-- This file was included in Ciena MIB release MIBS-CIENA-CES-08-07-00-024 -- -- CIENA-CES-OAM-MIB.my CIENA-CES-OAM-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter32, Counter64, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI TimeStamp FROM SNMPv2-TC cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress FROM CIENA-GLOBAL-MIB CienaStatsClear FROM CIENA-TC cienaCesNotifications, cienaCesStatistics FROM CIENA-SMI; cienaCesOamMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201812050000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ciena Corp." CONTACT-INFO " Mib Meister 7035 Ridge Road Hanover, Maryland 21076 USA Phone: +1 800 921 1144 Email: support@ciena.com" DESCRIPTION "This module defines the EFM OAM statistics objects and also the objects required for EFM OAM related notifications." REVISION "201812050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Removed Integer32 range from cienaCesOamEventLogPort to accommodate PGID range available on some devices." REVISION "201706070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated contact info." REVISION "201701090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added cienaCesOamEventNotifChannelNumber to CienaCesOamEventLogEntry and cienaCesOamLinkEventTrap" REVISION "201602192049Z" DESCRIPTION "Adding new Tables to the Oam Mib : cienaCesOamTable, cienaCesOamPeerTable, cienaCesOamLoopbackTable, cienaCesOamSystemEnableDisable, cienaCesOamEventConfigTable." REVISION "201005100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial creation." ::= { cienaCesStatistics 5 } -- -- Node definitions -- cienaCesOamMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamMibModule 1 } cienaCesOamStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamMIB 1 } cienaCesOamConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamMIB 2 } cienaCesOamGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamConformance 2 } cienaCesOamCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamConformance 1 } cienaCesOamNotifMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesNotifications 15 } cienaCesOamNotifMIBNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaCesOamNotifMIBNotificationPrefix 0 } cienaCesOamStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics for the OAM function on a particular Ethernet-like interface." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 1 } cienaCesOamStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing statistical information on the Ethernet OAM function for a single Ethernet-like interface." INDEX { cienaCesOamStatsPort } ::= { cienaCesOamStatsTable 1 } CienaCesOamStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamInformationTx Counter32, cienaCesOamInformationRx Counter32, cienaCesOamUniqueEventNotificationTx Counter32, cienaCesOamUniqueEventNotificationRx Counter32, cienaCesOamLoopbackControlTx Counter32, cienaCesOamLoopbackControlRx Counter32, cienaCesOamVariableRequestTx Counter32, cienaCesOamVariableRequestRx Counter32, cienaCesOamVariableResponseTx Counter32, cienaCesOamVariableResponseRx Counter32, cienaCesOamOrgSpecificTx Counter32, cienaCesOamOrgSpecificRx Counter32, cienaCesOamUnsupportedCodesTx Counter32, cienaCesOamUnsupportedCodesRx Counter32, cienaCesOamframesLostDueToOam Counter32, cienaCesOamStatsPort Integer32, cienaCesOamDuplicateEventNotificationTx Counter32, cienaCesOamDuplicateEventNotificationRx Counter32 } cienaCesOamInformationTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Information OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Information code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 1 } cienaCesOamInformationRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Information OAMPDUs received on this interface. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Information code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 2 } cienaCesOamUniqueEventNotificationTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of unique Event OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. Event notifications may be sent in duplicate to increase the probability of successfully being received, given the possibility that a frame may be lost in transit. An Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Event code. A unique Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated as an Event Notification OAMPDU with a Sequence Number field that is distinct from the previously transmitted Event Notification OAMPDU Sequence Number. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 3 } cienaCesOamUniqueEventNotificationRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of unique Event OAMPDUs received on this interface. Event notification OAMPDUs may be sent in duplicate to increase the probability of successfully being received, given the possibility that a frame may be lost in transit. An Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equals the OAM Event code. A unique Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated as an Event Notification OAMPDU with a Sequence Number field that is distinct from the previously received Event Notification OAMPDU Sequence Number. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 4 } cienaCesOamLoopbackControlTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Loopback Control OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Loopback Control OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Loopback Control code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 5 } cienaCesOamLoopbackControlRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Loopback Control OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Loopback Control OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Loopback Control code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 6 } cienaCesOamVariableRequestTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Variable Request OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Variable Request OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Variable Request code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 7 } cienaCesOamVariableRequestRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Variable Request OAMPDUs received