-- -- Data Aire-dap4_al.MIB -- MIB generated by Data Aire -- Tuesday, 12 July 2011 -- DataAire-dap4-al-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF sysContact, sysName, sysLocation FROM SNMPv2-MIB enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI; dap4-alMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201107120850Z" -- July 12, 2011 at 08:50 GMT ORGANIZATION "Data Aire" CONTACT-INFO " Data Aire 230 West Blueridge Ave Orange, CA Tel: 1-800-347-2473 E-mail: sales@dataaire.com " DESCRIPTION "This is the MIB module for the dap4_al device." REVISION "201107120850Z" DESCRIPTION "version 1.0" ::= { instruments 1 } -- -- Node definitions -- -- carel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 9839 } -- systm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { carel 1 } -- agentRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Release of the Agent." ::= { systm 1 } -- agentCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Code of the Agent. 2=pCOWeb." ::= { systm 2 } -- instruments OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { carel 2 } -- pCOWebInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { instruments 0 } -- pCOStatusgroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pCOWebInfo 10 } -- pCOId1-Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of pCOId1. 0=Offline, 1=Init, 2=Online" ::= { pCOStatusgroup 1 } -- ... You will have how many pCOIdX-Status objects as the pCOs connected to pCOWeb. -- pCOErrorsNumbergroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pCOWebInfo 11 } -- pCOId1-ErrorsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Communication Errors from pCOId1 to pCOWeb." ::= { pCOErrorsNumbergroup 1 } -- ... You will have how many pCOIdX-ErrorsNumber objects as the pCOs connected to pCOWeb. -- digitalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dap4-alMIB 1 } -- dehum-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dehumidify mode is running" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 1 } -- hum-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier is running" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 2 } -- engy-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Energy saver is running" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 3 } -- cool-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cooling inhibit from Zone Master" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 4 } -- heat-held OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heat inhibited due to alarm condition" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 5 } -- humidifier-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier stopped due to alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 6 } -- dehum-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dehum is inhibited" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 7 } -- rht-during-dehum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "reheat during dehum" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 8 } -- floor-wtr-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water under floor alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 9 } -- air-flow-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No air flow alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 10 } -- filter-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dirty filter from digital input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 11 } -- humidifier-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm from humidifier digital input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 12 } -- firestat-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of return air above firestat alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 13 } -- shortcycle-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more comps has short cycled" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 14 } -- humidity-fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor is out of range" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 15 } -- ret-air-fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor is out of range" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 16 } -- maint-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maintenance Schedule Due alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 17 } -- c1-hp-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High pressure alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 18 } -- c1-lp-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low pressure alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 19 } -- c2-hp-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High pressure alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 20 } -- c2-lp-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Low pressure alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 21 } -- smoke-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Smoke detected from digital input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 22 } -- wtr-flow-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No water flow alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 23 } -- disch-air-fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor is out of range" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 24 } -- ra-tmp-hi-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of return air above alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 25 } -- ra-tmp-lo-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of return air below alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 26 } -- hum-hi-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity above alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 27 } -- hum-lo-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity below alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 28 } -- fan-overload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan overload" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 29 } -- stdby-pump-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Standby pump on: Check primary pump -Optional alarm. Pump failure input signal required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 30 } -- cust-msg-sw1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm #1 -Optional alarm. External alarm input required. Factory programmed custom message required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 31 } -- cust-msg-sw2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm #2 -Optional alarm. External alarm input required. Factory programmed custom message required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 32 } -- cust-msg-sw3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm #3 -Optional alarm. External alarm input required. Factory programmed custom message required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 33 } -- cust-msg-sw4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Custom alarm #4 -Optional alarm. External alarm input required. Factory programmed custom message required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 34 } -- humsw-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier stopped due to custom alarm switch" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 35 } -- heat-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heat inhibited due to custom switch alarm condition" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 36 } -- rht-hum-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reheat and humidification inhibited from operation" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 37 } -- disch-tmp-lo-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of discharge air below alarm set point" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 38 } -- override-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual override: Check bypass switches - Standard alarm. Manual override switch is on" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 39 } -- condensation-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High condensation from digital input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 40 } -- unit-in-standby OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unit in standby, all functions held off - Optional alarm. Control input signal required Factory setting required " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 41 } -- cw-sns-fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sensor