-- -- dasan-switch-mib.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 6.0 Build 88 -- Friday, November 25, 2011 at 19:57:53 -- -- ***************************************************************** -- dasanSwitch MIB - The MIB for Switch Product -- -- April 2001, Wonhee Lee -- December 2002, Seungdong Lee -- May 2003, Donghoon Lee -- Feb 2004, Donghoon Lee -- May 2004, Dongha Lee -- May 2004, Youkyoung Lee -- -- Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 by Dasan Co., Ltd. -- Copyright (c) 2004 Dasan Networks Inc, -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** -- ******************************************************************************** -- Log for dasanSwitch MIB. -- -- July 23 2003 -- 1. add 15mElapsedTimeSeconds & 1dayElapsedTimeSeconds in dsVdslPortTable. -- 2. add service profile(dsVdslPortUpServiceProfile, dsVdslPortDownServiceProfile) -- in dsVdslPortTable. -- 3. add service profile(dsVdslSlotUpServiceProfile, dsVdslSlotDownServicePrile) -- in dsVdslSlotTable. -- -- Dec 19 2003 -- 1. Add Vdsl profile -- -- Feb 13 2004 -- 1. Set the value of MAX-ACCESS to obsolete between portProfile and portWanOperStatus. -- (Include both) -- 2. Add dsVdslPortModemReset to the dsVdslPortTable -- 3. Add dsVdslSlotLIUReboot to the dsVdslSlotTable -- -- Mar 8 2004 -- 1. add User Mac table -- -- Mar 12 2004 -- 1. Add hardwareVersion to dsSwitchSystem. -- 2. add dsVdslPortLineActiveTimePrev1Day / dsVdslPortLineActiveTimeCurr1Day to dsVdslPortTable. -- -- April 7 2004 -- 1. add dsSwitchAtTable that support ARP information with physical port. -- -- April 16 2004 -- 1. change description of portIngress: including QAM 20 case. -- -- May 10 2004 -- 1. add some PSDMaskLevel entries in dsVdslPortTable & dsVdslSlotTable. -- -- May 20 2004 -- 1. Add dsTcTable -- -- July 26 2005 -- 1. Add dsUserMacAddress5 ~ 8 -- -- July 30 2005 -- 1. Add dsSerialNumber -- -- Dec 13 2005 -- 1. Add dsFirmwareVersion -- -- Dec 17 2005 -- 1. change dsSerialNumber as DisplayString -- -- Feb 15 2006 -- 1. Add dsPortTrunkId -- 2. Add dsPortCRCCount -- -- March 21 2006 -- 1. Add dsVdslPortStandard ~ dsVdslPortTCMAdmin -- -- -- August 17 2006 -- 1. Add dsHardwareAddress -- -- -- June 24 2010 -- 1. Add dsVdslCpeInfoTable -- 2. Change the type of dsVdslPortSuperFrameRxCount and dsVdslPortSuperFrameTxCount from INTEGER to Unsigned32 -- ******************************************************************************** DASAN-SWITCH-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS dasanSwitchMIBObjects, dsSubnetConfName FROM DASAN-DHCP-MIB dasanEvents, dasanMgmt FROM DASAN-SMI ifIndex FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB TimeTicks, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Gauge32, Counter32, Counter64, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString, MacAddress, PhysAddress, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- dasanSwitchMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200107270000Z" -- July 27, 2001 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Dasan Co., Ltd." CONTACT-INFO "Dasan Co., Ltd." DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe Switch product." ::= { dasanMgmt 1 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- dsSwitchSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dasanSwitchMIBObjects 1 } -- dsSwitchSystem -- -- dsResetSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Send system-reset to this system." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 1 } -- dsWriteConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { write(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Write current running configuration to flash memory." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 2 } -- dsOsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of running OS." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 3 } -- dsTftpServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address or hostname of TFTP server." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 4 } -- dsTftpFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Remote file name" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 5 } -- dsTftpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), get(1), unknown(2), busy(3), failed(4), succeeded(5), abort(6), put(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TFTP transaction status. To receive a file from remote server, get is used. To send OS or Configuration to remote server, put is used. Abort can be used to terminate running tftp client." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 6 } -- dsTftpFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { operatingSystem(0), configuration(1), cpeNos(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TFTP file type. The value of cpe-nos(2) is only available, in case of dsVdsl." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 7 } -- appended :-) dhkim@da-san.com , Last updated 2003/02/03 -- -- dsCpuLoad5s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 5 seconds" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 8 } -- dsCpuLoad1m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 1 minute" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 9 } -- dsCpuLoad10m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 10 minutes" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 10 } -- dsCpuLoad5sisr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 5 seconds(interupt service routine)" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 11 } -- dsCpuLoad1misr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 1 minute(interupt service routine)" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 12 } -- dsCpuLoad10misr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Avg. Value of CPU Load for 10 minutes(interupt service routine)" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 13 } -- dsTotalMem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Total memory of system" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 14 } -- dsUsedMem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Used memory of system" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 15 } -- dsFreeMem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Free memory of sytem" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 16 } -- dsHardwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hardware version of system." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 17 } -- dsSoftwareCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Software Compatibility" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 18 } -- dsSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Serial number of system" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 19 } -- dsFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Firmware version of system" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 20 } -- dsHardwareAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Firmware version of system" ::= { dsSwitchSystem 21 } -- dsTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Time zone." ::= { dsSwitchSystem 22 } -- dsSystemNOSInfo -- -- dsSystemNOSInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSwitchSystem 30 } -- dsSystemNOSTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsSystemNOSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsSystemNOSEntry entries." ::= { dsSystemNOSInfo 1 } -- dsSystemNOSEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsSystemNOSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular ." INDEX { dsSystemNOSIndex } ::= { dsSystemNOSTable 1 } DsSystemNOSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsSystemNOSIndex INTEGER, dsSystemNOSName OCTET STRING, dsSystemNOSVersion OCTET STRING, dsSystemNOSSize INTEGER } -- dsSystemNOSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsSystemNOSEntry 1 } -- dsSystemNOSName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSystemNOSEntry 2 } -- dsSystemNOSVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSystemNOSEntry 3 } -- dsSystemNOSSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSystemNOSEntry 4 } -- dsSystemUpgradeInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSystemNOSInfo 2 } -- dsSystemUpgradeMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { tftp(0), ftp(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FTP or TFTP." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 1 } -- dsSystemUpgradeAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determine whether using IPv4 or IPv6, etc." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 2 } -- dsSystemUpgradeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The server address." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 3 } -- dsSystemUpgradeUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The user name." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 4 } -- dsSystemUpgradePasswd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The password. In case of ftp, need password." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 5 } -- dsSystemUpgradePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate where NOS exist." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 6 } -- dsSystemUpgradeStorage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { os1(1), os2(2), cpe(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of NOS." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 7 } -- dsSystemUpgradeValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional information. ex) the slot-number of xDSL,... ." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 8 } -- dsSystemUpgradeStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), idle(1), upload(2), download(3), busy(4), success(5), fail(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 9 } -- dsSystemUpgradeNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSystemUpgradeInfo 15 } -- dsSystemUpgraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { dsSystemUpgradeMethod, dsSystemUpgradeAddressType, dsSystemUpgradeAddress, dsSystemUpgradePath, dsSystemUpgradeStorage, dsSystemUpgradeStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSystemUpgradeNotification 1 } -- dsSwitchModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dasanSwitchMIBObjects 2 } -- the Ports table -- The Ports table contains All Ports Information on each Node. -- dsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsPortEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 4 } -- dsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular port." INDEX { dsPortModuleIndex, dsPortPortIndex } ::= { dsPortTable 1 } DsPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsPortModuleIndex INTEGER, dsPortPortIndex INTEGER, dsPortType DisplayString, dsPortIfIndex OBJECT IDENTIFIER, dsPortPVID INTEGER, dsPortShared INTEGER, dsPortNego INTEGER, dsPortDuplex INTEGER, dsPortUpSpeed INTEGER, dsPortDownSpeed INTEGER, dsPortFlowControl INTEGER, dsPortIngressrate INTEGER, dsPortEgressrate INTEGER, dsPortInstallStatus INTEGER, dsPortCurrentHost INTEGER, dsPortMaxHost INTEGER, dsPortUpUtil5s INTEGER, dsPortUpUtil1m INTEGER, dsPortUpUtil10m INTEGER, dsPortDownUtil5s INTEGER, dsPortDownUtil1m INTEGER, dsPortDownUtil10m INTEGER, dsPortDescription DisplayString, dsPortWanAdminStatus INTEGER, dsPortWanOperStatus INTEGER, dsPortReset INTEGER, dsPortSpeed INTEGER, dsPortCurrUpTime TimeTicks, dsPortPrevUpTime TimeTicks, dsPortTrunkID INTEGER, dsPortCRCCount INTEGER, dsPortRateLimitUnit Counter32, dsPortRateLimitIngressThreshold Counter32, dsPortRateLimitEgressThreshold Counter32, dsPortCableLength DisplayString } -- dsPortModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsPortEntry 1 } -- dsPortPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each port. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsPortEntry 2 } -- dsPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of communication port. This string defines the type of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 3 } -- dsPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "matching ifIndex oid which is defined in interface mib." ::= { dsPortEntry 4 } -- SYNTAX INTEGER (SIZE (1..4094)) -- dsPortPVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PVID of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 5 } -- dsPortShared OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Shared status of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 6 } -- dsPortNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(1), forced(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nego mode of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 7 } -- dsPortDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { full(1), half(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The duplex status of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 8 } -- dsPortUpSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream speed of port. bits/second " ::= { dsPortEntry 9 } -- dsPortDownSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream speed of port. bits/second " ::= { dsPortEntry 10 } -- dsPortFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), notavailable(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flow control mode of port." ::= { dsPortEntry 11 } -- dsPortIngressrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A incomming rate limit control value. In case of Vdsl QAM20, it means constellation value of each port." ::= { dsPortEntry 12 } -- dsPortEgressrate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A outgoing rate limit control value." ::= { dsPortEntry 13 } -- dsPortInstallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { removed(0), installed(1), uninstalled(2), gbicinstalled(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The install status of optional module." ::= { dsPortEntry 14 } -- dsPortCurrentHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number hosts which is allowed to be used." ::= { dsPortEntry 15 } -- dsPortMaxHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number hosts which can be allowed to be used. '-1' means the unlimited max-host value. " ::= { dsPortEntry 16 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- dsPortProfile OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { -- notavailable(-1), -- a-sym11(0), -- asym11(1), -- sym11(2), -- a-asym11(3), -- a-sym13(4), -- sym16(5), -- a-asym13(6), -- tl13(7), -- tl16(8), -- tl16a(9), -- asym24(11), -- asym18(12), -- asym25(13), -- asym26(14), -- asym50-998n(15), -- asym50-998e(16), -- sym25-997(17), -- asym50-998a(18), -- asym50-998i(19), -- asym50-998t(20), -- asym50-998s(21) -- } -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl profile ID -- sym11 (2) Symmetric 11/11 -- asym11 (1) Asymmetric 3/11 -- a-sym11 (0) ADSL friendly symmetric 11/11 -- a-asym11 (3) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/11 -- a-sym13 (4) ADSL friendly symmetric 13/13 -- a-asym13 (6) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/13 -- sym16 (5) Symmetric 16/16 -- tl13 (7) T-LAN friendly 13/13 -- tl16 (8) T-LAN friendly 16/16 -- tl16a (9) T-LAN friendly 13/16A (QAM20 ONLY) -- asym24 (11) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/24 (QAM20 ONLY) -- asym18 (12) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/18 (QAM20 ONLY) -- asym25 (13) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/25(QAM20 ONLY) -- asym26 (14) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/26(QAM20 ONLY) -- asym50-998n (15) PLAN998 Asymmetric -- asym50-998e (16) PLAN998E Asymmetric -- sym25-997 (17) PLAN997 Asymmetric -- asym50-998a (18) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric -- asym50-998i (19) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric -- asym50-998t (20) TLAN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric -- asym50-998s (21) ADSL soft mode Asymetric" -- ::= { dsPortEntry 17 } -- -- dsPortUpSNR OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl upstream SNR * 1000." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 18 } -- -- dsPortDownSNR OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl downstream SNR * 1000." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 19 } -- -- dsPortWanInPkt OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl WAN in-packet count." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 20 } -- -- dsPortWanInErr OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl WAN error packet count." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 21 } -- -- dsPortWanOutPkt OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Vdsl WAN out-packet count." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 22 } -- -- dsPortWanReset OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Reaquire Vdsl line SYNC." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 23 } -- -- dsPortWanLoopbackAction OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { loopbacktest(1) } -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Perform remote loopback ping test." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 24 } -- -- dsPortWanLoopbackStatus OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { never(0), failed(1), succeeded(2) } -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS obsolete -- DESCRIPTION -- "Latest remote loopback test result." -- ::= { dsPortEntry 25 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- dsPortUpUtil5s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream traffic utilization during last 5 seconfs. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 26 } -- dsPortUpUtil1m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream traffic utilization during last 1 minute. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 27 } -- dsPortUpUtil10m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream traffic utilization during last 10 minute. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 28 } -- dsPortDownUtil5s OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream traffic utilization during last 5 seconfs. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 29 } -- dsPortDownUtil1m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream traffic utilization during last 1 minute. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 30 } -- dsPortDownUtil10m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream traffic utilization during last 10 minute. Unit: bps" ::= { dsPortEntry 31 } -- dsPortDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port description string" ::= { dsPortEntry 32 } -- dsPortWanAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(0), up(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of WAN port" ::= { dsPortEntry 33 } -- dsPortWanOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { down(0), up(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of WAN port" ::= { dsPortEntry 34 } -- dsPortReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational Reset of port" ::= { dsPortEntry 35 } -- dsPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "bps" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "switch port speed. bits/second. these value is vaild, 10000000,100000000,1000000000. " ::= { dsPortEntry 40 } -- dsPortCurrUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port's link-up time within the current one day interval." ::= { dsPortEntry 41 } -- dsPortPrevUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port's link-up time for the previous one day ." ::= { dsPortEntry 42 } -- dsPortTrunkID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trunk ID that this port belong to." ::= { dsPortEntry 43 } -- dsPortCRCCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The trunk ID that this port belong to." ::= { dsPortEntry 44 } -- dsPortRateLimitUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate-limit unit value. only for V2XXX." ::= { dsPortEntry 45 } -- dsPortRateLimitIngressThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate-limit ingress threshold value. only for V2XXX." ::= { dsPortEntry 46 } -- dsPortRateLimitEgressThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rate-limit egress threshold value. only for V2XXX." ::= { dsPortEntry 48 } -- dsPortCableLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { dsPortEntry 49 } -- June 2003 dhlee -- -- dsTemperatureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsTemperatureEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 5 } -- dsTemperatureEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsTemperatureEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing temperature information." INDEX { dsTemperatureNodeIndex, dsTemperatureIndex } ::= { dsTemperatureTable 1 } DsTemperatureEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsTemperatureNodeIndex INTEGER, dsTemperatureIndex INTEGER, dsTemperatureStatus INTEGER } -- dsTemperatureNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsTemperatureEntry 1 } -- dsTemperatureIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsTemperatureEntry 2 } -- dsTemperatureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsTemperature status information" ::= { dsTemperatureEntry 3 } -- dsPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsPowerEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 6 } -- dsPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsPowerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing dsPower information." INDEX { dsPowerNodeIndex, dsPowerIndex } ::= { dsPowerTable 1 } DsPowerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsPowerNodeIndex INTEGER, dsPowerIndex INTEGER, dsPowerstatus INTEGER, dsPowerinstalled INTEGER } -- dsPowerNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsPowerEntry 1 } -- dsPowerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsPowerEntry 2 } -- dsPowerstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), fail(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsPower status information" ::= { dsPowerEntry 3 } -- dsPowerinstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { removed(0), installed(1), uninstalled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsPower install information" ::= { dsPowerEntry 4 } -- dsFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsFanEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 7 } -- dsFanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsFanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing fan information." INDEX { dsFanNodeIndex, dsFanIndex } ::= { dsFanTable 1 } DsFanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsFanNodeIndex INTEGER, dsFanIndex INTEGER, dsFanstatus INTEGER, dsFaninstalled INTEGER } -- dsFanNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsFanEntry 1 } -- dsFanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsFanEntry 2 } -- dsFanstatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ok(1), fail(2), other(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsFan status information" ::= { dsFanEntry 3 } -- dsFaninstalled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { removed(0), installed(1), uninstalled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsFan install information" ::= { dsFanEntry 4 } -- May 2003 -- dhlee@da-san.com : dsVdsl ports informations -- -- dsVdslPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsVdslPortEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 8 } -- dsVdslPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular dsVdsl port." INDEX { dsVdslModuleIndex, dsVdslPortIndex } ::= { dsVdslPortTable 1 } DsVdslPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslModuleIndex INTEGER, dsVdslPortIndex INTEGER, dsVdslPortType DisplayString, dsVdslPortIfIndex OBJECT IDENTIFIER, dsVdslPortUpProfile INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownProfile INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpPhysicalSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownPhysicalSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceError INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRC INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecond INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOF INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOS INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPR INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOL INTEGER, dsVdslPort15mElapsedTime INTEGER, dsVdslPort1dayElapsedTime INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceErrorPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceErrorCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRCPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRCCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecondPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecondCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOFPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOFCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOSPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOSCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPRPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPRCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOLPrev15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOLCurr15m INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceErrorPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceErrorCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRCPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRCCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecondPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecondCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOFPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOFCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOSPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOSCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPRPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPRCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOLPrev1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOLCurr1day INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpSNR INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownSNR INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpSNRMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownSNRMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpAttenuation INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownAttenuation INTEGER, dsVdslPortOutPower INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanInPkt INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanInErr INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanOutPkt INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanReset INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanLoopbackAction INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanLoopbackStatus INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanAdminStatus INTEGER, dsVdslPortWanOperStatus INTEGER, dsVdslPortVOCLinkStatus INTEGER, dsVdslPortVOCLinkDuplex INTEGER, dsVdslPortVOCLinkSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortOptionband INTEGER, dsVdslPortHamband Counter64, dsVdslPortUpInterleave INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownInterleave INTEGER, dsVdslPortTargetUpSNRMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortTargetDownSNRMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortPSDMaskLevel INTEGER, dsVdslPortPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslPort15mElapsedTimeSeconds INTEGER, dsVdslPort1dayElapsedTimeSeconds INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpServiceProfile INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownServiceProfile INTEGER, dsVdslPortModemReset INTEGER, dsVdslPortCPEVersion DisplayString, dsVdslPortCPEDownload INTEGER, dsVdslPortLineActiveTimePrev1Day INTEGER, dsVdslPortLineActiveTimeCurr1Day INTEGER, dsVdslPortLineConfProfileClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortAlarmConfProfileClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortEwl INTEGER, dsVdslPortGhsNearEndEwl INTEGER, dsVdslPortGhsFarEndEwl INTEGER, dsVdslPortLineActiveTimeClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortServiceErrorClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCRCClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorSecondClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOFClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOSClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLPRClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorLOLClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortErrorCountClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortCpeErrorCRC INTEGER, dsVdslPortCpePerfLOF INTEGER, dsVdslPortCpePerfLos INTEGER, dsVdslPortCpePerfLol INTEGER, dsVdslPortCpePerfCountClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortSuperFrameRxCount Unsigned32, dsVdslPortSuperFrameTxCount Unsigned32, dsVdslPortSuperFrameCountClear INTEGER, dsVdslPortPerfRxCRC INTEGER, dsVdslPortPerfTxCRC INTEGER, dsVdslPortStandard INTEGER, dsVdslPortLineProfile INTEGER, dsVdslPortMode INTEGER, dsVdslPortProfileSet INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpboEnable INTEGER, dsVdslPortChannel INTEGER, dsVdslPortTCMAdmin INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpSNRMinMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownSNRMinMargin INTEGER, dsVdslPortUpINP INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownINP INTEGER, dsVdslPortMiiInBytes INTEGER, dsVdslPortMiiInBPS INTEGER, dsVdslPortMiiOutBytes INTEGER, dsVdslPortMiiOutBPS INTEGER, dsVdslPortHardwareAddress DisplayString, dsVdslPortRedundancySet INTEGER, dsVdslCpeNegoState INTEGER, dsVdslCpeDuplex INTEGER, dsVdslCpeSpeed INTEGER, dsVdslPortLinkUpTime INTEGER, dsVdslPortLastRetraingReason INTEGER, dsVdslPortU0BandPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslPortU1BandPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslPortU2BandPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslPortU3BandPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslPortDownCurrAttainableRate Gauge32, dsVdslPortUpCurrAttainableRate Gauge32 } -- speed -- service error : raw -- Elapsed Time -- service error : 15m -- service error : 1day -- -- June 2003, newly add -- -- July 2003, newly add -- -- Feb 2004, newly add CPE-Modem Management-- -- following mib are referenced upper style.. -- following mib are not decided to include or not.. -- dsVdslPortErrorUncorrectCRCClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorCorrectCRCClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorServiceErrorSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorSESSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortErrorUASSecondClear INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortCpeErrorSecond INTEGER, -- dsVdslPortCpePerfLPR INTEGER, -- dsVdslModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 1 } -- dsVdslPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each port. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 2 } -- dsVdslPortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of dsVdsl port. This string defines the type of port." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 3 } -- dsVdslPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "matching ifIndex oid which is defined in interface mib." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 4 } -- dsVdslPortUpProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), a-sym11(0), asym11(1), sym11(2), a-asym11(3), a-sym13(4), sym16(5), a-asym13(6), tl13(7), tl16(8), tl16a(9), asym24(11), asym18(12), asym25(13), asym26(14), asym50-998n(51), asym50-998e(52), sym25-997(53), asym50-998a(54), asym50-998i(55), asym50-998t(56), asym50-998s(57), asym50-998n-4b(58), asym50-998i-4b(59), asym50-998a-4b(60), sym25-997a(61), sym25-997i(62), asym70-998n(63), asym70-998i(64), asym70-998a(65), asym100-998n(66), asym100-998i(67), asym100-998a(68), sym100-100-998n(69), sym100-100-998i(70), sym100-100-998a(71) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Upstream profile ID. sym11 (2) Symmetric 11/11 asym11 (1) Asymmetric 3/11 a-sym11 (0) ADSL friendly symmetric 11/11 a-asym11 (3) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/11 a-sym13 (4) ADSL friendly symmetric 13/13 a-asym13 (6) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/13 sym16 (5) Symmetric 16/16 tl13 (7) T-LAN friendly 13/13 tl16 (8) T-LAN friendly 16/16 tl16a (9) T-LAN friendly 13/16A (QAM20 ONLY) asym24 (11) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/24 (QAM20 ONLY) asym18 (12) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/18 (QAM20 ONLY) asym25 (13) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/25(QAM20 ONLY) asym26 (14) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/26(QAM20 ONLY) asym50-998n (51) PLAN998 Asymmetric asym50-998e (52) PLAN998E Asymmetric sym25-997 (53) PLAN997 Asymmetric asym50-998a (54) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998i (55) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998t (56) TLAN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998s (57) ADSL soft mode Asymetric asym50-998n-4b(58) PLAN998 Asymmetric 13/50 4 band asym50-998i-4b(59) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band asym50-998a-4b(60) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band sym25-997a(61) ADSL friendly PLAN 997 Symmetric 25/25 sym25-997i(62) ISDN friendly PLAN 997 symmetric 25/25 asym70-998n(63) PLAN998 Asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998i(64) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998a(65) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym100-998n(66) PLAN 998n Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998i(67) PLAN 998i Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998a(68) PLAN 998a Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M sym100-100-998n(69) PLAN 998n Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998i(70) PLAN 998i Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998a(71) PLAN 998a Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 5 } -- dsVdslPortDownProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), a-sym11(0), asym11(1), sym11(2), a-asym11(3), a-sym13(4), sym16(5), a-asym13(6), tl13(7), tl16(8), tl16a(9), asym24(11), asym18(12), asym25(13), asym26(14), asym50-998n(51), asym50-998e(52), sym25-997(53), asym50-998a(54), asym50-998i(55), asym50-998t(56), asym50-998s(57), asym50-998n-4b(58), asym50-998i-4b(59), asym50-998a-4b(60), sym25-997a(61), sym25-997i(62), asym70-998n(63), asym70-998i(64), asym70-998a(65), asym100-998n(66), asym100-998i(67), asym100-998a(68), sym100-100-998n(69), sym100-100-998i(70), sym100-100-998a(71) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Downstream profile ID. sym11 (2) Symmetric 11/11 asym11 (1) Asymmetric 3/11 a-sym11 (0) ADSL friendly symmetric 11/11 a-asym11 (3) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/11 a-sym13 (4) ADSL friendly symmetric 13/13 a-asym13 (6) ADSL friendly asymmetric 3/13 sym16 (5) Symmetric 16/16 tl13 (7) T-LAN friendly 13/13 tl16 (8) T-LAN friendly 16/16 tl16a (9) T-LAN friendly 13/16A (QAM20 ONLY) asym24 (11) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/24 (QAM20 ONLY) asym18 (12) PLAN998 Asymmetric 8/18 (QAM20 ONLY) asym25 (13) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/25(QAM20 ONLY) asym26 (14) PLAN998 Asymmetric Enhanced 8/26(QAM20 ONLY) asym50-998n (51) PLAN998 Asymmetric asym50-998e (52) PLAN998E Asymmetric sym25-997 (53) PLAN997 Asymmetric asym50-998a (54) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998i (55) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998t (56) TLAN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998s (57) ADSL soft mode Asymetric asym50-998n-4b(58) PLAN998 Asymmetric 13/50 4 band asym50-998i-4b(59) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band asym50-998a-4b(60) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band sym25-997a(61) ADSL friendly PLAN 997 Symmetric 25/25 sym25-997i(62) ISDN friendly PLAN 997 symmetric 25/25 asym70-998n(63) PLAN998 Asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998i(64) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998a(65) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym100-998n(66) PLAN 998n Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998i(67) PLAN 998i Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998a(68) PLAN 998a Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M sym100-100-998n(69) PLAN 998n Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998i(70) PLAN 998i Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998a(71) PLAN 998a Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 6 } -- dsVdslPortUpPhysicalSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream attainable speed of port. bits/second." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 7 } -- dsVdslPortDownPhysicalSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream attainable speed of port. bits/second." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 8 } -- dsVdslPortUpSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upstream speed of port. bits/second." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 9 } -- dsVdslPortDownSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Downstream speed of port. bits/second." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 10 } -- dsVdslPortServiceError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl service Error count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 11 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl CRC Error count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 12 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl Error Second." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 13 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl loss of frame." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 14 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl loss of signal." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 15 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl loss of power." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 16 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The raw accumulating dsVdsl loss of link." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 17 } -- TimeTicks -- dsVdslPort15mElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "1 minute" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current elapsed time from reinitializing point per 15 minutes." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 18 } -- TimeTicks -- dsVdslPort1dayElapsedTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "1 minute" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current elapsed time from reinitializing point per 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 19 } -- dsVdslPortServiceErrorPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Serivce-Error count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 20 } -- dsVdslPortServiceErrorCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Service-Error count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 21 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating CRC-error count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 22 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating CRC-error count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 23 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecondPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating errored-second count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 24 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecondCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating errored-second count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 25 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-frame count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 26 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-frame count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 27 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-signal count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 28 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-signal count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 29 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPRPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-power count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 30 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPRCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-power count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 31 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLPrev15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-link count of previous 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 32 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLCurr15m OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-link count of current 15 minute." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 33 } -- dsVdslPortServiceErrorPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Serivce-Error count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 34 } -- dsVdslPortServiceErrorCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Service-Error count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 35 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating CRC-error count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 36 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating CRC-error count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 37 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecondPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating errored-second count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 38 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecondCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating errored-second count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 39 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-frame count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 40 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-frame count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 41 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-signal count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 42 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-signal count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 43 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPRPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-power count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 44 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPRCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-power count of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 45 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLPrev1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-link count of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 46 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLCurr1day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating loss-of-link count of current 1 day" ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 47 } -- dsVdslPortUpSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl upstream SNR * 1000." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 48 } -- dsVdslPortDownSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl downstream SNR * 1000." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 49 } -- dsVdslPortUpSNRMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "0.1db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl upstream SNR Margin(CO SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 50 } -- dsVdslPortDownSNRMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "0.1db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl downstream SNR Margin(CPE SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 51 } -- dsVdslPortUpAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "0.1db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl upstream port attenuation(CO Attenuation)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 52 } -- dsVdslPortDownAttenuation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "0.1db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl downstream port attenuation(CPE Attenuation)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 53 } -- dsVdslPortOutPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "0.1db" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl port Output Power." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 54 } -- dsVdslPortWanInPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl WAN in-packet count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 55 } -- dsVdslPortWanInErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl WAN error packet count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 56 } -- dsVdslPortWanOutPkt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl WAN out-packet count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 57 } -- dsVdslPortWanReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reaquire dsVdsl line SYNC." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 58 } -- dsVdslPortWanLoopbackAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loopbacktest(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Perform remote loopback ping test." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 59 } -- dsVdslPortWanLoopbackStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(0), failed(1), succeeded(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Latest remote loopback test result." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 60 } -- dsVdslPortWanAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(-1), down(0), up(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administrative status of WAN port" ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 61 } -- dsVdslPortWanOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(-1), down(0), up(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Operational status of WAN port" ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 62 } -- VOC information -- dsVdslPortVOCLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PC Ethernet link status through VOC channel." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 63 } -- dsVdslPortVOCLinkDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { full(1), half(2), notavailable(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PC link duplex through VOC channel." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 64 } -- dsVdslPortVOCLinkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PC link speed through VOC channel. bits/second(bps)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 65 } -- June 2003 dhlee -- -- dsVdslPortOptionband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), annex-B-6-64(1), annex-A-6-32(2), annex-B-32-64(3), exclude(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Optional band ID. Annex B 6-64 (1) Annex A 6-32 (2) Annex B 32-64 (3) Exclude Option Band (4) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 66 } -- dsVdslPortHamband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Amature Radio(HAM) band ID. The value of Ham band is combination of the following value. If you want to set band1 and band10, you should set value 257(band1 + band10) to the Ham band. band1 [ 1.800 - 1.810 ] MHz : RFI Notch (1) band2 [ 1.800 - 1.825 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (2) band3 [ 1.810 - 1.825 ] MHz : ANNEX F (4) band4 [ 1.810 - 2.000 ] MHz : ETSI, T1E1 (8) band5 [ 1.9075 - 1.9125 ] MHz : ANNEX F (16) band6 [ 2.173 - 2.191 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (2097152) 0x0000 0020 0000 band7 [ 3.500 - 3.550 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (32) band8 [ 3.500 - 3.575 ] MHz : ANNEX F (64) band9 [ 3.500 - 3.800 ] MHz : ETSI (128) band10 [ 3.500 - 4.000 ] MHz : T1E1 (256) band11 [ 3.747 - 3.754 ] MHz : ANNEX F (512) band12 [ 3.790 - 3.800 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (1024) band13 [ 3.791 - 3.805 ] MHz : ANNEX F (2048) band14 [ 4.200 - 4.215 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4194304) 0x0000 0040 0000 band15 [ 5.900 - 6.200 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8388608) 0x0000 0080 0000 band16 [ 6.300 - 6.320 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (16777216) 0x0000 0100 0000 band17 [ 7.000 - 7.100 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI (4096) band18 [ 7.000 - 7.300 ] MHz : T1E1 (8192) band19 [ 7.100 - 7.350 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (33554432) 0x0000 0200 0000 band20 [ 8.405 - 8.420 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (67108864) 0x0000 0400 0000 band21 [ 9.400 - 9.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (134217728) 0x0000 0800 0000 band22 [ 10.100 - 10.150 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (16384) band23 [ 11.600 - 12.100 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (268435456) 0x0000 1000 0000 band24 [ 12.570 - 12.585 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (536870912) 0x0000 2000 0000 band25 [ 13.570 - 13.870 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (1073741824) 0x0000 4000 0000 band26 [ 14.000 - 14.350 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (32768) band27 [ 15.100 - 15.800 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (2147483648) 0x0000 8000 0000 band28 [ 16.795 - 16.810 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4294967296) 0x0001 0000 0000 band29 [ 17.480 - 17.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8589934592) 0x0002 0000 0000 band30 [ 18.068 - 18.168 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (65536) band31 [ 21.000 - 21.450 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (131072) 0x0000 0002 0000 band32 [ 24.890 - 24.990 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETST, T1E1 (262144) 0x0000 0004 0000 band33 [ 28.000 - 29.100 ] MHz : ETSI (524288) 0x0000 0008 0000 band34 [ 28.000 - 29.700 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (1048576) 0x0000 0010 0000 " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 67 } -- dsVdslPortUpInterleave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " dsVdslPort Upstream Interleave delay." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 68 } -- dsVdslPortDownInterleave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) UNITS "1 ms" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " dsVdslPort Downstream Interleave delay." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 69 } -- dsVdslPortTargetUpSNRMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) UNITS "1db" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Target upstream SNR Margin(CO SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 70 } -- dsVdslPortTargetDownSNRMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..31) UNITS "1db" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Target downstream SNR Margin(CPE SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 71 } -- dsVdslPortPSDMaskLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), old-gains(0), aNSI-M1(1), aNSI-M2(2), eTSI-M1(3), eTSI-M2(4), aNNEX-F-8-5(5), aNSI-M1-EX(6), aNSI-M2-EX(7), eTSI-M1-EX(8), eTSI-M2-EX(9), aNNEX-F-11-5(10), pSD-K(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl PSD Mask Level. notavailable(-1) old gains(0) ANSI M1(1) ANSI M2(2) ETSI M1(3) ETSI M2(4) ANNEX F 8.5(5) ANSI M1 EX(6) ANSI M2 EX(7) ETSI M1 EX(8) ETSI M2 EX(9) ANNEX F 11.5(10) PSD-K(11) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 72 } -- dsVdslPortPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 73 } -- dsVdslPort15mElapsedTimeSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "1 second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current elapsed time from reinitializing point per 15 minutes in seconds." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 74 } -- dsVdslPort1dayElapsedTimeSeconds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "1 second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current elapsed time from reinitializing point per 1 day in seconds." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 75 } -- dsVdslPortUpServiceProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdslPort upstream service profile." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 76 } -- dsVdslPortDownServiceProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdslPort downstream service profile." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 77 } -- dsVdslPortModemReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset the Modem." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 78 } -- dsVdslPortCPEVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdslPort CPE NOS informations. The format of value is 'OS1/OS2/ActiveOS'." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 79 } -- dsVdslPortCPEDownload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1), done(2), fail(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Download the CPE NOS. no(0) : No CPE NOS download. yes(1) : Now downloading. done(2) : Download completed. fail(3) : Download fail." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 80 } -- dsVdslPortLineActiveTimePrev1Day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Line Active time of previous 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 81 } -- dsVdslPortLineActiveTimeCurr1Day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The accumulating Line Active time of current 1 day." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 82 } -- dsVdslPortLineConfProfileClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To remove the line configure profile assigned to a physical port for a particular feature. This value should have 1 that means clear " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 83 } -- dsVdslPortAlarmConfProfileClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To remove the alarm configure profile assigned to a physical port for a particular feature. This value should have 1 that means clear " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 84 } -- dsVdslPortEwl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vdsl Port wire length." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 86 } -- dsVdslPortGhsNearEndEwl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vdsl Port Near End wire length." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 87 } -- dsVdslPortGhsFarEndEwl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vdsl Port Far End wire length." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 88 } -- dsVdslPortLineActiveTimeClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Line Active time." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 89 } -- dsVdslPortServiceErrorClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 90 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 91 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Count of ErrorSecond ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 92 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Count of the number of LOF ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 93 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Count of the number of LOS ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 94 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLPRClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Count of the number of LPR ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 95 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize Count of the number of LOL ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 96 } -- dsVdslPortErrorUncorrectCRCClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize Count of the number of ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 97 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCorrectCRCClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize Count of the number of ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 98 } -- dsVdslPortErrorServiceErrorSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 99 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCRCSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 100 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOFSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 101 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOSSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 102 } -- dsVdslPortErrorLOLSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 103 } -- dsVdslPortErrorSESSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 104 } -- dsVdslPortErrorUASSecondClear OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1)} -- MAX-ACCESS read-write -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "To initialize ." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 105 } -- dsVdslPortErrorCountClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initialize all error-count-value." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 106 } -- dsVdslPortCpeErrorCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 108 } -- dsVdslPortCpeErrorSecond OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 109 } -- dsVdslPortCpePerfLOF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 110 } -- dsVdslPortCpePerfLos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 111 } -- dsVdslPortCpePerfLPR OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX INTEGER, -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "." -- ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 112 } -- dsVdslPortCpePerfLol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 113 } -- dsVdslPortCpePerfCountClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 114 } -- dsVdslPortSuperFrameRxCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx SuperFrame Count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 115 } -- dsVdslPortSuperFrameTxCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx SuperFrame Count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 116 } -- dsVdslPortSuperFrameCountClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { clear(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx SuperFrame Count Clear." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 117 } -- dsVdslPortPerfRxCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx CRC Count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 119 } -- dsVdslPortPerfTxCRC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx CRC Count." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 120 } -- dsVdslPortStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { vdsl(1), vdsl2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VDSL Standard." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 121 } -- dsVdslPortLineProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sym25(1), asym50-3b(2), asym50-4b(3), asym70(4), asym100(5), sym100(6), sym50(7), v8a(8), v8b(9), v8c(10), v8d(11), v12a(12), v12b(13), v17a(14), v30a(15), v12a997(16), v12b997(17), v17a8k(18) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " sym25(1), asym50-3b(2), asym50-4b(3), asym70(4), asym100(5), sym100(6), 8a(8), 8b(9), 8c(10), 8d(11), 12a(12), 12b(13), 17a(14), 30a(15), 12a997(16), 12b997(17), v17a_8k(18) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 122 } -- dsVdslPortMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { normal(1), isdn(2), adsl(3), adsl2(4), t-lan(5), adsl-s(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " normal(1), isdn(2), adsl(3), adsl2(4), t-lan(5), adsl-safe(6) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 123 } -- dsVdslPortProfileSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { write(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 124 } -- dsVdslPortUpboEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 126 } -- dsVdslPortChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fast(0), slow(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 127 } -- dsVdslPortTCMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(0), disable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 128 } -- dsVdslPortUpSNRMinMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) UNITS "0.25db" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl upstream Min SNR Margin(CO Min SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 129 } -- dsVdslPortDownSNRMinMargin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) UNITS "0.25db" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl downstream Min SNR Margin(CPE Min SNR Margin)." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 130 } -- dsVdslPortUpINP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) UNITS "unit of 125usec" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl upstream INP." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 131 } -- dsVdslPortDownINP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) UNITS "unit of 125usec" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl downstream INP ." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 132 } -- dsVdslPortMiiInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 133 } -- dsVdslPortMiiInBPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 134 } -- dsVdslPortMiiOutBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 135 } -- dsVdslPortMiiOutBPS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 136 } -- dsVdslPortHardwareAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hardware Address of User." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 137 } -- dsVdslPortRedundancySet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), enable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Redundancy Port Set." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 138 } -- dsVdslCpeNegoState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { force(0), auto(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Nego mode of CPE Ethernet port." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 139 } -- dsVdslCpeDuplex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { full(0), half(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Duplex state of CPE Ethernet port." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 140 } -- dsVdslCpeSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { 100(0), 10(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Speed of CPE Ethernet port." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 141 } -- dsVdslPortLinkUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER UNITS "1 minute" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LinkUp duration time of port." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 142 } -- dsVdslPortLastRetraingReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { adminControl(1), reProvision(2), lprFail(3), losFail(4), lofFail(5), crcFail(6), inicrcFail(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 143 } -- dsVdslPortU0BandPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl U0 Band Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 145 } -- dsVdslPortU1BandPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl U1 Band Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 146 } -- dsVdslPortU2BandPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl U2 Band Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 147 } -- dsVdslPortU3BandPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl U3 Band Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 148 } -- dsVdslPortDownCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum currently down attainable data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second by the Vtu. This value will be equal to or greater than vdslPhysCurrLineRate. Note that for SCM, the minimum and maximum data rates are equal. Note: 1 kbps = 1000 bps." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 149 } -- dsVdslPortUpCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum currently up attainable data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second by the Vtu. This value will be equal to or greater than vdslPhysCurrLineRate. Note that for SCM, the minimum and maximum data rates are equal. Note: 1 kbps = 1000 bps." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" ::= { dsVdslPortEntry 150 } -- -- June 2003 dhlee add dsVdslSlotTable. -- For V5972 DMT 50 , V5916-DMT50, V5924-DMT50 etc. -- -- dsVdslSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsVdslSlotEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 9 } -- dsVdslSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular dsVdsl Slot." INDEX { dsVdslSlotModuleIndex, dsVdslSlotIndex } ::= { dsVdslSlotTable 1 } DsVdslSlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslSlotModuleIndex INTEGER, dsVdslSlotIndex INTEGER, dsVdslSlotType DisplayString, dsVdslSlotInstallStatus INTEGER, dsVdslSlotProfile INTEGER, dsVdslSlotOptionband INTEGER, dsVdslSlotHamband Counter64, dsVdslSlotPSDMaskLevel INTEGER, dsVdslSlotPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslSlotUpServiceProfile INTEGER, dsVdslSlotDownServiceProfile INTEGER, dsVdslSlotLIUReboot INTEGER, dsVdslSlotLIUCPENOSStore INTEGER } -- 1 ~ 4 -- June 2003 newly add -- -- dsVdslSlotModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module(Node). It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 1 } -- dsVdslSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each slot. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 2 } -- SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64)) -- dsVdslSlotType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of each slot. This string defines the type of slot ex) Vdsl, GBIC." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 3 } -- dsVdslSlotInstallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { installed(1), removed(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current install status of each slot." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 4 } -- dsVdslSlotProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), asym50-998n(51), asym50-998e(52), sym25-997(53), asym50-998a(54), asym50-998i(55), asym50-998t(56), asym50-998s(57), asym50-998n-4b(58), asym50-998i-4b(59), asym50-998a-4b(60), sym25-997a(61), sym25-997i(62), asym70-998n(63), asym70-998i(64), asym70-998a(65), asym100-998n(66), asym100-998i(67), asym100-998a(68), sym100-100-998n(69), sym100-100-998i(70), sym100-100-998a(71) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl profile ID. asym50-998n (51) PLAN998 Asymmetric asym50-998e (52) PLAN998E Asymmetric sym25-997 (53) PLAN997 Asymmetric asym50-998a (54) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998i (55) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998t (56) TLAN friendly PLAN 998 Asymetric asym50-998s (57) ADSL soft mode Asymetric asym50-998n-4b(58) PLAN998 Asymmetric 13/50 4 band asym50-998i-4b(59) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band asym50-998a-4b(60) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 13/50 4 band sym25-997a(61) ADSL friendly PLAN 997 Symmetric 25/25 sym25-997i(62) ISDN friendly PLAN 997 symmetric 25/25 asym70-998n(63) PLAN998 Asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998i(64) ISDN friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym70-998a(65) ADSL friendly PLAN 998 asymmetric 30/70 5 band asym100-998n(66) PLAN 998n Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998i(67) PLAN 998i Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M asym100-998a(68) PLAN 998a Asymmetric for 6Band DMT 100M sym100-100-998n(69) PLAN 998n Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998i(70) PLAN 998i Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M sym100-100-998a(71) PLAN 998a Symmetric for 6Band DMT 100/100M" ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 5 } -- dsVdslSlotOptionband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), annex-B-6-64(1), annex-A-6-32(2), annex-B-32-64(3), exclude(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Optional band ID. Annex B 6-64 (1) Annex A 6-32 (2) Annex B 32-64 (3) Exclude Option Band (4) " ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 6 } -- dsVdslSlotHamband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Amature Radio(HAM) band ID. The value of Ham band is combination of the following value. If you want to set band1 and band10, you should set value 257(band1 + band10) to the Ham band. band1 [ 1.800 - 1.810 ] MHz : RFI Notch (1) band2 [ 1.800 - 1.825 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (2) band3 [ 1.810 - 1.825 ] MHz : ANNEX F (4) band4 [ 1.810 - 2.000 ] MHz : ETSI, T1E1 (8) band5 [ 1.9075 - 1.9125 ] MHz : ANNEX F (16) band6 [ 2.173 - 2.191 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (2097152) 0x0000 0020 0000 band7 [ 3.500 - 3.550 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (32) band8 [ 3.500 - 3.575 ] MHz : ANNEX F (64) band9 [ 3.500 - 3.800 ] MHz : ETSI (128) band10 [ 3.500 - 4.000 ] MHz : T1E1 (256) band11 [ 3.747 - 3.754 ] MHz : ANNEX F (512) band12 [ 3.790 - 3.800 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (1024) band13 [ 3.791 - 3.805 ] MHz : ANNEX F (2048) band14 [ 4.200 - 4.215 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4194304) 0x0000 0040 0000 band15 [ 5.900 - 6.200 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8388608) 0x0000 0080 0000 band16 [ 6.300 - 6.320 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (16777216) 0x0000 0100 0000 band17 [ 7.000 - 7.100 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI (4096) band18 [ 7.000 - 7.300 ] MHz : T1E1 (8192) band19 [ 7.100 - 7.350 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (33554432) 0x0000 0200 0000 band20 [ 8.405 - 8.420 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (67108864) 0x0000 0400 0000 band21 [ 9.400 - 9.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (134217728) 0x0000 0800 0000 band22 [ 10.100 - 10.150 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (16384) band23 [ 11.600 - 12.100 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (268435456) 0x0000 1000 0000 band24 [ 12.570 - 12.585 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (536870912) 0x0000 2000 0000 band25 [ 13.570 - 13.870 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (1073741824) 0x0000 4000 0000 band26 [ 14.000 - 14.350 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (32768) band27 [ 15.100 - 15.800 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (2147483648) 0x0000 8000 0000 band28 [ 16.795 - 16.810 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4294967296) 0x0001 0000 0000 band29 [ 17.480 - 17.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8589934592) 0x0002 0000 0000 band30 [ 18.068 - 18.168 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (65536) band31 [ 21.000 - 21.450 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (131072) 0x0000 0002 0000 band32 [ 24.890 - 24.990 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETST, T1E1 (262144) 0x0000 0004 0000 band33 [ 28.000 - 29.100 ] MHz : ETSI (524288) 0x0000 0008 0000 band34 [ 28.000 - 29.700 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (1048576) 0x0000 0010 0000 " ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 7 } -- dsVdslSlotPSDMaskLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), old-gains(0), aNSI-M1(1), aNSI-M2(2), eTSI-M1(3), eTSI-M2(4), aNNEX-F-8-5(5), aNSI-M1-EX(6), aNSI-M2-EX(7), eTSI-M1-EX(8), eTSI-M2-EX(9), aNNEX-F-11-5(10), pSD-K(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl PSD Mask Level. notavailable(-1) old gains(0) ANSI M1(1) ANSI M2(2) ETSI M1(3) ETSI M2(4) ANNEX F 8.5(5) ANSI M1 EX(6) ANSI M2 EX(7) ETSI M1 EX(8) ETSI M2 EX(9) ANNEX F 11.5(10) PSD-K(11) " ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 8 } -- dsVdslSlotPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) " ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 9 } -- dsVdslSlotUpServiceProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl slot upstream service profile." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 10 } -- dsVdslSlotDownServiceProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl slot downstream service profile." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 11 } -- dsVdslSlotLIUReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reboot(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl LIU slot reboot." ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 12 } -- dsVdslSlotLIUCPENOSStore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1), done(2), fail(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Store CPE NOS into each dsVdsl slot. no(0) : No CPE NOS store. yes(1) : Now storing. done(2) : Storing completed. fail(3) : Storing fail" ::= { dsVdslSlotEntry 13 } -- VDSL -- -- June 2003 dhlee dsSystemSlotTable -- Just for V51xxF, -- -- dsSystemSlotTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsSystemSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of slotEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 10 } -- dsSystemSlotEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsSystemSlotEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular switch Slot." INDEX { dsSystemSlotModuleIndex, dsSystemSlotIndex } ::= { dsSystemSlotTable 1 } DsSystemSlotEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsSystemSlotModuleIndex INTEGER, dsSystemSlotIndex INTEGER, dsSystemSlotType DisplayString, dsSystemSlotInstallStatus INTEGER, dsSystemSlotStatus INTEGER, dsSystemSlotPortNum INTEGER } -- dsSystemSlotModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module(Node). It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 1 } -- dsSystemSlotIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each slot. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 2 } -- dsSystemSlotType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of each slot. This string defines the type of slot ex) TX-10/100, FX-100, GBIC, SWU, ADSL2+, ADSL, SHDSL, Vdsl, Ethernet" ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 3 } -- dsSystemSlotInstallStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { removed(0), installed(1), uninstalled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current install status of each slot." ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 4 } -- dsSystemSlotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), equip(1), init(2), ready(3), run(4), reset(5), max(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current slot status " ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 5 } -- dsSystemSlotPortNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of port on the slot." ::= { dsSystemSlotEntry 6 } -- Lastest user MAC table -- -- dsSwitchUserMacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsSwitchUserMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsSwitchUserMacEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 11 } -- dsSwitchUserMacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsSwitchUserMacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular switch User mac address." INDEX { dsUserMacModuleIndex, dsUserMacPortIndex } ::= { dsSwitchUserMacTable 1 } DsSwitchUserMacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsUserMacModuleIndex INTEGER, dsUserMacPortIndex INTEGER, dsUserMacAddress1 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress2 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress3 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress4 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress5 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress6 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress7 PhysAddress, dsUserMacAddress8 PhysAddress } -- dsUserMacModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each module(Node). It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 1 } -- dsUserMacPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each port. It is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 2 } -- dsUserMacAddress1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 3 } -- dsUserMacAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The second entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 4 } -- dsUserMacAddress3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The third entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 5 } -- dsUserMacAddress4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fourth entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 6 } -- dsUserMacAddress5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The fifth entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 7 } -- dsUserMacAddress6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sixth entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 8 } -- dsUserMacAddress7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The seventh entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 9 } -- dsUserMacAddress8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The eighth entry of lastest user mac address." ::= { dsSwitchUserMacEntry 10 } -- ARP informations. -- -- dsSwitchAtTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsSwitchAtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsSwitchUserMacEntry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 