-- ================================================================= -- Copyright (C) 2008 New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. -- -- Description: description of Web Authentication -- Reference: -- Version: V1.0 -- History: -- V1.0 2008-6-25, Created by dupengfei -- ================================================================= HH3C-WEB-AUTHENTICATION-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS hh3cCommon FROM HH3C-OID-MIB ifDescr FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC; hh3cWebAuthentication MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200806250000Z" ORGANIZATION "New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Platform Team New H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. Hai-Dian District Beijing P.R. China http://www.h3c.com Zip:100085 " DESCRIPTION "The MIB module is used for web authentication to send traps." REVISION "200806250000Z" DESCRIPTION "The initial version of hh3cWebAuthenticationMIB" ::= { hh3cCommon 93 } hh3cWaTrapObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cWebAuthentication 1 } -- -- WEB AUTHENTICATION TRAPS OBJECT -- hh3cWaVlanID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Vlan ID associate with the port and the MAC address." ::= { hh3cWaTrapObjects 1 } hh3cWaReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { globalNumberMax(1), configNumberMax(2), portNumberMax(3), invalidUsername(4), authFail(5), setACLFail(6), changeVlanFail(7), other(8), onlineOverTime(9), noTransferData(10), cutOperation(11), portDisabled(12), portDown(13), userLogout(14), vlanChanged(15), vlanDelted(16) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The code indicates the reason for the action of this trap. globalNumberMax: The global number of connections is up to max. configNumberMax: The global number of connections is up to configured max value. portNumberMax: The interface number of connections is up to max. invalidUsername: The username or password is too long or username is empty. authFail: Wrong username or password. setACLFail: Failed to set ACL. changeVlanFail: Failed to set VLAN. other: Other reasons. onlineOverTime: The online time is over the max value. noTransferData: There was no data flow for the connection. cutOperation: There was a cut operation. portDisabled: Web authentication was disabled on interface. portDown: The interface turned down. userLogout: The client required to logout. vlanChanged: The interface VLAN value was changed. vlanDelted: The interface VLAN was deleted." ::= { hh3cWaTrapObjects 2 } hh3cWaActionCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The code indicates the system action. enabled: Web authentication turns enabled. disabled: Web authentication turns disabled." ::= { hh3cWaTrapObjects 3 } hh3cWaClientMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the client." ::= { hh3cWaTrapObjects 4 } hh3cWaTrap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cWebAuthentication 2 } hh3cWaTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hh3cWaTrap 0 } hh3cWaClientLogon NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cWaClientMacAddr, ifDescr, hh3cWaVlanID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is generated when a client succeeded to logon." ::= { hh3cWaTrapPrefix 1 } hh3cWaClientLogonFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cWaClientMacAddr, ifDescr, hh3cWaVlanID, hh3cWaReasonCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is generated when a client failed to logon, the hh3cWaReasonCode shows the failure reason." ::= { hh3cWaTrapPrefix 2 } hh3cWaClientLogout NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cWaClientMacAddr, ifDescr, hh3cWaVlanID, hh3cWaReasonCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is generated when a client logout, the hh3cWaReasonCode shows the logout reason." ::= { hh3cWaTrapPrefix 3 } hh3cWaSysAction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { hh3cWaActionCode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It is generated when a system action was occurred, the hh3cWaActionCode shows the action information." ::= { hh3cWaTrapPrefix 4 } END