-- ***************************************************************** -- DLINKSW-QOS-MIB.mib : D-Link QoS MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2013 D-Link Corporation, all rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** DLINKSW-QOS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY,OBJECT-TYPE,Integer32,Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, DisplayString,TruthValue,TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF dot1dBasePort FROM BRIDGE-MIB dlinkIndustrialCommon FROM DLINK-ID-REC-MIB; dlinkSwQosMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201307090000Z" ORGANIZATION "D-Link Corp." CONTACT-INFO " D-Link Corporation Postal: No. 289, Sinhu 3rd Rd., Neihu District, Taipei City 114, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel: +886-2-66000123 E-mail: tsd@dlink.com.tw " DESCRIPTION "The Structure of QoS Infomation for the proprietary enterprise." REVISION "201302210000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." REVISION "201305300000Z" DESCRIPTION "1.Add a new parameter, percent , to set the rate by percentage. -- dQosBandwidthRxRateMode,dQosBandwidthTxRateMode, -- dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode,dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode 2.change the value range of -- dQosBandwidthRxRate,dQosBandwidthTxRate, -- dQosQueueBandwidthMinRate,dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRate " REVISION "201307090000Z" DESCRIPTION "1.Add police action: replaceCos,replaceAll -- DlinkQosPoliceActionType -- dQosAggPolicerEntry -- dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceCos -- dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceCos -- dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceCos -- dQosPoliceEntry -- dQosPoliceConformReplaceCos -- dQosPoliceExceedReplaceCos -- dQosPoliceViolateReplaceCos " ::= { dlinkIndustrialCommon 61 } DlinkQosPoliceActionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value represents a type of policing action. notApplicable - The action is not specified or not applicable. drop - drop the packet. permit - transmit the packet. replaceDscp - Replace the DSCP value of packet with the configured value. The new DSCP value must be accompanied for use with DlinkQosPoliceActionType. replaceCos - Replace the COS value of packet with the configured value. The new COS value must be accompanied for use with DlinkQosPoliceActionType. replaceAll - Replace both the DSCP and COS value of packet with the configured value. " SYNTAX INTEGER { notApplicable(0), drop(1), permit(2), replaceDscp(3), replaceCos(4), replaceAll(5) } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwQosMIB 0 } dQosMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwQosMIB 1 } dQosMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dlinkSwQosMIB 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosClassMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 1 } dQosPolicyMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 2 } dQosServicePolicy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 3 } dQosScheduling OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 4 } dQosBandwidthCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 5 } dQosQueueBandwidthCtrl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 6 } dQosQueuingCfg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 7 } dQosDscpMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 8 } dQosCosMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBObjects 9 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosPolicyMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosPolicyMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of QoS policy maps." ::= { dQosPolicyMap 1 } dQosPolicyMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosPolicyMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines a QoS policy map." INDEX { dQosPolicyMapName } ::= { dQosPolicyMapTable 1 } DQosPolicyMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosPolicyMapName DisplayString, dQosPolicyMapRowStatus RowStatus } dQosPolicyMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates name of the policy map." ::= { dQosPolicyMapEntry 1 } dQosPolicyMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosPolicyMapEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosPolicyMapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosPolicyMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of QoS policies for the class in a policy map." ::= { dQosPolicyMap 2 } dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosPolicyMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry consists QoS policies regarding setting the new precedence field, DSCP field, and CoS field of the out-going packet. The first two index elements identify the policy map class to which the setting policies belong. Multiple objects in a same row can be set for a class if they are not conflicting. As an example of conflicting setting: precedence and DSCP cannot be set at a same row. " INDEX { dQosPolicyMapName, dQosClassMapName } ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgTable 1 } DQosPolicyMapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCosQueue Integer32, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCos Integer32, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscpOnlyIp TruthValue, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscp Integer32, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPreceOnlyIp TruthValue, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPrecedence Integer32, dQosPolicyMapCfgRowStatus RowStatus } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCosQueue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the new CoS queue. The special value of -1 means the setting is un-configured." DEFVAL {-1} ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 1 } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the new Cos. The special value of -1 means the setting is un-configured." DEFVAL {-1} ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 2 } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscpOnlyIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether only remark IPv4 DSCP. 'true' - Only IPv4 DSCP will be marked. 'false'- Both IPv4 and IPv6 DSCP will be marked. This object is meaningful only when dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscp is configured. