--************************************************************************** -- -- Copyright 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved -- No portions of this material may be reproduced in any -- form without the written permission of: -- Cisco Systems Inc. -- 170 West Tasman Dr. -- San Jose, CA 95134 -- USA --************************************************************************** SA-CM-MTA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC ; sa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 1429 } saVoip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sa 78 } saCmMta MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201612230000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "http://support.cisco.com" DESCRIPTION "Controls the behavior of the Cable Modem functional block in Embedded MTA devices. This MIB is active only at the Cable Modem IP address" -- History REVISION "201612230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial release of reduced-set module for releases based on BFC 5.7.x." ::= { saVoip 1 } saCmMtaDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Control embedded MTA. If disable(0), MTA will not send out DHCP DISCOVER message. If DHCP option 122.1 is missing, MTA is disabled and MIB is set to disable(0). Note: Equivalent of VSIF 54. Note: This object can be set via the CM configuration file ONLY." ::= { saCmMta 1 } saCmMtaIpFilters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { perSpec(0), openMta(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DOCSIS config file filters (from RFC2669) are normally applied to the MTA and all CPE interfaces per the eDOCSIS spec. This MIB controls if the filters are applied to the MTA. 0: Follow e-docsis spec - apply filters to MTA, Ethernet and USB ports (default) 1: Do not apply any filters to the MTA - apply filters only to Ethernet and USB ports Filters do NOT block traffic to/from the MTA. Note: Equivalent of VSIF 77" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { saCmMta 3 } saCmMtaSidCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4|16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of SIDs the MTA supports." ::= { saCmMta 5 } saCmMtaProvisioningMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { packetCable(0), oneConfigFile(1), twoConfigFilesDHCP(2), twoConfigFilesSNMP(3), twoConfigFilesDHCPmacAddress(4), twoConfigFilesMacAddressOnly(5), webPage(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object must only be set via the CM configuration file during the provisioning process. After CM is operational, this object can not be set via SNMP. MTA provisioning modes: 0: MTA follows the PacketCable provisioning specifications and supports BASIC, HYBRID and SECURE flows. 1: MTA will provision using only the CM config file. VoIP parameters MUST be included in the CM config file as VSIFs. This option will become obsolete. 2: MTA will learn the MTA config file name and location from the MTA DHCP OFFER. If the filename or location is missing, MTA will switch to mode 3. 3: MTA will learn the MTA config file name and location via SNMP. The MTA will send an SNMP inform to the provisioning server specified in DHCP option 122.3 or 177.3, depending on saCmMtaDhcpPktcOption (note: MTA will not provision if saCmMtaDhcpPktcOption = requireNone(1) and no option 122.3 or 177.3 is specified). 4: MTA will learn the MTA config file name and location and the MTA host name from the MTA DHCP OFFER/ACK. If the filename is missing in the DHCP OFFER/ACK, the MTA will request a config file name based on the MTA mac address (example: 000f21c4e145.bin). If the MTA host name is missing in the DHCP OFFER/ACK the MTA will use a host name of MAC_ADDR (example: 000f21c4e145). 5: MTA will request a config file name based on the MTA mac address (example: 000f21c4e145.bin). MTA will learn the MTA config file location via DHCP. MTA will use a host name of MAC_ADDR (example: 000f21c4e145). MTA will NOT use the file name and host name in the DHCP ACK even if the parameters are present. 6: Web page provisioning. Parameters from a web page will be used rather than from config file. All the web page parameters are stored in non-vol. Base provisioning method is 2 above. For modes other than 0, MTA DHCP options 122, 177 are not required. Note: This object can be set via the CM configuration file ONLY." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { saCmMta 7 } saCmMtaDhcpPktcOption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { require122(0), requireNone(1), require177(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object must only be set via the CM configuration file during the provisioning process. After CM is operational, this object can not be set via SNMP. 0: CM and MTA will accept only PacketCable option 122. If option 122 is not included in CM DHCP OFFER, MTA will not start. 1: CM and MTA will accept 122 or 177 or none. If DHCP OFFER contains 122 or 177, MTA will process it. 2: CM and MTA will accept only PacketCable option 177. If option 177 is not included in CM DHCP OFFER, MTA will not start. This MIB is saved into modem's non-vol memory and the new value is active after the modem registers and reboots again (DHCP comes before config file parsing). Note: Equivalent of VSIF 64 Note: This object can be set via the CM configuration file ONLY." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { saCmMta 8 } saCmMtaRequireTod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls if the EMTA will continue the provisioning process if a response from a Time of Day server is not available at provisioning step CM-8. If set to true(1) the EMTA will require a ToD response. If set to false(0) the EMTA will request ToD but will not require the TOD server response. Note: For PacketCable secure provisioning, if this object is set to false(0), and ToD is not available, MTA will probably be unable to verify that certificates are valid and will not provision. Note: this object can be set in the CM config file only." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { saCmMta 10 } saCmMtaDecryptMtaConfigFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(1), RSA-CM-cert(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To be written." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { saCmMta 13 } saCmMtaSwUpgradeControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7200) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to control the conditions for rebooting the modem following a software download: 0: Docsis Default: Always download software and reboot immediately after software download, 1: Do not download software if any phone endpoint is off hook and return 13 to docsDevSwAdminStatus when set to upgradgeFromMgt(1), other: Download software immediately but delay the reboot until all lines have been on-hook for the specified time in seconds. Note: docsDevSwOperStatus shows inProgess(1) even if the download itself has finished and MTA is waiting for user to hang up." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { saCmMta 14 } saCmMtaDhcpOptionSixty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the string value for SIP EMTA DHCP DISCOVER option 60 text. This mib is only writeable in the the CM config file. Default option 60 value is pktc1.0" DEFVAL { "pktc1.0" } ::= { saCmMta 20 } saCmMtaProvSnmpSetCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value set in this object becomes the SNMPv2c community string that will be accepted in the SNMPSET sent from the provisioning server during MTA registration. Provisioning methods affected include: - Pktc HYBRID.1 (MTA-19 only) - Pktc HYBRID.2 (MTA-19 only) Note: Pktc SECURE mode is NOT affected. Note: This setting only affects provisioning-related SNMPSET, not SNMPSET sent by the prov server to the MTA after it has completed registration. Note: This object can be set via the CM configuration file ONLY." DEFVAL { "public" } ::= { saCmMta 26 } -- =========== -- TELNET TREE saCmMtaCliAccess OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { saCmMta 1001 } saCmMtaCliAccessPasswordType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { plain(0), md5(1), pod(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password type" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { saCmMtaCliAccess 5 } -- END OF TELNET TREE END