-- -- Dell Remote Access Controller (RAC) and Chassis Management Controller (CMC) -- Management Information Base -- -- This MIB is the legacy iDRAC MIB. Changes are no longer made to this MIB -- for iDRACs. iDRACs don't support all of the objects and traps defined -- in this MIB. There is a new and more extensive iDRAC MIB available for -- newer iDRACs (iDRAC7 and newer). -- -- This MIB is also the CMC MIB. Changes are made to this MIB only for CMCs now. -- -- Copyright (c) 2017 Dell Inc. -- -- Last Changed Revision: 19 -- Last Changed Date: 2017-07-13 03:46:06 -0530 (Thu, 13 Jul 2017) -- Text Last Updated: 2017-07-13 03:46:06 -0530 (Thu, 13 Jul 2017) -- DELL-RAC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- text convention ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This data type is used to model textual information taken -- from the NVT ASCII character set. By convention, objects -- with this syntax are declared as having -- SIZE (0..1023) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..1023)) DellRacType ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the DRAC type is not one of the following unknown(2), -- the DRAC type is unknown dracIII(3), -- Drac III era(4), -- ERA drac4(5), -- Drac 4 drac5(6), -- Drac 5 drac5MC(7), -- Drac 5/MC cmc(8), -- CMC idrac(9), -- iDRAC idrac7monolithic(16), -- iDRAC7 Monolithic idrac7modular(17), -- iDRAC7 Modular vrtxCMC(18), -- VRTX CMC fx2CMC(19), -- FX2 Family CMC idrac8monolithic(32), -- iDRAC8 Monolithic idrac8modular(33) -- iDRAC8 Modular } DellStatus ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the following: unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown -- (not known or monitored) ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure) nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DellPowerReading is a string representation of a floating point value, -- having exactly 3 digits of precision, and a maximum of 31 characters. -- -- DellChassisPowerIndexRange defines the possible chassis power instances -- in this MIB. -- -- DellCMCPSUIndexRange defines the possible CMC Power Supply Unit (PSU) -- instances, per chassis power instance, in this MIB. -- -- DellCMCPSUCapable is an enumeration of PSU presence and/or monitoring -- capabilities. -- -- DellTemperatureReading is an integer value, expressed in degrees Celsius. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellPowerReading ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) DellCMCPowerIndexRange ::= INTEGER (1..1) DellCMCPSUIndexRange ::= INTEGER (1..6) DellCMCPSUCapable ::= INTEGER { absent(1), -- power supply is not present none(2), -- no power monitoring abilities basic(3) -- basic power monitoring abilities } DellTemperatureReading ::= INTEGER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DellTimestamp is defined in the displayable format: -- -- yyyymmddHHMMSS.uuuuuuDooo -- -- where yyyy is the year, mm is the month number, dd is the day of the month, -- HHMMSS are the hours, minutes and seconds, respectively, uuuuuu is the -- number of microseconds, D is the UTC offset direction, and ooo is the -- offset from UTC, in minutes. -- -- Note: D is a plus (+) sign if east of UTC, and a minus (-) if west of UTC. -- -- For example, Wednesday, May 25, 1994, at 1:30:15 PM EDT -- would be represented as: 19940525133015.000000-300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellTimestamp ::= DisplayString (SIZE (26)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DellCMCServerIndexRange defines the possible chassis server instances -- in this MIB. -- -- DellCMCServerCapable is an enumeration of server presence and/or monitoring -- capabilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DellCMCServerIndexRange ::= INTEGER (1..32) DellCMCServerCapable ::= INTEGER { absent(1), -- server is not present none(2), -- no server monitoring abilities basic(3), -- basic server monitoring abilities off(4) -- server is powered off } DellCMCServerStorageMode ::= INTEGER { notApplicable(1), -- not applicable to server joined(2), -- storage mode is Joined splitDualHost(3), -- storage mode is Split Dual Host splitSingleHost(4), -- storage mode is Split Single Host unknown(99) -- storage mode is unknown } DellCMCServerIntrusionState ::= INTEGER { notApplicable(1), -- not applicable to server closed(2), -- intrusion state is Closed open(3), -- intrusion state is Open unknown(99) -- intrusion state is unknown } -- MIB Objects and Tables -------------------------------------------------------- dell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 674 } server3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dell 10892 } drsOutofBandGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { server3 2 } drsInformationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 1 } drsProductInfoGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsInformationGroup 1 } drsFirmwareGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsInformationGroup 2 } drsStatusGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 2 } drsChassisStatusGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 3 } drsStatusNowGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsChassisStatusGroup 1 } drsStatusPrevGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsChassisStatusGroup 2 } drsStatusChangeGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsChassisStatusGroup 3 } drsChassisPowerGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 4 } DrsCMCPowerTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { drsChassisIndex DellCMCPowerIndexRange, drsPotentialPower DellPowerReading, drsIdlePower DellPowerReading, drsMaxPowerSpecification DellPowerReading, drsPowerSurplus DellPowerReading, drsKWhCumulative DellPowerReading, drsKWhCumulativeTime DellTimestamp, drsWattsPeakUsage DellPowerReading, drsWattsPeakTime DellTimestamp, drsWattsMinUsage DellPowerReading, drsWattsMinTime DellTimestamp, drsWattsResetTime DellTimestamp, drsWattsReading DellPowerReading, drsAmpsReading DellPowerReading } DrsCMCPSUTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { drsPSUChassisIndex DellCMCPowerIndexRange, drsPSUIndex DellCMCPSUIndexRange, drsPSULocation DellString, drsPSUMonitoringCapable DellCMCPSUCapable, drsPSUVoltsReading DellPowerReading, drsPSUAmpsReading DellPowerReading, drsPSUWattsReading DellPowerReading } drsChassisServerGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 5 } DrsCMCServerTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { drsServerIndex DellCMCServerIndexRange, drsServerMonitoringCapable DellCMCServerCapable, drsServerServiceTag DellString, drsServerSlotName DellString, drsServerSlotNumber DellString, drsServerNodeID DellString, drsServerModel DellString, drsServerAssetTag DellString, drsServerNumStorageControllers INTEGER, drsServerStorageMode DellCMCServerStorageMode, drsServerIntrusionState DellCMCServerIntrusionState, drsServerAssignedServerSlots DellString } -- Storage details start storageDetailsGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 6 } software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { storageDetailsGroup 1 } storageManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { software 20 } physicalDevices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { storageManagement 130 } logicalDevices OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { storageManagement 140 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Textual Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FQDDString ::= DisplayString (SIZE (0..512)) ObjectStatusEnum ::= INTEGER { other(1), -- the status of the object is not one of the -- following: unknown(2), -- the status of the object is unknown -- (not known or monitored) ok(3), -- the status of the object is ok nonCritical(4), -- the status of the object is warning, non-critical critical(5), -- the status of the object is critical (failure) nonRecoverable(6) -- the status of the object is non-recoverable (dead) } BooleanType ::= INTEGER (0..1) -- 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE -- Storage details end drsCMCAlertGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 20 } drsChassisAlertVariables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsCMCAlertGroup 10 } drsCMCAlert2Group OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 21 } drsChassisAlert2Variables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsCMCAlert2Group 10 } drsAlertGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsOutofBandGroup 5000 } drsAlertVariables OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { drsAlertGroup 10 } -- Variables and Traps ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: product information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsProductName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0001 This attribute defines the product name of a chassis management controller." ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 1 } drsProductShortName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0002 This attribute defines the short product name of a chassis management controller. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 2 } drsProductDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0003 This attribute defines the product description of a chassis management controller. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 3 } drsProductManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0004 This attribute defines the product manufacturer of a chassis management controller. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 4 } drsProductVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0005 This attribute defines the product version of a chassis management controller. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 5 } drsChassisServiceTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0007 This attribute defines the Service Tag of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 6 } drsProductURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0006 This attribute defines the out-of-band UI URL of a chassis management controller. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 7 } drsProductChassisAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0008 This attribute defines the Asset Tag of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 8 } drsProductChassisLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0009 This attribute defines the location of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 9 } drsProductChassisName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0010 This attribute defines the name of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 10 } drsSystemServiceTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0011 This attribute defines the service tag of a system. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 11 } drsProductSystemAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0012 This attribute defines the asset tag of a system. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 12 } drsProductSystemSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0013 This attribute defines the slot number of a CMC. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 13 } drsProductType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellRacType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0014 This attribute defines type of a remote access card " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 14 } drsProductChassisDataCenter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0015 This attribute defines the Data Center locator of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 15 } drsProductChassisAisle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0016 This attribute defines the Aisle locator of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 16 } drsProductChassisRack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0017 This attribute defines the Rack locator of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 17 } drsProductChassisRackSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0018 This attribute defines the Rack Slot locator of the chassis. " ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 18 } drsProductChassisModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0019 This attribute defines the Model of the chassis." ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 19 } drsProductChassisExpressServiceCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0020 This attribute defines the Express Service Code of the chassis." ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 20 } drsProductChassisSystemID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0021 This attribute defines the System ID of the chassis." ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 21 } drsProductChassisSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0001.0022 This attribute defines the size of the chassis in rack units (U). A U is a standard unit of measure for the height of a rack or rack-mountable component." ::= { drsProductInfoGroup 22 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: firmware ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0002.0001 This attribute defines the firmware version of chassis management controller 1." ::= { drsFirmwareGroup 1 } drsiKVMFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0002.0002 This attribute defines the firmware version of the iKVM. " ::= { drsFirmwareGroup 2 } drsFirmwareVersion2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0001.0002.0003 This attribute defines the firmware version of chassis management controller 2." ::= { drsFirmwareGroup 3 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: chassis status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsGlobalSystemStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0002.0001.0001 This attribute defines the overall chassis status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusGroup 1 } drsGlobalCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0001 This attribute defines the overall chassis status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 1 } drsIOMCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0002 This attribute defines the IOM subsystem status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 2 } drsKVMCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0003 This attribute defines the iKVM subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 3 } drsRedCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0004 This attribute defines the Redundancy status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 4 } drsPowerCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0005 This attribute defines the power subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 5 } drsFanCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Fan subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 6 } drsBladeCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0007 This attribute defines the Blade subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 7 } drsTempCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0008 This attribute defines the Temp Sensor subsystem health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 8 } drsCMCCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0009 This attribute defines the CMC health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 9 } drsChassisFrontPanelAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTemperatureReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0010 This attribute defines the ambient temperature reading (in degrees Celsius) for the chassis front panel controller." