-- ***************************************************************** -- FORCE10-COPY-CONFIG-MIB -- -- -- Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by Force10 Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- ***************************************************************** -- FORCE10-COPY-CONFIG-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress, TimeTicks, NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF f10Mgmt FROM FORCE10-SMI ; f10CopyConfigMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200905141300Z" ORGANIZATION "Force10 Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Force10 Networks, Inc 1440 McCarthy Blvd Milpitas, CA 95035 (408) 571-3500 support@force10networks.com http://www.force10networks.com" DESCRIPTION "Force10 Copy Config MIB provides copying of running-config to to startup-config and vice-versa, and FTOS files to local disk or other system via ftp or tftp. " REVISION "200905141300Z" DESCRIPTION "Added New enum for usbflash filesystem in Exascale" REVISION "200706191200Z" DESCRIPTION "Update description to copy from remote server to local" REVISION "200303011200Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial Revision" ::= { f10Mgmt 5 } f10CopyConfigObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f10CopyConfigMib 1 } f10CopyConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f10CopyConfigObjects 1 } f10CopyConfigTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f10CopyConfigObjects 2 } F10ConfigFileLocation ::= INTEGER { flash(1), slot0(2), tftp(3), ftp(4), scp(5), usbflash(6) } -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The various location of the files on which a config-copy -- request can be performed. -- The option currently is limited to the master RPM. -- RPM1 location will be supported in near future. -- usbflash option is supported only on Exascale E-Series. F10ConfigFileType ::= INTEGER { ftosFile (1), runningConfig(2), startupConfig(3) } -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The various types of files on which a config-copy -- request can be performed. -- ftosFile can be any text or binary files as long -- the file is a valid files F10ConfigCopyState ::= INTEGER { running(1), successful(2), failed(3) } -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The state of a tftp config-copy operation. -- The description of each state is given below: -- -- running: only one config-copy request can run -- at any time. A newly activated -- config request will received state as failed -- if another request is in progress. -- But, if the current request is queried, -- the state is set to running. -- -- successsful: the state when a config-copy request is -- successfully completed. -- -- failed: to verify if there is a copy request in progress, -- query the system with the copy mib. -- Otherwise, the config-copy request failed. F10ConfigCopyFailCause ::= INTEGER { badFileName(1), copyInProgress(2), diskFull(3), fileExist(4), fileNotFound(5), timeout(6), unknown(7) } -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -- mandatory -- Descr -- The reason a config-copy request failed. f10CopyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF F10CopyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table of config-copy requests." ::= { f10CopyConfig 1 } f10CopyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10CopyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A config-copy request. To use this copy on NMS, user must first query the MIB. if the query returns the result of the previous copied and there is no pending copy operation, user can submit a SNMP SET with a random number as index with the appropraite information as specified by this MIB and the row status as CreateAndGo. The system will only keep the last 5 copy requests as the history. If there are ten entries in the copy request table, the subsequent copy request will replace the existing one in the copy table. 1) To copy running-config from local directory to startup-config. Set the following mib objects in the copy table copySrcFileType : runningConfig (2) copyDestFileType : startupConfig (3) 2) To copy startup-config from local directory to a remote site. Set the following mib objects in the copy table copySrcFileType : startupConfig (3) copyDestFileType : ftosFile (1) copyDestFileLocation : ftp (4) copyDestFileName : /user/tester1/ftp/ copyServerAddress : copyUserName : tester1 copyUserPassword : mypasswd 3) To copy a file from local directory to a remote site. Set the following mib objects in the copy table copySrcFileType : ftosFile (1) copySrcFileLocation : slot0 (2) copySrcFileName : NVTRACE_LOG_DIR/LP4-nvtrace-0 copyDestFileType : ftosFile (1) copyDestFileLocation : ftp (4) copyDestFileName : /usr/tester1/trace/backup/LP4-nvtrace-0 copyServerAddress : copyUserName : tester1 copyUserPassword : mypasswd " INDEX { copyConfigIndex } ::= { f10CopyTable 1 } F10CopyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { copyConfigIndex INTEGER, copySrcFileType F10ConfigFileType, copySrcFileLocation F10ConfigFileLocation, copySrcFileName DisplayString, copyDestFileType F10ConfigFileType, copyDestFileLocation F10ConfigFileLocation, copyDestFileName DisplayString, copyServerAddress IpAddress, copyUserName DisplayString, copyUserPassword DisplayString, copyState F10ConfigCopyState, copyTimeStarted TimeTicks, copyTimeCompleted TimeTicks, copyFailCause F10ConfigCopyFailCause, copyEntryRowStatus RowStatus } copyConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To initiate a config copy request, user should assign a positive random value as an index. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 1 } copySrcFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigFileType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of file to copy from. if the copySrcFileType is runningConfig(2) or startupConfig(3), the default F10ConfigFileLocation is flash(1). If the copySrcFileType has the value of ftosFile(1), it is expected that the copySrcFileLocation and copySrcFileName must also be spcified. The three objects together will uniquely identify the source file. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 2 } copySrcFileLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigFileLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the location of source file. If the copySrcFileType has the value of ftosFile(1), it is expected that the copySrcFileType and copySrcFileName must also be spcified. The three objects together will uniquely identify the source file. If the copySrcFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 3 } copySrcFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The file name (including the path, if applicable) of the file. If copySourceFileType is set to runningConfig or startupConfig, copySrcFileName is not needed. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 4 } copyDestFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigFileType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the type of file to copy to. if the copyDestFileType is runningConfig(2) or startupConfig(3), the default f10DestFileLocation is flash(1). If the copyDestFileType has the value of ftosFile(1), it is expected that the copyDestFileLocation and copyDestFileName must also be spcified. The three objects together will uniquely identify the destination file. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 5 } copyDestFileLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigFileLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the location of destination file. If the copyDestFileType has the value of ftosFile(1), it is expected that the copyDestFileType and copyDestFileName must also be spcified. The three objects together will uniquely identify the destination file. If the copyDestFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 6 } copyDestFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the location of destination file. If the copyDestFileType has the value of ftosFile(1), it is expected that the f10CopyDestFileTyp and copyDestFileLocation must also be spcified. The three objects together will uniquely identify the source file. If the copyDestFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 7 } copyServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ip address of the tftp server from (or to) which to copy the configuration file. Values of or FF.FF.FF.FF for copyServerAddress are not allowed. If the copyDestFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 8 } copyUserName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote user name for copy via ftp, or scp. If the copyDestFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 9 } copyUserPassword OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password used by ftp, scp for copying a file to an ftp/scp server. If the copyDestFileLocation has the value of ftp(4) or scp(5), it is expected the login information liked copyServerAddress, copyUserName, and copyUserPassword also be spcified. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 10 } copyState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigCopyState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The state of config-copy operation. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 11 } copyTimeStarted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The timetick when the copy started. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 12 } copyTimeCompleted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The timetick when the copy completed. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 13 } copyFailCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX F10ConfigCopyFailCause MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The reason a config-copy request failed. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 14 } copyEntryRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The state of the copy operation. Uses CreateAndGo when you are performing the copy. The state is set to active when the copy is completed. " ::= { f10CopyEntry 15 } -- -- ## Alarm Group or Traps -- copyAlarmMibNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f10CopyConfigTraps 0 } copyAlarmVariable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { f10CopyConfigTraps 1 } -- -- TRAP VarBind Data -- copyAlarmLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the message warning level" ::= { copyAlarmVariable 1 } copyAlarmString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An generic string value in the TRAP object" ::= { copyAlarmVariable 2 } copyAlarmIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the index of the current copy, copyAlarmIndex" ::= { copyAlarmVariable 3 } -- -- TRAPS -- copyConfigCompleted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { copyAlarmLevel, copyAlarmString, copyAlarmIndex } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The agent generate this trap when a copy operational is completed." ::= { copyAlarmMibNotifications 1 } END