-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: description of entity extend properties. -- Reference: -- History V3.2 -- V1.0 Created by weixinzhe, Thursday, April 22, 2004 at 18:26:02 -- V1.1 modified by yelinhui, add hh3cEntityExtMacAddress -- V1.2 modified by panxidong, add hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus -- V1.3 2004-10-12 updated by gaolong -- Remove BITS from IMPORTS -- V1.4 2005-02-25 modified by longyin -- Add error status stackPortBlocked(22) and stackPortFailed(23) -- for hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus -- V1.5 2006-05-16 modified by wangsihai -- Add error status sensorError(81) in hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus -- V1.6 2006-07-03 modified by lifengguang -- Add hh3cEntityExtManuTable -- V1.7 2007-09-21 modified by lifengguang -- Add notification object hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOn and hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOff -- Add hh3cEntityExtPowerTable -- V1.8 2007-11-19 modified by jinyi -- Add hh3cEntityExtCpuMaxUsage -- V1.9 2008-02-27 modified by lifengguang -- Add Trap nodes: hh3cEntityExtSFPPhony -- V2.0 2008-07-11 modified by lisong -- Add hh3cProcessTable -- Add notification object hh3cEntityInsert and hh3cEntityRemove -- V2.1 2008-07-14 modified by lifengguang -- Add error status hardwareFaulty(91) in hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus -- Add Trap nodes: hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOff and hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOn -- Add Trap nodes: hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOn and hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOff -- V2.2 2008-10-24 modified by lifengguang -- Add nodes hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold and -- hh3cEntityExtShutdownTemperatureThreshold in hh3cEntityExtStateTable -- Add trap nodes hh3cEntityExtResourceLack and hh3cEntityExtResourceEnough -- in hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix -- Add trap nodes hh3cEntityExtTemperatureLower, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooUp -- and hh3cEntityExtTemperatureNormal in hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix -- V2.3 2009-04-07 Added trap nodes hh3cEntityExternalAlarmOccur and -- hh3cEntityExternalAlarmRecover -- v2.4 2009-05-05 Added hh3cEntityExtCpuAvgUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemAvgUsage, -- hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize, hh3cEntityExtMemType, hh3cEntityExtPhyCpuFrequency, -- hh3cEntityExtFirstUsedDate, -- hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdRecover, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecover -- V2.5 2010-08-09 -- Added hh3cEntityExtShutdownLowerTemperatureThreshold, -- hh3cEntityExtCriticalLowerTemperatureThreshold, -- hh3cEntityExtCritLowerTempThresholdNotification and -- hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooLow by zhanglei 06807. -- Added hh3cEntityExtMemAllocatedFailed, hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarm, -- hh3cEntityExtTrapDescription, hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarmStatus -- by zhangqingjun 02357. -- Modified description of hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize by haoyan 06611. -- V2.6 2010-12-06 -- Added hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotPreferred, hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotAccord -- by lifengguang 03035. -- V2.7 2011-04-06 -- Added hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalid, hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidNow and -- hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidInDays by songhao 02718. -- Changed SYNTAX of hh3cEntityExtMemSize and hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize -- from Integer32 to Unsigned32 by songhao 02718. -- V2.8 2011-08-30 -- Added hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold; -- Added hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold to hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdNotfication and -- hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdRecover by shuaixiaojuan 04117. -- Added hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime by duyanbing 04404. -- V2.9 2013-04-27 -- Added hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev by fangliwen 08502. -- Added trap nodes hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdOverTrap and -- hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecoverTrap by fangliwen 08502. -- V3.0 2013-12-16 -- Added hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn1Minute and hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn5Minutes -- by fangliwen 08502. -- V3.1 2014-01-24 -- Added hh3cEntityExtVoltageObjects by fangliwen 08502. -- Added trap nodes hh3cEntityExtVoltageNormal, hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooLow, -- hh3cEntityExtVoltageLower, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHigher and -- hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooHigh by fangliwen 08502. -- V3.2 2015-01-12 -- Added trap nodes hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOnEx, hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOffEx by fangliwen 08502. -- ================================================================= HH3C-ENTITY-EXT-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hh3cCommon FROM HH3C-OID-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Integer32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, MacAddress, DateAndTime, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB entPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, entPhysicalDescr FROM ENTITY-MIB CounterBasedGauge64 FROM HCNUM-TC; hh3cEntityExtend MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201501120000Z" ORGANIZATION "Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip: 100085" DESCRIPTION "The private MIB file includes the general extent information of the device." ::= { hh3cCommon 6 } Hh3cAdminState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for this object, and it is possible to set the state when needed. A value of locked means the resource is administratively prohibited from use. A value of shuttingDown means that usage is administratively limited to current instances of use. A value of unlocked means the resource is not administratively prohibited from use." REFERENCE "ITU Recommendation X.731, 'Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - System Management: State Management Function', 1992" SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), locked(2), shuttingDown(3), unlocked(4) } Hh3cOperState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the