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 10 } drsCMCAmbientTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTemperatureReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0011 This attribute defines the ambient temperature reading (in degrees Celsius) for the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 11 } drsCMCProcessorTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTemperatureReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0012 This attribute defines the temperature reading (in degrees Celsius) for the chassis management card processor." ::= { drsStatusNowGroup 12 } drsGlobalPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0001 This attribute defines the previous chassis status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 1 } drsIOMPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0002 This attribute defines the previous IOM subsystem status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 2 } drsKVMPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0003 This attribute defines the previous iKVM subsystem health status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 3 } drsRedPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0004 This attribute defines the previous Redundancy status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 4 } drsPowerPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0005 This attribute defines the previous power subsystem health status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 5 } drsFanPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0006 This attribute defines the previous Fan health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 6 } drsBladePrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0002.0007 This attribute defines the previous Blade subsystem health status recorded by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 7 } drsTempPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0008 This attribute defines the Temp Sensor health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 8 } drsCMCPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0001.0009 This attribute defines the CMC health status being monitored by the chassis management card." ::= { drsStatusPrevGroup 9 } drsGlobalChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0001 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent global status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 1 } drsIOMChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0002 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent IOM status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 2 } drsKVMChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0003 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent iKVM status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 3 } drsRedChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0004 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent Redundancy status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 4 } drsPowerChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0005 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent power health status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 5 } drsFanChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0006 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent Fan health status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 6 } drsBladeChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0007 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent Blade health status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 7 } drsTempChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0008 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent Temp Sensor health status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 8 } drsCMCChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0003.0003.0009 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent CMC health status change." ::= { drsStatusChangeGroup 9 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: chassis power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsCMCPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DrsCMCPowerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001 This object defines the CMC power table." ::= { drsChassisPowerGroup 1 } drsCMCPowerTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DrsCMCPowerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001 This object defines the CMC power table entry." INDEX { drsChassisIndex } ::= { drsCMCPowerTable 1 } drsCMCPSUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DrsCMCPSUTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002 This object defines the CMC PSU table." ::= { drsChassisPowerGroup 2 } drsCMCPSUTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DrsCMCPSUTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001 This object defines the CMC PSU table entry." INDEX { drsPSUChassisIndex, drsPSUIndex } ::= { drsCMCPSUTable 1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- table: CMC power information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCPowerIndexRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one-based) of the associated chassis." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 1 } drsPotentialPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0002 This attribute defines the power (in Watts) required by the chassis infrastructure, plus the sum of the maximum power requirements for all currently powered-on servers." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 2 } drsIdlePower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0003 This attribute defines the power (in Watts) required by the chassis infrastructure, plus the sum of the minimum power requirements for all currently powered-on servers." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 3 } drsMaxPowerSpecification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0004 This attribute defines the power limit (in Watts) at which server throttling will take place." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 4 } drsPowerSurplus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0005 This attribute defines the power surplus (in Watts) remaining above the drsPotentialPower reading." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 5 } drsKWhCumulative OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0006 This attribute defines the cumulative chassis power usage (in KWh) since last reset." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 6 } drsKWhCumulativeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTimestamp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0007 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent chassis power accumulator reset." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 7 } drsWattsPeakUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0008 This attribute defines the chassis peak power usage (in Watts) since last reset." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 8 } drsWattsPeakTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTimestamp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0009 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent chassis peak power usage." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 9 } drsWattsMinUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0010 This attribute defines the chassis mimimum power usage (in Watts) since last reset." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 10 } drsWattsMinTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTimestamp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0011 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent chassis minimum power usage." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 11 } drsWattsResetTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellTimestamp ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0012 This attribute defines the timestamp of the most recent reset of the chassis min/peak Watts readings." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 12 } drsWattsReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0013 This attribute defines the instantaneous chassis power usage (in Watts)." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 13 } drsAmpsReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0001.0001.0014 This attribute defines the instantaneous chassis current usage (in Watts)." ::= { drsCMCPowerTableEntry 14 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- table: CMC PSU info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsPSUChassisIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCPowerIndexRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one-based) of the associated chassis." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 1 } drsPSUIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCPSUIndexRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0002 This attribute defines the index (one-based) of the associated CMC PSU." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 2 } drsPSULocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0003 This attribute defines the location of the CMC PSU." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 3 } drsPSUMonitoringCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCPSUCapable ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0004 This attribute defines the PSU Monitoring capabilities, or the absence of a PSU in this location." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 4 } drsPSUVoltsReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0005 This attribute defines the instantaneous PSU Voltage reading." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 5 } drsPSUAmpsReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0006 This attribute defines the instantaneous PSU Current reading." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 6 } drsPSUWattsReading OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellPowerReading ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0004.0002.0001.0007 This attribute defines the instantaneous PSU Wattage reading." ::= { drsCMCPSUTableEntry 7 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: chassis servers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsCMCServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DrsCMCServerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001 This object defines the CMC server table." ::= { drsChassisServerGroup 1 } drsCMCServerTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DrsCMCServerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001 This object defines the CMC server table entry." INDEX { drsServerIndex } ::= { drsCMCServerTable 1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- table: CMC Server info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCServerIndexRange ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0001 This attribute defines the index (one-based) of the associated CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 1 } drsServerMonitoringCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCServerCapable ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0002 This attribute defines the server monitoring capabilities, or the absence of a server in this location." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 2 } drsServerServiceTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0003 This attribute defines the Service Tag of the CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 3 } drsServerSlotName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0004 This attribute defines the Slot Name of the CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 4 } drsServerSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0005 This attribute defines the Chassis Slot Number of the CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 5 } drsServerNodeID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0006 This attribute defines the Node ID of the CMC server. The Node ID provides a unique identifier for the server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 6 } drsServerModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0007 This attribute defines the Model of the CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 7 } drsServerAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0008 This attribute defines the Asset Tag of the CMC server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 8 } drsServerNumStorageControllers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0009 This attribute defines the number of storage controllers on the storage sled. The value will be zero if this is not a storage sled." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 9 } drsServerStorageMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCServerStorageMode ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0010 This attribute defines the Storage Mode of the storage sled." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 10 } drsServerIntrusionState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellCMCServerIntrusionState ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0011 This attribute defines the Intrusion State of the CMC server if supported by the server." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 11 } drsServerAssignedServerSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0005.0001.0001.0012 This attribute defines the the server slots to which a storage sled is assigned. If this is a storage sled that is assigned to one more or more server slots, the value will be a comma-separated list of one or more server slot names. If the storage sled is not assigned to a server slot, the value will be an empty string. If this is not a storage sled, the value will be N/A." ::= { drsCMCServerTableEntry 12 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Storage Details Group -- -- OID Format: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Battery Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BatteryTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { batteryNumber INTEGER, batteryState INTEGER, batteryComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, batteryPredictedCapacity INTEGER, batteryFQDD DisplayString, batteryDisplayName DisplayString } batteryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BatteryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed batteries. The number of entries is related to number of Batteries discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 15 } batteryTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BatteryTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the battery table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { batteryNumber } ::= { batteryTable 1 } batteryNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this battery entry. " ::= { batteryTableEntry 1 } batteryState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), degraded(4), missing(5), charging(6), belowThreshold(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current state of battery. Possible values: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The battery is operating normally. 3: The battery has failed and needs to be replaced. 4: The battery temperature is high or charge level is depleting. 5: The battery is missing or not detected. 6: The battery is undergoing the re-charge phase. 