is out of range" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 42 } -- humsw-chk-cyl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier stopped due to custom alarm switch" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 43 } -- bms-cooling-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cooling operation inhibited by BMS" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 44 } -- bms-heat-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heat inhibited due to bms" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 45 } -- bms-humidifier-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier operation inhibited by BMS" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 46 } -- bms-dehum-inhibit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dehumidify mode inhibited by bms" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 47 } -- fan-inhibit-bms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Inhibit fan by bms" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 48 } -- hum-expect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reduces control humidity cycling" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 49 } -- usashr-f-c OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Mode 0=_C 1=_F" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 50 } -- lead-comp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lead compressor select 0= C1, 1= C2" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 52 } -- wtrvlv-dir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water valve direct or reverse acting" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 53 } -- ups-on-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm: UPS power on: Check main power -Optional alarm. External alarm input required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 54 } -- pwrup-alm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of power requires manual reset of alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 55 } -- seetag-cust-alm1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local alarm #1: See tag inside door =Optional alarm. External alarm input required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 56 } -- seetag-cust-alm2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local alarm #2: See tag inside door =Optional alarm. External alarm input required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 57 } -- seetag-cust-alm3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local alarm #3: See tag inside door =Optional alarm. External alarm input required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 58 } -- seetag-cust-alm4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local alarm #4: See tag inside door =Optional alarm. External alarm input required" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 59 } -- shortcycle-alm-en OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable short cycle alarm of the compressors" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 60 } -- superv-off OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Supervisor (BMS) On-Off. Show the state OFFbyBMS in main mask (1: Off; 0: On" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 61 } -- BMS-heartbeat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bms heartbeat - pCO looks for update every 10 minutes" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { digitalObjects 62 } -- analogObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dap4-alMIB 2 } -- ret-air-tmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of return air" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 1 } -- minmax-24hr-retair-maximum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Return air temp in last 24hrs" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 2 } -- minmax-24hr-retair-minumum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum Return air temp in last 24hrs" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 3 } -- temp-setpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-9999..9999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature setpoint" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 4 } -- temp-deadband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount from setpoint before a comp is staged on" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 5 } -- humidity-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity Sensor Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 6 } -- return-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Return Temperature Sensor Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 7 } -- cw-tmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of chilled water" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 8 } -- disch-air-tmp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature of discharge air" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 9 } -- discharge-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Discharge Temperature Sensor Calibration - Optional discharge air temperature sensor required (B9)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 10 } -- cw-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chilled Water Temperature Sensor Calibration - Optional chilled water temperature sensor required (B10)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 11 } -- engsaver-setpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-9999..9999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature setpoint where chilled water will is requested" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 12 } -- opt1-analog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of the analog input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 13 } -- opt2-analog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of the analog input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 14 } -- opt3-analog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of the analog input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 15 } -- opt4-analog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of the analog input" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 16 } -- opt-sns-1-y1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 1 Minimum Value" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 17 } -- opt-sns-1-y2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 1 Maximum Value" DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { analogObjects 18 } -- opt-sns-1-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 1 Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 19 } -- opt-sns-2-y1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 2 Minimum Value" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 20 } -- opt-sns-2-y2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 2 Maximum Value" DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { analogObjects 21 } -- opt-sns-2-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 2 Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 22 } -- opt-sns-3-y1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 3 Minimum Value" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 23 } -- opt-sns-3-y2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 3 Maximum Value" DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { analogObjects 24 } -- opt-sns-3-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 3 Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 25 } -- opt-sns-4-y1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 4 Minimum Value" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 26 } -- opt-sns-4-y2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 4 Maximum Value" DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { analogObjects 27 } -- opt-sns-4-ain-offs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 4 Calibration" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { analogObjects 28 } -- integerObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dap4-alMIB 3 } -- disch-air-lo-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower Limit alarm of discharge air temp" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 1 } -- humidity-dis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-999..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Relative humidity displayed as xx%" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 2 } -- stages-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32767..