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-- Copyright (c) 2017 by Dell Inc.
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--  This module provides authoritative definitions for Dell EMC Networking OS10
--  Textual Convention MIB.
--  This module will be extended, as needed.

            FROM SNMPv2-SMI
            FROM SNMPv2-TC
            FROM DELLEMC-OS10-SMI-MIB;

os10TextualConventionsMib MODULE-IDENTITY
        LAST-UPDATED "201907031200Z"
        CONTACT-INFO "http://www.dell.com/support"
            "The Textual Convention of Dell EMC Networking  OS10 MIB."

        REVISION     "201907031200Z"
            "Add N3248TE and Mt. Evans products." 

        REVISION     "201903071200Z"
            "Add Z9332F and Mt. Echo products." 

        REVISION     "201805151200Z"
            "Add Z9232F and Mt. Princeton products." 

        REVISION     "201801261200Z"
            "Add z9264F product." 

        REVISION     "201710271200Z"
            "Add s4112F and s4112T products." 

        REVISION     "201710111200Z"
            "Add s4248FB and s4248FBL products. 
             Depreciate s4200."

        REVISION     "201709061200Z"
            "Add new card types S5148F and Z9100"

        REVISION     "201706211200Z"
            "Removed OS9 products and updated with OS10 products"

        REVISION     "201701251200Z"
            "First revision of Dell EMC Networking OS10 TC MIB."

	::= { os10 1 }

   Os10ChassisDefType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS       current
                "Dell EMC Networking OS10 chassis type."
            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                s6000on(1),	   -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S6000-ON access switch
                s4048on(2),        -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4048-ON access switch
                s4048Ton(3),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4048T-ON access switch
                s3048on(4),        -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S3048-ON access switch
                s6010on(5),        -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S6010-ON access switch
                s4148Fon(6),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4148F-ON access switch
                s4128Fon(7),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4128F-ON access switch
                s4148Ton(8),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4148T-ON access switch
                s4128Ton(9),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4128T-ON access switch
                s4148FEon(10),     -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4148FE-ON access switch
                s4148Uon(11),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4148U-ON access switch
                s4200on(12),       -- Depreciated Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4200-ON access switch
                mx5108Non(13),     -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 MX5108N-ON access switch
                mx9116Non(14),     -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 MX9116N-ON access switch
                s5148Fon(15),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5148F-ON access switch
                z9100on(16),       -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 Z9100-ON access switch
                s4248FBon(17),     -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4248FB-ON access switch
                s4248FBLon(18),    -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4248FBL-ON access switch
                s4112Fon(19),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4112F-ON access switch
                s4112Ton(20),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S4112T-ON access switch
                z9264Fon(21),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 Z9264F-ON access switch
                z9224Fon(22),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 Z9232F-ON access switch
                s5212Fon(23),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5212F-ON access switch
                s5224Fon(24),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5224F-ON access switch
                s5232Fon(25),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5232F-ON access switch
                s5248Fon(26),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5248F-ON access switch
                s5296Fon(27),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 S5296F-ON access switch
                z9332Fon(28),      -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 Z9332F-ON access switch
                n3248TEon(29),     -- Dell EMC Networking OS10 N3248TE-ON access switch

   Os10InterfaceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS       current
                "Interface types supported by the Dell EMC Networking OS10 line cards.
            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                ethernetManagement(1),     -- Ethernet Mangement port
                ethernet100M(2),           -- Ethernet 100Mb
                ethernet1GB(3),            -- Ethernet 1 GB interface
                ethernet1GBCopper(4),      -- Ethernet Copper 1 GB interface
                ethernet10GB(5),           -- Ethernet 10 GB interface
                ethernet10GBCopper(6),     -- Ethernet Copper 10 GB interface
                ethernet25GB(7),           -- Ethernet 25 GB interface
                ethernet50GB(8),           -- Ethernet 50 GB interface
                ethernet40GB(9),           -- Ethernet 40 GB interface
                ethernet100GB(10),         -- Ethernet 100 GB interface
                fc(11)                     -- Fiber Channel interface