7: The battery voltage or charge level is below the threshold. " ::= { batteryTableEntry 4 } batteryComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the battery itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other 2: Unknown 3: OK 4: Non-critical 5: Critical 6: Non-recoverable" ::= { batteryTableEntry 6 } batteryPredictedCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), failed(2), ready(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This entry is obsolete. Use the batteryComponentStatus or batteryState instead. " ::= { batteryTableEntry 10 } batteryFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { batteryTableEntry 20 } batteryDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The battery's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management." ::= { batteryTableEntry 21 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Controller Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ControllerTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { controllerNumber INTEGER, controllerName DisplayString, controllerRebuildRate INTEGER, controllerFWVersion DisplayString, controllerCacheSizeInMB INTEGER, controllerRollUpStatus ObjectStatusEnum, controllerComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, controllerDriverVersion DisplayString, controllerPCISlot DisplayString, controllerReconstructRate INTEGER, controllerPatrolReadRate INTEGER, controllerBGIRate INTEGER, controllerCheckConsistencyRate INTEGER, controllerPatrolReadMode INTEGER, controllerPatrolReadState INTEGER, controllerPersistentHotSpare BooleanType, controllerSpinDownUnconfiguredDrives BooleanType, controllerSpinDownHotSpareDrives BooleanType, controllerSpinDownTimeInterval INTEGER, controllerPreservedCache BooleanType, controllerCheckConsistencyMode INTEGER, controllerCopyBackMode INTEGER, controllerSecurityStatus INTEGER, controllerEncryptionKeyPresent BooleanType, controllerEncryptionCapability INTEGER, controllerLoadBalanceSetting INTEGER, controllerMaxCapSpeed INTEGER, controllerSASAddress DisplayString, controllerFQDD FQDDString, controllerDisplayName DisplayString, controllerT10PICapability INTEGER, controllerRAID10UnevenSpansSupported BooleanType, controllerEnhancedAutoImportForeignConfigMode INTEGER, controllerBootModeSupported BooleanType, controllerBootMode INTEGER, controllerHighAvailabilityMode INTEGER, controllerPeerController FQDDString, controllerEncryptionKeyIdentifier DisplayString } controllerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ControllerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed RAID controllers. The number of entries is related to number of RAID controllers discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 1 } controllerTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ControllerTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table of RAID controllers. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table." INDEX { controllerNumber } ::= { controllerTable 1 } controllerNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this controller entry." ::= { controllerTableEntry 1 } controllerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 2 } controllerRebuildRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rebuild rate is the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to rebuilding a failed disk when a rebuild is necessary. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 7 } controllerFWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's current firmware version. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 8 } controllerCacheSizeInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's current amount of cache memory in megabytes. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 9 } controllerRollUpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Severity of the controller state. This is the combined status of the controller and its components. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK 4: Non-critical 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 37 } controllerComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the controller itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other 2: Unknown 3: OK 4: Non-critical 5: Critical 6: Non-recoverable" ::= { controllerTableEntry 38 } controllerDriverVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Currently installed driver version for this controller on the host. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 41 } controllerPCISlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The PCI slot on the server where the controller is seated. This data is not reported for embedded or integrated controllers, " ::= { controllerTableEntry 42 } controllerReconstructRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The reconstruct rate is the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to reconstructing a disk group after adding a physical disk or changing the RAID level of a virtual disk residing on the disk group. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 48 } controllerPatrolReadRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The patrol read rate is the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to perform a patrol read on disks participating in a virtual disk or hot spares. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 49 } controllerBGIRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The background initialization (BGI) rate is the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to performing the background initialization of a redundant virtual disk after it is created. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 50 } controllerCheckConsistencyRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The check consistency rate is the percentage of the controller's resources dedicated to performing a check consistency on a redundant virtual disk. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 51 } controllerPatrolReadMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notSupported(2), disabled(3), auto(4), manual(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identifies the patrol read mode setting for the controller. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following or could not be determined. 2: Not Supported on this controller. 3: Disabled. 4: Automatic. 5: Manual. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 52 } controllerPatrolReadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), stopped(2), active(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This property displays the current state of the patrol read process. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following or could not be determined. 2: Patrol read is not running. 3: Patrol read is running. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 53 } controllerPersistentHotSpare OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether hot spare drives would be restored on insertion into the same slot. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 59 } controllerSpinDownUnconfiguredDrives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether un-configured drives would be put in power save mode by the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 60 } controllerSpinDownHotSpareDrives OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether hot spare drives would be put in power save mode by the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 61 } controllerSpinDownTimeInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (30..1440) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The duration in minutes after which, the unconfigured or hot spare drives will be spun down to power save mode. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 62 } controllerPreservedCache OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether preserved cache or pinned cache is present on the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 69 } controllerCheckConsistencyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unsupported(2), normal(3), stopOnError(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current check consistency mode setting for the controller. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Not supported on this controller. 3: Normal check consistency operation. 4: Check consistency operation will stop on encountering an error. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 70 } controllerCopyBackMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unsupported(2), on(3), onWithSmart(4), off(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current copy back mode setting for the controller. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Not supported on this controller. 3: Disks assigned as spares could revert back to spare status. 4: Data from physical disk participating in a virtual disk could be automatically copied to the assigned hot spare in case former has a predictive failure event. 5: Copyback mode is disabled. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 71 } controllerSecurityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), none(2), lkm(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's current security/encryption status.. Possible values: 1: The current status could not be determined. 2: Controller is not operating in an encryption mode. 3: Controller is operating in the Local Key Management (LKM) encryption mode. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 72 } controllerEncryptionKeyPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether encryption key is assigned for the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 73 } controllerEncryptionCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), none(2), lkm(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of encryption supported by the controller. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: No encryption supported, 3: Local Key Management, " ::= { controllerTableEntry 74 } controllerLoadBalanceSetting OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unsupported(2), auto(3), none(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The ability of the controller to automatically use both controller ports (or connectors) connected to the same enclosure in order to route I/O requests. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Not supported. 3: Automatic load balancing is active. 4: Load balancing is inactive. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 75 } controllerMaxCapSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), oneDotFiveGbps(2), threeGbps(3), sixGbps(4), twelveGbps(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum speed of the controller.in Gigbits per second (Gbps). Possible values: 1: The speed could not be determined. 2. 1.5 Gbps 3: 3.0 Gbps 4: 6.0 Gbps 5: 12.0 Gbps " ::= { controllerTableEntry 76 } controllerSASAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SAS address of the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 77 } controllerFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 78 } controllerDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The controller's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management." ::= { controllerTableEntry 79 } controllerT10PICapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), capable(2), notCapable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the controller supports the T10 PI (Protection Information). These protection fields are known as DIF (Data Integrity Fields). Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Capable of supporting T10 PI. 3: Not capable of supporting T10 PI. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 80 } controllerRAID10UnevenSpansSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether uneven spans for RAID 10 virtual disk is supported on the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 81 } controllerEnhancedAutoImportForeignConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notSupported(2), disabled(3), enabled(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of enhanced auto-import of foreign configuration property of the controller. 1: Not one of the following. 2: Not Supported. 3: Disabled. 4: Enabled. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 82 } controllerBootModeSupported OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether headless boot mode settings are supported on the controller. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 83 } controllerBootMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), user(2), contOnError(3), headlessContOnError(4), headlessSafe(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the boot mode of the controller. Possible values: 1: Not applicable for this controller. 2: User mode: User interaction required for all boot messages (not applicable for uEFI environments). 3: Continue Boot On Error. User interaction only required for critical messages. 4: Headless Mode Continue On Error. User interaction is not required. Controller boot may halt on Error. 5: Headless Safe Mode. Controller shall boot to safe mode on critical errors. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 84 } controllerHighAvailabilityMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), faultTolerantActivePassive (2), faultTolerantActiveActive (3), degraded (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the fault-tolerant mode of the controller. Possible values: 1: None 2: Fault Tolerant(Active/Passive) 3: Fault Tolerant(Active/Active) 4: Degraded " ::= { controllerTableEntry 85 } controllerPeerController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The peer controller's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { controllerTableEntry 86 } controllerEncryptionKeyIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the encryption security key identifier of the controller, if the controller is encryption enabled and a security key is configured for the controller." ::= { controllerTableEntry 87 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Physical Disk Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PhysicalDiskTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { physicalDiskNumber INTEGER, physicalDiskName DisplayString, physicalDiskManufacturer DisplayString, physicalDiskState INTEGER, physicalDiskProductID DisplayString, physicalDiskSerialNo DisplayString, physicalDiskRevision DisplayString, physicalDiskCapacityInMB INTEGER, physicalDiskUsedSpaceInMB INTEGER, physicalDiskFreeSpaceInMB INTEGER, physicalDiskBusType INTEGER, physicalDiskSpareState INTEGER, physicalDiskComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, physicalDiskPartNumber DisplayString, physicalDiskSASAddress DisplayString, physicalDiskNegotiatedSpeed INTEGER, physicalDiskCapableSpeed INTEGER, physicalDiskSmartAlertIndication BooleanType, physicalDiskManufactureDay DisplayString, physicalDiskManufactureWeek DisplayString, physicalDiskManufactureYear DisplayString, physicalDiskMediaType INTEGER, physicalDiskPowerState INTEGER, physicalDiskRemainingRatedWriteEndurance INTEGER, physicalDiskOperationalState INTEGER, physicalDiskProgress INTEGER, physicalDiskSecurityStatus INTEGER, physicalDiskFormFactor INTEGER, physicalDiskFQDD FQDDString, physicalDiskDisplayName DisplayString, physicalDiskT10PICapability INTEGER, physicalDiskBlockSizeInBytes INTEGER, physicalDiskProtocolVersion DisplayString, physicalDiskPCIeNegotiatedLinkWidth INTEGER, physicalDiskPCIeCapableLinkWidth INTEGER, physicalDiskCurrentActiveController FQDDString, physicalDiskFailoverController FQDDString, physicalDiskForeignKeyIdentifier DisplayString } physicalDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhysicalDiskTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed physical disks. The number of entries is related to number of physical Disks discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 4 } physicalDiskTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysicalDiskTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the physical Disk table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { physicalDiskNumber } ::= { physicalDiskTable 1 } physicalDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1000000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this physical disk entry. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 1 } physicalDiskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical disk's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 2 } physicalDiskManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the physical disk's manufacturer. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 3 } physicalDiskState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), online(3), foreign(4), offline(5), blocked(6), failed(7), nonraid(8), removed(9), readonly(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this physical disk. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The physical disk is available for use, but no RAID configuration has been assigned. 3: A RAID configuration has been assigned to the physical disk. 4: The physical disk has been moved from another controller and contains all or some portion of a virtual disk. 5: The physical disk is not available to the RAID controller. 6: The physical disk is currently blocked by controller. 7: The physical disk is not operational. 8: The physical disk is not a RAID capable disk 9: The physical disk has been removed. 10:The physical disk media has been placed in read only mode. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 4 } physicalDiskProductID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model number of the physical disk. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 6 } physicalDiskSerialNo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical disk's unique identification number from the manufacturer. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 7 } physicalDiskRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware version of the physical disk. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 8 } physicalDiskCapacityInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the physical disk in megabytes. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 11 } physicalDiskUsedSpaceInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of used space in megabytes on the physical disk. This is not applicable for NVMe devices. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 17 } physicalDiskFreeSpaceInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of free space in megabytes on the physical disk. This is not applicable for NVMe devices. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 19 } physicalDiskBusType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), scsi(2), sas(3), sata(4), fibre(5), pcie(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The bus type of the physical disk. Possible values: 1: The bus type could not be determined. 2: Small Computer System Interface (SCSI). 3: Serial Attached SCSI (SAS). 4: Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA). 5: Fibre channel. 6: PCIe. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 21 } physicalDiskSpareState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notASpare(1), dedicatedHotSpare(2), globalHotSpare(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the disk as a spare. Possible values: 1: Physical disk is not a spare. 2: Physical disk is a dedicated hot spare. 3: Physical disk is a global hot spare. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 22 } physicalDiskComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the physical disk itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other 2: Unknown 3: OK 4: Non-critical 5: Critical 6: Non-recoverable " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 24 } physicalDiskPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the disk. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 27 } physicalDiskSASAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SAS address of the physical disk. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 28 } physicalDiskNegotiatedSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), oneDotFiveGbps(2), threeGbps(3), sixGbps(4), twelveGbps(5), fiveGTps(6), eightGTps(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The data transfer speed that the disk negotiated while spinning up in Gigbits per second (Gbps). Possible values: 1: The speed could not be determined. 2. 1.5 Gbps 3: 3.0 Gbps 4: 6.0 Gbps 5: 12.0 Gbps 6: 5 GT/s (applicable for NVMe devices). 7: 8 GT/s (applicable for NVMe devices). " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 29 } physicalDiskCapableSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), oneDotFiveGbps(2), threeGbps(3), sixGbps(4), twelveGbps(5), fiveGTps(6), eightGTps(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum data transfer speed supported by the disk in Gigbits per second (Gbps). Possible values: 1: The speed could not be determined. 2. 1.5 Gbps 3: 3.0 Gbps 4: 6.0 Gbps 5: 12.0 Gbps 6: 5 GT/s (applicable for NVMe devices). 7: 8 GT/s (applicable for NVMe devices). " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 30 } physicalDiskSmartAlertIndication OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the physical disk has received a predictive failure alert. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 31 } physicalDiskManufactureDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The day of the week (1=Sunday thru 7=Saturday) on which the physical disk was manufactured. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 32 } physicalDiskManufactureWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The week (1 thru 53) in which the physical disk was manufactured. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 33 } physicalDiskManufactureYear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The four digit year in which the physical disk was manufactured. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 34 } physicalDiskMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), hdd(2), ssd(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The media type of the physical disk. Possible Values: 1: The media type could not be determined. 2: Hard Disk Drive (HDD). 3: Solid State Device (SSD). " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 35 } physicalDiskPowerState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), spunUp(2), spunDown(3), transition(4), on(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power state of the physical disk. Possible Values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: The physical disk is in the spun up state. 3: The physical disk is in the spun down state. 4: The physical disk is changing from spun down state to spun up state or vice versa. 5: The Solid State Device (SSD) is powered on. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 42 } physicalDiskRemainingRatedWriteEndurance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This property is applicable to SSD media type only. This indicates the wear-out percentage of the SSD. Typically it is a value between 0 to 100. However, if the value is not available or not applicable (in the case of HDD media type) the value will be 255. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 49 } physicalDiskOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), rebuild(2), clear(3), copyback(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the physical disk when there are progressive operations ongoing. Possible values: 1: There is no active operation running. 2: Data from a redundant virtual disk is currently being rebuilt onto the physical disk. 3: Data on the disk is being erased. 4: Data is being copied from a hot spare disk to the physical disk or vice versa. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 50 } physicalDiskProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The progress percentage of the operation that is being performed on the physical disk. This is applicable only if there is a progressive operations ongoing " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 51 } physicalDiskSecurityStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { supported(1), notSupported(2), secured(3), locked(4), foreign(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The security/encryption status of the physical disk. Possible Values: 1: The physical disk supports encryption. 2: The physical disk does not support encryption 3: The physical disk is encrypted. 4: The physical disk is locked by a key. 5: The physical disk is locked by a foreign key. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 52 } physicalDiskFormFactor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), oneDotEight(2), twoDotFive(3), threeDotFive(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The form factor of the physical disk. Possible values: 1: The form factor could not be determined. 2: 1.8 inch. 3: 2.5 inch. 4: 3.5 inch. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 53 } physicalDiskFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical disk's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 54 } physicalDiskDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The physical disk's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 55 } physicalDiskT10PICapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), capable(2), notCapable(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the physical disk supports the T10 PI (Protection Information). These protection fields are known as DIF (Data Integrity Fields). Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Capable of supporting T10 PI. 3: Not capable of supporting T10 PI. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 57 } physicalDiskBlockSizeInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The block size (in bytes) of the physical disk. This is not applicable for NVMe devices. Possible values: 1: 512. 2: 4096 " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 58 } physicalDiskProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Applicable for NVMe devices only. The NVMe protocol version supported by the device. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 59 } physicalDiskPCIeNegotiatedLinkWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notApplicable(2), byOne(3), byTwp(4), byFour(5), byEight(6), bySixteen(7), byThirtyTwp(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Applicable for NVMe devices only. The PCIe link width negotiated with the host during device initialization. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 60 } physicalDiskPCIeCapableLinkWidth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notApplicable(2), byOne(3), byTwp(4), byFour(5), byEight(6), bySixteen(7), byThirtyTwp(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Applicable for NVMe devices only. The PCIe link widths the device is capable of supporting. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 61 } physicalDiskCurrentActiveController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the current active controller. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 62 } physicalDiskFailoverController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the failover controller. " ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 63 } physicalDiskForeignKeyIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Displays the encryption key identifier of the physical disk if it is in locked or foreign state." ::= { physicalDiskTableEntry 64 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Virtual Disk Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VirtualDiskTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { virtualDiskNumber INTEGER, virtualDiskName DisplayString, virtualDiskState INTEGER, virtualDiskSizeInMB INTEGER, virtualDiskWritePolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskReadPolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskLayout INTEGER, virtualDiskStripeSize INTEGER, virtualDiskComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, virtualDiskBadBlocksDetected BooleanType, virtualDiskSecured BooleanType, virtualDiskIsCacheCade BooleanType, virtualDiskDiskCachePolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskOperationalState INTEGER, virtualDiskProgress INTEGER, virtualDiskAvailableProtocols DisplayString, virtualDiskMediaType DisplayString, virtualDiskRemainingRedundancy INTEGER, virtualDiskFQDD FQDDString, virtualDiskDisplayName DisplayString, virtualDiskT10PIStatus INTEGER, virtualDiskBlockSizeInBytes INTEGER, virtualDiskAdapter1AccessPolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskAdapter2AccessPolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskAdapter3AccessPolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskAdapter4AccessPolicy INTEGER, virtualDiskCurrentActiveController FQDDString, virtualDiskFailoverController FQDDString } virtualDiskTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF VirtualDiskTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed virtual disks. The number of entries is related to number of virtual disks discovered in the system. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { logicalDevices 1 } virtualDiskTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VirtualDiskTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the virtual disk table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { virtualDiskNumber } ::= { virtualDiskTable 1 } virtualDiskNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..100000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this virtual disk entry. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 1 } virtualDiskName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The virtual disk's label as entered by the user. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 2 } virtualDiskState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), online(2), failed(3), degraded(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this virtual disk (which includes any member physical disks.) Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The virtual disk is operating normally or optimally. 3: The virtual disk has encountered a failure. The data on disk is lost or is about to be lost. 4: The virtual disk encounterd a failure with one or all of the constituent redundant physical disks. The data on the virtual disk might no longer be fault tolerant. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 4 } virtualDiskSizeInMB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The size of the virtual disk in megabytes. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 6 } virtualDiskWritePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { writeThrough(1), writeBack(2), writeBackForce(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The write policy used by the controller for write operations on this virtual disk. Possible values: 1: Write Through. 2: Write Back. 3: Force Write Back. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 10 } virtualDiskReadPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noReadAhead(1), readAhead(2), adaptiveReadAhead(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The read policy used by the controller for read operations on this virtual disk. Possible values: 1: No Read Ahead. 2: Read Ahead. 3: Adaptive Read Ahead. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 11 } virtualDiskLayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), r0(2), r1(3), r5(4), r6(5), r10(6), r50(7), r60(8), concatRaid1(9), concatRaid5(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The virtual disk's RAID type. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following 2: RAID-0 3: RAID-1 4: RAID-5 5: RAID-6 6: RAID-10 7: RAID-50 8: RAID-60 9: Concatenated RAID 1 10: Concatenated RAID 5 " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 13 } virtualDiskStripeSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), default(2), fiveHundredAndTwelvebytes(3), oneKilobytes(4), twoKilobytes(5), fourKilobytes(6), eightKilobytes(7), sixteenKilobytes(8), thirtyTwoKilobytes(9), sixtyFourKilobytes(10), oneTwentyEightKilobytes(11), twoFiftySixKilobytes(12), fiveOneTwoKilobytes(13), oneMegabye(14), twoMegabytes(15), fourMegabytes(16), eightMegabytes(17), sixteenMegabytes(18) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The stripe size of this virtual disk. Possible values: 1: Not one of the following 2: Default. 