-- ***************************************************************** -- CERENT-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB.mib -- -- Copyright (c) 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** CERENT-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS Integer32, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF ifIndex FROM IF-MIB cerentModules, cerentRequirements, cerentGeneric FROM CERENT-GLOBAL-REGISTRY CerentPeriod FROM CERENT-TC ; cerentOpticalMonitorMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "0211110000Z" -- 2002/Nov/11 ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "support@Cisco.com Postal: Cisco Systems 1450 N. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 Tel: +1-877-323-7368" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines objects to monitor optical characteristics and set corresponding thresholds, on the optical interfaces in a network element. This module is an adaptation of CISCO-OPTICAL-MONITOR-MIB. " REVISION "0211110000Z" -- 2002/Nov/11 DESCRIPTION "The initial revision of this MIB." ::={ cerentModules 70 } -- Textual Conventions OpticalParameterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the optical parameter that is being monitored. Valid values are - power (1) : Optical Power (AC + DC). acPower (2) : Optical AC Power. apdTemp (3) : Avalanche Photo Detector Temperature. laserTemp (4) : Laser Temperature. biasCurrent (5) : Laser bias current. peltierCurrent (6) : Laser peltier current. xcvrVoltage (7) : Transceiver voltage. voa (8) : Variable Optical Attenuation Failure & Degrade Th. gain (9) : Optical amplifier gain Failure & Degrade Th. oscPower (10) : OSC Optical Power addPower (11) : Add Optical Power " SYNTAX INTEGER { power(1), acPower(2), apdTemp(3), laserTemp(4), biasCurrent(5), peltierCurrent(6), xcvrVoltage(7), voa(8), gain(9), oscPower(10), addPower(11) } OpticalParameterValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the optical parameter that is being monitored. The range of values varies depending on the type of optical parameter being monitored, as identified by a corresponding object with syntax OpticalParameterType. when the optical parameter being monitored is 'power' or 'acpower', the supported range is from -1000 to 1000, in 1/10ths of dBm. Example: Actual power of -40 dbm is represented as -400. Actual power level of +30 dBm is represented as 300. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'laserTemp' or 'apdTemp', the supported range is from -10000 to 30000, in 1/100ths of degrees centigrade. Example: A value of 2355 represents a temperature reading of 23.55 degrees C. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'biasCurrent', the supported range is from 0 to 1000, in 1/10ths of percentage (%). Example: A value of 500 represents a bias current threshold of 50.0 %. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'peltierCurrent', the supported range is from 0 to 10000, in milliamperes. When the optical parameter being monitored is 'xcvrVoltage', the supported range is from 0 to 100000, in 1/10ths of millivolts. Example: A Value of 115 represents a transceiver voltage reading of 11.5 millivolts. The distinguished value of '-1000000' indicates that the object has not yet been initialized or does not apply. " SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1000000..1000000 ) OpticalIfDirection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the direction being monitored at the optical interface. " SYNTAX INTEGER { receive(1), transmit(2), notApplicable(3) } -- MIB Object Definitions cerentOpticalMonitorMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cerentGeneric 30 } -- groups in this MIB module cerentOpticalMonGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cerentOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 1 } cerentOpticalPMGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {cerentOpticalMonitorMIBObjects 2 } -- cOpticalMonTable cOpticalMonTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF COpticalMonEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides objects to monitor optical parameters in a network element. It also provides objects for setting high and low threshold levels, with configurable severities, on these monitored parameters." ::={ cerentOpticalMonGroup 1 } cOpticalMonEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX COpticalMonEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the cOpticalMonTable provides objects to monitor an optical parameter and set threshold levels on that parameter, at an optical interface. Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary based on interface type and direction. Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table include optical transceivers optical amplifiers, and optical attenuators." INDEX { ifIndex, cOpticalMonDirection, cOpticalMonParameterType } ::={ cOpticalMonTable 1 } COpticalMonEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cOpticalMonDirection OpticalIfDirection, cOpticalMonParameterType OpticalParameterType, cOpticalParameterValue OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamHighWarning15MinThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamHighWarning1DayThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamLowWarning15MinThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamLowWarning1DayThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamLowDegradeThresh OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalParamHighDegradeThresh OpticalParameterValue } cOpticalMonDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalIfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalMonTable and indicates the direction monitored for the optical interface, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 1 } cOpticalMonParameterType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalMonTable and specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 2 } cOpticalParameterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the value measured for the particular optical parameter specified by the cOpticalMonParameterType object." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 3 } cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a high alarm threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,is greater than the value configured in this object, an alarm will be raised. When the cOpticalMonParameterType object is set to 'power' for the receive direction at a transceiver, this object specifies the receiver saturation level." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 4 } cOpticalParamHighWarning15MinThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a high warning 15 minute threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,is greater than the value configured in this object, an alarm may be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 5 } cOpticalParamHighWarning1DayThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a high warning 1 day threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,is greater than the value configured in this object, an alarm may be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 6 } cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low alarm threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,goes lower than the value configured in this object, an alarm will be raised. When the cOpticalMonParameterType object is set to 'power' for the receive direction and when the interface supports alarms based on loss of light, this object specifies the optical power threshold for declaring loss of light. Also, when optical amplifiers are present in the network, in the receive direction, this value may need to be configured, since the noise floor may be higher than the minimum sensitivity of the receiver." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 7 } cOpticalParamLowWarning15MinThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low warning 15 minute threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,goes lower than the value configured in this object, an alarm will be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 8 } cOpticalParamLowWarning1DayThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low warning 1 day threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,goes lower than the value configured in this object, an alarm will be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 9 } cOpticalParamLowDegradeThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a low degrade threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,goes lower than the value configured in this object, a degrade alarm will be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 10 } cOpticalParamHighDegradeThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to set a high degrade threshold on the optical parameter being monitored. If the measured value of the parameter,goes lower than the value configured in this object, a degrade alarm will be raised." ::={ cOpticalMonEntry 11 } -- cOpticalPMCurrent Table cOpticalPMCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF COpticalPMCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores performance monitoring data for the various optical parameters, collected over the current interval." ::={ cerentOpticalPMGroup 1 } cOpticalPMCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX COpticalPMCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the cOpticalPMCurrentTable. It contains performance monitoring data for an optical parameter, collected over the current interval. Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary based on interface type and direction. Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table include optical transceivers, optical amplifiers, and optical attenuators." INDEX { ifIndex, cOpticalPMCurrentDirection, cOpticalPMCurrentParamType, cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod} ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentTable 1 } COpticalPMCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cOpticalPMCurrentDirection OpticalIfDirection, cOpticalPMCurrentParamType OpticalParameterType, cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod CerentPeriod, cOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalPMCurrentMinParam OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam OpticalParameterValue } cOpticalPMCurrentDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalIfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMCurrentTable and indicates the direction monitored for the optical interface, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 1 } cOpticalPMCurrentParamType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMCurrentTable and specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 2 } cOpticalPMCurrentPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CerentPeriod MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMCurrentTable and indicates whether the optical parameter values given in this entry, are collected over a period of 15 minutes or 24 hours." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 3 } cOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the maximum value measured for the optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 4 } cOpticalPMCurrentMinParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the minimum value measured for the optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 5 } cOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the average value of the measured optical parameter, in the current 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMCurrentEntry 6 } -- cOpticalPMInterval Table cOpticalPMIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF COpticalPMIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table stores performance monitoring data for the various optical parameters, collected over current and previous intervals. This table can have entries for up to 96 complete 15 minute intervals." ::={ cerentOpticalPMGroup 2 } cOpticalPMIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX COpticalPMIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the cOpticalPMIntervalTable. It contains performance monitoring data for an optical parameter, collected over current and previous intervals. Note that the set of monitored optical parameters may vary based on interface type and direction. Examples of interfaces