-- ********************************************************************** -- -- Copyright 2004-2009 Data Domain, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved. -- -- Management Information Base for Data Domain Products -- -- Data Domain enterprise number is 19746 -- -- The ASN.1 prefix to, and including the Data Domain, Inc. Enterprise is -- -- -- OBJECT IDENTIFIER's 19746.1-99 reserved for DD SNMP modules -- -- ********************************************************************** DATA-DOMAIN-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, Counter32, Integer32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC ifIndex, ifDescr FROM IF-MIB; dataDomainMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201705160000Z" -- 16 may, 2017 ORGANIZATION "Data Domain, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Phone: +1-408-980-4800 Fax: +1-408-980-8620" DESCRIPTION "This MIB is used for managing the suite of Data Domain Products." REVISION "201705160000Z" -- 16 may, 2017 DESCRIPTION "Updated mib on 16 may, 2017. Please refer to Release Guide for list of changes." ::= { enterprises 19746 } dataDomainMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMib 0 } dataDomainMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMib 1 } dataDomainMibNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMib 2 } dataDomainMibProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMib 3 } dataDomainMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibConformance 2 } -- temporary placeholder for autogen header file environmentals OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 1 } nvram OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 2 } fileSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 3 } alerts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 4 } statistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 5 } diskStorage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 6 } replication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 8 } nfs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 9 } cifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 10 } vtl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 11 } ddboost OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 12 } dataDomainSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 13 } art OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 14 } mtree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 15 } storage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 16 } enclosure OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 17 } network OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 18 } ddms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 19 } smt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 20 } quota OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 21 } highAvailability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 22 } scsitarget OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibObjects 23 } -- Generic Type definitions. EnclosureID ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "unique Enclosure ID, used as index in several tables" SYNTAX Integer32(1..2147483647) Temperature ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature value in Celsius" SYNTAX Integer32 Minutes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minutes" SYNTAX Integer32 Percentage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage" SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) PercentageStr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage string" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) KBytesPerSecond ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes transferred per second" SYNTAX Counter32 OpsPerSecond ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Operations performed per second" SYNTAX Counter32 ErrorCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Errors Encountered" SYNTAX Counter32 DDMibTableIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for Any Data Domain MIB table" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) DDMibTableString32TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 32" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) DDMibTableString64TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 64" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DDMibTableString128TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 128" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) DDMibTableString256TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 256" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) DDMibTableString512TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "512a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 512" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..512)) DDMibTableString1024TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table String 1024" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) DDMibString96TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "96a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib String 96" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..96)) DDMibTableSizeGibTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Compression size in GiB" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) DDMibTableSizeMiBTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain size in MiB" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) DDMibDateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "16a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Mib Date in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) DDMibMemorySizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Mib Memory Size of in bytes." SYNTAX Integer32 DDMibTimeStampTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Timestamp" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DDMibVersionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Mib version" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DDMibTableEnabledTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Table Enabled" SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } DDMibInteger32TC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Mib Integer 32." SYNTAX Integer32 DDMibCompressionFactorTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain compression factor" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) DDMibAlertSeverityTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Data Domain Alert Severity" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DDMibTrafficBytesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "measurement of bytes being transferred" SYNTAX Counter64 DDMibStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Mib Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) } -- Specific Type definitions. PowerModuleIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Power Module present in the DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) PowerModuleDescriptionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Module Description" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) PowerModuleStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Power Module Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { absent (0), ok (1), failed (2), faulty (3), acnone (4), unknown (99) } TempSensorIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Temperature Sensor present in the DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) TempSensorDescriptionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Sensor Description" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) TempSensorStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Temperature Sensor Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { failed (0), ok (1), notfound (2), overheatWarning (3), overheatCritical (4) } FanIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan Number of fan that is present in DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) FanDescriptionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan Description" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) FanLevelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Fan level" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), low (1), medium (2), high (3) } FanStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Fan Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { notfound (0), ok (1), fail (2) } NvramIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of NVRAM card present in the DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) NvramMemorySizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Memory Size of NVRAM in bytes." SYNTAX Integer32 NvramHCPropertyBytesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Value of an NVRAM high capacity property in bytes." SYNTAX Counter64 NvramWindowSizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Window Size of NVRAM in bytes." SYNTAX Integer32 NvramBatteryIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of NVRAM Battery present in the DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) NvramBatteryStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current NVRAM Battery Status Status Description -------------------------------- ok charged and enabled discharged charging and enabled" SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (0), disabled (1), discharged (2), softdisabled (3) } DiskIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number of disk that is present in the DDR" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) DiskModelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture & Model Number of disk" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DiskFirmwareVersionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware version of disk" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DiskSerialNumberTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of disk" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) DiskCapacityTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of disk" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) DiskStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Disk State" SYNTAX INTEGER { ok (1), unknown (2), absent (3), failed (4), spare (5), available (6) } DiskPackTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pack number for disks of ES60." SYNTAX INTEGER { notapplicable (0), pack1 (1), pack2 (2), pack3 (3), pack4 (4) } DiskSectorsPerSecondTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of disk sectors being transferred per second" SYNTAX Counter32 FileSystemStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current File System Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2), running (3), unknown (4), error (5), cleaning (6) } FileSystemResourceIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resource Number of file system resource" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) FileSystemResourceNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System resource name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) FileSystemSpaceUnitTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Units of space in the file System represented in Gigabytes" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) FileSystemCompressionSizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File Systems Compression size in GiB" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) FileSystemCompressionFactorTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System compression factor" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) FileSystemCompressionPeriodTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "20a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System compression period: last 24 hours, last 7 days" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..20)) DateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "16a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Date in the yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..16)) FileSystemOptionsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of File System Option Table Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) FileSystemOptionsNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of File Systems Option Name " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) FileSystemOptionsValueTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of File Systems Option Value " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) FileSystemCleanIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Clean Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) FileSystemCleanStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Clean Status " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) FileSystemCleanScheduleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Clean Schedule " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) FileSystemCleanThrottleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Clean throttle" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) AlertIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Row Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) AlertTimestampTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Timestamp" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) AlertDescriptionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Description" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) SystemStatsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Statistics Row Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) RaidDiskStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Raid Disk State" SYNTAX INTEGER { inuse (1), notinuse (2), spare (3), absent (4), failed (5), invalid (6), foreign (7), known (8), available (9), unknown (99) } ReplicationStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Replication status" SYNTAX INTEGER { initializing (1), normal (2), recovering (3), uninitialized (4) } ReplicationStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Replication connection status" SYNTAX INTEGER { connected (1), disconnected (2), migrating (3), suspended (4), neverConnected (5), idle (6) } ReplicationConnectTimeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp when connection was established, or 0 if there is no Replication connection" SYNTAX Integer32 ReplicationPathTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "254a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "source or destination path for replication" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..254)) ReplicationTrafficTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "measurement of bytes being replicated" SYNTAX Counter64 ReplicationThrottleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "measurement of replication throttle in bps" SYNTAX Integer32 ReplicationSyncedTimeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "timestamp when replication source and destination were in sync, or 0 if unknown" SYNTAX Integer32 ReplicationContextTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "0 for collection replication contexts, > 0 for directory replication contexts" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ReplicationConfigIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication Config Row Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ReplicationConfigContextIdTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replicaton Configuration Context Id" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) ReplicationConfigSourceTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replicaton Configuration Connection Source" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) ReplicationConfigDestTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replicaton Configuration Destination" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) ReplicationConfigConnHostTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replicaton Configuration Connection Host" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) ReplicationConfigConnPortTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "256a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replicaton Configuration Connection Port" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..256)) ReplicationConfigLowBWOptimTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication Low BW Optimization Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1) } ReplicationConfigEnabledTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication Configuration Enabled" SYNTAX INTEGER { no (0), yes (1) } NfsStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Network File System Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } NfsClientIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of NFS clients" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) NfsClientPathTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS path" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) NfsClientClientsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Clients" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) NfsClientOptionsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "254a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS options" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..254)) NfsStatsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of NFS stats" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) NfsStatsExportPointTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "254a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS export point" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..254)) NfsStatsFilesystemTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS file system type" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) NfsStatsCacheEntryTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of cache entries" SYNTAX Counter32 NfsStatsFileHandleLookupTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of file handle lookup" SYNTAX Counter32 NfsStatsMaxCacheSizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Max cache size" SYNTAX Counter32 NfsStatsCurrentOpenStreamsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of current open streams" SYNTAX Counter32 VtlAdminStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current VTL administration state" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), enabled (1), disabled (2), failed (3) } VtlProcessStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current VTL process state" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), stopped (1), starting (2), running (3), timingout (4), stopping (5), stuck (6) } VtlLibraryIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of VTL library" SYNTAX Integer32(0..64) VtlLibraryNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlLibraryVendorTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library vendor" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlLibraryModelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library model" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlLibraryRevisionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library revision" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlLibrarySerialTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library serial" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlLibraryTotalDrivesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VTL drives" SYNTAX Counter32 VtlLibraryTotalSlotsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VTL slots" SYNTAX Counter32 VtlLibraryTotalCapsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of VTL caps" SYNTAX Counter32 VtlLibraryStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current VTL library status" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), online (1), offline (2) } VtlDriveIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of VTL drive" SYNTAX Integer32(0..512) VtlDriveNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlDriveVendorTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive vendor" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlDriveModelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive model" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlDriveRevisionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive revision" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlDriveSerialTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive serial" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlDriveStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current VTL drive status" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), online (1), offline (2) } VtlDriveTapeVolumeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive tape volume" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlPortIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Table Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..10) VtlPortNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Name " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlPortIDTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Id" SYNTAX Counter32 VtlPortModelTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port MODEL" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlPortFirmwareTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Firmware" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlPortWWNNTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL WWNN Address" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlPortWWPNTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL WWPN Address" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlPortConnectionTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Connection Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nPORT (0), loop (1), pointToPoint (2), fabricLoop (3), unknown (4) } VtlPortSpeedTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Speed " SYNTAX INTEGER { zeroGBPS (0), oneGBPS (1), twoGBPS (2), fourGBPS (3), eightGBPS (4), unknown (6) } VtlPortEnabledTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Enabled" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), enabled (1), unknown (2) } VtlPortStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port State" SYNTAX INTEGER { offline (0), online (1), unknown (2) } VtlTapeIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Table Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..250000) VtlTapeBarCodeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Bar Code " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) VtlTapePoolTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Pool " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeLocationTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Location " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape State " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeSizeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Size " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeUsedTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Used " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeCompTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Compression " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlTapeModTimeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Mod Time " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlStatsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) VtlStatsPortTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "32a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Bar Code " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..32)) VtlStatsConrolCommandsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Control Commands" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsWriteCommandsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table write commands" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsReadCommandsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Read Commands" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsInTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Stats In" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsOutTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Stats Out" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsLinkFailuresTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Link failures" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsLIPCountTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table LIP count" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsSyncLossesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Sync Losses" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsSignalLossesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Signal Losses" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrorsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Prim Seq Protocol Errors" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsInvalidTxWordsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Invalid Tx Words" SYNTAX Counter64 VtlStatsInvalidCRCsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Table Invalid CRCs" SYNTAX Counter64 CifsStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current CIFS status" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), enabledRunning (2), enabledNotRunning (3), enabledWindbindNotRun (4), disabled (5) } CifsConfigModeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current CIFS mode" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) CifsConfigWINSServerTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS WINS servers" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsConfigNetBIOSHostnameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS NetBIOS hostname" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) CifsConfigDomainControllerTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS Domain Controller" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsConfigDNSTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS DNS server" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsConfigGroupNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS group name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) CifsConfigMaxConnectionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration maximum connection" SYNTAX Counter32 CifsConfigMaxOpenFilesPerConnectionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration maximum open files per connection" SYNTAX Counter32 CifsShareIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of CIFS share" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) CifsShareNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) CifsSharePathTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share path" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsShareMaxConnectionTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS maximum connection" SYNTAX Counter32 CifsShareClientsTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share clients" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsShareBrowsingTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current CIFS browsing" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } CifsShareWriteableTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current CIFS writeable" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } CifsShareUserTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share user" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) CifsShareCommentTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "255a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share comment" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) CifsStatsSummaryIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of Cifs Stats Summary Table" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) CifsStatsDetailsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of CIFS Stats Details Table" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) CifsOptionsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of CIFS Option Table Index" SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) CifsOptionsNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of CIFS Option Name " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) CifsOptionsValueTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of CIFS Option Value " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) DDboostStatsIndexTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of ddboost Stats Table" SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) DDboostStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } DDboostUserTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost user" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) SystemSerialNumberTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "128a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Serial Number" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128)) SystemTimeZoneNameTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "64a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDR system's time zone name" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..64)) SystemNotesTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1024a" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System notes" SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) FileSystemArchiveUnitStateTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Archive Unit State" SYNTAX INTEGER { new (1), target (2), sealed (3) } FileSystemArchiveUnitStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Archive Unit Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { ready (1), disabled (2) } MtreeListStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mtree List Status TC" SYNTAX INTEGER { deleted (1), readOnly (2), readWrite (3), replicationDestination (4), retentionLockEnabled (5), retentionLockDisabled (6) } MtreeRetentionLockStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mtree Retention Lock" SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled (1), disabled (2) } TenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRoleTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of a Management user of a tenant-unit. It can be tenant-admin (1) or tenant-user (2)." SYNTAX INTEGER { tenantAdmin (1), tenantUser (2) } TenantUnitMgmtGroupTypeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of a Management group of a tenant-unit." SYNTAX INTEGER { all (0), unknown (1), local (2), ad (3), nis (4), ldap (5) } SmtStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the SMT feature components. They may be enabled or disabled." SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } TenantUnitSecurityModeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The security mode of a tenant-unit. It can be strict (1) or default (2)." SYNTAX INTEGER { strict (1), default (2) } DDStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD feature Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), enabled(1) } DdboostAccessClientsEncryStrengthTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The types of Ddboost access clients encryption strength level" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), medium (2), high (3) } DdboostAccessClientsAuthModeTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The types of Ddboost access clients authentication mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { none (0), oneWay (1), twoWay (2), anonymous (3) } HaSystemStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the high availabiilty system." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), highlyAvailable(1), degraded(2) } HaStatusTC ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of a high availabiilty component." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), ok(1), notOk(2), notApplicable(3) } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- Environmentals -- ============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- -- ********************************************************************** -- ********************************************************************** -- -- Power -- ============ -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- power ( -- -- ********************************************************************** power OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentals 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- powerModules -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- power ( -- powerModules ( -- -- ********************************************************************** powerModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { power 1 } powerModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PowerModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of PowerModuleEntry." ::= { powerModules 1 } powerModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "powerModuleTable Row Description" INDEX { powerEnclosureID, powerModuleIndex } ::= { powerModuleTable 1 } PowerModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { powerEnclosureID EnclosureID, powerModuleIndex PowerModuleIndexTC, powerModuleDescription PowerModuleDescriptionTC, powerModuleStatus PowerModuleStatusTC } powerEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Module Enclosure ID" ::= { powerModuleEntry 1 } powerModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerModuleIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Module index" ::= { powerModuleEntry 2 } powerModuleDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerModuleDescriptionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Power Module Description" ::= { powerModuleEntry 3 } powerModuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PowerModuleStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "current enclosure Power Module status" ::= { powerModuleEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- Temperatures -- ============ -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- temperatures ( -- -- ********************************************************************** temperatures OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentals 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- TemperatureSensors -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- temperatures ( -- temperatureSensors ( -- -- ********************************************************************** temperatureSensors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { temperatures 1 } temperatureSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TemperatureSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of TemperatureSensorEntry." ::= { temperatureSensors 1 } temperatureSensorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TemperatureSensorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "temperatureSensorTable Row Description" INDEX { tempEnclosureID, tempSensorIndex } ::= { temperatureSensorTable 1 } TemperatureSensorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tempEnclosureID EnclosureID, tempSensorIndex TempSensorIndexTC, tempSensorTrapIndex TempSensorIndexTC, tempSensorDescription TempSensorDescriptionTC, tempSensorCurrentValue Temperature, tempSensorStatus TempSensorStatusTC } tempEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Sensor Enclosure ID" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 1 } tempSensorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TempSensorIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Sensor Number" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 2 } tempSensorTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TempSensorIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Sensor Number Used for Traps" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 3 } tempSensorDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TempSensorDescriptionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Temperature Sensor Description" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 4 } tempSensorCurrentValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Temperature MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Temperature Value of the sensor" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 5 } tempSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TempSensorStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current status of the sensor" ::= { temperatureSensorEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- Fans -- ==== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- fans ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fans OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { environmentals 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- FanProperties -- ============= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- environmentals ( -- fans ( -- fanProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fanProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fans 1 } fanPropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FanPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of FanPropertiesEntry." ::= { fanProperties 1 } fanPropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fanPropertiesTable Row Description" INDEX { fanEnclosureID, fanIndex } ::= { fanPropertiesTable 1 } FanPropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fanEnclosureID EnclosureID, fanIndex FanIndexTC, fanTrapIndex FanIndexTC, fanDescription FanDescriptionTC, fanLevel FanLevelTC, fanStatus FanStatusTC } fanEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enclosure ID of fan" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 1 } fanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan Number Index of the fan" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 2 } fanTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan Number trap index, used for trap notifications" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 3 } fanDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanDescriptionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vendor supplied description of the fan" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 4 } fanLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanLevelTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "current run level of fan" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 5 } fanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FanStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current status of the fan" ::= { fanPropertiesEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- NvramBatteries -- ============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nvram ( -- nvramBatteries ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nvramBatteries OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nvram 3 } nvramBatteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NvramBatteryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NvramBatteryEntry." ::= { nvramBatteries 1 } nvramBatteryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramBatteryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nvramBatteryTable Row Description" INDEX { nvramBatteriesIndex, nvramBatteryIndex } ::= { nvramBatteryTable 1 } NvramBatteryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nvramBatteriesIndex NvramIndexTC, nvramBatteryIndex NvramBatteryIndexTC, nvramBatteryStatus NvramBatteryStatusTC, nvramBatteryCharge Percentage } nvramBatteriesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM card index" ::= { nvramBatteryEntry 1 } nvramBatteryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramBatteryIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM Battery Number" ::= { nvramBatteryEntry 2 } nvramBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramBatteryStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM Battery Status" ::= { nvramBatteryEntry 3 } nvramBatteryCharge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM Battery charge percentage" ::= { nvramBatteryEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- NvramProperties -- =============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nvram ( -- nvramProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nvramProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nvram 1 } nvramPropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NvramPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NvramPropertiesEntry." ::= { nvramProperties 1 } nvramPropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nvramPropertiesTable Row Description" INDEX { nvramPropertiesIndex } ::= { nvramPropertiesTable 1 } NvramPropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nvramPropertiesIndex NvramIndexTC, nvramMemorySize NvramMemorySizeTC, nvramWindowSize NvramWindowSizeTC, nvramHCMemorySize NvramHCPropertyBytesTC } nvramPropertiesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM card index" ::= { nvramPropertiesEntry 1 } nvramMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramMemorySizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of NVRAM Memory in bytes" ::= { nvramPropertiesEntry 2 } nvramWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramWindowSizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Window size of NVRAM in bytes" ::= { nvramPropertiesEntry 3 } nvramHCMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramHCPropertyBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The size of an NVRAM entity's memory in bytes, with support for high capacity modules. This entry may be used in place of nvramMemorySize." ::= { nvramPropertiesEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- NvramStats -- ========== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nvram ( -- nvramStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nvramStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nvram 2 } nvramStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NvramStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NvramStatsEntry." ::= { nvramStats 1 } nvramStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nvramStatsTable Row Description" INDEX { nvramStatsIndex } ::= { nvramStatsTable 1 } NvramStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nvramStatsIndex NvramIndexTC, nvramPCIErrorCount ErrorCount, nvramMemoryErrorCount ErrorCount } nvramStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NvramIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NVRAM card index" ::= { nvramStatsEntry 1 } nvramPCIErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of PCI Errors Encountered on NVRAM Card" ::= { nvramStatsEntry 2 } nvramMemoryErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Memory Errors Encountered on NVRAM Card" ::= { nvramStatsEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- fileSystemArchiveUnit -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemArchiveUnit ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemArchiveUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 6 } fileSystemArchiveUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FileSystemArchiveUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry." ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnit 1 } fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemArchiveUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystemArchiveUnitTable Row Description" INDEX { fileSystemArchiveUnitIndex } ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitTable 1 } FileSystemArchiveUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fileSystemArchiveUnitIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitName DDMibTableString256TC, fileSystemArchiveUnitState FileSystemArchiveUnitStateTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitStatus FileSystemArchiveUnitStatusTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitStartTime DDMibTimeStampTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitEndTime DDMibTimeStampTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitSize DDMibTableSizeGibTC, fileSystemArchiveUnitDiskGroups DDMibTableString1024TC } fileSystemArchiveUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit index" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 1 } fileSystemArchiveUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit Name" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 2 } fileSystemArchiveUnitState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemArchiveUnitStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit State" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 3 } fileSystemArchiveUnitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemArchiveUnitStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit Status" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 4 } fileSystemArchiveUnitStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit start Time" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 5 } fileSystemArchiveUnitEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit End Time" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 6 } fileSystemArchiveUnitSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeGibTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit Size in Gib" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 7 } fileSystemArchiveUnitDiskGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem ArchiveUnit DiskGroups" ::= { fileSystemArchiveUnitEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- fileSystemClean -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemClean ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemClean OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 5 } fileSystemCleanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FileSystemCleanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of fileSystemCleanEntry." ::= { fileSystemClean 1 } fileSystemCleanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCleanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystemCleanTable Row Description" INDEX { fileSystemCleanIndex } ::= { fileSystemCleanTable 1 } FileSystemCleanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fileSystemCleanIndex FileSystemCleanIndexTC, fileSystemCleanStatus FileSystemCleanStatusTC, fileSystemCleanSchedule FileSystemCleanScheduleTC, fileSystemCleanThrottle FileSystemCleanThrottleTC } fileSystemCleanIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCleanIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Clean index" ::= { fileSystemCleanEntry 1 } fileSystemCleanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCleanStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Clean Status" ::= { fileSystemCleanEntry 2 } fileSystemCleanSchedule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCleanScheduleTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Clean Schedule" ::= { fileSystemCleanEntry 3 } fileSystemCleanThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCleanThrottleTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Clean Throttle" ::= { fileSystemCleanEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- FileSystemCompression -- =============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemCompression ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemCompression OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 3 } fileSystemCompressionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FileSystemCompressionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of FileSystemCompressionEntry." ::= { fileSystemCompression 1 } fileSystemCompressionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystemCompressionTable Row Description" INDEX { fileSystemCompressionIndex } ::= { fileSystemCompressionTable 1 } FileSystemCompressionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fileSystemCompressionIndex FileSystemResourceIndexTC, fileSystemCompressionPeriod FileSystemCompressionPeriodTC, fileSystemCompressionStartTime DateTC, fileSystemCompressionEndTime DateTC, fileSystemPreCompressionSize FileSystemCompressionSizeTC, fileSystemPostCompressionSize FileSystemCompressionSizeTC, fileSystemGlobalCompressionFactor FileSystemCompressionFactorTC, fileSystemLocalCompressionFactor FileSystemCompressionFactorTC, fileSystemTotalCompressionFactor FileSystemCompressionFactorTC, fileSystemReductionPercent Percentage, fileSystemReductionPercent1 PercentageStr } fileSystemCompressionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemResourceIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system compression index" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 1 } fileSystemCompressionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionPeriodTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system compression period" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 2 } fileSystemCompressionStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system compression start time" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 3 } fileSystemCompressionEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system compression end time" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 4 } fileSystemPreCompressionSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionSizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of the file system pre compression in gigabytes" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 5 } fileSystemPostCompressionSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionSizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of the file system post compression in gigabytes" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 6 } fileSystemGlobalCompressionFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system global compression factor" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 7 } fileSystemLocalCompressionFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system local compression factor" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 8 } fileSystemTotalCompressionFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system Total compression factor" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 9 } fileSystemReductionPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "File system Reduction Percent" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 10 } fileSystemReductionPercent1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PercentageStr MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system Reduction Percent" ::= { fileSystemCompressionEntry 11 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- fileSystemOptions -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemOptions ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 4 } fileSystemOptionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FileSystemOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of fileSystemOptionsEntry." ::= { fileSystemOptions 1 } fileSystemOptionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystemOptionsTable Row Description" INDEX { fileSystemOptionsIndex } ::= { fileSystemOptionsTable 1 } FileSystemOptionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fileSystemOptionsIndex FileSystemOptionsIndexTC, fileSystemOptionsName FileSystemOptionsNameTC, fileSystemOptionsValue FileSystemOptionsValueTC } fileSystemOptionsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemOptionsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Options index" ::= { fileSystemOptionsEntry 1 } fileSystemOptionsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemOptionsNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the fileSystem Options type in text format. Below lists the possible options and their representations. -------------------------------- -------------------------- Option Name Representation in text -------------------------------- -------------------------- Local compression type gz/gzfast/lz Marker-type auto/cv1 Report-replica-as-writable enabled/disabled Low-bw-optim replication support enabled/disabled Current global compression type 1/9 Staging reserve % of the total space/disabled Staging clean % of staging reserve space Staging delete suspend % of staging reserve space -------------------------------- --------------------------- " ::= { fileSystemOptionsEntry 2 } fileSystemOptionsValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemOptionsValueTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystem Options Value" ::= { fileSystemOptionsEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- FileSystemProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 1 } fileSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the file system" ::= { fileSystemProperties 1 } fileSystemVirtualSpace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceUnitTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of Uncompressed data that has been backed up by the system" ::= { fileSystemProperties 2 } fileSystemUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File System Up time" ::= { fileSystemProperties 3 } fileSystemStatusMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "file system status message" ::= { fileSystemProperties 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- FileSystemSpace -- =============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- fileSystem ( -- fileSystemSpace ( -- -- ********************************************************************** fileSystemSpace OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fileSystem 2 } fileSystemSpaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FileSystemSpaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of FileSystemSpaceEntry." ::= { fileSystemSpace 1 } fileSystemSpaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "fileSystemSpaceTable Row Description" INDEX { fileSystemResourceIndex } ::= { fileSystemSpaceTable 1 } FileSystemSpaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { fileSystemResourceIndex FileSystemResourceIndexTC, fileSystemResourceTrapIndex FileSystemResourceIndexTC, fileSystemResourceName FileSystemResourceNameTC, fileSystemSpaceSize FileSystemSpaceUnitTC, fileSystemSpaceUsed FileSystemSpaceUnitTC, fileSystemSpaceAvail FileSystemSpaceUnitTC, fileSystemPercentUsed Percentage, fileSystemSpaceCleanable FileSystemSpaceUnitTC, fileSystemResourceTier DDMibTableString128TC } fileSystemResourceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemResourceIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system resource index" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 1 } fileSystemResourceTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemResourceIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system resource trap index" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 2 } fileSystemResourceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemResourceNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system resource name" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 3 } fileSystemSpaceSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceUnitTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Size of the file system resource in gigabytes" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 4 } fileSystemSpaceUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceUnitTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of used space within the file system resource in gigabytes" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 5 } fileSystemSpaceAvail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceUnitTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of available space within the file system resource in gigabytes" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 6 } fileSystemPercentUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of used space within the file system resource" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 7 } fileSystemSpaceCleanable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemSpaceUnitTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Amount of cleanable space within the file system resource" ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 8 } fileSystemResourceTier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tier that a resource belongs to, such as active or archive." ::= { fileSystemSpaceEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- CurrentAlerts -- ============= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- alerts ( -- currentAlerts ( -- -- ********************************************************************** currentAlerts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alerts 1 } currentAlertTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CurrentAlertEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of CurrentAlertEntry." ::= { currentAlerts 1 } currentAlertEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CurrentAlertEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "currentAlertTable Row Description" INDEX { currentAlertIndex } ::= { currentAlertTable 1 } CurrentAlertEntry ::= SEQUENCE { currentAlertIndex AlertIndexTC, currentAlertTimestamp AlertTimestampTC, currentAlertDescription AlertDescriptionTC, currentAlertSeverity DDMibAlertSeverityTC, currentAlertID DDMibTableString32TC } currentAlertIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlertIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Alert Row index" ::= { currentAlertEntry 1 } currentAlertTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlertTimestampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of current alert" ::= { currentAlertEntry 2 } currentAlertDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlertDescriptionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Description" ::= { currentAlertEntry 3 } currentAlertSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibAlertSeverityTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Severity" ::= { currentAlertEntry 4 } currentAlertID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert ID" ::= { currentAlertEntry 5 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- alertHistory -- ============= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- alerts ( -- alertHistory ( -- -- ********************************************************************** alertHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alerts 2 } alertHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlertHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of Alert History Entries." ::= { alertHistory 1 } alertHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlertHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "alertHistoryTable Row Description" INDEX { alertHistoryIndex } ::= { alertHistoryTable 1 } AlertHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alertHistoryIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, alertHistoryTimestamp DDMibTimeStampTC, alertHistoryDescription DDMibTableString256TC, alertHistorySeverity DDMibAlertSeverityTC, alertHistoryStatus DDMibTableString64TC } alertHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert History Row index" ::= { alertHistoryEntry 1 } alertHistoryTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Timestamp of alert" ::= { alertHistoryEntry 2 } alertHistoryDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert history Description" ::= { alertHistoryEntry 3 } alertHistorySeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibAlertSeverityTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert history Severity" ::= { alertHistoryEntry 4 } alertHistoryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert history Status (Post or Cleared)" ::= { alertHistoryEntry 5 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- alertInfo -- ============= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- alerts ( -- alertInfo ( -- -- ********************************************************************** alertInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alerts 3 } alertInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlertInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of Alert Information." ::= { alertInfo 1 } alertInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlertInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "alertInfoTable Row Description" INDEX { alertInfoIndex } ::= { alertInfoTable 1 } AlertInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alertInfoIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, alertInfoDescription DDMibTableString256TC } alertInfoIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Info Row index" ::= { alertInfoEntry 1 } alertInfoDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alert Info Description" ::= { alertInfoEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- SystemStats -- =========== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- statistics ( -- systemStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { statistics 1 } systemStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemStatsEntry." ::= { systemStats 1 } systemStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemStatsTable Row Description" INDEX { systemStatsIndex } ::= { systemStatsTable 1 } SystemStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemStatsIndex SystemStatsIndexTC, cpuAvgPercentageBusy Percentage, cpuMaxPercentageBusy Percentage, nfsOpsPerSecond OpsPerSecond, nfsIdlePercentage Percentage, nfsProcPercentage Percentage, nfsSendPercentage Percentage, nfsReceivePercentage Percentage, cifsOpsPerSecond OpsPerSecond, diskReadKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, diskWriteKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, diskBusyPercentage Percentage, nvramReadKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, nvramWriteKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, replInKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, replOutKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond } systemStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Stats Row index" ::= { systemStatsEntry 1 } cpuAvgPercentageBusy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Average Percentage Busy" ::= { systemStatsEntry 2 } cpuMaxPercentageBusy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CPU Max Percentage Busy" ::= { systemStatsEntry 3 } nfsOpsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpsPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of NFS Operations performed per second" ::= { systemStatsEntry 4 } nfsIdlePercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of time NFS was Idle" ::= { systemStatsEntry 5 } nfsProcPercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of time NFS was processing" ::= { systemStatsEntry 6 } nfsSendPercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of time NFS was sending requests" ::= { systemStatsEntry 7 } nfsReceivePercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of time NFS was receiving requests" ::= { systemStatsEntry 8 } cifsOpsPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OpsPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of CIFS Operations performed per second" ::= { systemStatsEntry 9 } diskReadKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes per second read from disk" ::= { systemStatsEntry 10 } diskWriteKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes per second written on disk" ::= { systemStatsEntry 11 } diskBusyPercentage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of Time Disks were busy" ::= { systemStatsEntry 12 } nvramReadKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes read per second from NVRAM" ::= { systemStatsEntry 13 } nvramWriteKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes written per second on NVRAM" ::= { systemStatsEntry 14 } replInKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes per second received for Replication" ::= { systemStatsEntry 15 } replOutKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of KBytes per second sent for Replication" ::= { systemStatsEntry 16 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- DiskPerformance -- =============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- diskStorage ( -- diskPerformance ( -- -- ********************************************************************** diskPerformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { diskStorage 2 } diskPerformanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DiskPerformanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of DiskPerformanceEntry." ::= { diskPerformance 1 } diskPerformanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskPerformanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "diskPerformanceTable Row Description" INDEX { diskPerfEnclosureID, diskPerfIndex } ::= { diskPerformanceTable 1 } DiskPerformanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { diskPerfEnclosureID EnclosureID, diskPerfIndex DiskIndexTC, diskSectorsRead DiskSectorsPerSecondTC, diskSectorsWritten DiskSectorsPerSecondTC, diskTotalKBytes KBytesPerSecond, diskBusy Percentage, diskPerfState DiskStateTC } diskPerfEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enclosure ID of disk" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 1 } diskPerfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 2 } diskSectorsRead OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskSectorsPerSecondTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of disk sectors read per second" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 3 } diskSectorsWritten OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskSectorsPerSecondTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of disk sectors written per second" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 4 } diskTotalKBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total Number of Kilo-bytes read/written per second" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 5 } diskBusy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentage MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of time disk is busy" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 6 } diskPerfState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current State of the disk" ::= { diskPerformanceEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- DiskProperties -- ============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- diskStorage ( -- diskProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** diskProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { diskStorage 1 } diskPropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DiskPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of DiskPropertiesEntry." ::= { diskProperties 1 } diskPropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskPropertiesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "diskPropertiesTable Row Description" INDEX { diskPropEnclosureID, diskPropIndex } ::= { diskPropertiesTable 1 } DiskPropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { diskPropEnclosureID EnclosureID, diskPropIndex DiskIndexTC, diskPropTrapIndex DiskIndexTC, diskModel DiskModelTC, diskFirmwareVersion DiskFirmwareVersionTC, diskSerialNumber DiskSerialNumberTC, diskCapacity DiskCapacityTC, diskPropState DiskStateTC, diskPack DiskPackTC } diskPropEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enclosure ID of disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 1 } diskPropIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 2 } diskPropTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number for Traps" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 3 } diskModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskModelTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manufacture and model of the disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 4 } diskFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskFirmwareVersionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Firmware version of the disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 5 } diskSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskSerialNumberTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of the disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 6 } diskCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskCapacityTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 7 } diskPropState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current State of the disk" ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 8 } diskPack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskPackTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pack information of the disk. Applicable to enclosures with packs such as ES60, and not for ES20 or ES30." ::= { diskPropertiesEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- DiskReliability -- =============== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- diskStorage ( -- diskReliability ( -- -- ********************************************************************** diskReliability OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { diskStorage 3 } diskReliabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DiskReliabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of DiskReliabilityEntry." ::= { diskReliability 1 } diskReliabilityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskReliabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "diskReliabilityTable Row Description" INDEX { diskErrEnclosureID, diskErrIndex } ::= { diskReliabilityTable 1 } DiskReliabilityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { diskErrEnclosureID EnclosureID, diskErrIndex DiskIndexTC, diskErrTrapIndex DiskIndexTC, diskTemperature Temperature, diskTimeoutCount ErrorCount, diskReadFailCount ErrorCount, diskWriteFailCount ErrorCount, diskMiscFailCount ErrorCount, diskOffTrackErrCount ErrorCount, diskSoftEccCount ErrorCount, diskCrcErrCount ErrorCount, diskProbationalCount ErrorCount, diskReallocCount ErrorCount, diskErrState DiskStateTC } diskErrEnclosureID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enclosure ID of disk" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 1 } diskErrIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 2 } diskErrTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Disk Number for Traps" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 3 } diskTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Temperature MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Disk Temperature in Celsius" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 4 } diskTimeoutCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of command timeouts" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 5 } diskReadFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of read failures" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 6 } diskWriteFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of write failures" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 7 } diskMiscFailCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of miscellaneous failures" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 8 } diskOffTrackErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of offtrack errors" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 9 } diskSoftEccCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of soft ecc errors" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 10 } diskCrcErrCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of crc errors" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 11 } diskProbationalCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of probational errors" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 12 } diskReallocCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ErrorCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of reallocation errors" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 13 } diskErrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiskStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current State of the disk" ::= { diskReliabilityEntry 14 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ReplicationConfig -- ======== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- replication ( -- replicationConfig ( -- -- ********************************************************************** replicationConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { replication 2 } replicationConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ReplicationConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of ReplicationConfigEntry." ::= { replicationConfig 1 } replicationConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replicationConfigTable Row Description" INDEX { replConfigIndex } ::= { replicationConfigTable 1 } ReplicationConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { replConfigIndex ReplicationConfigIndexTC, replConfigContextId ReplicationConfigContextIdTC, replConfigSource ReplicationConfigSourceTC, replConfigDest ReplicationConfigDestTC, replConfigConnHost ReplicationConfigConnHostTC, replConfigConnPort ReplicationConfigConnPortTC, replConfigLowBWOptim ReplicationConfigLowBWOptimTC, replConfigEnabled ReplicationConfigEnabledTC, replConfigTenantUnit DDMibString96TC } replConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ConfigIndex ID of replication source/dest pair" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 1 } replConfigContextId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigContextIdTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ConfigContextId of replication source/dest pair" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 2 } replConfigSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigSourceTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Source for replication source/dest pair connection" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 3 } replConfigDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigDestTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination for replication connection" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 4 } replConfigConnHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigConnHostTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Host for a replication connection" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 5 } replConfigConnPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigConnPortTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication Configuration port for the connection" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 6 } replConfigLowBWOptim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigLowBWOptimTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication configuration Low BW optim" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 7 } replConfigEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConfigEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication config Enabled" ::= { replicationConfigEntry 8 } replConfigTenantUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the tenant-unit of a particular replication context. " ::= { replicationConfigEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- replicationHistory -- ======== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- replication ( -- replicationHistory ( -- -- ********************************************************************** replicationHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { replication 3 } replicationHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ReplicationHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of replicationHistoryEntry." ::= { replicationHistory 1 } replicationHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replicationHistoryTable Row Description" INDEX { replHistoryContext } ::= { replicationHistoryTable 1 } ReplicationHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { replHistoryContext DDMibTableIndexTC, replHistoryDate DDMibDateTC, replHistoryTime DDMibTimeStampTC, replHistoryPreCompWritten DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryPreCompRemaining DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryPreCompressed DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryPostFiltered DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryPostLowBwOptim DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryPostLocalComp DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistoryBytesNetwork DDMibTrafficBytesTC, replHistorySyncedAsOfTime DDMibInteger32TC } replHistoryContext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "context ID of replication History source/dest pair" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 1 } replHistoryDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibDateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replication History Date" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 2 } replHistoryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replication History Time" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 3 } replHistoryPreCompWritten OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication History Pre comp bytes written" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 4 } replHistoryPreCompRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication History Byte remaining" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 5 } replHistoryPreCompressed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication History Precompressed bytes" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 6 } replHistoryPostFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replication history post filtered bytes" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 7 } replHistoryPostLowBwOptim OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication history Post Low BW Optimum" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 8 } replHistoryPostLocalComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication History Post Local Comp" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 9 } replHistoryBytesNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Replication History network bytes" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 10 } replHistorySyncedAsOfTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time when the source and destination were in sync, or 0 if the time is unknown" ::= { replicationHistoryEntry 11 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ReplicationInfo -- ======== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- replication ( -- replicationInfo ( -- -- Physical replication is represented with a replContext of 0 -- and has its bytes sent and received put in replPostCompBytesSent -- and replPostCompBytesReceived respectively -- ********************************************************************** replicationInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { replication 1 } replicationInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ReplicationInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of ReplicationInfoEntry." ::= { replicationInfo 1 } replicationInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replicationInfoTable Row Description" INDEX { replContext } ::= { replicationInfoTable 1 } ReplicationInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { replContext ReplicationContextTC, replTrapContext ReplicationContextTC, replState ReplicationStateTC, replStatus ReplicationStatusTC, replFileSysStatus FileSystemStatusTC, replConnTime ReplicationConnectTimeTC, replSource ReplicationPathTC, replDestination ReplicationPathTC, replPreCompBytesSent ReplicationTrafficTC, replPostCompBytesSent ReplicationTrafficTC, replPreCompBytesRemaining ReplicationTrafficTC, replPostCompBytesReceived ReplicationTrafficTC, replThrottle ReplicationThrottleTC, replSyncedAsOfTime ReplicationSyncedTimeTC } replContext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationContextTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "context ID of replication source/dest pair" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 1 } replTrapContext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationContextTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "context ID of replication source/dest pair for traps" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 2 } replState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "state of replication source/dest pair" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 3 } replStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status of replication source/dest pair connection" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 4 } replFileSysStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FileSystemStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "status of filesystem" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 5 } replConnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationConnectTimeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "time of connection established between source and dest, or time since disconnect if status is 'disconnected'" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 6 } replSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationPathTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "network path to replication source directory" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 7 } replDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationPathTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "network path to replication destination directory" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 8 } replPreCompBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationTrafficTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "pre compression bytes sent" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 9 } replPostCompBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationTrafficTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "post compression bytes sent" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 10 } replPreCompBytesRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationTrafficTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "pre compression bytes remaining" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 11 } replPostCompBytesReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationTrafficTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "post compression bytes received" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 12 } replThrottle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationThrottleTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replication throttle in bps -- -1 is disabled, 0 unlimited" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 13 } replSyncedAsOfTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationSyncedTimeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "time when the source and destination were in sync, or 0 if the time is unknown" ::= { replicationInfoEntry 14 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- replicationPerformance -- ======== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- replication ( -- replicationPerformance ( -- -- ********************************************************************** replicationPerformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { replication 4 } replicationPerformanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ReplicationPerformanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of replicationPerformanceEntry." ::= { replicationPerformance 1 } replicationPerformanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ReplicationPerformanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "replicationPerformanceTable Row Description" INDEX { replContext } ::= { replicationPerformanceTable 1 } ReplicationPerformanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { replPerformancePreCompKBPerSec DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceNetworkKBPerSec DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceStreams DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceBusyReading DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceBusyMeta DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceWaitingDest DDMibInteger32TC, replPerformanceWaitingNetwork DDMibInteger32TC } replPerformancePreCompKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network (KB/s): The size value before compression is applied. Sometimes referred to as 'logical size.'" ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 1 } replPerformanceNetworkKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Network (KB/s): The amount of compressed data transferred over the network per second." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 2 } replPerformanceStreams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An internal system resource associated with reads and writes. One replication context can use multiple streams for better performance." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 3 } replPerformanceBusyReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time spent reading filesystem data from the local filesystem. Typically this number is the second highest number after Network. On a deployment with high network bandwidth, Reading may be the largest column." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 4 } replPerformanceBusyMeta OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time spent on miscellaneous bookkeeping activities and replicating filesystem namespace operations. Typically this value is under 50. If this value exceeds 50 on a sustained basis, it may indicate an unusual workload (a large number of file attribute updates, for example)." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 5 } replPerformanceWaitingDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time spent waiting due to the receiver not providing the sender enough information on what data to send. Typically this value is low. Exceptions include systems on high-speed networks where the sender is a more powerful Data Domain system than the replica, or where the replica has a higher workload than the sender because the replica is the destination for a multiple replication contexts." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 6 } replPerformanceWaitingNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time spent waiting due to the receiver not providing the sender enough information on what data to send. Typically this value is low. Exceptions include systems on high-speed networks where the sender is a more powerful Data Domain system than the replica, or where the replica has a higher workload than the sender because the replica is the destination for a multiple replication contexts." ::= { replicationPerformanceEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nfsActive -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nfs ( -- nfsActive ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nfsActive OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nfs 4 } nfsActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NfsActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of Nfs Active Clients." ::= { nfsActive 1 } nfsActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nfsActiveTable Row Description" INDEX { nfsActiveIndex } ::= { nfsActiveTable 1 } NfsActiveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nfsActiveIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, nfsActivePath DDMibTableString1024TC, nfsActiveClients DDMibTableString1024TC } nfsActiveIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Active index" ::= { nfsActiveEntry 1 } nfsActivePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Active client path" ::= { nfsActiveEntry 2 } nfsActiveClients OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Active Client" ::= { nfsActiveEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nfsClient -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nfs ( -- nfsClient ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nfsClient OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nfs 2 } nfsClientTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NfsClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NfsClientEntry." ::= { nfsClient 1 } nfsClientEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsClientEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nfsClientTable Row Description" INDEX { nfsClientIndex } ::= { nfsClientTable 1 } NfsClientEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nfsClientIndex NfsClientIndexTC, nfsClientPath NfsClientPathTC, nfsClientClients NfsClientClientsTC, nfsClientOptions NfsClientOptionsTC } nfsClientIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsClientIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS client index" ::= { nfsClientEntry 1 } nfsClientPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsClientPathTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS client path" ::= { nfsClientEntry 2 } nfsClientClients OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsClientClientsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of NFS clients" ::= { nfsClientEntry 3 } nfsClientOptions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsClientOptionsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS client's options" ::= { nfsClientEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nfsPort -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nfs ( -- nfsPort ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nfsPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nfs 5 } nfsPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NfsPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NfsPortEntry." ::= { nfsPort 1 } nfsPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nfsPortTable Row Description" INDEX { nfsPortIndex } ::= { nfsPortTable 1 } NfsPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nfsPortIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, nfsPortService DDMibTableString32TC, nfsPortPort DDMibTableString32TC } nfsPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Port index" ::= { nfsPortEntry 1 } nfsPortService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Port Service Name" ::= { nfsPortEntry 2 } nfsPortPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS Service Port" ::= { nfsPortEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nfsProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nfs ( -- nfsProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nfsProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nfs 1 } nfsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the network file system" ::= { nfsProperties 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nfsStats -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- nfs ( -- nfsStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nfsStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nfs 3 } nfsStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF NfsStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of NfsStatsEntry." ::= { nfsStats 1 } nfsStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "nfsStatsTable Row Description" INDEX { nfsStatsIndex } ::= { nfsStatsTable 1 } NfsStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { nfsStatsIndex NfsStatsIndexTC, nfsStatsExportPoint NfsStatsExportPointTC, nfsStatsFilesystemType NfsStatsFilesystemTypeTC, nfsStatsCacheEntry NfsStatsCacheEntryTC, nfsStatsFileHandleLookup NfsStatsFileHandleLookupTC, nfsStatsMaxCacheSize NfsStatsMaxCacheSizeTC, nfsStatsCurrentOpenStreams NfsStatsCurrentOpenStreamsTC } nfsStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS resource index" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 1 } nfsStatsExportPoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsExportPointTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NFS export point" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 2 } nfsStatsFilesystemType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsFilesystemTypeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File system type" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 3 } nfsStatsCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsCacheEntryTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of cache entries" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 4 } nfsStatsFileHandleLookup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsFileHandleLookupTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File handle lookup count" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 5 } nfsStatsMaxCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsMaxCacheSizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Max cache size" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 6 } nfsStatsCurrentOpenStreams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NfsStatsCurrentOpenStreamsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current open stream count" ::= { nfsStatsEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- cifsConfig -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- cifs ( -- cifsConfig ( -- cifsConfigMode ( -- cifsConfigWINSServer ( -- cifsConfigNetBIOSHostname ( -- cifsConfigDomainController ( -- cifsConfigDNS ( -- cifsConfigGroupname ( -- -- ********************************************************************** cifsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cifs 2 } cifsConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigModeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration mode" ::= { cifsConfig 1 } cifsConfigWINSServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigWINSServerTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS WINS server" ::= { cifsConfig 2 } cifsConfigNetBIOSHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigNetBIOSHostnameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS Net BIOS hostname" ::= { cifsConfig 3 } cifsConfigDomainController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigDomainControllerTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS domain controller" ::= { cifsConfig 4 } cifsConfigDNS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigDNSTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS DNS server" ::= { cifsConfig 5 } cifsConfigGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigGroupNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration group name" ::= { cifsConfig 6 } cifsConfigMaxConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigMaxConnectionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration maximum connection" ::= { cifsConfig 7 } cifsConfigMaxOpenFilesPerConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsConfigMaxOpenFilesPerConnectionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration maximum open files per connection" ::= { cifsConfig 8 } cifsConfigMaxOpenFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS configuration maximum open files" ::= { cifsConfig 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- cifsOptions -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- cifs ( -- cifsOptions ( -- -- ********************************************************************** cifsOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cifs 5 } cifsOptionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CifsOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of CifsOptionsEntry." ::= { cifsOptions 1 } cifsOptionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "cifsOptionsTable Row Description" INDEX { cifsOptionsIndex } ::= { cifsOptionsTable 1 } CifsOptionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cifsOptionsIndex CifsOptionsIndexTC, cifsOptionsName CifsOptionsNameTC, cifsOptionsValue CifsOptionsValueTC } cifsOptionsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsOptionsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS Options index" ::= { cifsOptionsEntry 1 } cifsOptionsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsOptionsNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS Options name" ::= { cifsOptionsEntry 2 } cifsOptionsValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsOptionsValueTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS Options Value" ::= { cifsOptionsEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- cifsProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- cifs ( -- cifsProperties ( -- cifsStatus ( -- -- ********************************************************************** cifsProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cifs 1 } cifsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS status" ::= { cifsProperties 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- cifsShare -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- cifs ( -- cifsShare ( -- -- ********************************************************************** cifsShare OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { cifs 3 } cifsShareTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CifsShareEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of CifsShareEntry." ::= { cifsShare 1 } cifsShareEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "cifsShareTable Row Description" INDEX { cifsShareIndex } ::= { cifsShareTable 1 } CifsShareEntry ::= SEQUENCE { cifsShareIndex CifsShareIndexTC, cifsShareName CifsShareNameTC, cifsSharePath CifsSharePathTC, cifsShareClients CifsShareClientsTC, cifsShareUser CifsShareUserTC, cifsShareComment CifsShareCommentTC, cifsShareBrowsing CifsShareBrowsingTC, cifsShareWriteable CifsShareWriteableTC, cifsShareMaxConnection CifsShareMaxConnectionTC } cifsShareIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share index" ::= { cifsShareEntry 1 } cifsShareName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share name" ::= { cifsShareEntry 2 } cifsSharePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsSharePathTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share path" ::= { cifsShareEntry 3 } cifsShareClients OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareClientsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share clients" ::= { cifsShareEntry 4 } cifsShareUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareUserTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share user" ::= { cifsShareEntry 5 } cifsShareComment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareCommentTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share comment" ::= { cifsShareEntry 6 } cifsShareBrowsing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareBrowsingTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share browsing" ::= { cifsShareEntry 7 } cifsShareWriteable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareWriteableTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share writeable" ::= { cifsShareEntry 8 } cifsShareMaxConnection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CifsShareMaxConnectionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "CIFS share maximum connection" ::= { cifsShareEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlLibrary -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlLibrary ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlConfiguration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtl 2 } vtlLibrary OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 1 } vtlLibraryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlLibraryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlLibraryEntry." ::= { vtlLibrary 1 } vtlLibraryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlLibraryTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlLibraryIndex } ::= { vtlLibraryTable 1 } VtlLibraryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlLibraryIndex VtlLibraryIndexTC, vtlLibraryName VtlLibraryNameTC, vtlLibraryVendor VtlLibraryVendorTC, vtlLibraryModel VtlLibraryModelTC, vtlLibraryRevision VtlLibraryRevisionTC, vtlLibrarySerial VtlLibrarySerialTC, vtlLibraryTotalDrives VtlLibraryTotalDrivesTC, vtlLibraryTotalSlots VtlLibraryTotalSlotsTC, vtlLibraryTotalCaps VtlLibraryTotalCapsTC, vtlLibraryStatus VtlLibraryStatusTC } vtlLibraryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Library index" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 1 } vtlLibraryName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library name" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 2 } vtlLibraryVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryVendorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library vendor" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 3 } vtlLibraryModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryModelTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library model" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 4 } vtlLibraryRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryRevisionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library revision" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 5 } vtlLibrarySerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibrarySerialTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library serial" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 6 } vtlLibraryTotalDrives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryTotalDrivesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library total drives" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 7 } vtlLibraryTotalSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryTotalSlotsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library total slots" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 8 } vtlLibraryTotalCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryTotalCapsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library total caps" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 9 } vtlLibraryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL library status" ::= { vtlLibraryEntry 10 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlDrive -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlDrive ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlDrive OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 2 } vtlDriveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlDriveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlDriveEntry." ::= { vtlDrive 1 } vtlDriveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlDriveTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlDriveIndex } ::= { vtlDriveTable 1 } VtlDriveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlDriveIndex VtlDriveIndexTC, vtlDriveName VtlDriveNameTC, vtlDriveVendor VtlDriveVendorTC, vtlDriveModel VtlDriveModelTC, vtlDriveRevision VtlDriveRevisionTC, vtlDriveSerial VtlDriveSerialTC, vtlDriveLibraryName VtlLibraryNameTC, vtlDriveStatus VtlDriveStatusTC, vtlDriveTapeVolume VtlDriveTapeVolumeTC } vtlDriveIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive index" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 1 } vtlDriveName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive name" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 2 } vtlDriveVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveVendorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive vendor" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 3 } vtlDriveModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveModelTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive model" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 4 } vtlDriveRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveRevisionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive revision" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 5 } vtlDriveSerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveSerialTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive serial" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 6 } vtlDriveLibraryName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlLibraryNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive library name" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 7 } vtlDriveStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive status" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 8 } vtlDriveTapeVolume OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlDriveTapeVolumeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL drive tape volume" ::= { vtlDriveEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlGroups -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlGroups ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 7 } vtlGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlGroupEntry." ::= { vtlGroups 1 } vtlGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlGroupTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlGroupIndex } ::= { vtlGroupTable 1 } VtlGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlGroupIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, vtlGroupName DDMibTableString32TC, vtlGroupInitiaterCount DDMibInteger32TC, vtlGroupDeviceCount DDMibInteger32TC } vtlGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Group index" ::= { vtlGroupEntry 1 } vtlGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Group Name" ::= { vtlGroupEntry 2 } vtlGroupInitiaterCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Group Initiater Count" ::= { vtlGroupEntry 3 } vtlGroupDeviceCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Group Device Count" ::= { vtlGroupEntry 4 } vtlGroupDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlGroupDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the devices in VTL groups. It provides information such as the Device Name, the Device LUN, the Primary Ports, Secondary Ports, In-Use Ports, and Group Name. It is comprised of entries of VtlGroupDeviceEntry." ::= { vtlGroups 2 } vtlGroupDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlGroupDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the devices in a VTL group." INDEX { vtlGroupIndex, vtlGroupDeviceIndex } ::= { vtlGroupDeviceTable 1 } VtlGroupDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlGroupDeviceIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, vtlGroupDeviceGroupName DDMibTableString256TC, vtlGroupDeviceDeviceName DDMibTableString256TC, vtlGroupDeviceLun DDMibInteger32TC, vtlGroupDevicePrimaryPorts DDMibTableString64TC, vtlGroupDeviceSecondaryPorts DDMibTableString64TC, vtlGroupDeviceInUsePorts DDMibTableString64TC } vtlGroupDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of a VTL Device." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 2 } vtlGroupDeviceGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a VTL Group." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 3 } vtlGroupDeviceDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a VTL Device." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 4 } vtlGroupDeviceLun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The LUN (Logical Unit Number) of a VTL Device." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 5 } vtlGroupDevicePrimaryPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Primary Ports of a VTL Device. This entry specifies a set of ports that the device will be visible on. If 'all' is provided the device is visible on all ports. If 'none' is provided the device is visible on none of the ports." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 6 } vtlGroupDeviceSecondaryPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Secondary Ports of a VTL Device. This entry specifies a second set of ports that the device will be visible on. The administrator can switch the ports in use in a group to the primary or secondary port list." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 7 } vtlGroupDeviceInUsePorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The In-Use Ports of a VTL Device. The port list that the device is visible on is the in-use port list, which can be the primary or secondary port list." ::= { vtlGroupDeviceEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlInitiator -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlInitiator ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlInitiator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 8 } vtlInitiatorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlInitiatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlInitiatorEntry." ::= { vtlInitiator 1 } vtlInitiatorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlInitiatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlInitiatorTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlInitiatorIndex } ::= { vtlInitiatorTable 1 } VtlInitiatorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlInitiatorIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, vtlInitiatorName DDMibTableString32TC, vtlInitiatorStatus DDMibTableString32TC, vtlInitiatorGroup DDMibTableString32TC, vtlInitiatorWWNN DDMibTableString64TC, vtlInitiatorWWPN DDMibTableString64TC, vtlInitiatorPort DDMibTableString32TC } vtlInitiatorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator index" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 1 } vtlInitiatorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator Name" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 2 } vtlInitiatorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator Status" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 3 } vtlInitiatorGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator Group" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 4 } vtlInitiatorWWNN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator WWNN" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 5 } vtlInitiatorWWPN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator WWPN" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 6 } vtlInitiatorPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Initiator Port" ::= { vtlInitiatorEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlPool -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlPool ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlPool OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 6 } vtlPoolTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlPoolEntry." ::= { vtlPool 1 } vtlPoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPoolEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlPoolTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlPoolIndex } ::= { vtlPoolTable 1 } VtlPoolEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlPoolIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, vtlPoolPool DDMibTableString64TC, vtlPoolStatus DDMibTableString64TC, vtlPoolTapes DDMibTableString64TC, vtlPoolSize DDMibTableString64TC, vtlPoolUsed DDMibTableString64TC, vtlPoolComp DDMibTableString64TC } vtlPoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool index" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 1 } vtlPoolPool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Pool" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 2 } vtlPoolStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Status" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 3 } vtlPoolTapes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Tapes" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 4 } vtlPoolSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Size" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 5 } vtlPoolUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Used" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 6 } vtlPoolComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Pool Compression" ::= { vtlPoolEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlPort -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlPort ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 3 } vtlPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlPortEntry." ::= { vtlPort 1 } vtlPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlPortTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlPortIndex } ::= { vtlPortTable 1 } VtlPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlPortIndex VtlPortIndexTC, vtlPortName VtlPortNameTC, vtlPortID VtlPortIDTC, vtlPortModel VtlPortModelTC, vtlPortFirmware VtlPortFirmwareTC, vtlPortWWNN VtlPortWWNNTC, vtlPortWWPN VtlPortWWPNTC, vtlPortConnectionType VtlPortConnectionTypeTC, vtlPortSpeed VtlPortSpeedTC, vtlPortEnabled VtlPortEnabledTC, vtlPortStatus VtlPortStatusTC, vtlPortTrapIndex VtlPortIndexTC } vtlPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port index" ::= { vtlPortEntry 1 } vtlPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port name" ::= { vtlPortEntry 2 } vtlPortID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortIDTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port ID" ::= { vtlPortEntry 3 } vtlPortModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortModelTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port model" ::= { vtlPortEntry 4 } vtlPortFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortFirmwareTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Firmware Version" ::= { vtlPortEntry 5 } vtlPortWWNN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortWWNNTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port WWNN address" ::= { vtlPortEntry 6 } vtlPortWWPN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortWWPNTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port WWPN Address" ::= { vtlPortEntry 7 } vtlPortConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortConnectionTypeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Connection Type" ::= { vtlPortEntry 8 } vtlPortSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortSpeedTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Speed in Gibs" ::= { vtlPortEntry 9 } vtlPortEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Enabled" ::= { vtlPortEntry 10 } vtlPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port Status" ::= { vtlPortEntry 11 } vtlPortTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlPortIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Port index" ::= { vtlPortEntry 12 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlProperties ( -- vtlAdminState ( -- vtlProcessState ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtl 1 } vtlAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlAdminStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of VTL administration" ::= { vtlProperties 1 } vtlProcessState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlProcessStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of VTL process" ::= { vtlProperties 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlStats -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtl 3 } vtlStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains detailed statistical information about the individual VTL Ports on a Data Domain System. It includes the count of Control Commands, Write Commands, and Read Commands. The amount of data In, and Out. The count of Link Failures, LIP count, Sync Losses, Signal Losses, Prim Seq Proto Errors, Invalid Tx Words, and Invalid CRCs. It is comprised of entries of VtlStatsEntry." ::= { vtlStats 1 } vtlStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlStatsTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlStatsIndex } ::= { vtlStatsTable 1 } VtlStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlStatsIndex VtlStatsIndexTC, vtlStatsPort VtlStatsPortTC, vtlStatsConrolCommands VtlStatsConrolCommandsTC, vtlStatsWriteCommands VtlStatsWriteCommandsTC, vtlStatsReadCommands VtlStatsReadCommandsTC, vtlStatsIn VtlStatsInTC, vtlStatsOut VtlStatsOutTC, vtlStatsLinkFailures VtlStatsLinkFailuresTC, vtlStatsLIPCount VtlStatsLIPCountTC, vtlStatsSyncLosses VtlStatsSyncLossesTC, vtlStatsSignalLosses VtlStatsSignalLossesTC, vtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrors VtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrorsTC, vtlStatsInvalidTxWords VtlStatsInvalidTxWordsTC, vtlStatsInvalidCRCs VtlStatsInvalidCRCsTC } vtlStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Index. The index of the VTL Per-Port Statistical entry." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 1 } vtlStatsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsPortTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Port. The physical VTL port number." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 2 } vtlStatsConrolCommands OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsConrolCommandsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Control Commands. The number of non read/write commands." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 3 } vtlStatsWriteCommands OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsWriteCommandsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Write Commands. The number of WRITE commands." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 4 } vtlStatsReadCommands OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsReadCommandsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Read Commands. The number of READ commands." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 5 } vtlStatsIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsInTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats In. The number of megabytes written to the specific port." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 6 } vtlStatsOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsOutTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Out. The number of megabytes read from the specific port." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 7 } vtlStatsLinkFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsLinkFailuresTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Link Failures. The count of Link Failures." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 8 } vtlStatsLIPCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsLIPCountTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats LIP Count. The number of LIPs." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 9 } vtlStatsSyncLosses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsSyncLossesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Sync Losses. The number of times sync loss was detected." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 10 } vtlStatsSignalLosses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsSignalLossesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Signal Losses. The number of times loss of signal was detected." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 11 } vtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrorsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Prim Seq Proto Errors. The count of errors in the Primitive Sequence Protocol." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 12 } vtlStatsInvalidTxWords OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsInvalidTxWordsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Invalid Tx Words. The number of invalid TX words." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 13 } vtlStatsInvalidCRCs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlStatsInvalidCRCsTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Stats Invalid CRCs. The number of frames received with bad CRC." ::= { vtlStatsEntry 14 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- vtlTape -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- vtl ( -- vtlConfiguration ( -- vtlTape ( -- -- ********************************************************************** vtlTape OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vtlConfiguration 4 } vtlTapeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VtlTapeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of VtlTapeEntry." ::= { vtlTape 1 } vtlTapeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "vtlTapeTable Row Description" INDEX { vtlTapeIndex } ::= { vtlTapeTable 1 } VtlTapeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { vtlTapeIndex VtlTapeIndexTC, vtlTapeBarCode VtlTapeBarCodeTC, vtlTapePool VtlTapePoolTC, vtlTapeLocation VtlTapeLocationTC, vtlTapeState VtlTapeStateTC, vtlTapeSize VtlTapeSizeTC, vtlTapeUsed VtlTapeUsedTC, vtlTapeComp VtlTapeCompTC, vtlTapeModTime VtlTapeModTimeTC } vtlTapeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape index" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 1 } vtlTapeBarCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeBarCodeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape BarCode" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 2 } vtlTapePool OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapePoolTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Pool" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 3 } vtlTapeLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeLocationTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Location" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 4 } vtlTapeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeStateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape State" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 5 } vtlTapeSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeSizeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Size" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 6 } vtlTapeUsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeUsedTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Used" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 7 } vtlTapeComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeCompTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape Compression" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 8 } vtlTapeModTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VtlTapeModTimeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VTL Tape status" ::= { vtlTapeEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostAccessClients -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostAccessClients ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostAccessClients OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 8 } ddboostAccessClientsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostAccessClientsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST AccessClients table information for DDBOOST Access Client Configuration" ::= { ddboostAccessClients 1 } ddboostAccessClientsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostAccessClientsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostAccessClientsTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostAccessClientsIndex } ::= { ddboostAccessClientsTable 1 } DdboostAccessClientsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostAccessClientsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostAccessClientsName DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostAccessClientsEncryStrength DdboostAccessClientsEncryStrengthTC, ddboostAccessClientsAuthMode DdboostAccessClientsAuthModeTC } ddboostAccessClientsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost AccessClients Table index" ::= { ddboostAccessClientsEntry 1 } ddboostAccessClientsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The DDboost Access clients Name" ::= { ddboostAccessClientsEntry 2 } ddboostAccessClientsEncryStrength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostAccessClientsEncryStrengthTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The encryption strength that the DDboost Access client is using, possible values are none, medium and high" ::= { ddboostAccessClientsEntry 3 } ddboostAccessClientsAuthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostAccessClientsAuthModeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Authentication mode that the DDboost Access client is using, possible values are none, one-way, two-way and anonymous" ::= { ddboostAccessClientsEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostConnections ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostConnections OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 3 } ddboostConnectionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostConnectionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST connections table information for DDBOOST Client Connections" ::= { ddboostConnections 1 } ddboostConnectionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostConnectionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostConnectionsTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostConnectionsIndex } ::= { ddboostConnectionsTable 1 } DdboostConnectionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostConnectionsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostInterface DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostifGroupMember DDMibTableEnabledTC, ddboostBackupConnections DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostRestoreConnections DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostControlConnections DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostTotalConnections DDMibInteger32TC } ddboostConnectionsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost connections Table index" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 1 } ddboostInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Interface Name" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 2 } ddboostifGroupMember OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If Member of ifGroup" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 3 } ddboostBackupConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost backup connections" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 4 } ddboostRestoreConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Restore connections" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 5 } ddboostControlConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost control connections" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 6 } ddboostTotalConnections OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Total connections" ::= { ddboostConnectionsEntry 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostFileReplicationHistory ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostFileReplicationHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 6 } ddboostFileReplicationHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST FileReplicationHistory table contains information for File Replication History" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistory 1 } ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostFileReplicationHistoryTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostFileReplHistoryIndex } ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryTable 1 } DdboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostFileReplHistoryIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryDirection DDMibTableString32TC, ddboostFileReplHistoryNetwork DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryPreComp DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryPostComp DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryLowBWOpt DDMibTableString32TC, ddboostFileReplHistoryErrors DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryDate DDMibDateTC, ddboostFileReplHistoryTime DDMibDateTC } ddboostFileReplHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost FileReplicationHistory Table index" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 1 } ddboostFileReplHistoryDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost File ReplHistory History Direction" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 2 } ddboostFileReplHistoryNetwork OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication History Network KBytes Sent" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 3 } ddboostFileReplHistoryPreComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File ReplHistory Pre Compressed Kbytes sent" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 4 } ddboostFileReplHistoryPostComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File ReplHistory Post Compressed KBytes" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 5 } ddboostFileReplHistoryLowBWOpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File ReplHistory KBytes after Low Bandwidth optimization" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 6 } ddboostFileReplHistoryErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File ReplHistory Errors" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 7 } ddboostFileReplHistoryDate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibDateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost File ReplHistory Date" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 8 } ddboostFileReplHistoryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibDateTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost File ReplHistory Time" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationHistoryEntry 9 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostFileReplicationStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostFileReplicationStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 5 } ddboostFileReplicationStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostFileReplicationStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST FileReplicationStats table contains information for File Replication Stats" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStats 1 } ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostFileReplicationStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostFileReplicationStatsTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostFileReplStatsIndex } ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsTable 1 } DdboostFileReplicationStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostFileReplStatsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostFileReplStatsDirection DDMibTableString32TC, ddboostFileReplStatsNetworkSent DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplStatsPreCompSent DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplStatsFiltered DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplStatsLowBWOpt DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplStatsLocalComp DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostFileReplStatsCompRatio DDMibTableString32TC } ddboostFileReplStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost FileReplicationStats Table index" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 1 } ddboostFileReplStatsDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost File Replication Direction" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 2 } ddboostFileReplStatsNetworkSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication Network Bytes Sent" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 3 } ddboostFileReplStatsPreCompSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication Pre Compressed