3: 512 bytes 4: 1 kB, 5: 2 kB, 6: 4 kB, 7: 8 kB, 8: 16 kB, 9: 32 kB, 10: 64 kB, 11: 128 kB, 12: 256 kB, 13: 512 kB, 14: 1 MB, 15: 2 MB, 16: 4 MB, 17: 8 MB, 18: 16 MB " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 14 } virtualDiskComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the virtual disk itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 20 } virtualDiskBadBlocksDetected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the virtual disk has bad blocks. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 23 } virtualDiskSecured OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the virtual disk is secured or not. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 24 } virtualDiskIsCacheCade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BooleanType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the virtual disk is being used as a secondary cache by the controller. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 25 } virtualDiskDiskCachePolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2), defullt(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The cache policy of the physical disks that are part of this virtual disk Possible values: 1: Enabled. 2: Disabled. 3: Default. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 26 } virtualDiskOperationalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(1), reconstructing(2), resynching(3), initializing(4), backgroundInit(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state of the virtual disk when there are progressive operations ongoing. Possible values: 1: There is no active operation running. 2: The virtual disk configuration has changed. The physical disks included in the virtual disk are being modified to support the new configuration. 3: A Consistency Check (CC) is being performed on the virtual disk. 4: The virtual disk is being initialized. 5: BackGround Initialization (BGI) is being performed on the virtual disk. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 30 } virtualDiskProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..100) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The progress percentage of the operation that is being performed on the virtual disk. This is applicable only if there is a progressive operations ongoing " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 31 } virtualDiskAvailableProtocols OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of protocols support by physical disks part of this virtual disk. For e.g. SAS for Serial Attached SCSI or SATA for Serial Advanced Technology Attachment. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 32 } virtualDiskMediaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "List of media types of the physical disks part of this virtual disk. For e.g. HDD for Hard Disk Drive or SSD for Solid State Device. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 33 } virtualDiskRemainingRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..2) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of physical disks which can be lost before the virtual disk loses its redundancy. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 34 } virtualDiskFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The virtual disk's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 35 } virtualDiskDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The virtual disk's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 36 } virtualDiskT10PIStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), enabled(2), disabled(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the virtual disk supports the T10 PI (Protection Information). These protection fields are known as DIF (Data Integrity Fields). Possible values: 1: Not one of the following. 2: Enabled. 3: Disabled. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 37 } virtualDiskBlockSizeInBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The block size (in bytes) of the physical disk part of the virtual disk. Possible values: 1: 512. 2: 4096 " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 38 } virtualDiskAdapter1AccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAccess (1), fullAccess (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the access policy of the virtual disk with the virtual adapters. Possible values: 1: No Access. 2: Full Access " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 39 } virtualDiskAdapter2AccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAccess (1), fullAccess (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the access policy of the virtual disk with the virtual adapters. Possible values: 1: No Access. 2: Full Access " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 40 } virtualDiskAdapter3AccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAccess (1), fullAccess (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the access policy of the virtual disk with the virtual adapters. Possible values: 1: No Access. 2: Full Access " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 41 } virtualDiskAdapter4AccessPolicy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAccess (1), fullAccess (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the access policy of the virtual disk with the virtual adapters. Possible values: 1: No Access. 2: Full Access " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 42 } virtualDiskCurrentActiveController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the current active controller. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 43 } virtualDiskFailoverController OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) of the failover controller. " ::= { virtualDiskTableEntry 44 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enclosure Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnclosureTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { enclosureNumber INTEGER, enclosureName DisplayString, enclosureState INTEGER, enclosureServiceTag DisplayString, enclosureAssetTag DisplayString, enclosureConnectedPort DisplayString, enclosureRollUpStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosureComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosureFirmwareVersion DisplayString, enclosureSASAddress DisplayString, enclosureDriveCount INTEGER, enclosureTotalSlots INTEGER, enclosureFanCount DisplayString, enclosurePSUCount DisplayString, enclosureEMMCount DisplayString, enclosureTempProbeCount DisplayString, enclosureRedundantPath DisplayString, enclosurePosition DisplayString, enclosureBackplaneBayID DisplayString, enclosureFQDD FQDDString, enclosureDisplayName DisplayString, enclosureType INTEGER } enclosureTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed enclosures/backplanes. The number of entries is related to number of internal backplane(s) discovered in the system and external storage enclosure(s) attached to the system.. The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 3 } enclosureTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the enclosure table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { enclosureNumber } ::= { enclosureTable 1 } enclosureNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this enclossre/backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 1 } enclosureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure/backplane's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 2 } enclosureState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), missing(4), degraded(5), foreign(6), offline(7), online(8), blocked(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this enclosure/backplane. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The enclosure is operating normally. 3: The enclosure has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4: The enclosure is no longer connected to the controller or there exists a problem communicating to the enclosure. 5: The enclosure is unstable. 6: The enclosure is inactive due to being configured by another controller. 7: The enclosure is offline and inaccessible. 8: The enclosure is online and accessible. 9: The enclosure is currently blocked by another controller. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 4 } enclosureServiceTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Enclosure identification used when consulting customer support. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 8 } enclosureAssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The asset tag information for the enclosure." ::= { enclosureTableEntry 9 } enclosureConnectedPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The port on the controller to which the storage enclosure is connected. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 19 } enclosureRollUpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Severity of the enclosure/backplane state. This is the combined status of the enclosure and its sub-components. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical. 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 23 } enclosureComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the enclosure/backplane.itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 24 } enclosureFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The firmware information for the enclosure/backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 26 } enclosureSASAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The SAS address of the enclosure/backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 30 } enclosureDriveCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of disks present in the enclosure/backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 31 } enclosureTotalSlots OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total physical drive slots in a storage enclosure or server backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 32 } enclosureFanCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of fans present in the storage enclosure. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 40 } enclosurePSUCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Power Supply Units (PSU) present in the storage enclosure. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 41 } enclosureEMMCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of Enclosure Management Modules (EMM) present in the storage enclosure. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 42 } enclosureTempProbeCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of temperature sensing devices present in the storage enclosure. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 43 } enclosureRedundantPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the controller has multiply paths to reach the storage enclosure. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 44 } enclosurePosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The possition of the storage enclosure within a daisy chain. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 45 } enclosureBackplaneBayID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The unique bay ID of the backplane. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 46 } enclosureFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure/backplane's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 47 } enclosureDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure/backplane's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 48 } enclosureType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), notApplicable(2), sassata(3), pcie(4), universal(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The protocol supported by the backplane. Possible states: 1: Not one of the following or could not be determined. 2: Not applicable (i.e. object is not a backplane). 3: Supports SAS/SATA. 4: Supports PCIe. 5: Both SAS/SATA and PCIe. " ::= { enclosureTableEntry 49 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enclosure Management Module Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnclosureManagementModuleTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { enclosureManagementModuleNumber INTEGER, enclosureManagementModuleName DisplayString, enclosureManagementModuleState INTEGER, enclosureManagementModulePartNumber DisplayString, enclosureManagementModuleFWVersion DisplayString, enclosureManagementModuleComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosureManagementModuleFQDD FQDDString, enclosureManagementModuleDisplayName DisplayString } enclosureManagementModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureManagementModuleTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed Enclosure Management Modules (EMM) in the external storage enclosure(s). The number of entries is related to number of enclosure management modules discovered in the enclosure(s). The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 13 } enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureManagementModuleTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the enclosure management module table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { enclosureManagementModuleNumber } ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTable 1 } enclosureManagementModuleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this enclosure management module. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 1 } enclosureManagementModuleName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure management module's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 2 } enclosureManagementModuleState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), missing(4), degraded(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this enclosure management module. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The enclosure management module is operating normally. 3: The enclosure management module has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4: The enclosure management module is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it. 5: The enclosure management module is unstable. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 4 } enclosureManagementModulePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the enclosure management module. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 6 } enclosureManagementModuleFWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware version of the enclosure management module. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 8 } enclosureManagementModuleComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the enclosure management module.itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 11 } enclosureManagementModuleFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure management module's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 15 } enclosureManagementModuleDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The enclosure management module's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureManagementModuleTableEntry 16 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enclosure Fan Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnclosureFanTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { enclosureFanNumber INTEGER, enclosureFanName DisplayString, enclosureFanState INTEGER, enclosureFanSpeed INTEGER, enclosureFanComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosureFanFQDD FQDDString, enclosureFanDisplayName DisplayString } enclosureFanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureFanTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed fans in the external storage enclosure(s). The number of entries is related to number of fans discovered in the enclosure(s). The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 7 } enclosureFanTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureFanTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the fan table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { enclosureFanNumber } ::= { enclosureFanTable 1 } enclosureFanNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this fan. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 1 } enclosureFanName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fan's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 2 } enclosureFanState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), missing(4), degraded(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this fan. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The fan is operating normally. 3: The fan has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4: The fan is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it. 5: The fan is unstable. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 4 } enclosureFanSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current relative speed of the fan in RPMs. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 11 } enclosureFanComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the fan itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 15 } enclosureFanFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fan's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 20 } enclosureFanDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The fan's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureFanTableEntry 21 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enclosure Power Supply Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { enclosurePowerSupplyNumber INTEGER, enclosurePowerSupplyName DisplayString, enclosurePowerSupplyState INTEGER, enclosurePowerSupplyPartNumber DisplayString, enclosurePowerSupplyComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosurePowerSupplyFQDD FQDDString, enclosurePowerSupplyDisplayName DisplayString } enclosurePowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed Power Supply Units(PSU) in the external storage enclosure(s). The number of entries is related to number of power supply unit(s) discovered in the enclosure(s). The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 9 } enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the power supply unit table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { enclosurePowerSupplyNumber } ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTable 1 } enclosurePowerSupplyNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this power supply unit. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 1 } enclosurePowerSupplyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power supply unit's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 2 } enclosurePowerSupplyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), missing(4), degraded(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this power supply unit. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The power supply unit is operating normally. 3: The power supply unit has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4: The power supply unit is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it. 5: The power supply unit is unstable. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 4 } enclosurePowerSupplyPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The part number of the power supply unit. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 7 } enclosurePowerSupplyComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the power supply unit itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 9 } enclosurePowerSupplyFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power supply unit's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 15 } enclosurePowerSupplyDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power supply unit's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosurePowerSupplyTableEntry 16 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enclosure Temperature Probe Table -- -- OID Format:. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EnclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry ::=SEQUENCE { enclosureTemperatureProbeNumber INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeName DisplayString, enclosureTemperatureProbeState INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeMinWarningValue INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeMinCriticalValue INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeMaxWarningValue INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeMaxCriticalValue INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeCurValue INTEGER, enclosureTemperatureProbeComponentStatus ObjectStatusEnum, enclosureTemperatureProbeFQDD FQDDString, enclosureTemperatureProbeDisplayName DisplayString } enclosureTemperatureProbeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EnclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of managed temperature probes in the external storage enclosure(s). The number of entries is related to number of temperature probes discovered in the enclosure(s). The maximum number of entries is implementation dependent. Note: The properties in this table may not be applicable to all entries. " ::= { physicalDevices 11 } enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An entry in the temperature probe table. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table. " INDEX { enclosureTemperatureProbeNumber } ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTable 1 } enclosureTemperatureProbeNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of this temperature probe. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 1 } enclosureTemperatureProbeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature probe's name as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 2 } enclosureTemperatureProbeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ready(2), failed(3), missing(4), degraded(5), overWarning(6), underWarning(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of this temperature probe. Possible states: 1: The current state could not be determined. 2: The temperature probe is operating normally. 3: The temperature probe has encountered a hardware problem or is not responding. 4: The temperature probe is no longer connected to the enclosure or there exists a problem communicating to it. 5: The temperature probe is unstable. 6: The temperature probe is Over Warning Temperature. 7: The temperature probe is Under Warning Temperature. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 4 } enclosureTemperatureProbeMinWarningValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum temperature that will force the probe into a warning state. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 7 } enclosureTemperatureProbeMinCriticalValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The minimum temperature that will force the probe into a error state. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 8 } enclosureTemperatureProbeMaxWarningValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum temperature that will force the probe into a warning state. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 9 } enclosureTemperatureProbeMaxCriticalValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum temperature that will force the probe into a warning state. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 10 } enclosureTemperatureProbeCurValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum temperature that will force the probe into a warning state. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 11 } enclosureTemperatureProbeComponentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ObjectStatusEnum ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status of the enclosure management module.itself without the propagation of any contained component status. Possible values: 1: Other. 2: Unknown. 3: OK. 4: Non-critical . 5: Critical. 6: Non-recoverable. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 13 } enclosureTemperatureProbeFQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FQDDString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature probe's Fully Qualified Device Descriptor (FQDD) as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 15 } enclosureTemperatureProbeDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The temperature probe's friendly FQDD as represented in Storage Management. " ::= { enclosureTemperatureProbeTableEntry 16 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: Chassis Alerts 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsCASubSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0020.0010.0001 This attribute defines the Sub-System Name of the CMC Alert" ::= { drsChassisAlertVariables 1 } drsCASSCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0020.0010.0002 This attribute defines the Current Status of the Alerting Sub-System" ::= { drsChassisAlertVariables 2 } drsCASSPrevStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0020.0010.0003 This attribute defines the Previous Status of the Alerting Sub-System" ::= { drsChassisAlertVariables 3 } drsCASSChangeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0020.0010.0004 This attribute defines the Timestamp of Most Recent Change of the Alerting Sub-System" ::= { drsChassisAlertVariables 4 } drsCAMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "0020.0010.0005 This attribute defines the CSSD message of the CMC Alert" ::= { drsChassisAlertVariables 5 } alertCMCTestTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup DESCRIPTION "The CMC has generated a test trap" --#TYPE "CMC Test Trap" --#SUMMARY "CMC Test Trap" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 2000 alertCMCNormalTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsGlobalCurrStatus, drsCASubSystem, drsCASSCurrStatus, drsCASSPrevStatus, drsCASSChangeTime, drsCAMessage } DESCRIPTION "The CMC reported a return-to-normal or informational event." --#TYPE "CMC Return-to-Normal / Informational Trap" --#SUMMARY "Return-to-Normal / Informational Trap from CMC in system %s in location %s, message: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,7} --#SEVERITY NORMAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 2002 alertCMCWarningTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsGlobalCurrStatus, drsCASubSystem, drsCASSCurrStatus, drsCASSPrevStatus, drsCASSChangeTime, drsCAMessage } DESCRIPTION "The CMC reported a warning event." --#TYPE "CMC Warning Trap" --#SUMMARY "Warning Trap from CMC in system %s in location %s, message: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,7} --#SEVERITY WARNING --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 2003 alertCMCCriticalTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsGlobalCurrStatus, drsCASubSystem, drsCASSCurrStatus, drsCASSPrevStatus, drsCASSChangeTime, drsCAMessage } DESCRIPTION "The CMC reported a critical event." --#TYPE "CMC Critical Trap" --#SUMMARY "Critical Trap from CMC in system %s in location %s, message: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,7} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 2004 alertCMCNonRecoverableTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsGlobalCurrStatus, drsCASubSystem, drsCASSCurrStatus, drsCASSPrevStatus, drsCASSChangeTime, drsCAMessage } DESCRIPTION "The CMC reported a catastrophic event." --#TYPE "CMC Non-Recoverable Trap" --#SUMMARY "Non-Recoverable Trap from CMC in system %s in location %s, message: %s" --#ARGUMENTS {0,1,7} --#SEVERITY NON-RECOVERABLE --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: Chassis Alerts 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsCA2MessageID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..8)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message ID of the alert." ::= { drsChassisAlert2Variables 1 } drsCA2Message OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message describing the alert." ::= { drsChassisAlert2Variables 2 } drsCA2MessageArgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Concatenated set of strings representing any message arguments that were used to construct the alert message. Each message argument string is enclosed in double quotes, and there is a comma after the ending double quote of each message argument string, except the last one. Any double quotes found within a message argument string were preprocessed and changed to single quotes." ::= { drsChassisAlert2Variables 3 } drsCA2AlertStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the alert." ::= { drsChassisAlert2Variables 4 } drsCA2FQDD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..512)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fully qualified device descriptor of device causing the alert." ::= { drsChassisAlert2Variables 5 } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Amperage Probe Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: AMP/16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2AmperageProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Current sensor reading is within range." --#TYPE "System: Amperage Normal" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2179 alert2AmperageProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Current sensor has detected a warning value." --#TYPE "System: Amperage Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2178 alert2AmperageProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Current sensor has detected a failure value." --#TYPE "System: Amperage Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Battery Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: BAT/22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2BatteryNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Battery state has returned to normal; or battery presence had been detected." --#TYPE "System: Battery Normal" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2227 alert2BatteryWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Battery is low." --#TYPE "System: Battery Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2226 alert2BatteryFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Battery has failed or battery is absent." --#TYPE "System: Battery Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2225 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Cable Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: CBL/43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2CableFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Cable failure." --#TYPE "System: Cable Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2393 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: CMC Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: CMC/62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2CMCWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Chassis Management Controller detected a warning." --#TYPE "System: CMC Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2546 alert2CMCFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Chassis Management Controller detected an error." --#TYPE "System: CMC Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2545 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Fan Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: FAN/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2FanInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Fan information." --#TYPE "System: Fan Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2155 alert2FanWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Fan warning." --#TYPE "System: Fan Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2154 