-- ***************************************************************** -- DLINKSW-MGMD-SNOOPING-MIB.mib : MGMD (IGMP/MLD) Snooping MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 D-Link Corporation, all rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** DLINKSW-MGMD-SNOOPING-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, TimeTicks, Counter64, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB VlanId, VlanIdOrNone FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB dlinkIndustrialCommon FROM DLINK-ID-REC-MIB; dlinkSwMgmdSnoopingMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201309050000Z" ORGANIZATION "D-Link Corp." CONTACT-INFO " D-Link Corporation Postal: No. 289, Sinhu 3rd Rd., Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: +886-2-66000123 E-mail: tsd@dlink.com.tw " DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines objects for MGMD (Multicast Group Membership Discovery) snooping." REVISION "201309050000Z" DESCRIPTION "This is the first version of the MIB file for 'MGMD snooping' functionality." ::= { dlinkIndustrialCommon 6 } -- -- Textual Conventions -- SnoopingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The snooping type. 'igmpSnooping' -- IGMP (IPv4 MGMD) snooping. 'mldSnooping' -- MLD (IPv6 MGMD) snooping. " SYNTAX INTEGER { igmpSnooping(1), mldSnooping(2) } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwMgmdSnoopingMIB 0 } dMgmdSnpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwMgmdSnoopingMIB 1 } dMgmdSnpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwMgmdSnoopingMIB 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 1 } dMgmdSnpStateGblEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ipv4(0), ipv6(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object indicates which type of MGMD is globally enabled. Setting a type's bit to 1 means the type of MGMD is globally enabled. ipv4 (0) - IGMP snooping ipv6 (1) - MLD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 1 } dMgmdSnpClearAllState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notClear(0), igmpClear(1), mldClear(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the global state of MGMD snooping statistics function. Configuring this object to igmpClear or mldClear will clear all respective MGMD snooping counters." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 2 } dMgmdSnpClearIgmpSnoopByPortIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ifIndex of the port/port-channel on which the IGMP snooping counters will be cleared. When read, the special value 0 is returned." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 3 } dMgmdSnpClearMldSnoopByPortIf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the ifIndex of the port/port-channel on which the MLD snooping counters will be cleared. When read, the special value 0 is returned." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 4 } dMgmdSnpClearIgmpSnoopByVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the VLAN ID on which the IGMP snooping counters will be cleared. When read, the special value 0 is returned." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 5 } dMgmdSnpClearMldSnoopByVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the VLAN ID on which the MLD snooping counters will be cleared. When read, the special value 0 is returned." ::= { dMgmdSnpGlobalCtrl 6 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpVlanIfCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 2 } dMgmdSnpIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table lists the MGMD snooping settings per interface. An entry is created to configure the MGMD snooping related settings to different value than the default per interface. When an entry is deleted, all the MGMD snooping settings will be reverted to default settings." ::= { dMgmdSnpVlanIfCtrl 1 } dMgmdSnpIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table entry represents the MGMD snooping state on a VLAN basis." INDEX { dMgmdSnpIfVlanIfIndex , dMgmdSnpIfSnoopingType } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfTable 1 } DMgmdSnpIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpIfVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpIfSnoopingType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpIfRowStatus RowStatus, dMgmdSnpIfStateEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfQuerierStateEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfQuerierRouter INTEGER, dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveHostBased TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfMinimumVersion INTEGER, dMgmdSnpIfExplicitTrackEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfReportSuppresEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportingEnabled TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfAutoLearnMrouter TruthValue, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddrType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddr InetAddress, dMgmdSnpIfQueryInterval Unsigned32, dMgmdSnpIfQueryMaxResponseTime Unsigned32, dMgmdSnpIfQueryVersion Unsigned32, dMgmdSnpIfRobustness Unsigned32, dMgmdSnpIfLastMemberQueryInterval Unsigned32, dMgmdSnpIfSuppressionTime Unsigned32 } dMgmdSnpIfVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpIfSnoopingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The snooping type of this entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpIfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpIfStateEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the state of MGMD snooping of the entry." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpIfQuerierStateEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the MGMD query function in Layer 2 networks." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpIfQuerierRouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { absence(1), active(2), nonActive(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the VLAN interface at the switch system works as a MGMD querier or not. A value of absence(1) indicates the absence of this attribute." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 6 } dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables the MGMD snooping fast-leave feature on the interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 7 } dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveHostBased OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the MGMD Snooping Host Based Fast Leave function." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 8 } dMgmdSnpIfMinimumVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled(0), version2(2), version3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To restrict the minimum version allows user to control the minimum version of MGMD hosts can be joined on a layer 2 port. The value '0' means that this interface does not restrict the minimum version. Value 2 applies to IGMP routers only. Value 3 applies to IGMP and MLD routers." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 9 } dMgmdSnpIfExplicitTrackEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables explicit tracking of group membership for IGMP Version 3 hosts on the interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 10 } dMgmdSnpIfReportSuppresEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables the report suppression on the interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 11 } dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportingEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables the proxy-reporting function on the interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 12 } dMgmdSnpIfAutoLearnMrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables dynamically learning of multicast router port on the interface." DEFVAL { false } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 13 } dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of Internet address of the source IP of proxy reporting." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 14 } dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the source Internet address of proxy reporting. This object is valid when dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportingEnabled is 'true'." DEFVAL { '00000000'h } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 15 } dMgmdSnpIfQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..31744) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency at which IGMP or MLD Query packets are transmitted on this interface." DEFVAL { 125 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 16 } dMgmdSnpIfQueryMaxResponseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum query response interval advertised in IGMP or MLD queries on this interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 17 } dMgmdSnpIfQueryVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of MGMD querier version on this interface. Value 1 applies to IGMPv1 routers only. Value 2 applies to IGMPv2 and MLDv1 routers, and value 3 applies to IGMPv3 and MLDv2 routers." DEFVAL { 3 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 18 } dMgmdSnpIfRobustness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Robustness Variable allows tuning for the expected packet loss on a subnet." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 19 } dMgmdSnpIfLastMemberQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between group-specific query messages. This value can be tuned to modify the leave latency of the network." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 20 } dMgmdSnpIfSuppressionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interval of report suppression on this interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfEntry 21 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpPortIfCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 3 } dMgmdSnpMrouterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpMrouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table to display and configure the MGMD snooping multicast router information. An entry is created if a multicast router is is learned dynamically on that port/port-channel interface (dMgmdSnpIfAutoLearnMrouter is 'true' on the VLAN interface). In this situation, an entry cannot be destroyed. An entry can also be created to statically configured a multicast router port or forbid a port/port-channel become multicast router port." ::= { dMgmdSnpPortIfCtrl 1 } dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpMrouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpMrouterTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpMrouterIfIndex, dMgmdSnpMrouterVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpMrouterQuerierType } ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterTable 1 } DMgmdSnpMrouterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpMrouterIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpMrouterVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpMrouterQuerierType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpMrouterStatus RowStatus, dMgmdSnpMrouterAdminState INTEGER, dMgmdSnpMrouterDynamicMrouter TruthValue } dMgmdSnpMrouterIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpMrouterVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpMrouterQuerierType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The snooping type of this interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpMrouterStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpMrouterAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), designated(2), forbidden(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the static configuration about multicast router state of a port/port-channel on a per-VLAN basis. none(1) - no static configuration designated(2) - the port/port-channel is a static multicast router port. forbidden(3) - the port/port-channel cannot be multicast router port." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpMrouterDynamicMrouter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is valid when dMgmdSnpMrouterAdminState is 'none'. This object indicates the port/port-channel is dynamically learned as a multicast router port on the corresponding VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpMrouterEntry 6 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpIfLimitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table to set the limitation on the number of MGMD cache entries. For a Layer 2 VLAN on a trunk port, the limitation can be set per port/port-channel and on per VLAN basis." ::= { dMgmdSnpPortIfCtrl 2 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpFilterTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpIfLimitIfIndex, dMgmdSnpIfLimitVlanId, dMgmdSnpIfLimitSnoopingType } ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitTable 1 } DMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpIfLimitIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpIfLimitVlanId VlanIdOrNone, dMgmdSnpIfLimitSnoopingType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpIfLimitRowStatus RowStatus, dMgmdSnpIfLimitExceptAccLstName DisplayString, dMgmdSnpIfLimitValue Unsigned32 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical interface/port-channel interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN ID. A value of zero indicates that no VLAN ID is not applicable or not configured." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitSnoopingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the snooping type." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitExceptAccLstName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the IP/IPv6 basic access list. The group (*,G), or channel (S,G) permitted by the access list will be excluded from the limit. The zero length of this object means except ACL is not specified. " ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpIfLimitValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..2048) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "To restric the number of MGMD groups or channels allows user to control how many MGMD groups or channels can be joined on a layer-2 port." ::= { dMgmdSnpIfLimitEntry 6} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpAccGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table to display and configure the IP/IPv6 basic access list information of MGMD snooping. For a Layer 2 VLAN on a trunk port, the access group can be set per port/port-channel and on per VLAN basis." ::= { dMgmdSnpPortIfCtrl 3 } dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpAccGrpTable. " INDEX { dMgmdSnpAccGrpIfIndex, dMgmdSnpAccGrpVlanId, dMgmdSnpAccGrpSnoopingType } ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpTable 1 } DMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpAccGrpIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpAccGrpVlanId VlanIdOrNone, dMgmdSnpAccGrpSnoopingType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpAccGrpStatus RowStatus, dMgmdSnpAccessGroupName DisplayString } dMgmdSnpAccGrpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical interface/port-channel interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpAccGrpVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanIdOrNone MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpAccGrpSnoopingType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the snooping type." ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpAccGrpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpAccessGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The name of the IP/IPv6 basic access list to be configured on MGMD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpAccGrpEntry 5 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpGroupCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 4 } dMgmdSnpGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table listing the MGMD snooping dynamic groups." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupCtrl 1 } dMgmdSnpGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpGroupTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpGroupVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpGroupAddressType, dMgmdSnpGroupAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupIfIndex } ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupTable 1 } DMgmdSnpGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpGroupVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpGroupAddressType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpGroupAddress InetAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpGroupVersion INTEGER, dMgmdSnpGroupUpTime TimeTicks, dMgmdSnpGroupExpire TimeTicks, dMgmdSnpGroupMode INTEGER, dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddrType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddr InetAddress } dMgmdSnpGroupVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpGroupAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this group address." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the group address of the entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 3} dMgmdSnpGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpGroupVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { version1(1), version2(2), version3(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of MGMD that the multicast group is reported." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpGroupUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time elapsed since the entry has been created." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 6 } dMgmdSnpGroupExpire OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time that the entry will be removed if there is no refresh on the entry " ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 7 } dMgmdSnpGroupMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { include(1), exclude(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group mode is based on the type of membership reports that are received on the interface for the group." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 8 } dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of the last host to report being a member of the multicast group." DEFVAL { ipv4 } ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 9 } dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the address of the last host to report being a member of the multicast group." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupEntry 10 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpGroupSrcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table listing the MGMD snooping dynamic group source entries." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupCtrl 2 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpGroupSrcTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpGroupVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpGroupAddressType, dMgmdSnpGroupAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddrType, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcIfIndex } ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcTable 1 } DMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddrType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddress InetAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcUpTime TimeTicks, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcExpire TimeTicks, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcForward INTEGER } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of the source address where the (S,G) channel traffic originate." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the source address where the (S,G) channel traffic originate." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time elapsed since the entry has been created." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcExpire OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The expire timer." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpGroupSrcForward OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(1), no(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of whether the router is forwarding multicast traffic due to this entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupSrcEntry 6 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpStaticGrpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to manage MGMD snooping static groups." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupCtrl 3 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpStaticGrpTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddressType, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddress, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpIfIndex } ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpTable 1 } DMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddressType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddress InetAddress, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpStatus RowStatus } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of this group address." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the group address of the entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry 3} dMgmdSnpStaticGrpIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpEntry 5 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to manage MGMD snooping static group source entries." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroupCtrl 4 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddressType, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpAddress, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddrType, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddress, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcIfIndex } ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcTable 1 } DMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddrType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddress InetAddress, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcStatus RowStatus } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of the source address where the (S,G) channel traffic originate." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the source address where the (S,G) channel traffic originate." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this conceptual row." ::= { dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcEntry 4 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpHostTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table is a list of host information of MGMD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 5 } dMgmdSnpHostEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpHostEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpHostTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpHostVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddressType, dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddress, dMgmdSnpHostIfIndex, dMgmdSnpHostAddrType, dMgmdSnpHostAddress } ::= { dMgmdSnpHostTable 1 } DMgmdSnpHostEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpHostVlanIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddressType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddress InetAddress, dMgmdSnpHostIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpHostAddrType InetAddressType, dMgmdSnpHostAddress InetAddress } dMgmdSnpHostVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN interface." ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of this group address." ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpHostGrpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies IP multicast group addresses of a group which the user would like to see." ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpHostIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpHostAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of the host." ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpHostAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the address of the host." ::= { dMgmdSnpHostEntry 6 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpStatistics OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBObjects 6 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table to display per port/port-channel statistics of MGMD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatistics 1 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpStatisticTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfIndex, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfType } ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfTable 1 } DMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfIndex InterfaceIndex, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxLeave Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxLeave Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByAccGroup Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByGrpLimit Counter64 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific physical port/port-channel interface" ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The snooping type of this entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Report packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Query packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Report packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Query packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 6 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Report packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 7 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Query packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 8 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxLeave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Leave packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 9 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Report packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 10 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Query packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 11 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxLeave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Leave packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 12 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Report packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 