bytes sent" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 4 } ddboostFileReplStatsFiltered OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication Bytes after Filtering" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 5 } ddboostFileReplStatsLowBWOpt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication Bytes after Low Bandwidth optimization" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 6 } ddboostFileReplStatsLocalComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost File Replication Bytes after local compression" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 7 } ddboostFileReplStatsCompRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost File Replication Compressed Ratio" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationStatsEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostFileReplicationPerformance ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostFileReplicationPerformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 10 } ddboostFileRepliPerfInPreCompKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST File Replication Performance Inbound pre-comp kilobytes per second" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationPerformance 1 } ddboostFileRepliPerfInNetworkKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST File Replication Performance Inbound network kilobytes per second" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationPerformance 2 } ddboostFileRepliPerfOutPreCompKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST File Replication Performance Outbound pre-comp kilobytes per second" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationPerformance 3 } ddboostFileRepliPerfOutNetworkKBPerSec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST File Replication Performance Outbound network kilobytes per second" ::= { ddboostFileReplicationPerformance 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostIfGroupConfig -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostIfGroupConfig ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostIfGroupConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 7 } ddboostIfGroupConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostIfGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST IfGroupConfig table information for DDBOOST ifGroup Configuration" ::= { ddboostIfGroupConfig 1 } ddboostIfGroupConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostIfGroupConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostIfGroupConfigTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostIfGroupConfigIndex } ::= { ddboostIfGroupConfigTable 1 } DdboostIfGroupConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostIfGroupConfigIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostIfGroupInterface DDMibTableString64TC } ddboostIfGroupConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost IfGroupConfig Table index" ::= { ddboostIfGroupConfigEntry 1 } ddboostIfGroupInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost ifGroup Interface Name" ::= { ddboostIfGroupConfigEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostOptions -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostOptions ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostOptions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 9 } ddboostOptionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST Options table" ::= { ddboostOptions 1 } ddboostOptionsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostOptionsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostOptionsTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostOptionsIndex } ::= { ddboostOptionsTable 1 } DdboostOptionsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostOptionsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostOptionsName DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostOptionsStatus DDMibStatusTC } ddboostOptionsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost Option Table index" ::= { ddboostOptionsEntry 1 } ddboostOptionsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Option Value Name " ::= { ddboostOptionsEntry 2 } ddboostOptionsStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Option Status Enabled/Disabled " ::= { ddboostOptionsEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 1 } ddboostStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDboostStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the DDBoost interface group on a DD system." ::= { ddboostProperties 1 } ddboostUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDboostUserTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "DDBoost User." ::= { ddboostProperties 2 } ddboostIfGroupStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "DDBoost IfGroup Status." ::= { ddboostProperties 3 } ddboostUserTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about DDBoost users." ::= { ddboostProperties 4 } ddboostUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostUserTable Row Entry." INDEX { ddboostUserIdx } ::= { ddboostUserTable 1 } DdboostUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostUserIdx DDboostStatsIndexTC, ddboostUserName DDMibTableString256TC, ddboostUserDefaultTenantUnit DDMibTableString256TC } ddboostUserIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDboostStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost users table index." ::= { ddboostUserEntry 1 } ddboostUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a Ddboost user." ::= { ddboostUserEntry 2 } ddboostUserDefaultTenantUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The default tenant unit that is associated with a specific DDBoost user." ::= { ddboostUserEntry 3 } ddboostIfGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostIfGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost IfGroup table containing interface group information." ::= { ddboostProperties 5 } ddboostIfGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostIfGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostIfGroupTable Row Entry." INDEX { ddboostIfGroupIdx } ::= { ddboostIfGroupTable 1 } DdboostIfGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostIfGroupIdx DDboostStatsIndexTC, ddboostIfGroupName DDMibTableString256TC, ddboostIfGroupCurrentStatus DDMibStatusTC } ddboostIfGroupIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDboostStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBoost IfGroup table index." ::= { ddboostIfGroupEntry 1 } ddboostIfGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of DDBoost IfGroup." ::= { ddboostIfGroupEntry 2 } ddboostIfGroupCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of a DDBoost IfGroup. Possible values are: 'enabled' or 'disabled'." ::= { ddboostIfGroupEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostStats ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 2 } ddboostStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST stats table containing byte statistics information for DDBOOST" ::= { ddboostStats 1 } ddboostStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostStatsTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostStatsIndex } ::= { ddboostStatsTable 1 } DdboostStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostStatsIndex DDboostStatsIndexTC, ddboostPreCompKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, ddboostPostCompKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, ddboostNetworkKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, ddboostReadKBytesPerSecond KBytesPerSecond, ddboostStatsBackupConn Counter64, ddboostStatsRestoreConn Counter64, ddboostStatsImageCreatesCount Counter64, ddboostStatsImageCreatesErrors Counter64, ddboostStatsImageDeletesCount Counter64, ddboostStatsImageDeletesErrors Counter64, ddboostStatsPrecompBytesReceived DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostStatsBytesAfterFiltering DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostStatsBytesAfterLc DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostStatsNetworkBytesReceived DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostStatsCompressionRatio DDMibTableString32TC, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadCount DDMibTrafficBytesTC, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadErrors DDMibTrafficBytesTC } ddboostStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDboostStatsIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost Stats Table index" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 1 } ddboostPreCompKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pre-compressed (logical) bytes received per second" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 2 } ddboostPostCompKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "number of pddboost local compression bytes received per second" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 3 } ddboostNetworkKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of physical network bytes received per second" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 4 } ddboostReadKBytesPerSecond OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX KBytesPerSecond MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes read per second" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 5 } ddboostStatsBackupConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of backup connections" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 6 } ddboostStatsRestoreConn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of restore connections" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 7 } ddboostStatsImageCreatesCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of image creates" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 8 } ddboostStatsImageCreatesErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of image creates errors" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 9 } ddboostStatsImageDeletesCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of image deletes" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 10 } ddboostStatsImageDeletesErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of image deletes errors" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 11 } ddboostStatsPrecompBytesReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of pre-compressed (logical) bytes received" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 12 } ddboostStatsBytesAfterFiltering OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes after filtering" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 13 } ddboostStatsBytesAfterLc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of bytes after local compression" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 14 } ddboostStatsNetworkBytesReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of network bytes received" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 15 } ddboostStatsCompressionRatio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compression ratio" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 16 } ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total bytes read count" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 17 } ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTrafficBytesTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total bytes read errors" ::= { ddboostStatsEntry 18 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- ddboostProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddboost ( -- ddboostStorageUnit ( -- -- ********************************************************************** ddboostStorageUnit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddboost 4 } ddboostStorageUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DdboostStorageUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDBOOST StorageUnit table information for DDBOOST Storage Units" ::= { ddboostStorageUnit 1 } ddboostStorageUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DdboostStorageUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboostStorageUnitTable Row Entry" INDEX { ddboostStorageUnitIndex } ::= { ddboostStorageUnitTable 1 } DdboostStorageUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ddboostStorageUnitIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, ddboostStorageUnitName DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostStorageUnitBytes DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostStorageUnitGlobalComp DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostStorageUnitLocalComp DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostStorageUnitMetaData DDMibInteger32TC, ddboostStorageUnitStatus DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostStorageUnitPreComp DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostStorageUnitUser DDMibTableString64TC, ddboostStorageUnitReportPhysicalSize DDMibInteger32TC } ddboostStorageUnitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ddboost StorageUnit Table index" ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 1 } ddboostStorageUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Name" ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 2 } ddboostStorageUnitBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Original MiB." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 3 } ddboostStorageUnitGlobalComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Globally Compressed MiB." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 4 } ddboostStorageUnitLocalComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Locally Compressed MiB." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 5 } ddboostStorageUnitMetaData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Meta Data MiB." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 6 } ddboostStorageUnitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Status." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 7 } ddboostStorageUnitPreComp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Pre-Compression Rate." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 8 } ddboostStorageUnitUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The User of the DDboost Storage Unit." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 9 } ddboostStorageUnitReportPhysicalSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDboost Storage Unit Report Physical Size." ::= { ddboostStorageUnitEntry 10 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemLicense -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- systemLicense ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemLicense OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainSystem 4 } systemLicenseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemLicenseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemLicenseEntry." ::= { systemLicense 1 } systemLicenseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemLicenseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemLicenseTable Row Description" INDEX { systemLicenseIndex } ::= { systemLicenseTable 1 } SystemLicenseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemLicenseIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemLicenseKey DDMibTableString256TC, systemLicenseFeature DDMibTableString64TC } systemLicenseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System License Row index" ::= { systemLicenseEntry 1 } systemLicenseKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System License Key" ::= { systemLicenseEntry 2 } systemLicenseFeature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Feature for the license" ::= { systemLicenseEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemLicense -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- systemLicense ( -- systemCapacityLicense ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemCapacityLicense OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { systemLicense 2 } systemCapacityLicenseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemCapacityLicenseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of systemCapacityLicenseEntry." ::= { systemCapacityLicense 1 } systemCapacityLicenseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemCapacityLicenseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemCapacityLicenseTable Row Description" INDEX { systemCapacityLicenseIndex } ::= { systemCapacityLicenseTable 1 } SystemCapacityLicenseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemCapacityLicenseIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemCapacityLicenseKey DDMibTableString256TC, systemCapacityLicenseFeature DDMibTableString64TC, systemCapacityLicenseModel DDMibTableString32TC, systemCapacityLicenseCapacity DDMibTableString32TC } systemCapacityLicenseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemCapacity License Row index" ::= { systemCapacityLicenseEntry 1 } systemCapacityLicenseKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemCapacity License Key" ::= { systemCapacityLicenseEntry 2 } systemCapacityLicenseFeature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity Feature for the license" ::= { systemCapacityLicenseEntry 3 } systemCapacityLicenseModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Model for Feature of the license" ::= { systemCapacityLicenseEntry 4 } systemCapacityLicenseCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Capacity of the model" ::= { systemCapacityLicenseEntry 5 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemHardware -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- systemHardware ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemHardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainSystem 2 } systemHardwareTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemHardwareEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemHardwareEntry." ::= { systemHardware 1 } systemHardwareEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemHardwareEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemHardwareTable Row Description" INDEX { systemHardwareIndex } ::= { systemHardwareTable 1 } SystemHardwareEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemHardwareIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemHardwareSlot DDMibInteger32TC, systemHardwareVendor DDMibTableString64TC, systemHardwareDevice DDMibTableString128TC, systemHardwarePorts DDMibTableString128TC, systemHardwareSlotName DisplayString } systemHardwareIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Hardware Row index" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 1 } systemHardwareSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "System Hardware Slot" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 2 } systemHardwareVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot Device Vendor" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 3 } systemHardwareDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot Device" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 4 } systemHardwarePorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot Ports" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 5 } systemHardwareSlotName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..3)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Hardware Slot Name" ::= { systemHardwareEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemPorts -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- systemPorts ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemPorts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainSystem 3 } systemPortsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemPortsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemPortsEntry." ::= { systemPorts 1 } systemPortsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemPortsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "systemPortsTable Row Description" INDEX { systemPortsIndex } ::= { systemPortsTable 1 } SystemPortsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemPortsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemPortsPort DDMibTableString32TC, systemPortsConnectionType DDMibTableString64TC, systemPortsLinkSpeed DDMibTableString128TC, systemPortsFirmware DDMibTableString128TC, systemPortsHardwareAddress DDMibTableString64TC } systemPortsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Ports Row index" ::= { systemPortsEntry 1 } systemPortsPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Ports Port name" ::= { systemPortsEntry 2 } systemPortsConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Port LinkSpeed ConnectionType" ::= { systemPortsEntry 3 } systemPortsLinkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system Port LinkSpeed" ::= { systemPortsEntry 4 } systemPortsFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "system ports firmware version" ::= { systemPortsEntry 5 } systemPortsHardwareAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System Port Hardware Address." ::= { systemPortsEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemProperties -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- systemProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainSystem 1 } systemSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemSerialNumberTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number of the System" ::= { systemProperties 1 } systemCurrentTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTimeStampTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDR system's current time" ::= { systemProperties 2 } systemVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibVersionTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DD Version of the System" ::= { systemProperties 3 } systemModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Model Number of the System" ::= { systemProperties 4 } systemTimeZoneName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemTimeZoneNameTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DDR system's time zone name" ::= { systemProperties 5 } sysNotes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemNotesTC MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Customer defined notes associated with this DD System." ::= { systemProperties 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- SystemUser -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- dataDomainSystem ( -- SystemUser ( -- -- ********************************************************************** systemUser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainSystem 5 } systemUserTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemUsers." ::= { systemUser 1 } systemUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUserTable Row Description" INDEX { systemUserIndex } ::= { systemUserTable 1 } SystemUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemUserIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemUserName DDMibTableString128TC, systemUserUID DDMibInteger32TC, systemUserRole DDMibTableString32TC, systemUserStatus DDMibTableString32TC } systemUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUser Row index" ::= { systemUserEntry 1 } systemUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUser Name " ::= { systemUserEntry 2 } systemUserUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUser UID" ::= { systemUserEntry 3 } systemUserRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUser Role" ::= { systemUserEntry 4 } systemUserStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemUsers Status " ::= { systemUserEntry 5 } systemActiveUserTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SystemActiveUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of SystemActiveUsers." ::= { systemUser 2 } systemActiveUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SystemActiveUserEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUserTable Row Description" INDEX { systemActiveUserIndex } ::= { systemActiveUserTable 1 } SystemActiveUserEntry ::= SEQUENCE { systemActiveUserIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, systemActiveUserName DDMibTableString128TC, systemActiveUserIdleTime DDMibTableString32TC, systemActiveUserLoginTime DDMibTableString32TC, systemActiveUserLoginFrom DDMibTableString32TC, systemActiveUserTty DDMibTableString32TC } systemActiveUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUser Row index" ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 1 } systemActiveUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUser Name " ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 2 } systemActiveUserIdleTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUser idle time" ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 3 } systemActiveUserLoginTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUser login time" ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 4 } systemActiveUserLoginFrom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUser login from" ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 5 } systemActiveUserTty OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SystemActiveUsers Tty" ::= { systemActiveUserEntry 6 } -- *****:***************************************************************** -- -- managedSystem -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddms ( -- taskHistory ( -- -- ********************************************************************** taskHistory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddms 2 } taskHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TaskHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of TaskHistoryEntry." ::= { taskHistory 1 } taskHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TaskHistoryEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "taskHistoryEntry Row Description" INDEX { taskHistoryIndex } ::= { taskHistoryTable 1 } TaskHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { taskHistoryIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, taskHistoryUser DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryID DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryParent DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryName DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryState DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryStartTime DDMibTableString64TC, taskHistoryDuration DDMibTableString64TC } taskHistoryIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History Row index" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 1 } taskHistoryUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History User" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 2 } taskHistoryID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History ID" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 3 } taskHistoryParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History Parent" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 4 } taskHistoryName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History Name" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 5 } taskHistoryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History State" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 6 } taskHistoryStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History Start Time" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 7 } taskHistoryDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task History Duration" ::= { taskHistoryEntry 8 } -- *****:***************************************************************** -- -- managedSystem -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddms ( -- taskActive ( -- -- ********************************************************************** taskActive OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddms 3 } taskActiveTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TaskActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of TaskActiveEntry." ::= { taskActive 1 } taskActiveEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TaskActiveEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "taskActiveEntry Row Description" INDEX { taskActiveIndex } ::= { taskActiveTable 1 } TaskActiveEntry ::= SEQUENCE { taskActiveIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, taskActiveUser DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveID DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveParent DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveName DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveState DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveStartTime DDMibTableString64TC, taskActiveDuration DDMibTableString64TC } taskActiveIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active Row index" ::= { taskActiveEntry 1 } taskActiveUser OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active User" ::= { taskActiveEntry 2 } taskActiveID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active ID" ::= { taskActiveEntry 3 } taskActiveParent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active Parent" ::= { taskActiveEntry 4 } taskActiveName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active Name" ::= { taskActiveEntry 5 } taskActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active State" ::= { taskActiveEntry 6 } taskActiveStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active Start Time" ::= { taskActiveEntry 7 } taskActiveDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Task Active Duration" ::= { taskActiveEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- artConfig -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- art ( -- artConfig ( -- -- ********************************************************************** artConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { art 1 } artConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ArtConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of artConfigEntry." ::= { artConfig 1 } artConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArtConfigEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "artConfigTable Row Description" INDEX { artConfigIndex } ::= { artConfigTable 1 } ArtConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { artConfigIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, artConfigStatus DDMibTableEnabledTC, artConfigMigrationSchedule DDMibTableString128TC, artConfigDefaultAge DDMibInteger32TC, artConfigFileSystemClean DDMibTableEnabledTC, artConfigCompression DDMibTableString32TC } artConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config index" ::= { artConfigEntry 1 } artConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config Status" ::= { artConfigEntry 2 } artConfigMigrationSchedule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config Migration Schedule" ::= { artConfigEntry 3 } artConfigDefaultAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config Default Age threshold migration policy" ::= { artConfigEntry 4 } artConfigFileSystemClean OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config file System Clean Required" ::= { artConfigEntry 5 } artConfigCompression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art Config local compression" ::= { artConfigEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- artMigrationPolicy -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- art ( -- artMigrationPolicy ( -- -- ********************************************************************** artMigrationPolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { art 3 } artMigrationPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ArtMigrationPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of artMigrationPolicyEntry." ::= { artMigrationPolicy 1 } artMigrationPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArtMigrationPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "artMigrationPolicyTable Row Description" INDEX { artMigrationPolicyIndex } ::= { artMigrationPolicyTable 1 } ArtMigrationPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { artMigrationPolicyIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, artMigrationPolicyMtreeName DDMibTableString256TC, artMigrationPolicyDefaultAge DDMibInteger32TC } artMigrationPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationPolicy index" ::= { artMigrationPolicyEntry 1 } artMigrationPolicyMtreeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationPolicy Mtree Name" ::= { artMigrationPolicyEntry 2 } artMigrationPolicyDefaultAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationPolicy Default Age" ::= { artMigrationPolicyEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- artMigrationSchedule -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- art ( -- artMigrationSchedule ( -- -- ********************************************************************** artMigrationSchedule OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { art 2 } artMigrationScheduleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ArtMigrationScheduleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of artMigrationScheduleEntry." ::= { artMigrationSchedule 1 } artMigrationScheduleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ArtMigrationScheduleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "artMigrationScheduleTable Row Description" INDEX { artMigrationScheduleIndex } ::= { artMigrationScheduleTable 1 } ArtMigrationScheduleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { artMigrationScheduleIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, artMigrationScheduleSchedule DDMibTableString512TC, artMigrationScheduleStatus DDMibStatusTC } artMigrationScheduleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationScheduleindex" ::= { artMigrationScheduleEntry 1 } artMigrationScheduleSchedule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationSchedule Schedule" ::= { artMigrationScheduleEntry 2 } artMigrationScheduleStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "art MigrationSchedule Status" ::= { artMigrationScheduleEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- mtreeCompression -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- mtree ( -- mtreeCompression ( -- -- ********************************************************************** mtreeCompression OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mtree 1 } mtreeCompressionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtreeCompressionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of mtreeCompressionEntry." ::= { mtreeCompression 1 } mtreeCompressionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MtreeCompressionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtreeCompressionTable Row Description" INDEX { mtreeCompressionIndex } ::= { mtreeCompressionTable 1 } MtreeCompressionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mtreeCompressionIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, mtreeCompressionMtreePath DDMibTableString512TC, mtreeCompressionPreCompGib DDMibTableSizeGibTC, mtreeCompressionPostCompGib DDMibTableSizeGibTC, mtreeCompressionGlobalCompFactor DDMibCompressionFactorTC, mtreeCompressionLocalCompFactor DDMibCompressionFactorTC, mtreeCompressionPostTotalCompFactor DDMibCompressionFactorTC, mtreeCompressionTimePeriod DDMibTableString128TC } mtreeCompressionIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression index" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 1 } mtreeCompressionMtreePath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Mtree Path" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 2 } mtreeCompressionPreCompGib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeGibTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Pre comp giga bytes" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 3 } mtreeCompressionPostCompGib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeGibTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Post Comp Giga Bytes" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 4 } mtreeCompressionGlobalCompFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Global Comp Factor" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 5 } mtreeCompressionLocalCompFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Local Comp Factor" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 6 } mtreeCompressionPostTotalCompFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibCompressionFactorTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Total Comp Factor" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 7 } mtreeCompressionTimePeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree Compression Time Period" ::= { mtreeCompressionEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- mtreeList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- mtree ( -- mtreeList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** mtreeList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mtree 2 } mtreeListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtreeListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of mtreeListEntry." ::= { mtreeList 1 } mtreeListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MtreeListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtreeListTable Row Description" INDEX { mtreeListIndex } ::= { mtreeListTable 1 } MtreeListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mtreeListIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, mtreeListMtreeName DDMibTableString512TC, mtreeListPreCompGib DDMibTableSizeGibTC, mtreeListStatus MtreeListStatusTC } mtreeListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree List index" ::= { mtreeListEntry 1 } mtreeListMtreeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree List Mtree Name" ::= { mtreeListEntry 2 } mtreeListPreCompGib OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeGibTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree List Pre comp giga bytes" ::= { mtreeListEntry 3 } mtreeListStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MtreeListStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree List Status" ::= { mtreeListEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- mtreeRetentionLock -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- mtree ( -- mtreeRetentionLock ( -- -- ********************************************************************** mtreeRetentionLock OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mtree 4 } mtreeRetentionLockTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtreeRetentionLockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of mtreeRetentionLockEntry." ::= { mtreeRetentionLock 1 } mtreeRetentionLockEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MtreeRetentionLockEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtreeRetentionLockTable Row Description" INDEX { mtreeRetentionLockIndex } ::= { mtreeRetentionLockTable 1 } MtreeRetentionLockEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mtreeRetentionLockIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, mtreeRetentionLockMtreeName DDMibTableString512TC, mtreeRetentionLockStatus MtreeRetentionLockStatusTC, mtreeRetentionLockUUID DDMibTableString32TC, mtreeRetentionLockMinRetentionPeriod DDMibTableString32TC, mtreeRetentionLockMaxRetentionPeriod DDMibTableString32TC } mtreeRetentionLockIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock index" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 1 } mtreeRetentionLockMtreeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock Mtree Name" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 2 } mtreeRetentionLockStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MtreeRetentionLockStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock Status" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 3 } mtreeRetentionLockUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock UUID" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 4 } mtreeRetentionLockMinRetentionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock Minimum Retention Period" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 5 } mtreeRetentionLockMaxRetentionPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "mtree RetentionLock Maximum Retention Period" ::= { mtreeRetentionLockEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemHardware -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- enclosure ( -- enclosureList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** enclosureList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enclosure 1 } enclosureListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of EnclosureListEntry." ::= { enclosureList 1 } enclosureListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure List Row Description" INDEX { enclosureListIndex } ::= { enclosureListTable 1 } EnclosureListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { enclosureListIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, enclosureListNum DDMibInteger32TC, enclosureListModel DDMibTableString64TC, enclosureListSerialNum DDMibTableString128TC, enclosureListOemName DDMibTableString128TC, enclosureListOemValue DDMibTableString128TC, enclosureListCapacity DDMibTableString64TC } enclosureListIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure List Row index" ::= { enclosureListEntry 1 } enclosureListNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure Number" ::= { enclosureListEntry 2 } enclosureListModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure model" ::= { enclosureListEntry 3 } enclosureListSerialNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure serial number" ::= { enclosureListEntry 4 } enclosureListOemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure oem name" ::= { enclosureListEntry 5 } enclosureListOemValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure oem value" ::= { enclosureListEntry 6 } enclosureListCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure Capacity" ::= { enclosureListEntry 7 } enclosurePack OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enclosure 2 } enclosurePackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosurePackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of EnclosurePackEntry." ::= { enclosurePack 1 } enclosurePackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosurePackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enclosure Pack Row Description" INDEX { enclosureListIndex, enclosurePackID } ::= { enclosurePackTable 1 } EnclosurePackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { enclosurePackID DDMibTableIndexTC } enclosurePackID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Pack information for the enclosure. Applicable to enclosures with packs such as ES60, and not for ES20 or ES30." ::= { enclosurePackEntry 1 } restorer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibProducts 1 } -- generated platform section for Data Domain MIB unknown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 0 } dd200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 1 } dd200Proto OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 2 } dd410 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 3 } dd430 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 4 } dd460 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 5 } dd400g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 6 } dd460g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 7 } dd560 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 8 } dd560g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 9 } dd580 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 10 } dd580g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 11 } dd565 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 12 } dd530 