NSCRTV-ROOT DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, OBJECT-TYPE, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI DisplayString, NetworkAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC Counter FROM RFC1155-SMI ; nscrtvRoot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 17409 } -- DESCRIPTION -- "NscrtvRoot definition of the National Radio and Television Standardization Technical Committee -- MIB root node" nscrtvHFCemsTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvRoot 1 } -- DESCRIPTION -- "NscrtvHFCemsTree definition HFC network equipment management system MIB root node," -- "All HFC network equipment management system should be in the MIB definition of nodes." propertyIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvHFCemsTree 1} -- DESCRIPTION -- "Attribute (Property) MIB branch nodes logo." -- "See Appendix C." alarmsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvHFCemsTree 2} -- DESCRIPTION -- "Alarm (Alarms) MIB branch nodes logo." -- "See Appendix D." commonIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvHFCemsTree 3} -- DESCRIPTION -- "Utility (Common) MIB branch nodes logo." -- "See Appendix E" oaIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvHFCemsTree 11} -- DESCRIPTION -- "Optical Amplifiers (Optical Amplifier) MIB branch node identifier." -- "See Appendix M" --******************************************************************************************** -- --********************************************************************************************** analogPropertyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AnalogPropertyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attribute Table simulation parameters" ::= { propertyIdent 1 } analogPropertyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AnalogPropertyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attribute Table simulation parameters head. OID purpose as a table index,Its coding method is'length��OID'��OID former two members'1.3'According to '1'and'3'respectively coding,Instead of ordinary OID encoding (0x2B)." INDEX { analogParameterOID } ::= { analogPropertyTable 1 } AnalogPropertyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { analogParameterOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, alarmEnable OCTET STRING, analogAlarmState INTEGER, analogAlarmHIHI INTEGER, analogAlarmHI INTEGER, analogAlarmLO INTEGER, analogAlarmLOLO INTEGER, analogAlarmDeadband INTEGER } analogParameterOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "index" ::= { analogPropertyEntry 1 } alarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm enable control byte, the corresponding position for the'1 'that allow alarm,'0' a ban warning Bit 0: Alarm enable low Bit 1: Alarm enable low Bit 2: Alarm enable high Bit 3: Alarm enable high Bit 4 ~ 7 reservations should be 0 This object should be stored in nonvolatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 2 } analogAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { aasNominal (1), aasHIHI (2), aasHI (3), aasLO (4), aasLOLO (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parameters of the current state of alarm." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 3 } analogAlarmHIHI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm HIHI high threshold value. This object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 4 } analogAlarmHI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "HI high alarm threshold value. This object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 5 } analogAlarmLO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LO low alarm threshold value. This object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 6 } analogAlarmLOLO OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm LOLO very low threshold value. This object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 7 } analogAlarmDeadband OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Dead-alarm threshold value. After the warning, parameter values should be restored to the alarm threshold and alarm threshold and the difference between the absolute value greater than the value of dead zone, the alarm can be removed. This object should be stored in nonvolatile memory." ::= { analogPropertyEntry 8 } discretePropertyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF DiscretePropertyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Discrete Attribute Table." ::= { propertyIdent 2 } discretePropertyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DiscretePropertyEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attribute Table discrete head. OID coding methods with simulation attribute table" INDEX { discreteParameterOID, discreteAlarmValue } ::= { discretePropertyTable 1 } DiscretePropertyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { discreteParameterOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, discreteAlarmValue INTEGER, discreteAlarmEnable INTEGER, discreteAlarmState INTEGER } discreteParameterOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attribute Table discrete index 1: Parameters OID." ::= { discretePropertyEntry 1 } discreteAlarmValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Attribute Table discrete index 2: parameter values. When the equipment value of this parameter values, and so will be dealt with a warning." ::= { discretePropertyEntry 2 } discreteAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disable (1), enableMajor (2), enableMinor (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the alarm so that it can open the (2 or 3), this parameter allows for alarm processing. If the alarm so that it can shut down (1), alarm processing will be carried out. This object default values for the disable (1). This object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { discretePropertyEntry 3 } discreteAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { dasNominal(1), dasDiscreteMajor(6), dasDiscreteMinor(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The parameters of the current state of alarm." ::= { discretePropertyEntry 