12 } -- dsSwitchAtEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsSwitchAtEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing management information applicable to a particular switch ARP." INDEX { dsSwitchAtifIndex, dsSwitchAtNetAddress } ::= { dsSwitchAtTable 1 } DsSwitchAtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsSwitchAtifIndex INTEGER, dsSwitchAtNetAddress IpAddress, dsSwitchAtMacAddress PhysAddress, dsSwitchAtVID INTEGER } -- dsSwitchAtifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It means that the ifIndex in MIB-II Interface of physical port.." ::= { dsSwitchAtEntry 1 } -- dsSwitchAtNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address in ARP informations." ::= { dsSwitchAtEntry 2 } -- dsSwitchAtMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The physical address in ARP informations." ::= { dsSwitchAtEntry 3 } -- dsSwitchAtVID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID in ARP informations." ::= { dsSwitchAtEntry 4 } -- Network Time Protocol (NTP, SNTP) -- -- dsNetworkTimeProtocolInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSwitchModules 17 } -- dsNTPMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ntp(1), sntp(2), disable(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of Network Time Protocol.." ::= { dsNetworkTimeProtocolInfo 1 } -- dsNTPBindAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bind-address Type of Network Time Protocol.." ::= { dsNetworkTimeProtocolInfo 2 } -- dsNTPBindAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bind-address of Network Time Protocol.." ::= { dsNetworkTimeProtocolInfo 3 } -- dsNTPServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsNTPServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsNTPServerEntry entries." ::= { dsNetworkTimeProtocolInfo 10 } -- dsNTPServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsNTPServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing Network Time Protocol information." INDEX { dsNTPServerIndex } ::= { dsNTPServerTable 1 } DsNTPServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsNTPServerIndex INTEGER, dsNTPServerName OCTET STRING, dsNTPServerRowStatus INTEGER } -- dsNTPServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each node. It is recommended that values are assinged contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsNTPServerEntry 1 } -- dsNTPServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsNTPServerEntry 2 } -- dsNTPServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), create(2), destroy(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsNTPServerEntry 3 } -- Domain Name Service (DNS) -- -- dsDomainNameServiceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSwitchModules 18 } -- dsDNSDomainName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsDomainNameServiceInfo 1 } -- dsDNSServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsDNSServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsNTPServerEntry entries." ::= { dsDomainNameServiceInfo 10 } -- dsDNSServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsDNSServerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing Network Time Protocol information." INDEX { dsDNSServerIndex } ::= { dsDNSServerTable 1 } DsDNSServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsDNSServerIndex INTEGER, dsDNSServerAddressType InetAddressType, dsDNSServerAddress InetAddress, dsDNSServerRowStatus INTEGER } -- dsDNSServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each node. It is recommended that values are assinged contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsDNSServerEntry 1 } -- dsDNSServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsDNSServerEntry 2 } -- dsDNSServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsDNSServerEntry 3 } -- dsDNSServerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), create(2), destroy(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsDNSServerEntry 4 } -- Syslog -- -- dsSyslogInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dsSwitchModules 19 } -- dsSyslogBindAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogInfo 1 } -- dsSyslogBindAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogInfo 2 } -- dsSyslogLocalCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogInfo 3 } -- dsSyslogConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsSyslogConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsSyslogConfEntry entries." ::= { dsSyslogInfo 10 } -- dsSyslogConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsSyslogConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing Syslog Configuration information." INDEX { dsSyslogConfIndex } ::= { dsSyslogConfTable 1 } DsSyslogConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsSyslogConfIndex INTEGER, dsSyslogConfFacility INTEGER, dsSyslogConfSeverity INTEGER, dsSyslogConfTarget INTEGER, dsSyslogConfStorage INTEGER, dsSyslogConfRemoteAddrType InetAddressType, dsSyslogConfRemoteAddress InetAddress, dsSyslogConfRowStatus INTEGER } -- dsSyslogConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each node. It is recommended that values are assinged contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 1 } -- dsSyslogConfFacility OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel(0), user(1), mail(2), daemon(3), auth(4), syslog(5), lpr(6), news(7), uucp(8), cron(9), authPriv(10), ftp(11), ntp(12), security(13), console(14), local0(16), local1(17), local2(18), local3(19), local4(20), local5(21), local6(22), local7(23) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 2 } -- dsSyslogConfSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { emerg(0), alert(1), crit(2), err(3), warning(4), notice(5), info(6), debug(7), all(99) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 3 } -- dsSyslogConfTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { local(0), console(1), remote(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 4 } -- dsSyslogConfStorage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { volatile(0), non-volatile(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 5 } -- dsSyslogConfRemoteAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 6 } -- dsSyslogConfRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 7 } -- dsSyslogConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), create(2), destroy(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSyslogConfEntry 8 } -- -- TC table -- -- dsTcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsTcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of dsTcEntrry entries." ::= { dsSwitchModules 20 } -- dsTcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsTcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing dsTc information." INDEX { dsTcNodeIndex, dsTcIndex } ::= { dsTcTable 1 } DsTcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsTcNodeIndex INTEGER, dsTcIndex INTEGER, dsTcGuaranteedBandwidth INTEGER, dsTcMaxBandwidth INTEGER, dsTcWeight INTEGER, dsTcReset INTEGER, dsTcStatsCount Counter64, dsTcStatsCount5Sec INTEGER, dsTcStatsCount1Min INTEGER, dsTcStatsCount10Min INTEGER, dsTcStatsCountReset INTEGER } -- dsTcNodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each node. It is recommended that values are assinged contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsTcEntry 1 } -- dsTcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value, greater than zero, for each dsTc. It is recommended that values are assinged contiguously starting from 1." ::= { dsTcEntry 2 } -- dsTcGuaranteedBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It means reserved bandwidth of route applied to processing protocol. Bandwidth can be from 1 to 16Gbps." ::= { dsTcEntry 3 } -- dsTcMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It means maximum bandwidth of route applied to processing protocol. Bandwidth can be from 1 to 16Gbps." ::= { dsTcEntry 4 } -- dsTcWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "It means weight limit of route applied to processing protocol. Weight limit can be from 1 to 1024." ::= { dsTcEntry 5 } -- dsTcReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset configuration about route applied to processing protocol" ::= { dsTcEntry 6 } -- dsTcStatsCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total bits number of packets matching with a tc configuration, the counter value is a cumulative sum" ::= { dsTcEntry 7 } -- dsTcStatsCount5Sec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average bps of packets matching with dsTc configuration during 5 sec." ::= { dsTcEntry 8 } -- dsTcStatsCount1Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average bps of packets matching with dsTc configuration during 1 minutes." ::= { dsTcEntry 9 } -- dsTcStatsCount10Min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average bps of packets matching with dsTc configuration during 10 minutes." ::= { dsTcEntry 10 } -- dsTcStatsCountReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset Tc Statistics Counter Registers including tcStatsCount, tcStatsCount5Sec, tcStatsCount1Min and tcStatsCount10Min" ::= { dsTcEntry 11 } -- dasan vdslLineConfProfile table -- -- -- dsVdslLineConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslLineConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information on the VDSL line configuration. One entry in this table reflects a profile defined by a manager which can be used to configure the VDSL line. Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::= { dsSwitchModules 25 } -- dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslLineConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that represents the configuration of a VDSL line. A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL', will always exist and its parameters will be set to vendor specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document." INDEX { dsVdslLineConfProfileName } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileTable 1 } DsVdslLineConfProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslLineConfProfileName DisplayString, dsVdslLineConfDownMaxSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfDownMinSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfDownTargetSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfUpMaxSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfUpMinSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfUpTargetSnrMgn Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfDownMaxDataRate Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfDownMinDataRate Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfUpMaxDataRate Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfUpMinDataRate Unsigned32, dsVdslLineConfDownMaxInterDelay INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfUpMaxInterDelay INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfHamband Counter64, dsVdslLineConfDownINP INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfUpINP INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfPBOLength INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfPSDMaskLevel INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfTCMAdmin INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfUpboEnable INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfChannel INTEGER, dsVdslLineConfProfRowStatus RowStatus } -- dsVdslLineConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies a row in this table. A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL', will always exist and its parameters will be set to vendor specific values, unless otherwise specified in this document." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 1 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMaxPwr OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..58) -- UNITS "0.25dBm" -- MAX-ACCESS read-create -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Specifies the maximum aggregate downstream power -- level in the range 0 to 14.5 dBm." -- REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" -- DEFVAL { 0 } -- ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 2 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMaxPwr OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..58) -- UNITS "0.25dBm" -- MAX-ACCESS read-create -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Specifies the maximum aggregate upstream power -- level in the range 0 to 14.5 dBm." -- REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" -- DEFVAL { 0 } -- ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 3 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMaxSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum downstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 4 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMinSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the minimum downstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 5 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the target downstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB. This is the Noise Margin the transceivers must achieve with a BER of 10^-7 or better to successfully complete initialization." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 6 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMaxSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum upstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 7 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMinSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the minimum upstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 8 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) UNITS "0.25dBm" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the target upstream Signal/Noise Margin in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB. This is the Noise Margin the transceivers must achieve with a BER of 10^-7 or better to successfully complete initialization." REFERENCE "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 9 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum downstream slow channel data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second. The maximum aggregate downstream transmit speed of the line can be derived from the sum of maximum downstream fast and slow channel data rates." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 10 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the minimum downstream slow channel data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second. The minimum aggregate downstream transmit speed of the line can be derived from the sum of minimum downstream fast and slow channel data rates." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 11 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum upstream slow channel data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 12 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the minimum upstream slow channel data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 13 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownMaxInterDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum interleave delay for the downstream slow channel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 16 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpMaxInterDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100) UNITS "milliseconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the maximum interleave delay for the upstream slow channel." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 17 } -- dsVdslLineConfHamband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Amature Radio(HAM) band ID. The value of Ham band is combination of the following value. If you want to set band1 and band10, you should set value 257(band1 + band10) to the Ham band. band1 [ 1.800 - 1.810 ] MHz : RFI Notch (1) band2 [ 1.800 - 1.825 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (2) band3 [ 1.810 - 1.825 ] MHz : ANNEX F (4) band4 [ 1.810 - 2.000 ] MHz : ETSI, T1E1 (8) band5 [ 1.9075 - 1.9125 ] MHz : ANNEX F (16) band6 [ 2.173 - 2.191 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (2097152) 0x0000 0020 0000 band7 [ 3.500 - 3.550 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (32) band8 [ 3.500 - 3.575 ] MHz : ANNEX F (64) band9 [ 3.500 - 3.800 ] MHz : ETSI (128) band10 [ 3.500 - 4.000 ] MHz : T1E1 (256) band11 [ 3.747 - 3.754 ] MHz : ANNEX F (512) band12 [ 3.790 - 3.800 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND (1024) band13 [ 3.791 - 3.805 ] MHz : ANNEX F (2048) band14 [ 4.200 - 4.215 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4194304) 0x0000 0040 0000 band15 [ 5.900 - 6.200 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8388608) 0x0000 0080 0000 band16 [ 6.300 - 6.320 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (16777216) 0x0000 0100 0000 band17 [ 7.000 - 7.100 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI (4096) band18 [ 7.000 - 7.300 ] MHz : T1E1 (8192) band19 [ 7.100 - 7.350 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (33554432) 0x0000 0200 0000 band20 [ 8.405 - 8.420 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (67108864) 0x0000 0400 0000 band21 [ 9.400 - 9.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (134217728) 0x0000 0800 0000 band22 [ 10.100 - 10.150 ] MHz : KOREA HAM-BAND, ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (16384) band23 [ 11.600 - 12.100 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (268435456) 0x0000 1000 0000 band24 [ 12.570 - 12.585 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (536870912) 0x0000 2000 0000 band25 [ 13.570 - 13.870 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (1073741824) 0x0000 4000 0000 band26 [ 14.000 - 14.350 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (32768) band27 [ 15.100 - 15.800 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (2147483648) 0x0000 8000 0000 band28 [ 16.795 - 16.810 ] MHz : DT GMDSS (4294967296) 0x0001 0000 0000 band29 [ 17.480 - 17.900 ] MHz : DT DRM radio (Broadcasting) (8589934592) 0x0002 0000 0000 band30 [ 18.068 - 18.168 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (65536) band31 [ 21.000 - 21.450 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (131072) 0x0000 0002 0000 band32 [ 24.890 - 24.990 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETST, T1E1 (262144) 0x0000 0004 0000 band33 [ 28.000 - 29.100 ] MHz : ETSI (524288) 0x0000 0008 0000 band34 [ 28.000 - 29.700 ] MHz : ANNEX F, ETSI, T1E1 (1048576) 0x0000 0010 0000 " ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 20 } -- dsVdslLineConfDownINP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) UNITS "unit of 125usec" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vdsl downstream INP ." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 21 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpINP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) UNITS "unit of 125usec" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vdsl upstream INP." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 22 } -- dsVdslLineConfPBOLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { pbo100m(1), pbo200m(2), pbo300m(3), pbo400m(4), pbo500m(5), pbo600m(6), pbo700m(7), pbo800m(8), pbo900m(9), pbo1000m(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl Power Back-Off Length. 100m(1) 200m(2) 300m(3) 400m(4) 500m(5) 600m(6) 700m(7) 800m(8) 900m(9) 1000m(10) " ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 23 } -- dsVdslLineConfPSDMaskLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notavailable(-1), old-gains(0), aNSI-M1(1), aNSI-M2(2), eTSI-M1(3), eTSI-M2(4), aNNEX-F-8-5(5), aNSI-M1-EX(6), aNSI-M2-EX(7), eTSI-M1-EX(8), eTSI-M2-EX(9), aNNEX-F-11-5(10), pSD-K(11) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "dsVdsl PSD Mask Level. notavailable(-1) old gains(0) ANSI M1(1) ANSI M2(2) ETSI M1(3) ETSI M2(4) ANNEX F 8.5(5) ANSI M1 EX(6) ANSI M2 EX(7) ETSI M1 EX(8) ETSI M2 EX(9) ANNEX F 11.5(10) PSD-K(11) " ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 24 } -- dsVdslLineConfTCMAdmin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(0), disable(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 25 } -- dsVdslLineConfUpboEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 26 } -- dsVdslLineConfChannel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { fast(0), slow(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 27 } -- dsVdslLineConfProfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create a new row or modify or delete an existing row in this table. A profile activated by setting this object to 'active'. When 'active' is set, the system will validate the profile. Before a profile can be deleted or taken out of service, (by setting this object to 'destroy' or 'outOfService') it must be first unreferenced from all associated lines." ::= { dsVdslLineConfProfileEntry 28 } -- dasan vdslCpeCount table -- -- -- dsVdslCpeCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslCpeCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSwitchModules 26 } -- dsVdslCpeCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslCpeCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { dsVdslCpeCountFeFECB0 } ::= { dsVdslCpeCountTable 1 } DsVdslCpeCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslCpeCountFeFECB0 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeFECB1 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeCRCB0 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeCRCB1 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeFLOS INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeSEF INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeFECUnCrrB0 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountFeFECUnCrrB1 INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountTxFrameCnt INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountRxFrameCnt INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountTxCrcCnt INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountRxCrcCnt INTEGER, dsVdslCpeCountDropFrameCnt INTEGER } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeFECB0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 1 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeFECB1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 2 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeCRCB0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 3 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeCRCB1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 4 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeFLOS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 5 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeSEF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 6 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeFECUnCrrB0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 7 } -- dsVdslCpeCountFeFECUnCrrB1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 8 } -- dsVdslCpeCountTxFrameCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 9 } -- dsVdslCpeCountRxFrameCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 10 } -- dsVdslCpeCountTxCrcCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 11 } -- dsVdslCpeCountRxCrcCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 12 } -- dsVdslCpeCountDropFrameCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCpeCountEntry 13 } -- dasan vdslCoCount table -- -- -- dsVdslCoCountTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslCoCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsSwitchModules 27 } -- dsVdslCoCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslCoCountEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." INDEX { dsVdslCoCountRxFrame } ::= { dsVdslCoCountTable 1 } DsVdslCoCountEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslCoCountRxFrame INTEGER, dsVdslCoCountRxCrcErr INTEGER, dsVdslCoCountRxDrop INTEGER, dsVdslCoCountTxFrame INTEGER, dsVdslCoCountTxDrop INTEGER, dsVdslCoCountEnetCrcErrCnt INTEGER } -- dsVdslCoCountRxFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 1 } -- dsVdslCoCountRxCrcErr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 2 } -- dsVdslCoCountRxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 3 } -- dsVdslCoCountTxFrame OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 4 } -- dsVdslCoCountTxDrop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 5 } -- dsVdslCoCountEnetCrcErrCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "." ::= { dsVdslCoCountEntry 6 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DsVdslCpeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information of the CPEs." ::= { dsSwitchModules 28 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DsVdslCpeInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that represents the information of a CPE." INDEX { ifIndex } ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoTable 1 } DsVdslCpeInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dsVdslCpeVersion DisplayString, dsVdslCpeVendorId DisplayString, dsVdslCpeVendorName DisplayString, dsVdslCpeModelName DisplayString, dsVdslCpeSerialNumber DisplayString } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE NOS version" ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoEntry 1 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeVendorId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE vendor ID" ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoEntry 2 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE vendor name" ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoEntry 3 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE model name" ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoEntry 4 } -- -- -- -- dsVdslCpeSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPE serial number" ::= { dsVdslCpeInfoEntry 5 } END -- -- dasan-switch-mib.mib --