -- cienaCesPortEnhancedLinkTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device generates enhanced port link up and down traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 1 } cienaCesPortStdLinkTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device generates standard port link up and down traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 2 } cienaCesPortAllTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device generates any port related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 3 } -- -- Equipment related notification control -- cienaCesModuleAllModulesTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out module related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 6 } cienaCesModuleAllModulesHealthTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out module health related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 7 } cienaCesModuleSensorTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether device sends out module sensor related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 8 } cienaCesModuleHATrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out the HA switchover trap." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 9 } cienaCesModuleProtectionModeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out the protection mode state change trap." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 10 } cienaCesModulePOSTErrorTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out the POST error trap." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 11 } cienaCesModuleSwitchFabricDisruptedTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out the switch fabric disrupted trap." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 12 } cienaCesChassisAllPowerSupplyTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out power-supply related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 14 } cienaCesChassisAllFanTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out chassis fan related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 15 } cienaCesChassisAllFanTrayTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out chassis fan tray related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 16 } cienaCesChassisAllFanTempTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out chassis fan temperature related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 17 } cienaCesChassisHealthTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out chassis health related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 18 } -- -- RAPS -- cienaCesRapsAlarmTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the device sends out RAPS alarm related traps." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 19 } -- -- MPLS -- cienaCesMplsTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes MPLS related traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 20 } -- -- CFM Fault trap control -- cienaCesCfmFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM fault traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 21 } cienaCesCfmDelayFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 delay measurement traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 22 } cienaCesCfmJitterFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 jitter measurement traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 23 } cienaCesCfmFrameLossNearFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 frame-loss-near measurement traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 24 } cienaCesCfmFrameLossFarFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 frame-loss-far measurement traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 25 } cienaCesCfmSyntheticLossNearFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 synthetic-loss near fault and clear traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 26 } cienaCesCfmSyntheticLossFarFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 synthetic-loss far fault and clear traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 27 } cienaCesPbtFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes PBB-TE related traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 28 } -- -- BFD Fault trap control knob -- cienaCesBfdTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes BFD related traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 29 } --IP Interface cienaCesIPMgmtInterfaceAddrChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes the IP address change trap to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 31 } cienaCesIPMgmtInterfaceGatewayAddrChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes the IP Gateway change trap to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 32 } --Dataplane cienaCesDataplaneUcastTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes dataplane unicast threshold exceed/normal traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 35 } cienaCesDataplaneBcastTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes dataplane broadcast threshold exceed/normal traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 36 } cienaCesDataplaneMcastTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' will cause dataplane multicast threshold exceed/normal traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 37 } cienaCesPortXcvrLinkStateChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver link state change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 40 } cienaCesPortXcvrErrorTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver error traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 41 } cienaCesPortXcvrTempChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver temperature change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 42 } cienaCesPortXcvrVoltageChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver voltage change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 43 } cienaCesPortXcvrBiasChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver bias change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 44 } cienaCesPortXcvrTxPowerChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver TX power change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 45 } cienaCesPortXcvrRxPowerChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver RX power change traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 46 } cienaCesPortXcvrSpeedInfoTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes port transceiver speed information missing traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 47 } cienaCesRstpPortBackupTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' cause cienaCesRstpPortBackupNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 48 } cienaCesRstpPortPvstBPduReceivedTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' cause cienaCesRstpPvstBpduReceivedNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 49 } cienaCesRstpPortSelfLoopTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesRstpSelfLoopNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 50 } cienaCesRstpPortOperEdgeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesRstpPortOperEdgeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 51 } cienaCesRstpPortFlapTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesRstpPortFlapNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 52 } cienaCesRstpBridgeRootPortLostTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesRstpBridgeRootPortLostNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 53 } cienaCesFeatureLicenseStatusTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesPremiumFeatureLicenseNotInstalledNotification and cienaCesPremiumFeatureLicensePartialStatusNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 54 } cienaCesFeatureLicenseInstallErrorTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesPremiumFeatureLicenseInstallErrorNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 55 } cienaCesFileTransferCompletionTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesFTransferCompletion traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 56 } cienaCesSwXgradeCompletionTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesSwXgradeCompletion traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 57 } cienaCesSystemConfigImproperCmdTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesImproperCmdInConfigFile traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 58 } cienaCesOamLinkEventTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesOamLinkEventTrap traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 59 } -- -- CFM Fault trap control continued -- cienaCesCfmDelayVariationFaultTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes CFM Y.1731 Delay Variation measurement traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 60 } -- -- Chassis IOM trap control -- cienaCesIOMStateChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisIOMStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 61 } cienaCesIOMBuzzerEnableChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisIOMBuzzerEnableChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 62 } cienaCesIOMBuzzerStateChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisIOMBuzzerStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 63 } cienaCesIOMAlarmOutputStateChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisIOMAlarmOutputStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 64 } cienaCesIOMAlarmInputStateChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisIOMAlarmInputStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 65 } -- -- USB Flash trap control -- cienaCesChassisUsbFlashEnableChangeTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisUsbEnabledNotification and cienaCesChassisUsbDisabledNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 66 } -- -- Air Filter trap control -- cienaCesChassisAirFilterTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisAirFilterServiceNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 67 } -- -- Sync Input Protection Unit trap control -- cienaCesSyncInputProtectionUnitTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesSyncInputPUStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 68 } -- -- Sync Input Protection Group trap control -- cienaCesSyncInputProtectionGroupTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesSyncInputProtGroupStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 69 } -- -- Sync Module Slot trap control -- cienaCesSyncModuleSlotTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesSyncModuleSlotStateChangeNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 70 } -- -- Alarm Cutoff trap control -- cienaCesChassisAlarmCutoffTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesChassisAlarmCutoffNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 71 } cienaCesDataplanePortShapingSubscriptionTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes dataplane cienaCesDpPortShapingSubscriptionExceedsOperSpeed and cienaCesDpPortShapingSubscriptionWithinOperSpeed traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 72 } cienaCesPortXcvrUncertifiedTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'enabled' enables generation of cienaCesPortXcvrUncertifiedNotification traps." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 73 } -- -- Command File Complete trap control -- cienaCesCommandFileCompletedTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesCommandFileCompletedNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 74 } cienaCesCommandFileFailedTrapState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaGlobalState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'disabled' causes cienaCesCommandFileFailedNotification traps to be suppressed." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { cienaCesNotificationsControl 75 } END