-- file: GLOBAL-REG.mib GLOBAL-REG DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI; globalRegModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201309131218Z" ORGANIZATION "Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) AG" CONTACT-INFO "postal: Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) AG Freiburgstrasse 251, CH-3018 Bern-Buempliz web: www.deltapowersolutions.com email: adrian.pluess@delta-es.com" DESCRIPTION "The Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) AG cental registration modules." ::= { modules 1 } -- the root of the sub-tree for Delta Energy Systems (Sweden) delta OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 20246 } -- the root of the sub-tree for Delta Energy Systems (Switzerland) root OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { delta 2 } -- sub-tree fro registrations, which includes modules reg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 1 } modules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reg 1 } -- sub-tree for company-wide objects and events generic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 2 } -- sub-tree for product specific objects and events products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 3 } controller OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 1 } orion OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { controller 1 } -- sub-tree for agent profiles caps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 4 } -- sub-tree for requirements specifications regs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 5 } -- sub-tree for experiements expr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { root 6 } -- product families controllerReg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { reg 2 } -- products controllerOrionReg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Controller Model Orion" ::= { controllerReg 1 } END