-- -- WEBMON-EDGE-MATRIX-MIB.my -- WEBMON-EDGE-MATRIX-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; moduleIdentity MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201508041850Z" ORGANIZATION "Dantel, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Dantel, Inc. P.O. Box 55013 Fresno, CA 93747-5013 For customer support, call: 1-800-4-DANTEL" DESCRIPTION "WebMon Edge-Matrix MIB." REVISION "201508041850Z" DESCRIPTION "MIB for WebMon Edge-Matrix version 1.19.0." ::= { webMon 3 } -- -- Textual conventions -- DescriptionString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A character string used for descriptions." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..80)) DigitalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A type with only two states, used specifically to represent the state of a digital reading." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1) } Boolean ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A type with only two states." SYNTAX INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } ConnectivityState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used for the state of a connection." SYNTAX INTEGER { online(0), offline(1) } AnalogState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines states for an analog input." SYNTAX INTEGER { highHigh(0), high(1), medium(2), low(3), lowLow(4) } Configured ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In use" SYNTAX INTEGER { not-in-use(0), always-in-use(1), schedule-a(2), schedule-b(3), schedule-c(4), schedule-d(5) } Level ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes a priority or level." SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(0), critical(1), major(2), minor(3), status(4) } SnmpVersion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines which version of SNMP is used for traps." SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpv1(0), snmpv2c(1), snmpv3(2), snmpv2c-inform(3), snmpv3-inform(4) } CameraStyle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different types of IP cameras supported." SYNTAX INTEGER { d-link-dcs1000(0), sony-snc-rz30n(1), axis-2100(2), d-link-dcs2000(3), d-link-dcs5300(4), axis-210(5), axis-m1103(6) } ContactStyle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different types of discrete alarm contacts." SYNTAX INTEGER { dry-contact(0), wet-contact(1) } MeasureStyle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines state of measurement style English or Metic." SYNTAX INTEGER { english(0), metric(1) } OutputMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(0), automatic(1) } OutputState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines states for an output." SYNTAX INTEGER { open(0), closed(1) } BaudRate ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines baud rates for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { baud-300(300), baud-600(600), baud-1200(1200), baud-2400(2400), baud-4800(4800), baud-9600(9600), baud-19200(19200), baud-28800(28800), baud-38400(38400) } DataBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the number of data bits in a byte for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { data-bits-7(7), data-bits-8(8) } Parity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the parity for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), even-parity(1), odd-parity(2) } StopBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the number of stop bits in a byte for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { stop-bit-1(1), stop-bits-2(2) } Protocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines different protocols used for communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), command-line(1), modbus-interrogation(2), configuration-transfer(3), ip-switchboard(4), terminal-server(5), user-login(6), modem-mode(7), ppp-server(8), dcm-responder(9), ascii-log-single-line(10), e2a-host(11), gps-reader(12), port-redirect(13), sensor-reader(14), tl1-responder(15), dcpf-responder(16), lcd-protocol(17), tabs-responder(18), configuration-menu(19) } SerialRTS ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different RTS states for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { rts-never-on(0), rts-always-on(1), rts-on-for-transmit(2) } SerialCTS ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different CTS states for serial communication." SYNTAX INTEGER { cts-ignore(0), cts-require(1) } SlotId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the different types of slot types available." SYNTAX INTEGER { empty(0), discrete-inputs(1), discrete-outputs(2), serial-ports(3), onboard-sensors(4), analog-inputs(5), switch-ports(6), sensor-inputs(7) } ProductType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of device." SYNTAX INTEGER { webmon-edge(0), webmon-matrix(1) } VoltageRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the valid voltage ranges." SYNTAX INTEGER { plus-minus-100-volts(100), sensor-port(5) } IOFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the physical pin layout of slot cards." SYNTAX INTEGER { single-pin(0), single-pin-with-ground(1), two-pins(2), two-pins-with-ground(3), two-pins-right-to-left(4), three-pins(5), three-pins-right-to-left(6), rj(7), onboard-built-in(8) } PortType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of serial port." SYNTAX INTEGER { not-present(0), rs-232(1), rs-485(2), dialup(3), iden(4), e2a(5), cdma(6), gps(7), edge(8), t202(9) } DiscreteFormula ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines the type of formula used for derived discretes." SYNTAX INTEGER { a-and-b(0), not-a-and-b(1), a-and-not-b(2), not-a-and-not-b(3), a-or-b(4), not-a-or-b(5), a-or-not-b(6), not-a-or-not-b(7), a-xor-b(8), not-a-xor-b(9), a-xor-not-b(10), not-a-xor-not-b(11) } DayOfWeek ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Day of the week" SYNTAX INTEGER { sunday(0), monday(1), tuesday(2), wednesday(3), thursday(4), friday(5), saturday(6) } ConfiguredState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } TL1Srveff ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Effecting" SYNTAX INTEGER { blank(0), sa(1), nsa(2) } TL1Locn ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Location" SYNTAX INTEGER { blank(0), nend(1), fend(2), line(3) } TL1Dirn ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Direction" SYNTAX INTEGER { blank(0), trmt(1), rcv(2), na(3) } TL1Issue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TL1 Issue" SYNTAX INTEGER { issue-3(3), issue-5(5) } UseDialout ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Use Dialout" SYNTAX INTEGER { never(0), always(1), as-backup(2) } SensorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { raw(0), temperature(1), humidity(2) } SNMPCommandType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Command type" SYNTAX INTEGER { get(160), set(163) } SNMPVarbindType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value type" SYNTAX INTEGER { integer(2), string(4) } SNMPAccess ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auth/Priv type" SYNTAX INTEGER { noauthnopriv(0), authnopriv-md5(1), authpriv-md5(2), authnopriv-sha(3), authpriv-sha(4) } MODBUSCommand ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Function code" SYNTAX INTEGER { read-holding-register(3), read-input-register(4) } EthernetType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { allow-full-duplex(0), force-half-duplex(1) } EthernetRate ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet Rate" SYNTAX INTEGER { allow-100-mbps(0), force-10-mbps(1) } -- -- Node definitions -- dantel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 994 } dantelProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dantel 3 } webMon OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parent node representing the WebMon device." ::= { dantelProducts 4 } -- configuration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { webMon 7 } -- triggers folder -- triggers OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { webMon 8 } -- resetDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this item to true will cause a reset of the device. Setting this item to false will have no effect." ::= { triggers 1 } -- commitAccountChanges OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this item to true will cause any user account changes to go into effect immediatly. Setting this item to false will have no effect." ::= { triggers 2 } -- resendEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this item to true will cause the device to resend traps for any standing alarms. Setting this item to false will have no effect." ::= { triggers 3 } -- systemGeneral folder -- systemGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 1 } -- systemGeneralLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Location on the device." ::= { systemGeneral 2 } -- systemGeneralDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the device." ::= { systemGeneral 3 } -- systemGeneralIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Address of the device. If changed, the new IP address will only take effect after a reset." ::= { systemGeneral 14 } -- systemGeneralSubnetMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subnet Mask of the device. If changed, the new IP address will only take effect after a reset." ::= { systemGeneral 15 } -- systemGeneralGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gateway Address of the device. If changed, the new IP address will only take effect after a reset." ::= { systemGeneral 16 } -- systemGeneralReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes until the WebMon resets itself." ::= { systemGeneral 23 } -- systemGeneralMeasureStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MeasureStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if units are displayed in English or Metric." ::= { systemGeneral 45 } -- systemGeneralMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address of the device." ::= { systemGeneral 54 } -- systemGeneralProductType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ProductType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Describes the type of device." ::= { systemGeneral 70 } -- systemGeneralIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number to use when connecting to the web page (HTTP)." ::= { systemGeneral 73 } -- systemGeneralVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of the running software." ::= { systemGeneral 82 } -- systemGeneralUseResetTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If enabled, the WebMon will reset periodically." ::= { systemGeneral 98 } -- systemGeneralEthernetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EthernetType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet duplex type of the device. If changed, the new duplex type will only take effect after a reset." ::= { systemGeneral 147 } -- systemGeneralEthernetRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EthernetRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ethernet rate of the device. If changed, the new rate will only take effect after a reset." ::= { systemGeneral 148 } -- systemGeneralContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP contact information." ::= { systemGeneral 149 } -- TrapTarget table -- pTrapTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PTrapTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of TrapTarget" ::= { configuration 2 } -- pTrapTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PTrapTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of TrapTarget" INDEX { pTrapTargetIndex } ::= { pTrapTargetTable 1 } PTrapTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pTrapTargetDescription DescriptionString, pTrapTargetConfigured Configured, pTrapTargetIpAddress IpAddress, pTrapTargetSnmpVersion SnmpVersion, pTrapTargetIPPortNum Integer32, pTrapTargetBackupIPAddress IpAddress, pTrapTargetUseDialout UseDialout, pTrapTargetDialoutTarget Integer32, pTrapTargetAuthKey DescriptionString, pTrapTargetPrivKey DescriptionString, pTrapTargetSNMPAccess SNMPAccess, pTrapTargetEngineID DescriptionString, pTrapTargetIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- pTrapTargetDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the trap target." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 3 } -- pTrapTargetConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if traps will be sent to trap target with given IP address." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 10 } -- pTrapTargetIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP traps are sent to this IP address." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 14 } -- pTrapTargetSnmpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpVersion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the version of SNMP trap to use." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 42 } -- pTrapTargetIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP traps are sent to this network port." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 73 } -- pTrapTargetBackupIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used only when dialing out as backup." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 78 } -- pTrapTargetUseDialout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UseDialout MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if traps will be sent only when dialed out." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 125 } -- pTrapTargetDialoutTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines which target to dial out to when sending traps." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 126 } -- pTrapTargetAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 140 } -- pTrapTargetPrivKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 141 } -- pTrapTargetSNMPAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SNMPAccess MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 142 } -- pTrapTargetEngineID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 143 } -- pTrapTargetIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pTrapTargetEntry 999 } -- Email table -- pEmailTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PEmailEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Email" ::= { configuration 3 } -- pEmailEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PEmailEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Email" INDEX { pEmailIndex } ::= { pEmailTable 1 } PEmailEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pEmailAddress DescriptionString, pEmailDescription DescriptionString, pEmailConfigured Configured, pEmailIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- pEmailAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Email events will be sent to this address." ::= { pEmailEntry 1 } -- pEmailDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the Email target." ::= { pEmailEntry 3 } -- pEmailConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, email events will be sent to given address. If set to false, email will not be sent." ::= { pEmailEntry 10 } -- pEmailIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pEmailEntry 999 } -- RemoteSensor table -- pRemoteSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PRemoteSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of RemoteSensor" ::= { configuration 5 } -- pRemoteSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PRemoteSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of RemoteSensor" INDEX { pRemoteSensorIndex } ::= { pRemoteSensorTable 1 } PRemoteSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pRemoteSensorDescription DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc0 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc1 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc2 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc3 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc4 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorDesc5 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorConfigured Configured, pRemoteSensorSendEmail Boolean, pRemoteSensorSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pRemoteSensorLevel0 Level, pRemoteSensorLevel1 Level, pRemoteSensorLevel2 Level, pRemoteSensorLevel3 Level, pRemoteSensorLevel4 Level, pRemoteSensorLevel5 Level, pRemoteSensorThresh0 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorThresh1 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorThresh2 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorThresh3 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorThresh4 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorThresh5 DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorUnits DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorPollAddress Integer32, pRemoteSensorLiveDescription DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorLiveLevel DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorLiveRaw DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorLiveTime DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorTL1SID DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorTL1COND DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pRemoteSensorTL1Env Boolean, pRemoteSensorTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pRemoteSensorTL1Locn TL1Locn, pRemoteSensorTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pRemoteSensorMODBUSCommand MODBUSCommand, pRemoteSensorStartRegister Integer32, pRemoteSensorIndex Integer32 (1..32) } -- pRemoteSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the Analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 3 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 4 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 5 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 6 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 7 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 8 } -- pRemoteSensorDesc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for a communications failure to the remote analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 9 } -- pRemoteSensorConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true analog values will be monitored. If set to false no values will be monitored." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 10 } -- pRemoteSensorSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 11 } -- pRemoteSensorSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 12 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 17 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 18 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 19 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 20 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 21 } -- pRemoteSensorLevel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level of a communications failure to the remote analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 22 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 28 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the first threshold value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 29 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the second threshold value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 30 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the third threshold value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 31 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 32 } -- pRemoteSensorThresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 33 } -- pRemoteSensorUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 46 } -- pRemoteSensorPollAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The polling address of the analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 56 } -- pRemoteSensorLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the current state of the analog device" ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 64 } -- pRemoteSensorLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of the current state of the analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 65 } -- pRemoteSensorLiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading from the analog device. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 66 } -- pRemoteSensorLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last event." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 67 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 116 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 117 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 118 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 119 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 120 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 121 } -- pRemoteSensorTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 122 } -- pRemoteSensorMODBUSCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MODBUSCommand MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The polling command for the analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 144 } -- pRemoteSensorStartRegister OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MODBUS register for the analog device." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 145 } -- pRemoteSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pRemoteSensorEntry 999 } -- OnboardSensor table -- pOnboardSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF POnboardSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of OnboardSensor" ::= { configuration 6 } -- pOnboardSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX POnboardSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of OnboardSensor" INDEX { pOnboardSensorIndex } ::= { pOnboardSensorTable 1 } POnboardSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pOnboardSensorDescription DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc0 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc1 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc2 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc3 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc4 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorDesc5 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorConfigured Configured, pOnboardSensorSendEmail Boolean, pOnboardSensorSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pOnboardSensorLevel0 Level, pOnboardSensorLevel1 Level, pOnboardSensorLevel2 Level, pOnboardSensorLevel3 Level, pOnboardSensorLevel4 Level, pOnboardSensorLevel5 Level, pOnboardSensorThresh0 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorThresh1 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorThresh2 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorThresh3 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorThresh4 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorThresh5 DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorUnits DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorLiveDescription DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorLiveLevel DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorLiveRaw DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorLiveTime DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorTL1SID DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorTL1COND DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pOnboardSensorTL1Env Boolean, pOnboardSensorTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pOnboardSensorTL1Locn TL1Locn, pOnboardSensorTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pOnboardSensorSensorType SensorType, pOnboardSensorIndex Integer32 (1..2) } -- pOnboardSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the onboard sensor input." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 3 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 4 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 5 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 6 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 7 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 8 } -- pOnboardSensorDesc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 9 } -- pOnboardSensorConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the sensor input will be usable. If set to false the sensor input will be ignored." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 10 } -- pOnboardSensorSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 11 } -- pOnboardSensorSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 12 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 17 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 18 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 19 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 20 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 21 } -- pOnboardSensorLevel5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 22 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimun analog value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 28 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the first threshold value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 29 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the second threshold value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 30 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the third threshold value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 31 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 32 } -- pOnboardSensorThresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum threshold value." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 33 } -- pOnboardSensorUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 46 } -- pOnboardSensorLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the current state of the onboard sensor" ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 64 } -- pOnboardSensorLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of the current state of the onboard sensor." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 65 } -- pOnboardSensorLiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 66 } -- pOnboardSensorLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last event." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 67 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 116 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 117 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 118 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 119 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 120 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 121 } -- pOnboardSensorTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 122 } -- pOnboardSensorSensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of sensor." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 131 } -- pOnboardSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pOnboardSensorEntry 999 } -- NetDevices table -- pNetDevicesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PNetDevicesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of NetDevices" ::= { configuration 7 } -- pNetDevicesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PNetDevicesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of NetDevices" INDEX { pNetDevicesIndex } ::= { pNetDevicesTable 1 } PNetDevicesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pNetDevicesDescription DescriptionString, pNetDevicesDesc0 DescriptionString, pNetDevicesDesc1 DescriptionString, pNetDevicesConfigured Configured, pNetDevicesSendEmail Boolean, pNetDevicesSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pNetDevicesIpAddress IpAddress, pNetDevicesLevel0 Level, pNetDevicesLevel1 Level, pNetDevicesLiveDescription DescriptionString, pNetDevicesLiveLevel DescriptionString, pNetDevicesLiveRaw DescriptionString, pNetDevicesLiveTime DescriptionString, pNetDevicesTL1SID DescriptionString, pNetDevicesTL1COND DescriptionString, pNetDevicesTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pNetDevicesTL1Env Boolean, pNetDevicesTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pNetDevicesTL1Locn TL1Locn, pNetDevicesTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pNetDevicesIndex Integer32 (1..32) } -- pNetDevicesDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the network device." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 3 } -- pNetDevicesDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of online state." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 4 } -- pNetDevicesDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of offline state." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 5 } -- pNetDevicesConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, net device will be pinged, If set to false, no action will be taken." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 10 } -- pNetDevicesSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an email will be sent when a change of state is detected. If set to false, no email will be sent." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 11 } -- pNetDevicesSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent when a change of state is detected. If set to false, no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 12 } -- pNetDevicesIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the net device to ping." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 14 } -- pNetDevicesLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the online state." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 17 } -- pNetDevicesLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the offline state." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 18 } -- pNetDevicesLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the current state of the net device" ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 64 } -- pNetDevicesLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of the current state of the net device." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 65 } -- pNetDevicesLiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading from the net device. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 66 } -- pNetDevicesLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last event." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 67 } -- pNetDevicesTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 116 } -- pNetDevicesTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 117 } -- pNetDevicesTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 118 } -- pNetDevicesTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 119 } -- pNetDevicesTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 120 } -- pNetDevicesTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 121 } -- pNetDevicesTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 122 } -- pNetDevicesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pNetDevicesEntry 999 } -- Accounts table -- pAccountsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PAccountsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Accounts" ::= { configuration 9 } -- pAccountsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PAccountsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Accounts" INDEX { pAccountsIndex } ::= { pAccountsTable 1 } PAccountsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pAccountsConfigured Configured, pAccountsName DescriptionString, pAccountsEncPassword DescriptionString, pAccountsUserLevel Unsigned32, pAccountsUnsecured Boolean, pAccountsAuthKey DescriptionString, pAccountsPrivKey DescriptionString, pAccountsSNMPAccess SNMPAccess, pAccountsIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- pAccountsConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this account can be used to login." ::= { pAccountsEntry 10 } -- pAccountsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name associated with this account." ::= { pAccountsEntry 25 } -- pAccountsEncPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password for this account. When reading, an encrypted version of password will be displayed. When writing, use plain text." ::= { pAccountsEntry 27 } -- pAccountsUserLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user level for this account. One of the following masks from each group are used: No FTP access 0x0000 0 FTP read-only 0x0001 1 FTP Full access 0x0003 3 No Web access 0x0000 0 Monitor 0x0010 16 Config 0x0030 48 Config + Accounts 0x00B0 176 The masks are added together to create a permission value." ::= { pAccountsEntry 55 } -- pAccountsUnsecured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow secured configuration for SNMP through this account." ::= { pAccountsEntry 77 } -- pAccountsAuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pAccountsEntry 140 } -- pAccountsPrivKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pAccountsEntry 141 } -- pAccountsSNMPAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SNMPAccess MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { pAccountsEntry 142 } -- pAccountsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pAccountsEntry 999 } -- camera folder -- camera OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 10 } -- cameraConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, camera view will be used in main webpage. If set to false, camera view will not be used." ::= { camera 10 } -- cameraIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the camera." ::= { camera 14 } -- cameraCameraStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CameraStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of camera used." ::= { camera 43 } -- snmpGeneral folder -- snmpGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 12 } -- snmpGeneralConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resend standing alarms at a given interval" ::= { snmpGeneral 10 } -- snmpGeneralReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Period in minutes between resend of standing alarms" ::= { snmpGeneral 23 } -- snmpGeneralGet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Get community name for SNMP." ::= { snmpGeneral 39 } -- snmpGeneralSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set community name for SNMP." ::= { snmpGeneral 40 } -- snmpGeneralTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap community name for SNMP." ::= { snmpGeneral 41 } -- snmpGeneralIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP configuration is done on this network port." ::= { snmpGeneral 73 } -- snmpGeneralEngineID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP v3 engine ID" ::= { snmpGeneral 143 } -- emailGeneral folder -- emailGeneral OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 13 } -- emailGeneralAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Login name to use if logging into email server is true." ::= { emailGeneral 1 } -- emailGeneralConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the device will log onto the email server before sending and email event. If set to false, the device will not log onto email server." ::= { emailGeneral 10 } -- emailGeneralIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of email server." ::= { emailGeneral 14 } -- emailGeneralPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password to use if logging into email server is true." ::= { emailGeneral 26 } -- emailGeneralIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port number address of email server." ::= { emailGeneral 73 } -- Serial table -- pSerialTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSerialEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Serial" ::= { configuration 14 } -- pSerialEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSerialEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Serial" INDEX { pSerialIndex } ::= { pSerialTable 1 } PSerialEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pSerialDescription DescriptionString, pSerialConfigured Configured, pSerialIpAddress IpAddress, pSerialReadPeriod Integer32, pSerialBaudRate BaudRate, pSerialDataBits DataBits, pSerialParity Parity, pSerialStopBits StopBits, pSerialProtocol Protocol, pSerialSerialRTS SerialRTS, pSerialSerialCTS SerialCTS, pSerialPresent Boolean, pSerialIPPortNum Integer32, pSerialPortType PortType, pSerialIndex Integer32 (1..5) } -- pSerialDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 3 } -- pSerialConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable." ::= { pSerialEntry 10 } -- pSerialIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSerialEntry 14 } -- pSerialReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSerialEntry 23 } -- pSerialBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 57 } -- pSerialDataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 58 } -- pSerialParity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 59 } -- pSerialStopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 60 } -- pSerialProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSerialEntry 61 } -- pSerialSerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 62 } -- pSerialSerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 63 } -- pSerialPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSerialEntry 68 } -- pSerialIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSerialEntry 73 } -- pSerialPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of serial port." ::= { pSerialEntry 76 } -- pSerialIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSerialEntry 999 } -- SelfTest table -- pSelfTestTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSelfTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of SelfTest" ::= { configuration 15 } -- pSelfTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSelfTestEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of SelfTest" INDEX { pSelfTestIndex } ::= { pSelfTestTable 1 } PSelfTestEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pSelfTestDescription DescriptionString, pSelfTestConfigured Configured, pSelfTestIndex Integer32 (1..7) } -- pSelfTestDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the Power On Self Test (POST)." ::= { pSelfTestEntry 3 } -- pSelfTestConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this POST has passed. If set to false, it has failed." ::= { pSelfTestEntry 10 } -- pSelfTestIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSelfTestEntry 999 } -- InternalFaults table -- pInternalFaultsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PInternalFaultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of InternalFaults" ::= { configuration 16 } -- pInternalFaultsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PInternalFaultsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of InternalFaults" INDEX { pInternalFaultsIndex } ::= { pInternalFaultsTable 1 } PInternalFaultsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pInternalFaultsDescription DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsDesc0 DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsDesc1 DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsDesc2 DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsDesc3 DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsSendEmail Boolean, pInternalFaultsSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pInternalFaultsLevel0 Level, pInternalFaultsLevel1 Level, pInternalFaultsLevel2 Level, pInternalFaultsLevel3 Level, pInternalFaultsReadPeriod Integer32, pInternalFaultsIgnoreOff Boolean, pInternalFaultsLiveDescription DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsLiveLevel DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsLiveTime DescriptionString, pInternalFaultsUseResetTime Boolean, pInternalFaultsIndex Integer32 (1..11) } -- pInternalFaultsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the internal fault." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 3 } -- pInternalFaultsDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of the healthy state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 4 } -- pInternalFaultsDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of a non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 5 } -- pInternalFaultsDesc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of a non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 6 } -- pInternalFaultsDesc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text description of a non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 7 } -- pInternalFaultsSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an email event will be set when a change occurs. