-- -- slev2-qos-mib.mib -- MIB generated by MG-SOFT Visual MIB Builder Version 6.0 Build 88 -- Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 15:13:50 -- SLEV2-QOS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS sleV2Mgmt FROM DASAN-SMI InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB SleControlStatusType, SleControlRequestResultType FROM SLE-TC-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TimeTicks, IpAddress, Integer32, Gauge32, Counter32, Counter64, BITS, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- sleV2QoS MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200605051406Z" -- May 05, 2006 at 14:06 GMT ORGANIZATION "Organization." CONTACT-INFO "Contact-info." DESCRIPTION "sleV2QoS" ::= { sleV2Mgmt 10 } -- -- Type definitions -- IntFlowIndex ::= INTEGER (1..1024) IntClassIndex ::= INTEGER (1..1024) IntPolicerIndex ::= INTEGER (1..1024) IntPolicyIndex ::= INTEGER (1..1024) OctetName ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..64)) IntEthernetType ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) Int8021p ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..7) IntIpAddrMask ::= INTEGER (0..32) IntToS ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) IntPktLen ::= INTEGER (-1 | 21..65535) IntProtocolType ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) IntL4Port ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) IntIcmpType ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) IntIcmpCode ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) IntInternetProtocolFlag ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), tcp(1), ucp(2), icmp(3) } IntRulePriority ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), low(1), medium(2), high(3), highest(4), lowest(5), highMiddle(6) } IntFlowClass ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), flow(1), class(2), both(4) } IntVlanID ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..4094) IntQueue ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..7) IntDP ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..2) IntCoS ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..7) IntDscp ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..63) IntIpPrecedence ::= INTEGER (-1 | 0..7) IntDstMacOrEgressPorts ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), dstMac(1), egressPorts(2) } IntMarkMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), markByEntry(1), dSCPAttribute(2), entryDSCP(3) } IntMeterMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), rateLimit(1), color(2), minmaxbandwidth(3) } IntColorType ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), srTCM(1), trTCM(2) } IntColorMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), blind(1), aware(2) } IntColorAwareMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), unprotected(1), protected(2) } IntColorCIR ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..1000000) IntColorCBS ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..4000) IntColorPIR ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..1000000) IntColorPBS ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..4000) IntColorEBS ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..4000) IntColorAction ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), drop(1), marking(2), dropPrecedence(3), dropPrecedenceRed(4), dropPrecedenceYellow(5), dropPrecedenceGreen(6) } IntCounterMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), byte(1), packet(2) } IntInterfaceIndex ::= INTEGER (-1 | 1..512) IntFlowOrClass ::= INTEGER { flow(1), class(2) } IntL2BaseRemarkMode ::= INTEGER { remarkByQueue(1), remarkByPriority(2) } IntColorIndex ::= INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } IntDSCPIndex ::= INTEGER (1..64) IntQueueCoSIndex ::= INTEGER (1..8) IntIpPktPriorityType ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), iPPrecedence(1), diffServ(2), ipToS(3) } IntEnableFlag ::= INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } IntAvrgCounterMode ::= INTEGER { nothing(-1), byte(1) } -- -- Textual conventions -- MacAddressMask ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents Mac address Mask. " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) -- -- Node definitions -- -- sleV2QoSBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS 1 } -- sleV2QoS4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS 2 } -- sleV2QoS4Base OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 1 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Base 1 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseFlowMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), extension(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow mode default : double mode, extension : triple mode" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Base 2 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setFlowMode(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseControlFlowMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { default(1), extension(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow mode default : double mode, extension : triple " ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Base 3 } -- sleV2QoS4BaseFlowModeChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4BaseControlRequest, sleV2QoS4BaseControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4BaseControlResult, sleV2QoS4BaseControlFlowMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4BaseNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4Flow OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Flow 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4FlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow table." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4FlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4FlowIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4FlowIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowTable 1 } SleV2QoS4FlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4FlowIndex INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowName OctetName, sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType IntEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddr MacAddress, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddrMask MacAddressMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddr MacAddress, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddrMask MacAddressMask, sleV2QoS4Flow8021p Int8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddr IpAddress, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddrMask IntIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddr IpAddress, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddrMask IntIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType IntIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen IntPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType IntProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag BITS, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort IntL4Port, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType IntIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode IntIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError IntEnableFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowTagType INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagVid Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCfi Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCoS Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagVid Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCfi Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCoS Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowFlowAlias OCTET STRING, sleV2QoSFlowInetAddrType InetAddressType, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddr InetAddress, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddr InetAddress, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddrLen InetAddressPrefixLength, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddrLen InetAddressPrefixLength, sleV2QoSFlowTrafficClass INTEGER, sleV2QoSFlowFlowLabel INTEGER, sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p Integer32, sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId Integer32 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEthernetType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ethernet type value in incoming frames The value of -1 means any(not set). " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddressMask MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of the source mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddressMask MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of the destination mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 7 } -- sleV2QoS4Flow8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Int8021p MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the IEEE802.1p priority in the packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 8 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's source IP address. The value of means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 9 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpAddrMask MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of source IP address The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 10 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's destination IP address. The value of means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 11 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpAddrMask MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of destination IP address The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 12 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPktPriorityType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority type of incoming IP packet (specify a type of sleUserFlowIpPktPriority) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 13 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority value of incoming IP packet If type is 1, this value's range is 0-7. If type is 2, this value's range is 0-63. If type is 3, this value's range is 0-255. " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 14 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPktLen MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet length of the incoming packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 15 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntProtocolType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of IP protocol The flat internet protocol is from sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode If the value is tcp(6), From sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag value is available If the value is u��(17), From sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort value is available If the value is icmp(1), The value of sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType and sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode is available The value of -1 means any(not set) Otherwise, from sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode value is not available The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 16 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start source port in range of source port in TCP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 17 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end source port in range of source port in TCP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 18 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start destination port in range of source port in TCP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 19 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end destination port in range of destination port in TCP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 20 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserv0(0), reserv1(1), urg(2), ack(3), psh(4), rst(5), syn(6), fin(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag in TCP packet" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 21 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start source port in range of source port in UDP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 22 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end source port in range of source port in UDP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 23 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start destination port in range of destination port in UDP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 24 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end destination port in range of destination port in UDP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 25 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIcmpType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of ICMP message The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 26 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIcmpCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The code of ICMP message The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 27 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP header length. The value of 0 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 28 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEnableFlag MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP header error check " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 29 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of inner vlan. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 30 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Inner IEEE802.1p priority in the packet. The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 31 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), srcAny(1), dstAny(2), srcDstAny(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The any flag of mac address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 32 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), srcAny(1), dstAny(2), srcDstAny(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The any flag of IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 33 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), dstFound(1), dstNotFound(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination mac address is found or not." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 34 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowTagType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { untag(1), custom(2), service(3), both(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet tag type" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 35 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094 | 4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VID, 4095 : any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 36 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCfi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CFI, 255:any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 37 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1p, 255:any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 38 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094 | 4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VID, 4095 : any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 39 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCfi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CFI, 255:any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 40 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1p, 255:any" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 41 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowFlowAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow alias" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 42 } -- sleV2QoSFlowInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address type" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 43 } -- sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet��s source IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 44 } -- sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet��s destination IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 45 } -- sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddrLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prefix length of source IP address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 46 } -- sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddrLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prefix length of destination IP address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 47 } -- sleV2QoSFlowTrafficClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The traffic class of IPv6 header The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 48 } -- sleV2QoSFlowFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flow label of IPv6 header The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 49 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of outer vlan The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 50 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the outer IEEE802.1p priority in the packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 51 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..50000 | 50002 | 50003 | 50004 | 51002) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Onu Circuit-id The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowEntry 52 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { createFlow(1), modifyFlow(2), destroyFlow(3), destroyAllFlow(4), setInPktTag(5), setOutPktTag(6), setFlowAlias(7), createFlowEx(8), setFlowEx(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlEthernetType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEthernetType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ethernet type value in incoming frames The value of -1 means any(not set). " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddressMask MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of the source mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 11 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddressMask MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of the destination mac address The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 12 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControl8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Int8021p MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the IEEE802.1p priority in the packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 13 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's source IP address. The value of means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 14 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpAddrMask MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of source IP address The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 15 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet's destination IP address. The value of means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 16 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddrMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpAddrMask MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mask of destination IP address The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 17 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriorityType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPktPriorityType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority type of incoming IP packet (specify a type of sleUserFlowIpPktPriority) The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 18 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Priority value of incoming IP packet If type is 1, this value's range is 0-7. If type is 2, this value's range is 0-63. If type is 3, this value's range is 0-255. The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 19 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPktLen MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet length of the incoming packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 20 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntProtocolType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of IP protocol The flat internet protocol is from sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode If the value is tcp(6), From sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpFlag value is available If the value is u��(17), From sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstEndPort value is available If the value is icmp(1), The value of sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpType and sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpCode is available The value of -1 means any(not set) Otherwise, from sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcStartPort to sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpCode value is not available The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 21 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start source port in range of source port in TCP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 22 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end source port in range of source port in TCP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 23 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start destination port in range of source port in TCP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 24 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end destination port in range of destination port in TCP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 25 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { reserv0(0), reserv1(1), urg(2), ack(3), psh(4), rst(5), syn(6), fin(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag in TCP packet" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 26 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start source port in range of source port in UDP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 27 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end source port in range of source port in UDP packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 28 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstStartPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The start destination port in range of destination port in UDP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 29 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstEndPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL4Port MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The end destination port in range of destination port in UDP packet. The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 30 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIcmpType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of ICMP message The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 31 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIcmpCode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The code of ICMP message The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 32 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrlen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP header error check " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 33 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEnableFlag MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP header error check " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 34 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlInnerVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of inner vlan. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 35 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlInner8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Inner IEEE802.1p priority in the packet. The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 36 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), srcAny(1), dstAny(2), srcDstAny(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The any flag of mac address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 37 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), srcAny(1), dstAny(2), srcDstAny(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The any flag of IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 38 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacDlf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), dstFound(1), dstNotFound(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination MAC address found or not" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 39 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlTagType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { untag(1), custom(2), service(3), both(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet tag type" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 40 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagVid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..4094 | 4095) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VID, 4095 : any All VID, CFI, CoS are -1 : clear command " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 41 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCfi OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CFI, 255:any All VID, CFI, CoS are -1 : clear command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 42 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7 | 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "802.1p, 255:any All VID, CFI, CoS are -1 : clear command" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 43 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlFlowAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow alias" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 44 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlInetAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address type" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 45 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlSrcInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet��s source IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 46 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlDstInetAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address to match against the packet��s destination IP address." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 47 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlSrcInetAddrLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prefix length of source IP address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 48 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlDstInetAddrLen OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressPrefixLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The prefix length of destination IP address" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 49 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlTrafficClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The traffic class of IPv6 header The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 50 } -- sleV2QoSFlowControlFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flow label of IPv6 header The value of -1 means any(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 51 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuterVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of outer vlan The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 52 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuter8021p OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the outer IEEE802.1p priority in the packet The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 53 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowControlOnuCircuitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..5000 | 50002 | 50003 | 50004 | 51002) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the Onu Circuit-id The value of -1 means any(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowControl 54 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowInfo 3 } -- sleFlowCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError, sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf, sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowTagType, sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId, sleV2QoS4FlowName, sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4Flow8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 1 } -- sleFlowChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4BaseControlFlowMode, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowControlEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControl8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowControlProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrlen, sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrError, sleV2QoS4FlowControlInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowControlInner8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTagType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOnuCircuitId, sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacDlf, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 2 } -- sleFlowDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 3 } -- sleFlowAllDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 4 } -- sleFlowInPktTagChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagVid, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCfi, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCoS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 5 } -- sleFlowOutPktTagChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagVid, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCfi, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCoS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setOutPktTag" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 6 } -- sleFlowAliasChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowControlFlowAlias } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setFlowAlias" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 7 } -- sleFlowExCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowName, sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType, sleV2QoSFlowInetAddrType, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddrLen, sleV2QoS4Flow8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError, sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf, sleV2QoS4FlowTagType, sleV2QoSFlowTrafficClass, sleV2QoSFlowFlowLabel, sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "createFlowEx" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 8 } -- sleFlowExChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4BaseControlFlowMode, sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4Flow8021p, sleV2QoSFlowInetAddrType, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddrLen, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError, sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowTagType, sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf, sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoSFlowTrafficClass, sleV2QoSFlowFlowLabel } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setFlowEx" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowNotification 9 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Flow 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow class table." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowClass 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowClassIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowClassIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowClassTable 1 } SleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4FlowClassIndex IntClassIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowClassID IntClassIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowClassName OctetName } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the class for the flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClassID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the class" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the class" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowClassEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Flow 3 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow policy table." ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicy 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyTable 1 } SleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyIndex IntPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyID IntPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyName OctetName } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the policy for the flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4Class OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Class 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4ClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "class table." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4ClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4ClassIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4ClassIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassTable 1 } SleV2QoS4ClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4ClassIndex IntClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassName OctetName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowCnt Counter32 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter of flow in class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { createClass(1), destroyClass(2), destroyAllClass(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassInfo 3 } -- sleClassCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassControlReqResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassNotification 1 } -- sleClassDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassControlIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassNotification 2 } -- sleClassAllDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassControlReqResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassNotification 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlow OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Class 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "class flow table." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlow 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4ClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4ClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowTable 1 } SleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowIndex IntFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowID IntFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowName OctetName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowClassName OctetName } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow in class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier of flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The class name of the flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlow 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { addFlow(1), deleteFlow(2), deleteAllFlow(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlFlowIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow in this class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlFlowID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow Refer to sleV2QoS4FlowIndex " ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The class name of class-flow " ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassFlowNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlow 3 } -- sleClassFlowAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowNotification 1 } -- sleClassFlowDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowNotification 2 } -- sleClassFlowAllDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassFlowNotification 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Class 3 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "class policy table." ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicy 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4ClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4ClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyTable 1 } SleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyIndex IntPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyID IntPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyName OctetName } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the policy for the class" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier of the policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4Policer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Policer 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "policer table." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4PolicerIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4PolicerIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PolicerIndex IntPolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicerName OctetName, sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode IntMeterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRateLimit Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType IntColorType, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode IntColorMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorAwareMode IntColorAwareMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCIR IntColorCIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCBS IntColorCBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPIR IntColorPIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPBS IntColorPBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorEBS IntColorEBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedAction IntColorAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowAction IntColorAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenAction IntColorAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode BITS, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkMode BITS, sleV2QoS4PolicerCounterMode IntCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerAvrgCounterMode IntAvrgCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerMinBandwidth Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicerMaxBandwidth Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedDscp IntDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowDscp IntDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenDscp IntDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCosType INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCos IntCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCosType INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCos IntToS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCosType INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCos IntToS } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicerIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policer" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of policer" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntMeterMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The meter mode. *) According to this value, rate-limit, color-marking and min-max-bandwidth exclusively activated. The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet rate limit The value of -1 unlimit(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking type Available Value : srTCM or trTCM srTCM = Single Rate Three Color Marking trTCM = Two Rate Three Color Marking The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking mode. The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorAwareMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAwareMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking aware mode *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode is aware The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorCIR MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Committed Information Rate. The value is in unit for 64 kbps. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorCBS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Committed Burst Size. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 9 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorPIR MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak Information Rate. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType is trTCM. The value is in unit for 64 kbps. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 10 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorPBS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak Burst Size. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType is trTCM. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 11 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorEBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorEBS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Excess Burst Size. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType is srTCM. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 12 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in red. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 13 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in yellow. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 14 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in green. (not supported) The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 15 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkByDSCP(0), remarkByQueueOrCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remark mode 0 : Layer3 1 : Layer2 " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 16 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkQueue(0), remarkExtCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is available when sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode bit was checked(one or more) 0 : remark Queue 1 : remark External CoS " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 17 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerCounterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCounterMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 18 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerAvrgCounterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntAvrgCounterMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average counter mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 19 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMinBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minium bandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 20 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum bandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 21 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desc value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in red. Default : 30(0x1e) " DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 22 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desc value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in yellow. Default : 28(0x1c) " DEFVAL { 28 } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 23 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The desc value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in green. Default : 30(0x1a) " DEFVAL { 26 } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 24 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in red." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 25 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in red." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 26 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in yellow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 27 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntToS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in yellow." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 28 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in yellow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 29 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntToS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in green." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerEntry 30 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { createPolicer(1), modifyPolicer(2), destroyPolicer(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicerIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policer" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of policer" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMeterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntMeterMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The meter mode. *) According to this value, rate-limit and color-marking exclusively activated. The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRateLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet rate limit The value of -1 unlimit(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking type Available Value : srTCM or trTCM srTCM = Single Rate Three Color Marking trTCM = Two Rate Three Color Marking The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking mode. *) Used only when sleColorMarkingMode is aware The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 11 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorAwareMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAwareMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Color marking aware mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 12 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorCIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorCIR MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Committed Information Rate. The value is in unit for 64 kbps. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 13 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorCBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorCBS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Committed Burst Size. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 14 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorPIR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorPIR MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak Information Rate. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode is Aware. The value is in unit for 64 kbps. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 15 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorPBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorPBS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Peak Burst Size. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode is Aware. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 16 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorEBS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorEBS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Excess Burst Size. *) Used only when sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode is Blind. The value is in unit for square of 2 bits. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 17 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in red. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 18 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in yellow. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 19 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorAction MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply when incoming packet is colored in green. (not supported) The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 20 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRemarkLayerMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkByDSCP(0), remarkByQueueOrCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remark mode 0 : Layer3 1 : Layer2 " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 21 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRemarkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkQueue(0), remarkExtCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value is available when sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRemarkLayerMode bit was checked(one or more) 0 : remark to Queue 1 : remark to External CoS " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 22 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlCounterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCounterMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 23 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlAvrgCounterMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntAvrgCounterMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The average counter mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 24 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMinBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum bandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 25 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum bandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 26 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dscp value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in red" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 27 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dscp value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in yellow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 28 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The dscp value to be apply when incoming packet is colored in green" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 29 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in red." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 30 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in red." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 31 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in yellow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 32 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntToS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in yellow." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 33 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenCosType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), mark(1), overwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS type colored in yellow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 34 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntToS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CoS colored in green." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerControl 35 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerInfo 3 } -- slePolicerCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerAvrgCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerName, sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRateLimit, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorAwareMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorEBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerCounterMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerNotification 1 } -- slePolicerChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicerAvrgCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRateLimit, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorAwareMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorEBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenDscp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerNotification 2 } -- slePolicerDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerNotification 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Policer 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "policer match counter table." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounter 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterName" INDEX { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterName } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterName OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterDesc OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterValue Counter64 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rule-counter policer name" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rule-counter policer description. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter-value of matched policer. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4Policy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Policy 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "policy table." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex IntPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyName OctetName, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowCnt Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyClassCnt Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyPolicerIndex INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyPriority IntRulePriority, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPorts OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPorts OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicyVlan IntVlanID, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlag BITS, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchVlan IntVlanID, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan IntVlanID, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort IntInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchMarkMode IntMarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchQueue IntQueue, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDp IntDP, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchCoS IntCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDscp IntDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchIpPrecedence IntIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts IntDstMacOrEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac MacAddress, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchFlag BITS, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchRedirectPort IntInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchCoS IntCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchDscp IntDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchIpPrecedence IntIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterValue Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterGreenBytes Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterYellowBytes Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterRedBytes Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyRedirBlackhole IntEnableFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg5SecCounterValue Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg1minCounterValue Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg10minCounterValue Counter64, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressTunnelIfIndex Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressTunnelIfIndex Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterElapsedTimeAfterClear TimeTicks, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHop IpAddress, sleV2QoS4PolicyStage INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPortsFlag INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPortsFlag INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlanAction INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlanAction INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlan INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlan INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopSecondary IpAddress, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlowAlias OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCosReplace Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCosReplace Integer32, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace Integer32 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter of flow that was included to policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyClassCnt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The counter of class that was included to policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyPolicerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policer 0: no policer " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntRulePriority MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the policy low : default value " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ingress port map" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The egress port map" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of vlan The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 9 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { deny(0), mirror(1), copyToCPU(2), sameAsTos(3), sameAsCos(4), cos(5), tos(6), permit(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply for matched packets. bit 0: deny the matched packets bit 1: mirror the matched packets bit 2: copy to CPU bit 3: set 802.1p value to ToS precedence bit 4: set ToS precedence to 802.1p value bit 5 : set 802.1p value from flow bit 6 : set TaoS precedence from flow bit 7 : permit the matched packets bit 8 : set inner VLAN value bit 9 : set outer VLAN value" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 10 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 11 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan is set the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort must be set." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 12 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort is set the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan must be set." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 13 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchMarkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntMarkMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The match mark mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 14 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The queue value to be apply for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 15 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 16 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 17 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 18 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchIpPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPrecedence MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 19 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDstMacOrEgressPorts MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value is nothing, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac and sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts value is not available If the value is dstMac, the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac is available If the value is egressPorts, the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts is avalible " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 20 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC Address of the matched packets The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 21 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The egress port map of the matched packets" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 22 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { deny(0), mirror(1), copyToCPU(2), sameAsTos(3), sameAsCos(4), cos(5), tos(6), permit(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply for matched packets. bit 0: deny the nomatched packets bit 1: mirror the nomatched packets bit 2: copy to CPU bit 3: set 802.1p value to ToS precedence bit 4: set ToS precedence to 802.1p value bit 5 : set 802.1p value from flow bit 6 : set TaoS precedence from flow " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 23 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchRedirectPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port to redirect to a nomatched packet. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 24 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 25 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 26 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchIpPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPrecedence MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 27 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the counter Packet count or bytes according to policer's counter mode. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 28 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterGreenBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the octet counter for green-marked packets. Available only when sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode's value is color. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 29 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterYellowBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the octet counter for yellow-marked packets. Available only when sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode's value is color. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 30 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterRedBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the octet counter for red-marked packets. Available only when sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode's value is color. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 31 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyRedirBlackhole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEnableFlag MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet discard" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 32 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg5SecCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the average counter of 5 second. The bytes according to policer��s average counter mode. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 33 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg1minCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the average counter of 1 minute. The bytes according to policer��s average counter mode. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 34 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg10minCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the average counter of 10 minute. The bytes according to policer��s average counter mode. The value of 0 is no matched count. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 35 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10000..11023) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress tunnel interface index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 36 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10000..11023) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress tunnel interface index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 37 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterElapsedTimeAfterClear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The elapsed time after clearing counter." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 38 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) nexthop address." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 39 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyStage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ingress(1), prio(2), egress(3), external(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rule-policy-stage." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 40 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPortsFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), any(1), cpu(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface-binding ingress-port flag of policy." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 41 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPortsFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), any(1), cpu(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface-binding egress-port flag of policy." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 42 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlanAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nothing(-1), add(1), replace(2), del(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The InnerVlan Action Mode The Value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 43 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlanAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nothing(-1), add(1), replace(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OuterVlan Action Mode The Value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 44 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 45 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 46 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) nexthop secondary address." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 47 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) Verify-Reachability." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 48 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlowAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action match flowAlias" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 49 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCosReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan COS replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 50 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan CFI replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 51 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCosReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan COS replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 52 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan CFI replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyEntry 53 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { createPolicy(1), setPolicyInfo(2), setMatchAction(3), setNomatchAction(4), destroyPolicy(5), clearCounter(6), createEmptyPolicy(7), setPolicyIngressTunnel(8), unsetPolicyIngressTunnel(9), setPolicyEgressTunnel(10), unsetPolicyEgressTunnel(11), setMatchActionFlowAlias(12), setMatchInnerVlanCosReplace(13), setMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace(14), setMatchOuterVlanCosReplace(15), setMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace(16) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlPolicerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..1024) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of policer 0: no policer " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntRulePriority MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The priority of the policy low : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ingress port map" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The egress port map" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 11 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of vlan The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 12 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { deny(0), mirror(1), copyToCPU(2), sameAsTos(3), sameAsCos(4), cos(5), tos(6), permit(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply for matched packets. bit 0: deny the matched packets bit 1: mirror the matched packets bit 2: copy to CPU bit 3: set 802.1p value to ToS precedence bit 4: set ToS precedence to 802.1p value bit 5 : set 802.1p value from flow bit 6 : set TaoS precedence from flow bit 7 : permit the matched packets bit 8 : set inner VLAN value bit 9 : set outer VLAN value " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 13 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 14 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirectVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntVlanID MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The valn id to redirect to a matched packet If the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan is set the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort must be set. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 15 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirectPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port to redirect to a matched packet. If the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort is set the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan must be set. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 16 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchMarkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntMarkMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The match mark mode The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 17 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The queue value to be apply for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 18 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The drop precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 19 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 20 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 21 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchIpPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPrecedence MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 22 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDstMacOrEgressPorts MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If the value is nothing, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMac and sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchEgressPorts value is not available If the value is dstMac, the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMac is available If the value is egressPorts, the value of sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchEgressPorts is avalible " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 23 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMac OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination MAC Address of the matched packets The value of 00:00:00:00:00:00 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 24 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchEgressPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The egress port map of the matched packets" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 25 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { deny(0), mirror(1), copyToCPU(2), sameAsTos(3), sameAsCos(4), cos(5), tos(6), permit(7) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action to be apply for matched packets. bit 0: deny the nomatched packets bit 1: mirror the nomatched packets bit 2: copy to CPU bit 3: set 802.1p value to ToS precedence bit 4: set ToS precedence to 802.1p value bit 5 : set 802.1p value from flow bit 6 : set TaoS precedence from flow " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 26 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchRedirectPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntInterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The port to redirect to a nomatched packet. The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 27 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 28 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DSCP The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 29 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchIpPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntIpPrecedence MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP precedence The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 30 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirBlackhole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntEnableFlag MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The packet discard" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 31 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10000..11023) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress tunnel interface index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 32 } -- sleV2Qo4SPolicyControlEgressTunnelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (10000..11023) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Egress tunnel interface index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 33 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) nexthop address." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 34 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlStage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { ingress(1), prio(2), egress(3), external(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rule-policy-stage." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 35 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressPortsFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), any(1), cpu(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface-binding ingress-port flag of policy." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 36 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlEgressPortsFlag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), any(1), cpu(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface-binding egress-port flag of policy." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 37 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlInnerVlanAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nothing(-1), add(1), replace(2), del(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The InnerVlan Action Mode The Value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 38 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlOuterVlanAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nothing(-1), add(1), replace(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The OuterVlan Action Mode The Value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 39 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlInnerVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 40 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlOuterVlan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..4094) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan id to be assigned for the matched packets The value of -1 is nothing(not set)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 41 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHopSecondary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) nexthop secondary address." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 42 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { false(0), true(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The PBR(Policy-Based_routing) Verify-Reachability." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 43 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchFlowAlias OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The action match flowAlias" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 44 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCosReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan COS replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 45 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inner vlan CFI replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 46 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCosReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan COS replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 47 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outer vlan CFI replace (-1: delete)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyControl 48 } -- sleV2QoSPolicyNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyInfo 3 } -- slePolicyCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyRedirBlackhole, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHop, sleV2QoS4PolicyStage, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyName, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowCnt, sleV2QoS4PolicyClassCnt, sleV2QoS4PolicyPolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyPriority, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchMarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchQueue, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterValue, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterGreenBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterYellowBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterRedBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopSecondary, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 1 } -- slePolicyInfoChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyStage, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyPolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyPriority } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 2 } -- slePolicyMatchActionChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyRedirBlackhole, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchMarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchQueue, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHop, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopSecondary, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 3 } -- slePolicyNomatchActionChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchIpPrecedence } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 4 } -- slePolicyDestroyed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 5 } -- slePolicyCounterCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterValue, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterGreenBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterYellowBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterRedBytes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 6 } -- slePolicyEmptyCreated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 7 } -- slePolicyIngressTunnelSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressTunnelIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 8 } -- slePolicyIngressTunnelUnset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressTunnelIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 9 } -- slePolicyEgressTunnelSet NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2Qo4SPolicyControlEgressTunnelIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 10 } -- slePolicyEgressTunnelUnset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2Qo4SPolicyControlEgressTunnelIfIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 11 } -- slePolicyActionMatchFlowAliasChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchFlowAlias } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMatchActionFlowAlias" ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 12 } -- slePolicyMatchInnerVlanCosReplaceChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCosReplace } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMatchInnerVlanCosReplace" ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 13 } -- slePolicyMatchInnerVlanCfiReplaceChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace" ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 14 } -- slePolicyMatchOuterVlanCosReplaceChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCosReplace } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMatchOuterVlanCosReplace" ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 15 } -- slePolicyMatchOuterVlanCfiReplaceChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace" ::= { sleV2QoSPolicyNotification 16 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClass OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Policy 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "flow class table." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClass 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassIndex IntFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassType IntFlowOrClass, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassID IntFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassName OctetName } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow or class in policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowOrClass MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The flag about flow or class" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The identifier of class or flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OctetName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of class or flow" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClass 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { addFlowClass(1), deleteFlowClass(2), deleteAllFlow(3), deleteAllClass(4), deleteAllFlowClass(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicyIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of Policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow or class in this policy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowOrClass MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of flow or class" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlFlowID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntFlowIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of flow Available according to sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlType. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlClassID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntClassIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of class Available according to sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlType. " ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClass 3 } -- slePolicyFlowAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassType, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification 1 } -- slePolicyFlowDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification 2 } -- slePolicyAllFlowDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification 3 } -- slePolicyAllClassDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification 4 } -- slePolicyAllFlowClassDeleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassNotification 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIF OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Policy 3 } -- -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PolicyIFEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIF 1 } -- -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PolicyIFEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." INDEX { ifindex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFDirection } ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PolicyIFEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFDirection INTEGER } -- -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input(1), output(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packet input/output direction" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIF 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setServicePolicy(1), clearServicePolicy(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlIfindex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntPolicerIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Policy index." ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input(1), output(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Packet input/output direction" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PolicyIFNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIF 3 } -- sleV2QosPolicyIFServicePolicyChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlIfindex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setServicePolicy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFNotification 1 } -- sleV2QosPolicyIFServicePolicyCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlIfindex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlDirection } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setServicePolicy" ::= { sleV2QoS4PolicyIFNotification 2 } -- sleV2QoS4Remark OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkBase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Remark 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkBase 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkLayer2Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL2BaseRemarkMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The layer2 remark mode 1 : remark based on queue (default) 2 : remark based on 802.1p priority " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkPriorityIP(0), remarkByQueueOrCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remark mode 0 : enable 801.1p-remark for IP packets 1 : enable 801.1p-remark for Non-IP packets " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkBase 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setRemarkMode(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlTimStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlLayer2Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntL2BaseRemarkMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The layer2 remark mode -1: default (remarkByQueue) 1 : remark by queue 2 : remark by priority " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { remarkByDSCP(0), remarkByQueueOrCoS(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remark mode 0 : enable 801.1p-remark for IP packets 1 : enable 801.1p-remark for Non-IP packets " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkBase 3 } -- sleRemarkChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4RemarkControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlTimStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkLayer2Mode, sleV2QoS4RemarkMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Remark 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "remark L3 table." ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3DSCPIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3DSCPIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Table 1 } SleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ColorIndex IntColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3DSCPIndex IntDSCPIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Queue IntQueue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dp IntDP, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3CoS IntCoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dscp IntDscp } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of color" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3DSCPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDSCPIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of DSCP The index value of 1~ 64 mean 0 ~ 63 of the DSCP " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Queue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to queue by Color and DSCP 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to drop precednece by Color and DSCP 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3CoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to CoS by Color and DSCP 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to DSCP by Color and DSCP 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Entry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setL3Remark(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 4 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 5 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of color marking" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDSCPIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDSCPIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of DSCP The index value of 1~ 64 mean 0 ~ 63 of the DSCP " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 7 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to queue by Color and DSCP The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 8 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to drop precednece by Color and DSCP The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 9 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to CoS by Color and DSCP The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 10 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to DSCP by Color and DSCP The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Control 11 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Notification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3 3 } -- sleRemarkL3Changed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Queue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3CoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dscp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Notification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Remark 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Table OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "remark L2 table." ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2QueueCoSIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2QueueCoSIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Table 1 } SleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ColorIndex IntColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2QueueCoSIndex IntQueueCoSIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Queue IntQueue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dp IntDP, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2CoS IntCoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dscp IntDscp } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of color marking" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2QueueCoSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueueCoSIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queue or CoS The index value of 1~ 8 mean 0 ~ 7 of the queue and CoS Refer to sleV2QoS4RemarkLayer2Mode " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Queue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to queue by Color and L2(queue or CoS) 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to drop precednece by L2(queue or CoS) 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2CoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to CoS by Color and L2(queue or CoS) 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to DSCP by Color and L2(queue or CoS) 0 : default " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Entry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setL2Remark(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 2 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 3 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 4 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 5 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlColorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntColorIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of color marking" ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 6 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlQueueCoSIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueueCoSIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queue or CoS The index value of 1~ 8 mean 0 ~ 7 of the queue and CoS Refer to sleV2QoS4RemarkLayer2Mod " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 7 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntQueue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to queue by Color and L2(queue or CoS) The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 8 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlDp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to drop precednece by L2(queue or CoS) The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 9 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntCoS MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to CoS by Color and L2(queue or CoS) The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 10 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IntDscp MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is remarking to DSCP by Color and L2(queue or CoS) The value of -1 means nothing(not set) " ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Control 11 } -- sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Notification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2 3 } -- sleRemarkL2Changed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Queue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2CoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dscp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Notification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4RED OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 7 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RED 1 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "redundancy profile table." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfile 1 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4REDProfileId, sleV2QoS4REDProfileQueueId" INDEX { sleV2QoS4REDProfileId, sleV2QoS4REDProfileQueueId } ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileTable 1 } SleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4REDProfileId INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileQueueId INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MinThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MaxThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0Prob INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MinThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MaxThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1Prob INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MinThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MaxThres INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2Prob INTEGER, sleV2QoS4REDProfileWeight INTEGER } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of RED profile. Marvell : (1..4), BCM : number of ports." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 min threshold. In case RED, used as RED min threshold. Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : (0..127)" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 max threshold. Used only in case WRED. Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 drop probability. In case RED, used as RED prob" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 min threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 max threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 7 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 drop probability." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 8 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 min threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 9 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 max threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell : (1..65535), BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 10 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 drop probability." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 11 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Drop weight, Used only in case WRED. BCM : not supported." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileEntry 12 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfile 2 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setREDProfile(1), clearREDProfile(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of RED profile. Marvell (1..4), BCM : number of ports" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queues" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 min threshold. In case RED, used as RED min threshold. Marvell (1..65535), BCM (0..127)" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 max threshold. Used only in case WRED. Marvell (1..65535), BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP0 Drop Probability In case RED, used as RED prob." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 min threshold. Used only in case WRED. Marvell (1..65535), BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 11 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 max threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell (1..65535), BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 12 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP1 Drop Probability. Used only in case WRED. BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 13 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2MinThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 min threshold. Used only in case WRED Marvell (1..65535), BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 14 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2MaxThres OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 0..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 max threshold. Marvell (1..65535), BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 15 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2Prob OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DP2 Drop Probability. Used only in case WRED. BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 16 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..15) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Drop weight. Used only in case WRED. BCM: not supported" ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControl 17 } -- sleV2QoS4REDProfileNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfile 3 } -- sleV2QS4REDProfileChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlRequest, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileNotification 1 } -- sleV2QS4REDProfileCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlRequest, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4REDProfileNotification 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4RED 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "port redundancy info table." ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoInterfaceIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoInterfaceIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoTable 1 } SleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoInterfaceIndex InterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable INTEGER, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoProfileId INTEGER } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inrterface Index" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), red(1), wred(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RED/WRED enable flag BCM: only available RED, Marvell: only available WRED" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RED profile index. In case sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable == disable, invalid Marvell : (1..4), BCM : number of ports In case BCM, this value is equal to port index. (read-only)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setPortREDInfo(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inrterface Index" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable(0), red(1), wred(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RED/WRED enable flag" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlProfileId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RED profile index. This value is valid only when sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable is equal to RED or WRED only, valid. Marvell : (1..4), BCM : number of ports In case BCM, this value is equal to port index. (read-only)" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfo 3 } -- sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoProfileId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setPortREDInfo" ::= { sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4Queue OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 8 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4Queue 1 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "queue info table." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfo 1 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4QueueInfoInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoId" INDEX { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoId } ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoTable 1 } SleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoInterfaceIndex InterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoId INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleMode INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoDWRRGroup INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidth Integer32, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidth Integer32, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeight INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueMappedCoS INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast Integer32, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast Integer32, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast Integer32, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast INTEGER, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast Integer32 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inrterface Index" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queue" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp(1), rr(2), wrr(3), wfq(4), drr(5), bd(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Schedule mode of queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoDWRRGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0), group0(1), group1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue dwrr group" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Min bandwidth of queue" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 5 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Max bandwidth of queue" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 6 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Weight of queue BCM (1..15), Marvell (6..255)" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 7 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueMappedCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mapped cos" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 8 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Min Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 9 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy to Buffer Egress Max Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 10 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Max Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 11 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Min Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 12 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy to Buffer Egress Max Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 13 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Max Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoEntry 14 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfo 2 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setQueueInfo(1), setScheduleMode(2), setMaxBandwidth(3), setMinBandwidth(4), setWeight(5), setBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast(6), clearBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast(7), setBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast(8), clearBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast(9), setBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast(10), clearBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast(11), setBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast(12), clearBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast(13) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inrterface Index" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of queue" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlScheduleMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp(1), rr(2), wrr(3), wfq(4), drr(5), bd(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Schedule mode of queue. ( V5524 : sp, wrr, wfq, V5212G : sp, wrr, V5424G : sp, wrr, drr V6424 : sp, dwrr ) " ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlDWRRGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0), group0(1), group1(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Queue dwrr group ( V6424 )" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMinBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Min bandwidth of queue. ( V5524 : wfq, V5424G : drr, V6424 : dwrr )" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 10 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMaxBandwidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Max bandwidth of queue" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 11 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Weight of queue BCM (1..15), Marvell (6..255) ( V5524, V5212G, V5424G : wrr, V6424 : dwrr )" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 12 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMappedCoS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mapped cos" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 13 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Min Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 14 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy to Buffer Egress Max Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 15 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Max Limit for unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 16 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Min Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 17 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dynamic(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Policy to Buffer Egress Max Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 18 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Buffer Egress Max Limit for non-unicast Queue." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControl 19 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfo 3 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleMode, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoDWRRGroup, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeight, sleV2QoS4QueueMappedCoS } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setQueueInfo" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleModeChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleMode, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoDWRRGroup } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setScheduleMode" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 2 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidthChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMaxBandwidth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMaxBandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 3 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidthChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMinBandwidth } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setMinBandwidth" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 4 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeightChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeight } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setWeight" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 5 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicastChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 6 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicastCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 7 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicastChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 8 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicastCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "clearBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 9 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicastChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast " ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 10 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicastCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "clearBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 11 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicastChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "setBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 12 } -- sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicastCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "clearBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast" ::= { sleV2QoS4QueueInfoNotification 13 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4 9 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMap 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP map ingress table." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngress 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscpIndex" INDEX { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscpIndex } ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressTable 1 } SleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscpIndex INTEGER, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscp OCTET STRING, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressCos INTEGER, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressColor INTEGER } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress DSCP mapping index. The index value of 1~ 64 mean 0 ~ 63 of the DSCP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP value." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify color by Internal DP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressEntry 4 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngress 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setDscpMapIngress(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ingress DSCP mapping index. The index value of 1~ 64 mean 0 ~ 63 of the DSCP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP value." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Class of Service." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify color by Internal DP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControl 9 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngress 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlRequest, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscpIndex, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlCos, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlColor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMap 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP map tunnel table." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnel 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "key: sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelPriority, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelColor" INDEX { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelPriority, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelColor } ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelTable 1 } SleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelPriority INTEGER, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelColor INTEGER, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelDscp INTEGER } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal packet priority. The index value of 1 ~ 8 mean 0 ~ 7 of the priority." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify color by Internal DP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP value." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelEntry 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnel 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlRequest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { setDscpMapTunnel(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The request of a user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 1 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlStatusType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 2 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum time for the manager for a long running user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time stamp of the last command(end of command)" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 4 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlReqResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SleControlRequestResultType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last user command" ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 5 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Internal packet priority. The index value of 1 ~ 8 mean 0 ~ 7 of the priority." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 6 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify color by Internal DP." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 7 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DSCP value." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControl 8 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelNotification OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnel 3 } -- sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlRequest, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlPriority, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlColor, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlDscp } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelNotification 1 } -- sleV2QoS6 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sleV2QoS 3 } -- sleV2QoSGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { sleV2QoS4FlowIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowName, sleV2QoS4FlowEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4Flow8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowSrcIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowDstIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4ClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowCnt, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicerName, sleV2QoS4PolicerRateLimit, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorAwareMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorCBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorPBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorEBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyName, sleV2QoS4PolicyPriority, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchMarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchQueue, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchDstMac, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyNomatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowCnt, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorType, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowID, sleV2QoS4PolicyClassCnt, sleV2QoS4FlowTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyPolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassID, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2QueueCoSIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Queue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2CoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2Dscp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3DSCPIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Queue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3CoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3Dscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassType, sleV2QoS4PolicerMeterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterRedBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterYellowBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterGreenBytes, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterValue, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlFlowIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowName, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyID, sleV2QoS4ClassPolicyName, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyName, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyID, sleV2QoS4FlowPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowClassName, sleV2QoS4FlowClassID, sleV2QoS4FlowClassIndex, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp1Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp2Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileWeight, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileDp0MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileQueueId, sleV2QoS4REDProfileId, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoEnable, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoProfileId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleMode, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoDWRRGroup, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeight, sleV2QoS4QueueMappedCoS, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrlen, sleV2QoS4PolicyRedirBlackhole, sleV2QoS4FlowHdrError, sleV2QoS4PolicerAvrgCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg5SecCounterValue, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg1minCounterValue, sleV2QoS4PolicyAvrg10minCounterValue, sleV2QoS4PolicerMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4FlowInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowInner8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4FlowControlStatus, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimer, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4FlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowControlName, sleV2QoS4FlowControlEthernetType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstMacAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControl8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlSrcIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddr, sleV2QoS4FlowControlDstIpAddrMask, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktLen, sleV2QoS4FlowControlProtocolType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTcpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpSrcEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstStartPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlUdpDstEndPort, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIcmpCode, sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrlen, sleV2QoS4FlowControlHdrError, sleV2QoS4FlowControlInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowControlInner8021p, sleV2QoS4ClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassControlStatus, sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimer, sleV2QoS4ClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassControlIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassControlName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlRequest, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlStatus, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimer, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassIndex, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlFlowID, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlStatus, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimer, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlName, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMeterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRateLimit, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorType, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorAwareMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorCIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorCBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorPIR, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorPBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorEBS, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenAction, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRemarkLayerMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlRemarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlAvrgCounterMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlStatus, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimer, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlName, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlPolicerIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlPriority, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirectVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchMarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchQueue, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMacOrEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchDstMac, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchEgressPorts, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchRedirectPort, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchDscp, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlNomatchIpPrecedence, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchRedirBlackhole, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlStatus, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimer, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlType, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlFlowID, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassControlClassID, sleV2QoS4RemarkLayer2Mode, sleV2QoS4RemarkMode, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlStatus, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlTimer, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlTimStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlLayer2Mode, sleV2QoS4RemarkControlMode, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlStatus, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlTimer, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDSCPIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlQueue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlCoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL3ControlDscp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlRequest, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlStatus, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlTimer, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlColorIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlQueueCoSIndex, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlQueue, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlDp, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlCoS, sleV2QoS4RemarkL2ControlDscp, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlRequest, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlStatus, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimer, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlId, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlQueueId, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp0Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp1Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2MinThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2MaxThres, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlDp2Prob, sleV2QoS4REDProfileControlWeight, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlStatus, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlTimer, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlEnable, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoControlProfileId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlRequest, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlStatus, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimer, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlInterfaceIndex, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlScheduleMode, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlDWRRGroup, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMinBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMaxBandwidth, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlWeight, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlMappedCoS, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressTunnelIfIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressTunnelIfIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressTunnelIfIndex, sleV2Qo4SPolicyControlEgressTunnelIfIndex, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscpIndex, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressDscp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressCos, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressColor, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlRequest, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlStatus, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlTimer, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscpIndex, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlDscp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlCos, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressControlColor, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelPriority, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelColor, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelDscp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlRequest, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlStatus, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlTimer, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlPriority, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlColor, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelControlDscp, sleV2QoS4BaseFlowMode, sleV2QoS4BaseControlRequest, sleV2QoS4BaseControlStatus, sleV2QoS4BaseControlTimer, sleV2QoS4BaseControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4BaseControlResult, sleV2QoS4BaseControlFlowMode, sleV2QoS4PolicyCounterElapsedTimeAfterClear, sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterName, sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterDesc, sleV2QoS4PolicerMatchCounterValue, sleV2QoS4FlowMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowIpFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacFlag, sleV2QoS4FlowControlIpFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenCos, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorRedCosType, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorYellowCosType, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorRedCosType, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorYellowCosType, sleV2QoS4PolicerControlColorGreenCosType, sleV2QoS4FlowMacDlf, sleV2QoS4FlowControlMacDlf, sleV2QoS4PolicyStage, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlStage, sleV2QoS4PolicyIngressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyEgressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlIngressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlEgressPortsFlag, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlInnerVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlOuterVlanAction, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlInnerVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFDirection, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlRequest, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlStatus, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimer, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlTimeStamp, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlReqResult, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlIfindex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlPolicyIndex, sleV2QoS4PolicyIFControlDirection, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopSecondary, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHopSecondary, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHopVerifyReach, sleV2QoS4FlowTagType, sleV2QoS4FlowControlTagType, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagVid, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCfi, sleV2QoS4FlowInPktTagCoS, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagVid, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCfi, sleV2QoS4FlowOutPktTagCoS, sleV2QoS4FlowFlowAlias, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagVid, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCfi, sleV2QoS4FlowControlPktTagCoS, sleV2QoS4FlowControlFlowAlias, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchFlowAlias, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchFlowAlias, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCosReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCosReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCosReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchInnerVlanCfiReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCosReplace, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchOuterVlanCfiReplace, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowClassName, sleV2QoS4ClassFlowControlClassName, sleV2QoSFlowInetAddrType, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowSrcInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowDstInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowTrafficClass, sleV2QoSFlowFlowLabel, sleV2QoSFlowControlInetAddrType, sleV2QoSFlowControlSrcInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowControlDstInetAddr, sleV2QoSFlowControlSrcInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowControlDstInetAddrLen, sleV2QoSFlowControlTrafficClass, sleV2QoSFlowControlFlowLabel, sleV2QoS4FlowOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowOnuCircuitId, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuterVlan, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOuter8021p, sleV2QoS4FlowControlOnuCircuitId, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitPolicyNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoControlBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicast, sleV2QoS4PolicyFlowClassIndex, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriorityType, sleV2QoS4FlowIpPktPriority, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkLayerMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerRemarkMode, sleV2QoS4PolicerColorGreenCosType, sleV2QoS4PolicyMatchPbrNextHop, sleV2QoS4PolicyControlMatchPbrNextHop } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS 4 } -- sleV2QoSNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { sleFlowCreated, sleFlowChanged, sleFlowDestroyed, sleFlowAllDestroyed, sleClassCreated, sleClassDestroyed, sleClassAllDestroyed, sleClassFlowAdded, sleClassFlowDeleted, sleClassFlowAllDeleted, slePolicerCreated, slePolicerChanged, slePolicerDestroyed, slePolicyCreated, slePolicyDestroyed, sleRemarkChanged, sleRemarkL3Changed, sleV2QS4REDProfileChanged, sleV2QoS4PortREDInfoChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoChanged, sleV2QS4REDProfileCleared, slePolicyEmptyCreated, sleV2QoS4DscpMapIngressChanged, sleV2QoS4DscpMapTunnelChanged, sleV2QoS4BaseFlowModeChanged, sleRemarkL2Changed, slePolicyInfoChanged, slePolicyMatchActionChanged, slePolicyNomatchActionChanged, slePolicyCounterCleared, slePolicyFlowAdded, slePolicyFlowDeleted, slePolicyAllFlowDeleted, slePolicyAllClassDeleted, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoScheduleModeChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoWeightChanged, sleV2QosPolicyIFServicePolicyChanged, sleV2QosPolicyIFServicePolicyCleared, slePolicyAllFlowClassDeleted, slePolicyIngressTunnelSet, slePolicyIngressTunnelUnset, slePolicyEgressTunnelSet, slePolicyEgressTunnelUnset, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMaxBandwidthChanged, slePolicyMatchInnerVlanCosReplaceChanged, slePolicyMatchInnerVlanCfiReplaceChanged, slePolicyMatchOuterVlanCosReplaceChanged, slePolicyMatchOuterVlanCfiReplaceChanged, sleFlowExCreated, sleFlowExChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicastChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitUnicastCleared, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicastChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitUnicastCleared, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicastChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMinLimitNonUnicastCleared, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicastChanged, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoBufferEgressMaxLimitNonUnicastCleared, sleV2QoS4QueueInfoMinBandwidthChanged, sleFlowInPktTagChanged, sleFlowOutPktTagChanged, sleFlowAliasChanged, slePolicyActionMatchFlowAliasChanged } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { sleV2QoS 5 } END -- -- slev2-qos-mib.mib --