EATON-OIDS DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI Integer32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; eaton MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201811130000Z" ORGANIZATION "Eaton Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Eaton Power Quality Technical Support (PQTS) group Technical Resource Center phone numbers United States: 1.800.843.9433 or 919.870.3028 Canada: 1.800.461.9166 ext. 260 All other countries: Call your local service representative." DESCRIPTION "Assigns major branches from the root of Eaton's OID tree (534). Copyright (C) Exide Electronics 1992-98 Copyright (C) Powerware Corporation 1999-2004 Copyright (C) Eaton Corporation (2005-)." REVISION "201811130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for eatonSensor MIB." REVISION "201402190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for stsMIB." REVISION "201001240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for eatonEpdu and eatonEpduMa." REVISION "200906180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for powerCmnd and OSDCIIMIB." REVISION "200708060000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for pcdMIB and pxmMIB. Added common Textual Conventions for Integers." REVISION "200707050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignment for eatonEpduMIB. Cleaned up file for public consumption." REVISION "200610150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added assignments for powerChain and pxgMIB." REVISION "200605250000Z" DESCRIPTION "Revised from the original assignments in XUPS-MIB.txt. Note that enterprises.534. was originally assigned to Exide Electronics before Powerware was acquired by Eaton." ::= { enterprises 534 } -- EATON-OIDS { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) -- enterprises(1) eaton(534) } -- The Powerware "PowerMIB" for UPSs xupsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 1} -- Define the Environment group here since it is used in the Eaton-EMP-MIB as well xupsEnvironment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsMIB 6} -- -- The root of the list of Object Identifiers that are used to -- distinguish Eaton's SNMP agents (for use in sysObjId): xupsObjectId OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 2} powerwareEthernetSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 1} powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 2} powerwareNetworkSnmpAdapterToken OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 3} onlinetDaemon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 4} connectUPSAdapterEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 5} powerwareNetworkDigitalIOEther OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 6} connectUPSAdapterTokenRing OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 7} simpleSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 8} powerwareEliSnmpAdapter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 9} powerwareBasicEmbeddedEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 10} eatonPowerChainGateway OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 11} eatonPowerChainDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 12} eatonPowerXpertMeter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {xupsObjectId 13} -- Digital IO MIB (deprecated) -- File XUPSIOV1.MIB xupsIoMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 3} -- DataTrax Forseer and Powervision branch powerVision OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 4} -- orphaned: BEEP (Basic Embedded Ethernet Product) -- File XUPS-BASIC-MIB.txt --xupsBasic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 5} -- A branch for Powerware Product MIBs products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 6} -- Product assignments pduAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 6} -- pduAgent product assignments -- File MIB_hdpdu.mib for HD PDU hdpdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 2} -- MIB for Eaton PDU, first for 9315's 3-phase PDU -- Defined in EATON-PDU-MIB.txt eatonPdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 4} -- MIB for Eaton Powerware first-generation Managed ePDUs -- Defined in EATON-EPDU-MA-MIB.txt -- eatonEpduMa OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 6} -- MIB for Eaton Powerware ePDUs -- Defined in EATON-EPDU-MIB.txt -- eatonEpdu OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {pduAgent 7} sensorAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 8} -- sensorAgent product assignments -- MIB for Eaton Sensors -- Defined in EATON-SENSOR-MIB.txt -- eatonSensor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {sensorAgent 1} dataCenter OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {products 7} -- dataCenter product assignments environmentalMonitor OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {dataCenter 1} -- A branch for Eaton IT Department itProjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 7} pki OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {itProjects 1} -- A branch for PowerChain Product MIBs powerChain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 8} -- Product assignments -- MIB to support Alarms and Events in PowerXpert toolkit-enabled -- Devices, Gateways, PXMeters -- Defined in file EATON-PXG-MIB.txt -- pxgMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 1} -- MIB to support common measures in Power Chain Devices -- Defined in file EATON-PCD-MIB.txt -- pcdMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 2} -- MIB to support power measures in Power Meters -- Defined in file EATON-PWR-MTR-MIB.txt -- pxmMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerChain 3} -- A branch for powercomand commercial control Product MIBs powerCmnd OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 9} -- Product assignments -- MIB to support the OSDCII controller -- Defined in file EATON-OSDCII-MIB.txt -- osdcMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {powerCmnd 1} -- A branch for Eaton STS devices MIBs sts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {eaton 10} -- Product assignments -- MIB to support the data in STS devices -- Defined in file Eaton-STS.MIB -- stsMIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {ats 1} -- Define some common Textual Conventions -- PositiveInteger and NonNegativeInteger are borrowed from RFC1628 PositiveInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is a non-zero and non-negative value." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647) NonNegativeInteger ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This data type is a non-negative value." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) END