on this interface. An Variable Request OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Variable Request code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 8 } cienaCesOamVariableResponseTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Variable Response OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Variable Response OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Variable Response code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 9 } cienaCesOamVariableResponseRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Variable Response OAMPDUs received on this interface. An Variable Response OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Variable Response code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 10 } cienaCesOamOrgSpecificTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Organization Specific OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. An Organization Specific OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Organization Specific code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 11 } cienaCesOamOrgSpecificRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of Organization Specific OAMPDUs received on this interface. An Organization Specific OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Organization Specific code. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 12 } cienaCesOamUnsupportedCodesTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface with an unsupported op-code. An unsupported op-code OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the op-code for a function that is not supported by the device. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 13 } cienaCesOamUnsupportedCodesRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of OAMPDUs received on this interface with an unsupported op-code. An unsupported op-code OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the opcode for a function that is not supported by the device. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 14 } cienaCesOamframesLostDueToOam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of frames that were dropped by the OAM multiplexer. Since the OAM multiplexer has multiple inputs and a single output, there may be cases where frames are dropped due to transmit resource contention. This counter is incremented whenever a frame is dropped by the OAM layer. When this counter is incremented, no other counters in this MIB are incremented. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 15 } cienaCesOamStatsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..1000) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the switch." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 16 } cienaCesOamDuplicateEventNotificationTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of duplicate Event OAMPDUs transmitted on this interface. Event notification OAMPDUs may be sent in duplicate to increase the probability of successfully being received, given the possibility that a frame may be lost in transit. An Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equals to the OAM Event code. A duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated as an Event Notification OAMPDU with a Sequence Number field that is identical to the previously transmitted Event Notification OAMPDU Sequence Number. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime." ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 17 } cienaCesOamDuplicateEventNotificationRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A count of the number of duplicate Event OAMPDUs received on this interface. Event notification OAMPDUs may be sent in duplicate to increase the probability of successfully being received, given the possibility that a frame may be lost in transit. An Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAMPDU code equal to the OAM Event code. A duplicate Event Notification OAMPDU is indicated as an Event Notification OAMPDU with a Sequence Number field that is identical to the previously received Event Notification OAMPDU Sequence Number. Discontinuities of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatsEntry 18 } cienaCesOamEventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table records a history of the events that have occurred at the Ethernet OAM level. These events can include locally detected events, which may result in locally generated OAMPDUs, and remotely detected events, which are detected by the OAM peer entity and signaled to the local entity via Ethernet OAM. Ethernet OAM events can be signaled by Event Notification OAMPDUs or by the flags field in any OAMPDU. " ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 2 } cienaCesOamEventLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamEventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the cienaCesOamEventLogTable." INDEX { cienaCesOamEventLogPort, cienaCesOamEventLogIndex } ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogTable 1 } CienaCesOamEventLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamEventLogPort Integer32, cienaCesOamEventLogIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventLogTimestamp TimeStamp, cienaCesOamEventLogOui OCTET STRING, cienaCesOamEventLogType INTEGER, cienaCesOamEventLogLocation INTEGER, cienaCesOamEventLogWindowHi Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventLogWindowLo Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdHi Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdLo Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventLogValue Counter64, cienaCesOamEventLogRunningTotal Counter64, cienaCesOamEventLogEventTotal Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventNotifChassisIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventNotifShelfIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventNotifSlotIndex Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventNotifPortNumber Unsigned32, cienaCesOamEventNotifChannelNumber Unsigned32 } cienaCesOamEventLogPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the switch." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 1 } cienaCesOamEventLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An arbitrary integer for identifying individual events within the event log. " ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 2 } cienaCesOamEventLogTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the logged event. For locally generated events, the time of the event can be accurately retrieved from sysUpTime. For remotely generated events, the time of the event is indicated by the reception of the Event Notification OAMPDU indicating the event occurred on the peer. A system may attempt to adjust the timestamp value to more accurately reflect the time of the event at the peer OAM entity by using other information, such as that found in the timestamp found on the Event Notification TLVs, which provides an indication of the relative time between events at the peer entity. " ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 3 } cienaCesOamEventLogOui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OUI of the entity defining the object type. All IEEE 802.3 defined events (as appearing in [802.3ah] except for the Organizationally Unique Event TLVs) use the IEEE 802.3 OUI of 0x0180C2. Organizations defining their own Event Notification TLVs include their OUI in the Event Notification TLV, which gets reflected here. " ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 4 } cienaCesOamEventLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { errFramePeriodEvent(1), errFrameEvent(2), errFrameSecSummEvent(3), linkFaultEvent(4), dyingGaspEvent(5), criticalLinkEvent(6), noEvent(99) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of event that generated this entry in the event log. When the OUI is the IEEE 802.3 OUI of 0x0180C2, the following event types are defined: erroredSymbolEvent(1), erroredFramePeriodEvent (2), erroredFrameEvent(3), erroredFrameSecondsEvent(4), linkFault(256), dyingGaspEvent(257), criticalLinkEvent(258) The first four are considered threshold crossing events as they are generated when a metric exceeds a given value within a specified window. The other three are not threshold crossing events. When the OUI is not 0x0180C2, then some other organization has defined the event space. If event subtyping is known to the implementation, it may be reflected here. Otherwise, this value should return noEvent (99). " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and 57.5.3." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 5 } cienaCesOamEventLogLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(1), remote(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether this event occurred locally, or was received from the OAM peer via Ethernet OAM." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 6 } cienaCesOamEventLogWindowHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the event represents a threshold crossing event, the two objects cienaCesOamEventWindowHi and cienaCesOamEventWindowLo form an unsigned 64-bit integer yielding the window over which the value was measured for the threshold crossing event (e.g., 5, when 11 occurrences happened in 5 seconds while the threshold was 10). The two objects are combined as: cienaCesOamEventLogWindow = ((2^32) * cienaCesOamEventLogWindowHi) + cienaCesOamEventLogWindowLo. Otherwise, this value is returned as all Fs (0xFFFFFFFF) and adds no useful information. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 7 } cienaCesOamEventLogWindowLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the event represents a threshold crossing event, the two objects cienaCesOamEventWindowHi and cienaCesOamEventWindowLo form an unsigned 64-bit integer yielding the window over which the value was measured for the threshold crossing event (e.g., 5, when 11 occurrences happened in 5 seconds while the threshold was 10). The two objects are combined as: cienaCesOamEventLogWindow = ((2^32) * cienaCesOamEventLogWindowHi) + cienaCesOamEventLogWindowLo. Otherwise, this value is returned as all Fs (0xFFFFFFFF) and adds no useful information. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 8 } cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdHi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the event represents a threshold crossing event, the two objects cienaCesOamEventThresholdHi and cienaCesOamEventThresholdLo form an unsigned 64-bit integer yielding the value that was crossed for the threshold crossing event (e.g., 10, when 11 occurrences happened in 5 seconds while the threshold was 10). The two objects are combined as: cienaCesOamEventLogThreshold = ((2^32) * cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdHi) + cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdLo. Otherwise, this value is returned as all Fs (0xFFFFFFFF) and adds no useful information. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 9 } cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdLo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the event represents a threshold crossing event, the two objects cienaCesOamEventThresholdHi and cienaCesOamEventThresholdLo form an unsigned 64-bit integer yielding the value that was crossed for the threshold crossing event (e.g., 10, when 11 occurrences happened in 5 seconds while the threshold was 10). The two objects are combined as: cienaCesOamEventLogThreshold = ((2^32) * cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdHi) + cienaCesOamEventLogThresholdLo. Otherwise, this value is returned as all Fs (0xFFFFFFFF) and adds no useful information. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 10 } cienaCesOamEventLogValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the event represents a threshold crossing event, this value indicates the value of the parameter within the given window that generated this event (e.g., 11, when 11 occurrences happened in 5 seconds while the threshold was 10). Otherwise, this value is returned as all F's (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and adds no useful information. " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 11 } cienaCesOamEventLogRunningTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value represents the total number of times this occurrence has happened since the last reset (e.g., 3253, when 3253 symbol errors have occurred since the last reset, which has resulted in 51 symbol error threshold crossing events since the last reset). " REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 12 } cienaCesOamEventLogEventTotal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value represents the total number of times one or more of these occurrences have resulted in an event (e.g., 51 when 3253 symbol errors have occurred since the last reset, which has resulted in 51 symbol error threshold crossing events since the last reset)." REFERENCE "[802.3ah], and" ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 13 } cienaCesOamEventNotifChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the chassis index for the port used for trap definition." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 14 } cienaCesOamEventNotifShelfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..1) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the shelf index for the port used for trap definition." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 15 } cienaCesOamEventNotifSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the slot index for the port used for trap definition." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 16 } cienaCesOamEventNotifPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the port number for the corresponding PGID used for trap definition." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 17 } cienaCesOamEventNotifChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the channel number for the corresponding PGID used for trap definition. The value 0 is used if port of concern is not channelized." ::= { cienaCesOamEventLogEntry 18 } cienaCesOamStatsClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaStatsClear MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this object to 'true' causes the values of all objects maintained within the cienaCesOamStatsTable to reset to the value of zero. When read, this object always returns the value of false." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 3 } cienaCesOamTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary controls and status for the OAM capabilities of an Ethernet like interface. There is one row in this table for each Ethernet like interface in the system that supports the Ethernet OAM functions defined in [802.3ah]." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 4 } cienaCesOamEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table. Contains an Ethernet like interface in the system that supports the Ethernet OAM functions defined in [802.3ah]." INDEX { cienaCesOamPort } ::= { cienaCesOamTable 1 } CienaCesOamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamPort Integer32, cienaCesOamAdminState INTEGER, cienaCesOamOperStatus INTEGER, cienaCesOamMode INTEGER, cienaCesMaxOamPduSize Integer32, cienaCesOamConfigRevision Unsigned32, cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported BITS, cienaCesOamPduTimer INTEGER, cienaCesOamLinkLostTimer INTEGER } cienaCesOamPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the switch." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 1 } cienaCesOamAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), enabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to provision the default administrative OAM mode for this interface. This object represents the desired state of OAM for this interface. The cienaCesOamAdminState always starts in the disabled(1) state until an explicit management action or configuration information retained by the system causes a transition to the enabled(2) state. Note that the value of this object is ignored when the interface is not operating in full-duplex mode. OAM is not supported on half-duplex links." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 2 } cienaCesOamOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), linkfault(2), passiveWait(3), activeSendLocal(4), sendLocalAndRemote(5), sendLocalAndRemoteOk(6), oamPeeringLocallyRejected(7), oamPeeringRemotelyRejected(8), operational(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "At initialization and failure conditions, two OAM entities on the same full-duplex Ethernet link begin a discovery phase to determine what OAM capabilities may be used on that link. The progress of this initialization is controlled by the OAM sub layer. This value is always disabled(1) if OAM is disabled on this interface via the cienaCesOamAdminState. If the link has detected a fault and is transmitting OAMPDUs with a link fault indication, the value is linkFault(2). The passiveWait(3) state is returned only by OAM entities in passive mode (cienaCesOamMode) and reflects the state in which the OAM entity is waiting to see if the peer device is OAM capable. The activeSendLocal(4) is used by active mode devices (cienaCesOamMode) and reflects the OAM entity actively trying to discover whether the peer has OAM capability but has not yet made that determination. The state sendLocalAndRemote(5) indicates that the local OAM entity has discovered the peer but has not yet accepted or rejected the configuration of the peer. The local device can, for whatever reason, decide that the peer device is unacceptable and decline OAM peering. If the local OAM entity rejects the peer OAM entity, the state becomes oamPeeringLocallyRejected(7). If the OAM peering is allowed by the local device, the state moves to sendLocalAndRemoteOk(6). Note that both the sendLocalAndRemote(5) and oamPeeringLocallyRejected(7) states fall within the state SEND_LOCAL_REMOTE of the Discovery state diagram [802.3ah, Figure 57-5], with the difference being whether the local OAM client has actively rejected the peering or has just not indicated any decision yet. Whether a peering decision has been made is indicated via the local flags field in the OAMPDU (reflected in the aOAMLocalFlagsField of If the remote OAM entity rejects the peering, the state becomes oamPeeringRemotelyRejected(8). Note that both the sendLocalAndRemoteOk(6) and oamPeeringRemotelyRejected(8) states fall within the state SEND_LOCAL_REMOTE_OK of the Discovery state diagram [802.3ah, Figure 57-5], with the difference being whether the remote OAM client has rejected the peering or has just not yet decided. This is indicated via the remote flags field in the OAM PDU (reflected in the aOAMRemoteFlagsField of When the local OAM entity learns that both it and the remote OAM entity have accepted the peering, the state moves to operational(9) corresponding to the SEND_ANY state of the Discovery state diagram [802.3ah, Figure 57-5]." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 3 } cienaCesOamMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mode of OAM operation for this Ethernet like interface. OAM on Ethernet interfaces may be in 'active' mode or 'passive' mode. These two modes differ in that active mode provides additional capabilities to initiate monitoring activities with the remote OAM peer entity, while passive mode generally waits for the peer to initiate OAM actions with it. As an example, an active OAM entity can put the remote OAM entity in a loopback state, where a passive OAM entity cannot. The default value of cienaCesOamMode is dependent on the type of system on which this Ethernet like interface resides. The default value should be 'active(1)' unless it is known that this system should take on a subservient role to the other device connected over this interface. If this values gets changed it value results in incrementing the configuration revision field of locally generated OAMPDUs ( and potentially re-doing the OAM discovery process if the cienaCesOamOperStatus was already operational(9)." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 4 } cienaCesMaxOamPduSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The largest OAMPDU that the OAM entity supports. OAM entities exchange maximum OAMPDU sizes and negotiate to use the smaller of the two maximum OAMPDU sizes between the peers. This value is determined by the local implementation." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 5 } cienaCesOamConfigRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configuration revision of the OAM entity as reflected in the latest OAMPDU sent by the OAM entity. The configuration revision is used by OAM entities to indicate configuration changes have occurred which might require the peer OAM entity to re-evaluate whether the peering is allowed. See local_satisfied in [802.3ah,]." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 6 } cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unidirectionalSupport(0), loopbackSupport(1), eventSupport(2), variableSupport(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OAM functions supported on this Ethernet like interface. OAM consists of separate functional sets beyond the basic discovery process which is always required. These functional groups can be supported independently by any implementation. These values are communicated to the peer via the local configuration field of Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 7 } cienaCesOamPduTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (100..1000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time in milliseconds between Information OAMPDUs being transmitted via the Ethernet port." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 8 } cienaCesOamLinkLostTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (500..5000) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time in milliseconds to wait for an Information OAMPDU via the Ethernet port, from a peer, before declaring the link lost." ::= { cienaCesOamEntry 9 } cienaCesOamPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the OAM peer for a particular Ethernet like interface. OAM entities communicate with a single OAM peer entity on full-duplex Ethernet links on which OAM is enabled and operating properly. In certain states, the OAM peer information is not available. Whether peer information is available is communicated via the cienaCesOamPeerStatus object. When this object is inactive, all other information in the row is considered invalid." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 5 } cienaCesOamPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information on the peer OAM entity for a single Ethernet like interface. Note that there is at most one OAM peer for each Ethernet like interface. There is exactly one row in this table for each Ethernet like interface supporting OAM." INDEX { cienaCesOamLocalPort } ::= { cienaCesOamPeerTable 1 } CienaCesOamPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamLocalPort Integer32, cienaCesOamPeerStatus INTEGER, cienaCesOamPeerMacAddress OCTET STRING, cienaCesOamPeerVendorOui OCTET STRING, cienaCesOamPeerVendorInfo Unsigned32, cienaCesOamPeerMode INTEGER, cienaCesOamPeerMaxOamPduSize Integer32, cienaCesOamPeerConfigRevision Unsigned32, cienaCesOamPeerFunctionsSupported BITS } cienaCesOamLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the local switch." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 1 } cienaCesOamPeerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the information in this row should be considered valid. When active(1), the information is valid and represents the current peer of the OAM entity. When inactive(2), the information in this row is invalid. A value of inactive(2) is returned if the cienaCesOamOperStatus is disabled, passiveWait, or activeSendLocal. For all other values of cienaCesOamOperStatus, a value of active(1) is returned." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 2 } cienaCesOamPeerMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(6)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the peer OAM entity. The MAC address is derived from the most recently received OAMPDU. This value is initialized to all zeros (0x000000000000). This value is invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. An OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) and a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 3 } cienaCesOamPeerVendorOui OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(3)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OUI of the OAM peer as reflected in the latest Information OAMPDU received with a Local Information TLV. The OUI can be used to identify the vendor of the remote OAM entity. This value is initialized to all zeros (0x000000). This value is considered invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 4 } cienaCesOamPeerVendorInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Vendor Info of the OAM peer as reflected in the latest Information OAMPDU received with a Local Information TLV. The vendor information field is within the Local Information TLV, and can be used to determine additional information about the peer entity. The format of the vendor information is unspecified within the 32-bit field. This value is initialized to all zero. This value is invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 5 } cienaCesOamPeerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), passive(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of the OAM peer as reflected in the latest Information OAMPDU received with a Local Information TLV. The mode of the peer can be determined from the Configuration field in the Local Information TLV of the last Information OAMPDU received from the peer. This value is initialized to unknown(3), and is not valid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 6 } cienaCesOamPeerMaxOamPduSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum size of OAMPDU supported by the peer as reflected in the latest Information OAMPDU received with a Local Information TLV. Ethernet OAM on this interface must not use OAMPDUs that exceed this size. The maximum OAMPDU size can be determined from the PDU Configuration field of the Local Information TLV of the last Information OAMPDU received from the peer. This value is initialized to 64, and is invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 7 } cienaCesOamPeerConfigRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The configuration revision of the OAM peer as reflected in the latest OAMPDU. This attribute is changed by the peer whenever it has a local configuration change for Ethernet OAM this interface. This value is initialized to zero, and is invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. The configuration revision can be determined from the Revision field of the Local Information TLV of the most recently received Information OAMPDU with a Local Information TLV. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 8 } cienaCesOamPeerFunctionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { unidirectionalSupport(0), loopbackSupport(1), eventSupport(2), variableSupport(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OAM functions supported on this Ethernet like interface. OAM consists of separate functionality sets above the basic discovery process. This value indicates the capabilities of the peer OAM entity with respect to these functions. This value is initialized so all bits are clear, and is invalid if the cienaCesOamPeerStatus is inactive. The capbilities of the OAM peer can be determined from the configuration field of the Local Information TLV of the most recently received Information OAMPDU with a Local Information TLV. An Information OAMPDU is indicated by a valid frame with (1) destination MAC address equal to that of the reserved MAC address for Slow Protocols (See 43B of [802.3ah]), (2) a lengthOrType field equal to the reserved type for Slow Protocols, (3) a Slow Protocols subtype equal to that of the subtype reserved for OAM, and (4) an OAM code that equals the code reserved for Information OAMPDUs." ::= { cienaCesOamPeerEntry 9 } cienaCesOamLoopbackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamLoopbackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains methods to control the loopback state of the local link as well as indicating the status of the loopback function. Loopback can be used to place the remote OAM entity in a state where every received frame (except OAMPDUs) are echoed back over the same interface on which they were received. In this state, at the remote entity, 'normal' traffic is disabled as only the looped back frames are transmitted on the interface. Loopback is thus an intrusive operation that prohibits normal data flow and should be used accordingly." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 6 } cienaCesOamLoopbackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamLoopbackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information on the loopback status for a single Ethernet like interface. There is an entry in this table for every Ethernet like interface which supports OAM and loopback function within OAM (as indicated in cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported)." INDEX { cienaCesOamLoopbackPort } ::= { cienaCesOamLoopbackTable 1 } CienaCesOamLoopbackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamLoopbackPort Integer32, cienaCesOamLoopbackCommand INTEGER, cienaCesOamLoopbackStatus INTEGER, cienaCesOamLoopbackIgnoreRx INTEGER } cienaCesOamLoopbackPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the switch." ::= { cienaCesOamLoopbackEntry 1 } cienaCesOamLoopbackCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoopback(1), startRemoteLoopback(2), stopRemoteLoopback(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute initiates or terminates remote loopback with an OAM peer. Value startRemoteLoopback(2) of this attribute indicates the local OAM client to send a loopback OAMPDU to the OAM peer with the loopback enable flags set. Value stopRemoteLoopback(3) of this attribute indicates the local OAM client to send a loopback OAMPDU to the OAM peer with the loopback enable flags cleared. Value noLoopback(1) to this attribute has no effect. The attribute always returns noLoopback on a read. To determine the loopback status, use the attribute cienaCesOamLoopbackStatus." ::= { cienaCesOamLoopbackEntry 2 } cienaCesOamLoopbackStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noLoopback(1), initiatingLoopback(2), remoteLoopback(3), terminatingLoopback(4), localLoopback(5), unknown(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The loopback status of the OAM entity. This status is determined by a combination of the local parser and multiplexer states, the remote parser and multiplexer states, as well as by the actions of the local OAM client. When operating in normal mode with no loopback in progress, the