13 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Query packets received in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 14 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Report packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 15 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Query packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 16 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByAccGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD packets dropped by access group in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 17 } dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByGrpLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD packets dropped by the limit of the number of MGMD groups in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfEntry 18 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table to display per port/port-channel statistics of MGMD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatistics 2 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the dMgmdSnpStatisticTable." INDEX { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfIndex, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfType } ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfTable 1 } DMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfIndex VlanId, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfType SnoopingType, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxLeave Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxLeave Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxReport Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxQuery Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByAccGroup Counter64, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByGrpLimit Counter64 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the specific VLAN ID." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 1 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnoopingType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The snooping type of this entry." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 2 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Report packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 3 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Query packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 4 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Report packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 5 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v1 Query packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 6 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Report packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 7 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Query packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 8 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxLeave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Leave packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 9 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Report packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 10 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Query packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 11 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxLeave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v2 Leave packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 12 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Report packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 13 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Query packets received in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 14 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxReport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Report packets transmitted in this port/port-channel." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 15 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxQuery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD v3 Query packets transmitted in this VLAN." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 16 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByAccGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD packets dropped by access group." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 17 } dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByGrpLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the number of MGMD packets dropped by the limit of the number of MGMD groups." ::= { dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfEntry 18 } -- *************************************************************************** -- Conformance -- *************************************************************************** dMgmdSnpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBConformance 1 } dMgmdSnpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the DLINKSW-MGMD-SNOOPING-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { dMgmdSnpGblCfgGroup, dMgmdSnpVlanIfCfgGoup, dMgmdSnpPortIfCfgGoup, dMgmdSnpDynamicInfoGroup, dMgmdSnpStatisticsInfoGoup } OBJECT dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportingEnabled MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to implement this object as read-only if proxy-reporting function is not supported at the agent." ::= { dMgmdSnpCompliances 1 } dMgmdSnpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dMgmdSnpMIBConformance 2 } dMgmdSnpGblCfgGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dMgmdSnpStateGblEnabled, dMgmdSnpClearAllState, dMgmdSnpClearIgmpSnoopByPortIf, dMgmdSnpClearMldSnoopByPortIf, dMgmdSnpClearIgmpSnoopByVlanId, dMgmdSnpClearMldSnoopByVlanId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing global configuration about MGMD snooping." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroups 1 } dMgmdSnpVlanIfCfgGoup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dMgmdSnpIfRowStatus, dMgmdSnpIfStateEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfQuerierStateEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfQuerierRouter, dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfFastLeaveHostBased, dMgmdSnpIfExplicitTrackEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfReportSuppresEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfMinimumVersion, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportingEnabled, dMgmdSnpIfAutoLearnMrouter, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddrType, dMgmdSnpIfProxyReportSrcAddr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing MGMD snooping per VLAN interface configuration." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroups 2 } dMgmdSnpPortIfCfgGoup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dMgmdSnpMrouterStatus, dMgmdSnpMrouterAdminState, dMgmdSnpIfLimitRowStatus, dMgmdSnpIfLimitExceptAccLstName, dMgmdSnpIfLimitValue, dMgmdSnpAccGrpStatus, dMgmdSnpAccessGroupName, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpStatus, dMgmdSnpStaticGrpSrcStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing MGMD snooping per port/port-channel interface configuration." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroups 3 } dMgmdSnpDynamicInfoGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dMgmdSnpMrouterDynamicMrouter, dMgmdSnpHostAddress, dMgmdSnpGroupVersion, dMgmdSnpGroupUpTime, dMgmdSnpGroupExpire, dMgmdSnpGroupMode, dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddrType, dMgmdSnpGroupLastReportAddr, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcUpTime, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcExpire, dMgmdSnpGroupSrcForward } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing dynamic information for learned multicast router, host, and group." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroups 4 } dMgmdSnpStatisticsInfoGoup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV1TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2RxLeave, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV2TxLeave, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfV3TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByAccGroup, dMgmdSnpStatPortIfDropByGrpLimit, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV1TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2RxLeave, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV2TxLeave, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3RxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxReport, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfV3TxQuery, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByAccGroup, dMgmdSnpStatVlanIfDropByGrpLimit } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information for MGMD statistics." ::= { dMgmdSnpGroups 5 } END