-- ========================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2003 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: DHCP Server MIB -- Reference: Enterprise MIB -- Version:V1.52 -- History: -- initial version 2003-03-06 -- V1.0 6th Mar 2004 -- V1.1 Modified by chenhua 2004-08-13 -- Add 0 to the vlaue list of hh3cDHCPSIPResetFlag for get-opporation -- V1.2 Modified by chenhua 2004-09-16 -- Modify the default value of hh3cDHCPSWriteDataDelay to 300 -- V1.3 2004-10-12 updated by gaolong -- Import TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- v1.4 Modified by xinhaing 2004-03-03 -- Add a new table : hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExTable -- The satus of the table hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTable is modified to be deprecated -- Correct some spelling errors in hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTable's description -- Adjust file format -- v1.5 2006-02-22 Modified by xuyufei -- Modify the default value of hh3cDHCPSDetectingServerStatus to disabled -- Modify the default value of hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNetbiosType -- and hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNetbiosType to 0 -- Correct the description of hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionHexString, -- hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionHexString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNumber, -- hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolNumber -- v1.51 2006-04-13 -- change value range of hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolName and hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolNameEx -- v1.52 2011-01-19 Modified by ganchanghua -- change SYNTAX of hh3cDHCPSConflictIPDetectTime to OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) -- ========================================================================= HH3C-DHCPS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hh3cRhw FROM HH3C-OID-MIB ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF IpAddress, Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; hh3cDHCPServerMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200602200000Z" -- February 20, 2006 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip:100085 " DESCRIPTION "This MIB describes objects used for managing DHCP server." ::= { hh3cRhw 2 } -- -- Textual Conventions -- Hh3cDhcpSEnabledStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To descript the status of some function is Enabled or Disabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(0) } -- -- Node definitions -- hh3cDHCPServerMibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMib 1 } -- Part 1: For DHCP server global pool -- -- ================================================================= -- 1st Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for creating DHCP server global pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing objects for creating or deleting a global pool for the DHCP server." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DHCP server global pool name." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus. Three actions are used: active, createAndGo, destroy." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolEntry 2 } -- ================================================================= -- 2nd Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the configurations of dhcp server global pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 2 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing the objects for configuring the network ip or host ip etc. to global pools for DHCP server." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetwork IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetworkMask IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostIPAddr IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostMask IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostHAddr MacAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag INTEGER } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), host(1), network(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of a DHCP global pool. Any operations of this object will be bound with the operations of hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetwork, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostIPAddr, or hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostHAddr. That means any operation of this object alone will be regarded as invalid operation." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network ip of a DHCP global pool. To delete a configured network ip, please set hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag to 1." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetworkMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Net mask of a DHCP global pool(network). The SET operation to this object ought to be with the SET of hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetwork together, and any SET operation alone to this object will be regarded as an invalid operation. When a network ip of a DHCP global pool was deleted, the net mask would also be deleted automatically, and no further operation needed." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostIPAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host ip of a DHCP global pool. To delete a configured network ip, please set hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag to 2." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Net mask of a DHCP global pool(host) The SET operation to this object ought to be with the SET of hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostIPAddr together, and any SET operation alone to this object will be regarded as an invalid operation. When a host ip of a DHCP global pool was deleted, the net mask would also be deleted automatically, and no further operation needed." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostHAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware address of a DHCP global pool(host). To delete a configured hardware address, please set hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag to 3." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 6 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undonetworkip(1), undohostip(2), undohosthaddr(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag of undo operation for hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigTable." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigEntry 7 } -- ================================================================= -- 3rd Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring parameters to DHCP global pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 3 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing the objects for the configurations of parameters of DHCP global pools." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseDay INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseHour INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseMinute INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseUnlimited INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolDomainName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPUndo IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPUndo IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNetbiosType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPUndo IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaUndoFlag INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolIPInUseReset INTEGER } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..365) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of days of the lease." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..23) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of hours of the lease." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseMinute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..59) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of minutes of the lease." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseUnlimited OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), unlimited(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A flag denoting if the lease of a pool is unlimited." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Domain name for DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String of gateway ip addresses for DHCP clients. Since mostly 8 ip can be configured for a pool totally, a string is defined to get or configure 8 ip ip at a time." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 6 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPUndo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A gateway ip address to delete. This object is only for deleting a given ip of gateway router." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 7 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String of DNS server ip addresses for DHCP clients. Since mostly 8 ip can be configured for a pool totally, a string is defined to get or configure 8 ip at a time." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 8 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPUndo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A DNS server ip address to delete. This object is only for deleting a given ip of DNS server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 9 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNetbiosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bnode(1), pnode(2), mnode(4), hnode(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NetBios node type for DHCP clients." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 10 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String of NetBios server ip addresses for DHCP clients. Since mostly 8 ip can be configured for a pool totally, so a string is defined to get or configure 8 ip at a time." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 11 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPUndo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A NetBios server ip address to delete. This object is only for deleting a given ip of NetBios server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 12 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaUndoFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undoDomain(1), undoLease(2), undoGateway(3), undoDns(4), undoNbns(5), undoNbType(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag of undo-operation for hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaTable." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 13 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolIPInUseReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the auto binding ip of the given global pool for DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaEntry 14 } -- ================================================================= -- 4th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring options to DHCP global pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 4 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing the objects for configuring options to DHCP global pools." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionCode } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionCode INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionAscii OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionHexString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..254) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Option code." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ascii(1), hex(2), ip(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Option type." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionAscii OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ascii string of an option." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionHexString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..143)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hex string of an option. 1st to 16th hex strings, which are 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 6 bytes or 8 bytes, can be configured at most simultaneously. That means the format of each string must be '12', '1234', '123456' or '12345678'." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip string of an option. 1 to 8 ip addresses can be configured at most simultaneously." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus. Three actions are used: active, createAndGo, destroy." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionEntry 6 } -- ================================================================= -- 5th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject:hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing the information of the tree of DHCP global pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 5 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects containing the information for displaying the tree of DHCP global pools." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName } ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeParentNodeName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeChildNodeName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreePreSiblingNodeName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeSiblingNodeName OCTET STRING } hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeParentNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pool name of the parent node." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeChildNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pool name of the child node." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreePreSiblingNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pool name of the presibling node." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeSiblingNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pool name of the sibling node." ::= { hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeEntry 4 } -- Part 2: For DHCP server interface pool -- -- ================================================================= -- 6th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring parameters to DHCP interface pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 6 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects for configuring parameters to DHCP interface pools. The index of this entry is the ifIndex of ethernet." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseDay INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseHour INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseMinute INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseUnlimited INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolDomainName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPUndo IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNetbiosType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPUndo IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaUndoFlag INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolIPInUseReset INTEGER } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..365) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of days of the lease." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..23) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of hours of the lease." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseMinute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..59) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of minutes of the lease." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseUnlimited OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), unlimited(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A flag denoting if the lease of a pool is unlimited." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Domain name for DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String of DNS server ip addresses for DHCP clients. Since mostly 8 ip can be configured for a pool totally, a string is defined to get or configure 8 ip at a time." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 6 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPUndo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A DNS server ip address to delete. This object is only for deleting a given ip of DNS server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 7 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNetbiosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { null(0), bnode(1), pnode(2), mnode(4), hnode(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NetBios node type for DHCP clients." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 8 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String of NetBios server ip addresses for DHCP clients. Since mostly 8 ip can be configured for a pool totally, so a string is defined to get or configure 8 ip at a time." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 9 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPUndo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A NetBios server ip address to delete. This object is only for deleting a given ip of NetBios server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 10 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaUndoFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undoDomain(1), undoLease(2), undoDns(4), undoNbns(5), undoNbType(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Flag of undo-operation for hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaTable." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 11 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolIPInUseReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the auto binding ip of the given interface pool for DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaEntry 12 } -- ===================================================================== -- 7th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionTable -- ===================================================================== hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring options to DHCP interface pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 7 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects for configuring options to DHCP interface pools. The index of this entry is the ifIndex of ethernet." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionCode } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionCode INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionAscii OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionHexString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionIPString OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..254) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Option Code." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ascii(1), hex(2), ip(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Option type." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionAscii OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ascii string of an option." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionHexString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..143)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hex string of an option. 1st to 16th hex strings, which are 2 bytes, 4 bytes, 6 bytes or 8 bytes, can be configured at most simultaneously. That means the format of each string must be '12', '1234', '123456' or '12345678'." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionIPString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..129)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip string of an option. 1 to 8 ip addresses can be configured at most simultaneously." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus. Three actions are used: active, createAndGo, destroy." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionEntry 6 } -- ========================================================================= -- 8th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindTable -- ========================================================================= hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring static binding to DHCP interface pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 8 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects for configuring static binding to DHCP interface pools. The index of this entry is the ifIndex of ethernet." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindIP } ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindIP IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindMac MacAddress, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip address in static binding for DHCP interface pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware address in static binding for DHCP interface pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus. Three actions are used: active, createAndGo, destroy." ::= { hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindEntry 3 } -- Part 3: For DHCP server -- -- ================================================================= -- 9th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A table for displaying the information of ip in use for DHCP server pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 9 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects for displaying information of ip in use for DHCP server pools." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddr } ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddr MacAddress, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIP IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLease OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolName OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseInterface INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlan INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvc INTEGER } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Hardware address." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Ip address in use." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "End time of lease. The structure of the OCTET STRING is month/day/year hour:munite:second -- MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss. " ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), auto(2), release(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Type of binding." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Name of the DHCP server pool the ip belongs to." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Interface index information." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 6 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Vlan information." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 7 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Pvc information." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEntry 8 } -- ================================================================= -- 10th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for configuring forbidden ip to DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 10 } hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for configuring forbidden ip to DHCP server." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPStart, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEnd } ::= { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPStart IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEnd IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Start ip of forbidden ip." ::= { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEnd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End ip of forbidden ip." ::= { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus. Three actions are used: active, createAndGo, destroy." ::= { hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEntry 3 } -- ================================================================= -- 11th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSConflictIPTable -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSConflictIPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for displaying the information of conflict ip for DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 11 } hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry for displaying the information of conflict ip for DHCP server." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSConflictIP } ::= { hh3cDHCPSConflictIPTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSConflictIP IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSConflictIPType INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSConflictIPDetectTime OCTET STRING } hh3cDHCPSConflictIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conflict ip." ::= { hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSConflictIPType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ping(1), arp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the detection of conflict ip." ::= { hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSConflictIPDetectTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time when the conflict is detected. The structure of the OCTET STRING is month/day/year hour:munite:second -- MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss." ::= { hh3cDHCPSConflictIPEntry 3 } -- Part 4: Non-table object -- hh3cDHCPSServiceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDhcpSEnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of DHCP service." DEFVAL { enabled } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 12 } hh3cDHCPSDetectingServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDhcpSEnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of DHCP servers detecting function." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 13 } hh3cDHCPSPingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..10) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of ping packets sent out." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 14 } hh3cDHCPSPingTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..10000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The delay for the reply of a ping packet. Unit: millisecond." DEFVAL { 500 } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 15 } hh3cDHCPSWriteDataStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDhcpSEnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the function writing data to the harddisk." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 16 } hh3cDHCPSWriteDataDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The direction of writing data to a harddisk." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 17 } hh3cDHCPSWriteDataDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(300..86400) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The allowable delay of writing data to the harddisk. Unit: second." DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 18 } hh3cDHCPSWriteDataRecover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDhcpSEnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag used to recover DHCP data with the data on the harddisk." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 19 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseResetIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An ip in use that will be cleared. 0 returned for SET operation." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 20 } hh3cDHCPSConflictIPResetIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conflict ip that will be cleared. 0 returned for SET operation." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 21 } hh3cDHCPSIPResetFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), ipInUse(1), conflictIp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A flag that descript the reset operation." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 22 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of DHCP server global-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 23 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolAutoBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of auto binding ip in DHCP server global-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 24 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolManualBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of manual binding ip in DHCP server global-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 25 } hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolExpiredBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of expired binding ip in DHCP server global-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 26 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of DHCP server interface-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 27 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolAutoBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of auto binding ip in DHCP server interface-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 28 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolManualBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of manual binding ip in DHCP server interface-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 29 } hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolExpiredBindingNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of expired binding ip in DHCP server interface-pools." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 30 } hh3cDHCPSBadPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the bad packets received." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 31 } hh3cDHCPSBootRequestPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the packets received by DHCP Server from DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 32 } hh3cDHCPSDiscoverPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Discover packets received from the DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 33 } hh3cDHCPSRequestPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Request packets received from the DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 34 } hh3cDHCPSDeclinePktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Decline packets received from the DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 35 } hh3cDHCPSReleasePktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Release packets received from the DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 36 } hh3cDHCPSInformPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Inform packets received from the DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 37 } hh3cDHCPSBootReplyPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the packets sent by DHCP server to DHCP clients." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 38 } hh3cDHCPSOfferPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Offer packets sent by the DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 39 } hh3cDHCPSAckPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Ack packets sent by the DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 40 } hh3cDHCPSNakPktNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total number of the DHCP Nak packets sent by the DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 41 } hh3cDHCPSStatisticsReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the above statistic information of packets received and sent by the DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 42 } -- ================================================================= -- 43th Table of hh3cDHCPServerMibObject: hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTableEx -- ================================================================= hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table for displaying the information of ip in use for DHCP Server pools. " ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMibObject 43 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of objects for displaying information of ip in use for DHCP server pools." INDEX { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddrEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlanIdEx } ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExTable 1 } Hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddrEx MacAddress, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlanIdEx INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIPEx IpAddress, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLeaseEx OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTypeEx INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolNameEx OCTET STRING, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIfIndexEx INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseServerPortVlanIdEx INTEGER, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvcEx INTEGER } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddrEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Hardware address." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 1 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlanIdEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4094|60000) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "User's vlanID. 60000 means that a client doesn't have vlanID or have an invalid vlanID." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 2 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIPEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ip address in use." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 3 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLeaseEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "End time of lease. The structure of the OCTET STRING is month/day/year hour:munite:second -- MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 4 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTypeEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(1), auto(2), release(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of binding." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 5 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolNameEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the DHCP server pool the ip belongs to." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 6 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIfIndexEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Interface index information." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 7 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseServerPortVlanIdEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vlan information of port on server through which the client user accesses server." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 8 } hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvcEx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pvc information." ::= { hh3cDHCPSIPInUseExEntry 9 } -- Conformance information -- hh3cDHCPServerMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMib 2 } hh3cDHCPServerMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMIBConformance 1 } hh3cDHCPServerMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMIBConformance 2 } -- Units of conformance -- hh3cDHCPServerMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolRowStatus, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolType, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetwork, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNetworkMask, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostIPAddr, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostMask, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolHostHAddr, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolConfigUndoFlag, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseDay, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseHour, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseMinute, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolLeaseUnlimited, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolDomainName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientGatewayIPUndo, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientDNSIPUndo, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNetbiosType, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolClientNbnsIPUndo, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolParaUndoFlag, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolIPInUseReset, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionCode, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionType, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionAscii, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionHexString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionIPString, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolOptionRowStatus, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeParentNodeName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeChildNodeName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreePreSiblingNodeName, hh3cDHCPSGlobalTreeSiblingNodeName, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseDay, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseHour, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseMinute, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolLeaseUnlimited, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolDomainName, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPString, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientDNSIPUndo, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNetbiosType, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPString, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolClientNbnsIPUndo, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolParaUndoFlag, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolIPInUseReset, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionCode, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionType, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionAscii, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionHexString, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionIPString, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolOptionRowStatus, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindIP, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindMac, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolStaticBindRowStatus, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddr, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIP, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLease, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseType, hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolName, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseInterface, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlan, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvc, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPStart, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPEnd, hh3cDHCPSForbiddenIPRowStatus, hh3cDHCPSConflictIP, hh3cDHCPSConflictIPType, hh3cDHCPSConflictIPDetectTime, hh3cDHCPSServiceStatus, hh3cDHCPSDetectingServerStatus, hh3cDHCPSPingNum, hh3cDHCPSPingTimeout, hh3cDHCPSWriteDataStatus, hh3cDHCPSWriteDataDirection, hh3cDHCPSWriteDataDelay, hh3cDHCPSWriteDataRecover, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseResetIP, hh3cDHCPSConflictIPResetIP, hh3cDHCPSIPResetFlag, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolNumber, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolAutoBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolManualBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSGlobalPoolExpiredBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolNumber, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolAutoBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolManualBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSInterfacePoolExpiredBindingNum, hh3cDHCPSBadPktNum, hh3cDHCPSBootRequestPktNum, hh3cDHCPSDiscoverPktNum, hh3cDHCPSRequestPktNum, hh3cDHCPSDeclinePktNum, hh3cDHCPSReleasePktNum, hh3cDHCPSInformPktNum, hh3cDHCPSBootReplyPktNum, hh3cDHCPSOfferPktNum, hh3cDHCPSAckPktNum, hh3cDHCPSNakPktNum, hh3cDHCPSStatisticsReset,hh3cDHCPSIPInUseHAddrEx,hh3cDHCPSIPInUseVlanIdEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIPEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseEndLeaseEx,hh3cDHCPSIPInUseTypeEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUsePoolNameEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseIfIndexEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseServerPortVlanIdEx, hh3cDHCPSIPInUseAtmpvcEx } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The basic collection of objects providing management of DHCP server." ::= { hh3cDHCPServerMIBGroups 1 } END