that can have an entry in this table include optical transceivers, optical amplifiers, and optical attenuators." INDEX { ifIndex, cOpticalPMIntervalDirection, cOpticalPMIntervalParamType, cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod, cOpticalPMIntervalNumber} ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalTable 1 } COpticalPMIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cOpticalPMIntervalDirection OpticalIfDirection, cOpticalPMIntervalParamType OpticalParameterType, cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod CerentPeriod, cOpticalPMIntervalNumber Integer32, cOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalPMIntervalMinParam OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam OpticalParameterValue, cOpticalPMIntervalValidData TruthValue } cOpticalPMIntervalDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalIfDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMIntervalTable and indicates the direction monitored for the optical interface, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 1 } cOpticalPMIntervalParamType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMIntervalTable and specifies the optical parameter that is being monitored, in this entry." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 2 } cOpticalPMIntervalPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CerentPeriod MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMIntervalTable and indicates whether the optical parameter values given in this entry, are collected over a period of 15 minutes or 24 hours." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 3 } cOpticalPMIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is an index into the cOpticalPMIntervalTable. It is a number between 1 and 96, which identifies the interval for which the set of optical parameter values is available. The interval identified by 1 is the most recent 15 minute or 24 hour interval, and the interval identified by N is the interval immediately preceding the one identified by N-1." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 4 } cOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the maximum value measured for the optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 5 } cOpticalPMIntervalMinParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the minimum value measured for the optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 6 } cOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpticalParameterValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object gives the average value of the measured optical parameter, in a particular 15 minute or 24 hour interval." ::={ cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 7 } cOpticalPMIntervalValidData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable indicates if the data for this interval is valid." ::= { cOpticalPMIntervalEntry 8 } -- MIB Conformance Statements cerentOpticalMonitorMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cerentRequirements 20 } cerentOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cerentOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 1 } cerentOpticalMonitorMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cerentOpticalMonitorMIBConformance 2 } cerentOpticalMonitorMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for network elements that monitor optical characteristics and set thresholds on the optical interfaces in a network element." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { cerentOpticalMIBMonGroup } GROUP cerentOpticalMIBThresholdGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that support thresholds on optical parameters." GROUP cerentOpticalMIBPMGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required for network elements that support collection of optical performance monitoring data for 15 minute or 24 hour intervals." OBJECT cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cOpticalParamHighWarning15MinThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cOpticalParamHighWarning1DayThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cOpticalParamLowWarning15MinThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT cOpticalParamLowWarning1DayThresh MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." ::={ cerentOpticalMonitorMIBCompliances 1 } -- Units of Conformance cerentOpticalMIBMonGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cOpticalParameterValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mandatory object that provides monitoring of optical characteristics." ::={ cerentOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 1 } cerentOpticalMIBThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh, cOpticalParamHighWarning15MinThresh, cOpticalParamHighWarning1DayThresh, cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh, cOpticalParamLowWarning15MinThresh, cOpticalParamLowWarning1DayThresh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that support thresholds on optical parameters and provide status information when the thresholds are exceeded or cleared." ::={ cerentOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 2 } cerentOpticalMIBPMGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cOpticalPMCurrentMaxParam, cOpticalPMCurrentMinParam, cOpticalPMCurrentMeanParam, cOpticalPMIntervalMaxParam, cOpticalPMIntervalMinParam, cOpticalPMIntervalMeanParam, cOpticalPMIntervalValidData } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that provide optical performance monitoring data for 15 minute and 24 hour intervals." ::={ cerentOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 3 } cerentOpticalDwdmNetworkMIBThresholdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cOpticalParamHighAlarmThresh, cOpticalParamHighWarning15MinThresh, cOpticalParamHighWarning1DayThresh, cOpticalParamLowAlarmThresh, cOpticalParamLowWarning15MinThresh, cOpticalParamLowWarning1DayThresh, cOpticalParamLowDegradeThresh, cOpticalParamHighDegradeThresh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects that support thresholds on optical DWDM Network parameters and provide status information when the thresholds are exceeded or cleared." ::={ cerentOpticalMonitorMIBGroups 4 } END