    Os10SystemCardType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS    current
                "The processor card supported by the Dell EMC Networking OS10
                products ."
            SYNTAX    INTEGER {
                s6000on(1),        -- S6000-ON 32 x 40Gbe QSFP+ Interface Module
                s4048on(2),        -- S4048-ON 48 x 10Gbe, 6 x 40Gbe QSFP+ Interface module
                s4048Ton(3),       -- S4048T-ON 48 x 10Gbe copper, 6 x 40Gbe QSFP+ Interface module
                s3048on(4),        -- S3048-ON 48 x 1Gbe copper, 4 x 10Gbe SFP+ Interface module
                s6010on(5),        -- S6010-ON 32 x 40Gbe QSFP+ Interface Module
                s4148Fon(6),       -- S4148F-ON 48 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 4 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4128Fon(7),       -- S4128F-ON 28 x 10Gbe, 2 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4148Ton(8),       -- S4148T-ON 48 x 10Gbe copper, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 4 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4128Ton(9),       -- S4128T-ON 28 x 10Gbe copper, 2 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4148FEon(10),     -- S4148FE-ON 48 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 4 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4148Uon(11),      -- S4148U-ON 24 x 8GFC/10Gbe 24 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 4 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4200on(12),       -- Deprecated: S4200-ON 40 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 6 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                mx5108Non(13),     -- MX5108N-ON 8 x 25Gbe server ports, 4x 10Gbe copper, 1 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 2 x 100Gbe QSFP28  Interface module
                mx9116Non(14),     -- MX9116N-ON  16 x 25Gbe server ports, 12 x 200Gbe DDQSFP, 4 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s5148Fon(15),      -- S5148F-ON 48x25GbE, 6x100GbE QSFP28 Interface Module
                z9100on(16),       -- Z9100-ON 32x100GbE QSFP28, 2x10GbE SFP+ Interface Module
                s4248FBon(17),     -- S4248FB-ON 40 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 6 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4248FBLon(18),    -- S4248FBL-ON 40 x 10Gbe, 2 x 40Gbe QSFP+, 6 x 100Gbe QSFP28 Interface module
                s4112Fon(19),      -- S4112F-ON Maverick 12x10GbE Base-T, 3x100GbE Interface Module
                s4112Ton(20),      -- S4112T-ON Maverick 12x10GbE, 3x100GbE Interface Module
                z9264Fon(21),      -- Z9264F-ON Tomahawk 2 64x100G, 2x10Gbe Interface Module
                z9232Fon(22),      -- Z9232F-ON 32x200GbE DD-QSFP28, 4x10GbE SFP+ Interface Module
                s5212Fon(23),      -- S5212F-ON 12x25GbE SFP28, 3x100GbE QSFP28 Interface Module"
                s5224Fon(24),      -- S5224F-ON 24x25GbE SFP28, 4x100GbE QSFP28 Interface Module
                s5232Fon(25),      -- S5232F-ON 32x100GbE QSFP28, 2x10GbE SFP28 Interface Module
                s5248Fon(26),      -- S5248F-ON 48x100GbE SFP28, 4x100GbE QSFP28, 2x200GbE QSFP-DD Interface Module
                s5296Fon(27),      -- S5296F-ON 96x25GbE SFP28, 8x100GbE QSFP28 Interface Module
                z9332Fon(28),      -- Z9332F-ON Tomahawk 3 32x400G, 2x10Gbe Interface Module
                n3248TEon(29),     -- N3248TE-ON 48x1G, 4x10G, SFP+ Interface Module
                unknown(9999)      -- unknown line card

    Os10CardOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS        current
                "The operational status provides further condition of
                the card. If AdminStatus is changed to 'up', then the
                valid state is
                'ready' - the card is present and ready and operational
                          packets can be passed
                If AdminStatus is changed to 'down', the states can be
                as followed:
                'cardMisMatch'- the card does not match what is configured
                'cardProblem' - the card detects hardware problems
                'diagMode'    - the card in the diagnostic mode
                'cardAbsent'  - the card is not present
                'offline'     - the card is not used."
            SYNTAX          INTEGER {

    Os10DeviceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS      current
                "The device category running  the Dell EMC Networking OS10"
            SYNTAX     INTEGER {
				chassis(1),            -- Chassis
				stack(2),              -- Stackable unit
				rpm(3),                -- Route Processor Module
				supervisor(4),         -- supervisor Module
				linecard(5)            -- Line Card

    Os10CmnOperStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
            STATUS      current
                "The common operating status for a device component."
            SYNTAX     INTEGER {
                testing(3),       -- in test mode
                unknown(4),       -- status cannot be determined
                notPresent(6),    -- component missing