alert2FanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Fan failure." --#TYPE "System: Fan Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Hardware Configuration Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: HWC/35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2HardwareConfigurationInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Hardware configuration information." --#TYPE "System: Hardware Configuration Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2331 alert2HardwareConfigurationWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Hardware configuration warning." --#TYPE "System: Hardware Configuration Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2330 alert2HardwareConfigurationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Hardware configuration failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: Hardware Configuration Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2329 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: IO Virtualization Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: IOV/63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2IOVirtualizationInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization information." --#TYPE "System: IO Virtualization Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2555 alert2IOVirtualizationWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization warning." --#TYPE "System: IO Virtualization Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2554 alert2IOVirtualizationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: IO Virtualization Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2553 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Link Status Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: LNK/25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2LinkStatusInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Link status information." --#TYPE "System: Link Status Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2251 alert2LinkStatusWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Link status warning." --#TYPE "System: Link Status Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2250 alert2LinkStatusFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Link status failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: Link Status Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: PCI Device Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: PCI/46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PCIDeviceInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PCI device information." --#TYPE "System: PCI Device Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2419 alert2PCIDeviceWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PCI device warning." --#TYPE "System: PCI Device Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2418 alert2PCIDeviceFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PCI device failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: PCI Device Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Power Supply Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: PSU/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PowerSupplyNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power supply has returned to normal." --#TYPE "System: Power Supply Normal" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2187 alert2PowerSupplyWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power supply has detected a warning." --#TYPE "System: Power Supply Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2186 alert2PowerSupplyFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power supply has detected a failure." --#TYPE "System: Power Supply Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2185 alert2PowerSupplyRedundancyPolicyChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PSU redundancy policy changed." --#TYPE "System: Power Supply Redundancy policy changed" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8331 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Power Supply Absent Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: PSUA/52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PowerSupplyAbsent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power supply is absent." --#TYPE "System: Power Supply Absent" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2465 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Power Usage Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: PWR/28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PowerUsageInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage information." --#TYPE "System: Power Usage Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2275 alert2PowerUsageWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage warning." --#TYPE "System: Power Usage Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2274 alert2PowerUsageFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage failure." --#TYPE "System: Power Usage Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2273 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Redundancy Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: RDU/53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2RedundancyInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy information." --#TYPE "System: Redundancy Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2475 alert2RedundancyDegraded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy is degraded." --#TYPE "System: Redundancy Degraded" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2474 alert2RedundancyLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Redundancy is lost." --#TYPE "System: Redundancy Lost" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Security Event Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: SEC/42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SecurityInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Security information." --#TYPE "System: Security Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2387 alert2SecurityWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Security warning." --#TYPE "System: Security Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2386 alert2SecurityFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Security failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: Security Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2385 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: System Event Log Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: SEL/41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SystemEventLogInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "System Event Log information." --#TYPE "System: System Event Log Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2379 alert2SystemEventLogWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "System Event Log warning." --#TYPE "System: System Event Log Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2378 alert2SystemEventLogFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "System Event Log failure or critical event." --#TYPE "System: System Event Log Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2377 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Software Configuration Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: SWC/36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SoftwareConfigurationInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software configuration information." --#TYPE "System: Software Configuration Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2339 alert2SoftwareConfigurationWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software configuration warning." --#TYPE "System: Software Configuration Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2338 alert2SoftwareConfigurationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software configuration failure." --#TYPE "System: Software Configuration Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Temperature Probe Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: TMP/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2TemperatureProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor value is within range." --#TYPE "System: Temperature Normal" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2163 alert2TemperatureProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor has detected a warning value." --#TYPE "System: Temperature Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2162 alert2TemperatureProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor has detected a failure value." --#TYPE "System: Temperature Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2161 alert2IOMTemperatureExceeded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "I/O Module temperature exceeded operating range." --#TYPE "System: Temperature Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8305 alert2Unable2ReadTemperatureSensors TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Unable to read planar board temperature sensors. The cooling has been increased to safeguard the system." --#TYPE "System: Temperature Failure" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8306 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: System: Voltage Probe Traps -- -- Category: System/1 -- Subcategory: VLT/15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2VoltageProbeNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Voltage sensor reading is within range." --#TYPE "System: Voltage Normal" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2171 alert2VoltageProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Voltage sensor has detected a warning value." --#TYPE "System: Voltage Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2170 alert2VoltageProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Voltage sensor has detected a failure value." --#TYPE "System: Voltage Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 2169 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Battery Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: BAT/22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alert2StorageBatteryInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Battery information." --#TYPE "Storage: Battery Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4275 alert2StorageBatteryWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Battery warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Battery Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4274 alert2StorageBatteryFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Battery failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Battery Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4273 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Controller Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: CTL/29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageControllerInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Controller information." --#TYPE "Storage: Controller Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4331 alert2StorageControllerWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Controller warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Controller Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4330 alert2StorageControllerFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Controller failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Controller Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4329 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Enclosure Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: ENC/30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageEnclosureInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Enclosure information." --#TYPE "Storage: Enclosure Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4339 alert2StorageEnclosureWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Enclosure warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Enclosure Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4338 alert2StorageEnclosureFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Enclosure failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Enclosure Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Fan Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: FAN/13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageFanInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Fan information." --#TYPE "Storage: Fan Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4203 alert2StorageFanWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Fan warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Fan Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4202 alert2StorageFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Fan failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Fan Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Physical Disk Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: PDR/31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StoragePhysicalDiskInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Physical disk information." --#TYPE "Storage: Physical Disk Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4347 alert2StoragePhysicalDiskWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Physical disk warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Physical Disk Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4346 alert2StoragePhysicalDiskFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Physical disk failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Physical Disk Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4345 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Power Supply Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: PSU/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StoragePowerSupplyInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Power supply information." --#TYPE "Storage: Power Supply Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4235 alert2StoragePowerSupplyWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Power supply warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Power Supply Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4234 alert2StoragePowerSupplyFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Power supply failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Power Supply Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Security Event Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: SEC/42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageSecurityInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Security information." --#TYPE "Storage: Security Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4435 alert2StorageSecurityWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Security warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Security Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4434 alert2StorageSecurityFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Security failure or critical event." --#TYPE "Storage: Security Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4433 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Storage Management Status Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: STOR/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageManagementInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Management information. There is no global status change associated with this trap." --#TYPE "Storage: Storage Management Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4179 alert2StorageManagementWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Management has detected a device independent warning condition. There is no global status change associated with this trap." --#TYPE "Storage: Storage