-- =========================================================== -- Copyright (c) 2004-2021 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- Description: -- Reference: -- Version: V2.9 -- History: -- V1.0 created by liyue. -- Define MODULE-IDENTITY for hh3cEpon -- V1.1 2005-12-21 Adjusted the structure of some tables and the value of -- some objects by liuhongxu -- Redefined the scope of some objects -- V1.2 2006-01-09 Updated file by liuhongxu and zoudian. -- Added hh3cEponOnuTypeManTable, hh3cOltPortAlarmRegExcessEnabled, -- hh3cOnuBindType, hh3cOnuPCBVersion, hh3cOnuRtt, hh3cOnuEEPROMVersion, -- hh3cOnuRegType, hh3cOnuHostType, hh3cEponOnuRegExcessTrap, -- hh3cEponOnuRegExcessRecoverTrap, hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal. -- Changed the description of hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth and hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth. -- Adjusted the format. -- V1.3 2006-01-16 Updated file by lichunyan. -- Added hh3cOnuPacketManTable, hh3cOnuProtocolTable, hh3cOnuMulticastFilterStatus, -- hh3cOnuDot1xTable. -- Changed the default value of hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth. -- Adjusted the format of this mib. -- V1.4 2006-06-08 Updated by chenzhaojie -- Delete default values of hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth and hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth -- V1.5 2006-08-02 Updated by chenzhaojie -- Add hh3cOnuSlaDelay, hh3cOnuDistance, hh3cOnuPriorityQueueTable, -- hh3cOnuCountTable, hh3cOnuPriorityQueueSizeMinVal, hh3cOnuPriorityQueueSizeMaxVal, -- hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap, hh3cEponOltSwitchoverTrap, hh3cEponStatTable. -- Change DESCRIPTION of hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMinVal, hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMaxVal. -- V1.6 2006-09-06 Updated by chenzhaojie -- Add hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBandwidthMinVal, hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBandwidthMaxVal, -- hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBurstsizeMinVal, hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBurstsizeMaxVal. -- Add hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthTable. -- V1.7 2007-05-21 Updated by chenzhaojie -- Add hh3cEponSysScalarGroup -- Add hh3cEponSysManTable ,hh3cEponAutoUpdateTable,hh3cEponOuiTable. -- Add hh3cEponOuiIndexNextTable, hh3cEponMulticastControlTable. -- Add hh3cOltPortAlarmDFEEnabled to hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdTable. -- Add hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueSetNumber, hh3cOnuRemoteFecStatus,hh3cOnuPortBerStatus -- hh3cOnuReset, hh3cOnuMulticastControlMode,hh3cOnuAccessVlan,hh3cOnuEncryptKey -- to hh3cOnuSysManTable -- Add hh3cOnuLlid to hh3cOnuInfoTable. -- Add hh3cOnuIpAddressTable, hh3cOnuChipSetInfoTable, hh3cOnuCapabilityTable, -- hh3cOnuDbaReportTable. -- Add hh3cEponOltDFETrap, hh3cEponOltDFERecoverTrap -- V1.8 2007-10-13 Updated by liuhongxu, andapeng, lihaijun -- Add hh3cOltMaxRtt to hh3cOltSysManTable. -- Add hh3cOnuUniUpDownTrapStatus, hh3cOnuDhcpsnooping, hh3cOnuPppoe, -- hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingHostAgingT, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingMaxRespT, -- hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingRouterAgingT, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggReportS, -- hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggLeaveS, hh3cOnuDhcpallocate, hh3cOnuManageVID, -- hh3cOnuManageVlanIntfS. -- Add hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceTable. -- Add hh3cOnuFecStatus to hh3cOnuSysManTable. -- Add hh3cOnuIpAddressGateway to hh3cOnuIpAddressTable. -- Changed the default value of hh3cEponMonitorCycle. -- V1.9 2008-1-15 Updated by fengjian, qinlei, lihaijun -- Add hh3cOnuSilentTable. -- Add hh3cOltUsingOnuTable. -- Add hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable. -- Add hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeNextIndex -- Add hh3cOnuUpdateFileName to hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable. -- Add hh3cOnuUpdateResult values. -- Add hh3cOnuSlaFixedBandWidth and hh3cOnuSlaPriorityClass to hh3cOnuSlaManTable. -- Add hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac. -- Add hh3cEponOnuSilenceTrap, hh3cEponOnuSilenceRecoverTrap. -- Add hh3cEponOnuUpdateResultTrap to report onu update result. -- V2.0 2008-3-17 Updated by zoudian -- Add hh3cOnuMcastCtrlHostAgingTime, hh3cOnuMulticastFastLeaveEnable -- and hh3cOnuPortIsolateEnable to hh3cOnuSysManTable. -- Add hh3cOnuIgspFastLeaveSupported and hh3cOnuMCtrlFastLeaveSupported -- to hh3cOnuCapabilityTable. -- Add hh3cOnuSlaFixedPacketSize to hh3cOnuSlaManTable. -- V2.1 2008-07-25 updated by zhaodan and zoudian. -- Add hh3cEponOnuAutoBindTrap and hh3cEponOperationResult. -- Add hh3cOnuFirmwareVersion and hh3cOnuVendorId to hh3cOnuInfoTable. -- Change the description of hh3cOnuDistance. -- V2.2 2009-08-18 updated by zhaodan. -- Add hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable. -- Add hh3cEponOnuPortStpStateTrap to hh3cEponTrapPrefix. -- V2.3 2010-02-25 updated by zhaodan. -- Add hh3cEponOnuLaserState and hh3cEponOnuLaserFailedTrap. -- Add hh3cOnuOpticalPowerReceivedByOlt to hh3cOnuInfoTable. -- Add hh3cOltOpticalPowerTx and hh3cOltOpticalPowerRx to hh3cOltInfoTable. -- Add hh3cOnuPhysicalTable and hh3cOnuSmlkTable. -- Add hh3cOnuSmlkSwitchoverTrap to hh3cEponTrapPrefix. -- V2.4 2010-12-02 updated by zhaodan. -- Add hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesTable, hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryTable, -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionTable and hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoTable. -- V2.5 2015-05-12 updated by lvhuipeng. -- Add hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table. -- Modify hh3cEponMonitorCycle, hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength, hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency -- Modify hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceValue -- Modify hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable -- V2.6 2016-11-29 updated by zhuhaifeng. -- Add hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable, hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable. -- Modify hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable, hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable. -- Modify hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable, hh3cEponSysMan, hh3cOltSysManTable. -- Modify hh3cEponErrorInfo, hh3cEponTrap. -- 2018-02-02 updated by zhuhaifeng. -- Add hh3cOnuStatisticsTable, hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable, hh3cEponOnuPowerOnTrap. -- Add hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMinVal10G, hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMaxVal10G. -- Add hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMinVal10G, hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMaxVal10G. -- Add hh3cEponOnuBindOneToOne. -- Modify hh3cOltSysManTable, hh3cOnuSlaManTable, hh3cOnuCapabilityTable. -- Modify hh3cOnuSysManTable, hh3cOnuDownStreamMaxBandWidth. -- V2.7 2018-10-12 updated by zhuhaifeng. -- Add hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable, hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable. -- Add hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosTrap, hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosRecoverTrap. -- Add hh3cEponOnuFiberFailTrap, hh3cEponOnuFiberFailRecoverTrap. -- 2018-11-28 updated by zhuhaifeng. -- Add hh3cOnuInfoMac, hh3cOnuInfoLoid to hh3cOnuInfoTable. -- Add hh3cOnuPoeTable. -- V2.8 2019-07-08 updated by yinfengming. -- Add hh3cRoltInterfaceTable, hh3cRoltMemberTable. -- Modify hh3cOltUsingOnuTable. -- 2019-07-10 updated by duzhaohui. -- Add hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacTable, hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidTable. -- V2.9 2021-01-25 updated by zhuhaifeng. -- Add hh3cOnuUpdateStartTime and hh3cOnuUpdateDuration to hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable. -- Add hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeStartTime and hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeDuration to hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable. -- ================================================================= HH3C-EPON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hh3cEpon FROM HH3C-OID-MIB ifIndex, ifDescr FROM IF-MIB hh3cLswFrameIndex, hh3cLswSlotIndex FROM HH3C-LSW-DEV-ADM-MIB Integer32, Unsigned32, Counter64, IpAddress, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TruthValue, MacAddress, DateAndTime, RowStatus, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC InetAddress, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB; hh3cEponMibObjects MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202101251038Z" -- January 25, 2021 ORGANIZATION "New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip: 100085" DESCRIPTION " The objects in this MIB module are used to manage and display current configuration of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) port which are based on the Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) Passive Optical Network(PON) as defined in IEEE Draft P802.3ah/D3.0 clause 60, 64, 65.. " REVISION "202101251038Z" -- January 25, 2021 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable, hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable." REVISION "201907101038Z" -- July 10, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacTable, hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidTable." REVISION "201907081049Z" -- July 08, 2019 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cRoltInterfaceTable, hh3cRoltMemberTable. Modify hh3cOltUsingOnuTable." REVISION "201811281049Z" -- November 28, 2018 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable, hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable, hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosTrap, hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosRecoverTrap, hh3cEponOnuFiberFailTrap, and hh3cEponOnuFiberFailRecoverTrap. Add hh3cOnuInfoMac, hh3cOnuInfoLoid to hh3cOnuInfoTable. Add hh3cOnuPoeTable." REVISION "201703061145Z" -- March 06, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cOnuStatisticsTable, and hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable, update the objects of hh3cOnuCapabilityTable, and hh3cOnuSysManTable." REVISION "201702101145Z" -- February 10, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable, and hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable, update the objects of hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable, hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable, hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable, hh3cEponSysMan, hh3cOltSysManTable, hh3cEponErrorInfo, and hh3cEponTrap." REVISION "201508041145Z" -- August 4, 2015 DESCRIPTION "Add the objects of hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table, update the objects of hh3cEponMonitorCycle, hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength, hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency, and hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable." ::= { hh3cEpon 1 } hh3cEponSysMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 1 } hh3cEponAutoAuthorize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This value determines whether software performs self-authorization for each Optical Network Unit(ONU) registering to the network. Setting it to false means for every ONU registering, software requires external authorization, and until it's done the ONU is not authenticated. True value means software authorizes each ONU registering to the network automatically. true - ONUs are always authorized. false - If 802.1x authorization is enable, the ONUs have to be authorized by the protocol. - If 802.1x authorization is disable, ONUs are always authorized. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 1 } hh3cEponMonitorCycle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..3600) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The cycle of alarm thresholds checking. Applying to the following types: Bit Error Rate(BER) alarm, Frame Error Rate(FER), Logical Link Identity(LLID) mismatch alarm and so on. The unit is second. " DEFVAL { 80 } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 2 } hh3cEponMsgTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Timeout waiting for a response from Optical Line Terminal(OLT) firmware after sending it a message. The unit is millisecond. " DEFVAL { 600 } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 3 } hh3cEponMsgLoseNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The times of messages sending timeouts, after which OLT will reset (applying to every OLT). " DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 4 } hh3cEponSysHasEPONBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - At least an EPON board exists. false(2) - No EPON board exists. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 5 } hh3cEponMonitorCycleEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Stop or continue monitoring. true(1) - Continue monitoring. false(2) - Stop monitoring. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 6 } hh3cEponOltSoftwareErrAlmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Software error alarm behavior of all active OLTs. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 7 } hh3cEponPortLoopBackAlmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " LoopBack alarm behavior of EPON ports. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 8 } hh3cEponMonitorCycleMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of cycle which be confined to the hh3cEponMonitorCycle. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 9 } hh3cEponMonitorCycleMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of cycle which be confined to the hh3cEponMonitorCycle. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 10 } hh3cEponMsgTimeOutMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of timeout which be confined to the hh3cEponMsgTimeOut. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 11 } hh3cEponMsgTimeOutMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of timeout which be confined to the hh3cEponMsgTimeOut. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 12 } hh3cEponMsgLoseNumMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of time which be confined to the hh3cEponMsgLoseNum. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 13 } hh3cEponMsgLoseNumMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of time which be confined to the hh3cEponMsgLoseNum. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 14 } hh3cEponSysScalarGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 15 } -- -- hh3cEponSysManTable -- hh3cEponSysManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table defines system related parameters. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 16 } hh3cEponSysManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponSysManTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponSlotIndex } ::= { hh3cEponSysManTable 1 } Hh3cEponSysManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponSlotIndex Integer32, hh3cEponModeSwitch INTEGER, hh3cEponAutomaticMode INTEGER, hh3cEponOamDiscoveryTimeout Integer32, hh3cEponEncryptionNoReplyTimeOut Integer32, hh3cEponEncryptionUpdateTime Integer32, hh3cEponAutoBindStatus INTEGER, hh3cEponAutoBindType BITS } hh3cEponSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Slot Index, the index of hh3cEponSysManTable. " ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 1 } hh3cEponModeSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cmode(1), hmode(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " cmode - epon standard mode. hmode - private mode. " DEFVAL { cmode } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 2 } hh3cEponAutomaticMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Automatic mode setting: when enabled - after new OLT is added, the OLT stack sets its encryption mode to 'triple churning' and configure the OLT to authorize ONU MAC addresses according to its table. enable -enable automatic mode. disable -disable automatic mode. " DEFVAL { enable } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 3 } hh3cEponOamDiscoveryTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Time out parameter for extended OAM discovery process message, ranging from 0 to 2550, measured in 100 milliseconds. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 4 } hh3cEponEncryptionNoReplyTimeOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Encryption response timeout, ranging from 1 to 2550, measured in 100 milliseconds. " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 5 } hh3cEponEncryptionUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Encryption key update timer for all ONUs on slot, indicated by hh3cEponSlotIndex, ranging from 1 to 255, measured in seconds. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 6 } hh3cEponAutoBindStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " enable - auto bind ONU ID when the ONU registered in the EPON system. disable - need manual bind ONU ID when the ONU registered in the EPON system. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 7 } hh3cEponAutoBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { mac(0), loid(1), loidPassword(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set auto binding type, which can be combined. If auto binding is disabled, 0 is returned. " ::= { hh3cEponSysManEntry 8 } -- -- hh3cEponAutoUpdateTable -- hh3cEponAutoUpdateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " EPON auto update ONU application configuration. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 17 } hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponAutoUpdateTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponSlotIndex } ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateTable 1 } Hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponAutoUpdateFileName DisplayString, hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedStatus INTEGER, hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedTime OCTET STRING, hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedType INTEGER, hh3cEponAutoUpdateRealTimeStatus INTEGER } hh3cEponAutoUpdateFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The name of ONU application file, the file name must be valid and include the path. It is a zero length string by default. " ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry 1 } hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of schedule update configuration. The hh3cEponAutoUpdateFileName must be set before enable hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedStatus. enable - enable ONU schedule update. disable - disable ONU schedule update. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry 2 } hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The schedule update timing configuration is related to the hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedType. auto update daily: the string format is hhmm auto update weekly: the string format is hhmmw 'w' means update weekly, it ranges from 0 to 6: 0 - Sunday. 1 - Monday. 2 - Tuesday. 3 - Wednesday. 4 - Thursday. 5 - Friday. 6 - Saturday. auto update in coming date : the string format is hhmmyyyymmdd. The configuration will take effect only if hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedStatus is enabled. " ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry 3 } hh3cEponAutoUpdateSchedType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { daily(1), weekly(2), comingdate(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The update type of auto updating configuration. daily - update ONU application every day. weekly - update ONU application every week. comingdate - update ONU application on coming date. " ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry 4 } hh3cEponAutoUpdateRealTimeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of real time update configuration. The hh3cEponAutoUpdateFileName must be set before enable hh3cEponAutoUpdateRealTimeStatus. enable - enable ONU real time update. disable - disable ONU real time update. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cEponAutoUpdateEntry 5 } -- -- hh3cEponOuiIndexNextTable -- hh3cEponOuiIndexNextTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOuiIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Next OUI index table. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 18 } hh3cEponOuiIndexNextEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOuiIndexNextEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponOuiIndexNextTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponSlotIndex } ::= { hh3cEponOuiIndexNextTable 1 } Hh3cEponOuiIndexNextEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponOuiIndexNext Integer32 } hh3cEponOuiIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object contains an appropriate value to be used for hh3cEponOuiIndex when creating rows in the hh3cEponOuiTable. " ::= { hh3cEponOuiIndexNextEntry 1 } -- -- hh3cEponOuiTable -- hh3cEponOuiTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOuiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " List of OUI and OAM supported by OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 19 } hh3cEponOuiEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOuiEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponOuiTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponSlotIndex, hh3cEponOuiIndex } ::= { hh3cEponOuiTable 1 } Hh3cEponOuiEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponOuiIndex Integer32, hh3cEponOuiValue OCTET STRING, hh3cEponOamVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cEponOuiRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cEponOuiIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The index of this table. " ::= { hh3cEponOuiEntry 1 } hh3cEponOuiValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..512)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OUI list supported by the extended OAM discovery process. The OUI is composed of six octets. The first six octets denote the first OUI , the second six octets denote the second OUI, and the like. " ::= { hh3cEponOuiEntry 2 } hh3cEponOamVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Version of OAM protocol defined by the organization denoted by OUI. " ::= { hh3cEponOuiEntry 3 } hh3cEponOuiRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this table entry. Only active, createAndGo, and destroy are supported. " ::= { hh3cEponOuiEntry 4 } -- -- hh3cEponMulticastControlTable -- hh3cEponMulticastControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Multicast control global configuration. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 20 } hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponMulticastControlTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponMulticastVlanId } ::= { hh3cEponMulticastControlTable 1 } Hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponMulticastVlanId Integer32, hh3cEponMulticastAddressList OCTET STRING, hh3cEponMulticastStatus RowStatus } hh3cEponMulticastVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The index of this table. " ::= { hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry 1 } hh3cEponMulticastAddressList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The multicast address, each four octets represents a multicast address, the address section ranging from the first four octets to the second four octets, and the like. " ::= { hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry 2 } hh3cEponMulticastStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this table entry. Only active, createAndGo, and destroy are supported. " ::= { hh3cEponMulticastControlEntry 3 } hh3cEponAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { mac(0), loid(1), loidPassword(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set global auth mode, which can be combined(loid and loid-password cannot be configured at the same time). If no auth mode was set, 0 is returned. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 21 } hh3cEponOnuBindOneToOne OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable or disable one-to-one ONU binding feature. true(1) - feature enable. false(2) - feature disable. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 22 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table contains the configurations for managing the ONU MAC blacklist. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 23 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponOnuBlackListMac } ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacTable 1 } Hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponOnuBlackListMac MacAddress, hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cEponOnuBlackListMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU MAC blacklist value. This value is used to specify the blacklist MAC which is bound by the ONU interface. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry 1 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and modification of rows, which supports active status and CreatAndGo, destroy operation. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListMacEntry 2 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table contains the configurations for managing the ONU LOID blacklist. " ::= { hh3cEponSysMan 24 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoid } ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidTable 1 } Hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoid OCTET STRING, hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU LOID blacklist value. This value is used to specify the blacklist LOID which is bound by the ONU interface. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry 1 } hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and modification of rows, which supports active status and CreatAndGo, destroy operation. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuBlackListLoidEntry 2 } hh3cEponFileName OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 2 } hh3cEponDbaUpdateFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The name of a binary file which is loaded to the OLT from an external source. Note that the filename must contain the file path. " ::= { hh3cEponFileName 1 } hh3cEponOnuUpdateFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The filename of the ONU firmware to be updated. Note that the filename must contain the file path. " ::= { hh3cEponFileName 2 } hh3cEponOltMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 3 } -- -- hh3cOltSysManTable -- hh3cOltSysManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table defines several OLT system parameters: (1)laser on time (2)laser off time (3)whether multiple copy broadcast (4)whether discard packet (5)self test (6)self test result " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 1 } hh3cOltSysManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltSysManTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOltSysManTable 1 } Hh3cOltSysManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltLaserOnTime Integer32, hh3cOltLaserOffTime Integer32, hh3cOltMultiCopyBrdCast TruthValue, hh3cOltEnableDiscardPacket TruthValue, hh3cOltSelfTest INTEGER, hh3cOltSelfTestResult INTEGER, hh3cOltMaxRtt Unsigned32, hh3cOltAuthMode BITS, hh3cOltOnuBindOneToOne TruthValue } hh3cOltLaserOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The laser on time of the ONUs during the discovery process, measured in Time Quanta(TQ). " DEFVAL { 96 } ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 1 } hh3cOltLaserOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The laser off time of the ONUs during the discovery process, measured in TQ. " DEFVAL { 96 } ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 2 } hh3cOltMultiCopyBrdCast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true/false filtering of tagged multicast frames. The software avert tagged downstream frames with multicast or broadcast DA to the PON and not to the CPU, except for special multicast frames (link-constraint, IGMP control and ARP) that are passed to the CPU regardless of this feature. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 3 } hh3cOltEnableDiscardPacket OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Forward(false)/discard(true) any frames received from unlearned source address when the inside address table of the original ONU entry reach to the limit. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 4 } hh3cOltSelfTest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { selftest(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " selftest(1): Test OLT to check whether it's OK. " ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 5 } hh3cOltSelfTestResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), fail(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The self test result of the specific OLT. other(1): The self test result is another reason. ok(2): The self test result is OK. fail(3): The self test result is fail. " ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 6 } hh3cOltMaxRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the max Round Trip Time of this OLT. " ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 7 } hh3cOltAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { mac(0), loid(1), loidPassword(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the auth mode of this OLT, which can be combined(loid and loid-password cannot be configured at the same time). If no auth mode was set, 0 is returned. " ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 8 } hh3cOltOnuBindOneToOne OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable or disable one-to-one ONU binding feature. true(1) - feature enable. false(2) - feature disable. " ::= { hh3cOltSysManEntry 9 } -- -- hh3cOltInfoTable -- hh3cOltInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Primary status of the specified OLT. There will be one row in this table for each information in the system. (1)Software and hardware versions of the specified OLT (hh3cOltFirmMajorVersion, hh3cOltFirmMinorVersion, hh3cOltHardMajorVersion, hh3cOltHardMinorVersion) (2)Several physical capabilities of an OLT device. (hh3cOltAgcLockTime, hh3cOltAgcCdrTime) (3)The operation(activation) status of an OLT. (hh3cOltMacAddress, hh3cOltWorkMode) " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 2 } hh3cOltInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltInfoTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOltInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOltInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltFirmMajorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOltFirmMinorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOltHardMajorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOltHardMinorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOltAgcLockTime Integer32, hh3cOltAgcCdrTime Integer32, hh3cOltMacAddress MacAddress, hh3cOltWorkMode INTEGER, hh3cOltOpticalPowerTx Integer32, hh3cOltOpticalPowerRx Integer32 } hh3cOltFirmMajorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT firmware major version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 1 } hh3cOltFirmMinorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT firmware minor version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 2 } hh3cOltHardMajorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT hardware major version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 3 } hh3cOltHardMinorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT hardware minor version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 4 } hh3cOltAgcLockTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PON upstream data Automatic Gain Control(AGC) lock time, measured in TQ, range: 1 - 2^15. 0x7FFFFFFF: unknown value. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 5 } hh3cOltAgcCdrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PON RX signal synchronization time, measured in TQ, range: 1 - 2^15. 0x7FFFFFFF: unknown value " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 6 } hh3cOltMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT MAC address. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 7 } hh3cOltWorkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), open(2), reset(3), closed(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The operation(activation) modes of an OLT. other(1) - The OLT is in another mode. open(2) - The OLT is open. reset(3) - The OLT is reset. closed(4) - The OLT is closed. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 8 } hh3cOltOpticalPowerTx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The optical power transmitted by this OLT. It measured in 0.01 dBm unit. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 9 } hh3cOltOpticalPowerRx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The burst optical power received by this OLT. It measured in 0.01 dBm unit. " ::= { hh3cOltInfoEntry 10 } -- -- hh3cOltDbaManTable -- hh3cOltDbaManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltDbaManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table defines the primary parameters of the Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation(DBA) algorithm applying to the OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 3 } hh3cOltDbaManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltDbaManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltDbaManTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOltDbaManTable 1 } Hh3cOltDbaManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltDbaEnabledType INTEGER, hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength Integer32, hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency Integer32, hh3cOltDbaCycleLength Integer32, hh3cOltDbaVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOltDbaUpdate INTEGER, hh3cOltDbaUpdateResult INTEGER } hh3cOltDbaEnabledType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { internal(1), external(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable different types of the DBA algorithm. Start upstream dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm, replacing former bandwidth allocation mechanism. internal(1) - OLT internal Service Level Agreement(SLA) based algorithm, always being activated. external(2) - DBA algorithm in a binary file which is loaded to the OLT from an external source. " DEFVAL { internal } ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 1 } hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Discovery length in TQ units. " ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 2 } hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " How often should the OLT send discovery frames to the ONUs, measured in grant cycles. " ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 3 } hh3cOltDbaCycleLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The grant cycle length in TQ units. " DEFVAL { 65535 } ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 4 } hh3cOltDbaVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DBA version of the OLT. " ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 5 } hh3cOltDbaUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { update(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Update(1): Update the DBA algorithm with a binary file which is loaded to the OLT from an external source(flash). Config the MIB object module hh3cEponDbaUpdateFileName. " ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 6 } hh3cOltDbaUpdateResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ok(2), fail(3), fileNotExist(4), notSetFilename(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The latest DBA update result. other: The DBA update result is another reason. ok: The DBA update result is OK. fail: The DBA update result is fail. fileNotExist: The DBA update failed because the file does not exist. notSetFilename: The DBA filename is not set. " ::= { hh3cOltDbaManEntry 7 } -- -- hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdTable -- hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table defines the alarm threshold of OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 4 } hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdTable 1 } Hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltPortAlarmBerEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmBerDirect INTEGER, hh3cOltPortAlarmBerThreshold Integer32, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerDirect INTEGER, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerThreshold Integer32, hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchThreshold Integer32, hh3cOltPortAlarmRemoteStableEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmLocalStableEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmRegistrationEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmOamDisconnectionEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmEncryptionKeyEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmVendorSpecificEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmRegExcessEnabled TruthValue, hh3cOltPortAlarmDFEEnabled TruthValue } hh3cOltPortAlarmBerEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of BER alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 1 } hh3cOltPortAlarmBerDirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { berUplink(1), berDownlink(2), berAll(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Traffic direction to monitor for BER alarm. " DEFVAL { berAll } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 2 } hh3cOltPortAlarmBerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " BER threshold exceed which the alarm is raised. " DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 3 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFerEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of FER alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 4 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFerDirect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ferUplink(1), ferDownlink(2), ferAll(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Traffic direction to monitor for FER alarm. " DEFVAL { ferAll } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 5 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFerThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Frame error rate exceed threshold then the alarm is raised. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 6 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of LLID mismatch alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 7 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The minimal number of mismatched frames exceed threshold then LLID mismatch alarm is raised. " DEFVAL { 5000 } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 8 } hh3cOltPortAlarmRemoteStableEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of remote stable alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 9 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLocalStableEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of local stable alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 10 } hh3cOltPortAlarmRegistrationEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of registration alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 11 } hh3cOltPortAlarmOamDisconnectionEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of Operations Administration and Maintenance(OAM) disconnection alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 12 } hh3cOltPortAlarmEncryptionKeyEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of encryption bad key alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 13 } hh3cOltPortAlarmVendorSpecificEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of vendor specific alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 14 } hh3cOltPortAlarmRegExcessEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of ONU registering over limitation alarm. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 15 } hh3cOltPortAlarmDFEEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Behavior of device fatal error alarm. true - alarm enable. false - alarm disable. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOltPortAlarmThresholdEntry 16 } hh3cOltLaserOnTimeMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of time which is confined to hh3cOltLaserOnTime. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 5 } hh3cOltLaserOnTimeMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of time which is confined to hh3cOltLaserOnTime. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 6 } hh3cOltLaserOffTimeMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of time which is confined to hh3cOltLaserOffTime. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 7 } hh3cOltLaserOffTimeMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of time which is confined to hh3cOltLaserOffTime. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 8 } hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLengthMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of the discovery length which is confined to hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 9 } hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLengthMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of the discovery length which is confined to hh3cOltDbaDiscoveryLength. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 10 } hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequencyMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of the discovery length which is confined to hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 11 } hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequencyMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of the discovery length which is confined to hh3cOltDbaDiscovryFrequency. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 12 } hh3cOltDbaCycleLengthMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of the frames which is confined to hh3cOltDbaCycleLength. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 13 } hh3cOltDbaCycleLengthMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of the frames which is confined to hh3cOltDbaCycleLength. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 14 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMisMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of the frames which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 15 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMisMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of the frames which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 16 } hh3cOltPortAlarmBerMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of threshold which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmBerThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 17 } hh3cOltPortAlarmBerMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of threshold which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmBerThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 18 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFerMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of threshold which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmFerThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 19 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFerMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of threshold which is confined to hh3cOltPortAlarmFerThreshold. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 20 } -- -- hh3cOnuSilentTable -- hh3cOnuSilentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuSilentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting silent ONU information of OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 21 } hh3cOnuSilentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuSilentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuSilentTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuSilentMacAddr } ::= { hh3cOnuSilentTable 1 } Hh3cOnuSilentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuSilentMacAddr MacAddress, hh3cOnuSilentTime Integer32 } hh3cOnuSilentMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC address of silent ONUs in OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuSilentEntry 1 } hh3cOnuSilentTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The aging time of a silent ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSilentEntry 2 } -- -- hh3cOltUsingOnuTable -- hh3cOltUsingOnuTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table containing configurations to manage ONU interface(s) based on OLT interface. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 22 } hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltUsingOnuTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOltUsingOnuNum } ::= { hh3cOltUsingOnuTable 1 } Hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltUsingOnuNum Integer32, hh3cOltUsingOnuIfIndex Integer32, hh3cOltUsingOnuRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cOltUsingOnuNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..128) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU interface number. This value is used to specify the ONU interface which the user wants to configure for an OLT interface. " ::= { hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry 1 } hh3cOltUsingOnuIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ifIndex of the ONU interface. " ::= { hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry 2 } hh3cOltUsingOnuRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object is responsible for managing the creation, deletion and modification of rows, which supports active status and CreatAndGo, destroy operation. " ::= { hh3cOltUsingOnuEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable -- hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting silent ONU's LOID information of an OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 23 } hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuSilentLoid } ::= { hh3cOnuSilentLoidTable 1 } Hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuSilentLoid OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuSilentLoidTime Integer32 } hh3cOnuSilentLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..24)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The LOID of a silent ONU in an OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry 1 } hh3cOnuSilentLoidTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The aging time of a silent ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSilentLoidEntry 2 } -- -- hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable -- hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for setting ONU's Tx power on an OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponOltMan 24 } hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerTable 1 } Hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOltTransTxPwrTransId INTEGER, hh3cOltTransTxPwrOffTime Unsigned32, hh3cOltTransTxPwrIsAllOnu TruthValue, hh3cOltTransTxPwrOnuIfList OCTET STRING } hh3cOltTransTxPwrTransId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { main(0), standby(1), all(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The transceiver ID of an ONU in an OLT. " ::= { hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry 1 } hh3cOltTransTxPwrOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The turnoff time of the transceiver Tx power. " ::= { hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry 2 } hh3cOltTransTxPwrIsAllOnu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Setting all ONUs' transceiver Tx power or not. " ::= { hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry 3 } hh3cOltTransTxPwrOnuIfList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..20)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONUs' ifIndex for which the transceiver Tx power is to be set. " ::= { hh3cOltTransceiverTxPowerEntry 4 } hh3cEponOnuMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 5 } -- -- hh3cOnuSysManTable -- hh3cOnuSysManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions for ONUs: 1. Encrypting all downstream/upstream and downstream directions traffic destined to and originated from a specific LLID (ONU in current implementation). 2. Restart a process of ONU authentication, using the OLT (IEEE 802.1x) authenticator. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 1 } hh3cOnuSysManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuSysManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuSysManTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManTable 1 } Hh3cOnuSysManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuEncryptMan INTEGER, hh3cOnuReAuthorize INTEGER, hh3cOnuMulticastFilterStatus TruthValue, hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueSetNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuRemoteFecStatus INTEGER, hh3cOnuPortBerStatus INTEGER, hh3cOnuReset INTEGER, hh3cOnuMulticastControlMode INTEGER, hh3cOnuAccessVlan Integer32, hh3cOnuEncryptKey DisplayString, hh3cOnuUniUpDownTrapStatus TruthValue, hh3cOnuFecStatus INTEGER, hh3cOnuMcastCtrlHostAgingTime Integer32, hh3cOnuMulticastFastLeaveEnable TruthValue, hh3cOnuPortIsolateEnable TruthValue, hh3cOnuMacAddressTimer Unsigned32 } hh3cOnuEncryptMan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), downlink(2), updownlink(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Start encrypting all downstream/upstream and downstream directions traffic destined to and originated from a specific LLID (ONU in current implementation). ONU registration encryption key is used as an initial value. If the encryption key was updated after ONU registration, the last updated key is used. off(1): - Stop encrypting. downlink(2): - Start encrypting all downstream directions traffic. updownlink(3): - Start encrypting all downstream/upstream directions traffic. " DEFVAL { downlink } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 1 } hh3cOnuReAuthorize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reAuthorize(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Restart a process of ONU authentication. If 802.1x authentication is enabled, the OLT (IEEE 802.1x) authenticator is applied. Otherwise, use the default authentication. Until the reauthentication succeeds, the ONU remains its previous authorization mode. The reauthentication process includes a new authentication request sent to the authentication server. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 2 } hh3cOnuMulticastFilterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - Multicast-Filter enable on ONU. false(2) - Multicast-Filter disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 3 } hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueSetNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of queue sets reported in MPCP report frames. " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 4 } hh3cOnuRemoteFecStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Value that indicates status of the 1000BASE-PX PHY optional FEC Sublayer for forward error correction see [802.3ah] clause 65.2. enable - enable remote forward error correction. disable - disable remote forward error correction. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 5 } hh3cOnuPortBerStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " enable - enable ONU port bit error rate alarm. disable - disable ONU port bit error rate alarm. " DEFVAL { enable } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 6 } hh3cOnuReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Reboot ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 7 } hh3cOnuMulticastControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { igmpsnooping(1), multicastcontrol(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " igmpsnooping - the traditional IGMP snooping mode. multicastcontrol - the specific multicast control mode. " DEFVAL { igmpsnooping } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 8 } hh3cOnuAccessVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The VLAN ID assigned to untagged frames received on ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 9 } hh3cOnuEncryptKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The encryption key, used to encrypt all downstream traffic destined to and/or upstream traffic originating from a specific ONU. It is a zero length, or MD5 hashed string, by default, the string is empty. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 10 } hh3cOnuUniUpDownTrapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true - A notification will be sent when UNI link status is change. false - Device will not sent notification when UNI link status is change. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 11 } hh3cOnuFecStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Value that indicates status of the 1000BASE-PX PHY optional FEC Sublayer for forward error correction (include remote onu and local OLT) see [802.3ah] clause 65.2 enable - enable forward error correction. disable - disable forward error correction. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 12 } hh3cOnuMcastCtrlHostAgingTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The host aging time of multicast control mode on ONU, ranging from 200 to 1000, measured in seconds. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 13 } hh3cOnuMulticastFastLeaveEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - Enable multicast fast leave attribute on all ethernet UNIs of the ONU. false(2) - Disable multicast fast leave attribute on all ethernet UNIs of the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 14 } hh3cOnuPortIsolateEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - Enable port isolate setting on all ethernet UNIs of the ONU. false(2) - Disable port isolate setting on all ethernet UNIs of the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 15 } hh3cOnuMacAddressTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " no-aging(0) - Disable aging. others - Aging time(seconds). " DEFVAL { 300 } ::= { hh3cOnuSysManEntry 16 } -- -- hh3cOnuLinkTestTable -- hh3cOnuLinkTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " LLID link test applying to the ONU only including delay measurement option. The command tests a link to a single LLID over a period of time or once, using a variable number of measurement frames. The length of the measurement frames is also parameterized. The test uses a loopback mode of the ONU to return each measurement frame, loopback activation is done using randomly patterned OAM Protocol Data Unit(PDU) frames. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 2 } hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestTable 1 } Hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNum Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameSize Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestDelay TruthValue, hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanTag TruthValue, hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanPriority Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanTagID Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultSentFrameNum Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultRetFrameNum Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultRetErrFrameNum Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMinDelay Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMeanDelay Integer32, hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMaxDelay Integer32 } hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Exact number of measurement frames. " DEFVAL { 20 } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 1 } hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(60..1514) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Measurement frames data size, measured in bytes. Not including Preamble, SFD, VLAN tag, and FCS. Frame size minimum value is 56 - if VLAN tag is enabled('VLAN enable' field is set to ENABLE), and 60 - if VLAN tag is disabled. The actual measurement frames sent to the PON are always minimum 60 bytes long. When VLAN tag is enabled, the actual measurement frames size including FCS may reach (1514+4+4=)1522 bytes. 