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 13 } dd510 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 14 } dd120 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 15 } dd690 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 16 } dd690g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 17 } dd660 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 18 } dd880 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 19 } dd880g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 20 } dd610 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 21 } dd630 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 22 } dd140 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 23 } dd670 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 24 } dd860 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 25 } dd860g OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 26 } dd890 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 27 } dd640 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 28 } dd620 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 29 } dd160 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 30 } ddintrepid OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 31 } dd4500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 32 } dd7200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 33 } ddve OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 34 } dd990 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 35 } dd2500 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 36 } dd4200 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 37 } ddkoalam1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 38 } apollo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 39 } unset OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { restorer 9999 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- systemHardware -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- network ( -- dns ( -- -- ********************************************************************** dns OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { network 1 } dnsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DNSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of dnsEntry." ::= { dns 1 } dnsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DNSEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DNS Table Row Description" INDEX { dnsIndex } ::= { dnsTable 1 } DNSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dnsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, dnsServer DDMibTableString32TC } dnsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DNS Table Row index" ::= { dnsEntry 1 } dnsServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "DNS Server" ::= { dnsEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- searchDomains -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- network ( -- searchDomains ( -- -- ********************************************************************** searchDomains OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { network 2 } searchDomainsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SearchDomainsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of searchDomainsEntry." ::= { searchDomains 1 } searchDomainsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SearchDomainsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "searchDomains Table Row Description" INDEX { searchDomainsIndex } ::= { searchDomainsTable 1 } SearchDomainsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { searchDomainsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, searchDomainsName DDMibTableString128TC } searchDomainsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "searchDomains Table Row index" ::= { searchDomainsEntry 1 } searchDomainsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "searchDomains Name" ::= { searchDomainsEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- snmpTrapHosts -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- network ( -- snmpTrapHosts ( -- -- ********************************************************************** snmpTrapHosts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { network 3 } snmpTrapHostsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SnmpTrapHostsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of snmp Trap Hosts." ::= { snmpTrapHosts 1 } snmpTrapHostsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpTrapHostsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "snmpTrapHosts Table Row Description" INDEX { snmpTrapHostsIndex } ::= { snmpTrapHostsTable 1 } SnmpTrapHostsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { snmpTrapHostsIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, snmpTrapHostsName DDMibTableString256TC, snmpTrapHostsVersion DDMibTableString32TC } snmpTrapHostsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "snmpTrapHosts Table Row index" ::= { snmpTrapHostsEntry 1 } snmpTrapHostsName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "snmp Trap Hosts Name" ::= { snmpTrapHostsEntry 2 } snmpTrapHostsVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "snmp Trap Hosts Version" ::= { snmpTrapHostsEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- nis -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- network ( -- nis ( -- -- ********************************************************************** nis OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { network 4 } nisDomain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS domain" ::= { nis 1 } nisServers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS servers" ::= { nis 2 } nisAdminGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS admin groups" ::= { nis 3 } nisUserGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS user groups" ::= { nis 4 } nisBackupOperatorGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS backup operator groups" ::= { nis 5 } nisEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableEnabledTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS enabled or not" ::= { nis 6 } nisStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString1024TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "NIS status" ::= { nis 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- managedSystem -- ================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- ddms ( -- managedSystem ( -- -- ********************************************************************** managedSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ddms 1 } managedSystemTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ManagedSystemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table containing entries of managed systems." ::= { managedSystem 1 } managedSystemEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ManagedSystemEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managedSystemTable Row Description" INDEX { managedSystemIndex } ::= { managedSystemTable 1 } ManagedSystemEntry ::= SEQUENCE { managedSystemIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, managedSystemHostname DDMibTableString256TC, managedSystemSerial DDMibTableString32TC, managedSystemState DDMibTableString32TC, managedSystemStatus DDMibTableString32TC, managedSystemDDOSVersion DDMibTableString32TC, managedSystemHDSyncTime DDMibTableString64TC, managedSystemCDSyncTime DDMibTableString64TC } managedSystemIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system Row index" ::= { managedSystemEntry 1 } managedSystemHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system hostname" ::= { managedSystemEntry 2 } managedSystemSerial OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system serial number" ::= { managedSystemEntry 3 } managedSystemState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system state" ::= { managedSystemEntry 4 } managedSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system status" ::= { managedSystemEntry 5 } managedSystemDDOSVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system DDOS version" ::= { managedSystemEntry 6 } managedSystemHDSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system historial data last sync time" ::= { managedSystemEntry 7 } managedSystemCDSyncTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString64TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "managed system system current data last sync time" ::= { managedSystemEntry 8 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- smt -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- smtProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** smtProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 1 } smtStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SmtStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT) feature on a DD System, which enables storage consolidation for multiple tenants on the same appliance. Through this feature, data and control paths on the DD System are logically secured, isolated and confined, creating secure and isolated logical partitions for each tenant- unit within the same appliance." ::= { smtProperties 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 2 } tenantUnitListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the tenant-units within a DD System that has the Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT) feature enabled. It includes the tenant-unit name, the number of tenant specific Management users that have been added, the number of Mtree(s)/ DDBoost Storage Units assigned, and whether Tenant-self-service mode is enabled." ::= { tenantUnitList 1 } tenantUnitListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a tenant-unit within a DD System." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx } ::= { tenantUnitListTable 1 } TenantUnitListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitListIdx DDMibTableIndexTC, tenantUnitListName DDMibTableString256TC, tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtUsers DDMibInteger32TC, tenantUnitListNumberOfMtrees DDMibInteger32TC, tenantUnitListNumberOfDdboostStus DDMibInteger32TC, tenantUnitListTenantSelfServiceMode SmtStatusTC, tenantUnitListParentTenantName DDMibTableString256TC, tenantUnitListType DDMibTableString256TC, tenantUnitListSecurityMode TenantUnitSecurityModeTC, tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtGroups DDMibInteger32TC } tenantUnitListIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of a tenant-unit (SMT management object). This index uniquely identifies the tenant-unit at a given time." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 1 } tenantUnitListName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a tenant-unit. A tenant-unit name consists of letters, numbers, no special characters and can have a length of 254 characters." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 2 } tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtUsers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Tenant specific Management users which have been added to a tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 3 } tenantUnitListNumberOfMtrees OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Mtree(s) which have been assigned to a tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 4 } tenantUnitListNumberOfDdboostStus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of DDBoost Storage Units which have been assigned to a tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 5 } tenantUnitListTenantSelfServiceMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SmtStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of Tenant Self Service Mode. If enabled, administrative access to each tenant is allowed, so that they can monitor and configure their data protection implementation, within the bounds of their allocated objects and features." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 6 } tenantUnitListParentTenantName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tenant name that a tenant-unit is associated with. " ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 7 } tenantUnitListType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString256TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Mtree type of a tenant-unit. " ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 8 } tenantUnitListSecurityMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitSecurityModeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The security mode of a tenant-unit. " ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 9 } tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtGroups OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of Tenant specific Management groups which have been added to a tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitListEntry 10 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitMgmtUserList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitMgmtUserList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitMgmtUserList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 3 } tenantUnitMgmtUserListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the tenant specific management users that have been added to a tenant-unit. Such users may be limited by their role and scope to operate a limited set of operations only on the objects which are assigned-to/associated with their tenant-units. Tenant specific management users may have limited administrative and management capabilities." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtUserList 1 } tenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the management users that have been added to a tenant-unit." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx, tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserName } ::= { tenantUnitMgmtUserListTable 1 } TenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserName DDMibString96TC, tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRole TenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRoleTC } tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a management user which has been added to a tenant- unit. Users may be limited by their roles and may have limited administrative and management capabilities." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry 2 } tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRoleTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of a management user. Roles include tenant-admin and tenant-user." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtUserListEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitMtreeList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitMtreeList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitMtreeList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 4 } tenantUnitMtreeListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitMtreeListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the mtree(s) which have been assigned to a tenant-unit. Mtree logical quotas for soft-limit and hard-limit may be imposed on a tenant-unit and will allow provisioning space for each tenant on a DD System. Data access may be contained within the mtrees belonging to an tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitMtreeList 1 } tenantUnitMtreeListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMtreeListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about an mtree associated with a tenant-unit within a DD System." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx, tenantUnitMtreeListMtreeName } ::= { tenantUnitMtreeListTable 1 } TenantUnitMtreeListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitMtreeListMtreeName DDMibString96TC } tenantUnitMtreeListMtreeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of an mtree that has been assigned to a particular tenant-unit. One tenant-unit (SMT management object) may have multiple mtrees associated with it." ::= { tenantUnitMtreeListEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitDdboostStuList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitDdboostStuList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitDdboostStuList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 5 } tenantUnitDdboostStuListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitDdboostStuListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the DDBoost Storage Units that have been assigned to a tenant-unit. Logical quotas for soft- limit and hard-limit may be imposed on a tenant-unit and will allow provisioning space for each tenant on a DD System. Data access may be contained within the DDBoost Storage Units belonging to a tenant-unit." ::= { tenantUnitDdboostStuList 1 } tenantUnitDdboostStuListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitDdboostStuListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a DDBoost Storage Unit associated with a tenant- unit." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx, tenantUnitDdboostStuListStuName } ::= { tenantUnitDdboostStuListTable 1 } TenantUnitDdboostStuListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitDdboostStuListStuName DDMibString96TC } tenantUnitDdboostStuListStuName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a DDBoost Storage Unit associated with a tenant-unit. One tenant-unit (SMT management object) may have multiple DDBoost Storage Units associated with it." ::= { tenantUnitDdboostStuListEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitAdminIpInfo -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitAdminIpInfo ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitAdminIpInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 6 } tenantUnitAdminIpInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides IP address related information about a tenant-unit administrator." ::= { tenantUnitAdminIpInfo 1 } tenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry of this table represents one set of IP information about a tenant-unit administrator." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx, tenantUnitAdminIpInfoAddr } ::= { tenantUnitAdminIpInfoTable 1 } TenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitAdminIpInfoAddr DDMibString96TC, tenantUnitAdminIpInfoType DDMibString96TC } tenantUnitAdminIpInfoAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address (IPv4/IPv6) of a tenant-unit administrator." ::= { tenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry 2 } tenantUnitAdminIpInfoType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP addresss type of a tenant-unit administrator. Possible values: local or remote." ::= { tenantUnitAdminIpInfoEntry 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantInfo -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantInfo ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 7 } tenantInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides tenant information for the Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT) feature. " ::= { tenantInfo 1 } tenantInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantInfoEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry represents one instance about a tenant that is configured on DD system." INDEX { tenantInfoIdx } ::= { tenantInfoTable 1 } TenantInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantInfoIdx DDMibTableIndexTC, tenantInfoTenantName DDMibString96TC } tenantInfoIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into this table indentifying a particular tenant object." ::= { tenantInfoEntry 1 } tenantInfoTenantName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of this tenant." ::= { tenantInfoEntry 2 } tenantInfoTenantUnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantInfoTenantUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides information about the tenant-unit(s) that are associated with this tenant." ::= { tenantInfo 2 } tenantInfoTenantUnitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantInfoTenantUnitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry represents information about one tenant-unit that is associated with a particular tenant." INDEX { tenantInfoIdx, tenantInfoTenantUnitName } ::= { tenantInfoTenantUnitTable 1 } TenantInfoTenantUnitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantInfoTenantUnitName DDMibString96TC } tenantInfoTenantUnitName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of tenant-unit that is associated with this tenant." ::= { tenantInfoTenantUnitEntry 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- tenantUnitMgmtGroupList -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- smt ( -- tenantUnitMgmtGroupList ( -- -- ********************************************************************** tenantUnitMgmtGroupList OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smt 8 } tenantUnitMgmtGroupListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the tenant specific management groups that have been added to a tenant-unit. Such groups may be limited by their role and scope to operate a limited set of operations only on the objects which are assigned-to/associated with their tenant-units. Tenant specific management groups may have limited administrative and management capabilities." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtGroupList 1 } tenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the management groups that have been added to a tenant-unit." INDEX { tenantUnitListIdx, tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupName } ::= { tenantUnitMgmtGroupListTable 1 } TenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupName DDMibString96TC, tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupRole TenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRoleTC, tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupType TenantUnitMgmtGroupTypeTC } tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a management group which has been added to a tenant- unit. Groups may be limited by their roles and may have limited administrative and management capabilities." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry 2 } tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRoleTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of a management group. Roles include tenant-admin and tenant-group." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry 3 } tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TenantUnitMgmtGroupTypeTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of a management group. Types include all, local, ad, nis and ldap." ::= { tenantUnitMgmtGroupListEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- quotaProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- quota ( -- quotaProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** quotaProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { quota 1 } quotaCapacityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the quota capacity property on a Data Domain System. If enabled quota limits are enforced and administrators can control the logical space consumed on a per-Mtree basis." ::= { quotaProperties 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- quotaCapacity -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- quota ( -- quotaCapacity ( -- -- ********************************************************************** quotaCapacity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { quota 2 } quotaCapacityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF QuotaCapacityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table lists quota capacities for Mtrees and Storage-units. It provides information such as the Mtree name, the Pre-Comp (MiB) size, Soft-Limit (MiB), and Hard-Limit (MiB). It is comprised of entries of quotaCapacityEntry." ::= { quotaCapacity 1 } quotaCapacityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX QuotaCapacityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry containing quota information for Mtrees and Storage-units on the DD System." INDEX { quotaCapacityIndex } ::= { quotaCapacityTable 1 } QuotaCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { quotaCapacityIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, quotaCapacityMtreeName DDMibTableString512TC, quotaCapacityPreCompMiB DDMibTableSizeMiBTC, quotaCapacitySoftLimitMiB DDMibTableSizeMiBTC, quotaCapacityHardLimitMiB DDMibTableSizeMiBTC, quotaCapacityTenantUnit DDMibTableString512TC } quotaCapacityIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of an Mtree or Storage-unit. This index uniquely identifies the entry at a given time." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 1 } quotaCapacityMtreeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the Mtree or Storage-unit for which quota capacity information is provided." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 2 } quotaCapacityPreCompMiB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeMiBTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Pre-Comp (MiB) size of the Mtree or Storage-unit. This is the amount of data written before compression." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 3 } quotaCapacitySoftLimitMiB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeMiBTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Soft-Limit (MiB) quota for the Mtree or Storage-unit. Soft quotas provide only an alert when quota limits are reached, and the backup job is allowed to complete so that the administrator can take corrective actions that are convenient to the organization." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 4 } quotaCapacityHardLimitMiB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableSizeMiBTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Hard-Limit (MiB) quota for the Mtree or Storage-unit. Hard quotas provide a stricter enforcement model than soft quotas by failing the backup jobs or I/O when quota limits are reached." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 5 } quotaCapacityTenantUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Tenant-unit to which this Mtree or Storage-unit is assigned. Tenant-units allow for secure and isolated logical partitions within an appliance and are part of the Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT) feature." ::= { quotaCapacityEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- highAvailability -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- highAvailability ( -- highAvailabilityStatus ( -- -- ********************************************************************** highAvailabilityStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { highAvailability 1 } haSystemName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability System Name" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 1 } haSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaSystemStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability System Status" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 2 } haInterconnectStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability Interconnect Status" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 3 } haPrimaryHeartbeatStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability Primary Heartbeat Status" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 4 } haExternalLanHeartbeatStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability External LAN Heartbeat Status" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 5 } haHardwareCompatibilityCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability Hardware Compatibility Check" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 6 } haSoftwareVersionCheck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "High Availability Software Version Check" ::= { highAvailabilityStatus 7 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- highAvailabilityNode -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- highAvailability ( -- highAvailabilityNode ( -- -- ********************************************************************** highAvailabilityNode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { highAvailability 2 } highAvailabilityNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HighAvailabilityNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides high availability node information. " ::= { highAvailabilityNode 1 } highAvailabilityNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HighAvailabilityNodeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry represents one instance about a high availability node. " INDEX { highAvailabilityNodeIdx } ::= { highAvailabilityNodeTable 1 } HighAvailabilityNodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { highAvailabilityNodeIdx DDMibTableIndexTC, highAvailabilityNodeName DDMibTableString128TC, highAvailabilityNodeId DDMibTableString128TC, highAvailabilityNodeRole DDMibTableString128TC, highAvailabilityNodeState DDMibTableString128TC, highAvailabilityNodeHealth HaStatusTC } highAvailabilityNodeIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into this table indentifying a particular node." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 1 } highAvailabilityNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of a high availability node." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 2 } highAvailabilityNodeId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ID of a high availability node." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 3 } highAvailabilityNodeRole OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The role of a high availability node." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 4 } highAvailabilityNodeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of a high availability node." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 5 } highAvailabilityNodeHealth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The health of the high availability node's resources." ::= { highAvailabilityNodeEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- highAvailabilityComponent -- ========================= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- highAvailability ( -- highAvailabilityComponent ( -- -- ********************************************************************** highAvailabilityComponent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { highAvailability 3 } highAvailabilityComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HighAvailabilityComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides high availability component information. " ::= { highAvailabilityComponent 1 } highAvailabilityComponentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HighAvailabilityComponentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry represents one instance about a high availability component. " INDEX { highAvailabilityComponentIdx } ::= { highAvailabilityComponentTable 1 } HighAvailabilityComponentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { highAvailabilityComponentIdx DDMibTableIndexTC, highAvailabilityComponentName DDMibTableString128TC, highAvailabilityComponentState HaStatusTC } highAvailabilityComponentIdx OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index into this table indentifying a particular component." ::= { highAvailabilityComponentEntry 1 } highAvailabilityComponentName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString128TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the component." ::= { highAvailabilityComponentEntry 2 } highAvailabilityComponentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HaStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the component." ::= { highAvailabilityComponentEntry 3 } -- ************************************************************ ********** -- -- scsitargetProperties -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetProperties ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetProperties OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 1 } scsitargetAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Admin State" ::= { scsitargetProperties 1 } scsitargetProcessState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Process State" ::= { scsitargetProperties 2 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- scsitargetGroup -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetGroup ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 2 } scsitargetGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Table" ::= { scsitargetGroup 1 } scsitargetGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetGroupEntry" INDEX { scsitargetGroupIndex } ::= { scsitargetGroupTable 1 } ScsitargetGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetGroupIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetGroupName DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetGroupService DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetGroupActiveState DDMibString96TC, scsitargetGroupNumInitiators DDMibInteger32TC, scsitargetGroupNumDevices DDMibInteger32TC } scsitargetGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Index" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 1 } scsitargetGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Name" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 2 } scsitargetGroupService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Service" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 3 } scsitargetGroupActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Active State" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 4 } scsitargetGroupNumInitiators OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Number of Initiators" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 5 } scsitargetGroupNumDevices OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibInteger32TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Group Number of Devices" ::= { scsitargetGroupEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- scsitargetInitiator -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetInitiator ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetInitiator OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 3 } scsitargetInitiatorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetInitiatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Table" ::= { scsitargetInitiator 1 } scsitargetInitiatorEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetInitiatorEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetInitiatorEntry" INDEX { scsitargetInitiatorIndex } ::= { scsitargetInitiatorTable 1 } ScsitargetInitiatorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetInitiatorIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetInitiatorName DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorSystemAddress DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorGroup DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorService DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorAddressMethod DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorTransport DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorFcWwpn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorFcWwnn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorFcSymbolicPortName DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetInitiatorIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Index" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 1 } scsitargetInitiatorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Name" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 2 } scsitargetInitiatorSystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator System Address" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 3 } scsitargetInitiatorGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Group" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 4 } scsitargetInitiatorService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Service" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 5 } scsitargetInitiatorAddressMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Address Method" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 6 } scsitargetInitiatorTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Transport" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 7 } scsitargetInitiatorFcWwpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Fc Wwpn" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 8 } scsitargetInitiatorFcWwnn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Fc Wwnn" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 9 } scsitargetInitiatorFcSymbolicPortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Fc Symbolic Port Name" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEntry 10 } scsitargetInitiatorEndpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Endpoint Table" ::= { scsitargetInitiator 2 } scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry" INDEX { scsitargetInitiatorEndpIndex } ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEndpTable 1 } ScsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetInitiatorEndpIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetInitiatorEndpInitiator DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorEndpEndpoint DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetInitiatorEndpStatus DDMibString96TC } scsitargetInitiatorEndpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Endpoint Index" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry 1 } scsitargetInitiatorEndpInitiator OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry 2 } scsitargetInitiatorEndpEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Endpoint" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry 3 } scsitargetInitiatorEndpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Initiator Endpoint Status" ::= { scsitargetInitiatorEndpEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- scsitargetEndpoint -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetEndpoint ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetEndpoint OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 4 } scsitargetEndpointTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetEndpointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Table" ::= { scsitargetEndpoint 1 } scsitargetEndpointEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetEndpointEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetEndpointEntry" INDEX { scsitargetEndpointIndex } ::= { scsitargetEndpointTable 1 } ScsitargetEndpointEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetEndpointIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetEndpointName DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointCurrentSystemAddress DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointPrimarySystemAddress DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointSecondarySystemAddress DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointEnabled DDStatusTC, scsitargetEndpointStatus DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointTransport DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointFcWwnn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetEndpointFcWwpn DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetEndpointIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Index" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 1 } scsitargetEndpointName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Name" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 2 } scsitargetEndpointCurrentSystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Current System Address" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 3 } scsitargetEndpointPrimarySystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Primary System Address" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 4 } scsitargetEndpointSecondarySystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Secondary System Address" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 5 } scsitargetEndpointEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Enabled" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 6 } scsitargetEndpointStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Status" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 7 } scsitargetEndpointTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Transport" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 8 } scsitargetEndpointFcWwnn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Fc Wwnn" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 9 } scsitargetEndpointFcWwpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Endpoint Fc Wwpn" ::= { scsitargetEndpointEntry 10 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- scsitargetPort -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetPort ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetPort OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 5 } scsitargetPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Table" ::= { scsitargetPort 1 } scsitargetPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetPortEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetPortEntry" INDEX { scsitargetPortIndex } ::= { scsitargetPortTable 1 } ScsitargetPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetPortIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetPortSystemAddress DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortEnabled DDStatusTC, scsitargetPortStatus DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortTransport DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortOperationalStatus DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcNpiv DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortPortId DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortModel DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFirmware DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcBaseWwnn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcBaseWwpn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwnn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwpn DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcp2Retry DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortConnectionType DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortLinkSpeed DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortFcTopology DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Index" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 1 } scsitargetPortSystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port System Address" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 2 } scsitargetPortEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Enabled" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 3 } scsitargetPortStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Status" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 4 } scsitargetPortTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Transport" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 5 } scsitargetPortOperationalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Operational Status" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 6 } scsitargetPortFcNpiv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Npiv" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 7 } scsitargetPortPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Port Id" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 8 } scsitargetPortModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Model" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 9 } scsitargetPortFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Firmware" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 10 } scsitargetPortFcBaseWwnn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Base