4 } currentAlarmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CurrentAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current warning Table." ::= { propertyIdent 3 } currentAlarmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CurrentAlarmEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current warning Table Head. OID coding methods with simulation attribute table." INDEX { currentAlarmOID } ::= { currentAlarmTable 1 } CurrentAlarmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { currentAlarmOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, currentAlarmState INTEGER, currentAlarmValue INTEGER } currentAlarmOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE, currently in a state of alarm parameters OID Index, and attribute the alarm in the table corresponding parameters OID." ::= { currentAlarmEntry 1 } currentAlarmState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { caasHIHI (2), caasHI (3), caasLO (4), caasLOLO (5), caasDiscreteMajor (6), caasDiscreteMinor (7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Warning parameters of the current state of alarm." ::= { currentAlarmEntry 2 } currentAlarmValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm parameter's value." ::= { currentAlarmEntry 3 } --************************************************************************************************ -- --************************************************************************************************ alarmLogNumberOfEntries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm record number of records in the table." ::= { alarmsIdent 1 } alarmLogLastIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Recently a warning the index of the records." ::= { alarmsIdent 2 } alarmLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF AlarmLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm record form, at least support 16 record. Each table in the registration of a new record, the management agent (transponder) managers should send traps news." ::= { alarmsIdent 3 } alarmLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX AlarmLogEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm Sheet Head." INDEX { alarmLogIndex } ::= { alarmLogTable 1 } AlarmLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { alarmLogIndex INTEGER, alarmLogInformation OCTET STRING } alarmLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32767) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The only logo Alarm Index recorded a record in the table, the index value increased from 1 start of each new record, plus 1 until 32,767, a record index of the re-starts at 1. Acting under the management of storage capacity can be the first choice to delete those records, the specific details in this not to achieve provisions." ::= { alarmLogEntry 1 } alarmLogInformation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE ( 17..255 ) ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Alarm record information, multi-byte strings, defined as follows: Byte 1 ~ 4: Alarm in time (POSIX format, the previous maximum byte) Byte 5: Alarm types (enumeration, definitions see behind) Byte 6: Alarm value after commonNeStatus Byte 7 ~ m: Alarm parameters object identifier (Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1)) Byte n ~ z: Alarm parameter values (Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1)) Alarm enumerated types: 1 NOMINAL 2 HIHI 3 HI 4 LO 5 LOLO 6 Discrete Major 7 Discrete Minor " ::= { alarmLogEntry 2 } alarmText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS not-accessible STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This trap targets for the needs of information contained in a text field transponder information is achievable. The field contains the text of the object depends on the definition of alarm parameters, it is uncertain, This object can not access provisions." ::= { alarmsIdent 4 } hfcAlarmEvent TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE nscrtvHFCemsTree VARIABLES { commonPhysAddress, commonNELogicalID, alarmLogInformation, alarmText } DESCRIPTION "When detected in the event of alarm information sent this trap, whether bundled alarmText variable parameter under warning object to determine. Some of the parameters only need to bind the alarm first three variables." ::= 1 --*********************************************************************************************** -- --********************************************************************************************** -- * -- * Common MIB -- * commonAdminGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonIdent 1 } commonAdminUseRf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonIdent 2 } commonAdminUseEthernet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonIdent 3 } commonMACGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonAdminUseRf 1 } commonRfGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonAdminUseRf 2 } commonMacAddress OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonMACGroup 1 } commonBackoffParams OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonMACGroup 2 } commonMacStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonMACGroup 3 } commonAgentGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonAdminUseEthernet 1 } commonDeviceGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commonAdminUseEthernet 2 } -- ************* -- * -- ************* commonNELogicalID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..40)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The logic of the designated NE identifier (LogicID), the values and attributes of other unrelated NE. This target value should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonAdminGroup 1 } commonNEVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE equipment manufacturers." ::= { commonAdminGroup 2 } commonNEModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE equipment models." ::= { commonAdminGroup 3 } commonNESerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE equipment serial numbers." ::= { commonAdminGroup 4 } commonNEVendorInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "NE equipment suppliers other special designated information." ::= { commonAdminGroup 5 } commonNEStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "With 7.5.4 STATRESP PDU parameters in the corresponding Status Bit 0: CHNLRQST Bit 1: CNTNRM Bit 2: CNTCUR Bit 3: MAJOR ALARMS Bit 4: MINOR ALARMS Bit 5: RSVD1 Bit 6: RSVD2 Bit 7: RSVD3" ::= { commonAdminGroup 6 } commonReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Write'1 'will be reset NE equipment, the value will be included in other non-functional. Reading this object return value'1 ', had no effect on equipment." ::= { commonAdminGroup 7 } commonAlarmDetectionControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detectionDisabled (1), detectionEnabled (2), detectionEnabledAndRegenerate (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object used to control the Alarm Detection NE." ::= { commonAdminGroup 8 } commonNetworkAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE network IP address, NE produce Trap should include this address. This value should be stored in nonvolatile memory. This value can be registered through the MAC order or through local vendors to set up Interface." ::= { commonAdminGroup 9 } commonCheckCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This target for the detection transponder code configuration of the report. The calculation includes detection code transponder (including management equipment) and the physical configuration parameters stored in non-volatile memory of all the parameters. The detection algorithm calculated by the vendor code provisions. The object should be kept in the value of non-volatile memory, the response thinks highly activated, will be recalculated and re-testing code and the value prior to the commencement of comparison to determine whether or should haveһ��hfcColdStart hfcWarmStart traps. When write this object (SetRequest), the detection code will be recalculated and fill the SetRequest in response to the GetResponse. At this time, will not produce or hfcWarmStart traps hfcColdStart." ::= { commonAdminGroup 10 } commonTrapCommunityString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Definition of Community Trap string. The default value is' public '. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonAdminGroup 11 } commonTamperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { intact (1), compromised (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The safety report NE switching equipment (such as whether to open up the lid) state that this object is called discrete attributes of a corresponding entry in the table. Intact that normal, expressed alarm compromised." ::= { commonAdminGroup 12 } commonInternalTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-128..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "NE equipment Room (machine) temperature, units degrees Celsius. This request object attribute in a corresponding entry in the table." ::= { commonAdminGroup 13 } commonTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "NE of the POSIX said that the current time (since at 0:00 on January 1, 1970 since the seconds)." ::= { commonAdminGroup 14 } commonVarBindings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object can be said to receive SNMP information NE variables bundled the largest number of tables. Value: 0 indicated no restrictions on the maximum number bundled." ::= { commonAdminGroup 15 } commonResetCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), powerup (2), command (3), watchdog (4), craft (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE said the reasons for the recent reduction." ::= { commonAdminGroup 16 } commonCraftStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disconnected (1), connected (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE local object that this interface (such as RS232 or RS485 interface) state. NE does not necessarily have to support the local interface. NE local interface without affecting the state of its MAC interface functions; If we do not support the local interface, and its value is disconnected." ::= { commonAdminGroup 17 } commonDeviceOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This OID object as a pointer, the equipment was used at MIB (such as Node, two-way amplifier, etc)." ::= { commonAdminGroup 18 } commonDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(32)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The contents of this object by the designated by the equipment vendors, manufacturers and products it contains special ASCII text messages." ::= { commonAdminGroup 19 } commondownload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" ::= { commonAdminGroup 20 } -- ****************** -- * MAC -- ******************* -- **************** -- * -- **************** commonPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE MAC (physical) address." ::= { commonMacAddress 1 } commonMaxMulticastAddresses OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (4..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE equipment to support the greatest number of multicast addresses." ::= { commonMacAddress 2 } commonMulticastAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CommonMulticastAddressEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multicast addresses Table, the value of this object should be stored in nonvolatile memory." ::= { commonMacAddress 3 } commonMulticastAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommonMulticastAddressEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multicast addresses Table Head." INDEX { commonMulticastAddressIndex } ::= { commonMulticastAddressTable 1 } CommonMulticastAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { commonMulticastAddressIndex INTEGER, commonMulticastAddressNumber OCTET STRING } commonMulticastAddressIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multicast addresses Index." ::= { commonMulticastAddressEntry 1 } commonMulticastAddressNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(6)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multicast addresses,I/Gbit" ::= { commonMulticastAddressEntry 2 } -- ************************ -- * backoff -- ************************ commonBackoffPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..16383) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Backoff algorithm benchmark time (ms), initialize the default value of 6 ms. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonBackoffParams 1 } commonACKTimeoutWindow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE awaiting HE overtime to send ACK response time (ms), initialize the default value is 19 ms. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonBackoffParams 2 } commonMaximumMACLayerRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "NE data packets sent the greatest number of re-examination. Initialize the default value is 16. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonBackoffParams 3 } commonMaxPayloadSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "From top to bottom line channel packet supported by the largest payload (payload) the length of." ::= { commonBackoffParams 4 } commonBackoffMinimumExponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The standards body of the MAC layer specification definition of the smallest backoff algorithm index value, default values for 6. This value may not exceed commonBackoffMaximumValue value. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonBackoffParams 5 } commonBackoffMaximumExponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..15) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The body of the MAC layer standard definition of backoff algorithm for standardizing the largest index value, the default value is 15. This value shall be not less than commonBackoffMinimum value. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonBackoffParams 6 } -- ****************** -- * MAC -- ****************** commonForwardPathLOSEvents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "LOS downlink channel in the number of reset to 0." ::= { commonMacStats 1 } commonForwardPathFramingErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Downlink Channel frames wrong number reset to 0." ::= { commonMacStats 2 } commonForwardPathCRCErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "CRC errors down the number of reset to 0." ::= { commonMacStats 3 } commonInvalidMacCmds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Invalid MAC layer order wrong number reset to 0." ::= { commonMacStats 4 } commonBackwardPathCollisionTimes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Uplink Packet collision frequency, reset to 0." ::= { commonMacStats 5 } -- ************* -- * -- ************* commonReturnPathFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Channel uplink frequency units Hz. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonRfGroup 1 } commonForwardPathFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..1000000000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Downlink frequency channel, flat Hz. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonRfGroup 2 } commonProvisionedReturnPowerLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Upstream channel power levels and units for dBuV. When the internal use of this value will be rounded to the nearest support value. Reading return to this subject when the actual value rather than rounding value. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonRfGroup 3 } commonForwardPathReceiveLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Downlink Channel receive power levels, units dBuV." ::= { commonRfGroup 4 } commonMaxReturnPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The largest upstream channel power levels and units for dBuV. The value of this object should be stored in non-volatile memory." ::= { commonRfGroup 5 } -- ************ -- * -- ************ commonAgentBootWay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bootDefault (1), bootBOOTP (2), bootTFTP (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Starting Method Acting" ::= { commonAgentGroup 1 } commonAgentReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset(1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting Restart, write'1 'will enable agents to restart, the value will be included in other non-functional. Reading this object return value'1 ', the agent had no effect on." ::= { commonAgentGroup 2 } commonAgentMaxTraps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting detected alarm when sent to the management of the largest number of TRAP, 0 that manufacturers use the default default values." ::= { commonAgentGroup 3 } commonAgentTrapMinInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting TRAP send the minimum spacing units for s." ::= { commonAgentGroup 4 } commonAgentTrapMaxInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting TRAP send the largest spacing units for s." ::= { commonAgentGroup 5 } commonTrapAck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE ( 17..255 ) ) ACCESS read-write STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "The variables used to notify Snmp agents, it issued the warning Trap has received information management console, do not have to re-hair. The content of the variables in alarmLogInformation MIB and the same warning. Agents received after the adoption of alarmLogInformation management can clearly know the host response is a warning which Trap information, thereby stop the alarm information re the Trap." ::= { commonAgentGroup 6 } commonAgentTrapTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CommonAgentTrapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting Information Table TRAP." ::= { commonAgentGroup 7 } commonAgentTrapEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommonAgentTrapEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting Head TRAP Information Table." INDEX { commonAgentTrapIndex } ::= { commonAgentTrapTable 1 } CommonAgentTrapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { commonAgentTrapIndex INTEGER, commonAgentTrapIP