Management Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4178 alert2StorageManagementFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Management has detected a device independent error condition. There is no global status change associated with this trap." --#TYPE "Storage: Storage Management Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Temperature Probe Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: TMP/14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageTemperatureProbeInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Temperature probe information." --#TYPE "Storage: Temperature Probe Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4211 alert2StorageTemperatureProbeWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Temperature probe warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Temperature Probe Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4210 alert2StorageTemperatureProbeFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Temperature probe failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Temperature Probe Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4209 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Storage: Virtual Disk Traps -- -- Category: Storage/2 -- Subcategory: VDR/32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2StorageVirtualDiskInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Virtual disk information." --#TYPE "Storage: Virtual Disk Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4355 alert2StorageVirtualDiskWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Virtual disk warning." --#TYPE "Storage: Virtual Disk Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4354 alert2StorageVirtualDiskFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Storage Virtual disk failure." --#TYPE "Storage: Virtual Disk Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE FAILED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 4353 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Updates: Software Change Traps -- -- Category: Updates/3 -- Subcategory: SWU/21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SoftwareChangeUpdateWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software change update warning." --#TYPE "Updates: Software Change Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 6314 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: CMC Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: CMC/62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2CMCAuditInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Chassis Management Controller audit information." --#TYPE "Audit: CMC Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8691 alert2CMCAuditWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Chassis Management Controller audit warning." --#TYPE "Audit: CMC Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8690 alert2CMCAuditFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Chassis Management Controller audit failure or critical event." --#TYPE "Audit: CMC Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8689 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: IO Virtualization Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: IOV/63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2IOVirtualizationAuditWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization audit warning." --#TYPE "Audit: IO Virtualization Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8698 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: License Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: LIC/40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2LicenseInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "License information." --#TYPE "Audit: License Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8515 alert2LicenseWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "License warning." --#TYPE "Audit: License Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8514 alert2LicenseFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "License failure." --#TYPE "Audit: License Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8513 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: PCI Device Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: PCI/46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PCIDeviceAuditWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PCI device audit warning." --#TYPE "Audit: PCI Device Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8562 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: Power Supply Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: PSU/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PowerSupplyAuditWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power Supply audit warning." --#TYPE "Audit: Power Supply Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8330 alert2PowerSupplyAuditFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power Supply audit failure or critical event." --#TYPE "Audit: Power Supply Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8329 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: Power Usage Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: PWR/28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PowerUsageAuditInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage audit information." --#TYPE "Audit: Power Usage Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8419 alert2PowerUsageAuditWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage audit warning." --#TYPE "Audit: Power Usage Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8418 alert2PowerUsageAuditFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Power usage audit failure or critical event." --#TYPE "Audit: Power Usage Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8417 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Audit: Software Change Traps -- -- Category: Audit/4 -- Subcategory: SWU/21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SoftwareChangeAuditFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software change audit failure or critical event." --#TYPE "Audit: Software Change Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 8361 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Configuration: IO Virtualization Traps -- -- Category: Configuration/5 -- Subcategory: IOV/63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2IOVConfigurationInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization configuration information." --#TYPE "Configuration: IO Virtualization Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10747 alert2IOVConfigurationWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "IO Virtualization configuration warning." --#TYPE "Configuration: IO Virtualization Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Configuration: PCI Device Traps -- -- Category: Configuration/5 -- Subcategory: PCI/46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2PCIDeviceConfigurationInformation TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "PCI device configuration information." --#TYPE "Configuration: PCI Device Information" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10611 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Configuration: Software Configuration Traps -- -- Category: Configuration/5 -- Subcategory: SWC/36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2SWCConfigurationWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software configuration warning." --#TYPE "Configuration: Software Configuration Warning" --#SEVERITY MINOR --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10530 alert2SWCConfigurationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Software configuration failure." --#TYPE "Configuration: Software Configuration Failure" --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#SUMMARY "Message ID: %s, Message: %s," --#SUMMARY "Device Status: %d, Device FQDD: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Service Tag: %s, Chassis Name: %s," --#SUMMARY "Chassis Location: %s, Global Status: %d" --#ARGUMENTS {0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8} --#CATEGORY "Error Events" --#STATE DEGRADED --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10529 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Chassis Alerts 2: Configuration: Test Traps -- -- Category: Configuration/5 -- Subcategory: TST/19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ alert2CMCTestTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsCMCAlert2Group VARIABLES { drsCA2MessageID, drsCA2Message, drsCA2MessageArgs, drsCA2AlertStatus, drsCA2FQDD, drsProductChassisName, drsProductChassisLocation, drsChassisServiceTag, drsGlobalCurrStatus } DESCRIPTION "Test trap generated by CMC in response to a user request." --#TYPE "Configuration: CMC Test Trap" --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#CATEGORY "Status Events" --#STATE OPERATIONAL --#STATUS MANDATORY ::= 10395 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- group: Legacy Alerts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drsAlertSystem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0001 Name of the system generating the alert." --DEFAULT get-function-async get_%n_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 1 } drsAlertTableIndexOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0002 0.0" --DEFAULT get-function-async get_OID_null_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 2 } drsAlertMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0003 Message describing the alert." --DEFAULT get-function-async get_string_null_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 3 } drsAlertCurrentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0004 Current status of object causing the alert." --DEFAULT get-function-async get_dellstatus_unknow_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 4 } drsAlertPreviousStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DellStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0005 Previous status of object causing the alert." --DEFAULT get-function-async get_dellstatus_unknow_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 5 } drsAlertData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..1024)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "5000.0010.0006 Alert data." --DEFAULT get-function-async get_string_null_async --DEFAULT next-function-async std_next_async ::= { drsAlertVariables 6 } alertDrscTestTrapEvent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC generated a test trap event in response to a user request." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Test TRAP Event" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Status Events ::= 1001 alertDrscAuthError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC Authentication Failures during a time period have Exceeded a Threshold." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Authentication Error" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1002 alertDrscLostESM TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC cannot communicate with the baseboard management controller (ESM)." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Lost Communication with ESM" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1003 alertDrscFoundESM TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC is communicating normally with the baseboard management controller (ESM)." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Communication with ESM is OK" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1004 alertDrscPowerOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected a System power state change to powered-off." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Detected System Powered-Off" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1005 alertDrscPowerOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected a system power state change to powered-on." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Detected System Powered-On" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1006 alertDrscWatchdogExpired TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected that the system watchdog has expired indicating a system hang." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Detected Watchdog Expired" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1007 alertDrscBattLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC Battery charge is below 25% indicating that the battery may only be able to power the DRSC for 8-10 minutes." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Battery Charge Low" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1008 alertDrscTempNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC Temperature probe has retured to a normal value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Temperature Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1009 alertDrscTempWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC Temperature probe has detected a Warning value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Temperature Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1010 alertDrscTempCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC Temperature probe has detected a failure (or critical) value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Temperature Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1011 alertDrscVoltNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC voltage has returned to a normal value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Voltage Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1012 alertDrscVoltWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC voltage probe has detected a warning value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Battery Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MINOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1013 alertDrscVoltCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC voltage probe has detected a failure (or critical) value." --#TYPE "Dell RAC Voltage Failure" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1014 alertDrscSELWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected a new event in the System Event Log with Severity: Warning." --#TYPE "Dell RAC System Event Log Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1015 alertDrscSELCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected a new event in the System Event Log with Severity: Critical." --#TYPE "Dell RAC System Event Log Critical" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1016 alertDrscSEL80percentFull TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected that the System Event Log is 80% full." --#TYPE "Dell System Event Log 80% Full Warning" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#CATEGORY Status Events ::= 1017 alertDrscSEL90percentFull TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected that the System Event Log is 90% full." --#TYPE " Dell System Event Log 90% Full Warning " --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#CATEGORY Status Events ::= 1018 alertDrscSEL100percentFull TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected that the System Event Log is 100% full." --#TYPE " Dell System Event Log 100% Full Warning " --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#CATEGORY Status Events ::= 1019 alertDrscSELNormal TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE drsOutofBandGroup VARIABLES { drsAlertSystem, drsAlertTableIndexOID, drsAlertMessage, drsAlertCurrentStatus, drsAlertPreviousStatus, drsAlertData } DESCRIPTION "The RAC has detected a new event in the System Event Log with Severity: Normal." --#TYPE "Dell RAC System Event Log Normal" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS {2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#CATEGORY Error Events ::= 1020 END