status reads noLoopback(1). If the OAM client has sent a Loopback OAMPDU and is waiting for a response, where the local parser and multiplexer states are DISCARD (see [802.3ah,]), the status is 'initiatingLoopback'. In this case, the local OAM entity has yet to receive any acknowledgement that the remote OAM entity has received its loopback command request. If the local OAM client knows that the remote OAM entity is in loopback mode (via the remote state information as described in [802.3ah,,]), the status is remoteLoopback(3). If the local OAM client is in the process of terminating the remote loopback [802.3ah,,], with its local multiplexer and parser states in DISCARD, the status is terminatingLoopback(4). If the remote OAM client has put the local OAM entity in loopback mode as indicated by its local parser state, the status is localLoopback(5). The unknown(6) status indicates the parser and multiplexer combination is unexpected. This status may be returned if the OAM loopback is in a transition state but should not persist. The values of this attribute correspond to the following values of the local and remote parser and multiplexer states. LclPrsr LclMux RmtPrsr RmtMux noLoopback FWD FWD FWD FWD initLoopback DISCARD DISCARD FWD FWD rmtLoopback DISCARD FWD LPBK DISCARD tmtngLoopback DISCARD DISCARD LPBK DISCARD lclLoopback LPBK DISCARD DISCARD FWD unknown *** any other combination ***" ::= { cienaCesOamLoopbackEntry 3 } cienaCesOamLoopbackIgnoreRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ignore(1), process(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Since OAM loopback is a disruptive operation (user traffic does not pass), this attribute provides a mechanism to provide controls over whether received OAM loopback commands are processed or ignored. When the value is ignore(1), received loopback commands are ignored. When the value is process(2), OAM loopback commands are processed. The default value is to ignore loopback commands (ignore(1)). The attribute has no meaning if the local OAM entity does not support the loopback function (as defined in cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported)." ::= { cienaCesOamLoopbackEntry 4 } cienaCesOamSystemEnableDisable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the administratively configurable state of the OAM on the switch." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 7 } cienaCesOamEventConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CienaCesOamEventConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet OAM includes the ability to generate and receive event notifications to indicate various link problems. This table contains the mechanisms to configure the thresholds to generate the standard Ethernet OAM Event. These events are: - Errored Symbol Period Event. Generated when the number of symbol errors exceeds a threshold within a given window defined by a number of symbols (e.g. 1,000 symbols out of 1,000,000 had errors). - Errored Frame Period Event. Generated when the number of frame errors exceeds a threshold within a given window defined by a number of frames (e.g. 10 frames out of 1000 had errors). - Errored Frame Event. Generated when the number of frame errors exceeds a threshold within a given window defined by a period of time (e.g. 10 frames in 1 second had errors). - Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event. Generated when the number of errored frame seconds exceeds a threshold within a given time period (e.g. 10 errored frame seconds within the last 100 seconds). An errored frame second is defined as a 1 second interval that had >0 frame errors." ::= { cienaCesOamStatistics 8 } cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CienaCesOamEventConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event configuration information is available for every Ethernet like interface that supports OAM and the event function of OAM as indicated in the cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported attribute. Event configuration controls when the local management entity sends Event Notification OAMPDUs to its OAM peer." INDEX { cienaCesOamEventPort } ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigTable 1 } CienaCesOamEventConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cienaCesOamEventPort Integer32, cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodWindow Unsigned32, cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodThreshold Unsigned32, cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodEvNotifEnable INTEGER, cienaCesOamErrFrameWindow Unsigned32, cienaCesOamErrFrameThreshold Unsigned32, cienaCesOamErrFrameEvNotifEnable INTEGER, cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryWindow Integer32, cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryThreshold Integer32, cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsEvNotifEnable INTEGER, cienaCesOamDyingGaspEnable INTEGER, cienaCesOamCriticalEventEnable INTEGER } cienaCesOamEventPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An Ethernet port on the switch" ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 1 } cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frames over which the threshold is defined. The default value of the window is the number of minimum size Ethernet frames that can be received over the physical layer in one second. If cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodWindow frames, an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Period Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window. +------------ Range of errd-frame-period-window values------------+ | 10 mbps link : 1488 - 892800 | | 100 mbps link : 14880 - 8928000 | | 1000 mbps link : 148810 - 89285760 | | 10000 mbps link : 1488096 - 892857120 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ " REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 2 } cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967293) UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frame errors that must occur for this event to be triggered. The default value is one frame error. If cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodWindow frames, an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Period Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window." REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 3 } cienaCesOamErrFramePeriodEvNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the occurrence of an Errored Frame Period Event should result in an Event Notification OAMPDU generated by the OAM layer. By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for Ethernet like interfaces that support OAM. If the OAM layer does not support event notifications (as indicated via the cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported attribute), this value is ignored." ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 4 } cienaCesOamErrFrameWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (10..600) UNITS "tenths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in 100ms increments) over which the threshold is defined. The default value is 10 (1 second). If cienaCesOamErrFrameThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFrameWindow seconds (measured in tenths of seconds), an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window." REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 5 } cienaCesOamErrFrameThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967293) UNITS "frames" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of frame errors that must occur for this event to be triggered. The default value is one frame error. If cienaCesOamErrFrameThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFrameWindow (in tenths of seconds), an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window." REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 6 } cienaCesOamErrFrameEvNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the occurrence of an Errored Frame Event should result in an Event Notification OAMPDU generated by the OAM layer. By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for Ethernet like interfaces that support OAM. If the OAM layer does not support event notifications (as indicated via the cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported attribute), this value is ignored." ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 7 } cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..9000) UNITS "tenths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in 100ms intervals) over which the threshold is defined. The default value is 100 (10 seconds). If cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryWindow (in tenths of seconds), an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window." REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 8 } cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) UNITS "errored frame seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of errored frame seconds that must occur for this event to be triggered. The default value is one errored frame second. If cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryThreshold frame errors occur within a window of cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsSummaryWindow (in tenths of seconds), an Event Notification OAMPDU should be generated with an Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event TLV indicating the threshold has been crossed in this window." REFERENCE "[802.3ah]," ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 9 } cienaCesOamErrFrameSecsEvNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the occurrence of an Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event should result in an Event Notification OAMPDU generated by the OAM layer. By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for Ethernet like interfaces that support OAM. If the OAM layer does not support event notifications (as indicated via the cienaCesOamFunctionsSupported attribute), this value is ignored." ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 10 } cienaCesOamDyingGaspEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the local device should attempt to indicate a dying gasp fault via the OAMPDU flags field to its peer OAM entity. If the system does not support dying gasp capability, reading the object should always result in 'disabled(2)'. By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for Ethernet like interfaces that support OAM. If the OAM layer does not support event notifications (as indicated via the OamFunctionsSupported attribute), this value is ignored." ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 11 } cienaCesOamCriticalEventEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the local device should attempt to indicate a critical event has occurred via the OAMPDU flags field to its peer OAM entity. If the system does not support dying gasp capability, reading the object should always result in 'disabled(2)'. By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for Ethernet like interfaces that support OAM. If the OAM layer does not support event notifications (as indicated via the OamFunctionsSupported attribute), this value is ignored." ::= { cienaCesOamEventConfigEntry 12 } -- -- Notifications -- cienaCesOamLinkEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesOamEventNotifChassisIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifShelfIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifSlotIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifPortNumber, cienaCesOamEventLogType, cienaCesOamEventLogLocation, cienaCesOamEventNotifChannelNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A cienaCesOamLinkEventTrap notification is sent whenever a local or remote link event is detected and recorded in the cienaCesOamEventLogTable. To enable the device to send this trap, cienaCesOamLinkEventTrapState needs to be set to enabled. The cienaCesOamLinkEventTrapState is enabled by default. Variable bindings include: cienaGlobalSeverity, cienaGlobalMacAddress, cienaCesOamEventNotifChassisIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifShelfIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifSlotIndex, cienaCesOamEventNotifPortNumber, cienaCesOamEventLogType, cienaCesOamEventLogLocation, and cienaCesOamEventNotifChannelNumber." ::= { cienaCesOamNotifMIBNotification 1 } END -- -- CIENA-CES-OAM-MIB.my --