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 11 } -- pInternalFaultsSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a change occurs. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 12 } -- pInternalFaultsLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the healthy state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 17 } -- pInternalFaultsLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with this non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 18 } -- pInternalFaultsLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with this non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 19 } -- pInternalFaultsLevel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with this non-normal state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 20 } -- pInternalFaultsReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dwell time required in milliseconds." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 23 } -- pInternalFaultsIgnoreOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true, no event is generated for a change to the healty state." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 50 } -- pInternalFaultsLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current condition of the internal fault." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 64 } -- pInternalFaultsLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current level of the internal fault." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 65 } -- pInternalFaultsLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the fault event." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 67 } -- pInternalFaultsUseResetTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When true the configured dwell time is used internally." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 98 } -- pInternalFaultsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..11) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pInternalFaultsEntry 999 } -- SlotInfo table -- pSlotInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlotInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of SlotInfo" ::= { configuration 17 } -- pSlotInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlotInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of SlotInfo" INDEX { pSlotInfoIndex } ::= { pSlotInfoTable 1 } PSlotInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlotInfoDescription DescriptionString, pSlotInfoRecord Integer32, pSlotInfoPresent Boolean, pSlotInfoSlotId SlotId, pSlotInfoIndex Integer32 (1..6) } -- pSlotInfoDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the slot contents." ::= { pSlotInfoEntry 3 } -- pSlotInfoRecord OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of records for this slot." ::= { pSlotInfoEntry 35 } -- pSlotInfoPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true indicates a card is in the slot. If false indicates that no card is present in the slot." ::= { pSlotInfoEntry 68 } -- pSlotInfoSlotId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SlotId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Identifies the type of card in slot." ::= { pSlotInfoEntry 69 } -- pSlotInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..6) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlotInfoEntry 999 } -- NetPorts table -- pNetPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PNetPortsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of NetPorts" ::= { configuration 24 } -- pNetPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PNetPortsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of NetPorts" INDEX { pNetPortsIndex } ::= { pNetPortsTable 1 } PNetPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pNetPortsDescription DescriptionString, pNetPortsReadPeriod Integer32, pNetPortsIPPortNum Integer32, pNetPortsIndex Integer32 (1..5) } -- pNetPortsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the static network ports." ::= { pNetPortsEntry 3 } -- pNetPortsReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pNetPortsEntry 23 } -- pNetPortsIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number to use when connecting to this network port." ::= { pNetPortsEntry 73 } -- pNetPortsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..5) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pNetPortsEntry 999 } -- wirelessModem folder -- wirelessModem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 25 } -- wirelessModemBackupIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wireless Modem IP Address." ::= { wirelessModem 78 } -- wirelessModemTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Wireless modem 24 hour reset time (hh:mm:ss)" ::= { wirelessModem 81 } -- wirelessModemTransmit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string that will be sent to the modem." ::= { wirelessModem 96 } -- wirelessModemUseWirelessNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if modem tries to connect to wireless network." ::= { wirelessModem 97 } -- wirelessModemUseResetTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if the modem resets at reset time." ::= { wirelessModem 98 } -- wirelessModemResponseWaitTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Response Timeout (s)" ::= { wirelessModem 99 } -- wirelessModemSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if the modem can use accept a dynamic (local) IP." ::= { wirelessModem 115 } -- webmonSecurity folder -- webmonSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 26 } -- webmonSecurityUserLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the default user level. Anyone who has access to this device will have these permissions without logging in. One of the following masks from each group are used: No FTP access 0x0000 0 FTP read-only 0x0001 1 FTP Full access 0x0003 3 No Web access 0x0000 0 Monitor 0x0010 16 Config 0x0030 48 Config + Accounts 0x00B0 176 The masks are added together to create a permission value." ::= { webmonSecurity 55 } -- webmonSecurityUnsecured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow unsecured configuration for SNMP." ::= { webmonSecurity 77 } -- dateTime folder -- dateTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 27 } -- dateTimeConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not NTP will be used to set system time." ::= { dateTime 10 } -- dateTimeIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time Server IP Address" ::= { dateTime 14 } -- dateTimeDaylightSaving OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines if Daylight Savings is automatically adjusted." ::= { dateTime 53 } -- dateTimeDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the system date." ::= { dateTime 80 } -- dateTimeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the system time." ::= { dateTime 81 } -- dateTimeNegOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "True if a negative offset from UTC is desired" ::= { dateTime 88 } -- dateTimeUTCOffset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time offset of local time compared to UTC" ::= { dateTime 89 } -- DCMProtocol table -- pDCMProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PDCMProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of DCMProtocol" ::= { configuration 28 } -- pDCMProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PDCMProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of DCMProtocol" INDEX { pDCMProtocolIndex } ::= { pDCMProtocolTable 1 } PDCMProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pDCMProtocolDescription DescriptionString, pDCMProtocolConfigured Configured, pDCMProtocolBaseDCMAddress Integer32, pDCMProtocolIndex Integer32 (1..27) } -- pDCMProtocolDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the input device that DCM will poll." ::= { pDCMProtocolEntry 3 } -- pDCMProtocolConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this input will be polled in DCM. If set to false, it will not be polled." ::= { pDCMProtocolEntry 10 } -- pDCMProtocolBaseDCMAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base DCM address for this input device." ::= { pDCMProtocolEntry 83 } -- pDCMProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..27) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pDCMProtocolEntry 999 } -- dialOut table -- pdialOutTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PdialOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of dialOut" ::= { configuration 29 } -- pdialOutEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PdialOutEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of dialOut" INDEX { pdialOutIndex } ::= { pdialOutTable 1 } PdialOutEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pdialOutConfigured Configured, pdialOutName DescriptionString, pdialOutPassword DescriptionString, pdialOutDialOutNumber DescriptionString, pdialOutIndex Integer32 (1..4) } -- pdialOutConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines whether or not dial ou will be used to send SNMP traps." ::= { pdialOutEntry 10 } -- pdialOutName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dial out Username" ::= { pdialOutEntry 25 } -- pdialOutPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password to use when dialing out" ::= { pdialOutEntry 26 } -- pdialOutDialOutNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number to dial for dial out" ::= { pdialOutEntry 79 } -- pdialOutIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pdialOutEntry 999 } -- derivedDiscrete table -- pderivedDiscreteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PderivedDiscreteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of derivedDiscrete" ::= { configuration 30 } -- pderivedDiscreteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PderivedDiscreteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of derivedDiscrete" INDEX { pderivedDiscreteIndex } ::= { pderivedDiscreteTable 1 } PderivedDiscreteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pderivedDiscreteDescription DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteDesc0 DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteDesc1 DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteConfigured Configured, pderivedDiscreteSendEmail Boolean, pderivedDiscreteSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pderivedDiscreteLevel0 Level, pderivedDiscreteLevel1 Level, pderivedDiscreteLiveDescription DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteLiveLevel DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteLiveTime DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteElementAPkg Integer32, pderivedDiscreteElementAPoint Integer32, pderivedDiscreteElementBPkg Integer32, pderivedDiscreteElementBPoint Integer32, pderivedDiscreteDiscreteFormula DiscreteFormula, pderivedDiscreteTL1SID DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteTL1COND DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pderivedDiscreteTL1Env Boolean, pderivedDiscreteTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pderivedDiscreteTL1Locn TL1Locn, pderivedDiscreteTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pderivedDiscreteIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- pderivedDiscreteDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the derived alarm point." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 3 } -- pderivedDiscreteDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the off state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 4 } -- pderivedDiscreteDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the on state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 5 } -- pderivedDiscreteConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 10 } -- pderivedDiscreteSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 11 } -- pderivedDiscreteSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 12 } -- pderivedDiscreteLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level of the off state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 17 } -- pderivedDiscreteLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Level of the on state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 18 } -- pderivedDiscreteLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current description of the alarm state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 64 } -- pderivedDiscreteLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current level of the alarm." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 65 } -- pderivedDiscreteLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last change of state." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 67 } -- pderivedDiscreteElementAPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the alarm point is located for element A." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 90 } -- pderivedDiscreteElementAPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm point for element A." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 91 } -- pderivedDiscreteElementBPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the alarm point is located for element B." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 92 } -- pderivedDiscreteElementBPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm point for element B." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 93 } -- pderivedDiscreteDiscreteFormula OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiscreteFormula MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The formula that will be used to compute the derived alarm." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 94 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 116 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 117 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 118 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 119 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 120 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 121 } -- pderivedDiscreteTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 122 } -- pderivedDiscreteIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pderivedDiscreteEntry 999 } -- license folder -- license OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 31 } -- licenseDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the status of the license" ::= { license 3 } -- licenseLicenseKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the License Key." ::= { license 84 } -- licenseExpires OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the date the current License will expire." ::= { license 85 } -- licenseAllowTL1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the status of TL1 support in the license" ::= { license 124 } -- e2aHost table -- pe2aHostTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Pe2aHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of e2aHost" ::= { configuration 32 } -- pe2aHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Pe2aHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of e2aHost" INDEX { pe2aHostIndex } ::= { pe2aHostTable 1 } Pe2aHostEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pe2aHostDescription DescriptionString, pe2aHostConfigured Configured, pe2aHostIpAddress IpAddress, pe2aHostLevel0 Level, pe2aHostLevel1 Level, pe2aHostLevel2 Level, pe2aHostRosterID Integer32, pe2aHostPollAddress Integer32, pe2aHostIPPortNum Integer32, pe2aHostTL1SID DescriptionString, pe2aHostTL1COND DescriptionString, pe2aHostTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pe2aHostTL1Env Boolean, pe2aHostTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pe2aHostTL1Locn TL1Locn, pe2aHostTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pe2aHostIndex Integer32 (1..256) } -- pe2aHostDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the connection." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 3 } -- pe2aHostConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this route will be used by E2A." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 10 } -- pe2aHostIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the remote device." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 14 } -- pe2aHostLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the online state." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 17 } -- pe2aHostLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the offline state." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 18 } -- pe2aHostLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm level associated with the connecting state." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 19 } -- pe2aHostRosterID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial port number to use when connecting to WebMon." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 37 } -- pe2aHostPollAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The E2A address of the remote device." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 56 } -- pe2aHostIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number to use when connecting to the remote device." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 73 } -- pe2aHostTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 116 } -- pe2aHostTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 117 } -- pe2aHostTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 118 } -- pe2aHostTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 119 } -- pe2aHostTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 120 } -- pe2aHostTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 121 } -- pe2aHostTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 122 } -- pe2aHostIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pe2aHostEntry 999 } -- derivedAnalog table -- pderivedAnalogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PderivedAnalogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of derivedAnalog" ::= { configuration 33 } -- pderivedAnalogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PderivedAnalogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of derivedAnalog" INDEX { pderivedAnalogIndex } ::= { pderivedAnalogTable 1 } PderivedAnalogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pderivedAnalogDescription DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogDesc0 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogDesc1 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogDesc2 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogDesc3 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogDesc4 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogConfigured Configured, pderivedAnalogSendEmail Boolean, pderivedAnalogSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pderivedAnalogLevel0 Level, pderivedAnalogLevel1 Level, pderivedAnalogLevel2 Level, pderivedAnalogLevel3 Level, pderivedAnalogLevel4 Level, pderivedAnalogThresh0 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogThresh1 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogThresh2 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogThresh3 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogThresh4 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogThresh5 DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogUnits DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogLiveDescription DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogLiveLevel DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogLiveRaw DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogLiveTime DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogElementAPkg Integer32, pderivedAnalogElementAPoint Integer32, pderivedAnalogElementBPkg Integer32, pderivedAnalogElementBPoint Integer32, pderivedAnalogFormula DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogTL1SID DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogTL1COND DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pderivedAnalogTL1Env Boolean, pderivedAnalogTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pderivedAnalogTL1Locn TL1Locn, pderivedAnalogTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pderivedAnalogIndex Integer32 (1..24) } -- pderivedAnalogDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the derived alarm point." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 3 } -- pderivedAnalogDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for derived values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 4 } -- pderivedAnalogDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for derived values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 5 } -- pderivedAnalogDesc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for derived values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 6 } -- pderivedAnalogDesc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for derived values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 7 } -- pderivedAnalogDesc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for derived values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 8 } -- pderivedAnalogConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 10 } -- pderivedAnalogSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 11 } -- pderivedAnalogSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 12 } -- pderivedAnalogLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for derived values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 17 } -- pderivedAnalogLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for derived values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 18 } -- pderivedAnalogLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for derived values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 19 } -- pderivedAnalogLevel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for derived values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 20 } -- pderivedAnalogLevel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for derived values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 21 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum analog derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 28 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the first threshold derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 29 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the second threshold derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 30 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the third threshold derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 31 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fourth threshold derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 32 } -- pderivedAnalogThresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimum threshold derived value." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 33 } -- pderivedAnalogUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 46 } -- pderivedAnalogLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current description of the alarm state." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 64 } -- pderivedAnalogLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current level of the alarm." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 65 } -- pderivedAnalogLiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current derived reading from the analog devices. This value will alwaysbe between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 66 } -- pderivedAnalogLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last change of state." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 67 } -- pderivedAnalogElementAPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the alarm point is located for element A." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 90 } -- pderivedAnalogElementAPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm point for element A." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 91 } -- pderivedAnalogElementBPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the alarm point is located for element B." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 92 } -- pderivedAnalogElementBPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm point for element B." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 93 } -- pderivedAnalogFormula OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The formula that will be used to compute the derived alarm." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 95 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 116 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 117 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 118 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 119 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 120 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 121 } -- pderivedAnalogTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 122 } -- pderivedAnalogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..24) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pderivedAnalogEntry 999 } -- gps table -- pgpsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PgpsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of gps" ::= { configuration 34 } -- pgpsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PgpsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of gps" INDEX { pgpsIndex } ::= { pgpsTable 1 } PgpsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pgpsDescription DescriptionString, pgpsDesc0 DescriptionString, pgpsDesc1 DescriptionString, pgpsDesc2 DescriptionString, pgpsDesc3 DescriptionString, pgpsDesc4 DescriptionString, pgpsConfigured Configured, pgpsSendEmail Boolean, pgpsSendSNMPTrap Boolean, pgpsLevel0 Level, pgpsLevel1 Level, pgpsLevel2 Level, pgpsLevel3 Level, pgpsLevel4 Level, pgpsThresh0 DescriptionString, pgpsThresh1 DescriptionString, pgpsThresh2 DescriptionString, pgpsThresh3 DescriptionString, pgpsThresh4 DescriptionString, pgpsThresh5 DescriptionString, pgpsUnits DescriptionString, pgpsLiveDescription DescriptionString, pgpsLiveLevel DescriptionString, pgpsLiveRaw DescriptionString, pgpsLiveTime DescriptionString, pgpsTL1SID DescriptionString, pgpsTL1COND DescriptionString, pgpsTL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pgpsTL1Env Boolean, pgpsTL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pgpsTL1Locn TL1Locn, pgpsTL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pgpsIndex Integer32 (1..3) } -- pgpsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the onboard device." ::= { pgpsEntry 3 } -- pgpsDesc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pgpsEntry 4 } -- pgpsDesc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pgpsEntry 5 } -- pgpsDesc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pgpsEntry 6 } -- pgpsDesc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pgpsEntry 7 } -- pgpsDesc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pgpsEntry 8 } -- pgpsConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored." ::= { pgpsEntry 10 } -- pgpsSendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pgpsEntry 11 } -- pgpsSendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pgpsEntry 12 } -- pgpsLevel0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pgpsEntry 17 } -- pgpsLevel1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pgpsEntry 18 } -- pgpsLevel2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pgpsEntry 19 } -- pgpsLevel3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pgpsEntry 20 } -- pgpsLevel4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pgpsEntry 21 } -- pgpsThresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the minimun analog value." ::= { pgpsEntry 28 } -- pgpsThresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the first threshold value." ::= { pgpsEntry 29 } -- pgpsThresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the second threshold value." ::= { pgpsEntry 30 } -- pgpsThresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the third threshold value." ::= { pgpsEntry 31 } -- pgpsThresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pgpsEntry 32 } -- pgpsThresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the maximum threshold value." ::= { pgpsEntry 33 } -- pgpsUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pgpsEntry 46 } -- pgpsLiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the current state of the onboard sensor" ::= { pgpsEntry 64 } -- pgpsLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level of the current state of the onboard sensor." ::= { pgpsEntry 65 } -- pgpsLiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pgpsEntry 66 } -- pgpsLiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time of the last event." ::= { pgpsEntry 67 } -- pgpsTL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) System ID associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 116 } -- pgpsTL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Condition text associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 117 } -- pgpsTL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) EQPT field associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 118 } -- pgpsTL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Environmental field associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 119 } -- pgpsTL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Service Effecting field associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 120 } -- pgpsTL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Location field associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 121 } -- pgpsTL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) Direction field associated with this item." ::= { pgpsEntry 122 } -- pgpsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pgpsEntry 999 } -- portRedirect table -- pportRedirectTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PportRedirectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of portRedirect" ::= { configuration 35 } -- pportRedirectEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PportRedirectEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of portRedirect" INDEX { pportRedirectIndex } ::= { pportRedirectTable 1 } PportRedirectEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pportRedirectDescription DescriptionString, pportRedirectConfigured Configured, pportRedirectIpAddress IpAddress, pportRedirectReadPeriod Integer32, pportRedirectRosterID Integer32, pportRedirectIPPortNum Integer32, pportRedirectIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- pportRedirectDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the connection." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 3 } -- pportRedirectConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this route will be allowed." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 10 } -- pportRedirectIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the remote device." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 14 } -- pportRedirectReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 23 } -- pportRedirectRosterID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number to use when connecting to the remote device." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 37 } -- pportRedirectIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP port number to use when connecting to WebMon." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 73 } -- pportRedirectIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pportRedirectEntry 999 } -- scheduleA table -- pscheduleATable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PscheduleAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of scheduleA" ::= { configuration 36 } -- pscheduleAEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PscheduleAEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of scheduleA" INDEX { pscheduleAIndex } ::= { pscheduleATable 1 } PscheduleAEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pscheduleADayOfWeek DayOfWeek, pscheduleAConfiguredState ConfiguredState, pscheduleAConfigured1 ConfiguredState, pscheduleAConfigured2 ConfiguredState, pscheduleAConfigured3 ConfiguredState, pscheduleAConfigured4 ConfiguredState, pscheduleATime0 DescriptionString, pscheduleATime1 DescriptionString, pscheduleATime2 DescriptionString, pscheduleATime3 DescriptionString, pscheduleATime4 DescriptionString, pscheduleATime5 DescriptionString, pscheduleAIndex Integer32 (1..7) } -- pscheduleADayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DayOfWeek MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The day of the week" ::= { pscheduleAEntry 102 } -- pscheduleAConfiguredState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 103 } -- pscheduleAConfigured1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 1 and 2." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 104 } -- pscheduleAConfigured2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 2 and 3." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 105 } -- pscheduleAConfigured3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 3 and 4." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 106 } -- pscheduleAConfigured4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 107 } -- pscheduleATime0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 0, the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 108 } -- pscheduleATime1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 1." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 109 } -- pscheduleATime2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 2." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 110 } -- pscheduleATime3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 3." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 111 } -- pscheduleATime4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 4." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 112 } -- pscheduleATime5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 5, the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 113 } -- pscheduleAIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pscheduleAEntry 999 } -- scheduleB table -- pscheduleBTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PscheduleBEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of scheduleB" ::= { configuration 37 } -- pscheduleBEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PscheduleBEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of scheduleB" INDEX { pscheduleBIndex } ::= { pscheduleBTable 1 } PscheduleBEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pscheduleBDayOfWeek DayOfWeek, pscheduleBConfiguredState ConfiguredState, pscheduleBConfigured1 ConfiguredState, pscheduleBConfigured2 ConfiguredState, pscheduleBConfigured3 ConfiguredState, pscheduleBConfigured4 ConfiguredState, pscheduleBTime0 DescriptionString, pscheduleBTime1 DescriptionString, pscheduleBTime2 DescriptionString, pscheduleBTime3 DescriptionString, pscheduleBTime4 DescriptionString, pscheduleBTime5 DescriptionString, pscheduleBIndex Integer32 (1..7) } -- pscheduleBDayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DayOfWeek MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The day of the week" ::= { pscheduleBEntry 102 } -- pscheduleBConfiguredState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 103 } -- pscheduleBConfigured1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 1 and 2." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 104 } -- pscheduleBConfigured2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 2 and 3." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 105 } -- pscheduleBConfigured3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 3 and 4." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 106 } -- pscheduleBConfigured4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 107 } -- pscheduleBTime0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 0, the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 108 } -- pscheduleBTime1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 1." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 109 } -- pscheduleBTime2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 2." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 110 } -- pscheduleBTime3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 3." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 111 } -- pscheduleBTime4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 4." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 112 } -- pscheduleBTime5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 5, the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 113 } -- pscheduleBIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pscheduleBEntry 999 } -- scheduleC table -- pscheduleCTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PscheduleCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of scheduleC" ::= { configuration 38 } -- pscheduleCEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PscheduleCEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of scheduleC" INDEX { pscheduleCIndex } ::= { pscheduleCTable 1 } PscheduleCEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pscheduleCDayOfWeek DayOfWeek, pscheduleCConfiguredState ConfiguredState, pscheduleCConfigured1 ConfiguredState, pscheduleCConfigured2 ConfiguredState, pscheduleCConfigured3 ConfiguredState, pscheduleCConfigured4 ConfiguredState, pscheduleCTime0 DescriptionString, pscheduleCTime1 DescriptionString, pscheduleCTime2 DescriptionString, pscheduleCTime3 DescriptionString, pscheduleCTime4 DescriptionString, pscheduleCTime5 DescriptionString, pscheduleCIndex Integer32 (1..7) } -- pscheduleCDayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DayOfWeek MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The day of the week" ::= { pscheduleCEntry 102 } -- pscheduleCConfiguredState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 103 } -- pscheduleCConfigured1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 1 and 2." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 104 } -- pscheduleCConfigured2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 2 and 3." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 105 } -- pscheduleCConfigured3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 3 and 4." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 106 } -- pscheduleCConfigured4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 107 } -- pscheduleCTime0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 0, the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 108 } -- pscheduleCTime1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 1." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 109 } -- pscheduleCTime2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 2." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 110 } -- pscheduleCTime3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 3." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 111 } -- pscheduleCTime4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 4." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 112 } -- pscheduleCTime5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 5, the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 113 } -- pscheduleCIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pscheduleCEntry 999 } -- scheduleD table -- pscheduleDTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PscheduleDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of scheduleD" ::= { configuration 39 } -- pscheduleDEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PscheduleDEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of scheduleD" INDEX { pscheduleDIndex } ::= { pscheduleDTable 1 } PscheduleDEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pscheduleDDayOfWeek DayOfWeek, pscheduleDConfiguredState ConfiguredState, pscheduleDConfigured1 ConfiguredState, pscheduleDConfigured2 ConfiguredState, pscheduleDConfigured3 ConfiguredState, pscheduleDConfigured4 ConfiguredState, pscheduleDTime0 DescriptionString, pscheduleDTime1 DescriptionString, pscheduleDTime2 DescriptionString, pscheduleDTime3 DescriptionString, pscheduleDTime4 DescriptionString, pscheduleDTime5 DescriptionString, pscheduleDIndex Integer32 (1..7) } -- pscheduleDDayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DayOfWeek MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The day of the week" ::= { pscheduleDEntry 102 } -- pscheduleDConfiguredState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 103 } -- pscheduleDConfigured1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 1 and 2." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 104 } -- pscheduleDConfigured2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 2 and 3." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 105 } -- pscheduleDConfigured3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule between time markers 3 and 4." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 106 } -- pscheduleDConfigured4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConfiguredState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the schedule at the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 107 } -- pscheduleDTime0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 0, the beginning of the day." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 108 } -- pscheduleDTime1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 1." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 109 } -- pscheduleDTime2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 2." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 110 } -- pscheduleDTime3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 3." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 111 } -- pscheduleDTime4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 4." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 112 } -- pscheduleDTime5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time marker 5, the end of the day." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 113 } -- pscheduleDIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pscheduleDEntry 999 } -- tl1Settings folder -- tl1Settings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 40 } -- tl1SettingsTL1Issue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Issue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "(TL1) TL1 issue associated with this device." ::= { tl1Settings 123 } -- DCPFProtocol table -- pDCPFProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PDCPFProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of DCPFProtocol" ::= { configuration 41 } -- pDCPFProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PDCPFProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of DCPFProtocol" INDEX { pDCPFProtocolIndex } ::= { pDCPFProtocolTable 1 } PDCPFProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pDCPFProtocolDescription DescriptionString, pDCPFProtocolConfigured Configured, pDCPFProtocolBaseDCPFDisplay Integer32, pDCPFProtocolIndex Integer32 (1..27) } -- pDCPFProtocolDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the input device that DCPF will poll." ::= { pDCPFProtocolEntry 3 } -- pDCPFProtocolConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this input will be polled in DCPF. If set to false, it will not be polled." ::= { pDCPFProtocolEntry 10 } -- pDCPFProtocolBaseDCPFDisplay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base DCPF display for this input device." ::= { pDCPFProtocolEntry 127 } -- pDCPFProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..27) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pDCPFProtocolEntry 999 } -- dcpfSettings folder -- dcpfSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 42 } -- dcpfSettingsDCPFAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base DCPF Address." ::= { dcpfSettings 128 } -- TABSProtocol table -- pTABSProtocolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PTABSProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of TABSProtocol" ::= { configuration 43 } -- pTABSProtocolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PTABSProtocolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of TABSProtocol" INDEX { pTABSProtocolIndex } ::= { pTABSProtocolTable 1 } PTABSProtocolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { pTABSProtocolDescription DescriptionString, pTABSProtocolConfigured Configured, pTABSProtocolBaseTABSDisplay Integer32, pTABSProtocolIndex Integer32 (1..27) } -- pTABSProtocolDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the input device that TABS will poll." ::= { pTABSProtocolEntry 3 } -- pTABSProtocolConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this input will be polled in TABS. If set to false, it will not be polled." ::= { pTABSProtocolEntry 10 } -- pTABSProtocolBaseTABSDisplay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base TABS display for this input device." ::= { pTABSProtocolEntry 129 } -- pTABSProtocolIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..27) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pTABSProtocolEntry 999 } -- tabsSettings folder -- tabsSettings OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 44 } -- tabsSettingsTABSAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Base TABS Address." ::= { tabsSettings 130 } -- snmpCommands table -- psnmpCommandsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PsnmpCommandsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of snmpCommands" ::= { configuration 45 } -- psnmpCommandsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PsnmpCommandsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of snmpCommands" INDEX { psnmpCommandsIndex } ::= { psnmpCommandsTable 1 } PsnmpCommandsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { psnmpCommandsDescription DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsConfigured Configured, psnmpCommandsIpAddress IpAddress, psnmpCommandsGet DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsSnmpVersion SnmpVersion, psnmpCommandsOutputAuto Integer32, psnmpCommandsOutputAutoPkg Integer32, psnmpCommandsIPPortNum Integer32, psnmpCommandsOID DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsSNMPVarbindType SNMPVarbindType, psnmpCommandsTextNormal DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsTextCritical DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsTextMajor DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsTextMinor DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsTextStatus DescriptionString, psnmpCommandsIndex Integer32 (1..16) } -- psnmpCommandsDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name for this SNMP command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 3 } -- psnmpCommandsConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this command will be sent for matching events. If set to false, it will not be sent." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 10 } -- psnmpCommandsIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Target (receiver) IP address of this SNMP command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 14 } -- psnmpCommandsGet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP community used with this command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 39 } -- psnmpCommandsSnmpVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpVersion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP version to be used with this command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 42 } -- psnmpCommandsOutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source alarm point for this SNMP command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 49 } -- psnmpCommandsOutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the source alarm point is located." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 71 } -- psnmpCommandsIPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Target (receiver) IP port of this SNMP command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 73 } -- psnmpCommandsOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Target OID used with this command" ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 132 } -- psnmpCommandsSNMPVarbindType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SNMPVarbindType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of value sent to target, if this is a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 134 } -- psnmpCommandsTextNormal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to target for normal condition for a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 135 } -- psnmpCommandsTextCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to target for critical condition for a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 136 } -- psnmpCommandsTextMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to target for major condition for a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 137 } -- psnmpCommandsTextMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to target for minor condition for a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 138 } -- psnmpCommandsTextStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to target for status condition for a set command." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 139 } -- psnmpCommandsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { psnmpCommandsEntry 999 } -- battMon folder -- battMon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {configuration 46 } -- battMonConfigured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If set to true, this command will be sent for matching events. If set to false, it will not be sent." ::= { battMon 10 } -- battMonOutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source alarm point for this SNMP command." ::= { battMon 49 } -- battMonOutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Package where the source alarm point is located." ::= { battMon 71 } -- Slot1 table -- pSlot1Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot1" ::= { configuration 18 } -- pSlot1Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot1Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot1" INDEX { pSlot1Index } ::= { pSlot1Table 1 } PSlot1Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot1Description DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot1Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot1Configured Configured, pSlot1SendEmail Boolean, pSlot1SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot1IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot1Level0 Level, pSlot1Level1 Level, pSlot1Level2 Level, pSlot1Level3 Level, pSlot1Level4 Level, pSlot1Level5 Level, pSlot1ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot1Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot1Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot1Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot1Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot1Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot1Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot1ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot1Units DescriptionString, pSlot1OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot1OutputState OutputState, pSlot1OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot1BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot1DataBits DataBits, pSlot1Parity Parity, pSlot1StopBits StopBits, pSlot1Protocol Protocol, pSlot1SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot1SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot1LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot1LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot1LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot1LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot1Present Boolean, pSlot1OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot1VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot1IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot1IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot1PortType PortType, pSlot1TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot1TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot1TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot1TL1Env Boolean, pSlot1TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot1TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot1TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot1SensorType SensorType, pSlot1Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot1Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot1Entry 3 } -- pSlot1Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot1Entry 4 } -- pSlot1Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot1Entry 5 } -- pSlot1Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot1Entry 6 } -- pSlot1Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot1Entry 7 } -- pSlot1Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot1Entry 8 } -- pSlot1Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot1Entry 9 } -- pSlot1Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot1Entry 10 } -- pSlot1SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot1Entry 11 } -- pSlot1SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot1Entry 12 } -- pSlot1IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot1Entry 14 } -- pSlot1Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot1Entry 17 } -- pSlot1Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot1Entry 18 } -- pSlot1Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot1Entry 19 } -- pSlot1Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot1Entry 20 } -- pSlot1Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot1Entry 21 } -- pSlot1Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot1Entry 22 } -- pSlot1ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot1Entry 23 } -- pSlot1Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 28 } -- pSlot1Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 29 } -- pSlot1Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 30 } -- pSlot1Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 31 } -- pSlot1Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 32 } -- pSlot1Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot1Entry 33 } -- pSlot1ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot1Entry 44 } -- pSlot1Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot1Entry 46 } -- pSlot1OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot1Entry 47 } -- pSlot1OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot1Entry 48 } -- pSlot1OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot1Entry 49 } -- pSlot1BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 57 } -- pSlot1DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 58 } -- pSlot1Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 59 } -- pSlot1StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 60 } -- pSlot1Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot1Entry 61 } -- pSlot1SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 62 } -- pSlot1SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 63 } -- pSlot1LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot1Entry 64 } -- pSlot1LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot1Entry 65 } -- pSlot1LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot1Entry 66 } -- pSlot1LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot1Entry 67 } -- pSlot1Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot1Entry 68 } -- pSlot1OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot1Entry 71 } -- pSlot1VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot1Entry 72 } -- pSlot1IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot1Entry 73 } -- pSlot1IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot1Entry 75 } -- pSlot1PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot1Entry 76 } -- pSlot1TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 116 } -- pSlot1TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 117 } -- pSlot1TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 118 } -- pSlot1TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 119 } -- pSlot1TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 120 } -- pSlot1TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 121 } -- pSlot1TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot1Entry 122 } -- pSlot1SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot1Entry 131 } -- pSlot1Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot1Entry 999 } -- Slot2 table -- pSlot2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot2" ::= { configuration 19 } -- pSlot2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot2" INDEX { pSlot2Index } ::= { pSlot2Table 1 } PSlot2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot2Description DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot2Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot2Configured Configured, pSlot2SendEmail Boolean, pSlot2SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot2IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot2Level0 Level, pSlot2Level1 Level, pSlot2Level2 Level, pSlot2Level3 Level, pSlot2Level4 Level, pSlot2Level5 Level, pSlot2ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot2Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot2Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot2Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot2Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot2Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot2Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot2ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot2Units DescriptionString, pSlot2OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot2OutputState OutputState, pSlot2OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot2BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot2DataBits DataBits, pSlot2Parity Parity, pSlot2StopBits StopBits, pSlot2Protocol Protocol, pSlot2SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot2SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot2LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot2LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot2LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot2LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot2Present Boolean, pSlot2OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot2VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot2IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot2IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot2PortType PortType, pSlot2TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot2TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot2TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot2TL1Env Boolean, pSlot2TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot2TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot2TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot2SensorType SensorType, pSlot2Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot2Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot2Entry 3 } -- pSlot2Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot2Entry 4 } -- pSlot2Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot2Entry 5 } -- pSlot2Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot2Entry 6 } -- pSlot2Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot2Entry 7 } -- pSlot2Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot2Entry 8 } -- pSlot2Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot2Entry 9 } -- pSlot2Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot2Entry 10 } -- pSlot2SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot2Entry 11 } -- pSlot2SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot2Entry 12 } -- pSlot2IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot2Entry 