--************************************************************************** -- -- Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved -- No portions of this material may be reproduced in any -- form without the written permission of: -- Cisco Systems Inc. -- 170 West Tasman Dr. -- San Jose, CA 95134 -- USA --************************************************************************** SA-HARDWARE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB; sa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 1429 } saVoip OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sa 78 } saHardware MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201505110000Z" ORGANIZATION "Cisco Systems Inc." CONTACT-INFO "http://support.cisco.com" DESCRIPTION "This tree can be read from any IP in a device." REVISION "201505110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add europe-5-85 to saHwDescrDiplexer. More details added to the current available options" REVISION "201504130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed le9562 to le9652(13) in saHwDescrSlic Corrected UTC dates that give compile warnings" REVISION "201504030000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added le9562 (13) to saHwDescrSlic Added en2810 (8) to saHwDescrMocaType" REVISION "201501140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated MIB Copyright Banner" REVISION "0112150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added clr240-cl2330 to saHwDescrWirelessChip Added usb30wBCM to saHwDescrUsbType Added moca20wBCM to saHwDescrMocaType Added internalBCM to saHwDescrEthSwitch Added bcm33843E(22), bcm3385(23), puma6-D(24), puma6MG-D(25) to saHwDescrMainProcessor" REVISION "201411200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added two new fields (mxl265d (11) and mxl267d (12)) to saHwDescrTuner" REVISION "201407310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added le9541d(12) to saHwDescrSlic" REVISION "0406140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Moving bcm43228hp-5ghz(22) to (32) and changing bcm43217-bcm4360hp(32) to (22)" -- History REVISION "1402110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add bcm3384 to saHwDescrMainProcessor" REVISION "201401130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Remove ath9880-ath9580 from saHwDescrWirelessChip as it is not being used and replace (32) with bcm43217-bcm4360hp" REVISION "201401100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Changed 3 lines: north-america-85/108(5) to north-america-85-108(5)puma6_B2(19), to puma6-B2(19), puma6MG_B2(20) to puma6MG-B2(20)" REVISION "1310170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrMainProcessor for B2 chipset from Intel; updated saHwDescrDiplexer to include high US split" REVISION "1307040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added bcm33843 to saHwDescrMainProcessor, Added bcm6803 and ad9965 to saHwDescrMocaType, Added ath9880-ath9580 to saHwDescrWirelessChip" REVISION "1306070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrWirelessType to reflect dual wifi card combination, changed saHwDescrWirelessChip combo bcm4331sp-bcm4360sp(19) to bcm4331sp-bcm4360hp(19)" REVISION "1305300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated for Puma6MG: saHwDescrMainProcessor, saHwDescrTuner, saHwDescrWirelessType, saHwDescrWirelessChip, saHwDescrUsbType" REVISION "1302060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrWirelessChip due to compilation issues" REVISION "1212050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrWirelessChip description and values" REVISION "1211280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrTuner and saHwDescrMocaType for the USGv2 products" REVISION "1211070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated saHwDescrWirelessChip for the 3383-based products" REVISION "1208230000Z" DESCRIPTION " Updated saHwDescrWirelessChip (13) to ath9381 from ath9380 as instructed by HW team" REVISION "1205080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated HW nonvols for USGv2 based products: saHwDescrMainProcessor, saHwDescrTuner, saHwDescrSlic, saHwDescrWirelessChip saHwDescrUsbType, saHwDescrEthSwitch" REVISION "1204100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated HW nonvols for 3383 based products - CR 19170 bcm53125 was changed to 53124 and bcm43227 was changed to bcm43217" REVISION "1109020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated le9531d for D2R2 SL products" REVISION "1108190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated Ethernet switch type with bcm53101e and bcm53125s. Corrected ar8316 from ar3816." REVISION "1106130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated MainProcessor Type, Wireless Chip Type, SlicType, MocaType and Ethernet switch type for new products" REVISION "1011160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added le9520S for single line DPC2420" REVISION "1010260000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added le9500s new slictype for DPC2203" REVISION "1010180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added bcm3382 to the MainProcessor object" REVISION "1004270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added usb203380G(5) value to saHwUsbType" REVISION "1004070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added tipuma5Tc4800 for saHwDescrMainProcessor" REVISION "0911050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added singleBand and dualBand names to WirelessChip type" REVISION "0910050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added items for Ethernet Switch type Wireless chip type diplexer type ( korea) main processor ( 3380) tuner type modified usb type" REVISION "0801170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added items for DOCSIS3.0 products Added DMS tree" REVISION "0709200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added le9520ddtc to saHwDescrSlic (1868)" REVISION "0707160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added saHwDescrDmsType (1637) Added saHwDescrMocaType (1637) Added saHwDescrEthSwitch (1637)" REVISION "0609110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added bcm3349ipbg to saHwDescrMainProcessor Added bcm3420iml to saHwDescrTuner Added bcm4318 to saHwDescrWirelessChip Added saHwDescrFactoryId (928)" REVISION "0608070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added bcm3381A1 and bcm3381A2 to saHwDescrMainProcessor Added bcm3420x3 to saHwDescrTuner Added usb20w3381 to saHwDescrUsbType Changed usb20 to usb20wPLX in saHwDescrUsbType" REVISION "0512020000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial release" ::= { saVoip 4 } saHwDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { saHardware 1 } saHwDescrModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 1 } saHwDescrHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 2 } saHwDescrSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 3 } saHwDescrCmMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 4 } saHwDescrManufactureDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 5 } saHwDescrPowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal-switching(1), external(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 6 } saHwDescrDiplexer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), north-america-5-42(1), europe-5-65(2), japan(3), korea(4), north-america-85-108(5), europe-5-85(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 7 } saHwDescrMainProcessor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bcm3349(1), bcm3349kfb(2), bcm3368(3), bcm3381A1(4), bcm3381A2(5), bcm3349ipbg(6), tipuma5(7), bcm3361(8), bcm3378(9), bcm3380(10), tipuma5Tc4800(11), bcm3382(12), bcm3371(13), bcm3379(14), bcm3383(15), puma6(16), puma6MG(17), bcm33843Z(18), puma6-B2(19), puma6MG-B2(20), bcm3384(21), bcm33843E(22), bcm3385(23), puma6-D(24), puma6MG-D(25), bcm3384ZU(26) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tipuma5Tc4800(11) value will represent TI chips 4800zdw, 4800zdwg, 4800zdwgu. and original tipuma5(7)value will represent TI chips 4830zdw, 4830zdwg and 4830zdwgu " ::= { saHwDescr 8 } saHwDescrTuner OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), bcm3419(1), bcm3420(2), bcm3420x3(3), bcm3420iml(4), mt2170(5), bcm3421(6), bcmInternal(7), mxl265(8), mxl265v2(9), mxl267 (10), mxl265d (11), mxl267d (12) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 9 } saHwDescrSlic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), le9500b(1), le9500c(2), le9500d(3), le9520ddtc(4), le88276(5), le9530d(6), le9500s(7), le9520s(8), le9540d(9), le9531d(10), zl88702(11), le9541d(12), le9652 (13) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 10 } saHwDescrMemoryMain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "Megabytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 11 } saHwDescrMemoryFlash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "Megabytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 12 } saHwDescrWirelessType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), ieee80211b(1), ieee80211g(2), ieee80211n(3), ieee80211ac(4), ieee80211n-ieee80211ac(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 13 } saHwDescrWirelessChip OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), bcm4306(1), bcm4318(2), bcm4318E(3), bcm4322(4), bcm43224-dualBand(5), bcm43225-singleBand(6), bcm4313(7), bcm43217(8), bcm43228(9), bcm43217sp-bcm43228sp(10), ath9380(11), ath9580(12), ath9381sp-ath9580sp(13), bcm43228sp-5ghz(14), bcm4331sp(15), bcm43217sp-bcm4331sp(16), bcm4331sp-bcm4331sp(17), bcm43217sp-bcm4360sp(18), bcm4331sp-bcm4360hp(19), bcm43217hp(20), bcm43228hp(21), bcm43217-bcm4360hp (22), -- moved bcm43228hp-5ghz to (32) bcm43217hp-bcm4331sp(23), bcm43217hp-bcm4360sp(24), bcm4331hp-bcm43217sp(25), bcm4331hp-bcm43228sp(26), bcm4331hp-bcm4331sp(27), bcm4331hp-bcm4331hp(28), bcm4331hp-bcm4360sp(29), bcm4331hp-bcm4360hp(30), ath9381sp-qca9880(31), bcm43228hp-5ghz(32), -- removed ath9880-ath9580(32) and replace with bcm43217-bcm4360hp, moved 43217+4360hp to (22) clr240-cl2330(33) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wireless chip hardware configuration. SP stands for Standard Power HP stands for High Power For two-chip configurations, the chip on the left is 2.4GHz, the other is 5 GHz. The following chips are dual-band capable: 4331, 43224, 43228. The following chips are 5GHz capable: 4360. The following chips support up to 3x3: 9380, 9580, 9381, 4331. The following chips support up to 2x2: 43224, 43225, 43217, 43228." ::= { saHwDescr 14 } saHwDescrDectType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), north-america(1), europe(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 15 } saHwDescrUsbType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), usb11(1), usb20wPLX(2), usb20w3381(3), usb20wPuma5(4), usb203380G(5), usb20wPuma6(6), usb20wPuma6MG(7), usb30wBCM(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 16 } saHwDescrFactoryId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 17 } saHwDescrDmsType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), dms1(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 18 } saHwDescrMocaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), en2210(1), en2510(2), en2710(3), vxc1030(4), bcm6803(5), ad9965(6), moca20wBCM(7), en2810 (8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 19 } saHwDescrEthSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), bcm5325m(1), marv6095f(2), bcm5325e(3), bcm53115s(4), ar8316(5), bcm53101e(6), bcm53124s(7), marv6172(8), internalBCM(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescr 20 } saHwDescrIntCount OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { saHwDescr 101 } saHwDescrIntCountEthernet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 1 } saHwDescrIntCountUsb OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 2 } saHwDescrIntCountPhoneLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 3 } saHwDescrIntCountMaxBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 4 } saHwDescrIntCountWireless OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 5 } saHwDescrIntCountDect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { saHwDescrIntCount 6 } END