-- -- 12/23/2009 - v1.0r Dell rPDU -- -- ********************************************************************** -- ********************************************************************** -- dellrPDU-MIB { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) -- dell(674) } DellrPDU-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Gauge, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215; dell OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 674 } pdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dell 10903 } pdusub OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pdu 200 } -- software OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pdusub 1 } hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pdusub 2 } system OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pdusub 3 } sysRPDUV1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { system 1 } -- Common rPDU values RpduEnableDisableType ::= INTEGER { disabled (1), enabled (2) } RpduNormalAlarmType ::= INTEGER { normal (1), alarm (2) } RpduCommNoneOKLostType ::= INTEGER { notInstalled (1), commsOK (2), commsLost (3) } RpduLowNormalNearOverloadType ::= INTEGER { lowLoad (1), normal (2), nearOverload (3), overload (4) } RpduNotPBMinLowNrmlOHiMaxType ::= INTEGER { notPresent (1), belowMin (2), belowLow (3), normal (4), overHigh (5), overMax (6) } RpduOtherToNonrecoverableType ::= INTEGER { other (1), unknown (2), ok (3), non-critical (4), critical (5), non-recoverable (6) } RpduOutletPhaseLayoutType ::= INTEGER { seqPhase1ToNeutral (1), seqPhase2ToNeutral (2), seqPhase3ToNeutral (3), seqPhase1ToPhase2 (4), seqPhase2ToPhase3 (5), seqPhase3ToPhase1 (6) } productID OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 100 } productIDDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of this product for display purposes." ::= { productID 1 } productIDDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A short description of this product." ::= { productID 2 } productIDVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The name of the product manufacturer." ::= { productID 3 } productIDVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The hardware version of this product." ::= { productID 4 } productIDBuildNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The software build number of the product populating the MIB." ::= { productID 5 } productIDURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The URL of the Web-based application to manage this device, should the device provide one." ::= { productID 6 } productIDDeviceNetworkName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operating system-specific computer name if product SNMP service is hosted." ::= { productID 7 } productStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 110 } productStatusGlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduOtherToNonrecoverableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current status of the product. This is a summary of the status for the entire product including any metered devices. The SNMP monitor performs a get to retrieve additional data when this status is abnormal. Valid values 1: Other 2: Unknown 3: OK 4: Non-critical 5: Critical 6: Non-recoverable." ::= { productStatus 1 } productStatusLastGlobalStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduOtherToNonrecoverableType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The status before the current status which induced an initiative to issue a global status change trap." ::= { productStatus 2 } productStatusTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The last time that the SNMP table geometries changed or attribute data was significantly updated. Management applications use this OID to trigger a refresh of data acquired from the MIB. This time should be a relative timestamp, for example, the value of MIB II SysUpTime when the values are updated." ::= { productStatus 3 } productStatusRESERVED1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RESERVED" ::= { productStatus 4 } productStatusRESERVED2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RESERVED" ::= { productStatus 5 } productStatusRESERVED3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RESERVED" ::= { productStatus 6 } rPDU OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hardware 200 } rPDUIdentD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 100 } -- rPDU Ident Table rPDUIdentTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected Rack PDUs." ::= { rPDUIdentD 1 } rPDUIdentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUIdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU identification data." ::= { rPDUIdentD 2 } rPDUIdentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUIdentEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification data from the Rack PDU being queried." INDEX { rPDUIdentIndex } ::= { rPDUIdentTable 1 } RPDUIdentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUIdentIndex INTEGER, rPDUIdentNameD DisplayString, rPDUIdentLocation DisplayString, rPDUIdentHardwareRevD DisplayString, rPDUIdentFirmwareRevD DisplayString, rPDUIdentDateOfManufactureD DisplayString, rPDUIdentModelNumberD DisplayString, rPDUIdentSerialNumberD DisplayString } rPDUIdentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU identification table entry." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 1 } rPDUIdentNameD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 2 } rPDUIdentLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the location of the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 3 } rPDUIdentHardwareRevD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU hardware version." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 4 } rPDUIdentFirmwareRevD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU firmware version." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 5 } rPDUIdentDateOfManufactureD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The date the Rack PDU was manufactured in mm/dd/yyyy format." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 6 } rPDUIdentModelNumberD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU model number." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 7 } rPDUIdentSerialNumberD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Rack PDU serial number." ::= { rPDUIdentEntry 8 } rPDUDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 110 } -- rPDU Device Data rPDUDeviceTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected Rack PDUs." ::= { rPDUDevice 1 } -- rPDU Device Status rPDUDeviceStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUDeviceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU status information." ::= { rPDUDevice 2 } rPDUDeviceStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUDeviceStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the Rack PDU being queried." INDEX { rPDUDeviceStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusTable 1 } RPDUDeviceStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUDeviceStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUDeviceStatusName DisplayString, rPDUDeviceStatusPower INTEGER, rPDUDeviceStatusEnergy INTEGER, rPDUDeviceStatusCommandPending INTEGER, rPDUDeviceStatusLoadState INTEGER } rPDUDeviceStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU status table entry." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 1 } rPDUDeviceStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 2 } rPDUDeviceStatusPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power consumption of the Rack PDU load in 1/100 of KWatts." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 3 } rPDUDeviceStatusEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user resettable energy meter measuring Rack PDU load energy consumption in tenths of kilowatt-hours." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 4 } rPDUDeviceStatusCommandPending OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commandPending (1), noCommandPending (2), commandPendingUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the device is processing a pending command. If the commandPendingUnknown (3) value is returned, all devices receiving power from the Rack PDU should be shut down. The Rack PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 5 } rPDUDeviceStatusLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduLowNormalNearOverloadType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the present load status of the Rack PDU Device being queried." ::= { rPDUDeviceStatusEntry 6 } -- rPDU Device Config rPDUDeviceConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUDeviceConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU configuration data." ::= { rPDUDevice 3 } rPDUDeviceConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUDeviceConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the Rack PDU being queried." INDEX { rPDUDeviceConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigTable 1 } RPDUDeviceConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUDeviceConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUDeviceConfigName DisplayString, rPDUDeviceConfigLocation DisplayString, rPDUDeviceConfigColdstartDelay INTEGER, rPDUDeviceCfgLowLoadPwrThresh INTEGER, rPDUDeviceCfgNerOvloadPwrThresh INTEGER, rPDUDeviceCfgOverloadPwrThresh INTEGER, rPDUDeviceConfigPowerHeadroom INTEGER, rPDUDeviceConfigPeakPower INTEGER, rPDUDeviceCfgPeakPwrStartTime DisplayString, rPDUDeviceConfigPeakPwrCapTime DisplayString, rPDUDeviceCfgPeakPowerHeadroom INTEGER, rPDUDeviceCfgEnergyStartTime DisplayString } rPDUDeviceConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU table entry." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 1 } rPDUDeviceConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 2 } rPDUDeviceConfigLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The Location of the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 3 } rPDUDeviceConfigColdstartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of delay, measured in seconds, between when power is provided to the Rack PDU and when the Rack PDU provides basic master power to the outlets." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 4 } rPDUDeviceCfgLowLoadPwrThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined low power draw alarm threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 5 } rPDUDeviceCfgNerOvloadPwrThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined near power overload threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 6 } rPDUDeviceCfgOverloadPwrThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined power overload threshold, measured in tenths of kilowatts." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 7 } rPDUDeviceConfigPowerHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of input power that is available to the connected devices in hundredths of kilowatt-hours." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 8 } rPDUDeviceConfigPeakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The highest input power level recorded by the connected devices in hundredths of kilowatt-hours." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 9 } rPDUDeviceCfgPeakPwrStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in hh:mm:ss, when the device started recording the highest input power level." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 10 } rPDUDeviceConfigPeakPwrCapTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in hh:mm:ss, when the highest input power level was recorded by the device." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 11 } rPDUDeviceCfgPeakPowerHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The highest level of input power that is available to the connected devices in hundredths of kilowatt-hours." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 12 } rPDUDeviceCfgEnergyStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in hh:mm:ss, when the device started recording the input energy level." ::= { rPDUDeviceConfigEntry 13 } -- rPDU Device Properties rPDUDevicePropertiesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUDevicePropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU properties." ::= { rPDUDevice 4 } rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUDevicePropertiesEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Properties of the Rack PDU being queried." INDEX { rPDUDevicePropertiesIndex } ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesTable 1 } RPDUDevicePropertiesEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUDevicePropertiesIndex INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesName DisplayString, rPDUDevicePropertiesNumOutlets INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesNumSwdOuts INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesNumMtrdOuts INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesNumPhases INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesNumBreakers INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesMaxCurntRtg INTEGER, rPDUDevicePropertiesOutlayout INTEGER } rPDUDevicePropertiesIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU properties table entry." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 1 } rPDUDevicePropertiesName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 2 } rPDUDevicePropertiesNumOutlets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of outlets on the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 3 } rPDUDevicePropertiesNumSwdOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of switched outlets on the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 4 } rPDUDevicePropertiesNumMtrdOuts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered outlets on the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 5 } rPDUDevicePropertiesNumPhases OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of phases present in the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 6 } rPDUDevicePropertiesNumBreakers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of breakers present in the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 7 } rPDUDevicePropertiesMaxCurntRtg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The maximum current rating, measured in Amps, for the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 8 } rPDUDevicePropertiesOutlayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { phaseToNeutral (1), phaseToPhase (2), phaseToNeutralGrouped (3), phaseToPhaseGrouped (4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The phase wiring for the Rack PDU outlets. PhaseToNeutral and PhaseToPhase: outlets wired consecutively; PhaseToNeutralGrouped and PhaseToPhaseGrouped: groups of outlets wired consecutively." ::= { rPDUDevicePropertiesEntry 9 } -- rPDU Device Control rPDUDeviceControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUDeviceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU control data." ::= { rPDUDevice 5 } rPDUDeviceControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUDeviceControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control data from the Rack PDU being queried." INDEX { rPDUDeviceControlIndex } ::= { rPDUDeviceControlTable 1 } RPDUDeviceControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUDeviceControlIndex INTEGER, rPDUDeviceControlName DisplayString, rPDUDeviceControlCommand INTEGER } rPDUDeviceControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU control table entry." ::= { rPDUDeviceControlEntry 1 } rPDUDeviceControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user-defined string identifying the Rack PDU." ::= { rPDUDeviceControlEntry 2 } rPDUDeviceControlCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { turnAllOnNow (1), turnAllOnSequence (2), turnAllOffNow (3), rebootAllNow (4), rebootAllSequence (5), noCommand (6), turnAllOffSequence (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Setting this OID to turnAllOnNow (1) will turn all outlets on immediately. Setting this OID to turnAllOnSequence (2) will turn all outlets on as defined by each outlet's sPDUOutletPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to turnAllOff (3) will turn all outlets off immediately. Setting this OID to rebootAllNow (4) will reboot all outlets immediately. Setting this OID to rebootAllSequence (5) reboots all outlets, with power returned to the outlets in the sequence defined by each outlet's rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOnTime OID value. Setting this OID to rebootAllSequence (5) will cause