possible values of operational states. A value of disabled means the resource is totally inoperable. A value of enabled means the resource is partially or fully operable." REFERENCE "ITU Recommendation X.731, 'Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - System Management: State Management Function', 1992" SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), disabled(2), enabled(3), dangerous(4) } Hh3cAlarmStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the possible values of alarm status. When no bits of this attribute are set, then none of the status conditions described below are present. When the value of under repair is set, the resource is currently being repaired. When the value of critical is set, one or more critical alarms are active against the resource. When the value of major is set, one or more major alarms are active against the resource. When the value of minor is set, one or more minor alarms are active against the resource. When the value of warning is set, one or more warning alarms are active against the resource. When the value of indeterminate is set, one or more alarms of indeterminate severity are active against the resource. When the value of alarm outstanding is set, one or more alarms is active against the resource. The fault may or may not be disabling." REFERENCE "ITU Recommendation X.731, 'Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - System Management: State Management Function', 1992" SYNTAX BITS { notSupported (0), underRepair(1), critical(2), major(3), minor(4), alarmOutstanding(5), warning (6), -- Not defined in X.731 indeterminate (7) -- Not defined in X.731 } Hh3cStandbyStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Represents the possible values of standby status. A value of hotStandby means the resource is not providing service, but is will be immediately able to take over the role of the resource to be backed-up, without the need for initialization activity, and will contain the same information as the resource to be backed up. A value of coldStandy means that the resource is to back-up another resource, but will not be immediately able to take over the role of a resource to be backed up, and will require some initialization activity. A value of providingService means the resource is providing service." REFERENCE "ITU Recommendation X.731, 'Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - System Management: State Management Function', 1992" SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported (1), hotStandby(2), coldStandby(3), providingService(4) } hh3cEntityExtObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtend 1 } -- MIB contains four groups hh3cEntityExtState OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtObjects 1 } hh3cEntityExtStateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEntityExtStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains one row per physical entity, There is always at least one row for an 'overall' physical entity. The information in each row may be not include all the object in this table, because of the entity need not some of the information here." ::= { hh3cEntityExtState 1 } hh3cEntityExtStateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEntityExtStateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information about a particular physical entity." INDEX { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex } ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateTable 1 } Hh3cEntityExtStateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex Integer32, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus Hh3cAdminState, hh3cEntityExtOperStatus Hh3cOperState, hh3cEntityExtStandbyStatus Hh3cStandbyStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight Hh3cAlarmStatus, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemSize Unsigned32, hh3cEntityExtUpTime Integer32, hh3cEntityExtTemperature Integer32, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMacAddress MacAddress, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus INTEGER, hh3cEntityExtCpuMaxUsage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtShutdownTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize Unsigned32, hh3cEntityExtPhyCpuFrequency Integer32, hh3cEntityExtFirstUsedDate DateAndTime, hh3cEntityExtCpuAvgUsage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemAvgUsage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemType OCTET STRING, hh3cEntityExtCriticalLowerTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtShutdownLowerTemperatureThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev CounterBasedGauge64, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn1Minute Integer32, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn5Minutes Integer32 } hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of hh3cEntityExtStateTable. This index is identical to entPhysicalIndex in ENTITY-MIB" ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 1 } hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The administrative state for this object." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 2 } hh3cEntityExtOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operate state for this object." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 3 } hh3cEntityExtStandbyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cStandbyStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used for monitoring standby status. Not all entities support this object." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 4 } hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cAlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The alarm status for this entity. It does not include the severity of alarms raised on child components. In this condition, there will be a alarm light on the entity, the object should have the same status with it." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 5 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU usage for this entity. Generally, the overall CPU usage on the entity is calculated, independent of the number of CPUs on the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 6 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the CPU usage. When the CPU usage exceeds the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 7 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The memory usage for the entity. This object indicates what percent of memory are used." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 8 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the Memory usage, When the memory usage exceeds the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 9 } hh3cEntityExtMemSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of memory for the entity. If the amount of memory exceeds 4,294,967,295 bytes, the value remains 4,294,967,295 bytes." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 10 } hh3cEntityExtUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The uptime for the entity. The meaning of uptime is when the entity is up, and the value of the object will add 1 seconds while the entity is running." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 11 } hh3cEntityExtTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature for the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 12 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the temperature. When the temperature exceeds the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 13 } hh3cEntityExtVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voltage for the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 14 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The low-threshold for the voltage. When voltage is lower than low-threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 15 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high-threshold for the voltage. When voltage greater than high-threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 16 } hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The threshold for the critical Temperature. When temperature exceeds the critical temperature, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 17 } hh3cEntityExtMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC Address of the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 18 } hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), normal(2), postFailure(3), entityAbsent(4), poeError(11), stackError(21), stackPortBlocked(22), stackPortFailed(23), sfpRecvError(31), sfpSendError(32), sfpBothError(33), fanError (41), psuError(51), rpsError(61), moduleFaulty(71), sensorError(81), hardwareFaulty(91) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the error state of this entity object. Now it only supports Port, general power supply, RPS power supply and board/Subcard. It may have one of these values. The following four values can be used for all kinds of entities. notSupported(1) means this entity cannot support this function. normal(2) means the statement of this entity is normal. for ports, it doesn't differentiate 10M/s, 100M/s, 1000M/s, duplex and half-duplex. For fan, power supply and board-Subcard, it means their states are normal. postFailure(3) means the entity fails to POST. entityAbsent(4) means the entity is absent now. The following values is depended on the entity. For Port entities, it may have the following values. If its POST is failure, then the value of the instance will be postFailure(3), otherwise the value will be normal(2). If enable power supply over Ethernet on this port is failure, the value of this instance will be poeError(11), otherwise it will be normal(2). For stack port, if it connects to another stack port normally, and these two units merge into one stack, then the value of this instance will be normal(2). If something wrong occurs and the unit cannot merge into stack, the value of this instance will be stackPortFailed(23). If the stack port forms resilient daisy chain with another stack port on the other unit, the value of this instance will be stackPortBlocked(22). For SFP ports, if it fail to receive, the value of this instance will be sfpRecvError(31), if it fail to send, the value is sfpSendError(32), if it fail to send and receive, the value is sfpBothError(33), otherwise it will be normal(2). fanError(41) means that the fan stops working. psuError(51) means that the Power Supply Unit is in the state of fault. rpsError(61) means the RPS is in the state of fault. moduleFaulty(71) means the Module is in the state of fault. sensorError(81) means the sensor is in the state of fault. hardwareFaulty(91) means the hardware of specified entity is in the state of fault. NMS must be compatible with the states which may be added in the future." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 19 } hh3cEntityExtCpuMaxUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximal CPU usage for the entity in the period of time." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 20 } hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the lower Temperature. When temperature runs under the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 21 } hh3cEntityExtShutdownTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the shutdown Temperature. When temperature exceeds the threshold, a notification will be sent and the entity will be shutdown." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 22 } hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The memory size of entity. This is the physical attribute of entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 23 } hh3cEntityExtPhyCpuFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU frequency of entity. Unit of measure is MHZ." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 24 } hh3cEntityExtFirstUsedDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first used date of the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 25 } hh3cEntityExtCpuAvgUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average CPU usage for the entity in a period of time." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 26 } hh3cEntityExtMemAvgUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average memory usage for the entity in a period of time." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 27 } hh3cEntityExtMemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The memory type of entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 28 } hh3cEntityExtCriticalLowerTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the critical Temperature. When temperature exceeds the critical lower temperature, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 29 } hh3cEntityExtShutdownLowerTemperatureThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The threshold for the shutdown Temperature. When temperature exceeds the lower threshold, a notification will be sent and the entity will be shutdown." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 30 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The recover threshold for the CPU usage. When the CPU usage falls down to the threshold, a notification is sent. The hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold must be less than or equal to the hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 31 } hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CounterBasedGauge64 UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of memory space for the entity. This node is used to replace hh3cEntityExtMemSize." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 32 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn1Minute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU usage in last one minute for this entity. Generally, the overall CPU usage on the entity is calculated, independent of the number of CPUs on the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 33 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn5Minutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CPU usage in last five minutes for this entity. Generally, the overall CPU usage on the entity is calculated, independent of the number of CPUs on the entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtStateEntry 34 } hh3cEntityExtManu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtObjects 2 } hh3cEntityExtManuTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEntityExtManuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table about device manufacture information." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManu 1 } hh3cEntityExtManuEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEntityExtManuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The device manufacture information about a particular physical entity." INDEX { hh3cEntityExtManuPhysicalIndex } ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuTable 1 } Hh3cEntityExtManuEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEntityExtManuPhysicalIndex Integer32, hh3cEntityExtManuSerialNum SnmpAdminString, hh3cEntityExtManuBuildInfo SnmpAdminString, hh3cEntityExtManuBOM SnmpAdminString, hh3cEntityExtMacAddressCount Unsigned32 } hh3cEntityExtManuPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of hh3cEntityExtManuTable. This index is identical to entPhysicalIndex in ENTITY-MIB." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuEntry 1 } hh3cEntityExtManuSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture serial number. The manufacture serial number of the entity such as chassis, module, and so on. It is got from the device when manufacturing. For low level box-device, the manufacture serial number is the device-number of System Control Board(SCB for short), it is written into the SCB directly; for middle level or high level frame-device, the manufacture serial number is the device-numbers of SCB and Service Board, because the SCB, Service Board and chassis are separate to sale and the device-number of chassis cannot be written into board." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuEntry 2 } hh3cEntityExtManuBuildInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device version information. The device version information of the entity such as chassis, module, and so on. It consists of software version information and hardware version information." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuEntry 3 } hh3cEntityExtManuBOM OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device BOM code. The device BOM code of the entity such as chassis, module, and so on. It is the component code of ERP system, which can be disassembled from device-number." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuEntry 4 } hh3cEntityExtMacAddressCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address count. The count of MAC addresses of the entity, such as chassis, module, or port, and so on." ::= { hh3cEntityExtManuEntry 5 } hh3cEntityExtPower OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtObjects 3 } hh3cEntityExtPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table describes the power information of all the physical entity on the device, such as the fans, the subcards, the boards, etc." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPower 1 } hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entity power information about a particular physical entity." INDEX { hh3cEntityExtPowerPhysicalIndex } ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerTable 1 } Hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEntityExtPowerPhysicalIndex Integer32, hh3cEntityExtNominalPower Gauge32, hh3cEntityExtCurrentPower Gauge32, hh3cEntityExtAveragePower Integer32, hh3cEntityExtPeakPower Integer32 } hh3cEntityExtPowerPhysicalIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of hh3cEntityExtPowerTable. This index is identical to entPhysicalIndex in ENTITY-MIB." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry 1 } hh3cEntityExtNominalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The nominal power of the entity expressed in milliWatts." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry 2 } hh3cEntityExtCurrentPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The measured usage power of the entity expressed in milliWatts." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry 3 } hh3cEntityExtAveragePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average power consumed by the entity expressed in milliWatts. Writing a value of zero to this object resets its value to zero. Writing any other value to this object has no effect on its value and an error is returned." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry 4 } hh3cEntityExtPeakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The peak power consumed by the entity expressed in milliWatts. Writing a value of zero to this object resets its value to zero. Writing any other value to this object has no effect on its value and an error is returned." ::= { hh3cEntityExtPowerEntry 5 } -- Process Table hh3cProcessObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtObjects 4 } hh3cProcessTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cProcessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Table describes the information about a particular process, namely a task." ::= { hh3cProcessObjects 1 } hh3cProcessEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cProcessEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information about a particular process, namely a task." INDEX { hh3cProcessID } ::= { hh3cProcessTable 1 } Hh3cProcessEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cProcessID Unsigned32, hh3cProcessName DisplayString, hh3cProcessUtil5Min Unsigned32 } hh3cProcessID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the identifier of process, namely task ID in system." ::= { hh3cProcessEntry 1 } hh3cProcessName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the process name." ::= { hh3cProcessEntry 2 } hh3cProcessUtil5Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object provides a general idea of how busy a process caused the processor to be over a 5 minute period. The ratio is calculated by the overall CPU usage caused by the process." ::= { hh3cProcessEntry 3 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtObjects 5 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table describes the voltage information of the voltage sensor entities on the device." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageObjects 1 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voltage information of the voltage sensor entity." INDEX { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex } ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageTable 1 } Hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageState INTEGER, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorLowThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalLowThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorHighThreshold Integer32, hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalHighThreshold Integer32 } hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current voltage in millivolts of the voltage sensor entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 1 } hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The nominal voltage in millivolts of the voltage sensor entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 2 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (0), low (1), tooLow (2), high (3), tooHigh (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The voltage state of the voltage sensor entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 3 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The low threshold for the voltage sensor entity. When the voltage is lower than the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 4 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalLowThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fatal low voltage threshold for the voltage sensor entity. When the voltage is lower than the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 5 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high threshold for the voltage sensor entity. When the voltage is higher than the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 6 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalHighThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fatal high threshold for the voltage sensor entity. When the voltage is higher than the threshold, a notification will be sent." ::= { hh3cEntityExtVoltageEntry 7 } -- End hh3cEntityExtTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtend 2 } hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtTraps 0 } hh3cEntityExtTrapsInfor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtTraps 1 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThresholdNotification indicates the temperature exceeded the threshold. In this condition, user should check the status and the environment of the entity, sometimes it happens because of the failure of air-condition." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 1 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThresholdNotification indicates the voltage is lower than the threshold. If the voltage is lower too much than the entity needs, the entity will halt." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 2 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThresholdNotification indicates the voltage is higher than the threshold. If the voltage is higher too much than the entity needs, The entity may be damaged by the high voltage." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 3 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdNotfication NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsage, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold, hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdNotfication indicates the entity is overloaded." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 4 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSize, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdNotification indicates the entity is overloaded." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 5 } hh3cEntityExtOperEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the entity is operable at present." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 6 } hh3cEntityExtOperDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the entity is not operable at present." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 7 } hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThresholdNotification indicates the temperature exceeds the critical temperature. In this condition, user should check the status and the environment of the entity, sometimes it happens because of the failure of air-condition." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 8 } hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the SFP module fails or runs abnormally for some particular reason." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 9 } hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the SFP module restores to normal status." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 10 } hh3cEntityExtSFPPhony NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This module is NOT sold by authorized manufacturer. The normal function of the device or assume the maintenance responsibility thereof will NOT be guaranteed. The trap is generated periodically after a phony module has been found." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 11 } hh3cEntityInsert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { entPhysicalDescr, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when a removable entity inserting to device." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 12 } hh3cEntityRemove NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { entPhysicalDescr, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when a removable entity removing from device." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 13 } hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the entity is forced to power off." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 14 } hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the entity is forced to power on." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 15 } hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOn NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates a fault occurs on the specified entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 16 } hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOff NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates a fault disappears on the specified entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 17 } hh3cEntityExtResourceLack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates that a kind of resource is not enough on the specified entity." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 18 } hh3cEntityExtResourceEnough NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates that the entity recovers from the status of no enough resource." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 19 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureLower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the temperature of a specified entity is under the lower threshold. In this condition, user should check the status and the environment of the entity, sometimes it goes wrong for some reason." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 20 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtShutdownTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the temperature of a specified entity exceeded the shutdown threshold. In this condition, user should check the status and the environment of the entity, sometimes it goes wrong for some reason." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 21 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the temperature of a specified entity recover from abnormal status." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 22 } hh3cEntityExternalAlarmOccur NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the monitored device connected to the specified entity fails." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 23 } hh3cEntityExternalAlarmRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the failed device connected to the specified entity returns to normal." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 24 } hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsage, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold, hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the CPU usage descends the threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 25 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSize, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the memory usage descends the threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 26 } hh3cEntityExtMemAllocatedFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the memory allocated failed." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 27 } hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarmStatus, hh3cEntityExtTrapDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap indicates the ECC(Error Correction Code) parity error alarm." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 28 } hh3cEntityExtCritLowerTempThresholdNotification NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtCriticalLowerTemperatureThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtCritLowerTempThresholdNotification indicates the temperature is lower than the threshold. If the temperature is lower too much than the entity needs, the entity will halt." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 29 } hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtShutdownLowerTemperatureThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooLow indicates the temperature is lower than the threshold. If the temperature is lower too much than the entity needs, the entity halts now." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 30 } hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotPreferred NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the specified fan's direction does not accord with preferred. The two parameters indicate the entity index and physical name of fan." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 31 } hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotAccord NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates the direction of fans does not accord with each other. The two parameters indicate the parent entity of the fans." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 32 } hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidInDays } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transceiver module is not compatible with the interface card. The authorized manufacturer therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the transceiver. The transceiver module will be invalidated in days. Please replace it with a compatible one as soon as possible. The trap is generated periodically after a phony transceiver module has been found." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 33 } hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidNow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This transceiver module is not compatible with the interface card. The authorized manufacturer therefore shall NOT guarantee the normal function of the transceiver. The trap is generated after a phony transceiver module has been found." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 34 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdOverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the memory usage of the entity is overloaded. This trap is used to replace hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdNotification." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 35 } hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the memory usage decreased below the threshold. This trap is used to replace hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecover." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 36 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageNormal NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorLowThreshold, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorHighThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the voltage recovers to normal." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 37 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageLower NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorLowThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the voltage is lower than the low threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 38 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooLow NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalLowThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the voltage is lower than the fatal low threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 39 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageHigher NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageMajorHighThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the voltage is higher than the high threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 40 } hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtCurrentVoltage, hh3cEntityExtNominalVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageFatalHighThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that the voltage is higher than the fatal high threshold." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 41 } hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOnEx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the SFP module fails or runs abnormally for some particular reason. This trap is used to replace hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOn." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 42 } hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOffEx NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, entPhysicalName, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trap is generated when the SFP module is restored to normal status. This trap is used to replace hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOff." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsPrefix 43 } hh3cEntityExtTrapDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The information of trap." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsInfor 1 } hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), l1cache(2), -- cpu l1 data cache err l2cache(3), -- cpu l2 data cache err sdram(4), -- sdram err for cpu mac(5), -- mac err tcam(6), -- tcam err ingressbuffer(7), -- IB err egressbuffer(8), -- EB err lpm(9), -- lpm err controlmemory(10) -- controlmemory err } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ECC parity error." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsInfor 2 } hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidInDays OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The days when the transceiver module is still valid, but after those days, it will be invalidated." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsInfor 3 } hh3cEntityExtFirstTrapTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the first trap time." ::= { hh3cEntityExtTrapsInfor 4 } -- Conformance and Compliance hh3cEntityExtConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtend 3 } hh3cEntityExtCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtConformance 1 } -- this module hh3cEntityExtCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for systems supporting this MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { hh3cEntityExtGroup, hh3cEntityExtNotificationGroup, hh3cEntityExtManuGroup, hh3cEntityExtPowerGroup } OBJECT hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThreshold MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." ::= { hh3cEntityExtCompliances 1 } hh3cEntityExtGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEntityExtConformance 2 } hh3cEntityExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtAdminStatus, hh3cEntityExtOperStatus, hh3cEntityExtStandbyStatus, hh3cEntityExtAlarmLight, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsage, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSize, hh3cEntityExtUpTime, hh3cEntityExtTemperature, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtVoltage, hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThreshold, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThreshold, hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMacAddress, hh3cEntityExtErrorStatus, hh3cEntityExtCpuMaxUsage, hh3cEntityExtLowerTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtShutdownTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtPhyMemSize, hh3cEntityExtPhyCpuFrequency, hh3cEntityExtFirstUsedDate, hh3cEntityExtCpuAvgUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemAvgUsage, hh3cEntityExtMemType, hh3cEntityExtCriticalLowerTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtShutdownLowerTemperatureThreshold, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageRecoverThreshold, hh3cEntityExtMemSizeRev, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn1Minute, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageIn5Minutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity Extend group." ::= { hh3cEntityExtGroups 1 } hh3cEntityExtNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { hh3cEntityExtTemperatureThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtVoltageLowThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHighThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdNotfication, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtOperEnabled, hh3cEntityExtOperDisabled, hh3cEntityExtCriticalTemperatureThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOn, hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOff, hh3cEntityExtSFPPhony, hh3cEntityInsert, hh3cEntityRemove, hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOff, hh3cEntityExtForcedPowerOn, hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOn, hh3cEntityExtFaultAlarmOff, hh3cEntityExtResourceLack, hh3cEntityExtResourceEnough, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureLower, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooUp, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureNormal, hh3cEntityExternalAlarmOccur, hh3cEntityExternalAlarmRecover, hh3cEntityExtCpuUsageThresholdRecover, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecover, hh3cEntityExtMemAllocatedFailed, hh3cEntityExtECCParityAlarm, hh3cEntityExtCritLowerTempThresholdNotification, hh3cEntityExtTemperatureTooLow, hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotPreferred, hh3cEntityExtFanDirectionNotAccord, hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalid, hh3cEntityExtSFPInvalidNow, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdOverTrap, hh3cEntityExtMemUsageThresholdRecoverTrap, hh3cEntityExtVoltageNormal, hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooLow, hh3cEntityExtVoltageLower, hh3cEntityExtVoltageHigher, hh3cEntityExtVoltageTooHigh, hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOnEx, hh3cEntityExtSFPAlarmOffEx } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entity Extend Notification group." ::= { hh3cEntityExtGroups 2 } hh3cEntityExtManuGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtManuPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtManuSerialNum, hh3cEntityExtManuBuildInfo, hh3cEntityExtManuBOM, hh3cEntityExtMacAddressCount } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standard Device Manufacture Information group." ::= { hh3cEntityExtGroups 3 } hh3cEntityExtPowerGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hh3cEntityExtPowerPhysicalIndex, hh3cEntityExtNominalPower, hh3cEntityExtCurrentPower, hh3cEntityExtAveragePower, hh3cEntityExtPeakPower } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standard Entity Power Information group." ::= { hh3cEntityExtGroups 4 } END