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 3 } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1 | 0..63 ) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the new DSCP. The special value of -1 means the setting is un-configured." DEFVAL {-1} ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 4 } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPreceOnlyIp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether only remark IPv4 precedence. 'true' - Ipv4 precedence will be marked. 'false' - Both IPv4 and IPv6 precedence will be marked. For IPv6 packets, the precedence is most three significant bits of traffic class of IPv6 header. This object is meaningful only when dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPrecedence is configured. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 5 } dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPrecedence OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..7 ) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the new ip precedence. The special value of -1 means the setting is un-configured." DEFVAL {-1} ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 6 } dQosPolicyMapCfgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosPolicyMapCfgEntry 7 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosClassMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosClassMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of QoS type class map." ::= { dQosClassMap 1 } dQosClassMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosClassMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines a QoS class map." INDEX { dQosClassMapName } ::= { dQosClassMapTable 1 } DQosClassMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosClassMapName DisplayString, dQosClassMapType INTEGER, dQosClassMapRowStaus RowStatus } dQosClassMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the class map." ::= { dQosClassMapEntry 1 } dQosClassMapType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { matchAny(1), matchAll(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates how to evaluate multiple match criteria. matchAny - statements in the class map will be evaluated based on the logical OR. matchAll - statements in the class map will be evaluated based on the logical AND." DEFVAL { matchAny } ::= { dQosClassMapEntry 2 } dQosClassMapRowStaus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosClassMapEntry 3 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosClassMapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosClassMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of criteria for class maps." ::= { dQosClassMap 2 } dQosClassMapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosClassMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines a match criterion for a class map. The first index element identifies the class map to which the criterion belongs. " INDEX { dQosClassMapName, dQosClassMapCfgMatchId } ::= { dQosClassMapCfgTable 1 } DQosClassMapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosClassMapCfgMatchId Integer32, dQosClassMapCfgMatchType INTEGER, dQosClassMapCfgMatchValue OCTET STRING, dQosClassMapCfgRowStaus RowStatus } dQosClassMapCfgMatchId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..65535) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This index is automatically assigned for the match criterion in a class map. " ::= { dQosClassMapCfgEntry 1 } dQosClassMapCfgMatchType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { accessList(1), cos(2), innerCos(3), dscp(4), ipDscp(5), precedence(6), ipPrecedence(7), protocol(8), vlan(9), innerVlan(10) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the matching type of the entry. A QoS class map can contain multiple match statements. The dQosClassMapMatchType determines the valid range and value of dQosClassMapMatchValue. accessList - Uses an access-list as matching criterion. cos - matching IEEE 802.1Q CoS value innerCos - matching innermost CoS value of QinQ packets dscp - matching DSCP value and this criterion is applied for IPv4 and IPv6 packets. ipDscp - matching DSCP of IPv4 packets only. precedence - matching precedence and this criterion is applied for IPv4 and IPv6 packets. ipPrecedence - matching precedence of IPv4 packets only. protocol - matching protocol. vlan - matching VLAN ID. innerVlan - matching innermost VLAN ID. " ::= { dQosClassMapCfgEntry 2 } dQosClassMapCfgMatchValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A dQosClassMapMatchValue is always interpreted within the context of a dQosClassMapMatchType value. The table below explains how to determine the values and ranges of dQosClassMapMatchValue. QoS class map match configuration table ==================================================== Match Type Element Value dQosClassMapMatchType dQosClassMapMatchValue ======================= ============================ accessList DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) (Note #1) cos OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) (Note #2) innerCos OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) (Note #2) dscp OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) (Note #3) ipDscp OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) (Note #3) precedence OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) (Note #4) ipPrecedence OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) (Note #4) protocol DisplayString (Note #5) vlan OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) (Note #6) innerVlan OCTET STRING (SIZE(2)) (Note #6) =================================================================== Note#1: This object indicates the name of the access-list to be matched. Note#2: The one octet specifies eight CoSs. The most significant bit represents CoS 0 and the least significant bit represents CoS 7. If the corresponding bit is '1' indicates that CoS is included in the criterion; '0' means the CoS is not included. Note#3: The eight octets specify 64 DSCPs. Each octet within this value specifies a set of eight DSCPs. The first octet specifies first 8 DSCPs: 0 - 7, the second octet specifies the next 8 DSCPs, etc. Within each octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest numbered DSCP, and the least significant bit represents the highest numbered DSCP. If the corresponding bit is '1' indicates that DSCP is included in the criterion; '0' means the DSCP is not included. Note#4: The one octet specifies eight precedence values. The most