-- This file was automatically generated from ciena-ws-encryption.yang. Do not edit. CIENA-WS-ENCRYPTION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS cienaWsConfig FROM CIENA-WS-MIB PortId, StringMaxl32 FROM CIENA-WS-TYPEDEFS-MIB MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC; cienaWsEncryptionMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201703020000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ciena Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Web URL: http://www.ciena.com/ Postal: 7035 Ridge Road Hanover, Maryland 21076 U.S.A. Phone: +1 800-921-1144 Fax: +1 410-694-5750" DESCRIPTION "Datapath encryption support on Waveserver. Encryption support includes a global encryption state and per-port pre-shared-key provisioning, authentication, and state." REVISION "201703020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision" ::= { cienaWsConfig 23 } cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Path Encryption properties for a port." ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 3 } cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTable." INDEX { cwsPortPortsPortId, cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTableSnmpKey } ::= { cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTable 1 } CwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTableSnmpKey Integer32, cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionPeerAuthenticationStatus INTEGER } cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionTableSnmpKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique key for cwsEncryptionPortEncryption" ::= { cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry 1 } cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionPeerAuthenticationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), pass(1), fail(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Whether the port is authenticated with its peer." ::= { cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionEntry 2 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port data path encryption pre-shared-key properties." ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 4 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTable." INDEX { cwsPortPortsPortId, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTableSnmpKey } ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTable 1 } CwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTableSnmpKey Integer32, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyValue OCTET STRING, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyFingerprint StringMaxl32, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyStatus TruthValue, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyDescription OCTET STRING } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyTableSnmpKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique key for cwsEncryptionPreSharedKey" ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry 1 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0 ..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value for a pre-shared-key (PSK). The value must be specified as a hexadecimal encoded string. The string must be 32 characters to 512 characters consisting of (0-9, a-f, A-F). This is for support of 128bit key to 2048bit key in increment of 8 bits. Setting this attribute to an empty or blank string will clear the PSK. A read of this attribute will always return empty to protect the plaintext value. Note: This is a write-only attribute." ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry 2 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StringMaxl32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A system generated hash value based on the provisioned pre-shared-key. If no key is provisioned, the fingerprint is empty." ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry 3 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Boolean value to indicate whether the pre-shared-key has been setup by user or not." ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry 4 } cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..60)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A human-readable description for the applied pre-shared-key. Eg. 'PSK for site 1 and site 2'" ::= { cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyEntry 5 } cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port data path encryption re-authentication properties." ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 5 } cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTable." INDEX { cwsPortPortsPortId, cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTableSnmpKey } ::= { cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTable 1 } CwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTableSnmpKey Integer32, cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationPeriod Unsigned32, cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationFailureMode INTEGER } cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationTableSnmpKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique key for cwsEncryptionReAuthentication" ::= { cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry 1 } cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This determines how often peer re-authentication will be performed. Default is 1 hour. Range is 1 to 24 hours in increment of 1 hour." ::= { cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry 2 } cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationFailureMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), drop(1), allow(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This attribute is useful for hitless per-shared-key renewal. It determines what the system would do when peer re-authentication fails. If this is set to allow, then traffic will be maintained using the last known good encryption key. If this is set to drop, then traffic will be down until peer re-authentication passes." ::= { cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationEntry 3 } cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis level data path encryption properties." ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 6 } cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTable." INDEX { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTableSnmpKey } ::= { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTable 1 } CwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTableSnmpKey Integer32, cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateLicenseState INTEGER, cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateFeatureState INTEGER } cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateTableSnmpKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique key for cwsEncryptionEncryptionState" ::= { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry 1 } cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateLicenseState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), available(1), held(2), na(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Datapath license feature state of this Waveserver." ::= { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry 2 } cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateFeatureState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(0), notReady(1), ready(2), na(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Datapath encryption feature state of this Waveserver." ::= { cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateEntry 3 } -- Conformance statements cienaWsEncryptionObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 1 } cienaWsEncryptionConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaWsEncryptionMIB 2 } cienaWsEncryptionGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaWsEncryptionConformance 1 } cienaWsEncryptionGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cwsEncryptionPortEncryptionPeerAuthenticationStatus, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyValue, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyFingerprint, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyStatus, cwsEncryptionPreSharedKeyDescription, cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationPeriod, cwsEncryptionReAuthenticationFailureMode, cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateLicenseState, cwsEncryptionEncryptionStateFeatureState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance Group" ::= { cienaWsEncryptionGroups 1 } cienaWsEncryptionCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cienaWsEncryptionConformance 2 } cienaWsEncryptionCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance" MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { cienaWsEncryptionGroup } ::= { cienaWsEncryptionCompliances 1 } END -- End module