-- File Name : MwrRadio-MC-MIB.mib -- Version : 1.0.0 -- Date : October 6, 2014 -- Author : DragonWave Inc. MWR-RADIO-MC-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Counter64, Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC mwr FROM DWI-HARMONY-PRIVATE-MIB equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, EnableType FROM EQUIPMENT-COMMON-MIB mwrEventConfigSeverity, RadioInstanceType FROM MWR-ETHERNET-MIB; mwrRadioMcModIdentity MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201406101023Z" ORGANIZATION "Dragonwave Inc." CONTACT-INFO "http://www.dragonwaveinc.com 600-411 Legget Drive Ottawa, Ontario Canada, K2K 3C9 Tel : 613-599-9991 Fax: 613-599-4265 Support: 613-271-7010" DESCRIPTION "This specifies the contact information and the revision tracking information for the MIB module version." REVISION "201406231109Z" DESCRIPTION "First release of the Dragonwave Harmony radio Enhanced-multicarrier MIB." REVISION "201409231722Z" DESCRIPTION "Updated some OIDs Descriptions." ::= { mwr 1003 } mwrRadio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mwr 12 } mwrEmcRadioConfigurations OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mwrRadio 201 } mwrEmcRadioStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mwrRadio 202 } mwrEmcRadioPerformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mwrRadio 203 } mwrEmcRadioNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mwrRadio 204 } mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing radio configurations." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurations 1 } mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing radio channel configurations." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioConfigIndex } ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioConfigIndex RadioInstanceType, mwrEmcRadioTxState EnableType, mwrEmcRadioTxPower Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxDownTime Integer32, mwrEmcRadioRxFrequency Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxFrequency Integer32 } mwrEmcRadioConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioInstanceType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each radio channel if applicable." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the transmit state of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This defines the programmed transmit level of the radio channel. The power you see is divided by 10. e.g. A display of 133 is actually 13.3 dB. Notes: - Programmed and Actual transmit power may differ - see mwrEmcRadioActualTxPower." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioTxDownTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "sec" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time in seconds the radio transmitter is disabled when the mwrEmcRadioTxState is turned off. - Make sure this is set before the mwrEmcRadioTxState is disabled. - If the down time is set to 0, the radio will stay disabled until it is re-enabled again." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 4 } mwrEmcRadioRxFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the receive Radio frequency in kHz." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 5 } mwrEmcRadioTxFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the transmit Radio frequency in kHz." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurationsEntry 6 } mwrEmcRadioProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the radio profile configurations." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurations 2 } mwrEmcRadioProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing the radio profile configurations." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioStandardMode, mwrEmcRadioChannelBw, mwrEmcRadioStaticTxProfile } ::= { mwrEmcRadioProfileTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioStandardMode DisplayString, mwrEmcRadioChannelBw DisplayString, mwrEmcRadioStaticTxProfile DisplayString, mwrEmcRadioProgrammedProfile EnableType } mwrEmcRadioStandardMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index representing the available standard mode of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioProfileEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioChannelBw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString UNITS "MHz" MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index representing the available channel bandwidth of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioProfileEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioStaticTxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index representing the available static tx profile of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioProfileEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioProgrammedProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the configured standard mode, channel BW and the TX profile of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioProfileEntry 4 } mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the threshold alarm configurations of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurations 3 } mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing the threshold alarm configurations of the radio channel." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioThresholdIndex } ::= { mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioThresholdIndex RadioInstanceType, mwrEmcRadioRslBelowThresholdParams DisplayString, mwrEmcRadioTxAboveThresholdParams DisplayString } mwrEmcRadioThresholdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioInstanceType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each radio channel if applicable." ::= { mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioRslBelowThresholdParams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the RSL threshold in dB and the number of seconds the RSL should be below the threshold. An example of the format of the string is as follows: '-75 10'. The first parameter power level in dB, the second is the time in seconds. In this example the threshold -75 dB and the time is set to 10 seconds. The single quote marks are not used in the command." ::= { mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioTxAboveThresholdParams OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the radio transmit power threshold in dB and the number of seconds threshold must be exceeded. An example of the format of the string is as follows: '-75 10'. The first parameter power level in dB, the second is the time in seconds. In this example the threshold -75 dB and the time is set to 10 seconds. The single quote marks are not used in the command." ::= { mwrEmcRadioThresholdAlarmEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioChCfgSynchEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object enables or disables synchronization of the radio configuration on multiple carriers." ::= { mwrEmcRadioConfigurations 4 } -- -- RADIO INFORMATION -- mwrEmcRadioStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the status of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatus 1 } mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing the status of the radio channel." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex } ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex RadioInstanceType, mwrEmcRadioOperStatus INTEGER, mwrEmcRadioTRSpacing Integer32, mwrEmcRadioActualTxStatus EnableType, mwrEmcRadioRxFreqMin Integer32, mwrEmcRadioRxFreqMax Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxFreqMin Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxFreqMax Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxPowerMin Integer32, mwrEmcRadioTxPowerMax Integer32, mwrEmcRadioLinkStatus INTEGER } mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioInstanceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each radio channel if applicable." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the Radio. When radio is fully configured and ready to operate the status will be up." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioTRSpacing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the difference between the configured TX/RX center frequency of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioActualTxStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EnableType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the actual transmit state of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 4 } mwrEmcRadioRxFreqMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the minimum radio RX frequency allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 5 } mwrEmcRadioRxFreqMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the maximum radio RX frequency allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 6 } mwrEmcRadioTxFreqMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the minimum radio TX frequency allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 7 } mwrEmcRadioTxFreqMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "kHz" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the maximum radio TX frequency allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 8 } mwrEmcRadioTxPowerMin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the minimum radio Transmit Power allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 9 } mwrEmcRadioTxPowerMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents the maximum radio Transmit Power allowed." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 10 } mwrEmcRadioLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational status of the radio link." ::= { mwrEmcRadioStatusEntry 11 } mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing the performance of the radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerformance 1 } mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing the performance of the radio channel." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioStatsIndex } ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioStatsIndex RadioInstanceType, mwrEmcRadioTxFrames Counter64, mwrEmcRadioRxGoodFrames Counter64, mwrEmcRadioRxErrsFrames Counter64, mwrEmcRadioRSL Integer32, mwrEmcRadioEqualizerStress Integer32, mwrEmcRadioSNR Integer32, mwrEmcRadioLinkAvailability Counter32, mwrEmcRadioActualTxPower Integer32, mwrEmcRadioActualTxProfile DisplayString } mwrEmcRadioStatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioInstanceType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each radio channel if applicable." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioTxFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current count of radio frames transmitted." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioRxGoodFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current count of good radio frames received." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioRxErrsFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current count of radio frames received in error." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 4 } mwrEmcRadioRSL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An estimate of the radio RSL. Divide the value by 10 to get the actual RSL value. Once this number is divided by 10 the units are dB. For example -352 is actually -35.2dB" ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 5 } mwrEmcRadioEqualizerStress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the average magnitude of all the equalizer taps to provide a measure of how hard the equalizer is working." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 6 } mwrEmcRadioSNR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "dB" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The absolute value of the estimate of the radio SNR. Divide the value by 10 to get the actual SNR." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 7 } mwrEmcRadioLinkAvailability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "sec" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time the radio link is up." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 8 } mwrEmcRadioActualTxPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the running configuration for tx power." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 9 } mwrEmcRadioActualTxProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A read-only string specifying the actual value for the TX profile." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStatsEntry 10 } mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table containing 32-bit counters of the radio channel. This table is provided to satisfy snmp v1 users where they can't access 64-bit counters." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerformance 2 } mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table entry containing 32-bit counters of the radio channel." INDEX { mwrEmcRadioStats32BitIndex } ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitTable 1 } MwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mwrEmcRadioStats32BitIndex RadioInstanceType, mwrEmcRadioTxFrames32Bit Counter32, mwrEmcRadioRxGoodFrames32Bit Counter32, mwrEmcRadioRxErrsFrames32Bit Counter32 } mwrEmcRadioStats32BitIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RadioInstanceType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each radio channel if applicable." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry 1 } mwrEmcRadioTxFrames32Bit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A low capacity 32-bit counter representing the current count of radio frames transmitted." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry 2 } mwrEmcRadioRxGoodFrames32Bit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A low capacity 32-bit counter representing the current count of radio frames received." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry 3 } mwrEmcRadioRxErrsFrames32Bit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A low capacity 32-bit counter representing the current count of radio frames received in error." ::= { mwrEmcRadioPerfStats32BitEntry 4 } -- -- RADIO NOTIFICATIONS -- mwrEmcRadioRxLossOfSync NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when radio link loses synchronization on its receiver. The mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex indicates each radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 1 } mwrEmcRadioFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when fault is detected in radio. The reason could be faulty components or invalid configuration. The mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex indicates each radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 2 } mwrEmcRadioCalUnavailable NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when the calibration information is not available in the system." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 3 } mwrEmcRadioRslBelowThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when the receive signal level of the radio link is below the user configured limit. The mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex indicates each radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 4 } mwrEmcRadioTxlAboveThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when the radio transmit power level exceeds the user set limit. The mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex indicates each radio channel." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 5 } mwrEmcRadioConfigMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwrEventConfigSeverity, mwrEmcRadioStatusIndex, equipmentAlarmActiveConditionId, equipmentTrapInfo, equipmentOutTrapsCounter } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is raised when the radio configuration between the peers is mismatched." ::= { mwrEmcRadioNotifications 6 } END