a turnAllOffSequence to be performed. Once all outlets are off, the Rack PDU will then delay the rPDUOutSwtchedCfgRebootDuration OID time, and then perform a turnAllOnSequence. Setting this OID to turnAllOffSequence (7) will turn all outlets off as defined by each outlet's rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOffTime OID value. Getting this OID will return the noCommand (6) value." ::= { rPDUDeviceControlEntry 3 } rPDUPhase OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 120 } -- rPDU Phase Data rPDUPhaseTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected Rack PDU phases." ::= { rPDUPhase 1 } -- rPDU Phase Status rPDUPhaseStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUPhaseStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU phase status data." ::= { rPDUPhase 2 } rPDUPhaseStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUPhaseStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status data from the currently queried Rack PDU phase." INDEX { rPDUPhaseStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusTable 1 } RPDUPhaseStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUPhaseStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUPhaseStatusNumber INTEGER, rPDUPhaseStatusLoadState INTEGER, rPDUPhaseStatusCurrent INTEGER, rPDUPhaseStatusVoltage INTEGER, rPDUPhaseStatusPower INTEGER } rPDUPhaseStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU phase status table entry." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 1 } rPDUPhaseStatusNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric phase ID." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 2 } rPDUPhaseStatusLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduLowNormalNearOverloadType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the present load status of the Rack PDU phase being queried." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 3 } rPDUPhaseStatusCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current draw, in tenths of Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU phase being queried." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 4 } rPDUPhaseStatusVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Voltage, in Volts, of the Rack PDU phase being queried." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 5 } rPDUPhaseStatusPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the load power, in hundredths of kilowatts, consumed on the Rack PDU phase being queried." ::= { rPDUPhaseStatusEntry 6 } -- rPDU Phase Config rPDUPhaseConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUPhaseConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU phase configuration data." ::= { rPDUPhase 3 } rPDUPhaseConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUPhaseConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the currently queried Rack PDU phase." INDEX { rPDUPhaseConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigTable 1 } RPDUPhaseConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUPhaseConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUPhaseConfigNumber INTEGER, rPDUPhaseCfgOverloadRestriction INTEGER, rPDUPhCfgLowLoadCurntThreshold INTEGER, rPDUPhCfgNerOverloadCurntThresh INTEGER, rPDUPhCfgOverloadCurntThreshold INTEGER } rPDUPhaseConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU phase configuration table entry." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 1 } rPDUPhaseConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric phase ID." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 2 } rPDUPhaseCfgOverloadRestriction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { alwaysAllowTurnON (1), restrictOnNearOverload (2), restrictOnOverload (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID controls the behavior of a Switched Rack PDU phase when an overload condition is possible and additional outlets are requested to be turned on. Setting this OID to alwaysAllowTurnON (1) will always allow the outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on. Setting this OID to restrictOnNearOverload (2) will not allow outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on if the rPDULoadConfigNearOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded. Setting this OID to restrictOnOverload (3) will not allow outlets on the corresponding phase to turn on if the rPDULoadConfigOverloadThreshold OID is exceeded." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 3 } rPDUPhCfgLowLoadCurntThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined threshold for low phase current load, in Amps." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 4 } rPDUPhCfgNerOverloadCurntThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined near phase overload warning threshold in Amps." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 5 } rPDUPhCfgOverloadCurntThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined phase overload current threshold in Amps." ::= { rPDUPhaseConfigEntry 6 } rPDUOutlet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 130 } -- rPDU Outlet Data rPDUOutletSwitched OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 1 } -- rPDU Switched Outlet Data rPDUOutletSwitchedTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of switched outlets on connected Rack PDUs." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitched 1 } -- rPDU Switched Outlet Status rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU switched outlet status information." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitched 2 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information for the currently-queried Rack PDU switched outlet." INDEX { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusTable 1 } RPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusName DisplayString, rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusState INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedStatCmdPnding INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedStatPhLayout RpduOutletPhaseLayoutType } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU switched outlet status information table entry." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 1 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric switched outlet ID." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 2 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined switched outlet ID string." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 3 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { on (1), off (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the present status of the Rack PDU switched outlet being queried." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 4 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatCmdPnding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commandPending (1), noCommandPending (2), commandPendingUnknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the device is processing a command for this outlet. If the commandPendingUnknown (3) value is returned, all devices receiving power from the Rack PDU should be shut down. The Rack PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 5 } rPDUOutletSwitchedStatPhLayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduOutletPhaseLayoutType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Phase description of the currently-queried Rack PDU switched outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedStatusEntry 6 } -- rPDU Switched Outlet Config rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU switched outlet configuration data." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitched 3 } rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the currently-queried Rack PDU switched outlet." INDEX { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigTable 1 } RPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigName DisplayString, rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOnTime INTEGER, rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOffTime INTEGER, rPDUOutSwtchedCfgRebootDuration INTEGER } rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU switched outlet configuration table entry." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 1 } rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric switched outlet ID." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 2 } rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined switched outlet ID string." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 3 } rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time, in seconds, between when power is provided to the Rack PDU and when this switched outlet starts providing power." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 4 } rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The amount of time, in seconds, this outlet will delay turning off." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 5 } rPDUOutSwtchedCfgRebootDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "After turning off power during a reboot sequence, the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before turning on power to this outlet again." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedConfigEntry 6 } -- rPDU Switched Outlet Control rPDUOutletSwitchedControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU switched outlet control data." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitched 4 } rPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Control data for the currently-queried Rack PDU switched outlet." INDEX { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlTable 1 } RPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedControlNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletSwitchedControlName DisplayString, rPDUOutletSwitchedControlCmd INTEGER } rPDUOutletSwitchedControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU switched outlet control data table entry." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry 1 } rPDUOutletSwitchedControlNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric switched outlet ID." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry 2 } rPDUOutletSwitchedControlName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined switched outlet ID string." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry 3 } rPDUOutletSwitchedControlCmd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { outletOn (1), outletOff (2), outletReboot (3), outletUnknown (4), outletOnWithDelay (5), outletOffWithDelay (6), outletRebootWithDelay (7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this variable will return the outlet state. If the outlet is on, the outletOn (1) value will be returned. If the outlet is off, the outletOff (2) value will be returned. If the state of the outlet cannot be determined, the outletUnknown (4) value will be returned. If the outletUnknown condition should occur, all devices receiving power from the PDU should be shut down. The PDU's power should then be cycled to clear this condition. Setting this variable to outletOn (1) will turn the outlet on. Setting this variable to outletOff (2) will turn the outlet off. Setting this variable to outletReboot (3) will reboot the outlet. Setting this variable to outletOnWithDelay (5) will turn the outlet on after the rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOnTime OID has elapsed. Setting this variable to outletOffWithDelay (6) will turn the outlet off after the rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOffTime OID has elapsed. Setting this variable to outletRebootWithDelay (7) will turn the outlet off after the rPDUOutSwitchedCfgPowerOffTime OID has elapsed, wait the rPDUOutSwtchedCfgRebootDuration OID time, then turn the outlet back on." ::= { rPDUOutletSwitchedControlEntry 4 } rPDUOutletMetered OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUOutlet 2 } -- rPDU Metered Outlet Data rPDUOutletMeteredTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of metered outlets on connected Rack PDUs." ::= { rPDUOutletMetered 1 } -- rPDU Metered Outlet Status rPDUOutletMeteredStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU metered outlet status data." ::= { rPDUOutletMetered 2 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status data from the currently-queried Rack PDU metered outlet." INDEX { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusTable 1 } RPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusName DisplayString, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusLayout INTEGER, rPDUOutMeteredStatPowerRating INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusCurrent INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEnergy INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatusPower INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredStatPeakPower INTEGER, rPDUOutMeteredStatPeakPwrTime DisplayString, rPDUOutMeteredStatusLoadState INTEGER } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU metered status table entry." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 1 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric metered outlet ID." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 2 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined metered outlet ID string." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 3 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusLayout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduOutletPhaseLayoutType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Phase description of currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 4 } rPDUOutMeteredStatPowerRating OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The power rating for the currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 5 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the current draw, in Amps, of the load on the Rack PDU outlet being queried." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 6 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEnergy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A user resettable energy meter measuring Rack PDU load energy consumption in kilowatt-hours." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 7 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatusPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the power draw of the load on the Rack PDU outlet being queried." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 8 } rPDUOutletMeteredStatPeakPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The highest power level recorded by the currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet, in kilowatts." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 9 } rPDUOutMeteredStatPeakPwrTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the date and time that peak power consumption occured" ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 10 } rPDUOutMeteredStatusLoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduLowNormalNearOverloadType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the present load status of the Rack PDU Outlet being queried." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredStatusEntry 11 } -- rPDU Metered Outlet Config rPDUOutletMeteredConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of Rack PDU metered outlet configuration data." ::= { rPDUOutletMetered 4 } rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet." INDEX { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigTable 1 } RPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredConfigNumber INTEGER, rPDUOutletMeteredConfigName DisplayString, rPDUOutMtredCfgLowLdCurntThresh INTEGER, rPDUOutMtrdCfgNrOvdCurntThresh INTEGER, rPDUOutMtredCfgOvrldCurntThresh INTEGER } rPDUOutletMeteredConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the Rack PDU metered outlet configuration table entry." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 1 } rPDUOutletMeteredConfigNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The numeric switched outlet ID." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 2 } rPDUOutletMeteredConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined metered outlet ID string." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 3 } rPDUOutMtredCfgLowLdCurntThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined low load outlet current threshold, in Amps." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 4 } rPDUOutMtrdCfgNrOvdCurntThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined near outlet overload warning threshold, in Amps." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 5 } rPDUOutMtredCfgOvrldCurntThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined outlet overload current threshold, in Amps." ::= { rPDUOutletMeteredConfigEntry 6 } rPDUOutMeteredEnergyStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in hh:mm:ss, when the currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet started recording the input energy level." ::= { rPDUOutletMetered 5 } rPDUOutMeteredPeakPwrStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time, in hh:mm:ss, when the currently queried Rack PDU metered outlet started recording the highest level of input power that is available to the connected device." ::= { rPDUOutletMetered 6 } rPDUPowerSupply OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 140 } -- the rPDU Power Supply group rPDUPowerSupplyAlarmD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { allAvailablePowerSuppliesOK (1), powerSupplyFailed (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Getting this OID will return the status of the power supply alarm." ::= { rPDUPowerSupply 1 } rPDUPowerSupplyVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The voltage provided by the power supply in tenths of volts." ::= { rPDUPowerSupply 2 } rPDUSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 150 } -- rPDU Sensor Data rPDUSensorStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUSensor 1 } -- rPDU Sensor Status Data rPDUSensorStatusTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected temperature sensors." ::= { rPDUSensorStatus 1 } -- rPDU Temperature Sensor Status rPDUSensorStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of temperature sensor status data." ::= { rPDUSensorStatus 2 } rPDUSensorStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the temperature sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorStatusTable 1 } RPDUSensorStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorStatusName DisplayString, rPDUSensorStatusType INTEGER } rPDUSensorStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the status data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorStatusEntry 1 } rPDUSensorStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorStatusEntry 2 } rPDUSensorStatusType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none (1), temperature (2), temperatureHumidity (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the sensor." ::= { rPDUSensorStatusEntry 3 } rPDUSensorTemp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUSensor 2 } -- rPDU Temperature Sensor Data rPDUSensorTempTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected temperature sensors." ::= { rPDUSensorTemp 1 } -- rPDU Temperature Sensor Status rPDUSensorTempStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorTempStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of temperature sensor status data." ::= { rPDUSensorTemp 2 } rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorTempStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the temperature sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorTempStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusTable 1 } RPDUSensorTempStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorTempStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempStatusName DisplayString, rPDUSensorTempStatusCommStatus INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempStatusTempF INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempStatusTempC INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempStatusAlarmStatus INTEGER } rPDUSensorTempStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the temperature status data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 1 } rPDUSensorTempStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined temperature-humidity sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 2 } rPDUSensorTempStatusCommStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduCommNoneOKLostType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The communications status of the sensor." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 3 } rPDUSensorTempStatusTempF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor temperature reading in tenths of degrees Fahrenheit." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 4 } rPDUSensorTempStatusTempC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor temperature reading in tenths of degrees Celsius." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 5 } rPDUSensorTempStatusAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduNotPBMinLowNrmlOHiMaxType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the sensor." ::= { rPDUSensorTempStatusEntry 6 } -- rPDU Temperature Sensor Config rPDUSensorTempConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorTempConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of temperature-humidity sensor configuration data." ::= { rPDUSensorTemp 3 } rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorTempConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the temperature-humidity sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorTempConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigTable 1 } RPDUSensorTempConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorTempConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempConfigName DisplayString, rPDUSensorTempCfgTempMaxThreshF INTEGER, rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHighThreshF INTEGER, rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHysteresisF INTEGER, rPDUSensorTempCfgTempMaxThreshC INTEGER, rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHighThreshC INTEGER, rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHysteresisC INTEGER, rPDUSnsorTempCfgAlarmGeneration INTEGER } rPDUSensorTempConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the temperature-humidity sensor configuration data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 1 } rPDUSensorTempConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined temperature-humidity sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 2 } rPDUSensorTempCfgTempMaxThreshF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor maximum temperature alarm threshold in Fahrenheit." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 3 } rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHighThreshF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor high temperature warning alarm threshold in Fahrenheit." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 4 } rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHysteresisF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor temperature hysteresis setting in Fahrenheit." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 5 } rPDUSensorTempCfgTempMaxThreshC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor maximum temperature alarm threshold in Celsius." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 6 } rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHighThreshC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor high temperature warning alarm threshold in Celsius." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 7 } rPDUSnsorTempCfgTempHysteresisC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor temperature hysteresis setting in Celsius." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 8 } rPDUSnsorTempCfgAlarmGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduEnableDisableType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Temp Alarm Generation is enabled." ::= { rPDUSensorTempConfigEntry 9 } rPDUSensorHumidity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUSensor 3 } -- rPDU Humidity Sensor rPDUSensorHumidityTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected temperature-humidity sensors." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidity 1 } -- rPDU Humidity Sensor Status rPDUSensorHumidityStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of temperature-humidity sensor status data." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidity 2 } rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the temperature-humidity sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusTable 1 } RPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorHumidityStatusName DisplayString, rPDUSnsorHumidityStatCommStatus INTEGER, rPDUSnsorHumStatRelativeHumdity INTEGER, rPDUSnsorHumStatusAlarmStatus INTEGER } rPDUSensorHumidityStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the temperature-humidity status data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry 1 } rPDUSensorHumidityStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined temperature-humidity sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry 2 } rPDUSnsorHumidityStatCommStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduCommNoneOKLostType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The communications status of the sensor." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry 3 } rPDUSnsorHumStatRelativeHumdity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor humidity reading in percent relative humidity." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry 4 } rPDUSnsorHumStatusAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduNotPBMinLowNrmlOHiMaxType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The alarm status of the sensor." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityStatusEntry 5 } -- rPDU Humidity Sensor Config rPDUSensorHumidityConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of temperature-humidity sensor configuration data." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidity 3 } rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the temperature-humidity sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigTable 1 } RPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorHumidityConfigName DisplayString, rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdityLowThresh INTEGER, rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdityMinThresh INTEGER, rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdtyHysteresis INTEGER, rPDUSnsorHumCfgAlarmGeneration INTEGER } rPDUSensorHumidityConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the temperature-humidity sensor configuration data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 1 } rPDUSensorHumidityConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined temperature-humidity sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 2 } rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdityLowThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor low humidity warning alarm threshold in percent relative humidity." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 3 } rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdityMinThresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor minimum humidity alarm threshold in percent relative humidity." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 4 } rPDUSnsorHumCfgHumdtyHysteresis OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The sensor humidity hysteresis setting in percent relative humidity." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 5 } rPDUSnsorHumCfgAlarmGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduEnableDisableType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether the Humidity Alarm Generation is enabled." ::= { rPDUSensorHumidityConfigEntry 6 } rPDUSensorDiscrete OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDUSensor 4 } -- rPDU Discrete Sensor Data rPDUSensorDiscreteTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of connected discrete sensors." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscrete 1 } -- rPDU Discrete Sensor Status rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of discrete sensor status data." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscrete 2 } rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status information from the discrete sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusTable 1 } RPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusName DisplayString, rPDUSnsorDiscreteStatCurntState INTEGER, rPDUSnsorDiscreteStatAlarmState INTEGER } rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the discrete sensor status data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry 1 } rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined discrete sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry 2 } rPDUSnsorDiscreteStatCurntState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2), unknown (3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current state of the discrete sensor, open, closed, or unknown." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry 3 } rPDUSnsorDiscreteStatAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduNormalAlarmType ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the alarm status of the discrete sensor input." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteStatusEntry 4 } -- rPDU Discrete Sensor Config rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF RPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A table of discrete sensor configuration data." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscrete 3 } rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration data from the discrete sensor being queried." INDEX { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigIndex } ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigTable 1 } RPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigIndex INTEGER, rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigName DisplayString, rPDUSnsorDiscreteCfgNormalState INTEGER, rPDUSnsorDiscrteAlarmGeneration INTEGER } rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The index to the discrete sensor configuration data table entry." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry 1 } rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user-defined discrete sensor ID string." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry 2 } rPDUSnsorDiscreteCfgNormalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { open (1), closed (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates the normal state of the discrete input contact." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry 3 } rPDUSnsorDiscrteAlarmGeneration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RpduEnableDisableType ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether Discrete Alarm Generation is enabled." ::= { rPDUSensorDiscreteConfigEntry 4 } mtrapargsD OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 160 } -- The mtrapargsD group -- These OIDs allows traps to be sent with additional arguments -- which may not be defined in the MIB. contactNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an integer argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargsD 1 } outletNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an integer argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargsD 2 } mtrapargsString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an octet string argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargsD 3 } phaseNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an integer argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargsD 4 } sensorNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an integer argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargsD 5 } deviceNameD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an octet string argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargsD 6 } serialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an octet string argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return a NULL string." ::= { mtrapargsD 7 } testTrapargsInteger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This OID allows traps to be sent with an integer argument that may not be defined in the MIB. A get of this OID will return 0." ::= { mtrapargsD 8 } events OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rPDU 500 } -- Traps -- Annotations are provided for Novell's NMS product -- -- Each trap has at least one variable (mtrapargsString) which always -- appears as the last variable in the list. This variable contains either -- a static or dynamically-constructed string which provides an enhanced -- description of the trap's purpose and any pertinent information about -- the trap. deviceCommunicationLostCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Lost communication with device has been re-established. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s lost communication with device has been re-established." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 1 deviceCommunicationLostSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Lost communication with device. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s lost communication with device." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 2 componentCommLostCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Lost communication with an on board component has been re-established. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s comm with on board component was re-established." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 3 componentCommLostSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Lost communication with an on board component. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s lost communication with an on board component." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 4 cANBusOffCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: CAN bus off condition was cleared. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s CAN bus off was cleared." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 5 canBusOffSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: CAN bus off condition was set. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s CAN bus off was set." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 6 powerSupplyFailureCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Unit's power supply voltage is no longer out of tolerance. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s unit's power supply voltage is no longer out of tolerance." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 7 powerSupplyFailureSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Unit's power supply voltage is out of tolerance. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s unit's power supply voltage is out of tolerance." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 8 keypadButtonStuckCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Keypad button stuck has been cleared. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s keypad button no longer stuck." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 9 keypadButtonStuckSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Keypad button stuck has been set. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s keypad button stuck." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 10 dryContactAbnormalCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, contactNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Dry Contact is no longer in an abnormal state. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the contact number." --#SUMMARY "%s dry contact #%s is no longer in an abnormal state." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 11 dryContactAbnormalSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, contactNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Dry Contact has moved to an abnormal state. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the contact number." --#SUMMARY "%s dry contact #%s has moved to an abnormal state." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 12 deviceLowLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Device load is no longer below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device is no longer below the 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 13 deviceLowLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Device load has fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s Device load has fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 14 deviceNearOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Device load no longer exceeds the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device not over 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 15 deviceNearOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Device load has exceeded the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device is over the 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 16 deviceOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Device load no longer exceeds the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device not over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 17 deviceOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Device load has exceeded the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device load is over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 18 phaseLowLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Phase load is no longer below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load is no longer below 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 19 phaseLowLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Phase load has fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load has fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 20 phaseNearOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Phase load no longer exceeds the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load not over 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 21 phaseNearOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Phase load has exceeded the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load is over the 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 22 phaseOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Phase load no longer exceeds the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load not over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 23 phaseOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Phase load has exceeded the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s load is over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 24 outletLowLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Outlet load is no longer below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load is not below the 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 25 outletLowLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Outlet load had fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load has fallen below the 'Low Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 26 outletNearOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Outlet load no longer exceeds the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load not over 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 27 outletNearOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Outlet load has exceeded the 'Near Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load is over 'Near Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 28 outletOverLoadCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Outlet load no longer exceeds the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load not over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 29 outletOverLoadSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Outlet load has exceeded the 'Over Load' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s load is over the 'Over Load' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 30 sensorDisconnectedCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor disconnected condition cleared. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s disconnected condition cleared." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 31 sensorDisconnectedSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Sensor disconnected condition set. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s disconnected condition set." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 32 sensorTypeIndeterminateCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor type indeterminate condition cleared. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s type indeterminate condition cleared." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 33 sensorTypeIndeterminateSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Sensor type indeterminate condition set. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s type indeterminate condition set." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 34 sensorTypeUnsupportedCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor type unsupported condition cleared. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s type unsupported condition cleared." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 35 sensorTypeUnsupportedSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Sensor type unsupported condition set. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s type unsupported condition set." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 36 maxTemperatureExceededCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor Temperature no longer exceeds the 'Max Temperature' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s temp not over 'Max Temperature' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 37 maxTemperatureExceededSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Sensor Temperature has exceeded the 'Max Temperature' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s temp is over 'Max Temperature' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 38 highTemperatureExceededCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor Temperature no longer exceeds the 'High Temperature' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s temp below 'High Temperature' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 39 highTemperatureExceededSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Sensor Temperature has exceeded the 'High Temperature' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s temp over 'High Temperature' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 40 lowHumidityExceededCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor Humidity is no longer below the 'Low Humidity' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s humidity is above 'Low Humidity' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 41 lowHumidityExceededSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Sensor Humidity has fallen below the 'Low Humidity' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s humidity is below 'Low Humidity' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 42 minHumidityExceededCleared TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor Humidity is no longer below the 'Min Humidity' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s humidity is above 'Min Humidity' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 43 minHumidityExceededSet TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "CRITICAL: Sensor Humidity has fallen below the 'Min Humidity' threshold value. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s humidity is below 'Min Humidity' threshold." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY CRITICAL ::= 44 outletTurnOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet has turned on. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s has turned on." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 45 outletTurnOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet has turned off. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s has turned off." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 46 actionCancelled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet action has been cancelled. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s action has been cancelled." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 47 deviceConfigurationChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: A device configuration has been changed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s device configuration has been changed." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 48 sensorConfigurationChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: A sensor configuration has been changed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s configuration has been changed." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 49 outletConfigurationChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet configuration has been changed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s configuration has been changed." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 50 phaseConfigurationChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, phaseNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: A phase configuration has been changed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the phase number." --#SUMMARY "%s phase #%s configuration has been changed." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 51 dryContactConfigurationChange TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, contactNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: A dry contact configuration has been changed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the contact number." --#SUMMARY "%s dry contact #%s configuration has been changed." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 52 actionInit TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet action has been initialized. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s action has been initialized." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 53 actionFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: An outlet action has failed to complete. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s action has failed to complete." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 54 actionDeleted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: An outlet action has been deleted. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s action has been deleted." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 55 syncCommandFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, outletNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: An outlet sync command to another unit has failed. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the outlet number." --#SUMMARY "%s outlet #%s sync command to another unit has failed." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 56 mPOPicFwDownloadStarted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: MPO pic fw download started. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s MPO pic fw download started." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 57 mPOPicFwDownloadComplete TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: MPO pic fw download complete. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s MPO pic fw download complete." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 58 mPOPicFwDownloadAborted TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: MPO pic fw download aborted. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name." --#SUMMARY "%s MPO pic fw download aborted." --#ARGUMENTS {1} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 59 sensorCommEstablished TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { serialNumber, deviceNameD, sensorNumber, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Sensor comm established. The first argument is the serial number. The second argument is the device name. The third argument is the sensor number." --#SUMMARY "%s sensor #%s comm established." --#ARGUMENTS {1,2} --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 60 -- System generated traps configChangeSNMP TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: The SNMP configuration has been changed." --#SUMMARY "The SNMP configuration has been changed." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 1000 accessViolationConsole TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Someone attempted console login with incorrect password three times." --#SUMMARY "Three unsuccessful logins were attempted via the console." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 1001 accessViolationHTTP TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "MINOR: Someone attempted login via HTTP with incorrect password." --#SUMMARY "An unsuccessful attempt to login via HTTP." --#SEVERITY MINOR ::= 1002 dellTestTrap TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE events VARIABLES { testTrapargsInteger, mtrapargsString } DESCRIPTION "INFORMATIONAL: Trap used to test SNMP trap functionality. The first argument is a place holder for test variables." --#SUMMARY "Test Trap." --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL ::= 1003 END