-- ===================================================================== -- Copyright (c) 2004-2021 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: Device link detection protocol (DLDP) MIB. -- Device Link Detection Protocol is private Layer2 protocol, -- which is used for automatically detecting unidirectional link to -- prevent a loop communication. -- Reference: -- Version: V1.3 -- History: -- V1.0 2004-12-13 created by tangshun -- V1.1 2006-11-24 modify SYNTAX and DEFVAL of hh3cDLDPInterval by yubo -- V1.2 2011-11-23 modify SYNTAX and DESCRIPTION of -- hh3cDLDPAuthenticationPassword by zhangwei -- V1.3 2021-01-06 modify SYNTAX and DESCRIPTION of -- hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalShutdown by wangmeng -- ===================================================================== HH3C-DLDP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TruthValue, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI ifIndex FROM IF-MIB hh3cCommon FROM HH3C-OID-MIB; -- ================================================================== -- -- module identity part -- -- ================================================================== hh3cDldp MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202101060000Z" ORGANIZATION "New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip:100085 " DESCRIPTION "DLDP (Device Link Detection Protocol) MIB" REVISION "202101060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modify hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalShutdown." REVISION "200412130000Z" DESCRIPTION "The initial version of this MIB module." ::= { hh3cCommon 43 } -- ================================================================== -- Textual Conventions -- ================================================================== EnabledStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the Ethernet port. This object has two defined values: - 'enabled', which indicates that the Ethernet port enables DLDP. - 'disabled', which indicates that the Ethernet port does not enable DLDP. " SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } DLDPStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operating state of DLDP on the port. This object has six defined values: - 'initial', which indicates that the Ethernet port does not enable DLDP. This status does not appear in the 'hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState' object (below) because the port which is not enabled DLDP does not appear in 'hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable', it appears in 'hh3cDLDPPortStateTable'. - 'inactive', which indicates that the Ethernet port enables DLDP and the link status of the port is down. - 'active', which indicates that the Ethernet port enables DLDP and the link status of the port is up. - 'advertisement', which indicates that all neighbors of the port are bidirectional communication. - 'probe', which indicates that the port sends PDU to detect the communication mode between it and it's neighbors. - 'disable', which indicates that an unidirectional communication between the port and it's neighbor. When the user get or walk the 'hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState' objects (below) these status will output." SYNTAX INTEGER { initial(1), inactive(2), active(3), advertisement(4), probe(5), disable(6) } DLDPNeighborStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the neighbor of a port. This object has three defined values: - 'unidirection', which indicates an unidirectional communication between the port and it's neighbor. - 'bidirection', which indicates a bidirectional communication between the port and it's neighbor. - 'unknown', which indicates that the port does not know the communication mode between it and it's neighbor. When the user get or walk the 'hh3cDLDPNeighborState' objects (below) these status will output. " SYNTAX INTEGER { unidirection(1), bidirection(2), unknown(3) } -- ================================================================== -- -- =====================object definition begin====================== -- -- ================================================================== hh3cDLDPMibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDldp 1 } hh3cDLDPConfigGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDLDPMibObject 1 } hh3cDLDPWorkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), enhance(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The work mode of DLDP. Normal mode means DLDP does not detect neighbor on its own initiative when all neighbors aged. Enhance mode means DLDP detects neighbor on its own initiative when all neighbors aged. " DEFVAL { normal } ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 1 } hh3cDLDPSystemEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DLDP enable or disable systematically. This node only supports set operation. If setting it to true, all the fiber ports will enable DLDP and the agent automatically creates new rows for each port in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable. If setting it to false, all the fiber ports will disable DLDP and the agent automatically destroy the corresponding rows in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable." ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 2 } hh3cDLDPSystemReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DLDP reset systematically. This node only supports set operation. If the value of hh3cDLDPSystemReset is true, and the current state is disable, it will change to inactive while the port is down or active while the port is up. If hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState is not disable, it does not change. " ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 3 } hh3cDLDPInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval of sending an advertisement PDU. unit : second " DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 4 } hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), --DLDP exchanges are not authenticated. simple(2), --DLDP exchanges are authenticated by a clear text password. md5(3) --DLDP exchanges are authenticated by a MD5 digest. } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of authentication mode." DEFVAL { none } ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 5 } hh3cDLDPAuthenticationPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..53)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the password for authentication. If the value of hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is null, the user cannot set this node. If the value of hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is simple or MD5, the user must set this node with a string. When the user gets or walks this node, it displays a cipher password if hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is MD5 or simple or a zero-length string if hh3cDLDPAuthenticationMode is null. " ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 6 } hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(1), manual(2), hybird(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of unidirectional shutdown and bidirectional startup. It indicates the port shutdown mode when a link becomes unidirectional and port startup mode when the link becomes bidirectional. In auto mode, DLDP shuts down a port when detecting a unidirectional link and brings up the port when the link becomes bidirectional. In manual mode, a port requires manual shutdown when DLDP detects a unidirectional link and the port requires manual startup when the link becomes bidirectional.In hybrid mode, DLDP shuts down a port when detecting a unidirectional link and the port requires manual startup when the link becomes bidirectional. " DEFVAL { auto } ::= { hh3cDLDPConfigGroup 7 } --hh3cDLDPPortStateTable-- hh3cDLDPPortStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table of the Ethernet ports of a LAN switch." ::= { hh3cDLDPMibObject 2 } hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable entity." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cDLDPPortStateTable 1 } Hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDLDPPortState EnabledStatus } hh3cDLDPPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of a port. If setting it to enabled, the port will enable DLDP and a new row will be added in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable for this port. If setting it to disabled, the port will disable DLDP and the corresponding row will be destroyed in hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { hh3cDLDPPortStateEntry 1 } --hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable-- hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of a LAN switch's ports, which enable DLDP." ::= { hh3cDLDPMibObject 3 } hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information of a port, which enable DLDP." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cDLDPPortDLDPTable 1 } Hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState DLDPStatus, hh3cDLDPLinkState INTEGER, hh3cDLDPPortDLDPReset TruthValue } hh3cDLDPPortDLDPState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DLDPStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operating state of DLDP on the port. It is relational with hh3cDLDPPortState and hh3cDLDPLinkState." ::= { hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry 1 } hh3cDLDPLinkState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(1), up(2), unknown(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The link state of the port." ::= { hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry 2 } hh3cDLDPPortDLDPReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DLDP reset systematically. This node only supports set operation. If the value of hh3cDLDPPortDLDPReset is true, and the current state is disable, it will change to inactive while the port is down or active while the port is up. " ::= { hh3cDLDPPortDLDPEntry 3 } --hh3cDLDPNeighborTable-- hh3cDLDPNeighborTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of a port's neighbors." ::= { hh3cDLDPMibObject 4 } hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information of a neighbor." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cDLDPNeighborBridgeMac, hh3cDLDPNeighborPortIndex } ::= { hh3cDLDPNeighborTable 1 } Hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cDLDPNeighborBridgeMac MacAddress, hh3cDLDPNeighborPortIndex Integer32, hh3cDLDPNeighborState DLDPNeighborStatus, hh3cDLDPNeighborAgingTime Integer32 } hh3cDLDPNeighborBridgeMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bridge MAC address of a neighbor." ::= { hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry 1 } hh3cDLDPNeighborPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port index of a neighbor." ::= { hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry 2 } hh3cDLDPNeighborState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DLDPNeighborStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of a neighbor." ::= { hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry 3 } hh3cDLDPNeighborAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The aging time of a neighbor. unit: second." ::= { hh3cDLDPNeighborEntry 4 } --trap-- hh3cDLDPTrapObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDldp 2 } hh3cDLDPNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cDLDPTrapObject 1 } hh3cDLDPUnidirectionalPort NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It will send a SNMP trap when the state of a port has changed to unidirectional-link." ::= { hh3cDLDPNotification 1 } END