significant bit represents precedence 0 and the least significant bit represents precedence 7. If the corresponding bit is '1' indicates that precedence is included in the criterion; '0' means the precedence is not included. Note#5: The element value needs choose the exact case-sensitive string. Supported Protocols that can be matched: arp IP Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) bgp Border Gateway Protocol dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration dns Domain Name Server lookup egp Exterior Gateway Protocol ftp File Transfer Protocol ip (version 4) ipv6 (version 6) netbios NetBIOS nfs Network File System ntp Network Time Protocol ospf Open Shortest Path First pppoe Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet rip Routing Information Protocol rtsp Real-Time Streaming Protocol ssh Secured shell telnet Telnet tftp Trivial File Transfer Protocol Note#6: The element value is VLAN ID to be matched. The first octet indicates the high byte of VLAN ID and the second octet indicates the low byte. For example, VLAN ID 1029 is encoded in '0405'H. " ::= { dQosClassMapCfgEntry 3 } dQosClassMapCfgRowStaus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry. " ::= { dQosClassMapCfgEntry 5 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosServicePolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosServicePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of interface-specific policy-map associations." ::= { dQosServicePolicy 1 } dQosServicePolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosServicePolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines a policy-map association on an interface." INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosServicePolicyDirection } ::= { dQosServicePolicyTable 1 } DQosServicePolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosServicePolicyDirection INTEGER, dQosServicePolicyName DisplayString, dQosServicePolicyRowStaus RowStatus } dQosServicePolicyDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { input(1), output(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the direction of the policy map is applied: input: for ingress flow outout: for egress flow " ::= { dQosServicePolicyEntry 1 } dQosServicePolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the name of a service policy map to be attached." ::= { dQosServicePolicyEntry 2 } dQosServicePolicyRowStaus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosServicePolicyEntry 3 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosSchedulingModeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosSchedulingModeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of scheduling mechanism configurations for ports." ::= { dQosScheduling 1 } dQosSchedulingModeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosSchedulingModeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry configures the scheduling mode on an interface." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { dQosSchedulingModeTable 1 } DQosSchedulingModeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosSchedulingMode INTEGER } dQosSchedulingMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { sp(1), rr(2), wrr(3), wdrr(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mechanism of QoS scheduling on the interface. " ::= { dQosSchedulingModeEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosScheduleWrrWeightTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of configurations for WRR queue bandwidth of queues. " ::= { dQosScheduling 2 } dQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines WRR weight of a queue on an interface. An entry exists for each queue if the WRR bandwidth is configurable on the queue. " INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosScheduleWrrWeightQueueId } ::= { dQosScheduleWrrWeightTable 1 } DQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosScheduleWrrWeightQueueId Unsigned32, dQosScheduleWrrWeightValue Unsigned32 } dQosScheduleWrrWeightQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the queue ID of the entry." ::= { dQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry 1 } dQosScheduleWrrWeightValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 ( 0 .. 127) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the weight in terms of frame count for the queue." ::= { dQosScheduleWrrWeightEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosScheduleWdrrWeightTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of configurations for WDRR queue bandwidth of queues. " ::= { dQosScheduling 3 } dQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry defines WDRR weight of a queue on an interface. An entry exists for each queue if the WDRR bandwidth is configurable on the queue. " INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosScheduleWdrrWeightQueueId } ::= { dQosScheduleWdrrWeightTable 1 } DQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosScheduleWdrrWeightQueueId Unsigned32, dQosScheduleWdrrWeightValue Unsigned32 } dQosScheduleWdrrWeightQueueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the queue ID of the entry." ::= { dQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry 1 } dQosScheduleWdrrWeightValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specifies the weight in terms of frame length count for the queue." ::= { dQosScheduleWdrrWeightEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosBandwidthCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosBandwidthCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table consists of a list of configurations for bandwidth control on interfaces." ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrl 1 } dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosBandwidthCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry configures the bandwidth on an interface. An entry will exist for every applicable port. " INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlTable 1 } DQosBandwidthCtrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosBandwidthRxRate Integer32, dQosBandwidthRxBurst Integer32, dQosBandwidthTxRate Integer32, dQosBandwidthTxBurst Integer32, dQosBandwidthRxRateMode INTEGER, dQosBandwidthTxRateMode INTEGER } dQosBandwidthRxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..10240000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates Rx Rate of the specified port. The special value of -1 indicates there is no bandwidth limit for ingress packets. It is based on the dQosBandwidthRxRateMode field and if the dQosBandwidthRxRateMode selected as: rate: means ingress rate limit(units:kbps) and the effective rangs are 8 ~ 10240000. percent: means the percentage and the effective rangs are 1 ~ 100. " ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 2 } dQosBandwidthRxBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1 | 0..128000) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the limit for ingress burst traffic in kilobytes. The special value of -1 indicates the limit for ingress burst traffic is unspecified and the limit will follow the setting of dQosBandwidthRxRate. " ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 3 } dQosBandwidthTxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 1..10240000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates Tx Rate of the specified port. The special value of -1 indicates there is no bandwidth limit for egress packets. It is based on the dQosBandwidthTxRateMode field and if the dQosBandwidthTxRateMode selected as: rate: means egress rate limit(units:kbps) and the effective rangs are 8 ~ 10240000. percent: means the percentage and the effective rangs are 1 ~ 100. " ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 4 } dQosBandwidthTxBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..128000) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the limit for egress burst traffic in kilobytes. The special value of -1 indicates the limit for egress burst traffic is unspecified and the limit will follow the setting of dQosBandwidthTxRate. " ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 5 } dQosBandwidthRxRateMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate(1), percent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates Rx Rate Mode. It will indicate the field:dQosBandwidthRxRate attribute. rate: means the rate limit. percent: means the percentage." ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 6 } dQosBandwidthTxRateMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate(1), percent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates Tx Rate Mode. It will indicate the field:dQosBandwidthTxRate attribute. rate: means the rate limit. percent: means the percentage." ::= { dQosBandwidthCtrlEntry 7 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table contains information about queue-specific bandwidth control of ports." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrl 1 } dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains bandwidth control information of a queue on a port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosQueueBandwidthQueId } ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlTable 1 } DQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosQueueBandwidthQueId Unsigned32, dQosQueueBandwidthMinRate Integer32, dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRate Integer32, dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode INTEGER, dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRateMode INTEGER } dQosQueueBandwidthQueId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..127) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the queue ID of the entry." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry 1 } dQosQueueBandwidthMinRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1 | 1..10240000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the minimum rate of the specified port and queue. A special value of -1 means no limit. It is based on the dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode field and if the dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode selected as: rate: means egress Minimum Rate (units:kbps),range are 8 ~ 10240000. percent: means the percentage and the effective rangs are 1 ~ 100." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry 2 } dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ( -1 | 1..10240000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the maximum rate of the specified port and queue. A special value of -1 means no limit. It is based on the dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRateMode field and if the dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRateMode selected as: rate: means egress Maximum Rate (units:kbps),range are 8 ~ 10240000. percent: means the percentage and the effective rangs are 1 ~ 100." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry 3 } dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate(1), percent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Minimum Rate Mode. It will indicate the field:dQosQueueBandwidthMinRate attribute. rate: means the Minimum Rate. percent: means the percentage." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry 4 } dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRateMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rate(1), percent(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Maximum Rate Mode. It will indicate the field:dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRate attribute. rate: means the Maximum Rate. percent: means the percentage." ::= { dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlEntry 5 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosPortIfQueuingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosPortIfQueuingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides port-specific configuration for QoS queuing. " ::= { dQosQueuingCfg 1 } dQosPortIfQueuingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosPortIfQueuingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry consists of information for QoS queueing on a port." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { dQosPortIfQueuingTable 1 } DQosPortIfQueuingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosPortIf8021pOverride TruthValue, dQosPortIfTrustMode INTEGER } dQosPortIf8021pOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether override the CoS of the packets with default CoS (dot1dPortDefaultUserPriority). If this object is 'true', the default CoS will be applied to all incoming packets, either tagged or untagged, received by the port." REFERENCE "dot1dPortDefaultUserPriority is defined in P-BRIDGE-MIB." ::= { dQosPortIfQueuingEntry 1 } dQosPortIfTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cos(1), dscp(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates QoS trust mode of the port." ::= { dQosPortIfQueuingEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosDscpMutationMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosDscpMutationMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a mechanism to create/delete a DSCP mutation map." ::= { dQosDscpMap 1 } dQosDscpMutationMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosDscpMutationMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the dQosDscpMutationMapTable." INDEX { dQosDscpMutationMapName } ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapTable 1 } DQosDscpMutationMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosDscpMutationMapName DisplayString, dQosDscpMutationMapRowStatus RowStatus } dQosDscpMutationMapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString(SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the DSCP mutation map." ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapEntry 1 } dQosDscpMutationMapRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosDscpMutationMapCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The table provides a list of the DSCP mapping of mutations maps. " ::= { dQosDscpMap 2 } dQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row contains the mapping from old DSCP value to new DSCP value per specific mutation table. The first index element identifies the mutation map (dQosDscpMutationMapEntry) that a DSCP mapping (dQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry) belongs to. When a mutation map is removed, the corresponding DSCP mapping configuration will be deleted. " INDEX { dQosDscpMutationMapName, dQosDscpMutationOldDscp } ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapCfgTable 1 } DQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosDscpMutationOldDscp Unsigned32, dQosDscpMutationNewDscp Unsigned32 } dQosDscpMutationOldDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old DSCP value." ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry 1 } dQosDscpMutationNewDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value which the old DSCP values maps to for a specific mutation map. The default mapping of old DSCP to new DSCP for mutation purpose is the identity function, i.e. dQosDscpMutationNewDscp equals to dQosDscpMutationOldDscp " ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapCfgEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosDscpMutationMapAttachTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosDscpMutationMapAttachEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides a mechanism to attach a DSCP mutation map to a port." ::= { dQosDscpMap 3 } dQosDscpMutationMapAttachEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosDscpMutationMapAttachEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains associating DSCP mutation map information." INDEX { dot1dBasePort } ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapAttachTable 1 } DQosDscpMutationMapAttachEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosDscpMutationMapAttachName DisplayString } dQosDscpMutationMapAttachName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the attached mutation map. A zero length of string indicates no mutation map is attached. " ::= { dQosDscpMutationMapAttachEntry 1 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosDscpMapCtrlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosDscpMapCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the mapping of DSCP to priority and DSCP to color for mapping a packet's initial color." ::= { dQosDscpMap 4 } dQosDscpMapCtrlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosDscpMapCtrlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains DSCP mapping information." INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosDscpMapCtrlDscp } ::= { dQosDscpMapCtrlTable 1 } DQosDscpMapCtrlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosDscpMapCtrlDscp Unsigned32, dQosDscpMapCtrlCos Unsigned32, dQosDscpMapCtrlColor INTEGER } dQosDscpMapCtrlDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the DSCP of the entry." ::= { dQosDscpMapCtrlEntry 1 } dQosDscpMapCtrlCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mapped CoS value. Default mapping is: DSCP CoS 0-7 0 8-15 1 16-23 2 24-31 3 32-39 4 40-47 5 48-55 6 56-63 7 " ::= { dQosDscpMapCtrlEntry 2 } dQosDscpMapCtrlColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mapped color to determine a packet's initial color." DEFVAL { green } ::= { dQosDscpMapCtrlEntry 3 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosCosToColorMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosCosToColorMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table contains information about the mapping of CoS to color." ::= { dQosCosMap 1 } dQosCosToColorMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosCosToColorMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains a mapping between CoS to color." INDEX { dot1dBasePort, dQosCosMapCos } ::= { dQosCosToColorMapTable 1 } DQosCosToColorMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosCosMapCos Unsigned32, dQosCosMapColor INTEGER } dQosCosMapCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CoS of the entry." ::= { dQosCosToColorMapEntry 1 } dQosCosMapColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { green(1), yellow(2), red(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the mapped color to determine a packet's initial color." ::= { dQosCosToColorMapEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosCosToQueueMapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosCosToQueueMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table contains information about the mapping of CoS to queue." ::= { dQosCosMap 2 } dQosCosToQueueMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosCosToQueueMapEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry contains a mapping between CoS to queue." INDEX { dQosCosToQueueCos } ::= { dQosCosToQueueMapTable 1 } DQosCosToQueueMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosCosToQueueCos Unsigned32, dQosCosToQueueQID Unsigned32 } dQosCosToQueueCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the CoS of the entry." ::= { dQosCosToQueueMapEntry 1 } dQosCosToQueueQID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the queue ID that the corresponding CoS will be queued." ::= { dQosCosToQueueMapEntry 2 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosAggPolicerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosAggPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table