-- ================================================================== -- Copyright (C) 2002 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: Rstp MIB -- Reference: -- Version: V1.4 -- History: --(1) Created by Zhangshilin, 2001.06.29 --(2) Revised by Qi Zhenglin, 2002.01.08 -- V1.1 2004-10-12 updated by gaolong -- Import TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE. -- Relocate hh3cLswRstpMib MODULE-IDENTITY clause. -- Substitute chinese characters with English words. -- Change MAX-ACCESS clause value of hh3cdot1dStpClearStatistics and -- hh3cdot1dSetStpDefaultPortCost from write-only to read-write. -- V1.2 2004-11-10 add hh3cdot1dStpRXTCBPDU by xuboning -- V1.3 2004-12-21 add hh3cdot1dStpPortSendingBPDUType, hh3cdot1dStpOperPortPointToPoint, -- change hh3cdot1dStpPortPointToPoint by zhuchaopeng -- V1.4 2005-07-04 modify hh3cdot1dStpPathCostStandard by zhanghaihong -- adjust file format by gaolong -- ================================================================== -- ================================================================== -- -- Varibles and types be imported -- -- ================================================================== HH3C-LswRSTP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS TruthValue, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE,Counter32, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI dot1dStpPortEntry, dot1dStpPort FROM BRIDGE-MIB hh3clswCommon FROM HH3C-OID-MIB; hh3cLswRstpMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200106290000Z" ORGANIZATION "New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip:100085 " DESCRIPTION "" REVISION "200106290000Z" DESCRIPTION "" ::= { hh3clswCommon 6 } EnabledStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A simple status value for the object." SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } -- ================================================================== -- -- ======================= definition begin ========================= -- -- ================================================================== hh3cLswRstpMibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cLswRstpMib 1 } hh3cdot1dStpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Bridge STP enabled/disabled state" ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 1 } hh3cdot1dStpForceVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stp(0), rstp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Running mode of the bridge RSTP state machine" ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 2 } hh3cdot1dStpDiameter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Permitted amount of bridges between any two ends on the network." ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 3 } hh3cdot1dStpRootBridgeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MAC address of the root bridge" ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 4 } hh3cDot1dStpBpduGuard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " If BPDU guard enabled. The edge port will discard illegal BPDU when enabled" ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 6 } hh3cDot1dStpRootType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal (1), primary (2), secondary (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Root type of the bridge" ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 7 } hh3cDot1dTimeOutFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (3..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Time Out Factor of the bridge." ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 8 } hh3cDot1dStpPathCostStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dot1d-1998 (1), dot1t (2), legacy (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Path Cost Standard of the bridge. Value 'dot1d-1998' is IEEE 802.1d standard in 1998, value 'dot1t' is IEEE 802.1t standard, and value 'legacy' is a private legacy standard." ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 9 } hh3cdot1dStpPortXTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDot1dStpPortXEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RSTP extended information of the port " ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 5 } hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDot1dStpPortXEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RSTP extended information of the port " AUGMENTS { dot1dStpPortEntry } ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXTable 1 } Hh3cDot1dStpPortXEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cdot1dStpPortStatus EnabledStatus , hh3cdot1dStpPortEdgeport TruthValue , hh3cdot1dStpPortPointToPoint INTEGER , hh3cdot1dStpMcheck TruthValue , hh3cdot1dStpTransLimit INTEGER , hh3cdot1dStpRXStpBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpTXStpBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpRXTCNBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpTXTCNBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpRXRSTPBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpTXRSTPBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpClearStatistics INTEGER , hh3cdot1dSetStpDefaultPortCost INTEGER , hh3cdot1dStpRootGuard EnabledStatus , hh3cdot1dStpLoopGuard EnabledStatus, hh3cdot1dStpPortBlockedReason INTEGER , hh3cdot1dStpRXTCBPDU Counter32 , hh3cdot1dStpPortSendingBPDUType INTEGER, hh3cdot1dStpOperPortPointToPoint INTEGER } hh3cdot1dStpPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RSTP status of the port" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 1 } hh3cdot1dStpPortEdgeport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Whether the port can be an edge port" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 2 } hh3cdot1dStpPortPointToPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { forceTrue (1), forceFalse (2), auto (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " It is the administrative value indicates whether the port can be connected to a point-to-point link or not. If the value is 'auto', the operative value of a point-to-point link state is determined by device itself, and can be read from hh3cdot1dStpOperPortPointToPoint." ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 3 } hh3cdot1dStpMcheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Check if the port transfer state machine enters" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 4 } hh3cdot1dStpTransLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Packet transmission limit of the bridge in a duration of Hello Time." ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 5 } hh3cdot1dStpRXStpBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of STP BPDU received " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 6 } hh3cdot1dStpTXStpBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of STP BPDU transmitted " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 7 } hh3cdot1dStpRXTCNBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of TCN BPDU received " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 8 } hh3cdot1dStpTXTCNBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of TCN BPDU transmitted " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 9 } hh3cdot1dStpRXRSTPBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of RSTP BPDU received" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 10 } hh3cdot1dStpTXRSTPBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Number of RSTP BPDU transmitted " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 11 } hh3cdot1dStpClearStatistics OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {clear(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear RSTP statistics. Read operation not supported. " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 12 } hh3cdot1dSetStpDefaultPortCost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER {enable(1)} MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set PathCost back to the default setting. Read operation not supported." ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 13 } hh3cdot1dStpRootGuard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " If the port guard root bridge. Other bridge which want to be root can not become root through this port if enabled. " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 14 } hh3cdot1dStpLoopGuard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnabledStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Loop guard function that keep a root port or an alternate port in discarding state while the information on the port is aged out." ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 15 } hh3cdot1dStpPortBlockedReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notBlock (1), blockForProtocol (2), blockForRootGuard (3), blockForBPDUGuard (4), blockForLoopGuard (5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Record the block reason of the port. notBlock (1) means that the port is not in block state,. blockForProtocol (2) means that the port is blocked by stp protocol to avoid loop. blockForRootGuard(3) means that the root guard flag of bridge is set and a better message received from the port,and the port is blocked. blockForBPDUGuard(4) means that the port has been configured as an edge port and receive a BPDU and thus blocked. blockForLoopGuard(5) means that the port is blocked for loopguarded. " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 16 } hh3cdot1dStpRXTCBPDU OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of received TC BPDUs " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 17 } hh3cdot1dStpPortSendingBPDUType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { stp(0), rstp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Type of BPDU which the port is sending. " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 18 } hh3cdot1dStpOperPortPointToPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true (1), false (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This object indicates whether the port has connected to a point-to-point link or not. The administrative value should be read from hh3cdot1dStpPortPointToPoint. " ::= { hh3cdot1dStpPortXEntry 19 } hh3cRstpEventsV2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Definition point for RSTP notifications." ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 0 } hh3cRstpBpduGuarded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { dot1dStpPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNMP trap that is generated when an edged port of the BPDU-guard switch recevies BPDU packets." ::= { hh3cRstpEventsV2 1 } hh3cRstpRootGuarded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { dot1dStpPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNMP trap that is generated when a root-guard port receives a superior bpdu." ::= { hh3cRstpEventsV2 2 } hh3cRstpBridgeLostRootPrimary NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNMP trap that is generated when the bridge is no longer the root bridge of the spanning tree. Another switch with higher priority has already been the root bridge. " ::= { hh3cRstpEventsV2 3 } hh3cRstpLoopGuarded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { dot1dStpPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The SNMP trap that is generated when a loop-guard port is aged out ." ::= { hh3cRstpEventsV2 4 } hh3cdot1dStpIgnoredVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Hh3cDot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RSTP extended information of vlan " ::= { hh3cLswRstpMibObject 10 } hh3cdot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Hh3cDot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RSTP extended information of the vlan " INDEX { hh3cdot1dVlan } ::= { hh3cdot1dStpIgnoredVlanTable 1 } Hh3cDot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hh3cdot1dVlan INTEGER , hh3cdot1dStpIgnore INTEGER } hh3cdot1dVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Vlan id supported" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry 1 } hh3cdot1dStpIgnore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable (1), disable (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Whether the vlan is stp Ignored" ::= { hh3cdot1dStpIgnoredVlanEntry 2 } END