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cooling Stages On, DX only" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 3 } -- heaters-on OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of heat stages running" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 4 } -- minmax-24hr-hum-maximum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum humidity in last 24hrs" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 5 } -- minmax-24hr-hum-minumum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum humidity in last 24hrs" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 6 } -- comp-duty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Cooling Utilization Over Last Hour -Percentage of cooling is used in the last hour of operation; this point applies to DX unit." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 7 } -- heat-duty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heating Utilization Over Last Hour -Percentage of heating is used in the last hour of operation" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 8 } -- hum-duty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier Utilization Over Last Hour -Percentage of humidifier is used in the last hour of operation" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 9 } -- c1-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 1 Runtime -This point applies to DX unit with one compressor -high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 10 } -- c1-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 1 Runtime -This point applies to DX unit with one compressor -low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 11 } -- c2-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 2 Runtime -This point applies to DX unit with dual compressor - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 12 } -- c2-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 2 Runtime -This point applies to DX unit with dual compressor - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 13 } -- ht1-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 1 Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 14 } -- ht1-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 1 Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 15 } -- current-second OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..59) UNITS "sec" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current second" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 16 } -- current-minute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..59) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current minute" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 17 } -- current-hour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..23) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current hour" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 18 } -- current-day OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..31) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current day" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { integerObjects 19 } -- current-month OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..12) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current month" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { integerObjects 20 } -- current-year OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current year" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 21 } -- firestat-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm settting of return air temp to determine there is a fire" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 22 } -- hum-hi-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity upper limit alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 23 } -- ret-air-hi-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Upper limit alarm of return air temp" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 24 } -- hum-lo-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidity lower limit alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 25 } -- ret-air-lo-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lower limit alarm of return air temp" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 26 } -- hum-deadband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "amount hum must change from setpoint before acting" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 27 } -- hum-setpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "humidity setpoint" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 28 } -- start-dly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..600) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time before the system starts up" DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { integerObjects 29 } -- alm1-del OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional Alarm 1 Delay" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 30 } -- alm2-del OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional Alarm 2 Delay" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 31 } -- alm3-del OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional Alarm 3 Delay" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 32 } -- alarm1-txt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message on optional alarm screen, some also add function" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 33 } -- alarm2-txt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message on optional alarm screen, some also add function" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 34 } -- alarm3-txt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message on optional alarm screen, some also add function" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 35 } -- alarm4-txt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..16) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Message on optional alarm screen, some also add function" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 36 } -- comp-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..5) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Comps 0=none, 1=one, 2=one+UL, 3=two, 4=two+UL, 5=Four/two circuit" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 37 } -- dehum-mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0=none, 1= comp limited, 2=twocomp limited, 3= comp unlimited, 4=twocomp unlimited" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 38 } -- reheat-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of heat stages" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 39 } -- hum-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0=none, 1=comp mod, 2=comp non, 3= comf mod, 4= conf non mod" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 40 } -- alm-contact-msg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Text displayed on all alarm screens" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 41 } -- powerup-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0= start wo/alarm, 1= start w/alarm, 2= requires reset of alarm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 42 } -- buzzer-select OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0=None, 1=short beeps, 2=long beep, 3=Constant" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 43 } -- cw-disp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "% of 10volts of analog output #1" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 44 } -- wtrvlv-duty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chilled Water Utilization Over Last Hour - This applies to Chilled water or Energy saver units. " DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 45 } -- hum-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 46 } -- hum-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 47 } -- blower-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Blower Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 48 } -- blower-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Blower Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 49 } -- alm4-del OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Optional Alarm 4 Delay" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 50 } -- assist-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..5) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0= no comp assist, 1=one comp assist, 2= two comp assist, 3... 4..." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 51 } -- wtrvlv-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water valve type 0=none, 1=chill, 2=Engy, 3=Aux chill, 4=Disc Reg" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 52 } -- wtrvlv-volts-sel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..4) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Water valve voltage 0= 0-10, 1=2-10, 2=7-10, 3=6-9, 4=4-7" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 53 } -- hum-volts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..999) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "% of 10volts of analog output #2" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 54 } -- dehum-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dehumidifier Runtime - High" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 55 } -- dehum-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Dehumidifier Runtime - Low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 56 } -- autoflush-dly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..99) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time between drain cycles 0=12hr, 1=24hr, 2=48hr, 3=96hr, 4=None" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 58 } -- y4-out OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to optional analog output#1" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 59 } -- y5-out OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value sent to optional analog output#2" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 60 } -- air-flow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Fan Airflow - Based on calculated Pressure Diff formula" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 61 } -- opt-snsr1-name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the sensor" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 62 } -- opt-sns-1-ain-type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 1 Type {0=NTC 1=PT1000 2=0-1VDC 3=0-10VDC 4=4-20mA 5=ON/OFF 6=0-5VDC 7=NTC HT 8=-50T90 9=10T170}" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 63 } -- opt-snsr2-name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the sensor" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 64 } -- opt-sns-2-ain-type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 2 Type {0=NTC 1=PT1000 2=0-1VDC 3=0-10VDC 4=4-20mA 5=ON/OFF 6=0-5VDC 7=NTC HT 8=-50T90 9=10T170}" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 65 } -- opt-snsr3-name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the sensor" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 66 } -- opt-sns-3-ain-type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 3 Type {0=NTC 1=PT1000 2=0-1VDC 3=0-10VDC 4=4-20mA 5=ON/OFF 6=0-5VDC 7=NTC HT 8=-50T90 9=10T170}" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 67 } -- opt-snsr4-name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of the sensor" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 68 } -- opt-sns-4-ain-type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..9) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Sensor 4 Type {0=NTC 1=PT1000 2=0-1VDC 3=0-10VDC 4=4-20mA 5=ON/OFF 6=0-5VDC 7=NTC HT 8=-50T90 9=10T170}" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 69 } -- cw-fan-speed-bms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CW Fan speed (%) sent via BMS" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 70 } -- dx-fan-speed-bms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DX Fan speed (%) sent via BMS" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 71 } -- fan-speed-max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (70..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum Fan speed (% of output) modulation." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { integerObjects 72 } -- fan-speed-min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (40..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum Fan speed (% of output) modulation from pressure." DEFVAL { 40 } ::= { integerObjects 73 } -- fan-pr-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..1001) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan pressure setpoint (0.01 inches of water)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 74 } -- fan-pr-band OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan pressure band (0.01 inches of water)" DEFVAL { 5 } ::= { integerObjects 75 } -- fan-af-max OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Maximum air flow limit of setpoint from BMS or valve modulation." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { integerObjects 76 } -- fan-af-min OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum air flow limit of setpoint from BMS or valve modulation." DEFVAL { 1000 } ::= { integerObjects 77 } -- fan-kfactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (100..500) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan K Factor" DEFVAL { 200 } ::= { integerObjects 78 } -- num-fans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..3) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of fans installed in this unit" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { integerObjects 79 } -- ht2-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 2 Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 81 } -- ht2-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 2 Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 82 } -- ht3-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 3 Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 83 } -- ht3-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heater 3 Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 84 } -- engy-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Energy Saver Runtime - This optional point applies to energy saver units only -high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 85 } -- engy-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Energy Saver Runtime - This optional point applies to energy saver units only - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 86 } -- cw-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chilled Water Runtime - This applies to chilled water units only - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 87 } -- cw-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chilled Water Runtime - This applies to chilled water units only - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 88 } -- c3-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 3 Runtime - This applies when unit has four stages tandem compressors - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 89 } -- c3-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 3 Runtime - This applies when unit has four stages tandem compressors - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 90 } -- c4-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 4 Runtime - This applies when unit has four stages tandem compressors. - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 91 } -- c4-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compressor 4 Runtime - This applies when unit has four stages tandem compressors. - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 92 } -- cond-hours-h OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Condenser Runtime - high" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 93 } -- cond-hours-l OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "hour" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Condenser Runtime - low" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 94 } -- dx-fan-speed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan speed (% of output) when compressor cooling." DEFVAL { 85 } ::= { integerObjects 95 } -- cw-fan-speed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (60..100) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan speed (% of output) when cold water cooling." DEFVAL { 85 } ::= { integerObjects 96 } -- fan-af-dx-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan air flow setpoint for DX unit (cfm)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 97 } -- fan-af-cw-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..32000) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan air flow setpoint for CW unit (cfm)" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 98 } -- zm-airflow-sp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-32768..32767) UNITS "N/A" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Zone Airflow Setpoint kcfm" DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { integerObjects 99 } END -- -- DataAire-dap4-al.MIB --