consists of a list of aggregate policers." ::= { dQosPolicyMap 3 } dQosAggPolicerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosAggPolicerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry consists of information and configurations for an aggregate policer." INDEX { dQosAggPolicerName } ::= { dQosAggPolicerTable 1 } DQosAggPolicerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosAggPolicerName DisplayString, dQosAggPolicerType INTEGER, dQosAggPolicerCir Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerCbs Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerSrtcmEbs Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPir Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPbs Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerConformAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerExceedAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerViolateAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerColorAware TruthValue, dQosAggPolicerRowStatus RowStatus, dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceCos Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceCos Unsigned32, dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceCos Unsigned32 } dQosAggPolicerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the aggregate policer." ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 1 } dQosAggPolicerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trTcm(1), singleRate(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates how meters a packet stream and marks its packets. This object determines which other objects in the same row are meaningful. trTcm - two rate three color marker; singleRate - There are two kinds of single rate policers: a. single rate three color (srTcm) - if the violate action is specified b. single rate two color - if the violate action is not specified. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 2 } dQosAggPolicerCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10240000) UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosAggPolicerType. The measurement unit is in kilobits per second. dQosAggPolicerType dQosAggPolicerCir ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The committed information rate for first token bucket. 'singleRate' The rate-limit for two-color policier. Or: The committed information rate for srTcm. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 3 } dQosAggPolicerCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosAggPolicerType. dQosAggPolicerType dQosAggPolicerCbs ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The burst size for the first token bucket. 'singleRate' The burst size for two-color policier. Or: The committed burst size for srTcm. The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 4 } dQosAggPolicerSrtcmEbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the excess burst size for srTcm and is meaningless when dQosAggPolicerType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 5 } dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10240000) UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the peak information rate for the second token bucket for the two-rate metering. This object is only meaningful when dQosAggPolicerType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobits per second. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 6 } dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the burst size for the second token bucket. This object is meaningful only when dQosAggPolicerType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 7 } dQosAggPolicerConformAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the action when the packet is in 'green color'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 8 } dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value of the packet when packet is in 'green color'. This object is meaningful only when dQosAggPolicerConformAction is 'replaceDscp' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 9 } dQosAggPolicerExceedAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosAggPolicerType. dQosAggPolicerType dQosAggPolExceedAction ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The action to take for those packets that conform to PIR but not to CIR. 'singleRate' The action to take on the packets exceed the rate limit (or committed burst size). " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 10 } dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value when dQosAggPolExceedAction is 'replaceDscp'or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 11 } dQosAggPolicerViolateAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the action state when the packet is in 'red color'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 12 } dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the DSCP value of the packet when packet is in 'red color'. This object is meaningful only when dQosAggPolicerViolateAction is 'replaceDscp' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 13 } dQosAggPolicerColorAware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the policer is color aware or not. " DEFVAL { false } ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 14 } dQosAggPolicerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 24 } dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new COS value of the packet when packet is in 'green color'. This object is meaningful only when dQosAggPolicerConformAction is 'replaceCos' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 15 } dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new COS value when dQosAggPolExceedAction is 'replaceCos'or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 16 } dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the COS value of the packet when packet is in 'red color'. This object is meaningful only when dQosAggPolicerViolateAction is 'replaceCos' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosAggPolicerEntry 17 } -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dQosPoliceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DQosPoliceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to configure the metering function. Users may set the preferred bandwidth for this rule; once the bandwidth has been exceeded, overflow packets will be either dropped or set for a drop precedence, depending on user configuration." ::= { dQosPolicyMap 