-- This file was included in WWP MIB release 04-16-00-0047 CIENA-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- definition of textual conventions -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION MACRO ::= -- -- -- BEGIN -- TYPE NOTATION ::= -- DisplayPart -- "STATUS" Status -- "DESCRIPTION" Text -- ReferPart -- "SYNTAX" Syntax -- -- VALUE NOTATION ::= -- value(VALUE Syntax) // adapted ASN.1 -- -- DisplayPart ::= -- "DISPLAY-HINT" Text -- | empty -- -- Status ::= -- "current" -- | "deprecated" -- | "obsolete" -- -- ReferPart ::= -- "REFERENCE" Text -- | empty -- -- // a character string as defined in [2] -- Text ::= value(IA5String) -- -- Syntax ::= // Must be one of the following: -- // a base type (or its refinement), or -- // a BITS pseudo-type -- type -- | "BITS" "{" NamedBits "}" -- -- NamedBits ::= NamedBit -- | NamedBits "," NamedBit -- -- NamedBit ::= identifier "(" number ")" // number is nonnegative -- -- END --Textual conventions -- CienaGlobalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention enumerates the administrative and operational state." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } CienaGlobalSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention enumerates the severity levels." SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), cleared (1), intermediate (2), critical (3), major (4), minor (5), warning (6), config (7), info (8), -- informational debug (9), -- debug-level messages internal (10) -- None of the above } CienaStatsClear ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention enumerates the statistics clear operation if the value is set to 1." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), clear(1) } CienaMacAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention denotes a MAC address." SYNTAX MacAddress END