Wwnn" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 11 } scsitargetPortFcBaseWwpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Base Wwpn" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 12 } scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwnn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Current Wwnn" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 13 } scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Current Wwpn" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 14 } scsitargetPortFcp2Retry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fcp2 Retry" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 15 } scsitargetPortConnectionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitarget Port Connection Type" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 16 } scsitargetPortLinkSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Link Speed" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 17 } scsitargetPortFcTopology OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Fc Topology" ::= { scsitargetPortEntry 18 } scsitargetPortEndpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetPortEndpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint Table" ::= { scsitargetPort 2 } scsitargetPortEndpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetPortEndpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetPortEndpEntry" INDEX { scsitargetPortEndpIndex } ::= { scsitargetPortEndpTable 1 } ScsitargetPortEndpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetPortEndpIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetPortEndpPort DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortEndpEndpoint DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetPortEndpEnabled DDStatusTC, scsitargetPortEndpStatus DDMibString96TC, scsitargetPortEndpCurrentInstance DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetPortEndpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint Index" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 1 } scsitargetPortEndpPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 2 } scsitargetPortEndpEndpoint OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 3 } scsitargetPortEndpEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDStatusTC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint Enabled" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 4 } scsitargetPortEndpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint Status" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 5 } scsitargetPortEndpCurrentInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Port Endpoint Current Instance" ::= { scsitargetPortEndpEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- scsitargetDevice -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibObjects ( -- scsitarget ( -- scsitargetDevice ( -- -- ********************************************************************** scsitargetDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scsitarget 6 } scsitargetDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Table" ::= { scsitargetDevice 1 } scsitargetDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetDeviceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetDeviceEntry" INDEX { scsitargetDeviceIndex } ::= { scsitargetDeviceTable 1 } ScsitargetDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetDeviceIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetDeviceName DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceService DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceActiveState DDMibString96TC, scsitargetDeviceAddress DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Index" ::= { scsitargetDeviceEntry 1 } scsitargetDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Name" ::= { scsitargetDeviceEntry 2 } scsitargetDeviceService OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Service" ::= { scsitargetDeviceEntry 3 } scsitargetDeviceActiveState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibString96TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Active State" ::= { scsitargetDeviceEntry 4 } scsitargetDeviceAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Address" ::= { scsitargetDeviceEntry 5 } scsitargetDeviceGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ScsitargetDeviceGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Table" ::= { scsitargetDevice 2 } scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ScsitargetDeviceGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry" INDEX { scsitargetDeviceGrpIndex } ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpTable 1 } ScsitargetDeviceGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { scsitargetDeviceGrpIndex DDMibTableIndexTC, scsitargetDeviceGrpDevice DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceGrpGroupName DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceGrpLun DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceGrpPrimaryEndpoints DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceGrpSecondaryEndpoints DDMibTableString512TC, scsitargetDeviceGrpInUseEndpoints DDMibTableString512TC } scsitargetDeviceGrpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableIndexTC MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Index" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 1 } scsitargetDeviceGrpDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 2 } scsitargetDeviceGrpGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Name" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 3 } scsitargetDeviceGrpLun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Lun" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 4 } scsitargetDeviceGrpPrimaryEndpoints OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Primary Endpoints" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 5 } scsitargetDeviceGrpSecondaryEndpoints OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group Secondary Endpoints" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 6 } scsitargetDeviceGrpInUseEndpoints OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DDMibTableString512TC MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Scsitarget Device Group In Use Endpoints" ::= { scsitargetDeviceGrpEntry 7 } -- -- Common Notifications -- ==================== -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibNotifications ( -- -- ********************************************************************** dataDomainMibTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibNotifications 0 } powerSupplyFailedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: Power Supply failed What to do: replace the power supply" ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 1 } systemOverheatWarningAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tempSensorDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of one of the thermometers in the Chassis has exceeded the 'warning' temperature level. If it continues to rise, it may eventually trigger a shutdown of the DDR. The index value of the alarm indicates the thermometer index that may be looked up in the environmentals table 'temperatures' for more information about the actual thermometer reading the high value. What to do: check the Fan status, temperatures of the environment in which the DDR is, and other factors which may increase the temperature." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 2 } systemOverheatAlertAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tempSensorDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of one of the thermometers in the Chassis is more than halfway between the 'warning' and 'shutdown' temperature levels. If it continues to rise, it may eventually trigger a shutdown of the DDR. The index value of the alarm indicates the thermometer index that may be looked up in the environmentals table 'temperatures' for more information about the actual thermometer reading the high value. What to do: check the Fan status, temperatures of the environment in which the DDR is, and other factors which may increase the system temperature." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 3 } systemOverheatShutdownAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tempSensorDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of one of the thermometers in the Chassis has reached or exceeded the 'shutdown' temperature level. The DDR will be shutdown to prevent damage to the system. The index value of the alarm indicates the thermometer index that may be looked up in the environmentals table 'temperatures' for more information about the actual thermometer reading the high value. What to do: Once the system has been brought back up, after checking for high environment temperatures or other factors which may increase the system temperature, check other environmental values, such as Fan Status, Disk Temperatures, etc..." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 4 } fanModuleFailedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fanDescription } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: a Fan Module in the enclosure has failed. The index of the fan is given as the index of the alarm. This same index can be looked up in the environmentals table 'fanProperies' for more information about which fan has failed. What to do: replace the fan" ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5 } nvramFailingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: The system has detected that the NVRAM is potentially failing. There has been an excessive amount of PCI or Memory errors. The nvram tables 'nvramProperties' and 'nvramStats' may provide for information on why the NVRAM is failing. What to do: check the status of the NVRAM after reboot, and replace if the errors continue." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6 } fileSystemFailedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: The File System process on the DDR has had a serious problem and has had to restart. What to do: check the system logs for conditions that may be triggering the failure. Other alarms may also indicate why the File System is having problems." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7 } fileSpaceMaintenanceAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fileSystemResourceName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: DDVAR File System Resource Space is running low for system maintenance activities. The system may not have enough space for the routine system activities to run without error. What to do: Delete unneeded files, such as old log files, support bundles, core files, upgrade rpm files stored in the /ddvar file system." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 8 } fileSpacePreWarningAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fileSystemResourceName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: A File System Resource space is 80-85% utilized. While not critical, the space usage should be monitored. The index value of the alarm indicates the file system index that may be looked up in the fileSystem table 'fileSystemSpace' for more information about the actual FS that is getting full. What to do: no action is necessary, but the file system should be monitored more closely as it grows more full. Further alarms will be sent when and if the file system space is approaching very full." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 9 } fileSpaceWarningAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fileSystemResourceName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: A File System Resource space is 90% utilized. The index value of the alarm indicates the file system index that may be looked up in the fileSystem table 'fileSystemSpace' for more information about the actual FS that is getting full. What to do: Delete unneeded files, such as old log files, support bundles, core files, upgrade rpm files stored in the /ddvar file system. Consider upgrading the hardware or adding shelves to high-end units. Reducing the retention times for backup data can also help. When files are deleted from outside of the /ddvar space, filesys clean will have to be done before the space is recovered." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10 } fileSpaceSevereAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fileSystemResourceName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: A File System Resource space is 95% utilized. The index value of the alarm indicates the file system index that may be looked up in the fileSystem table 'fileSystemSpace' for more information about the actual FS that is getting full. What to do: Delete unneeded files, such as old log files, support bundles, core files, upgrade rpm files stored in the /ddvar file system. Consider upgrading the hardware or adding shelves to high-end units. Reducing the retention times for backup data can also help. When files are deleted from outside of the /ddvar space, filesys clean will have to be done before the space is recovered." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 11 } fileSpaceCriticalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { fileSystemResourceName } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: A File System Resource space is 100% utilized. The index value of the alarm indicates the file system index that may be looked up in the fileSystem table 'fileSystemSpace' for more information about the actual FS that is full. What to do: Delete unneeded files, such as old log files, support bundles, core files, upgrade rpm files stored in the /ddvar file system. Consider upgrading the hardware or adding shelves to high-end units. Reducing the retention times for backup data can also help. When files are deleted from outside of the /ddvar space, filesys clean will have to be done before the space is recovered." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 12 } diskFailedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskSerialNumber } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: some problem has been detected about the indicated disk. The index value of the alarm indicates the disk index that may be looked up in the disk tables 'diskProperties', 'diskPerformance', and 'diskReliability' for more information about the actual disk that has failed. What to do: replace the disk." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 14 } diskOverheatWarningAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskTemperature } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of the indicated disk has exceeded the 'warning' temperature level. If it continues to rise, it may eventually trigger a shutdown of the DDR. The index value of the alarm indicates the disk index that may be looked up in the disk tables 'diskProperties', 'diskPerformance', and 'diskReliability' for more information about the actual disk reading the high value. What to do: check the disk status, temperatures of the environment in which the DDR is, and other factors which may increase the temperature." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 15 } diskOverheatAlertAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskTemperature } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of the indicated disk is more than halfway between the 'warning' and 'shutdown' temperature levels. If it continues to rise, it will trigger a shutdown of the DDR. The index value of the alarm indicates the disk index that may be looked up in the disk tables 'diskProperties', 'diskPerformance', and 'diskReliability' for more information about the actual disk reading the high value. What to do: check the disk status, temperatures of the environment in which the DDR is, and other factors which may increase the temperature. If the temperature continues stays at this level or rises, and no other disks are reading this trouble, consider 'failing' the disk, and get a replacement." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 16 } diskOverheatShutdownAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskTemperature } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the temperature reading of the indicated disk has surpassed the 'shutdown' temperature level. The DDR will be shutdown. The index value of the alarm indicates the disk index that may be looked up in the disk tables 'diskProperties', 'diskPerformance', and 'diskReliability' for more information about the actual disk reading the high value. What to do: Boot the DDR and monitor the status and temperatures. If the same disk has continued problems, consider 'failing' it and get a replacement disk." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 17 } raidReconSevereAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: A raid group is MAX degraded with no reconstruction after less than 71 hours or A disk group is degraded with none max degraded with no reconstruction. This alarm is sent every 1 hour until 71 hours after which raidReconCriticalAlarm or raidReconCriticalShutdown alarm is generated. This can happen due to a disk failing at run-time or boot-time. What to do: while it is still possible that the reconstruction could succeed, the disk should be replaced to ensure data safety." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 18 } raidReconCriticalAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: Raid group is MAX degraded with no reconstruction after 71 hours. This can happen due to a disk failing at run-time or boot-up. What to do: the disk should be replaced to ensure data safety." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 19 } raidReconCriticalShutdownAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: Raid group is MAX degraded with no reconstruction after 71 hours. This can happen due to a disk failing at run-time or boot-up. What to do: the disk must be replaced." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 20 } raidGroupMissingAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: one or more raid groups are missing. What to do: disk may need replacement, or raid administration may be necessary." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 21 } diskNoSpareAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: there is no spare available for the raid group. What to do: disk may need replacement, or raid administration may be necessary." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 22 } diskPathAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskSerialNumber } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: multipath configuration is experiencing a problem. The number of paths set up is less than the required number of paths. Disk index is the first disk in the enclosure with multipath. What to do: multipath disk administration may be necessary." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 23 } diskSASAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: SAS configuration error. Maximum enclosures has been reached, or there is a topology problem. What to do: SAS configuration documentation should be consulted. administration may be necessary." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 24 } diskSASHBAAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskSerialNumber } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: Unsupported multi-path setting is enabled in the hba firmware. What to do: contact Data Domain support." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 25 } snapshotFullAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: maximum number of snapshots has been reached. What to do: expire some old snapshots to make room." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 26 } snapshotHWMAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the number of snapshots has exceeded a predefined percentage (current 90%) of the maximum. What to do: begin expiring snapshots so that the maximum is not reached." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 27 } clusterNodeAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: node is not reachable on any network interface. What to do: check status of network and wiring. if that fails, try rebooting the node." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 28 } clusterInterfaceAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: one interface of the cluster node is down. What to do: check status of network and wiring. if that fails, try rebooting the node." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 29 } replSyncAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { replStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: a replication context is disabled due to nvram loss. What to do: break replication on source and destination, then reconfigure them and run replication sync." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 30 } systemStartupAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: system has rebooted or started. this does not indicate any abnormal activity. What to do: nothing, unless reboot was triggered by other abnormal conditions, such as temperature, fan or power problems." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 31 } filesysRelaunchAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: file system has undergone too many relaunches. it is probably unstable. What to do: consult system logs. software or hardware restart may fix the malfunction." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 32 } filesysDDGCFailedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: DDGC cleaning process has failed. What to do: consult system logs. software or hardware restart may fix the malfunction." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 33 } filesysGeneralProblemAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: a general problem has occurred with the file system. What to do: consult system logs. software or hardware restart may fix the malfunction." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 34 } diskUnsupportedAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { diskSerialNumber } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: the model of the disk is unsupported by current DD platform. The index value of the alarm indicates the disk index that may be looked up in the disk tables 'diskProperties', 'diskPerformance', and 'diskReliability' for more information about the actual disk. What to do: replace the disk." ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 35 } eventIPMIUnmanageAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Meaning: IPMI unmanaged alert detected. What to do: check alert message" ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 36 } -- autogenerated notifications here -- generated notifications generatedNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { cpismissing, controllerUnreachableAlert, controllerIfaceUnreachableAlert, containerMarkedInvalid, cMTaskEnded, correctableECCLimitReached, uncorrectableECCerror, dIMMFailure, compromisedEncryptionKeys, newEncryptionKey, encryptionKeyTableFull, encryptionKeyExportFailed, insufficientSpaceForEncryption, corruptEncryptionKeys, legacyChassisTempWarning, legacyChassisTempCritical, legacyPowerSupplyWarning, legacyFanWarning, powerSupplyWarning, fanWarning, voltageWarning, powerWarning, correctECCWarning, processorWarning, powerUnitWarning, unCorrectECCWarning, chassisSensorCritical, chassisTempWarning, chassisTempCritical, cPUFailureWarning, legacyBMCHangCritical, bMCHangCritical, abnormalShutdown, smiMrc, bMCPartialHang, fanFault, powerSupplyInputFault, powerSupplyFailure, powerSupplyAbsent, unsupportedACVoltage, iOModuleFault, iOModuleInserted, mgmtModuleFault, sPFault, chassisFailure, forcedControllerShutdown, systemReset, enclosureHighTemp, unsupportedSystemType, bMCHangShutdown, bMCFailure, unsupportedHardwareConfig, unsupportedVirtualCPU, unsupportedPowerSupply, openFanDrawer, memoryRiserFault, bMCFailureSysBBU, unsupportedEnclosurePSU, pCILinkDegraded, invalidHardwareCritical, invalidHardwareWarning, correctableErrorWarning, generalHardwareFailure, targetDriverPortOffline, targetDriverPortOnline, targetDriverPortCore, targetDriverPortMultipleCore, targetDriverPortFWLoadFailed, targetDriverPortUnreadable, targetDriverPortTooManyOsc, tooManyRelaunches, filesystemProblem, dDFSFailedInShutdown, dDFSNoHeartbeat, dDFSDiedAfterReboot, dDFSDied, dDFSRebooted, dDFSRebootedDisabled, indexRebuildComplete, filesystemNVRAMDataLoss, recoverFromNVRAMFailed, dDFSRequiresReboot, metadataWarningThreshold, filesystemCorruption, physicalCapacityMeasurementTasksLost, physicalCapacityMeasurementTasksLostMTree, physicalCapacityMeasurementScheduleFailed, uncertifiedFirmware, fileMigrationError, cleaningError, hAdegraded, hAofflineErrors, hATimeOutOfSync, historicalDatabaseRecoverError, historicalDatabaseBackupError, historicalDatabaseUpgradeError, historicalDatabasePruneError, noHistoricalDatabaseError, historicalDatabaseFailoverError, hDTFileTransferFailed, hDTSystemError, spuriousInterruptDisabled, licenseExpiring, licenseExpired, dIMMFailureAlert, memoryAlert, portPathDisabled, diskPathRedundancy, missingPortConnection, missingLunPath, missingDiskPath, missingEnclosurePath, interfaceConnectivityDown, interfaceConnectivityIntermittent, interfaceMisconfiguration, interfaceConnectivityUpAndRunning, duplicateAddressDetection, invalidNICSlot, unsupportedNIC, tcpZeroWindowAlert, dNSUnresponsive, nISCommFailure, iOModuleMacFault, missingSlaveInterface, nTPDFailed, nvramWarning, nvramBatteryAlert, nvramErrorAlert, nvramBatteryLowChargeAlert, ext3NvlogDisabled, nvramHWAlert, nvramBattAlert, nvramEnvAlert, nvramCondAlert, nvramEventHWAlert, nvramBattEndOfLife, phyalert, mtreeQuotaSoftLimit, mtreeQuotaHardLimit, storageUnitStreamSoftLimit, replProgressThreshholdReached, replNeedResync, replLogFull, replIncompatibleWorm, replDestNotConfigured, replLagThreshholdReached, replPathTooLong, missingCreplUnits, mtreeCascadeNeedResync, insecureEncryptedReplication, suspendedMReplMissingUnits, sASEnclosureCheck, sASTopologyCheck, sASPortDisabled, sASHBAFailure, sASHBAErrors, unsupportedSASDevice, invalidEnclosureTopology, diskPathSpeedDegraded, enclosureMixType, enclosureMixDriveType, sCSITGTInvalidRegistry, sSLCertificateCorrupted, unusableHostCertificate, missingHostCertificate, expiredHostCertificate, sMSUnresponsive, mailserverError, snapshotOver90Percent, snapshotLimitReached, sNTZMultipleIterations, coredumpWarning, coredumpDisabled, spaceOver80Percent, spaceOver90Percent, spaceReclRestartFailed, spaceReclMissingUnit, spaceReclUnitReclaimed, spaceReclError, spaceReclSuspended, spaceReclUnitError, diskAccessError, diskFailure, diskTemperatureWarning, diskTemperatureShutdown, unsupportedHardwareSpareSize, missingDiskGroup, diskGroupReconstructionNoProgress, diskGroupReconstruction, diskGroupReconstructionShutdown, diskGroupReconstructionCritical, diskUnknown, lowSpares, unsupportedConfigurationROL, foreignEnclosure, sSDEndOfLife, multipleDiskReadErrors, unsupportedDriveModel, driveMixType, missingTierStorage, storageMigrationCopyComplete, storageMigrationCannotResume, storageMigrationUserSuspend, foreignPack, upgradeFailure, upgradeCompleted, upgradeInProgress, vDiskSCSITargetMismatch, tapeReposition, duplicateVTLPoolNames, vTLEnabled, vTLDisabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing notifications, automatically generated by build." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 5000 } cpismissing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An archive unit is missing which could result in failure to access files in that unit. Action: - check power connection of each shelf. - check data cables of each shelf. - if a hardware problem is found and fixed, restart the files system and verify that the archive unit is online. - If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5500 } controllerUnreachableAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This is a GDA event raised by the Master controller when it fails to reach a Worker controller for more than 5 minutes. An unreachable Worker controller implies none of the Worker controller interfaces are pingable from the Master controller. Action: Check the status of network interfaces on both controllers. Check network connectivity between the Master and Worker controller. Make sure all cables are securely connected. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5002 } controllerIfaceUnreachableAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This is a GDA event raised by the Master controller when it fails to reach a particular Worker controller interface for more than 5 minutes. An unreachable interface implies that it is not pingable from its Master controller equivalent interface. Action: Check network interface status on both controllers. Check network connectivity between the Master and Worker controller. Make sure all cables are securely connected. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5003 } containerMarkedInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The restorer filesystem has detected a data integrity check failure due to hardware/software problems. There is potential for data loss or corruption and needs immediate attention. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5501 } cMTaskEnded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A long running task has ended. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10503 } correctableECCLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Single bit correctable ECC limit reached. Action: Replace the failed DIMM(s). Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5004 } uncorrectableECCerror NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Multi bit uncorrectable ECC error. Action: Replace the failed DIMM(s). Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5005 } dIMMFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fault has been detected on a memory card. The memory may no longer be usable by the system and the system may not function with the reduced memory capacity. Action: The failing memory card must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6525 } compromisedEncryptionKeys NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Data on disk may be at risk of disclosure. Data encrypted with the compromised keys should be re-encrypted before shipping the disks. One can get the list of compromised keys either from CLI or Enterprise Manager. Action: Start file system cleaning to re-encrypt the affected data. For extended retention systems, run space reclamation to re-encrypt affected data in the archive tier. Note, these operations will take a long time to complete. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6001 } newEncryptionKey NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Old key is still used for encrypting new data. The file system needs to be restarted to activate the new key. Action: Restart the filesystem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6002 } encryptionKeyTableFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Encryption key table is full. No new keys can be added until some keys are deleted. Action: Free up key table space by deleting an unused key and then add the new key. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6003 } encryptionKeyExportFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The automatic export of the encryption keys failed. This could result in encrypted data being inaccessible. Action: Manually export the encryption keys. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6540 } insufficientSpaceForEncryption NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Additional space is needed on the archive tier to encrypt the existing data. Free space up to 1% of data size may be required. Un-encrypted data will not get encrypted until sufficient space is available. Action: Make free space available in the archive tier by doing one or all of the following: 1. Delete any unwanted data in archive tier and run space-reclamation to reclaim free space. 2. Expand the archive unit by adding some storage, and run space-reclamation. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7515 } corruptEncryptionKeys NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: File system was locked as the encryption keys cannot not be validated. One or more encryption keys could be corrupt. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10009 } legacyChassisTempWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current temperature sensor reading exceeds warning threshold. Action: Monitor temperature readings. If alert persists, check ambient room temperature and for blocked air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5006 } legacyChassisTempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current temperature sensor reading exceeds critical threshold. Action: Check ambient room temperature and for blocked air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5007 } legacyPowerSupplyWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, powerModuleDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A power supply has failed, is unplugged, or absent. Action: Check power supply cables and LED. Replace with other working power supply. If there are outstanding alerts for all power supplies in an enclosure, the system must be shutdown before replacing any power supply. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5008 } legacyFanWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fan has failed. Action: Check for any failed fan. If failed, replace with new fan. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5009 } powerSupplyWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A power supply has failed, is unplugged, or absent. Action: Check power supply cables and LED. Replace with other working power supply. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5010 } fanWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fan has failed or is missing. Action: Check for any failed or missing fan. Reseat the fan. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5011 } voltageWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Voltage sensor reading exceeds warning threshold. Action: If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5012 } powerWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current power consumption reading exceeds warning threshold. Action: If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5013 } correctECCWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Memory correctable ECC errors exceed warning threshold. Action: These memory errors are automatically corrected by the system. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5014 } processorWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Processor status sensor alert. Action: If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5016 } powerUnitWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This event is expected after power off, power cycle, or AC power loss event. Action: If this alert is not expected, check power cords and AC power. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5017 } unCorrectECCWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Memory uncorrectable ECC error alert. Action: If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5018 } chassisSensorCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current sensor reading or state exceeds critical condition. Action: Check the specific alert message for information. Monitor temperature readings. If alert persists, check ambient room temperature and for blocked air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5020 } chassisTempWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current temperature sensor reading exceeds warning threshold. Action: Monitor temperature readings. If alert persists, check ambient room temperature and for blocked air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5021 } chassisTempCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current temperature sensor reading exceeds critical threshold. Action: Check ambient room temperature and for blocked air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5022 } cPUFailureWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DDOS has detected a fault with the indicated CPU. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5023 } legacyBMCHangCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: While BMC is unresponsive, environmental monitoring and remote access via IPMI is not operational. This could mask serious problems such as overheating. Action: Use CLI or Enterprise Manager to check fan, voltage, and power supply readings. If the system fails to fetch the readings, gracefully shut down the system and pull out all power cables to reset BMC. Wait until all LEDS are off. Reinsert the power cables and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5024 } bMCHangCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: While BMC is unresponsive, environmental monitoring and remote access via IPMI is not operational. This could mask serious problems such as overheating. Action: Use CLI or Enterprise Manager to check fan, voltage, and power supply readings. If the system fails to fetch the readings, gracefully shut down the system and pull out all power cables to reset BMC. Wait until all LEDS are off. Reinsert the power cables and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5025 } abnormalShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The system has been shutdown by abnormal method, i.e. not by one of the following: 1) Via IPMI chassis control command 2) Via power button 3) Via OS shutdown Action: This alert is expected after loss of AC (main power) event. If this shutdown is not expected and persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5026 } smiMrc NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: BIOS SMI MRC interrupt Action: Check if system memory size has been decreased due to a DIMM has been disabled. If yes, replace the bad DIMM. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5502 } bMCPartialHang NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: BMC firmware is not responsive. Action: Use CLI or Enterprise Manager to check fan, voltage, and power supply readings. If the system fails to fetch the readings, gracefully shut down the system and pull out all power cables to reset BMC. Wait until all LEDS are off. Reinsert the power cables and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6015 } fanFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A hardware fault has been detected in an enclosure cooling fan. This may allow the enclosure to overheat. Action: The fan must be replaced. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6517 } powerSupplyInputFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A power loss has been detected in an enclosure power supply. This can be caused by a loss of AC power to one power supply. Action: Check if AC main power is available to the system. Check if power supply cables are properly connected. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to replace the power supply. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6518 } powerSupplyFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A power loss has been detected in an enclosure power supply. This can be caused by a failure in the power supply. Action: Power supply needs to be replaced. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6519 } powerSupplyAbsent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An enclosure power supply is absent. Action: Power supply needs to be replaced. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6520 } unsupportedACVoltage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The power supply for this enclosure is connected to an unsupported AC voltage. The system may operate at a reduced capacity or unexpectedly shut down. Action: Replace the input power with the supported voltage. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6521 } iOModuleFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fault has been detected with an I/O module and it will not function correctly. Action: The I/O module must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6522 } iOModuleInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An I/O module has been inserted during system runtime. The I/O module will not be powered on until the system is restarted. Action: Restart the system to activate this module. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6523 } mgmtModuleFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fault has been detected in the management I/O module. Management functions requiring the I/O module will not work. Action: The management I/O module must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6524 } sPFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fault has been detected on the storage processor. The system may experience unexpected behavior. Action: The failed storage processor must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6526 } chassisFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A fault has been detected in one of the chassis components. The system may experience unexpected behavior. Action: The chassis must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6527 } forcedControllerShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An environmental condition or hardware fault has been detected that may cause significant damage to the hardware or possible data loss, and the system unit is being shut down. Action: Check the environment, If the system environment is at a normal state, restart the system and review the alert history to determine the source of the problem. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6528 } systemReset NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A critical failure caused the system to unexpectedly shut down. The system was able to boot successfully either because the fault was corrected, the fault was transient, or the system was able to boot without the component causing the fault. Action: Review the system for earlier alerts to determine the cause of the unexpected shut down. Check the system inventory to verify all components are configured as expected. If this alert is issued again, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6529 } enclosureHighTemp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The temperature inside the enclosure is high and has exceeded the warning threshold.If no action is taken and the temperature continue to increase, the system will shut down. Action: If the temperature around the system unit is within the documented operating limits and the air flow is not blocked, Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6535 } unsupportedSystemType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An unsupported system type has been detected and needs to be modified or replaced. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6536 } bMCHangShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: While BMC is unresponsive, environmental monitoring and remote access via IPMI is not operational. This could mask serious problems such as overheating. Action: After the system is shut down, pull out all power cables from the controller to reset BMC. Wait until all LEDs are off, reinsert the power cables, and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6537 } bMCFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: BMC is unresponsive or unable to access some required information. This may be corrected by a BMC reset procedure. If the condition is serious, the file system will be disabled. Action: Shut the system down and pull out all power cables from the controller to reset BMC. Wait until all LEDs are off, reinsert the power cables, and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7000 } unsupportedHardwareConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unsupported virtual machine hardware configuration was detected. This configuration may cause unexpected behavior. Action: Fix the hardware configuration to resolve the problem. If problem persists, restart the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7502 } unsupportedVirtualCPU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The current number of CPU sockets and cores in the virtual machine configuration is not valid for the current storage capacity. The file system will not be enabled. Action: Power off this virtual machine instance and change the virtual machine configuration to match the supported values. If you made this change to add storage capacity, you must add the additional capacity before enabling the file system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7503 } unsupportedPowerSupply NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The installed power supply is an unsupported model. The system may exhibit unexpected behavior. Action: Replace the power supply with a supported model. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10001 } openFanDrawer NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Fan drawer is not closed securely. Failure to secure the fan drawer may allow the system to overheat and shut down. Action: Close and secure the fan drawer. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10002 } memoryRiserFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A critical failure has been detected in a memory riser. Memory attached to this riser may disappear from the system inventory. The system may exhibit unexpected behavior. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to replace the memory riser. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10003 } bMCFailureSysBBU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: BMC is unresponsive or unable to access some required information. This may be corrected by a BMC reset procedure. If the condition is serious, the file system will be disabled. Action: Shut the system down and remove all external power sources from the controller. Remove the system battery backup unit (BBU). Wait until all LEDs are off, reinsert the BBU, connect external power, and then power the system up. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7524 } unsupportedEnclosurePSU NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A power supply has been detected in an enclosure which does not provide complete environmental information. This will not affect normal operations but should be replaced as soon as convenient. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10000 } pCILinkDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The system has detected that PCI communication speed is degraded. This will not cause the system to fail but may impact performance of affected components. Action: Reboot the system. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10004 } invalidHardwareCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: During device inventory verification, the system found missing or invalid hardware, or devices installed in the wrong location. The filesystem cannot be enabled with the current hardware configuration. Action: View enclosure misconfiguration to determine the problem. For assistance, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10005 } invalidHardwareWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: During device inventory verification, the system found missing or invalid hardware, or devices installed in the wrong location. Some components may not operate as expected. Action: View enclosure misconfiguration to determine the problem. For assistance, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10006 } correctableErrorWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The system has detected excessive correctable errors on a component that may indicate a hardware failure. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10007 } generalHardwareFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A critical failure has been detected in one or more chassis components. The system may exhibit unexpected behavior. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10011 } targetDriverPortOffline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: No connection is detected on the Fibre Channel Port. Action: If this port is not in use, please disable it. If port is being used, please restore Fibre Channel Port connectivity. Alert will be cleared when port is disabled or online. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7508 } targetDriverPortOnline NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Fibre Channel Port is online. Action: No action required " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7509 } targetDriverPortCore NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An error occurred on the Fibre Channel Port that resulted in a HBA core. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to extract and analyze the HBA core. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7510 } targetDriverPortMultipleCore NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An error occurred on the Fibre Channel Port that caused multiple HBA core attempts. The Fibre Channel Port is disabled. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to replace Fibre Channel HBA. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7511 } targetDriverPortFWLoadFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The Fibre Channel Port is unable to load required firmware. The Fibre Channel Port is disabled. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to replace Fibre Channel HBA. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7512 } targetDriverPortUnreadable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unable to access one or more resources on the HBA. The Fibre Channel Port is disabled. Action: Contact contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to replace Fibre Channel HBA. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7513 } targetDriverPortTooManyOsc NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The system has detected a Fibre Channel Port has been transitioning between online and offline too frequently. This may cause disruption in i/o. Action: Please ensure stable port connectivity. Disable the port if it is not in use. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7514 } tooManyRelaunches NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The filesystem has failed to restart after multiple attempts. Backup and restore services are unavailable. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to diagnose the failure. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5027 } filesystemProblem NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A problem is preventing the filesystem from running. This usually involves the storage being unavailable. Action: Check disk shelf cabling. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5028 } dDFSFailedInShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The filesystem shut down encountered an error. This can potentially leave data in the NVRAM which would be normally flushed to the disk. Failed shutdown can leave the filesystem in a state that can prevent certain operations from being performed (i.e. system upgrade, filesys destroy, etc.) and may cause data loss. Action: Re-enable the filesystem and try shutting it down again. If the problem persists, Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5030 } dDFSNoHeartbeat NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Filesystem has encountered an error and is forced to restart. Action: If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5034 } dDFSDiedAfterReboot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The filesystem failed to startup immediately after system reboot. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com for diagnosis of the cause of failure. No other action required if filesystem successfully restarts. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5036 } dDFSDied NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The filesystem process failed and is restarting. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com for diagnosis of the cause of failure. No other action required if filesystem successfully restarts. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5037 } dDFSRebooted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This is just a notification alert that the system has been rebooted. Action: No action required. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5038 } dDFSRebootedDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This is a notification alert sent out during system startup following a reboot. The system is rebooted with the filesystem in disabled state. Action: No action is required unless the intent is to have the filesystem enabled. In that case, invoke the 'filesys enable' command. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5039 } indexRebuildComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The metadata rebuild operation that was started by support has completed. The system is ready for the next action. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to perform the next operation on your system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5040 } filesystemNVRAMDataLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Filesystem cannot be enabled because of NVRAM mismatch. This can happen because of an improper headswap or NVRAM card replacement operation. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6005 } recoverFromNVRAMFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Due to NVRAM issues, filesystem has been disabled in order to maintain data integrity. No backups will run until this problem is resolved. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6013 } dDFSRequiresReboot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: File system was unable to start because an abnormal internal condition was detected. Action: Reboot the system. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7516 } metadataWarningThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Large amount of metadata has been created by the filesystem. Continuing without cleaning would cause the filesystem to enter into read-only mode. Action: Clean the filesystem as soon as possible. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7519 } filesystemCorruption NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Filesystem processing detected some corruption. This may be isolated to a single file or multiple files, preventing you from reading the corrupted files. If a system file is affected, the filesystem could be disabled. Until this corruption is fixed, you will not be able to run cleaning, data-movement or space reclamation on the affected tier. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7521 } physicalCapacityMeasurementTasksLost NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: File system has been disabled either by a failure or user action. Physical-capacity-measurement samples for these tasks are no longer available. Action: Restart physical-capacity-measurement sample tasks that have not completed. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10504 } physicalCapacityMeasurementTasksLostMTree NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: MTree replication was broken or resynced causing one or more physical-capacity-measurement sample tasks to be cancelled. Physical-capacity-measurement samples for these tasks are no longer available. Action: Restart physical-capacity-measurement sample tasks that have not completed for this MTree. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10505 } physicalCapacityMeasurementScheduleFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A physical-capacity-measurement sample task that was scheduled to run was unable to start due to an error. Some or all of the physical-capacity-measurement samples for these tasks are not available. Action: Review scheduled physical-capacity-measurement sample task errors to determine the reason for the failure. Resubmit failed tasks if needed. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10506 } uncertifiedFirmware NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Firmware version is not compatible with this version of DDOS and may cause unexpected behavior. Action: The firmware must be updated as soon as possible, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6004 } fileMigrationError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: File migration is suspended until this problem is resolved. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6016 } cleaningError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unable to reclaim unused space and this may impact the ability to backup. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6014 } hAdegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A condition has been detected causing the configured HA system to be degraded. Any failover attempt will not succeed. Action: Display the HA detailed status to determine the failed component. Repairing the failed component can return the HA system to available state. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10508 } hAofflineErrors NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Critical system errors have been detected causing the configured HA system to be in offline state. Access to system services may be unavailable. Action: Review exisiting alerts. Fixing issues identified by these alerts may resolve this alert. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10510 } hATimeOutOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Timestamps of logs and system events will not match between the HA nodes. This condition will not have an effect on HA functionality or system operation. Action: Set the time on the standby node to match the active node. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10514 } historicalDatabaseRecoverError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: All existing historical data has been lost. Data in the historical database is used for some system reports, but it is not required for proper system functioning. This failure may occur during head swap processing if recovery to create the new head primary historical database from the shelf database files fails or historical database may be corrupted. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to debug this problem and possibly attempt recovery of the lost historical data. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5041 } historicalDatabaseBackupError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Historical database backup failed. If the primary historical database fails without a recent backup present, some or all of the historical data can be lost when the primary historical database is restored from its backup and log files. Data in the historical database is used for some system reports, but it is not required for proper system functioning. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to help debug the problem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5042 } historicalDatabaseUpgradeError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Historical database upgrade failed during software upgrade. New historical data fields will not be saved. Some UI reports might be unavailable, or be missing data. Otherwise, this should not affect the system. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to help debug the problem and upgrade the historical database. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5043 } historicalDatabasePruneError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Historical database pruning failed. Pruning ensures the historical database does not consume more than its allocated disk space. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to help debug the problem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5044 } noHistoricalDatabaseError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Data in the historical database is used for some system reports, but it is not required for proper system functioning. This failure may occur during head swap processing if recovery to create the new head primary historical database from the shelf database files fails or the database has been corrupted. The system is running without historical database after failing to create a new one. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to debug this problem and possibly attempt recovery of the lost historical data. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5045 } historicalDatabaseFailoverError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Historical database failover failed. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to help debug the problem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10507 } hDTFileTransferFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unable to send historical data update file to Data Domain Management Center. Action: Check DNS settings and network connection between the Data Domain System and Data Domain Management Center. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5046 } hDTSystemError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: System Error occurred while sending historical data to Data Domain Management Center. Action: Check configuration and system status, messages logs for indicative problems. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5047 } spuriousInterruptDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Excessive spurious hardware messages have been detected that may indicate a hardware failure. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10008 } licenseExpiring NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The temporary license indicated is about to expire. The function provided by this license will cease to operate. Action: Contact your [account team] to purchase a license if you wish to continue to use this feature. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 8001 } licenseExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The temporary license indicated has expired. The function provided by this license has stopped operating. Action: Contact your [account team] to purchase a license if you wish to use this feature. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 8002 } dIMMFailureAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DIMM failure detected. DDFS can't be enabled. Action: Replace the bad DIMMS. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5048 } memoryAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current memory is less than configured. DDFS can't be enabled. Action: Check the DIMMS in DDR. Add new DIMMS and/or replace the bad DIMMS. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5049 } portPathDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A path is disabled. Multipath failover will not work correctly until the port is enabled. Action: Verify all storage cabling is connected correctly. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5050 } diskPathRedundancy NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Since only one HBA controller has been detected, disk path redundancy is lost. Action: If the HBA configuration is correct, disable multipath configuration. Otherwise: 1)Use 'disk multipath status' to examine connection status; 2)Verify all storage cabling is connected correctly; 3)Use 'enclosure' commands to verify that HBA controllers are functional. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5051 } missingPortConnection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A port and the attached storage have disappeared. Action: Verify the connection and any external storage connected to the missing port. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5052 } missingLunPath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The number of active paths to a LUN has changed. Action: If this is due to reconfiguration, verify the topology and disable then re-enable multipath monitoring to reset the monitoring. If not, verify the storage cabling and that all paths are connected. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5053 } missingDiskPath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The number of active paths to a disk has decreased. Multipath redundancy has been lost unless there are more than one connection paths. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5054 } missingEnclosurePath NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The number of active paths to a disk has decreased. Multipath redundancy has been lost unless there are more than one connection paths. Action: Use 'enclosure' commands to verify that HBAs are functional. If this condition is due to configuration change: verify the topology, and then disable and re-enable disk multipath monitoring to reset connection counts. If not, verify the storage cabling is connected correctly. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5055 } interfaceConnectivityDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network connectivity on this interface is down. This interface is not pingable and cannot be used to send or receive any data. All data transfers using this interface will fail. Action: Please view the Hardware->Network GUI page, or use the 'net show settings' and 'net show config' CLIs to check the current configuration. Make sure that the cable is securely connected to both endpoints and that the interfaces on both ends are properly configured. Otherwise the cable or network hardware could be faulty and may need to be replaced. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6009 } interfaceConnectivityIntermittent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network connectivity on this interface is intermittent. Data may not be sent or received successfully. Data transfers using this interface may experience performance degradation or intermittent failures. Action: Please view the Hardware->Network GUI page, or use the 'net show settings' and 'net show config' CLIs to check the current configuration. Make sure that the cable is securely connected to both endpoints and that the interfaces on both ends are properly configured. Otherwise the cable or network hardware could be faulty and may need to be replaced. If the network is configured properly and the problem still persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6010 } interfaceMisconfiguration NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network interface configuration problem detected. This may be a result of changing the NIC hardware without reconfiguring the interface. This could indicate an unsupported configuration, network environment or hardware problem. A misconfigured interface can potentially cause connectivity problems on subsequent reboots. Action: Please view the Hardware->Network GUI page, or use 'net show settings', 'net config' and 'net show hardware' to check network configuration. Try to fix the problem by reconfiguring the interface with 'net config'. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6011 } interfaceConnectivityUpAndRunning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, ifIndex, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network interface is up and running for a period of time after experiencing instability. Action: No action needed. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6020 } duplicateAddressDetection NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This IP address has been detected on the network. Connections to this IP address will be adversely impacted. Action: Make sure the local and remote systems are using different IP addresses. Clear the alert once the problem is resolved. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6530 } invalidNICSlot NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network interface cards must be installed in their designated slots. The network card may not function correctly when installed in the wrong slot. Action: Please make sure that the Network interface card is installed in a valid slot. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6512 } unsupportedNIC NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An unsupported network interface card is installed in the system. Having an unsupported card installed in the system can cause unexpected errors. Action: Remove the card from system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6513 } tcpZeroWindowAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The TCP connection is active but data is not being transferred. This may cause other communication failures. Action: Check the remote application that uses this TCP connection. Check the network path between the local and remote systems. If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6101 } dNSUnresponsive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: No DNS servers responded to a DNS query. This may be caused by a network failure or a DNS server problem. System functions that require name address resolution will fail. Action: Check the network path and the DNS server to establish communication or remove the DNS entries and add host entries to the hosts table. If this problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7504 } nISCommFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unable to query information from the NIS server. This could be a network problem or an authentication failure with the NIS server. This could prevent NIS servers from completing backups or restoring existing backups. This alert will clear when communication is established with the NIS server. Action: Verify network connection to the NIS server and verify NIS configurations for both systems. If this problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com . " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7501 } iOModuleMacFault NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A Mac fault has been detected with an I/O module and it will not function correctly. Action: The I/O module must be replaced.Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10013 } missingSlaveInterface NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The bonded interface has been created with the remaining interfaces and may experience degraded performance or reduced failover capability. Action: Replace the network interface or reconfigure the bonded interface to restore functionality. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10523 } nTPDFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon is not running. NTP daemon has detected a time difference between this system and the configured network time server (drift) greater than the configured maximum and has shut down. Action: Disable NTP. Verify time on the NTP server. Set system date/time to match the time on the NTP server. Enable NTP. If this problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7505 } nvramWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DDFS is disabled due to a problem with the NVRAM subsystem. Action: Check for other NVRAM-related alerts and follow the action described in those alerts. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5059 } nvramBatteryAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, nvramBatteryStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DD OS detected an NVRAM card Battery Unit hardware fault. Probable causes: 1) Battery charging is disabled, or 2) One or more batteries are not charging. Action: Run CLI command 'system show nvram' to check battery status. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5060 } nvramErrorAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DD OS detected an NVRAM card fault. Probable cause: Excessive correctable errors exceed the warning threshold number. Action: The NVRAM card may need to be replaced. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5061 } nvramBatteryLowChargeAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The NVRAM battery is charging, but is below the threshold. The filesystem will not start until the battery charge reaches the threshold. Action: Wait for the battery charge to reach threshold. If the battery does not reach threshold within 3 hours, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5508 } ext3NvlogDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DDOS RAID log is disabled due to a problem with the NVRAM subsystem. Action: Check for other NVRAM-related alerts and follow the action described in those alerts. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5527 } nvramHWAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The NVRAM card is not in a usable state. The file system cannot be accessed until the fault is corrected or the NVRAM card is replaced. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6504 } nvramBattAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The remote battery for an NVRAM card is not in a usable state. The file system cannot be accessed until the fault is corrected or the NVRAM remote battery is replaced. Action: Check NVRAM battery status. Check the cables between the remote battery and the power source, and between the remote battery and the NVRAM card. If the cables are correctly connected and the problem persists, Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6507 } nvramEnvAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The temperature sensor on the NVRAM card or the remote battery detected a temperature that is higher than the warning threshold. If there are other environmental alerts, this may indicate a cooling problem where the system is installed. If there are no other environmental alerts, this may indicate a problem with this component. When the temperature is reduced, this alert will clear. Action: Check cooling and airflow around the system unit. Remove any blockage, or ensure the environmental systems are operating correctly, and the environment is at a normal temperature. If there is no problem in the environment, or if only the NVRAM or remote battery are reporting this problem, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6505 } nvramCondAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The NVRAM battery power or charging has been set as disabled. This condition is either the result of an explicit setting, or indicates a fault in the NVRAM card or battery unit. Action: If the NVRAM battery power was explicitly disabled, enable it using the reverse of the procedure used to disable it. If not, reboot the system. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6508 } nvramEventHWAlert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: NVRAM firmware detects an NVRAM card hardware fault. Action: The NVRAM card may need to be replaced. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6506 } nvramBattEndOfLife NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The remote battery for NVRAM us currently usable but is approaching the end of its life. If the battery is not replaced before it reaches end of its life, the filesystem will be disabled. Action: To schedule a replacement, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6545 } phyalert NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Enclosure slot has been disabled due to continuous discovery caused by a failed drive. Action: Replace the failed drive. Use 'disk rescan' command specifying the disk and enclosure id to re-enable the slot. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5062 } mtreeQuotaSoftLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The Soft Limit Quota for this MTree has been reached. This will not affect the operation of the system and is only a warning. If a Quota Hard Limit is set for this MTree, you are approaching that limit and operations writing data to this MTree may fail if the hard limit is reached. Action: To clear this alert, either raise the quota limits or reduce the data in the MTree by deleting files. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6007 } mtreeQuotaHardLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The Hard Limit Quota for this MTree has been reached. No more data will be written to this MTree. If a backup operation was running, it probably failed and must be restarted after clearing this condition. Action: To clear this alert, either raise the Quota Hard Limit for this MTree, or reduce the data in the MTree by deleting files. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6008 } storageUnitStreamSoftLimit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Stream soft limit quota for this storage-unit and type of stream has been exceeded. Crossing this limit may cause reduced performance as the system hard limits are reached. Action: To clear this alert, configure the backup application to use fewer concurrent streams. Otherwise, increase the soft limit quota on this storage-unit for this stream type. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7517 } replProgressThreshholdReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, replStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Collection replication has not made progress and there is data waiting to be replicated. This means your replica is not up to date. Action: - check the 'replication status' or the GUI for errors - check the replica filesystem - check the network - if problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5063 } replNeedResync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, replStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Replication will not proceed until this context is resynced. Action: To re-establish replication - Note the context information - break the context - reconfigure contexts on both source and destination - resync context on the source " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5064 } replLogFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: No data can be written to the filesystem. Too much data remains to be replicated. This can be caused by disabled contexts or slow replication. When the condition is resolved, the filesystem will be writable again. Action: Refer to knowledge base for articles discussing ways to reduce replication lag. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5065 } replIncompatibleWorm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: New retention-locked files detected on destination during replication resync. Resync cannot proceed. Action: Break the existing context and resync to a new destination. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5066 } replDestNotConfigured NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, replConfigDest } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Replication context on the destination is missing or mis-matched. Cannot initialize context. Action: - Check both the source and destination configured context URL pair. The context is identified by the destination URL. - Make sure the destination has a matching configuration for this context. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5067 } replLagThreshholdReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Replication lag threshold has been exceeded. Action: Refer to the knowledge base on ways to resolve the replication lag. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5068 } replPathTooLong NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Path is too long Action: Shorten the path. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5531 } missingCreplUnits NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The collection replication destination is not in a consistent state and will not be usable until matching retention units are added to the destination. Action: Add the required retention units to the collection replication destination. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6544 } mtreeCascadeNeedResync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, replStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This Mtree is now a cascaded source. Since this mtree already has data, this replication context requires a resync to proceed. Action: To re-establish replication - Note the context information - break the context - reconfigure contexts on both source and destination - resync context on the source " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7520 } insecureEncryptedReplication NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Encrypted replication is configured between this system and the remote host. The remote host is running a DDOS version that does not support a fully secure communication protocol. Unauthorized individuals may be able to intercept and decrypt the replicated data. Action: Upgrade the remote system to a release that supports the desired communication protocol. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6102 } suspendedMReplMissingUnits NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Mtree replication on this context cannot continue until all archive units used by this Mtree are online. Replication will resume automatically once all archive units come online. Action: Return missing archive units to the system to resume MTree replication for this context. If the archive units cannot be restored, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10511 } sASEnclosureCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The number of enclosures connected to the port has exceeded the maximum supported limit. This may cause an unexpected behavior. Action: Reduce the number of enclosures down to the limit for the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5069 } sASTopologyCheck NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Invalid cabling has been detected. This may cause unexpected behavior. Action: Refer to the cabling guide. Verify the connectivity of the SAS enclosures by using command 'enclosure show topology'. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5070 } sASPortDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Excessive errors have caused this port to be disabled. This could be caused by faulty cables or shelf controllers. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com . " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5071 } sASHBAFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Storage is no longer accessible through this HBA. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6514 } sASHBAErrors NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A SAS HBA has detected correctable errors exceeding the warning threshold. This will reduce throughput and may indicate a failing HBA. Action: If this condition persists for more than 24 hours, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6515 } unsupportedSASDevice NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A SAS HBA has reported a device that is not recognized. This device is not usable and may adversely affect the system. Action: Identify the device and remove it from the topology. If you believe it is a supported device, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6516 } invalidEnclosureTopology NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The cables connecting enclosures to the controller are not installed correctly. This can cause unpredictable system behavior. Recable the enclosures immediately. Action: Display the topology to identify the invalid path(s). Power down the system and cable the enclosures according to the cabling guide for your system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7506 } diskPathSpeedDegraded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: SAS connection speed is degraded and could reduce disk performance. Action: Check cable seating and replace if needed. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7507 } enclosureMixType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An unsupported mix of enclosure models have been detected. For example, a mixture of ES30s and ES20s. Action: Refer to the configuration guide for valid cabling configurations. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5528 } enclosureMixDriveType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An unsupported mix of enclosures with different drive types may impact performance and lead to unexpected system behavior. Action: Recable the enclosures to eliminate the unsupported mix. Refer to the configuration guide for valid cabling configurations. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10515 } sCSITGTInvalidRegistry NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A registry entry used in the SCSI Target system is invalid. The SCSI Target services, including VTL, DD-BOOST FC and VDISK will be inaccessible until this problem is resolved. Action: The registry entry must be corrected. Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6539 } sSLCertificateCorrupted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The SSL certificate used to establish mutual trust between Data Domain systems is broken. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5072 } unusableHostCertificate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Enterprise Manager will not start up using the imported certificate. However, it will start up using the default self-signed certificate. Following is the list of possible causes of this alert, - the file system is locked - the system passphrase is missing - the imported certificate is corrupted Action: Unlock the file system if it is locked. Enter the system passphrase if it is missing. Delete and reimport the current host certificate if it is corrupted. In all cases, the Enterprise Manager needs to be restarted. If the condition persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6017 } missingHostCertificate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The imported certificate is missing. However, the Enterprise Manager will start up using the default self-signed certificate. Action: If you want to use your own certificate, import it again. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6018 } expiredHostCertificate NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Communication using this certificate is vulnerable to disclosure. Action: Replace the host certificate with a valid certificate. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6538 } sMSUnresponsive NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The System Management Service has reached the maximum number of concurrent requests and has been unresponsive for over five minutes. This may indicate a serious condition that may need to be addressed by support. The system is unable to accept additional commands. Action: If this condition persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7500 } mailserverError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: There is a problem communicating with the configured mail server. The system will not be able to send out any email notifications that includes alerts, autosupports and daily summary emails. Action: Make sure that the mail server is configured correctly. Verify the configured mail server by sending out a test email from the system. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6511 } snapshotOver90Percent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Current number of snapshots for an Mtree is at 90% or more of the maximum number of snapshots allowed. Action: Consider expiring existing snapshots of that Mtree with the 'snapshot expire' command or adjusting scheduled snapshot retention periods with the 'snapshot schedule modify' command. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5075 } snapshotLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Data Domain system has a limit on the number of existing snapshots held at once for a single Mtree. Once this limit is reached no more snapshots can be created of that Mtree. Action: Consider expiring existing snapshots of that Mtree with 'snapshot expire' command to make room for newer ones. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5076 } sNTZMultipleIterations NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Indicates that sanitization will be run in multiple iterations. In the worst case this can take 15-20 days for 280 TBs. It means that the system will not run at full speed for that period of time and that GC will not be run to reclaim space. However, sanitization will also reclaim space back but it might not be as efficient as GC is. Action: Make sure that you have enough space to not run out of space and that you can wait that many days in the worst case. You should have at least 20% of physical space available. Other option is to abort sanitization, delete a bunch of files and try again. You can do this process iteratively until you do not get this alert anymore. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5077 } coredumpWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: /ddvar might soon run out of space to save system core dumps. Action: Remove unwanted files from /ddvar to free up some space. Lack of space can result in missing core dumps that will hamper debugging operations. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5078 } coredumpDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Space in /ddvar is not sufficient enough for saving system core dumps. Action: Remove unwanted files from /ddvar to free up some space. Lack of space can result in missing core dumps that will hamper debugging operations. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5079 } spaceOver80Percent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, fileSystemSpaceUsed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Space usage has exceeded 80% of the total capacity. Lack of space can result in missing important logs or loss of file system functionality. Action: If it is in root, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to free up some space. If it is in /ddvar, remove unwanted files to free up some space. If it is in active tier, remove unwanted files and start file system cleaning or add storage. If it is in archive tier, remove unwanted files or add more archive units to the filesystem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5080 } spaceOver90Percent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, fileSystemSpaceUsed } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Space usage has exceeded 90% of the total capacity. Lack of space can result in missing important logs or loss of file system functionality. Action: If it is in root, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to free up some space. If it is in /ddvar, remove unwanted files to free up some space. If it is in active tier, remove unwanted files and start file system cleaning or add storage. If it is in archive tier, remove unwanted files or add more archive units to the filesystem. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5081 } spaceReclRestartFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Archive space reclamation was running before the last shutdown of the filesystem and could not be restarted automatically. Space will not be reclaimed in the archive tier until space reclamation is restarted. Action: Start space reclamation. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6531 } spaceReclMissingUnit NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Archive units are missing. Space reclamation cannot run unless all configured units are attached. Space will not be reclaimed in the archive tier until space reclamation is restarted. Action: Return missing archive units to the system and start space reclamation. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6532 } spaceReclUnitReclaimed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: All space on the archive unit has been reclaimed. This unit is available to reuse. Action: No action is required. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6533 } spaceReclError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Archive space reclamation has stopped due to the specified error. Space will not be reclaimed in the archive tier until the error condition is resolved and space reclamation is restarted. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6534 } spaceReclSuspended NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Archive space reclamation has suspended due to the specified error. Space will not be reclaimed in the archive tier until the error condition is resolved and space reclamation is resumed. Action: Resume space reclamation after the underlying error condition is corrected. If problem persists, Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7518 } spaceReclUnitError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Space reclamation encountered an error and cannot proceed on the specified archive unit. If you have more than one archive unit, space reclamation will continue on the next unit. Space will not be reclaimed in this archive unit until the error condition is resolved and space reclamation finishes successfully on this unit. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7523 } diskAccessError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: A hardware fault has been detected for this drive. The drive or the cabling to it may have a problem. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5082 } diskFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Unable to communicate with a disk. This disk cannot be used at this time. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5083 } diskTemperatureWarning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The disk temperature has exceeded a specified threshold. If the temperature continues to increase, the system could fail or the system could be shut down. Action: If the temperature is high due to high activity for a short period, it should return to normal in a short time. Verify the environment is at its normal temperature. If not, correct this condition. Check for fan failures and free air flow. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5084 } diskTemperatureShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: One or more disks have exceeded the shut down temperature threshold. The system is shutting down. Action: Verify the environment is at its normal temperature. If not, correct this condition. Check for fan failures and free air flow. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5085 } unsupportedHardwareSpareSize NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The disk capacity is too small for it to be of any use in the system. Action: Replace with a larger capacity disk. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5086 } missingDiskGroup NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: One or more critical disks/LUNs are unavailable. Action: Make sure all storage is securely connected. Look at alert history for any path failures. Check for any core files, a critical layer may be unavailable. Verify that all storage is working and recognized correctly. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5087 } diskGroupReconstructionNoProgress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: One or more disks are failed and the RAID reconstruction is not running. Action: Make sure there is/are spare disk(s) in the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5088 } diskGroupReconstruction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Two or more disks are failed and the RAID protection is in critical state. If an additional disk fails, there might be permanent loss of data. The system will shut down if the problem is not fixed. Action: Make sure there is/are spare disk(s) in the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5089 } diskGroupReconstructionShutdown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Two or more disks are failed and the RAID protection is in critical state for over a considerable period of time. If an additional disk fails, there might be permanent loss of data. The system will shut down. Action: Restart the system and make sure there is/are spare disk(s) in the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5090 } diskGroupReconstructionCritical NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Two or more disks are failed and the RAID protection is in critical state for over a considerable period of time. If an additional disk fails, there might be permanent loss of data. Action: Make sure there is/are spare disk(s) in the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5091 } diskUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Disk is unknown. Action: Add disk to the system. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5092 } lowSpares NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Not enough spare disks can be detected for this tier. There may be failed disks or connectivity issues with disks or enclosures. Action: Replace any failed or absent disks. Check enclosure connectivity. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5094 } unsupportedConfigurationROL NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Raid on LUN from 4.8 is no longer supported. Please follow instruction on how to increase usable space in your filesystem. Action: 1) migrate data away 2) do a filesystem destroy 3) add your LUN 4) migrate data back " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 5095 } foreignEnclosure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, enclosureListNum } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The enclosure is unusable by the filesystem. Storage configuration can not be modified while a foreign device is present. Action: If this is expected as part of a chassis swap or chassis upgrade, proceed with the headswap operation to make the foreign filesystem available. Otherwise contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6019 } sSDEndOfLife NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, diskSerialNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The SSD has reached end of life and could fail at any time. The system may shut down unexpectedly if the drive is not replaced. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6541 } multipleDiskReadErrors NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: There are too many disks reporting read errors in the same RAID group. As each of these disks completes reconstruction it will be failed. If the ongoing RAID reconstruction fails, there might be permanent loss of data. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com to determine the number of drives that need to be replaced. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6543 } unsupportedDriveModel NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: This system only supports certain drive models. The unsupported drives are unusable and must be replaced for proper system operation. Action: Identify and remove/replace the unsupported drives. For assistance, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7001 } driveMixType NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Mixing drive types within an enclosure is not supported and may cause unexpected system behavior. Action: Ensure that all drives within the enclosure are of the same type. For assistance, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7002 } missingTierStorage NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: Critical storage resources are unavailable, preventing the tier from functioning. Action: Verify all storage is functional and configured correctly. If the problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 7522 } storageMigrationCopyComplete NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: All data has been moved from old enclosures to the new enclosures. Storage migration must be finalized to decommission old enclosures and add new capacity to the file system. Action: Finalize the storage migration. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10501 } storageMigrationCannotResume NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The system has detected a condition which prevented the storage migration from continuing and has suspended the data copy phase. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10500 } storageMigrationUserSuspend NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: An administrator has suspended the data copy phase of storage migration. Data copy cannot proceed until it is manually resumed. Action: Resume the storage migration. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10502 } foreignPack NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, enclosurePackID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The enclosure pack is unusable by the file system. Storage configuration can not be modified while a foreign device is present. Action: If this is expected as part of a chassis swap or chassis upgrade, proceed with the headswap operation to make the foreign filesystem available. Otherwise contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10512 } upgradeFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: During the upgrade process, there was an error that requires manual intervention. The system is not usable. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6509 } upgradeCompleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The DD OS upgrade is completed successfully. The system will be ready to use when the filesystem is enabled. Action: No action required. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6510 } upgradeInProgress NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: DD OS upgrade is in progress. The system will not be available for backup and restore operations. The alert will be cleared after the upgrade operation is complete. Action: Allow the upgrade operation to complete. If the upgrade takes longer than usual, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10509 } vDiskSCSITargetMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: VDisk configuration does not match SCSI Target configuration. Non-matching devices are not available and must be deleted or repaired. Action: Contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10513 } tapeReposition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: The tape volume was adjusted to the last consistent data position during VTL recovery. Recent pending updates to the volume may have been discarded. Action: Verify that any backup sent to the affected tape at the time of this alert completed successfully. Reissue the backup if necessary. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 6542 } duplicateVTLPoolNames NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: VTL directory pool and a VTL mtree pool have been detected with the same name. Viewing pool information will only retrieve tapes from the mtree pool. Tapes in the directory pool will not be visible to DataDomain system administration interfaces. Backups and restores using the directory pool will operate normally. Action: Rename one of the pools to make the name unique. The duplicate pool name may have been created as part of a replication pair.If problem persists, contact your contracted support provider or visit us online at https://support.emc.com " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 10010 } vTLEnabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: VTL is enabled. VTL functionality is available to the user. Action: Some backup applications may need manual rescanning for devices. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 11105 } vTLDisabled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { systemSerialNumber, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description: VTL is disabled. VTL functionality is unavailable to the user. Action: No Action required. " ::= { dataDomainMibTraps 11106 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- DataDomainMibCompliance -- ======================= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibConformance ( -- dataDomainMibComplicances ( -- dataDoamainMibCompliance ( -- -- ********************************************************************** dataDomainMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dataDomainMibConformance 1 } dataDomainMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroup, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, basicNotificationsGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroup, vtlGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP internalDiskStorageNotificationsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 1 } dataDomainMibComplianceRev1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroupRev1, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroup, vtlGroup, ddboostGroup, ddsystemGroup, artGroup, mtreeGroup, enclosureGroup, networkGroup, generatedNotificationsGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" GROUP managedObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support multiple Data Domain Systems" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 2 } dataDomainMibComplianceRev2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroupRev1, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroup, vtlGroup, ddboostGroup, ddsystemGroupRev1, artGroup, mtreeGroup, enclosureGroup, networkGroup, generatedNotificationsGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" GROUP managedObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support multiple Data Domain Systems" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 3 } dataDomainMibComplianceRev3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroupRev1, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroup, vtlGroup, ddboostGroupRev1, ddsystemGroupRev1, artGroup, mtreeGroup, enclosureGroup, networkGroup, generatedNotificationsGroup, smtGroup, quotaGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" GROUP managedObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support multiple Data Domain Systems" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 4 } dataDomainMibComplianceRev4 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroupRev1, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroup, vtlGroup, ddboostGroupRev2, ddsystemGroupRev1, artGroup, mtreeGroup, enclosureGroup, networkGroup, generatedNotificationsGroup, smtGroup, quotaGroup, highAvailabilityGroup, scsitargetObjectGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" GROUP managedObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support multiple Data Domain Systems" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 5 } dataDomainMibComplianceRev5 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement this MIB module." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { environmentalsGroup, nvramGroup, fileSystemGroupRev1, alertsGroup, statisticsGroup, replGroup, nfsGroup, cifsGroupRev1, vtlGroup, ddboostGroupRev2, ddsystemGroupRev1, artGroup, mtreeGroup, enclosureGroup, networkGroup, generatedNotificationsGroup, smtGroup, quotaGroup, highAvailabilityGroup, scsitargetObjectGroup } GROUP internalDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support internal disk storage" GROUP externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support external unmanaged disk storage" GROUP managedObjectsGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for SNMP entities which support multiple Data Domain Systems" ::= { dataDomainMibCompliances 6 } -- ********************************************************************** -- -- DataDomainMibCompliance -- ======================= -- -- dataDomainMib ( -- dataDomainMibConformance ( -- dataDoamainMibGroups ( -- -- ********************************************************************** environmentalsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { powerModuleDescription, powerModuleStatus, tempSensorDescription, tempSensorCurrentValue, tempSensorStatus, fanDescription, fanLevel, fanStatus, tempSensorTrapIndex, fanTrapIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing environmental monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 1 } nvramGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { nvramMemorySize, nvramWindowSize, nvramPCIErrorCount, nvramMemoryErrorCount, nvramBatteryStatus, nvramBatteryCharge, nvramHCMemorySize } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing nvram monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 2 } fileSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fileSystemStatus, fileSystemVirtualSpace, fileSystemResourceName, fileSystemSpaceSize, fileSystemSpaceUsed, fileSystemSpaceAvail, fileSystemPercentUsed, fileSystemSpaceCleanable, fileSystemCompressionPeriod, fileSystemCompressionStartTime, fileSystemCompressionEndTime, fileSystemPreCompressionSize, fileSystemPostCompressionSize, fileSystemGlobalCompressionFactor, fileSystemLocalCompressionFactor, fileSystemTotalCompressionFactor, fileSystemReductionPercent } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing file system monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 3 } alertsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { currentAlertTimestamp, currentAlertDescription, currentAlertSeverity, currentAlertID, alertHistoryTimestamp, alertHistoryDescription, alertHistorySeverity, alertHistoryStatus, alertInfoDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing alert monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 4 } statisticsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cpuAvgPercentageBusy, cpuMaxPercentageBusy, nfsOpsPerSecond, nfsIdlePercentage, nfsProcPercentage, nfsSendPercentage, nfsReceivePercentage, cifsOpsPerSecond, diskReadKBytesPerSecond, diskWriteKBytesPerSecond, diskBusyPercentage, nvramReadKBytesPerSecond, nvramWriteKBytesPerSecond, replInKBytesPerSecond, replOutKBytesPerSecond } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing statistics information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 5 } internalDiskStorageGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { diskModel, diskFirmwareVersion, diskSerialNumber, diskCapacity, diskPropState, diskPack, diskSectorsRead, diskSectorsWritten, diskTotalKBytes, diskBusy, diskPerfState, diskTemperature, diskTimeoutCount, diskReadFailCount, diskWriteFailCount, diskMiscFailCount, diskOffTrackErrCount, diskSoftEccCount, diskCrcErrCount, diskProbationalCount, diskReallocCount, diskErrState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing internal disk monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 7 } externalUnmanagedDiskStorageGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { diskModel, diskFirmwareVersion, diskSerialNumber, diskCapacity, diskPropState, diskSectorsRead, diskSectorsWritten, diskTotalKBytes, diskBusy, diskPerfState, diskPropTrapIndex, diskErrTrapIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing external unmanaged disk monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 8 } basicNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { powerSupplyFailedAlarm, systemOverheatWarningAlarm, systemOverheatAlertAlarm, systemOverheatShutdownAlarm, fanModuleFailedAlarm, nvramFailingAlarm, fileSystemFailedAlarm, fileSpaceMaintenanceAlarm, fileSpacePreWarningAlarm, fileSpaceWarningAlarm, fileSpaceSevereAlarm, fileSpaceCriticalAlarm, diskOverheatWarningAlarm, diskOverheatAlertAlarm, diskOverheatShutdownAlarm, diskFailedAlarm, diskNoSpareAlarm, diskPathAlarm, diskSASAlarm, diskSASHBAAlarm, snapshotFullAlarm, snapshotHWMAlarm, clusterNodeAlarm, clusterInterfaceAlarm, replSyncAlarm, systemStartupAlarm, filesysRelaunchAlarm, filesysDDGCFailedAlarm, filesysGeneralProblemAlarm, diskUnsupportedAlarm, eventIPMIUnmanageAlarm, raidReconSevereAlarm, raidReconCriticalAlarm, raidReconCriticalShutdownAlarm, raidGroupMissingAlarm } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing basic notifications." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 9 } internalDiskStorageNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { diskFailedAlarm, diskOverheatWarningAlarm, diskOverheatAlertAlarm, diskOverheatShutdownAlarm } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing internal disk storage notifications." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 10 } replGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { replState, replStatus, replFileSysStatus, replConnTime, replSource, replDestination, replPreCompBytesSent, replPostCompBytesSent, replPreCompBytesRemaining, replPostCompBytesReceived, replThrottle, replSyncedAsOfTime, replConfigContextId, replConfigSource, replConfigDest, replConfigConnHost, replConfigConnPort, replConfigLowBWOptim, replConfigEnabled, replConfigTenantUnit, replHistoryDate, replHistoryTime, replHistoryPreCompWritten, replHistoryPreCompRemaining, replHistoryPreCompressed, replHistoryPostFiltered, replHistoryPostLowBwOptim, replHistoryPostLocalComp, replHistoryBytesNetwork, replHistorySyncedAsOfTime, replTrapContext, replPerformancePreCompKBPerSec, replPerformanceNetworkKBPerSec, replPerformanceStreams, replPerformanceBusyReading, replPerformanceBusyMeta, replPerformanceWaitingDest, replPerformanceWaitingNetwork } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a collection of objects providing replication pair config and monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 11 } nfsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { nfsStatus, nfsClientPath, nfsClientClients, nfsClientOptions, nfsStatsExportPoint, nfsStatsFilesystemType, nfsStatsCacheEntry, nfsStatsFileHandleLookup, nfsStatsMaxCacheSize, nfsStatsCurrentOpenStreams, nfsActivePath, nfsActiveClients, nfsPortService, nfsPortPort } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing NFS monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 12 } cifsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cifsStatus, cifsConfigMode, cifsConfigWINSServer, cifsConfigNetBIOSHostname, cifsConfigDomainController, cifsConfigDNS, cifsConfigGroupName, cifsConfigMaxConnection, cifsConfigMaxOpenFilesPerConnection, cifsShareName, cifsSharePath, cifsShareClients, cifsShareUser, cifsShareComment, cifsShareBrowsing, cifsShareWriteable, cifsShareMaxConnection, cifsOptionsName, cifsOptionsValue } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing CIFS monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 13 } vtlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { vtlAdminState, vtlProcessState, vtlLibraryName, vtlLibraryVendor, vtlLibraryModel, vtlLibraryRevision, vtlLibrarySerial, vtlLibraryTotalDrives, vtlLibraryTotalSlots, vtlLibraryTotalCaps, vtlLibraryStatus, vtlDriveName, vtlDriveVendor, vtlDriveModel, vtlDriveRevision, vtlDriveSerial, vtlDriveLibraryName, vtlDriveStatus, vtlDriveTapeVolume, vtlGroupName, vtlGroupInitiaterCount, vtlGroupDeviceCount, vtlGroupDeviceGroupName, vtlGroupDeviceDeviceName, vtlGroupDeviceLun, vtlGroupDevicePrimaryPorts, vtlGroupDeviceSecondaryPorts, vtlGroupDeviceInUsePorts, vtlInitiatorName, vtlInitiatorStatus, vtlInitiatorGroup, vtlInitiatorWWNN, vtlInitiatorWWPN, vtlInitiatorPort, vtlPoolPool, vtlPoolStatus, vtlPoolTapes, vtlPoolSize, vtlPoolUsed, vtlPoolComp, vtlPortName, vtlPortID, vtlPortModel, vtlPortFirmware, vtlPortWWNN, vtlPortWWPN, vtlPortConnectionType, vtlPortSpeed, vtlPortEnabled, vtlPortStatus, vtlPortTrapIndex, vtlStatsPort, vtlStatsConrolCommands, vtlStatsWriteCommands, vtlStatsReadCommands, vtlStatsIn, vtlStatsOut, vtlStatsLinkFailures, vtlStatsLIPCount, vtlStatsSyncLosses, vtlStatsSignalLosses, vtlStatsPrimSeqProtoErrors, vtlStatsInvalidTxWords, vtlStatsInvalidCRCs, vtlTapeBarCode, vtlTapePool, vtlTapeLocation, vtlTapeState, vtlTapeSize, vtlTapeUsed, vtlTapeComp, vtlTapeModTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing VTL monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 14 } ddboostGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ddboostAccessClientsName, ddboostAccessClientsEncryStrength, ddboostAccessClientsAuthMode, ddboostInterface, ddboostifGroupMember, ddboostBackupConnections, ddboostRestoreConnections, ddboostControlConnections, ddboostTotalConnections, ddboostFileReplHistoryDirection, ddboostFileReplHistoryNetwork, ddboostFileReplHistoryPreComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryPostComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplHistoryErrors, ddboostFileReplHistoryDate, ddboostFileReplHistoryTime, ddboostFileReplStatsDirection, ddboostFileReplStatsNetworkSent, ddboostFileReplStatsPreCompSent, ddboostFileReplStatsFiltered, ddboostFileReplStatsLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplStatsLocalComp, ddboostFileReplStatsCompRatio, ddboostIfGroupInterface, ddboostOptionsName, ddboostOptionsStatus, ddboostStatus, ddboostUser, ddboostIfGroupStatus, ddboostPreCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostPostCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostNetworkKBytesPerSecond, ddboostReadKBytesPerSecond, ddboostStatsBackupConn, ddboostStatsRestoreConn, ddboostStatsImageCreatesCount, ddboostStatsImageCreatesErrors, ddboostStatsImageDeletesCount, ddboostStatsImageDeletesErrors, ddboostStatsPrecompBytesReceived, ddboostStatsBytesAfterFiltering, ddboostStatsBytesAfterLc, ddboostStatsNetworkBytesReceived, ddboostStatsCompressionRatio, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadCount, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadErrors, ddboostStorageUnitName, ddboostStorageUnitBytes, ddboostStorageUnitGlobalComp, ddboostStorageUnitLocalComp, ddboostStorageUnitMetaData, ddboostFileRepliPerfInPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfInNetworkKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutNetworkKBPerSec } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing DDBoost monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 15 } ddsystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { systemLicenseKey, systemLicenseFeature, systemCapacityLicenseKey, systemCapacityLicenseFeature, systemCapacityLicenseModel, systemCapacityLicenseCapacity, systemHardwareSlot, systemHardwareVendor, systemHardwareDevice, systemHardwarePorts, systemPortsPort, systemPortsConnectionType, systemPortsLinkSpeed, systemPortsFirmware, systemPortsHardwareAddress, systemSerialNumber, systemCurrentTime, systemVersion, systemModelNumber, sysNotes, systemTimeZoneName, systemUserName, systemUserUID, systemUserRole, systemUserStatus } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing system monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 16 } artGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { artConfigStatus, artConfigMigrationSchedule, artConfigDefaultAge, artConfigFileSystemClean, artConfigCompression, artMigrationPolicyMtreeName, artMigrationPolicyDefaultAge, artMigrationScheduleSchedule, artMigrationScheduleStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing art monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 17 } mtreeGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mtreeCompressionMtreePath, mtreeCompressionPreCompGib, mtreeCompressionPostCompGib, mtreeCompressionGlobalCompFactor, mtreeCompressionLocalCompFactor, mtreeCompressionPostTotalCompFactor, mtreeCompressionTimePeriod, mtreeListMtreeName, mtreeListPreCompGib, mtreeListStatus, mtreeRetentionLockMtreeName, mtreeRetentionLockStatus, mtreeRetentionLockUUID, mtreeRetentionLockMinRetentionPeriod, mtreeRetentionLockMaxRetentionPeriod } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing mtree monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 18 } enclosureGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { enclosureListNum, enclosureListModel, enclosureListSerialNum, enclosureListOemName, enclosureListOemValue, enclosureListCapacity, enclosurePackID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing enclousure information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 19 } managedObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { managedSystemHostname, managedSystemSerial, managedSystemState, managedSystemStatus, managedSystemDDOSVersion, managedSystemHDSyncTime, managedSystemCDSyncTime, taskHistoryUser, taskHistoryID, taskHistoryParent, taskHistoryName, taskHistoryState, taskHistoryStartTime, taskHistoryDuration, taskActiveUser, taskActiveID, taskActiveParent, taskActiveName, taskActiveState, taskActiveStartTime, taskActiveDuration } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing ddms system information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 20 } networkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dnsServer, searchDomainsName, snmpTrapHostsName, snmpTrapHostsVersion, nisDomain, nisServers, nisAdminGroups, nisUserGroups, nisBackupOperatorGroups, nisEnabled, nisStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing network information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 21 } fileSystemGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { fileSystemStatus, fileSystemVirtualSpace, fileSystemResourceName, fileSystemSpaceSize, fileSystemSpaceUsed, fileSystemSpaceAvail, fileSystemPercentUsed, fileSystemSpaceCleanable, fileSystemResourceTier, fileSystemCompressionPeriod, fileSystemCompressionStartTime, fileSystemCompressionEndTime, fileSystemPreCompressionSize, fileSystemPostCompressionSize, fileSystemGlobalCompressionFactor, fileSystemLocalCompressionFactor, fileSystemTotalCompressionFactor, fileSystemArchiveUnitName, fileSystemArchiveUnitState, fileSystemArchiveUnitStatus, fileSystemArchiveUnitStartTime, fileSystemArchiveUnitEndTime, fileSystemArchiveUnitSize, fileSystemArchiveUnitDiskGroups, fileSystemCleanStatus, fileSystemCleanSchedule, fileSystemCleanThrottle, fileSystemReductionPercent1, fileSystemOptionsName, fileSystemOptionsValue, fileSystemUpTime, fileSystemStatusMessage, fileSystemResourceTrapIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing file system monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 22 } ddsystemGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { systemLicenseKey, systemLicenseFeature, systemCapacityLicenseKey, systemCapacityLicenseFeature, systemCapacityLicenseModel, systemCapacityLicenseCapacity, systemHardwareVendor, systemHardwareDevice, systemHardwarePorts, systemHardwareSlotName, systemPortsPort, systemPortsConnectionType, systemPortsLinkSpeed, systemPortsFirmware, systemPortsHardwareAddress, systemSerialNumber, systemCurrentTime, systemVersion, systemModelNumber, systemTimeZoneName, systemUserName, systemUserUID, systemUserRole, systemUserStatus, systemActiveUserName, systemActiveUserIdleTime, systemActiveUserLoginTime, systemActiveUserLoginFrom, systemActiveUserTty } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing system monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 23 } smtGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { smtStatus, tenantUnitListName, tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtUsers, tenantUnitListNumberOfMtrees, tenantUnitListNumberOfDdboostStus, tenantUnitListTenantSelfServiceMode, tenantUnitListParentTenantName, tenantUnitListType, tenantUnitListSecurityMode, tenantUnitListNumberOfMgmtGroups, tenantUnitMgmtUserListUserRole, tenantUnitMtreeListMtreeName, tenantUnitDdboostStuListStuName, tenantUnitAdminIpInfoType, tenantInfoTenantName, tenantInfoTenantUnitName, tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupRole, tenantUnitMgmtGroupListGroupType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing Secure Multi-Tenancy (SMT) information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 24 } quotaGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { quotaCapacityStatus, quotaCapacityMtreeName, quotaCapacityPreCompMiB, quotaCapacitySoftLimitMiB, quotaCapacityHardLimitMiB, quotaCapacityTenantUnit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing quota information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 25 } ddboostGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ddboostAccessClientsName, ddboostInterface, ddboostifGroupMember, ddboostBackupConnections, ddboostRestoreConnections, ddboostControlConnections, ddboostTotalConnections, ddboostFileReplHistoryDirection, ddboostFileReplHistoryNetwork, ddboostFileReplHistoryPreComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryPostComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplHistoryErrors, ddboostFileReplHistoryDate, ddboostFileReplHistoryTime, ddboostFileReplStatsDirection, ddboostFileReplStatsNetworkSent, ddboostFileReplStatsPreCompSent, ddboostFileReplStatsFiltered, ddboostFileReplStatsLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplStatsLocalComp, ddboostFileReplStatsCompRatio, ddboostIfGroupInterface, ddboostOptionsName, ddboostOptionsStatus, ddboostStatus, ddboostUserName, ddboostIfGroupStatus, ddboostPreCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostPostCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostNetworkKBytesPerSecond, ddboostReadKBytesPerSecond, ddboostStatsBackupConn, ddboostStatsRestoreConn, ddboostStatsImageCreatesCount, ddboostStatsImageCreatesErrors, ddboostStatsImageDeletesCount, ddboostStatsImageDeletesErrors, ddboostStatsPrecompBytesReceived, ddboostStatsBytesAfterFiltering, ddboostStatsBytesAfterLc, ddboostStatsNetworkBytesReceived, ddboostStatsCompressionRatio, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadCount, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadErrors, ddboostStorageUnitName, ddboostStorageUnitBytes, ddboostStorageUnitGlobalComp, ddboostStorageUnitLocalComp, ddboostStorageUnitMetaData, ddboostFileRepliPerfInPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfInNetworkKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutNetworkKBPerSec } STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing DDBoost monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 26 } ddboostGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ddboostAccessClientsName, ddboostInterface, ddboostifGroupMember, ddboostBackupConnections, ddboostRestoreConnections, ddboostControlConnections, ddboostTotalConnections, ddboostFileReplHistoryDirection, ddboostFileReplHistoryNetwork, ddboostFileReplHistoryPreComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryPostComp, ddboostFileReplHistoryLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplHistoryErrors, ddboostFileReplHistoryDate, ddboostFileReplHistoryTime, ddboostFileReplStatsDirection, ddboostFileReplStatsNetworkSent, ddboostFileReplStatsPreCompSent, ddboostFileReplStatsFiltered, ddboostFileReplStatsLowBWOpt, ddboostFileReplStatsLocalComp, ddboostFileReplStatsCompRatio, ddboostIfGroupInterface, ddboostOptionsName, ddboostOptionsStatus, ddboostStatus, ddboostUserName, ddboostUserDefaultTenantUnit, ddboostIfGroupName, ddboostIfGroupCurrentStatus, ddboostPreCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostPostCompKBytesPerSecond, ddboostNetworkKBytesPerSecond, ddboostReadKBytesPerSecond, ddboostStatsBackupConn, ddboostStatsRestoreConn, ddboostStatsImageCreatesCount, ddboostStatsImageCreatesErrors, ddboostStatsImageDeletesCount, ddboostStatsImageDeletesErrors, ddboostStatsPrecompBytesReceived, ddboostStatsBytesAfterFiltering, ddboostStatsBytesAfterLc, ddboostStatsNetworkBytesReceived, ddboostStatsCompressionRatio, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadCount, ddboostStatsTotalBytesReadErrors, ddboostStorageUnitName, ddboostStorageUnitBytes, ddboostStorageUnitGlobalComp, ddboostStorageUnitLocalComp, ddboostStorageUnitMetaData, ddboostStorageUnitStatus, ddboostStorageUnitPreComp, ddboostStorageUnitUser, ddboostStorageUnitReportPhysicalSize, ddboostFileRepliPerfInPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfInNetworkKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutPreCompKBPerSec, ddboostFileRepliPerfOutNetworkKBPerSec } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing DDBoost monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 27 } highAvailabilityGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { haSystemName, haSystemStatus, haInterconnectStatus, haPrimaryHeartbeatStatus, haExternalLanHeartbeatStatus, haHardwareCompatibilityCheck, haSoftwareVersionCheck, highAvailabilityNodeName, highAvailabilityNodeId, highAvailabilityNodeRole, highAvailabilityNodeState, highAvailabilityNodeHealth, highAvailabilityComponentName, highAvailabilityComponentState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing High Availability information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 28 } scsitargetObjectGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { scsitargetAdminState, scsitargetProcessState, scsitargetGroupName, scsitargetGroupService, scsitargetGroupActiveState, scsitargetGroupNumInitiators, scsitargetGroupNumDevices, scsitargetInitiatorName, scsitargetInitiatorSystemAddress, scsitargetInitiatorGroup, scsitargetInitiatorService, scsitargetInitiatorAddressMethod, scsitargetInitiatorTransport, scsitargetInitiatorFcWwpn, scsitargetInitiatorFcWwnn, scsitargetInitiatorFcSymbolicPortName, scsitargetInitiatorEndpInitiator, scsitargetInitiatorEndpEndpoint, scsitargetInitiatorEndpStatus, scsitargetEndpointName, scsitargetEndpointCurrentSystemAddress, scsitargetEndpointPrimarySystemAddress, scsitargetEndpointSecondarySystemAddress, scsitargetEndpointEnabled, scsitargetEndpointStatus, scsitargetEndpointTransport, scsitargetEndpointFcWwnn, scsitargetEndpointFcWwpn, scsitargetPortSystemAddress, scsitargetPortEnabled, scsitargetPortStatus, scsitargetPortTransport, scsitargetPortOperationalStatus, scsitargetPortFcNpiv, scsitargetPortPortId, scsitargetPortModel, scsitargetPortFirmware, scsitargetPortFcBaseWwnn, scsitargetPortFcBaseWwpn, scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwnn, scsitargetPortFcCurrentWwpn, scsitargetPortFcp2Retry, scsitargetPortConnectionType, scsitargetPortLinkSpeed, scsitargetPortFcTopology, scsitargetPortEndpPort, scsitargetPortEndpEndpoint, scsitargetPortEndpEnabled, scsitargetPortEndpStatus, scsitargetPortEndpCurrentInstance, scsitargetDeviceName, scsitargetDeviceService, scsitargetDeviceActiveState, scsitargetDeviceAddress, scsitargetDeviceGrpDevice, scsitargetDeviceGrpGroupName, scsitargetDeviceGrpLun, scsitargetDeviceGrpPrimaryEndpoints, scsitargetDeviceGrpSecondaryEndpoints, scsitargetDeviceGrpInUseEndpoints } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing Scsitarget information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 29 } cifsGroupRev1 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { cifsStatus, cifsConfigMode, cifsConfigWINSServer, cifsConfigNetBIOSHostname, cifsConfigDomainController, cifsConfigDNS, cifsConfigGroupName, cifsConfigMaxConnection, cifsConfigMaxOpenFiles, cifsShareName, cifsSharePath, cifsShareClients, cifsShareUser, cifsShareComment, cifsShareBrowsing, cifsShareWriteable, cifsShareMaxConnection, cifsOptionsName, cifsOptionsValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing CIFS monitoring information." ::= { dataDomainMibGroups 30 } END