14 } -- pSlot2Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot2Entry 17 } -- pSlot2Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot2Entry 18 } -- pSlot2Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot2Entry 19 } -- pSlot2Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot2Entry 20 } -- pSlot2Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot2Entry 21 } -- pSlot2Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot2Entry 22 } -- pSlot2ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot2Entry 23 } -- pSlot2Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 28 } -- pSlot2Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 29 } -- pSlot2Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 30 } -- pSlot2Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 31 } -- pSlot2Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 32 } -- pSlot2Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot2Entry 33 } -- pSlot2ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot2Entry 44 } -- pSlot2Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot2Entry 46 } -- pSlot2OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot2Entry 47 } -- pSlot2OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot2Entry 48 } -- pSlot2OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot2Entry 49 } -- pSlot2BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 57 } -- pSlot2DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 58 } -- pSlot2Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 59 } -- pSlot2StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 60 } -- pSlot2Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot2Entry 61 } -- pSlot2SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 62 } -- pSlot2SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 63 } -- pSlot2LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot2Entry 64 } -- pSlot2LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot2Entry 65 } -- pSlot2LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot2Entry 66 } -- pSlot2LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot2Entry 67 } -- pSlot2Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot2Entry 68 } -- pSlot2OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot2Entry 71 } -- pSlot2VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot2Entry 72 } -- pSlot2IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot2Entry 73 } -- pSlot2IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot2Entry 75 } -- pSlot2PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot2Entry 76 } -- pSlot2TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 116 } -- pSlot2TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 117 } -- pSlot2TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 118 } -- pSlot2TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 119 } -- pSlot2TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 120 } -- pSlot2TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 121 } -- pSlot2TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot2Entry 122 } -- pSlot2SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot2Entry 131 } -- pSlot2Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot2Entry 999 } -- Slot3 table -- pSlot3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot3" ::= { configuration 20 } -- pSlot3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot3" INDEX { pSlot3Index } ::= { pSlot3Table 1 } PSlot3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot3Description DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot3Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot3Configured Configured, pSlot3SendEmail Boolean, pSlot3SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot3IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot3Level0 Level, pSlot3Level1 Level, pSlot3Level2 Level, pSlot3Level3 Level, pSlot3Level4 Level, pSlot3Level5 Level, pSlot3ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot3Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot3Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot3Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot3Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot3Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot3Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot3ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot3Units DescriptionString, pSlot3OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot3OutputState OutputState, pSlot3OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot3BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot3DataBits DataBits, pSlot3Parity Parity, pSlot3StopBits StopBits, pSlot3Protocol Protocol, pSlot3SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot3SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot3LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot3LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot3LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot3LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot3Present Boolean, pSlot3OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot3VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot3IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot3IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot3PortType PortType, pSlot3TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot3TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot3TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot3TL1Env Boolean, pSlot3TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot3TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot3TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot3SensorType SensorType, pSlot3Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot3Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot3Entry 3 } -- pSlot3Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot3Entry 4 } -- pSlot3Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot3Entry 5 } -- pSlot3Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot3Entry 6 } -- pSlot3Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot3Entry 7 } -- pSlot3Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot3Entry 8 } -- pSlot3Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot3Entry 9 } -- pSlot3Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot3Entry 10 } -- pSlot3SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot3Entry 11 } -- pSlot3SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot3Entry 12 } -- pSlot3IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot3Entry 14 } -- pSlot3Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot3Entry 17 } -- pSlot3Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot3Entry 18 } -- pSlot3Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot3Entry 19 } -- pSlot3Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot3Entry 20 } -- pSlot3Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot3Entry 21 } -- pSlot3Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot3Entry 22 } -- pSlot3ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot3Entry 23 } -- pSlot3Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 28 } -- pSlot3Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 29 } -- pSlot3Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 30 } -- pSlot3Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 31 } -- pSlot3Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 32 } -- pSlot3Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot3Entry 33 } -- pSlot3ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot3Entry 44 } -- pSlot3Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot3Entry 46 } -- pSlot3OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot3Entry 47 } -- pSlot3OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot3Entry 48 } -- pSlot3OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot3Entry 49 } -- pSlot3BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 57 } -- pSlot3DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 58 } -- pSlot3Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 59 } -- pSlot3StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 60 } -- pSlot3Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot3Entry 61 } -- pSlot3SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 62 } -- pSlot3SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 63 } -- pSlot3LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot3Entry 64 } -- pSlot3LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot3Entry 65 } -- pSlot3LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot3Entry 66 } -- pSlot3LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot3Entry 67 } -- pSlot3Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot3Entry 68 } -- pSlot3OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot3Entry 71 } -- pSlot3VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot3Entry 72 } -- pSlot3IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot3Entry 73 } -- pSlot3IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot3Entry 75 } -- pSlot3PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot3Entry 76 } -- pSlot3TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 116 } -- pSlot3TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 117 } -- pSlot3TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 118 } -- pSlot3TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 119 } -- pSlot3TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 120 } -- pSlot3TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 121 } -- pSlot3TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot3Entry 122 } -- pSlot3SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot3Entry 131 } -- pSlot3Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot3Entry 999 } -- Slot4 table -- pSlot4Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot4" ::= { configuration 21 } -- pSlot4Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot4Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot4" INDEX { pSlot4Index } ::= { pSlot4Table 1 } PSlot4Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot4Description DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot4Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot4Configured Configured, pSlot4SendEmail Boolean, pSlot4SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot4IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot4Level0 Level, pSlot4Level1 Level, pSlot4Level2 Level, pSlot4Level3 Level, pSlot4Level4 Level, pSlot4Level5 Level, pSlot4ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot4Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot4Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot4Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot4Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot4Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot4Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot4ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot4Units DescriptionString, pSlot4OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot4OutputState OutputState, pSlot4OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot4BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot4DataBits DataBits, pSlot4Parity Parity, pSlot4StopBits StopBits, pSlot4Protocol Protocol, pSlot4SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot4SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot4LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot4LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot4LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot4LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot4Present Boolean, pSlot4OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot4VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot4IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot4IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot4PortType PortType, pSlot4TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot4TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot4TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot4TL1Env Boolean, pSlot4TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot4TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot4TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot4SensorType SensorType, pSlot4Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot4Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot4Entry 3 } -- pSlot4Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot4Entry 4 } -- pSlot4Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot4Entry 5 } -- pSlot4Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot4Entry 6 } -- pSlot4Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot4Entry 7 } -- pSlot4Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot4Entry 8 } -- pSlot4Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot4Entry 9 } -- pSlot4Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot4Entry 10 } -- pSlot4SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot4Entry 11 } -- pSlot4SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot4Entry 12 } -- pSlot4IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot4Entry 14 } -- pSlot4Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot4Entry 17 } -- pSlot4Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot4Entry 18 } -- pSlot4Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot4Entry 19 } -- pSlot4Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot4Entry 20 } -- pSlot4Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot4Entry 21 } -- pSlot4Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot4Entry 22 } -- pSlot4ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot4Entry 23 } -- pSlot4Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 28 } -- pSlot4Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 29 } -- pSlot4Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 30 } -- pSlot4Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 31 } -- pSlot4Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 32 } -- pSlot4Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot4Entry 33 } -- pSlot4ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot4Entry 44 } -- pSlot4Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot4Entry 46 } -- pSlot4OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot4Entry 47 } -- pSlot4OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot4Entry 48 } -- pSlot4OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot4Entry 49 } -- pSlot4BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 57 } -- pSlot4DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 58 } -- pSlot4Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 59 } -- pSlot4StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 60 } -- pSlot4Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot4Entry 61 } -- pSlot4SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 62 } -- pSlot4SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 63 } -- pSlot4LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot4Entry 64 } -- pSlot4LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot4Entry 65 } -- pSlot4LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot4Entry 66 } -- pSlot4LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot4Entry 67 } -- pSlot4Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot4Entry 68 } -- pSlot4OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot4Entry 71 } -- pSlot4VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot4Entry 72 } -- pSlot4IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot4Entry 73 } -- pSlot4IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot4Entry 75 } -- pSlot4PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot4Entry 76 } -- pSlot4TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 116 } -- pSlot4TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 117 } -- pSlot4TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 118 } -- pSlot4TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 119 } -- pSlot4TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 120 } -- pSlot4TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 121 } -- pSlot4TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot4Entry 122 } -- pSlot4SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot4Entry 131 } -- pSlot4Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot4Entry 999 } -- Slot5 table -- pSlot5Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot5Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot5" ::= { configuration 22 } -- pSlot5Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot5Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot5" INDEX { pSlot5Index } ::= { pSlot5Table 1 } PSlot5Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot5Description DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot5Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot5Configured Configured, pSlot5SendEmail Boolean, pSlot5SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot5IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot5Level0 Level, pSlot5Level1 Level, pSlot5Level2 Level, pSlot5Level3 Level, pSlot5Level4 Level, pSlot5Level5 Level, pSlot5ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot5Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot5Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot5Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot5Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot5Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot5Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot5ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot5Units DescriptionString, pSlot5OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot5OutputState OutputState, pSlot5OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot5BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot5DataBits DataBits, pSlot5Parity Parity, pSlot5StopBits StopBits, pSlot5Protocol Protocol, pSlot5SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot5SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot5LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot5LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot5LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot5LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot5Present Boolean, pSlot5OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot5VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot5IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot5IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot5PortType PortType, pSlot5TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot5TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot5TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot5TL1Env Boolean, pSlot5TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot5TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot5TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot5SensorType SensorType, pSlot5Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot5Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot5Entry 3 } -- pSlot5Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot5Entry 4 } -- pSlot5Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot5Entry 5 } -- pSlot5Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot5Entry 6 } -- pSlot5Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot5Entry 7 } -- pSlot5Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot5Entry 8 } -- pSlot5Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot5Entry 9 } -- pSlot5Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot5Entry 10 } -- pSlot5SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot5Entry 11 } -- pSlot5SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot5Entry 12 } -- pSlot5IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot5Entry 14 } -- pSlot5Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot5Entry 17 } -- pSlot5Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot5Entry 18 } -- pSlot5Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot5Entry 