60(60 is VLAN tag disabled) - 1514 . " DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 2 } hh3cOnuLinkTestDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Link test includes delay measurement, which corresponds to the difference between sent and received times(including granting delay and firmware processing time overheads). false:Link test not includes a delay measurement. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 3 } hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable VLAN tag in link test frames. false:Link test not includes frames with VLAN tag. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 4 } hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " VLAN priority: 0-7. " DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 5 } hh3cOnuLinkTestVlanTagID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " VLAN ID: 1-4094. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 6 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultSentFrameNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The total number of frames sent during the link test process. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 7 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultRetFrameNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The total number of frames return back during the link test process. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 8 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultRetErrFrameNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The total number of error frames return back during the link test process. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 9 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMinDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The minimum delay time in TQ units, which corresponds to the difference between sent and received times (including granting delay and firmware processing time overheads). It's invalid if the field 'hh3cOnuLinkTestDelay' is set to be true. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 10 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMeanDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The average delay time in TQ units, which corresponds to the difference between sent and received times (including granting delay and firmware processing time overheads). It's invalid if the field 'hh3cOnuLinkTestDelay' is set to be true. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 11 } hh3cOnuLinkTestResultMaxDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The maximum delay time in TQ units, which corresponds to the difference between sent and received times (including granting delay and firmware processing time overheads). It's invalid if the field 'hh3cOnuLinkTestDelay' is set to be true. " ::= { hh3cOnuLinkTestEntry 12 } -- -- hh3cOnuBandWidthTable -- hh3cOnuBandWidthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set bandwidth policy parameters(restrictions)for a LLID (only for the ONU). Default policies are set to disable. Policy parameters will be erased upon LLID network disconnection. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 3 } hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of table hh3cOnuBandWidthTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthTable 1 } Hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuDownStreamBandWidthPolicy TruthValue, hh3cOnuDownStreamMaxBandWidth Integer32, hh3cOnuDownStreamMaxBurstSize Integer32, hh3cOnuDownStreamHighPriorityFirst TruthValue, hh3cOnuDownStreamShortFrameFirst TruthValue, hh3cOnuP2PBandWidthPolicy TruthValue, hh3cOnuP2PMaxBandWidth Integer32, hh3cOnuP2PMaxBurstSize Integer32, hh3cOnuP2PHighPriorityFirst TruthValue, hh3cOnuP2PShortFrameFirst TruthValue } hh3cOnuDownStreamBandWidthPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable static bandwidth configuration policing. false:Disable static bandwidth configuration policing. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 1 } hh3cOnuDownStreamMaxBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximum bandwidth allowed for the ONU, measured in Kbits/Sec. " DEFVAL { 1000000 } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 2 } hh3cOnuDownStreamMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8388480) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximal number of bytes in a burst. The value is truncated to the nearest smaller 128 bytes multiple value, measured in bytes. " DEFVAL { 8388480 } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 3 } hh3cOnuDownStreamHighPriorityFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable high priority frames preference. false:Disable high priority frames preference. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 4 } hh3cOnuDownStreamShortFrameFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable short frames preference. false:Disable short frames preference. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 5 } hh3cOnuP2PBandWidthPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable static bandwidth configuration policing. false:Disable static bandwidth configuration policing. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 6 } hh3cOnuP2PMaxBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1000000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximum bandwidth allowed for the ONU, measured in Kbits/Sec. " DEFVAL { 1000000 } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 7 } hh3cOnuP2PMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..8388480) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximal number of bytes in a burst. The value is truncated to the nearest smaller 128 bytes multiple value, measured in bytes. " DEFVAL { 8388480 } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 8 } hh3cOnuP2PHighPriorityFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable high priority frames preference. false:Disable high priority frames preference. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 9 } hh3cOnuP2PShortFrameFirst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true:Enable short frames preference. false:Disable short frames preference. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuBandWidthEntry 10 } -- -- hh3cOnuSlaManTable -- hh3cOnuSlaManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuSlaManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Two types of DBA algorithm are supported in the ONU. The internal SLA based algorithm is always activated. This table defines the primary parameter about the internal SLA algorithm. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 4 } hh3cOnuSlaManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuSlaManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of table hh3cOnuSlaManTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManTable 1 } Hh3cOnuSlaManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaDelay INTEGER, hh3cOnuSlaFixedBandWidth Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaPriorityClass Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaFixedPacketSize Integer32, hh3cOnuSlaWrrBandWidth Integer32 } hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximum bandwidth - measured in Kbit/s. The value of this object should be the multiple of the value of hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal. The minimum bandwidth should not be larger than the maximum bandwidth. " ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 1 } hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Minimum bandwidth - measured in Kbit/s. The value of this object should be the multiple of the value of hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal. The maximum bandwidth should be larger than the minimum bandwidth. " ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 2 } hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Granularity of bandwidth - measured in Kbit/s. The value of hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth and hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth should be the multiple of the value of this object. " ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 3 } hh3cOnuSlaDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { low(1), high(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " low - low delay. high - high delay. The delay constraint of a specific ONU. Set to high may improve the bandwidth usage at the cost of delay. " DEFVAL { low } ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 4 } hh3cOnuSlaFixedBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fixed bandwidth - measured in Kbit/s. The value of this object should be the multiple of the value of hh3cOnuSlaBandWidthStepVal. " ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 5 } hh3cOnuSlaPriorityClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Precedence of this flow over others in case of contention. 0 is the lowest priority and 7 is the highest priority. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 6 } hh3cOnuSlaFixedPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fixed packet size - measured in byte. The value of this object should be valid when hh3cOnuSlaFixedBandWidth is configured. " ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 7 } hh3cOnuSlaWrrBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The WRR weight will be used to compute the remaining bandwidth allocation after each CIR has been guaranteed. " DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { hh3cOnuSlaManEntry 8 } -- -- hh3cOnuInfoTable -- hh3cOnuInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Primary status of the specified ONU. There will be one row in this table for each information in the system. (1)Software and hardware versions of the specified ONU (hh3cOnuHardMajorVersion, hh3cOnuHardMinorVersion, hh3cOnuUniMacType) (2)Several physical capabilities of the ONU. (hh3cOnuLaserOnTime, hh3cOnuLaserOffTime, hh3cOnuGrantFifoDep.) (3)The operation(activation) status of the ONU. (hh3cOnuWorkMode) " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 5 } hh3cOnuInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuInfoTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOnuInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuHardMajorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuHardMinorVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuSoftwareVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUniMacType INTEGER, hh3cOnuLaserOnTime Integer32, hh3cOnuLaserOffTime Integer32, hh3cOnuGrantFifoDep Integer32, hh3cOnuWorkMode INTEGER, hh3cOnuPCBVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuRtt Unsigned32, hh3cOnuEEPROMVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuRegType OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuHostType OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuDistance Integer32, hh3cOnuLlid Integer32, hh3cOnuVendorId OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuFirmwareVersion OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuOpticalPowerReceivedByOlt Integer32, hh3cOnuInfoMac MacAddress, hh3cOnuInfoLoid OCTET STRING } hh3cOnuHardMajorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU hardware major version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 1 } hh3cOnuHardMinorVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU hardware minor version. If the object length is zero, it means the version is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 2 } hh3cOnuSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU software version. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 3 } hh3cOnuUniMacType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), mii(2), gmii(3), tbi(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU User Network Interface(UNI) port MAC type. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 4 } hh3cOnuLaserOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU laser on time measured in TQ units. If the object value is 0x7FFFFFFF, it means hh3cOnuLaserOnTime is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 5 } hh3cOnuLaserOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU laser off time measured in TQ units. If the object value is 0x7FFFFFFF, it means hh3cOnuLaserOffTime is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 6 } hh3cOnuGrantFifoDep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..255|2147483647) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Maximal number of grant records an ONU can store, relevant to ONU only. range: 1 - 255. 0x7FFFFFFF: unknown value. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 7 } hh3cOnuWorkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), on(2), pending(3), off(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The operation(activation) mode of an ONU. other(1) - ONU is in another mode. on(2) - ONU is registered and authorized to the network. In this mode it works as a media converter. pending(3) - ONU has been registered to the PON, but not authorized to the network. off(4) - ONU is not registered to the network. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 8 } hh3cOnuPCBVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU PCB version. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 9 } hh3cOnuRtt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The signal round-trip-time(RTT) received. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 10 } hh3cOnuEEPROMVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU EEPROM version. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 11 } hh3cOnuRegType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU registered type. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 12 } hh3cOnuHostType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU host type. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 13 } hh3cOnuDistance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The distance between OLT and ONU, measured in meter. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 14 } hh3cOnuLlid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The link layer identifier, which uniquely identifies the ONU of a specific OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 15 } hh3cOnuVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU vendor ID. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 16 } hh3cOnuFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU firmware version. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 17 } hh3cOnuOpticalPowerReceivedByOlt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The burst ONU optical power received by OLT, and when the ONU status is up the value is usable. It measured in 0.01 dBm unit. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 18 } hh3cOnuInfoMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU's MAC. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 19 } hh3cOnuInfoLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU's LOID. " ::= { hh3cOnuInfoEntry 20 } -- -- hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoTable -- hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table used for getting MAC address information of ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 6 } hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cEponOnuMacAddrInfoTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuMacIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuMacIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuMacAddrFlag INTEGER, hh3cOnuMacAddress MacAddress } hh3cOnuMacIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The index of ONUs in one OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry 1 } hh3cOnuMacAddrFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bound(1), registered(2), run(3), regIncorrect(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The flag of ONU status. 1 - bound: The ONU is bound but not registered. 2 - registered: The ONU is registered but not bound. 3 - run: The ONU is registered and bound on one OLT. 4 - regIncorrect: The ONU is bound on one OLT and registered on another OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry 2 } hh3cOnuMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC address of ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuMacAddrInfoEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable -- hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions for ONUs: Bind MAC of ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 7 } hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuBindMacAddrTable 1 } Hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuBindMacAddress MacAddress, hh3cOnuBindType Integer32, hh3cOnuBindLoid OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuBindPassword OCTET STRING } hh3cOnuBindMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Bind the MAC of ONU. While the MAC is not bound, the ONU can not go into effect and configurations can not be set. Set 0-0-0 (MAC address) to the EPON device port will unbind the relationship with the original MAC and configurations will be set to default values. " ::= { hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry 1 } hh3cOnuBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the binding type with the ONU which is confined to the index of hh3cEponOnuTypeDescr. " ::= { hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry 2 } hh3cOnuBindLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Bind the LOID of ONU. While the LOID is not bound, the ONU can not go into effect and configurations can not be set. " ::= { hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry 3 } hh3cOnuBindPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..12)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The password of LOID by using LOID-PASSWORD binding type to bind ONU. A zero-length string will be returned when reading. " ::= { hh3cOnuBindMacAddrEntry 4 } -- -- hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable -- hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions for ONUs: 1. Update the ONU firmware. 2. Result of update ONU firmware. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 8 } hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateTable 1 } Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuUpdate INTEGER, hh3cOnuUpdateResult INTEGER, hh3cOnuUpdateFileName OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUpdateProtType INTEGER, hh3cOnuUpdateStartTime OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUpdateDuration Integer32 } hh3cOnuUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { update(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " update(1): Update the ONU firmware. Config the MIB object module hh3cEponOnuUpdateFileName with the filename of ONU firmware first. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 1 } hh3cOnuUpdateResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { updating(1), ok(2), fail(3), fileNotExist(4), notSetFilename(5), fileNotMatchONU(6), timeout(7), otherError(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU firmware update result. updating - The ONU is updating firmware right now. ok - The ONU update result is OK. fail - The ONU update result is fail. fileNotExist - The ONU update failed because the file does not exist. notSetFilename - The ONU firmware filename is not set. fileNotMatchONU - The ONU firmware does not match the ONU. timeout - The ONU responses timeout. otherError - The ONU update result is unknown. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 2 } hh3cOnuUpdateFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The filename of the ONU firmware to be updated. Note that the filename must contain the file path. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 3 } hh3cOnuUpdateProtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { private(0), ctc(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " private(0): Using private protocol to update the ONU firmware. ctc(1): Using ctc standard protocol to update the ONU firmware. " DEFVAL { private } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 4 } hh3cOnuUpdateStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..5)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The start time of the ONU update every day. Using HH:MM as format. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 5 } hh3cOnuUpdateDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1439) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The duration of the ONU update. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateEntry 6 } hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNumMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The lower limit of measurement frames which is confined to hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNum." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 9 } hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNumMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The upper limit of measurement frames which is confined to hh3cOnuLinkTestFrameNum." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 10 } hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of maximum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 11 } hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of maximum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 12 } hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of minimum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 13 } hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of minimum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 14 } -- -- hh3cEponOnuTypeManTable -- hh3cEponOnuTypeManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting ONU bind type in current version. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 15 } hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cEponOnuTypeManTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponOnuTypeIndex } ::= { hh3cEponOnuTypeManTable 1 } Hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponOnuTypeIndex Integer32, hh3cEponOnuTypeDescr OCTET STRING } hh3cEponOnuTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU type index. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry 1 } hh3cEponOnuTypeDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ONU type description which can be used to bind ONU in current version. the value of hh3cOnuBindType can be configured by the index of hh3cEponOnuTypeDescr. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuTypeManEntry 2 } hh3cOnuPacketManTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuPacketManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions: (1)Manage packet priority trust mode. (2)Manage packet queue-scheduler mode. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 16 } hh3cOnuPacketManEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuPacketManEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuPacketManTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuPacketManTable 1 } Hh3cOnuPacketManEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuPriorityTrust INTEGER, hh3cOnuQueueScheduler INTEGER } hh3cOnuPriorityTrust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dscp(1), ipprecedence(2), cos(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The QOS mode which is assigned on ONU. dscp - The service dscp of politic Priority. ipprecedence - The service IP precedence of politic Priority. cos - The service cos of politic Priority. " DEFVAL { cos } ::= { hh3cOnuPacketManEntry 1 } hh3cOnuQueueScheduler OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { spq(1), wfq(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The packet queue-scheduler mode which is assigned on ONU. spq - strict priority queuing. wfq - specifies the weights for weighted round-robin queuing. " DEFVAL { spq } ::= { hh3cOnuPacketManEntry 2 } hh3cOnuProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions: (1)Manage STP status. (2)Manage IGMP-snooping. (3)Manage DHCP-snooping. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 17 } hh3cOnuProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuProtocolTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolTable 1 } Hh3cOnuProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuStpStatus TruthValue, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingStatus TruthValue, hh3cOnuDhcpsnoopingOption82 TruthValue, hh3cOnuDhcpsnooping TruthValue, hh3cOnuPppoe TruthValue, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingHostAgingT Integer32, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingMaxRespT Integer32, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingRouterAgingT Integer32, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggReportS TruthValue, hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggLeaveS TruthValue } hh3cOnuStpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - STP status enable on ONU. false(2) - STP status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 1 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - IGMP snooping status enable on ONU. false(2) - IGMP snooping status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 2 } hh3cOnuDhcpsnoopingOption82 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - DHCP snooping Option 82 status enable on ONU. false(2) - DHCP snooping Option 82 status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 3 } hh3cOnuDhcpsnooping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - DHCP snooping status enable on ONU. false(2) - DHCP snooping status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 4 } hh3cOnuPppoe OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - PPPOE status enable on ONU. false(2) - PPPOE status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 5 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingHostAgingT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the host aging time of IGMP on ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 6 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingMaxRespT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the max response time of IGMP on ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 7 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingRouterAgingT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the router aging time of IGMP on ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 8 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggReportS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - Igmp snooping aggregation report status enable on ONU. false(2) - Igmp snooping aggregation report status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 9 } hh3cOnuIgmpSnoopingAggLeaveS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - Igmp snooping aggregation leave status enable on ONU. false(2) - Igmp snooping aggregation leave status disable on ONU. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuProtocolEntry 10 } hh3cOnuDot1xTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuDot1xEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table implements the following functions: (1)Manage 802.1x account. (2)Manage 802.1x password. ONU will be authorized to send and receive frames when the account and the password are all right, otherwise this ONU will be unavailable. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 18 } hh3cOnuDot1xEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuDot1xEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuDot1xTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuDot1xTable 1 } Hh3cOnuDot1xEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuDot1xAccount OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuDot1xPassword OCTET STRING } hh3cOnuDot1xAccount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU 802.1X account. The object value cannot be set as 'a', 'al' or 'all'. The object should be set together with hh3cOnuDot1xPassword. " ::= { hh3cOnuDot1xEntry 1 } hh3cOnuDot1xPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU 802.1X password. The object should be set together with hh3cOnuDot1xAccount. " ::= { hh3cOnuDot1xEntry 2 } hh3cEponBatchOperationMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 6 } -- -- hh3cOnuPriorityQueueTable -- hh3cOnuPriorityQueueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains specific information of priority queue. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 19 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuPriorityQueueTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuQueueDirection, hh3cOnuQueueId } ::= { hh3cOnuPriorityQueueTable 1 } Hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuQueueDirection INTEGER, hh3cOnuQueueId Integer32, hh3cOnuQueueSize Integer32 } hh3cOnuQueueDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { inbound(1), outbound(2) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The direction of priority queue. " ::= { hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry 1 } hh3cOnuQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The queue ID of priority queue. " ::= { hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry 2 } hh3cOnuQueueSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The size of priority queue, measured in percent. The total length of all priority queues is a constant, by default, it is assigned to all of the priority queues evenly. The length of each priority queue may be changed by changing the value of hh3cOnuPriorityQueueSize. The total size of the inbound or outbound priority queues should be not more than 100. " ::= { hh3cOnuPriorityQueueEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuCountTable -- hh3cOnuCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains statistics of ONU port. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 20 } hh3cOnuCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuCountTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuCountTable 1 } Hh3cOnuCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuInCRCErrPkts Counter64, hh3cOnuOutDroppedFrames Counter64 } hh3cOnuInCRCErrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The total number of frames received with bad CRC checksum. " ::= { hh3cOnuCountEntry 1 } hh3cOnuOutDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The total number of frames dropped because of buffer failure. " ::= { hh3cOnuCountEntry 2 } hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 21 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueSizeMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of queue size which is confined to hh3cOnuQueueSize. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 1 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueSizeMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of queue size which is confined to hh3cOnuQueueSize. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 2 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBandwidthMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of hh3cOnuQueueMaxBandwidth. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 3 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBandwidthMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of hh3cOnuQueueMaxBandwidth. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 4 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBurstsizeMinVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of hh3cOnuQueueMaxBurstsize. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 5 } hh3cOnuPriorityQueueBurstsizeMaxVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of hh3cOnuQueueMaxBurstsize. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 6 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Offer a free index of hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuScalarGroup 7 } -- -- hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthTable -- hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains specific bandwidth information of ONU priority queue. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 22 } hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuQueueDirection, hh3cOnuQueueId } ::= { hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthTable 1 } Hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuQueueMaxBandwidth Integer32, hh3cOnuQueueMaxBurstsize Integer32, hh3cOnuQueuePolicyStatus TruthValue } hh3cOnuQueueMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The maximum bandwidth of specific ONU priority queue, measured in 100Kbps. " ::= { hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry 1 } hh3cOnuQueueMaxBurstsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The maximum burst size of specific ONU priority queue, measured in 64Bytes. " ::= { hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry 2 } hh3cOnuQueuePolicyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true - enable bandwidth policy false - disable bandwidth policy The bandwidth administrative status of specific ONU priority queue. " ::= { hh3cOnuQueueBandwidthEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuIpAddressTable -- hh3cOnuIpAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU IP address table. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 23 } hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuIpAddressTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressTable 1 } Hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuIpAddress IpAddress, hh3cOnuIpAddressMask IpAddress, hh3cOnuIpAddressGateway IpAddress, hh3cOnuDhcpallocate TruthValue, hh3cOnuManageVID Integer32, hh3cOnuManageVlanIntfS TruthValue } hh3cOnuIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The IP address assigned to the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 1 } hh3cOnuIpAddressMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The mask of IP address denoted by hh3cOnuIpAddress. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 2 } hh3cOnuIpAddressGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The gateway of IP address denoted by hh3cOnuIpAddress. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 3 } hh3cOnuDhcpallocate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - ONU auto allocate IP address status enable. false(2) - ONU auto allocate IP address status disable. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 4 } hh3cOnuManageVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The management VLAN of ONU denoted by hh3cOnuManageVID. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 5 } hh3cOnuManageVlanIntfS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The management interface status of ONU denoted by hh3cOnuManageVlanIntfS. " ::= { hh3cOnuIpAddressEntry 6 } -- -- hh3cOnuChipSetInfoTable -- hh3cOnuChipSetInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU vendor specific information of ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 24 } hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cOnuChipSetInfoTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuChipSetInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuChipSetVendorId OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuChipSetModel OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuChipSetRevision Integer32, hh3cOnuChipSetDesignDate DateAndTime } hh3cOnuChipSetVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chipset vendor ID, which identifies the ONU's PON chip vendor according JEDEC ID code. " ::= { hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry 1 } hh3cOnuChipSetModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chip model, numbering(range from 0 to 0xFF) by the chip vendor. " ::= { hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry 2 } hh3cOnuChipSetRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chip revision. " ::= { hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry 3 } hh3cOnuChipSetDesignDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chip design date. " ::= { hh3cOnuChipSetInfoEntry 4 } -- -- hh3cOnuCapabilityTable -- hh3cOnuCapabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Capability of ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 25 } hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuCapabilityTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityTable 1 } Hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuServiceSupported BITS, hh3cOnuGEPortNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuFEPortNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuPOTSPortNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuE1PortsNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuUpstreamQueueNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuMaxUpstreamQueuePerPort Integer32, hh3cOnuDownstreamQueueNumber Integer32, hh3cOnuMaxDownstreamQueuePerPort Integer32, hh3cOnuBatteryBackup TruthValue, hh3cOnuIgspFastLeaveSupported TruthValue, hh3cOnuMCtrlFastLeaveSupported TruthValue, hh3cOnuType Integer32, hh3cOnuMultiLLID Integer32, hh3cOnuProtectionType Integer32, hh3cOnuPonIFNum Integer32, hh3cOnuSlotNum Integer32, hh3cOnuIPv6Supported Integer32, hh3cOnuPowerSupplyControl Integer32, hh3cOnuServiceSLA Integer32 } hh3cOnuServiceSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { geinterfacesupport(0), feinterfacesupport(1), voipservicesupport(2), tdmservicesupport(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Services types supported by the ONU. These functional groups can be supported independently. geinterfacesupport - supporting (1)/not supporting(0) Gbit Ethernet GE interface. feinterfacesupport - supporting (1)/not supporting(0) 100M Ethernet FE interface.(maximum rate is 100M, without GEinterface) voipservicesupport - supporting (1)/not supporting(0)VoIP service. tdmservicesupport - supporting (1)/not supporting(0)TDM CES service. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 1 } hh3cOnuGEPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current gigabit ethernet ports number supported by the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 2 } hh3cOnuFEPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " the current fast ethernet ports number supported by the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 3 } hh3cOnuPOTSPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current POTS ports number supported by the ONU " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 4 } hh3cOnuE1PortsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The current E1 ports number supported by the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 5 } hh3cOnuUpstreamQueueNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of upstream queues supported by the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 6 } hh3cOnuMaxUpstreamQueuePerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of maximum upstream queues per port of the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 7 } hh3cOnuDownstreamQueueNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of downstream queues supported by the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 8 } hh3cOnuMaxDownstreamQueuePerPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of maximum downstream queues per port of the ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 9 } hh3cOnuBatteryBackup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - ONU supports a reserve battery. false(2) - ONU does not support a reserve battery. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 10 } hh3cOnuIgspFastLeaveSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - ONU supports fast leave in igsp mode. false(2) - ONU does not support fast leave in igsp mode. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 11 } hh3cOnuMCtrlFastLeaveSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true(1) - ONU supports fast leave in multicast control mode. false(2) - ONU does not support fast leave in multicast control mode. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 12 } hh3cOnuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " ONU type: SFU(0) HGU(1) SBU(2) MDU(3) which is cassette equipment and uses Ethernet access as broadband MDU(4) which is small card equipment and uses Ethernet access as broadband MDU(5) which is small card equipment and uses DSL access as broadband MDU(6) which is middle card equipment and uses DSL access as broadband MDU(7) which is card equipment and can use both Ethernet and DSL access as broadband MTU(8) " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 13 } hh3cOnuMultiLLID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (0) - Invalid value. (1) - ONU supports one LLID. other - ONU supports multiple LLIDs. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 14 } hh3cOnuProtectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (0) - Not supported. (1) - ONU supports type C optical link protection. (2) - ONU supports type D optical link protection. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 15 } hh3cOnuPonIFNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (1) - ONU support one PON interface. (2) - ONU support two PON interfaces. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 16 } hh3cOnuSlotNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The slot number of a card ONU. If the ONU is not card equipment, 0 is returned. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 17 } hh3cOnuIPv6Supported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (0) - ONU supports IPv6. (1) - ONU does not support IPv6. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 18 } hh3cOnuPowerSupplyControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (0) - ONU does not support ONU power supply control. (1) - ONU supports Tx power supply control only. The Tx and Rx power supply can only be controlled together whereby Rx power supply is also shutdown when Tx power supply is shutdown. (2) - ONU supports both Tx and Rx power supply control. In this case, Tx and Rx power supply can be controlled separately whereby Rx power supply is still on while Tx power supply is shutdown. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 19 } hh3cOnuServiceSLA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " (1) - ONU does not support SLA services. (2~8) - ONU supports 2~8 SLA services. " ::= { hh3cOnuCapabilityEntry 20 } -- -- hh3cOnuDbaReportTable -- hh3cOnuDbaReportTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table defines the information of DBA(dynamic bandwidth allocation) report threshold contained in the MPCP report frames. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 26 } hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuDbaReportTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueId } ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReportTable 1 } Hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueId Integer32, hh3cOnuDbaReportThreshold Integer32, hh3cOnuDbaReportStatus INTEGER } hh3cOnuDbaReportQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The DBA report queue ID. " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry 1 } hh3cOnuDbaReportThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The threshold of the DBA report queue. the following is the queue ID and the related default threshold setting. 1 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 0 4 - 65535 5 - 65535 6 - 0 7 - 0 8 - 0 " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry 2 } hh3cOnuDbaReportStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " enable -threshold configuration is active for the queue. disable -threshold configuration is not active for the queue. " DEFVAL { disable } ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReportEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceTable -- hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of map of the COS to local-precedence." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 27 } hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration information of map of the COS to local precedence." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceCosIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceTable 1 } Hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceCosIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceValue Integer32 } hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceCosIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the map, obtains from packet cos value." ::={ hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry 1 } hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of local precedence." ::={ hh3cOnuCosToLocalPrecedenceEntry 2 } -- -- hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable -- hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of ONU STP ports." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 28 } hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Configuration information of ONU STP ports." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cEponStpPortIndex } ::= { hh3cEponOnuStpPortTable 1 } Hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponStpPortIndex Integer32, hh3cEponStpPortDescr OCTET STRING, hh3cEponStpPortState INTEGER } hh3cEponStpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..144) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the STP ports." ::={ hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry 1 } hh3cEponStpPortDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the STP ports." ::={ hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry 2 } hh3cEponStpPortState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(1), discarding(2), learning(3), forwarding(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the port (i.e. disabled, discarding, learning and forwarding)." ::={ hh3cEponOnuStpPortEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuPhysicalTable -- hh3cOnuPhysicalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting ONU physical information. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 29 } hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuPhysicalTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalTable 1 } Hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuBridgeMac MacAddress, hh3cOnuFirstPonMac MacAddress, hh3cOnuFirstPonRegState INTEGER, hh3cOnuSecondPonMac MacAddress, hh3cOnuSecondPonRegState INTEGER } hh3cOnuBridgeMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The bridge MAC address of ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry 1 } hh3cOnuFirstPonMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC address of ONU first PON port. " ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry 2 } hh3cOnuFirstPonRegState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notExist(1), absent(2), offline(3), silent(4), down(5), up(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The register state of ONU first PON port. " ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry 3 } hh3cOnuSecondPonMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC address of ONU second PON port. " ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry 4 } hh3cOnuSecondPonRegState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notExist(1), absent(2), offline(3), silent(4), down(5), up(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The register state of ONU second PON port. " ::= { hh3cOnuPhysicalEntry 5 } -- -- hh3cOnuSmlkTable -- hh3cOnuSmlkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuSmlkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting ONU SMLK information. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 30 } hh3cOnuSmlkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuSmlkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuSmlkTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuSmlkGroupID } ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkTable 1 } Hh3cOnuSmlkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuSmlkGroupID Integer32, hh3cOnuSmlkFirstPonRole INTEGER, hh3cOnuSmlkFirstPonStatus INTEGER, hh3cOnuSmlkSecondPonRole INTEGER, hh3cOnuSmlkSecondPonStatus INTEGER } hh3cOnuSmlkGroupID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The SMLK group ID of ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkEntry 1 } hh3cOnuSmlkFirstPonRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2), null(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The role of ONU first PON port in a SMLK group. " ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkEntry 2 } hh3cOnuSmlkFirstPonStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), standby(2), down(3), null(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The transmitting status of ONU first PON port in a SMLK group. " ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkEntry 3 } hh3cOnuSmlkSecondPonRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { master(1), slave(2), null(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The role of ONU second PON port in a SMLK group. " ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkEntry 4 } hh3cOnuSmlkSecondPonStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), standby(2), down(3), null(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The transmitting status of ONU second PON port in a SMLK group. " ::= { hh3cOnuSmlkEntry 5 } -- -- hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesTable -- hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Property table." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 31 } hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry of property table." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesTable 1 } Hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485BaudRate INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485DataBits INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485Parity INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485StopBits INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485FlowControl INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485TXOctets Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485RXOctets Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485TXErrOctets Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485RXErrOctets Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485ResetStatistics INTEGER } hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of serial port." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 1 } hh3cOnuRS485BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { baudRate300(1), baudRate600(2), baudRate1200(3), baudRate2400(4), baudRate4800(5), baudRate9600(6), baudRate19200(7), baudRate38400(8), baudRate57600(9), baudRate115200(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port baud rate." DEFVAL { baudRate9600 } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 2 } hh3cOnuRS485DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { five(1), -- 5 data bits six(2), -- 6 data bits seven(3), -- 7 data bits eight(4) -- 8 data bits } UNITS "bit" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of data bits in a character." DEFVAL { eight } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 3 } hh3cOnuRS485Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), odd(2), even(3), mark(4), space(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port sense of a character parity bit." DEFVAL { none } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 4 } hh3cOnuRS485StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { one(1), -- 1 stop bit two(2), -- 2 stop bits oneAndHalf(3) -- 1.5 stop bits } UNITS "bit" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port number of stop bits." DEFVAL { one } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 5 } hh3cOnuRS485FlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{ none(1), hardware(2), xonOrxoff(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port type of input flow control. 'none' indicates no flow control at this level. 'hardware' indicates using hardware signals. 'xonOrxoff' indicates using software function." DEFVAL { none } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 6 } hh3cOnuRS485TXOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of output octets about the port. The unit is byte." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 7 } hh3cOnuRS485RXOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input octets about the port. The unit is byte." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 8 } hh3cOnuRS485TXErrOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of output error octets about the port. The unit is byte." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 9 } hh3cOnuRS485RXErrOctets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of input error octets about the port. The unit is byte." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 10 } hh3cOnuRS485ResetStatistics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { counting(1), clear(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the counters to zero, including hh3cOnuRS485TXOctets, hh3cOnuRS485RXOctets, hh3cOnuRS485TXErrOctets and hh3cOnuRS485RXErrOctets." DEFVAL { counting } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485PropertiesEntry 11 } -- -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryTable -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Session summary table." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 32 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry of session summary table." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryTable 1 } Hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ hh3cOnuRS485SessionMaxNum Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485SessionNextIndex Integer32 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionMaxNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The max session number of every serial port which can be supported." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry 1 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The next valid index used for creating a new session raw. When there is no valid index left, it will return 0. " ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionSummaryEntry 2 } -- -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionTable -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RS485 raw session table. Data received from RS485 will be sent to the destination by raw sockets. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 33 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry of session table." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SessionIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionTable 1 } Hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ hh3cOnuRS485SessionIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485SessionType INTEGER, hh3cOnuRS485SessionAddType InetAddressType, hh3cOnuRS485SessionRemoteIP InetAddress, hh3cOnuRS485SessionRemotePort Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485SessionLocalPort Integer32, hh3cOnuRS485SessionRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cOnuRS485SessionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..64) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raw session index." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 1 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { udp(1), tcpClient(2), tcpServer(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of a session. A session can use UDP socket, TCP socket as a client, or TCP socket as a server." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 2 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionAddType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the transport type of the address contained in hh3cOnuRS485SessionRemoteIP object." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 3 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionRemoteIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP of remote landing. When session type is 'udp', this is the peer IP. When session type is 'tcpClient', this is the server IP. When session type is 'tcpServer', this is invalid. " ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 4 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionRemotePort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port of remote landing. When session type is 'udp', this is the peer port. When session type is 'tcpClient', this is the server port. When session type is 'tcpServer', this is invalid. " ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 5 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1024..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local socket port. When session type is 'udp', this is local UDP socket port. When session type is 'tcpClient', this is invalid. When session type is 'tcpServer', this is the local port which will be listened. " ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 6 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status used for creating, modifying, and deleting instances of the columnar objects in raw session table." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionEntry 7 } -- -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoTable -- hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error information table. When failed to create a session, error information can be got from this table." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 34 } hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The entry of error information table." INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SerialIndex, hh3cOnuRS485SessionIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE{ hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfo DisplayString } hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error information string. When a response with 'noCreeation' for row creation in table hh3cOnuRS485SessionTable, the error reason can be got from this object." ::= { hh3cOnuRS485SessionErrInfoEntry 1 } -- -- hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table -- hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table defines the information of DBA(dynamic bandwidth allocation) report threshold contained in the MPCP report frames. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 35 } hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueSetId, hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueId } ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReport2Table 1 } Hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueSetId Integer32, hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueId Integer32, hh3cOnuDbaReport2Threshold Integer32, hh3cOnuDbaReport2Status TruthValue } hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueSetId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The DBA report queue set ID. " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry 1 } hh3cOnuDbaReport2QueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..8) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The DBA report queue ID. " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry 2 } hh3cOnuDbaReport2Threshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The thresholds of the DBA report queue. The following are the queue ID and the related default threshold settings. 1 - 0 2 - 0 3 - 0 4 - 65535 5 - 65535 6 - 0 7 - 0 8 - 0 " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry 3 } hh3cOnuDbaReport2Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " true -threshold configuration is active for the queue. false -threshold configuration is not active for the queue. " ::= { hh3cOnuDbaReport2Entry 4 } -- -- hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable -- hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for getting LOID information of an ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 36 } hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cOnuLoidIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuLoidInfoTable 1 } Hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuLoidIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuLoidFlag INTEGER, hh3cOnuLoid OCTET STRING } hh3cOnuLoidIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The index of an ONU in one OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry 1 } hh3cOnuLoidFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bound(1), registered(2), run(3), regIncorrect(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The flag of ONU status. 1 - bound: The ONU is bound but not registered. 2 - registered: The ONU is registered but not bound. 3 - run: The ONU is registered and bound on one OLT. 4 - regIncorrect: The ONU is bound on one OLT and registered on another OLT. " ::= { hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry 2 } hh3cOnuLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(1..24)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The LOID of an ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuLoidInfoEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuStatisticsTable -- hh3cOnuStatisticsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for enabling or disabling statistics and setting period of a PON. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 37 } hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuStatisticsTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuStatisticsTable 1 } Hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuStatisticsPeriodVal Unsigned32, hh3cOnuStatisticsEnable TruthValue } hh3cOnuStatisticsPeriodVal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PON statistics period value. " ::= { hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry 1 } hh3cOnuStatisticsEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable or disable statistics of a PON. true(1) - alarm enable. false(2) - alarm disable. " ::= { hh3cOnuStatisticsEntry 2 } hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMinVal10G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of maximum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth for 10G EPON." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 38 } hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidthMaxVal10G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of maximum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMaxBandWidth for 10G EPON." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 39 } hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMinVal10G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The lower limit of minimum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth for 10G EPON." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 40 } hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidthMaxVal10G OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The upper limit of minimum-bandwidth which is confined to hh3cOnuSlaMinBandWidth for 10G EPON." ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 41 } -- -- hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable -- hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for setting the service SLA mode and applying the service SLA to an ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 42 } hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaTable 1 } Hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cSlaSchedulingMode INTEGER, hh3cSlaHighPrioBoundary Integer32, hh3cSlaCycleLength Integer32, hh3cSlaApply TruthValue } hh3cSlaSchedulingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp(0), wrr(1), spWrr(2), invalid(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA scheduling mode. " DEFVAL { invalid } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry 1 } hh3cSlaHighPrioBoundary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA high priority boundary in SP-WRR mode. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry 2 } hh3cSlaCycleLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(200..16777215) UNITS "time quantums" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA cycle length in time quantums. " DEFVAL { 62500 } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry 3 } hh3cSlaApply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Apply service SLA configuration. true(1) - Apply. false(2) - Not apply. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaEntry 4 } -- -- hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable -- hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for configuring service SLA queues. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 43 } hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable. " INDEX { ifIndex, hh3cSlaQueId } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueTable 1 } Hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cSlaQueId Integer32, hh3cSlaQueMode INTEGER, hh3cSlaQueWeight Integer32, hh3cSlaQueFixPktSize Integer32, hh3cSlaQueFixBandwidth Integer32, hh3cSlaQueGuaBandwidth Integer32, hh3cSlaQueBstBandwidth Integer32, hh3cSlaQueRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cSlaQueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue ID. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 1 } hh3cSlaQueMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp(0), wrr(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue mode. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 2 } hh3cSlaQueWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue weight in WRR mode. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 3 } hh3cSlaQueFixPktSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2000) UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue fixed packet size in bytes. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 4 } hh3cSlaQueFixBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue fixed bandwidth in kbps, which will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 256. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 5 } hh3cSlaQueGuaBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue guaranteed bandwidth in kbps, which will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 256. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 6 } hh3cSlaQueBstBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Service SLA queue best effort bandwidth in kbps, which will be rounded down to the nearest multiple of 256. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 7 } hh3cSlaQueRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this table entry. Only active, createAndGo, and destroy are supported. " ::= { hh3cOnuServiceSlaQueEntry 8 } -- -- hh3cOnuPoeTable -- hh3cOnuPoeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuPoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for configuring the PoE function for ONUs. " ::= { hh3cEponOnuMan 44 } hh3cOnuPoeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuPoeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuPoeTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuPoeTable 1 } Hh3cOnuPoeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuPoeEnable TruthValue, hh3cOnuPoeMode INTEGER, hh3cOnuPoeMaxPowerClass INTEGER, hh3cOnuPoeMaxPowerValue Integer32, hh3cOnuPoeLegacyEnable TruthValue } hh3cOnuPoeEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable PoE for an ONU. " DEFVAL { true } ::= { hh3cOnuPoeEntry 1 } hh3cOnuPoeMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { signal(0), spare(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the PoE mode for an ONU. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuPoeEntry 2 } hh3cOnuPoeMaxPowerClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(0), class0(1), class1(2), class2(3), class3(4), class4(5), undefined(255) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the PoE max power class for an ONU. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuPoeEntry 3 } hh3cOnuPoeMaxPowerValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "mW" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set the PoE max power value for an ONU. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuPoeEntry 4 } hh3cOnuPoeLegacyEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Enable the PoE legacy PD detection for an ONU. " ::= { hh3cOnuPoeEntry 5 } -- -- hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotTable -- hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for batch operation by slot. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationMan 1 } hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotTable. " INDEX { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotIndex } ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotTable 1 } Hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotIndex Integer32, hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotType INTEGER, hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlot INTEGER, hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotResult Integer32, hh3cEponBatchOpBySlotBindType BITS } hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The EPON board index. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry 1 } hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { resetUnknown(1), updateDba(9), updateONU(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The types of batch operation by slot: 1 - resetUnknown, the object value is not set. 9 - updateDba, update OLT DBA algorithm. Config the MIB object module hh3cEponDbaUpdateFileName. 10 - updateONU, update ONU firmware. Config the MIB object module hh3cEponOnuUpdateFileName with the filename of ONU firmware first. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry 2 } hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { batOpBySlot(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Execute batch operation. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry 3 } hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The result of batch operation. 0xFFFF - other, general error. 1 - working, operation is not completed. 2 - successful, completed successfully. 3 - failed because the DBA source file does not exist. 4 - failed because the ONU firmware file does not exist. 5 - failed because of not set the filename of DBA source. 6 - failed because of not set the filename of ONU firmware. 7 - failed because of not set slottype. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry 4 } hh3cEponBatchOpBySlotBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { mac(0), loid(1), loidPassword(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Set batch binding type, which can only be assigned one type. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationBySlotEntry 5 } -- -- hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTTable -- hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for batch operation by OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationMan 2 } hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTTable 1 } Hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTType INTEGER, hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLT INTEGER, hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTResult Integer32 } hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { resetUnknown(1), updateONU(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The types of batch operation by OLT(operation for all ONUs in the OLT): 1 -- resetUnknown, the object value is not set. 5 -- updateONU, update ONU firmware. configure the MIB object module hh3cEponOnuUpdateFileName with the filename of ONU firmware first. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry 1 } hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { batOpByOlt(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Execute batch operation. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry 2 } hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The result of batch operation: 0xFFFF -- other, general error. 1 -- working, operation is not completed. 2 -- successful, operation completed successfully. 4 -- failed because the ONU firmware file does not exist. 6 -- failed because of not set the filename of ONU firmware. 7 -- failed because of not set olttype. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationByOLTEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable -- hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used to update ONU by ONU type. " ::= { hh3cEponBatchOperationMan 3 } hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable. " INDEX { hh3cOnuUpdateByOnuTypeIndex } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeTable 1 } Hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cOnuUpdateByOnuTypeIndex Integer32, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeOnuType OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeFileName OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeRowStatus RowStatus, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeProtType INTEGER, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeStartTime OCTET STRING, hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeDuration Integer32 } hh3cOnuUpdateByOnuTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type and file relationship table entry index. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 1 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeOnuType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of ONUs. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 2 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The file to be updated for the type of ONUs. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 3 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The status of this table entry. Only createAndGo and destroy actions are supported. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 4 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeProtType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { private(0), ctc(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " private(0): Using private protocol to update the ONU firmware. ctc(1): Using ctc standard protocol to update the ONU firmware. " DEFVAL { private } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 5 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..5)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The start time of the ONU update every day. Using HH:MM as format. " ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 6 } hh3cOnuUpdateByTypeDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1439) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The duration of the ONU update. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { hh3cOnuFirmwareUpdateByTypeEntry 7 } hh3cEponErrorInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 7 } hh3cEponSoftwareErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OLT software error code. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 1 } hh3cOamVendorSpecificAlarmCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarm code of the vendor. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 2 } hh3cEponOnuRegErrorMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC of ONU registered error. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 3 } hh3cOamEventLogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The type of event that generated this entry in the event log. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 4 } hh3cOamEventLogLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER{local(1),remote(2)} MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Whether this event occurred locally, or was received from the OAM peer via Ethernet OAM. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 5 } hh3cEponLoopbackPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The index of port which generate loop back event. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 6 } hh3cEponLoopbackPortDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A textual string containing information about the port generated loop back event. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 7 } hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMisFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " the amount of mismatched frames about the LLID mismatch alarm. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 8 } hh3cOltPortAlarmBer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " error bit rate. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 9 } hh3cOltPortAlarmFer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " error frames rate. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 10 } hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The MAC of silent ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 11 } hh3cEponOperationResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The result of EPON operation. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 12 } hh3cEponOnuLaserState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), laserAlwaysOn(2), signalDegradation(3), endOfLife(4) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The state of ONU laser. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 13 } hh3cEponOnuRegSilentBindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { mac(0), loid(1), loidPassword(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The binding type of a silent ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 14 } hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The LOID of a silent ONU. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 15 } hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoidPwd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The LOID's password of a silent ONU. A zero-length string will be returned when reading. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 16 } hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The LOID of an ONU with registration error. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 17 } hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoidCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loidNotExist(1), wrongPassword(2), conflictLoid(3), notSupport(4), mismatch(5) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The reason of ONU registration failure. " ::= { hh3cEponErrorInfo 18 } -- -- hh3cEpon NOTIFICATION -- hh3cEponTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 8 } hh3cEponTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponTrap 0 } hh3cEponPortAlarmBerTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOltPortAlarmBerDirect, hh3cOltPortAlarmBer, hh3cOltPortAlarmBerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponPortAlarmBerTrap notification is sent when a BER threshold crossing event is detected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 1 } hh3cEponPortAlarmFerTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerDirect, hh3cOltPortAlarmFer, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponPortAlarmFerTrap notification is sent when a frame error rate threshold crossing event is detected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 2 } hh3cEponErrorLLIDFrameTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMisFrames, hh3cOltPortAlarmLlidMismatchThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponErrorLLIDFrameTrap notification is sent when a LLID mismatched frames rate threshold crossing event is detected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 3 } hh3cEponLoopBackEnableTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponLoopbackPortIndex, hh3cEponLoopbackPortDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponLoopBackEnableTrap notification is sent when the loop back command is committed. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 4 } hh3cEponOnuRegistrationErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegistrationErrTrap notification is sent when a ONU register failed. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 5 } hh3cEponOamDisconnectionTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOamDisconnectionTrap notification is sent when LLID's OAM link is disconnected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 6 } hh3cEponEncryptionKeyErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponEncryptionKeyErrTrap notification is sent when LLID's encryption key is bad. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 7 } hh3cEponRemoteStableTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponRemoteStableTrap notification is sent when remote Data Terminal Equipment(DTE) has not seen or is unsatisfied with local state information. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 8 } hh3cEponLocalStableTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponLocalStableTrap notification is sent when DTE has not seen or is unsatisfied with remote state information. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 9 } hh3cEponOamVendorSpecificTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOamVendorSpecificAlarmCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOamVendorSpecificTrap notification is sent when system vendor specific OAM alarm raised. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 10 } hh3cEponSoftwareErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cLswFrameIndex, hh3cLswSlotIndex, hh3cEponSoftwareErrorCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponSoftwareErrTrap notification is sent when a PAS-SOFT internal error occurs. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 11 } hh3cEponPortAlarmBerRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOltPortAlarmBerDirect } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponPortAlarmBerRecoverTrap notification is sent when a BER threshold crossing event is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 12 } hh3cEponPortAlarmFerRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOltPortAlarmFerDirect } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponPortAlarmFerRecoverTrap notification is sent when a frame error rate threshold crossing event is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 13 } hh3cEponErrorLLIDFrameRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponErrorLLIDFrameRecoverTrap notification is sent when a LLID mismatched frames rate threshold crossing event is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 14 } hh3cEponLoopBackEnableRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponLoopBackEnableRecoverTrap notification is sent when the loop back is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 15 } hh3cEponOnuRegistrationErrRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorMacAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegistrationErrRecoverTrap notification is sent when an ONU register failed and then register successful again. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 16 } hh3cEponOamDisconnectionRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOamDisconnectionRecoverTrap notification is sent when LLID's OAM link is disconnected and then connected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 17 } hh3cEponEncryptionKeyErrRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponEncryptionKeyErrRecoverTrap notification is sent when LLID's encryption key is bad and then right. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 18 } hh3cEponRemoteStableRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponRemoteStableRecoverTrap notification is sent when remote DTE has not seen or is unsatisfied with local state information and then is realized. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 19 } hh3cEponLocalStableRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponLocalStableRecoverTrap notification is sent when DTE has not seen or is unsatisfied with remote state information and then is realized. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 20 } hh3cEponOamVendorSpecificRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOamVendorSpecificAlarmCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOamVendorSpecificRecoverTrap notification is sent when system vendor specific OAM alarm is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 21 } hh3cEponSoftwareErrRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cLswFrameIndex, hh3cLswSlotIndex, hh3cEponSoftwareErrorCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponSoftwareErrRecoverTrap notification is sent when a PAS-SOFT internal error is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 22 } hh3cDot3OamThresholdRecoverEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, hh3cOamEventLogType, hh3cOamEventLogLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cDot3OamThresholdRecoverEvent notification is sent when hh3cDot3OamThresholdEvent is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 23 } hh3cDot3OamNonThresholdRecoverEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, hh3cOamEventLogType, hh3cOamEventLogLocation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cDot3OamNonThresholdRecoverEvent notification is sent when hh3cDot3OamNonThresholdEvent is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 24 } hh3cEponOnuRegExcessTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegExcessTrap notification is sent when the number of registered ONUs exceeds the limit. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 25 } hh3cEponOnuRegExcessRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegExcessRecoverTrap notification is sent when hh3cEponOnuRegExcessTrap is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 26 } hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap notification is sent when ONU is power off. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 27 } hh3cEponOltSwitchoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOltSwithoverTrap notification is sent when OLT switchover is detected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 28 } hh3cEponOltDFETrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOltDFETrap notification is sent when there was a serious problem(device fatal error) on OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 29 } hh3cEponOltDFERecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOltDFERecoverTrap notification is sent when device fatal error is detected and then recovered. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 30 } hh3cEponOnuSilenceTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The hh3cEponOnuSilenceTrap notification is sent when an unbound ONU try to register to an OLT. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 31 } hh3cEponOnuSilenceRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The hh3cEponOnuSilenceRecoverTrap notification is sent when a silent ONU is bound in the OLT or the aging onu mac address is timeout. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 32 } hh3cEponOnuUpdateResultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOnuBindMacAddress, hh3cOnuUpdateResult, hh3cOnuRegType, hh3cOnuUpdateFileName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponUpdateResultTrap notification is sent when an ONU reported its firmware update result. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 33 } hh3cEponOnuAutoBindTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOnuBindMacAddress, hh3cEponOperationResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuAutoBindTrap notification is sent when a silent ONU is bound automatically. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 34 } hh3cEponOnuPortStpStateTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponStpPortIndex, hh3cEponStpPortDescr, hh3cEponStpPortState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuPortStpStateTrap notification is sent when a port turns into another state in STP environment. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 35 } hh3cEponOnuLaserFailedTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuLaserState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuLaserFailedTrap notification is sent when an ONU has trouble with laser, such as laser constantly turned on, signal degradation or optics EOL (End of Life). " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 36 } hh3cOnuSmlkSwitchoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOnuSmlkGroupID, hh3cOnuSmlkFirstPonStatus, hh3cOnuSmlkSecondPonStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cOnuSmlkSwitchoverTrap notification is sent when an ONU SMLK switchover is detected. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 37 } hh3cEponOnuRegLoidErrTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoid, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoidCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegLoidErrTrap notification is sent when an ONU failed to register identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 38 } hh3cEponOnuRegLoidErrRecTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoid, hh3cEponOnuRegErrorLoidCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuRegLoidErrRecTrap notification is sent when an ONU failed to register and then registered successful again identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 39 } hh3cEponOnuSilenceLoidTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentBindType, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoid, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoidPwd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The hh3cEponOnuSilenceLoidTrap notification is sent when an unbound ONU try to register to an OLT identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 40 } hh3cEponOnuSilenceLoidRecTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentBindType, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentMac, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoid, hh3cEponOnuRegSilentLoidPwd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The hh3cEponOnuSilenceLoidRecTrap notification is sent when a silent ONU is bound in the OLT or the aging ONU MAC address times out identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 41 } hh3cEponOnuUpdateLoidRetTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOnuBindLoid, hh3cOnuUpdateResult, hh3cOnuRegType, hh3cOnuUpdateFileName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuUpdateLoidRetTrap notification is sent when an ONU reported its firmware update result identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 42 } hh3cEponOnuAutoBindLoidTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, hh3cOnuBindLoid, hh3cEponOperationResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuAutoBindLoidTrap notification is sent when a silent ONU is bound automatically identified by LOID. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 43 } hh3cEponOnuPowerOnTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap notification is sent when ONU is powered on. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 44 } hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosTrap notification is sent when optical signals are lost. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 45 } hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOpticalSignalLosTrap notification is sent when optical signal loss recovers. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 46 } hh3cEponOnuFiberFailTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap notification is sent when the ONU fiber fails. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 47 } hh3cEponOnuFiberFailRecoverTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION " A hh3cEponOnuPowerOffTrap notification is sent when the ONU fiber failure recovers. " ::= { hh3cEponTrapPrefix 48 } hh3cEponStat OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 9 } -- -- hh3cEponStatTable -- hh3cEponStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cEponStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains line code error statistics of epon port. " ::= { hh3cEponStat 1 } hh3cEponStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cEponStatEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of hh3cEponStatTable. " INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { hh3cEponStatTable 1 } Hh3cEponStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cEponStatFER Counter64, hh3cEponStatBER Counter64 } hh3cEponStatFER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The frame error rate of epon port, measured in 1e-9 unit. " ::= { hh3cEponStatEntry 1 } hh3cEponStatBER OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The bit error rate of epon port, measured in 1e-9 unit. " ::= { hh3cEponStatEntry 2 } hh3cEponRoltMan OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cEponMibObjects 10 } -- -- hh3cRoltInterfaceTable -- hh3cRoltInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The table of redundant OLT interfaces. " ::= { hh3cEponRoltMan 1 } hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cRoltInterfaceTable. " INDEX { hh3cRoltInterfaceNumber } ::= { hh3cRoltInterfaceTable 1 } Hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cRoltInterfaceNumber Integer32, hh3cRoltInterfaceIfIndex Integer32, hh3cRoltInterfaceRowStatus RowStatus } hh3cRoltInterfaceNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of an ROLT interface. " ::= { hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry 1 } hh3cRoltInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ifIndex of an ROLT interface. " ::= { hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry 2 } hh3cRoltInterfaceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Create or delete a redundant OLT interface. Now only two operations are supported: createAndGo and destroy. " ::= { hh3cRoltInterfaceEntry 3 } -- -- hh3cRoltMemberTable -- hh3cRoltMemberTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cRoltMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table is used for adding or deleting the OLT member interfaces of an redundant OLT interface. " ::= { hh3cEponRoltMan 2 } hh3cRoltMemberEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cRoltMemberEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The entry of the table hh3cRoltMemberTable. " INDEX { hh3cRoltInterfaceNumber, hh3cRoltMemberOltIfindex } ::= { hh3cRoltMemberTable 1 } Hh3cRoltMemberEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cRoltMemberOltIfindex Integer32, hh3cRoltMemberOltPriority Integer32, hh3cRoltMemberRowStatus RowStatus, hh3cRoltMemberForwardStatus TruthValue } hh3cRoltMemberOltIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The ifindex of an OLT interface. " ::= { hh3cRoltMemberEntry 1 } hh3cRoltMemberOltPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The priority of an OLT interface that will be assigned to an ROLT interface. " ::= { hh3cRoltMemberEntry 2 } hh3cRoltMemberRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Operation status. Now only two states are supported: createAndGo and destroy. " ::= { hh3cRoltMemberEntry 3 } hh3cRoltMemberForwardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The forwarding status of an OLT member interface. true(1) - Active. false(2) - Inactive. " ::= { hh3cRoltMemberEntry 4 } END