4 } dQosPoliceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DQosPoliceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry consists of configurations for the metering policing for a traffic class in a policy map." INDEX { dQosPolicyMapName, dQosClassMapName } ::= { dQosPoliceTable 1 } DQosPoliceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { dQosPoliceType INTEGER, dQosPoliceNamedAggPolicer DisplayString, dQosPoliceCir Unsigned32, dQosPoliceCbs Unsigned32, dQosPoliceSrtcmEbs Unsigned32, dQosPoliceTrtcmPir Unsigned32, dQosPoliceTrtcmPbs Unsigned32, dQosPoliceConformAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosPoliceConformReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosPoliceExceedAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosPoliceExceedReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosPoliceViolateAction DlinkQosPoliceActionType, dQosPoliceViolateReplaceDscp Unsigned32, dQosPoliceColorAware TruthValue, dQosPoliceRowStatus RowStatus, dQosPoliceConformReplaceCos Unsigned32, dQosPoliceExceedReplaceCos Unsigned32, dQosPoliceViolateReplaceCos Unsigned32 } dQosPoliceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { trTcm(1), singleRate(2), aggregate(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the type of policer used for a traffic class in a policy map. This object determines which other objects in the same row are meaningful. trTcm - two rate three color marker; singleRate - There are two kinds of single rate policers: a. single rate three color (srTcm) - if the violate action is specified b. single rate two color - if the violate action is not specified. aggregate - uses a named aggregate policer as the policy. In this case, except index elements, dQosAggPolicer, and dQosPoliceRowStatus, other elements in the same row are not applicable. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 1 } dQosPoliceNamedAggPolicer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the name of the aggregate policer to be applied. This object is meaningful only when dQosPoliceType is 'aggregate'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 2 } dQosPoliceCir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10240000) UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosPoliceType. The measurement unit is in kilobits per second. dQosPoliceType dQosPoliceCir ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The committed information rate for first token bucket. 'singleRate' The rate-limit for two-color policier. Or: The committed information rate for srTcm. 'aggregate' Not applicable " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 3 } dQosPoliceCbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosPoliceType. dQosPoliceType dQosPoliceCbs ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The burst size for the first token bucket. 'singleRate' The burst size for two-color policier. Or: The committed burst size for srTcm. 'aggregate' Not applicable The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 4 } dQosPoliceSrtcmEbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the excess burst size for srTcm and is meaningless when dQosPoliceType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 5 } dQosPoliceTrtcmPir OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..10240000) UNITS "kbps" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the peak information rate for the second token bucket for the two-rate metering. This object is only meaningful when dQosPoliceType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobits per second. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 6 } dQosPoliceTrtcmPbs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..16384) UNITS "kbyte" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the burst size for the second token bucket. This object is meaningful only when dQosPoliceType is 'trTcm'. The measurement unit is in kilobytes. The special value of 0 is used to indicate this object is not specified and the default value will be used. What's the default value is project-dependent. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 7 } dQosPoliceConformAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the action when the packet is in 'green color'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 8 } dQosPoliceConformReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value for dQosPoliceConformAction is 'replaceDscp' or 'replaceAll'." ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 9 } dQosPoliceExceedAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is interpreted within the context of dQosPoliceType. dQosPoliceType dQosPoliceExceedAction ================== =============================================== 'trTcm' The action to take for those packets that conform to PIR but not to CIR. 'singleRate' The action to take on the packets exceed the rate limit (or committed burst size). 'aggregate' Not applicable " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 10 } dQosPoliceExceedReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value when dQosPoliceExceedAction is 'replaceDscp' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 11 } dQosPoliceViolateAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DlinkQosPoliceActionType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the action state when the packet is in 'red color'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 12 } dQosPoliceViolateReplaceDscp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..63) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new DSCP value when dQosPoliceViolateAction is 'replaceDscp' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 13 } dQosPoliceColorAware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the policer is color aware or not. This object is applied for dQosPoliceType is 'trTcm' or 'singleRate'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 14 } dQosPoliceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the status of this entry." ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 15 } dQosPoliceConformReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new COS value for dQosPoliceConformAction is 'replaceCos' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 16 } dQosPoliceExceedReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new COS value when dQosPoliceExceedAction is 'replaceCos' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 17 } dQosPoliceViolateReplaceCos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the new COS value when dQosPoliceViolateAction is 'replaceCos' or 'replaceAll'. " ::= { dQosPoliceEntry 18 } -- *************************************************************************** -- Conformance -- *************************************************************************** dQosCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBConformance 1 } dQosCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement the DLINKSW-QOS-MIB." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { dQosPolicyGroup } GROUP dQosSchedulingGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if QoS scheduling feature is implemented by the agent." GROUP dQosWrrGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if the configuration for WRR scheduling is supported by the agent." GROUP dQosWdrrGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if the configuration for WDRR scheduling is supported by the agent." GROUP dQosPortBandwidthCtrlGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if port-specific bandwidth control feature is implemented by the agent." GROUP dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if queue-specific bandwidth control feature is implemented by the agent." GROUP dQosAggregatePolicingGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if QoS aggregated policing feature is implemented by the agent." GROUP dQosPolicingGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if QoS policing feature is implemented by the agent." OBJECT dQosPoliceType DESCRIPTION "It is compliant to support only a subset of policier types." GROUP dQosColorAwarePolicingGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if color aware configuration is implemented by the agent." GROUP dQosQueuingGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if the configuration for queuing packets is supported by the agent." GROUP dQosDscpMutationGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is required only if the configuration for DSCP mutation is supported by the agent." ::= { dQosCompliances 1 } dQosGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dQosMIBConformance 2 } dQosPolicyGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosClassMapType, dQosClassMapRowStaus, dQosClassMapCfgMatchType, dQosClassMapCfgMatchValue, dQosClassMapCfgRowStaus, dQosPolicyMapRowStatus, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCosQueue, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetCos, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscpOnlyIp, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetDscp, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPreceOnlyIp, dQosPolicyMapCfgSetPrecedence, dQosPolicyMapCfgRowStatus, dQosServicePolicyDirection, dQosServicePolicyName, dQosServicePolicyRowStaus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS policy configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 1 } dQosSchedulingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosSchedulingMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS scheduling configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 2 } dQosWrrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosScheduleWrrWeightValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS WRR scheduling configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 3 } dQosWdrrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosScheduleWdrrWeightValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS WDRR scheduling configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 4 } dQosPortBandwidthCtrlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosBandwidthRxRate, dQosBandwidthRxBurst, dQosBandwidthTxRate, dQosBandwidthTxBurst, dQosBandwidthRxRateMode, dQosBandwidthTxRateMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing bandwidth configuration for ports." ::= { dQosGroups 5 } dQosQueueBandwidthCtrlGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosQueueBandwidthMinRate, dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRate, dQosQueueBandwidthMinRateMode, dQosQueueBandwidthMaxRateMode } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing bandwidth configuration for queues." ::= { dQosGroups 6 } dQosAggregatePolicingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosAggPolicerType, dQosAggPolicerCir, dQosAggPolicerCbs, dQosAggPolicerSrtcmEbs, dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPir, dQosAggPolicerTrtcmPbs, dQosAggPolicerConformAction, dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceDscp, dQosAggPolicerExceedAction, dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceDscp, dQosAggPolicerViolateAction, dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceDscp, dQosAggPolicerColorAware, dQosAggPolicerRowStatus, dQosPoliceNamedAggPolicer, dQosAggPolicerConformReplaceCos, dQosAggPolicerExceedReplaceCos, dQosAggPolicerViolateReplaceCos } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS named aggregated policing configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 7 } dQosPolicingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosPoliceType, dQosPoliceCir, dQosPoliceCbs, dQosPoliceSrtcmEbs, dQosPoliceTrtcmPir, dQosPoliceTrtcmPbs, dQosPoliceConformAction, dQosPoliceConformReplaceDscp, dQosPoliceExceedAction, dQosPoliceExceedReplaceDscp, dQosPoliceViolateAction, dQosPoliceViolateReplaceDscp, dQosPoliceRowStatus, dQosDscpMapCtrlColor, dQosPoliceConformReplaceCos, dQosPoliceExceedReplaceCos, dQosPoliceViolateReplaceCos } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS policing configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 8 } dQosColorAwarePolicingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosPoliceColorAware, dQosDscpMapCtrlColor, dQosCosMapColor } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing QoS color aware configuration." ::= { dQosGroups 9 } dQosQueuingGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosPortIf8021pOverride, dQosPortIfTrustMode, dQosDscpMapCtrlCos, dQosCosToQueueQID } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing configuration regarding how to dispatch packets to queues." ::= { dQosGroups 10 } dQosDscpMutationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { dQosDscpMutationMapRowStatus, dQosDscpMutationNewDscp, dQosDscpMutationMapAttachName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing the configuration for DSCP mutation." ::= { dQosGroups 11 } END