19 } -- pSlot5Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot5Entry 20 } -- pSlot5Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot5Entry 21 } -- pSlot5Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot5Entry 22 } -- pSlot5ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot5Entry 23 } -- pSlot5Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 28 } -- pSlot5Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 29 } -- pSlot5Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 30 } -- pSlot5Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 31 } -- pSlot5Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 32 } -- pSlot5Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot5Entry 33 } -- pSlot5ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot5Entry 44 } -- pSlot5Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot5Entry 46 } -- pSlot5OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot5Entry 47 } -- pSlot5OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot5Entry 48 } -- pSlot5OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot5Entry 49 } -- pSlot5BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 57 } -- pSlot5DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 58 } -- pSlot5Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 59 } -- pSlot5StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 60 } -- pSlot5Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot5Entry 61 } -- pSlot5SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 62 } -- pSlot5SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 63 } -- pSlot5LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot5Entry 64 } -- pSlot5LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot5Entry 65 } -- pSlot5LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot5Entry 66 } -- pSlot5LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot5Entry 67 } -- pSlot5Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot5Entry 68 } -- pSlot5OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot5Entry 71 } -- pSlot5VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot5Entry 72 } -- pSlot5IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot5Entry 73 } -- pSlot5IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot5Entry 75 } -- pSlot5PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot5Entry 76 } -- pSlot5TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 116 } -- pSlot5TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 117 } -- pSlot5TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 118 } -- pSlot5TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 119 } -- pSlot5TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 120 } -- pSlot5TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 121 } -- pSlot5TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot5Entry 122 } -- pSlot5SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot5Entry 131 } -- pSlot5Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot5Entry 999 } -- Slot6 table -- pSlot6Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PSlot6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table for configuration of Slot6" ::= { configuration 23 } -- pSlot6Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PSlot6Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry for configuration table of Slot6" INDEX { pSlot6Index } ::= { pSlot6Table 1 } PSlot6Entry ::= SEQUENCE { pSlot6Description DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc0 DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc1 DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc2 DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc3 DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc4 DescriptionString, pSlot6Desc5 DescriptionString, pSlot6Configured Configured, pSlot6SendEmail Boolean, pSlot6SendSNMPTrap Boolean, pSlot6IpAddress IpAddress, pSlot6Level0 Level, pSlot6Level1 Level, pSlot6Level2 Level, pSlot6Level3 Level, pSlot6Level4 Level, pSlot6Level5 Level, pSlot6ReadPeriod Integer32, pSlot6Thresh0 DescriptionString, pSlot6Thresh1 DescriptionString, pSlot6Thresh2 DescriptionString, pSlot6Thresh3 DescriptionString, pSlot6Thresh4 DescriptionString, pSlot6Thresh5 DescriptionString, pSlot6ContactStyle ContactStyle, pSlot6Units DescriptionString, pSlot6OutputMode OutputMode, pSlot6OutputState OutputState, pSlot6OutputAuto Integer32, pSlot6BaudRate BaudRate, pSlot6DataBits DataBits, pSlot6Parity Parity, pSlot6StopBits StopBits, pSlot6Protocol Protocol, pSlot6SerialRTS SerialRTS, pSlot6SerialCTS SerialCTS, pSlot6LiveDescription DescriptionString, pSlot6LiveLevel DescriptionString, pSlot6LiveRaw DescriptionString, pSlot6LiveTime DescriptionString, pSlot6Present Boolean, pSlot6OutputAutoPkg Integer32, pSlot6VoltageRange VoltageRange, pSlot6IPPortNum Integer32, pSlot6IOFormat IOFormat, pSlot6PortType PortType, pSlot6TL1SID DescriptionString, pSlot6TL1COND DescriptionString, pSlot6TL1Eqpt DescriptionString, pSlot6TL1Env Boolean, pSlot6TL1Srveff TL1Srveff, pSlot6TL1Locn TL1Locn, pSlot6TL1Dirn TL1Dirn, pSlot6SensorType SensorType, pSlot6Index Integer32 (1..32) } -- pSlot6Description OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the alarm point. discrete-outputs - Description of the control point. serial-ports - Description of the serial port. onboard-sensors - Description of the onboard device. analog-Inputs - Description of the analog input device. analog-Sensors - Description of the sensor input device." ::= { pSlot6Entry 3 } -- pSlot6Desc0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the off state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is open. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot6Entry 4 } -- pSlot6Desc1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Description of the on state. discrete-outputs - Description when the control point is closed. onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot6Entry 5 } -- pSlot6Desc2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot6Entry 6 } -- pSlot6Desc3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot6Entry 7 } -- pSlot6Desc4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The description for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot6Entry 8 } -- pSlot6Desc5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Description for a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Description for a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot6Entry 9 } -- pSlot6Configured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Configured MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, changes of state will be reported. If set to false, not change of states will be reported. discrete-outputs - If set to true, the control point will operate. If false, it will not operate. serial-ports - If set to true, this serial port will be usable. If set to false the port will not be usable. onboard-sensors - If set to true, the onboard sensors will be used. If set to false the will be ignored. analog-Inputs - If set to true, the analog inputs will be usable. If set to false the analog inputs will be ignored. analog-Sensors - If set to true, the sensor inputs will be usable. If set to false the sensor inputs will be ignored." ::= { pSlot6Entry 10 } -- pSlot6SendEmail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an email will be sent on a change of state. If false, no email will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an email event will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no email event will be sent." ::= { pSlot6Entry 11 } -- pSlot6SendSNMPTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - If set to true, an SNMP trap will be sent on a change of state. If false, no SNMP trap will be sent. onboard-sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Inputs - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent. analog-Sensors - If set to true an SNMP trap will be set when a threshold is crossed. If set to false no SNMP trap will be sent." ::= { pSlot6Entry 12 } -- pSlot6IpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP Address of the target device." ::= { pSlot6Entry 14 } -- pSlot6Level0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the off state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when open. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 0 and threshold 1." ::= { pSlot6Entry 17 } -- pSlot6Level1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Level of the on state. discrete-outputs - Level of the control point when closed. onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 1 and threshold 2." ::= { pSlot6Entry 18 } -- pSlot6Level2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 2 and threshold 3." ::= { pSlot6Entry 19 } -- pSlot6Level3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 3 and threshold 4." ::= { pSlot6Entry 20 } -- pSlot6Level4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Inputs - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5. analog-Sensors - The level for values between threshold 4 and threshold 5." ::= { pSlot6Entry 21 } -- pSlot6Level5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: analog-Inputs - Level of a communications failure to the sensor. analog-Sensors - Level of a communications failure to the sensor." ::= { pSlot6Entry 22 } -- pSlot6ReadPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Inactivity timeout (in minutes)." ::= { pSlot6Entry 23 } -- pSlot6Thresh0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the minimun analog value. analog-Inputs - This is the maximum analog value. analog-Sensors - This is the maximum analog value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 28 } -- pSlot6Thresh1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the first threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the first threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the first threshold value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 29 } -- pSlot6Thresh2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the second threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the second threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the second threshold value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 30 } -- pSlot6Thresh3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the third threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the third threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the third threshold value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 31 } -- pSlot6Thresh4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the fourth threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the fourth threshold value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 32 } -- pSlot6Thresh5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - This is the maximum threshold value. analog-Inputs - This is the minimum threshold value. analog-Sensors - This is the minimum threshold value." ::= { pSlot6Entry 33 } -- pSlot6ContactStyle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ContactStyle MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - Determines the type of contact." ::= { pSlot6Entry 44 } -- pSlot6Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Inputs - Description of the units of measurement. analog-Sensors - Description of the units of measurement." ::= { pSlot6Entry 46 } -- pSlot6OutputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - Defines the different ways a control point can be activated." ::= { pSlot6Entry 47 } -- pSlot6OutputState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OutputState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - A value of 0 will open the control point. A value of 1 will close the control point." ::= { pSlot6Entry 48 } -- pSlot6OutputAuto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this alarm point will change state to the on state." ::= { pSlot6Entry 49 } -- pSlot6BaudRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BaudRate MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Baud rate of the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 57 } -- pSlot6DataBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DataBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of data bit for the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 58 } -- pSlot6Parity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Parity MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Parity of the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 59 } -- pSlot6StopBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StopBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Number of stop bits for the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 60 } -- pSlot6Protocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Protocol MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Protocol the serial port is speaking." ::= { pSlot6Entry 61 } -- pSlot6SerialRTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialRTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Request To Send (RTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 62 } -- pSlot6SerialCTS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SerialCTS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - Clear To Send (CTS) setting for the serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 63 } -- pSlot6LiveDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current description of the alarm state. onboard-sensors - The description of the current state of the onboard sensor analog-Inputs - The description of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The description of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot6Entry 64 } -- pSlot6LiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The current level of the alarm. onboard-sensors - The level of the current state of the onboard sensor. analog-Inputs - The level of the current state of the analog input. analog-Sensors - The level of the current state of the sensor input." ::= { pSlot6Entry 65 } -- pSlot6LiveRaw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The current reading from the onboard sensor. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Inputs - The current reading from the analog input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values. analog-Sensors - The current reading from the sensor input. This value will always be between the threshold 0 and threshold 5 values." ::= { pSlot6Entry 66 } -- pSlot6LiveTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The time of the last change of state. onboard-sensors - The time of the last event. analog-Inputs - The time of the last event. analog-Sensors - The time of the last event." ::= { pSlot6Entry 67 } -- pSlot6Present OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - If set to true, the serial port exists. If set to false the serial port does not exist." ::= { pSlot6Entry 68 } -- pSlot6OutputAutoPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-outputs - When this control point is opened, this is the package that the alarm point is located." ::= { pSlot6Entry 71 } -- pSlot6VoltageRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VoltageRange MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The voltage range. analog-Inputs - The voltage range. analog-Sensors - The voltage range." ::= { pSlot6Entry 72 } -- pSlot6IPPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - IP port number of the target device." ::= { pSlot6Entry 73 } -- pSlot6IOFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IOFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - The io format of discrete inputs. discrete-outputs - The io format of discrete outputs. serial-ports - The io format of serial ports. onboard-sensors - The io format of onboard sensors. analog-Inputs - The io format of analog inputs. analog-Sensors - The io format of analog sensors." ::= { pSlot6Entry 75 } -- pSlot6PortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: serial-ports - The type of serial port." ::= { pSlot6Entry 76 } -- pSlot6TL1SID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 116 } -- pSlot6TL1COND OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - discrete-outputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 117 } -- pSlot6TL1Eqpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 118 } -- pSlot6TL1Env OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 119 } -- pSlot6TL1Srveff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Srveff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 120 } -- pSlot6TL1Locn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Locn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 121 } -- pSlot6TL1Dirn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TL1Dirn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: discrete-inputs - onboard-sensors - analog-Inputs - analog-Sensors - " ::= { pSlot6Entry 122 } -- pSlot6SensorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SensorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This field is used in the following card types: onboard-sensors - The type of sensor. analog-Inputs - The type of sensor. analog-Sensors - The type of sensor." ::= { pSlot6Entry 131 } -- pSlot6Index OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index." ::= { pSlot6Entry 999 } -- configObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { systemGeneralLocation, systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralIpAddress, systemGeneralSubnetMask, systemGeneralGatewayAddress, systemGeneralReadPeriod, systemGeneralMeasureStyle, systemGeneralMacAddress, systemGeneralProductType, systemGeneralIPPortNum, systemGeneralVersion, systemGeneralUseResetTime, systemGeneralEthernetType, systemGeneralEthernetRate, systemGeneralContact, pTrapTargetDescription, pTrapTargetConfigured, pTrapTargetIpAddress, pTrapTargetSnmpVersion, pTrapTargetIPPortNum, pTrapTargetBackupIPAddress, pTrapTargetUseDialout, pTrapTargetDialoutTarget, pTrapTargetAuthKey, pTrapTargetPrivKey, pTrapTargetSNMPAccess, pTrapTargetEngineID, pTrapTargetIndex, pEmailAddress, pEmailDescription, pEmailConfigured, pEmailIndex, pRemoteSensorDescription, pRemoteSensorDesc0, pRemoteSensorDesc1, pRemoteSensorDesc2, pRemoteSensorDesc3, pRemoteSensorDesc4, pRemoteSensorDesc5, pRemoteSensorConfigured, pRemoteSensorSendEmail, pRemoteSensorSendSNMPTrap, pRemoteSensorLevel0, pRemoteSensorLevel1, pRemoteSensorLevel2, pRemoteSensorLevel3, pRemoteSensorLevel4, pRemoteSensorLevel5, pRemoteSensorThresh0, pRemoteSensorThresh1, pRemoteSensorThresh2, pRemoteSensorThresh3, pRemoteSensorThresh4, pRemoteSensorThresh5, pRemoteSensorUnits, pRemoteSensorPollAddress, pRemoteSensorLiveDescription, pRemoteSensorLiveLevel, pRemoteSensorLiveRaw, pRemoteSensorLiveTime, pRemoteSensorTL1SID, pRemoteSensorTL1COND, pRemoteSensorTL1Eqpt, pRemoteSensorTL1Env, pRemoteSensorTL1Srveff, pRemoteSensorTL1Locn, pRemoteSensorTL1Dirn, pRemoteSensorMODBUSCommand, pRemoteSensorStartRegister, pRemoteSensorIndex, pOnboardSensorDescription, pOnboardSensorDesc0, pOnboardSensorDesc1, pOnboardSensorDesc2, pOnboardSensorDesc3, pOnboardSensorDesc4, pOnboardSensorDesc5, pOnboardSensorConfigured, pOnboardSensorSendEmail, pOnboardSensorSendSNMPTrap, pOnboardSensorLevel0, pOnboardSensorLevel1, pOnboardSensorLevel2, pOnboardSensorLevel3, pOnboardSensorLevel4, pOnboardSensorLevel5, pOnboardSensorThresh0, pOnboardSensorThresh1, pOnboardSensorThresh2, pOnboardSensorThresh3, pOnboardSensorThresh4, pOnboardSensorThresh5, pOnboardSensorUnits, pOnboardSensorLiveDescription, pOnboardSensorLiveLevel, pOnboardSensorLiveRaw, pOnboardSensorLiveTime, pOnboardSensorTL1SID, pOnboardSensorTL1COND, pOnboardSensorTL1Eqpt, pOnboardSensorTL1Env, pOnboardSensorTL1Srveff, pOnboardSensorTL1Locn, pOnboardSensorTL1Dirn, pOnboardSensorSensorType, pOnboardSensorIndex, pNetDevicesDescription, pNetDevicesDesc0, pNetDevicesDesc1, pNetDevicesConfigured, pNetDevicesSendEmail, pNetDevicesSendSNMPTrap, pNetDevicesIpAddress, pNetDevicesLevel0, pNetDevicesLevel1, pNetDevicesLiveDescription, pNetDevicesLiveLevel, pNetDevicesLiveRaw, pNetDevicesLiveTime, pNetDevicesTL1SID, pNetDevicesTL1COND, pNetDevicesTL1Eqpt, pNetDevicesTL1Env, pNetDevicesTL1Srveff, pNetDevicesTL1Locn, pNetDevicesTL1Dirn, pNetDevicesIndex, pAccountsConfigured, pAccountsName, pAccountsEncPassword, pAccountsUserLevel, pAccountsUnsecured, pAccountsAuthKey, pAccountsPrivKey, pAccountsSNMPAccess, pAccountsIndex, cameraConfigured, cameraIpAddress, cameraCameraStyle, snmpGeneralConfigured, snmpGeneralReadPeriod, snmpGeneralGet, snmpGeneralSet, snmpGeneralTrap, snmpGeneralIPPortNum, snmpGeneralEngineID, emailGeneralAddress, emailGeneralConfigured, emailGeneralIpAddress, emailGeneralPassword, emailGeneralIPPortNum, pSerialDescription, pSerialConfigured, pSerialIpAddress, pSerialReadPeriod, pSerialBaudRate, pSerialDataBits, pSerialParity, pSerialStopBits, pSerialProtocol, pSerialSerialRTS, pSerialSerialCTS, pSerialPresent, pSerialIPPortNum, pSerialPortType, pSerialIndex, pSelfTestDescription, pSelfTestConfigured, pSelfTestIndex, pInternalFaultsDescription, pInternalFaultsDesc0, pInternalFaultsDesc1, pInternalFaultsDesc2, pInternalFaultsDesc3, pInternalFaultsSendEmail, pInternalFaultsSendSNMPTrap, pInternalFaultsLevel0, pInternalFaultsLevel1, pInternalFaultsLevel2, pInternalFaultsLevel3, pInternalFaultsReadPeriod, pInternalFaultsIgnoreOff, pInternalFaultsLiveDescription, pInternalFaultsLiveLevel, pInternalFaultsLiveTime, pInternalFaultsUseResetTime, pInternalFaultsIndex, pSlotInfoDescription, pSlotInfoRecord, pSlotInfoPresent, pSlotInfoSlotId, pSlotInfoIndex, pNetPortsDescription, pNetPortsReadPeriod, pNetPortsIPPortNum, pNetPortsIndex, wirelessModemBackupIPAddress, wirelessModemTime, wirelessModemTransmit, wirelessModemUseWirelessNetwork, wirelessModemUseResetTime, wirelessModemResponseWaitTime, wirelessModemSecondary, webmonSecurityUserLevel, webmonSecurityUnsecured, dateTimeConfigured, dateTimeIpAddress, dateTimeDaylightSaving, dateTimeDate, dateTimeTime, dateTimeNegOffset, dateTimeUTCOffset, pDCMProtocolDescription, pDCMProtocolConfigured, pDCMProtocolBaseDCMAddress, pDCMProtocolIndex, pdialOutConfigured, pdialOutName, pdialOutPassword, pdialOutDialOutNumber, pdialOutIndex, pderivedDiscreteDescription, pderivedDiscreteDesc0, pderivedDiscreteDesc1, pderivedDiscreteConfigured, pderivedDiscreteSendEmail, pderivedDiscreteSendSNMPTrap, pderivedDiscreteLevel0, pderivedDiscreteLevel1, pderivedDiscreteLiveDescription, pderivedDiscreteLiveLevel, pderivedDiscreteLiveTime, pderivedDiscreteElementAPkg, pderivedDiscreteElementAPoint, pderivedDiscreteElementBPkg, pderivedDiscreteElementBPoint, pderivedDiscreteDiscreteFormula, pderivedDiscreteTL1SID, pderivedDiscreteTL1COND, pderivedDiscreteTL1Eqpt, pderivedDiscreteTL1Env, pderivedDiscreteTL1Srveff, pderivedDiscreteTL1Locn, pderivedDiscreteTL1Dirn, pderivedDiscreteIndex, licenseDescription, licenseLicenseKey, licenseExpires, licenseAllowTL1, pe2aHostDescription, pe2aHostConfigured, pe2aHostIpAddress, pe2aHostLevel0, pe2aHostLevel1, pe2aHostLevel2, pe2aHostRosterID, pe2aHostPollAddress, pe2aHostIPPortNum, pe2aHostTL1SID, pe2aHostTL1COND, pe2aHostTL1Eqpt, pe2aHostTL1Env, pe2aHostTL1Srveff, pe2aHostTL1Locn, pe2aHostTL1Dirn, pe2aHostIndex, pderivedAnalogDescription, pderivedAnalogDesc0, pderivedAnalogDesc1, pderivedAnalogDesc2, pderivedAnalogDesc3, pderivedAnalogDesc4, pderivedAnalogConfigured, pderivedAnalogSendEmail, pderivedAnalogSendSNMPTrap, pderivedAnalogLevel0, pderivedAnalogLevel1, pderivedAnalogLevel2, pderivedAnalogLevel3, pderivedAnalogLevel4, pderivedAnalogThresh0, pderivedAnalogThresh1, pderivedAnalogThresh2, pderivedAnalogThresh3, pderivedAnalogThresh4, pderivedAnalogThresh5, pderivedAnalogUnits, pderivedAnalogLiveDescription, pderivedAnalogLiveLevel, pderivedAnalogLiveRaw, pderivedAnalogLiveTime, pderivedAnalogElementAPkg, pderivedAnalogElementAPoint, pderivedAnalogElementBPkg, pderivedAnalogElementBPoint, pderivedAnalogFormula, pderivedAnalogTL1SID, pderivedAnalogTL1COND, pderivedAnalogTL1Eqpt, pderivedAnalogTL1Env, pderivedAnalogTL1Srveff, pderivedAnalogTL1Locn, pderivedAnalogTL1Dirn, pderivedAnalogIndex, pgpsDescription, pgpsDesc0, pgpsDesc1, pgpsDesc2, pgpsDesc3, pgpsDesc4, pgpsConfigured, pgpsSendEmail, pgpsSendSNMPTrap, pgpsLevel0, pgpsLevel1, pgpsLevel2, pgpsLevel3, pgpsLevel4, pgpsThresh0, pgpsThresh1, pgpsThresh2, pgpsThresh3, pgpsThresh4, pgpsThresh5, pgpsUnits, pgpsLiveDescription, pgpsLiveLevel, pgpsLiveRaw, pgpsLiveTime, pgpsTL1SID, pgpsTL1COND, pgpsTL1Eqpt, pgpsTL1Env, pgpsTL1Srveff, pgpsTL1Locn, pgpsTL1Dirn, pgpsIndex, pportRedirectDescription, pportRedirectConfigured, pportRedirectIpAddress, pportRedirectReadPeriod, pportRedirectRosterID, pportRedirectIPPortNum, pportRedirectIndex, pscheduleADayOfWeek, pscheduleAConfiguredState, pscheduleAConfigured1, pscheduleAConfigured2, pscheduleAConfigured3, pscheduleAConfigured4, pscheduleATime0, pscheduleATime1, pscheduleATime2, pscheduleATime3, pscheduleATime4, pscheduleATime5, pscheduleAIndex, pscheduleBDayOfWeek, pscheduleBConfiguredState, pscheduleBConfigured1, pscheduleBConfigured2, pscheduleBConfigured3, pscheduleBConfigured4, pscheduleBTime0, pscheduleBTime1, pscheduleBTime2, pscheduleBTime3, pscheduleBTime4, pscheduleBTime5, pscheduleBIndex, pscheduleCDayOfWeek, pscheduleCConfiguredState, pscheduleCConfigured1, pscheduleCConfigured2, pscheduleCConfigured3, pscheduleCConfigured4, pscheduleCTime0, pscheduleCTime1, pscheduleCTime2, pscheduleCTime3, pscheduleCTime4, pscheduleCTime5, pscheduleCIndex, pscheduleDDayOfWeek, pscheduleDConfiguredState, pscheduleDConfigured1, pscheduleDConfigured2, pscheduleDConfigured3, pscheduleDConfigured4, pscheduleDTime0, pscheduleDTime1, pscheduleDTime2, pscheduleDTime3, pscheduleDTime4, pscheduleDTime5, pscheduleDIndex, tl1SettingsTL1Issue, pDCPFProtocolDescription, pDCPFProtocolConfigured, pDCPFProtocolBaseDCPFDisplay, pDCPFProtocolIndex, dcpfSettingsDCPFAddress, pTABSProtocolDescription, pTABSProtocolConfigured, pTABSProtocolBaseTABSDisplay, pTABSProtocolIndex, tabsSettingsTABSAddress, psnmpCommandsDescription, psnmpCommandsConfigured, psnmpCommandsIpAddress, psnmpCommandsGet, psnmpCommandsSnmpVersion, psnmpCommandsOutputAuto, psnmpCommandsOutputAutoPkg, psnmpCommandsIPPortNum, psnmpCommandsOID, psnmpCommandsSNMPVarbindType, psnmpCommandsTextNormal, psnmpCommandsTextCritical, psnmpCommandsTextMajor, psnmpCommandsTextMinor, psnmpCommandsTextStatus, psnmpCommandsIndex, battMonConfigured, battMonOutputAuto, battMonOutputAutoPkg, pSlot1Description, pSlot1Desc0, pSlot1Desc1, pSlot1Desc2, pSlot1Desc3, pSlot1Desc4, pSlot1Desc5, pSlot1Configured, pSlot1SendEmail, pSlot1SendSNMPTrap, pSlot1IpAddress, pSlot1Level0, pSlot1Level1, pSlot1Level2, pSlot1Level3, pSlot1Level4, pSlot1Level5, pSlot1ReadPeriod, pSlot1Thresh0, pSlot1Thresh1, pSlot1Thresh2, pSlot1Thresh3, pSlot1Thresh4, pSlot1Thresh5, pSlot1ContactStyle, pSlot1Units, pSlot1OutputMode, pSlot1OutputState, pSlot1OutputAuto, pSlot1BaudRate, pSlot1DataBits, pSlot1Parity, pSlot1StopBits, pSlot1Protocol, pSlot1SerialRTS, pSlot1SerialCTS, pSlot1LiveDescription, pSlot1LiveLevel, pSlot1LiveRaw, pSlot1LiveTime, pSlot1Present, pSlot1OutputAutoPkg, pSlot1VoltageRange, pSlot1IPPortNum, pSlot1IOFormat, pSlot1PortType, pSlot1TL1SID, pSlot1TL1COND, pSlot1TL1Eqpt, pSlot1TL1Env, pSlot1TL1Srveff, pSlot1TL1Locn, pSlot1TL1Dirn, pSlot1SensorType, pSlot1Index, pSlot2Description, pSlot2Desc0, pSlot2Desc1, pSlot2Desc2, pSlot2Desc3, pSlot2Desc4, pSlot2Desc5, pSlot2Configured, pSlot2SendEmail, pSlot2SendSNMPTrap, pSlot2IpAddress, pSlot2Level0, pSlot2Level1, pSlot2Level2, pSlot2Level3, pSlot2Level4, pSlot2Level5, pSlot2ReadPeriod, pSlot2Thresh0, pSlot2Thresh1, pSlot2Thresh2, pSlot2Thresh3, pSlot2Thresh4, pSlot2Thresh5, pSlot2ContactStyle, pSlot2Units, pSlot2OutputMode, pSlot2OutputState, pSlot2OutputAuto, pSlot2BaudRate, pSlot2DataBits, pSlot2Parity, pSlot2StopBits, pSlot2Protocol, pSlot2SerialRTS, pSlot2SerialCTS, pSlot2LiveDescription, pSlot2LiveLevel, pSlot2LiveRaw, pSlot2LiveTime, pSlot2Present, pSlot2OutputAutoPkg, pSlot2VoltageRange, pSlot2IPPortNum, pSlot2IOFormat, pSlot2PortType, pSlot2TL1SID, pSlot2TL1COND, pSlot2TL1Eqpt, pSlot2TL1Env, pSlot2TL1Srveff, pSlot2TL1Locn, pSlot2TL1Dirn, pSlot2SensorType, pSlot2Index, pSlot3Description, pSlot3Desc0, pSlot3Desc1, pSlot3Desc2, pSlot3Desc3, pSlot3Desc4, pSlot3Desc5, pSlot3Configured, pSlot3SendEmail, pSlot3SendSNMPTrap, pSlot3IpAddress, pSlot3Level0, pSlot3Level1, pSlot3Level2, pSlot3Level3, pSlot3Level4, pSlot3Level5, pSlot3ReadPeriod, pSlot3Thresh0, pSlot3Thresh1, pSlot3Thresh2, pSlot3Thresh3, pSlot3Thresh4, pSlot3Thresh5, pSlot3ContactStyle, pSlot3Units, pSlot3OutputMode, pSlot3OutputState, pSlot3OutputAuto, pSlot3BaudRate, pSlot3DataBits, pSlot3Parity, pSlot3StopBits, pSlot3Protocol, pSlot3SerialRTS, pSlot3SerialCTS, pSlot3LiveDescription, pSlot3LiveLevel, pSlot3LiveRaw, pSlot3LiveTime, pSlot3Present, pSlot3OutputAutoPkg, pSlot3VoltageRange, pSlot3IPPortNum, pSlot3IOFormat, pSlot3PortType, pSlot3TL1SID, pSlot3TL1COND, pSlot3TL1Eqpt, pSlot3TL1Env, pSlot3TL1Srveff, pSlot3TL1Locn, pSlot3TL1Dirn, pSlot3SensorType, pSlot3Index, pSlot4Description, pSlot4Desc0, pSlot4Desc1, pSlot4Desc2, pSlot4Desc3, pSlot4Desc4, pSlot4Desc5, pSlot4Configured, pSlot4SendEmail, pSlot4SendSNMPTrap, pSlot4IpAddress, pSlot4Level0, pSlot4Level1, pSlot4Level2, pSlot4Level3, pSlot4Level4, pSlot4Level5, pSlot4ReadPeriod, pSlot4Thresh0, pSlot4Thresh1, pSlot4Thresh2, pSlot4Thresh3, pSlot4Thresh4, pSlot4Thresh5, pSlot4ContactStyle, pSlot4Units, pSlot4OutputMode, pSlot4OutputState, pSlot4OutputAuto, pSlot4BaudRate, pSlot4DataBits, pSlot4Parity, pSlot4StopBits, pSlot4Protocol, pSlot4SerialRTS, pSlot4SerialCTS, pSlot4LiveDescription, pSlot4LiveLevel, pSlot4LiveRaw, pSlot4LiveTime, pSlot4Present, pSlot4OutputAutoPkg, pSlot4VoltageRange, pSlot4IPPortNum, pSlot4IOFormat, pSlot4PortType, pSlot4TL1SID, pSlot4TL1COND, pSlot4TL1Eqpt, pSlot4TL1Env, pSlot4TL1Srveff, pSlot4TL1Locn, pSlot4TL1Dirn, pSlot4SensorType, pSlot4Index, pSlot5Description, pSlot5Desc0, pSlot5Desc1, pSlot5Desc2, pSlot5Desc3, pSlot5Desc4, pSlot5Desc5, pSlot5Configured, pSlot5SendEmail, pSlot5SendSNMPTrap, pSlot5IpAddress, pSlot5Level0, pSlot5Level1, pSlot5Level2, pSlot5Level3, pSlot5Level4, pSlot5Level5, pSlot5ReadPeriod, pSlot5Thresh0, pSlot5Thresh1, pSlot5Thresh2, pSlot5Thresh3, pSlot5Thresh4, pSlot5Thresh5, pSlot5ContactStyle, pSlot5Units, pSlot5OutputMode, pSlot5OutputState, pSlot5OutputAuto, pSlot5BaudRate, pSlot5DataBits, pSlot5Parity, pSlot5StopBits, pSlot5Protocol, pSlot5SerialRTS, pSlot5SerialCTS, pSlot5LiveDescription, pSlot5LiveLevel, pSlot5LiveRaw, pSlot5LiveTime, pSlot5Present, pSlot5OutputAutoPkg, pSlot5VoltageRange, pSlot5IPPortNum, pSlot5IOFormat, pSlot5PortType, pSlot5TL1SID, pSlot5TL1COND, pSlot5TL1Eqpt, pSlot5TL1Env, pSlot5TL1Srveff, pSlot5TL1Locn, pSlot5TL1Dirn, pSlot5SensorType, pSlot5Index, pSlot6Description, pSlot6Desc0, pSlot6Desc1, pSlot6Desc2, pSlot6Desc3, pSlot6Desc4, pSlot6Desc5, pSlot6Configured, pSlot6SendEmail, pSlot6SendSNMPTrap, pSlot6IpAddress, pSlot6Level0, pSlot6Level1, pSlot6Level2, pSlot6Level3, pSlot6Level4, pSlot6Level5, pSlot6ReadPeriod, pSlot6Thresh0, pSlot6Thresh1, pSlot6Thresh2, pSlot6Thresh3, pSlot6Thresh4, pSlot6Thresh5, pSlot6ContactStyle, pSlot6Units, pSlot6OutputMode, pSlot6OutputState, pSlot6OutputAuto, pSlot6BaudRate, pSlot6DataBits, pSlot6Parity, pSlot6StopBits, pSlot6Protocol, pSlot6SerialRTS, pSlot6SerialCTS, pSlot6LiveDescription, pSlot6LiveLevel, pSlot6LiveRaw, pSlot6LiveTime, pSlot6Present, pSlot6OutputAutoPkg, pSlot6VoltageRange, pSlot6IPPortNum, pSlot6IOFormat, pSlot6PortType, pSlot6TL1SID, pSlot6TL1COND, pSlot6TL1Eqpt, pSlot6TL1Env, pSlot6TL1Srveff, pSlot6TL1Locn, pSlot6TL1Dirn, pSlot6SensorType, pSlot6Index } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { configuration 999 } -- -- Trap definitions -- notificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { analogEventTrap, remoteDeviceEventTrap, faultTrap, digitalEventTrap } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group containing all the notification types." ::= { webMon 4 } objectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralLocation, analogInputDescription, analogLiveLevel, analogLiveReading, analogUnitsOfMeasurement, analogLiveState, analogLiveStateDescription, analogAlarmState, analogSourceDescription, analogSourceIndex, digitalInputDescription, digitalAlarmState, digitalLiveLevel, digitalLiveState, digitalLiveStateDescription, digitalSourceDescription, digitalSourceIndex, remoteDeviceDescription, remoteDeviceLiveLevel, remoteDeviceLiveState, remoteDeviceAlarmState, remoteDeviceSourceDescription, remoteDeviceSourceIndex, faultDescription, faultLiveLevel, faultStateDescription, faultAlarmState, faultSourceDescription, faultSourceIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group containing all the objects." ::= { webMon 5 } traps OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Category containing all the traps. Each trap has sibling data nodes that contain the data associated with the most recently sent trap of that particular type. A GET-REQUEST sent to the WebMon for those data nodes will allow you to verify the data received in a recent trap." ::= { webMon 6 } analogInputs OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subtree containing trap and associated data for analog inputs. Analog inputs measure a value. The input always has a live reading, but traps are only sent on events, which are defined as the live reading crossing (or passing) one of the user-defined thresholds. " ::= { traps 1 } analogEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralLocation, analogInputDescription, analogLiveLevel, analogLiveReading, analogLiveState, analogLiveStateDescription, analogUnitsOfMeasurement, analogAlarmState, analogSourceDescription, analogSourceIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification sent upon an analog input reading crossing a threshold." ::= { analogInputs 1 } analogInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the analog input." ::= { analogInputs 2 } analogLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level associated with the analogLiveReading for this input." ::= { analogInputs 3 } analogLiveReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The reading from the analog input described by analogInputDescription at the time the trap was sent. It is in the units described in analogUnitsOfMeasurement." ::= { analogInputs 5 } analogUnitsOfMeasurement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The units of measurement associated with the analogLiveReading." ::= { analogInputs 6 } analogLiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnalogState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state associated with analogLiveReading." ::= { analogInputs 7 } analogLiveStateDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the range in which the analogLiveReading is." ::= { analogInputs 8 } analogAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true this field indicates the alarmed state. If false this field indicates the not alarmed state." ::= { analogInputs 9} analogSourceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the event source." ::= { analogInputs 101 } analogSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the event source." ::= { analogInputs 102 } digitalInputs OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subtree containing trap and associated data for digital inputs. Digital inputs monitor a binary state. The input is always in one of two states. Traps are sent on events, which are defined as a change in the live state." ::= { traps 2 } digitalEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralLocation, digitalInputDescription, digitalLiveLevel, digitalLiveState, digitalLiveStateDescription, digitalAlarmState, digitalSourceDescription, digitalSourceIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification sent upon change of state on a digital input." ::= { digitalInputs 1 } digitalInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the digital input." ::= { digitalInputs 2 } digitalLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level associated with digitalLiveState for this input." ::= { digitalInputs 3 } digitalLiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DigitalState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the digital input described by digitalInputDescription at the time the trap was sent." ::= { digitalInputs 4 } digitalLiveStateDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the digitalLiveState." ::= { digitalInputs 5 } digitalAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true this field indicates the alarmed state. If false this field indicates the not alarmed state." ::= {digitalInputs 6} digitalSourceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the event source." ::= { digitalInputs 101 } digitalSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the event source." ::= { digitalInputs 102 } remoteDevices OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subtree containing trap and associated data for monitored remote devices. Remote devices are monitored for network connectivity. The device's live state is always either online or offline. Traps are sent on events, which are defined as a change in the live state." ::= { traps 3 } remoteDeviceEventTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralLocation, remoteDeviceDescription, remoteDeviceLiveState, remoteDeviceLiveLevel, remoteDeviceAlarmState, remoteDeviceSourceDescription, remoteDeviceSourceIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification sent upon change of state of a remote device." ::= { remoteDevices 1 } remoteDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the remote device." ::= { remoteDevices 2 } remoteDeviceLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level associated with remoteDeviceLiveState." ::= { remoteDevices 3 } remoteDeviceLiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ConnectivityState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the remote device described by remoteDeviceDescription at the time the trap was sent. Online indicates connected, offline indicates not connected." ::= { remoteDevices 4 } remoteDeviceAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true this field indicates the alarmed state. If false this field indicates the not alarmed state." ::= { remoteDevices 5} remoteDeviceSourceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the event source." ::= { remoteDevices 101 } remoteDeviceSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the event source." ::= { remoteDevices 102 } faults OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Subtree containing trap and associated data for faults. Faults are conditions internal to the WebMon. The only data associated with this trap is a string that describes the condition." ::= { traps 4 } faultTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemGeneralDescription, systemGeneralLocation, faultDescription, faultLiveLevel, faultStateDescription, faultAlarmState, faultSourceDescription, faultSourceIndex} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notification sent when a fault is encountered." ::= { faults 1 } faultDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the condition at the WebMon." ::= { faults 2 } faultLiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Level MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The level associated with faultStateDescription." ::= { faults 3 } faultStateDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The description of the state of this fault." ::= { faults 4 } faultAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Boolean MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If true this field indicates the alarmed state. If false this field indicates the not alarmed state." ::= { faults 5 } faultSourceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DescriptionString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the event source." ::= { faults 101 } faultSourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the event source." ::= { faults 102 } END -- -- WEBMON-EDGE-MATRIX-MIB.my --