IpAddress, commonAgentTrapCommunity DisplayString, commonAgentTrapStatus INTEGER } commonAgentTrapIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TRAP Table Index." ::= { commonAgentTrapEntry 1 } commonAgentTrapIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "When the purpose of the TRAP host's IP address." ::= { commonAgentTrapEntry 2 } commonAgentTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send the Community string TRAP." ::= { commonAgentTrapEntry 3 } commonAgentTrapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { commonAgentTrapEnable (1), commonAgentTrapDisable (2) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "It said the opening of the TRAP." ::= { commonAgentTrapEntry 4 } -- *************** -- * -- *************** commonDeviceNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The agent said that the current management is the number of devices." ::= { commonDeviceGroup 1 } commonDeviceInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CommonDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting is currently public information management equipment List." ::= { commonDeviceGroup 2 } commonDeviceInfoEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CommonDeviceInfoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting is currently public information management equipment list Table Head." INDEX { commonDeviceSlot } ::= { commonDeviceInfoTable 1 } CommonDeviceInfoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { commonDeviceSlot INTEGER, commonDevicesID OCTET STRING, commonDeviceVendor DisplayString, commonDeviceModelNumber DisplayString, commonDeviceSerialNumber DisplayString, commonDeviceVendorInfo DisplayString, commonDeviceStatus OCTET STRING, commonDeviceReset INTEGER, commonDeviceAlarmDetectionControl INTEGER, commonDeviceMACAddress NetworkAddress, commonDeviceTamperStatus INTEGER, commonDeviceInternalTemperature INTEGER, commonDeviceResetCause INTEGER, commonDeviceCraftStatus INTEGER, commonDevicesOID OBJECT IDENTIFIER, commonDeviceAcct Counter, commonDeviceName DisplayString, commonDeviceMFD DisplayString, commonDeviceFW DisplayString } commonDeviceSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acting is currently under the management of the equipment list of public information table Index." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 1 } commonDevicesID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..40)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Designated equipment manufacturers logo." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 2 } commonDeviceVendor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Equipment manufacturers." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 3 } commonDeviceModelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Equipment Model." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 4 } commonDeviceSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string of equipment." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 5 } commonDeviceVendorInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Equipment suppliers of other special designated information." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 6 } commonDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The state equipment Bit 0: RSVD0 Bit 1: RSVD1 Bit 2: RSVD2 Bit 3: MAJOR ALARMS Bit 4: MINOR ALARMS Bit 5: RSVD5 Bit 6: RSVD6 Bit 7: RSVD7" ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 7 } commonDeviceReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { reset (1) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Write'1 'will be reset equipment, other values will be written into the non-functional. Reading this object return value'1 ', had no effect on equipment." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 8 } commonDeviceAlarmDetectionControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { detectionDisabled (1), detectionEnabled (2), detectionEnabledAndRegenerate (3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object used to control equipment Alarm Detection." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 9 } commonDeviceMACAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX NetworkAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Equipment MAC address." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 10 } commonDeviceTamperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { intact (1), compromised (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Report of the safety switch equipment (such as whether to open up the lid) state that this object is called discrete attributes of a corresponding entry in the table. Intact that normal, expressed alarm compromised." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 11 } commonDeviceInternalTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-128..127) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Equipment Room (machine) temperature, units degrees Celsius. This request object attribute in a corresponding entry in the table." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 12 } commonDeviceResetCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), powerup (2), command (3), watchdog (4), craft (5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Equipment that the reasons for the recent reduction." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 13 } commonDeviceCraftStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { disconnected (1), connected (2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This object interface that local equipment (such as RS232 or RS485 interface) state." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 14 } commonDevicesOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Goals identifier string, point to a concrete realization of the equipment." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 15 } commonDeviceAcct OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Equipment that the accumulated work time, units of s." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 16 } commonDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Equipment Name." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 17 } commonDeviceMFD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(10)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Date of production equipment." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 18 } commonDeviceFW OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware information equipment." ::= { commonDeviceInfoEntry 19 } hfcColdStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE nscrtvHFCemsTree VARIABLES { commonPhysAddress, commonNELogicalID} DESCRIPTION "HfcColdStart traps that are sent to re-initialization protocol entities, and entities agent configuration or agreement may have changed. This trap only after the success of transponder sent registration." ::= 0 hfcWarmStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE nscrtvHFCemsTree VARIABLES { commonPhysAddress, commonNELogicalID } DESCRIPTION "HfcWarmStart traps that are sent to re-initialization protocol entities, and entities agent configuration or agreement has not changed. This trap only after the completion of transponder sent registration." ::= 2 --********************************************************************************************* -- --********************************************************************************************* oaVendorOID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "This object provides manufacturers of optical amplifier MIB expansion. Without the expansion, this should be targeting at the optical amplifier nodes oaIdent." ::= { oaIdent 1 } oaOutputOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output optical power units to 0.1 dBm, the object attributes required to register an entry MIB." ::= { oaIdent 2 } oaInputOpticalPower OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( -128..127 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Input optical power units to 0.1 dBm, the object attributes required to register an entry MIB." ::= { oaIdent 3 } -- **************** -- * -- **************** oaPumpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaPumpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "EDFA laser pump Information Table." ::= { oaIdent 4 } oaPumpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaPumpEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Each laser-pumped optical amplifier Information Table Head." INDEX { oaPumpIndex } ::= { oaPumpTable 1 } OaPumpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { oaPumpIndex INTEGER, oaPumpBIAS INTEGER, oaPumpTEC INTEGER, oaPumpTemp INTEGER } oaPumpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser-pumped optical amplifier index value." ::= { oaPumpEntry 1 } oaPumpBIAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The pump laser bias current, flat mA, this attribute MIB objects require an entry in the register." ::= { oaPumpEntry 2 } oaPumpTEC OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( -32768..32767 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Current laser pump refrigeration unit is 0.01 A, this attribute MIB objects require an entry in the register." ::= { oaPumpEntry 3 } oaPumpTemp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..32768 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Laser pump temperature, units of 0.10 C, this attribute MIB objects require an entry in the register." ::= { oaPumpEntry 4 } -- ***************** -- * -- ***************** oaNumberDCPowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..16 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of internal DC power supply, 0 expressed transponder does not support this function." ::= { oaIdent 5 } oaDCPowerSupplyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { loadsharing(1), switchedRedundant(2), aloneSupply(3)} ACCESS read-only STATUS optional DESCRIPTION "Power supply mode: load sharing, standby switching or an independent power supply." ::= { oaIdent 6 } oaDCPowerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF OaDCPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DC Power Information Table." ::= { oaIdent 7 } oaDCPowerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OaDCPowerEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DC Power Information Table Head." INDEX { oaDCPowerIndex } ::= { oaDCPowerTable 1 } OaDCPowerEntry ::=SEQUENCE { oaDCPowerIndex INTEGER, oaDCPowerVoltage INTEGER, oaDCPowerCurrent INTEGER, oaDCPowerName DisplayString } oaDCPowerIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "DC Power Index." ::= { oaDCPowerEntry 1 } oaDCPowerVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( -32768..32767 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Supply voltage, the unit is 0.1 V. This attribute MIB objects require an entry in the register." ::= { oaDCPowerEntry 2 } oaDCPowerCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Electricity power supply unit is 0.01 A. This attribute MIB objects require an entry in the register." ::= { oaDCPowerEntry 3 } oaDCPowerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicate the name of the power supply, for example: 24 V DC power supply. This field value by the user, should at least be marked with a number of power supply voltage and distinguish between each other. When the object of this table have a warning, that this object should be put into the name of alarmText hfcAlarmEvent traps in the target." ::= { oaDCPowerEntry 4 } oaOutputOpticalPowerSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The output optical power control ,units to 0.1 dBm" ::= { oaIdent 11 } oaGainSet OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ( 0..65535 ) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "units to 0.1 dB" ::= { oaIdent 12 } powerSupplyStatusA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of power supply A." ::= { oaIdent 32 } powerSupplyStatusB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(0),nominal(1),failure(2),notInstalled(3) } UNITS "no units" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Returns the operating status of power supply B." ::= { oaIdent 33 } END