-- ***************************************************************** -- MGNT2.TXT: MIB -- --MIB Part Number:3MI01002CABA --MIB Version:01 -- -- Copyright (c) 2017 by Ekinops -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** EKINOPS-MGNT2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ekinops, EkiState, EkiOnOff, EkiProtocol, EkiApiState, EkiLoadGWSW, EkiLoadState, EkiLoadPermutMethod, EkiSynchroMode, EkiLoadPermutMode FROM EKINOPS-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Unsigned32, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC; mgnt2 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201701100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ekinops" CONTACT-INFO "Ekinops 3, rue Blaise Pascal F-22300 Lannion / FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)2 96 05 00 30 Fax : +33 (0)2 96 48 62 39 E-mail: support@ekinops.net" DESCRIPTION "MIB for Ekinops 360 management." REVISION "200511240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version." REVISION "200601240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add the ekicraft package table." REVISION "200603100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Change Rack full to Rack Not Full" REVISION "200605100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Gateways are managed by a table" REVISION "200605230000Z" DESCRIPTION "Replace PBU by PM" REVISION "200609280000Z" DESCRIPTION "CRAFT/LINUX Inventory Insertion" REVISION "200612130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Plug-in inventory table insertion" REVISION "200702090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Backpanel ,Fan inventory and error counters" REVISION "200704240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add detailed traps" REVISION "200706190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add ABS3 objects" REVISION "200708270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Groups number in board table for pm1008dc" REVISION "200711270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Update Ekinops Address,Helps on objects,Add Dcc management" REVISION "200805200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add syslog and ntp servers ip addresses" REVISION "200806180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Inactivity Time out" REVISION "200808180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add Cli access, create a textual convention for DCC access.Add Craft Access" REVISION "200810070000Z" DESCRIPTION "Invert code on DCC mode" REVISION "200811190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Insert Chassis Ethernet Split" REVISION "200901050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Insert Chassis Global Conf" REVISION "200912150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Correction on traps" REVISION "201001040000Z" DESCRIPTION "Insert CRIT/URG/NURG/Acknowledge" REVISION "201002160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add CondType and NMS parameters" REVISION "201007160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add perf management for the NMS" REVISION "201010270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add new filters for traps" REVISION "201103170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add new filters for traps" REVISION "201104070000Z" DESCRIPTION "New mode on new ehternet input" REVISION "201104130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Polling Manager fail insertion" REVISION "201105270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rajout AlarmType sur Extraction Fan" REVISION "201106080000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rajout Cold Reset" REVISION "201106300000Z" DESCRIPTION "PerfCapStatus new type" REVISION "201109120000Z" DESCRIPTION "New data for Atom" REVISION "201202080000Z" DESCRIPTION "PM labelling removal" REVISION "201203190000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add mgnt2SubFunctionLabel for 100G" REVISION "201207160000Z" DESCRIPTION "Minor cosmetic updates" REVISION "201305280000Z" DESCRIPTION "RSTP configuration object" REVISION "201305300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Dust filter insertion, CPU Temp warning" REVISION "201308290000Z" DESCRIPTION "LLDP configuration object" REVISION "201309040000Z" DESCRIPTION "MGNT Shutdown adding" REVISION "201309110000Z" DESCRIPTION "Log file mode insertion" REVISION "201311060000Z" DESCRIPTION "RADIUS objects" REVISION "201407300000Z" DESCRIPTION "Node Controller objects" REVISION "201409010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Probcause,AlarmType - NMS completion" REVISION "201502110000Z" DESCRIPTION "HTTP configuration" REVISION "201504010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add bindings for Node Controller" REVISION "201504140000Z" DESCRIPTION "RSTP Thresholds" REVISION "201504140000Z" DESCRIPTION "Users privilege" REVISION "201510090000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add in mgnt2SlotStatus" REVISION "201511050000Z" DESCRIPTION "Appropriate Limits on SYNTAX of some OBJECT-TYPE " REVISION "201605270000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add objects for fail login attemps" REVISION "201606150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Removable Fan modules handling" REVISION "201610120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modification of numbering of the fans" REVISION "201701100000Z" DESCRIPTION "FTP, TFTP enable disable" ::= { ekinops 7 } --- ***************************************************** --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- ***************************************************** Mgnt2CliAccessValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different type of access by ethernet for the CLI" SYNTAX INTEGER { noCliByEthernet(0), cliBySSH(1), cliByTelnet(2) } Mgnt2CraftAccessValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "enables access to the CRAFT" SYNTAX INTEGER { noCraftAccess(0), craftEnable(1), craftEnableHttps(2) } Mgnt2DccAccessValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the Dcc access" SYNTAX INTEGER { mode1Slots2s4s6s8s10(0), mode2Slots2s6s10s14s18(1) } Mgnt2TrapModeValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the trap generation" SYNTAX INTEGER { syntheticTrap(0), detailedTrap(1), nmsTrap(2) } Mgnt2AckMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes to acknowledge alarms" SYNTAX INTEGER { modeA(1), modeB(2) } Mgnt2PerfResyncValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the trap generation" SYNTAX INTEGER { perfResyncIdle(1), perfResyncSync(2), perfResyncReady(3), perfResyncDelete(4) } Mgnt2NetMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the network management" SYNTAX INTEGER { switch(1), gateway(2) } Mgnt2MasterEthMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the Master" SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dhcp(2) } Mgnt2SubnetEthMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the Subnet" SYNTAX INTEGER { static(1), dhcp(2) } Mgnt2AuthTypeValues ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Various types of authentication processes" SYNTAX INTEGER { authLocal(0), authRADIUS(1), authLDAP(2) } Mgnt2LogFileMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "different modes for the log files" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled (0), linear(1), rotary(2) } Mgnt2SlotStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the slot" SYNTAX INTEGER { slotEmpty(0), pmReady(1), pmReset(2), pmLoad(3), pmPassive(4), pmUnknown(5), pmNotReady(6) } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 MIB root mapping -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2SNMPAgentData OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 1 } mgnt2Hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 2} mgnt2Traps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 3} mgnt2SoftwareManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 4} mgnt2ConfigManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 5} mgnt2RemoteInventory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 6} mgnt2ErrorCounters OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 7} mgnt2Perf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2 8} -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 SNMP Agent informations -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2IPmanagment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 1 } mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manager IP address Table." ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 1 } mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { mgnt2GigmManagerIpIndex } ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2GigmManagerIpIndex Integer32, mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddress IpAddress, mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressTableRowStatus RowStatus, mgnt2GigmManagerTrapPort Integer32, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableCtrl EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableConfig EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableEvent EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmCrit EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmMajor EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmMinor EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerRegistrationTimeout Integer32, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmWarning EkiOnOff, mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmIndeterminate EkiOnOff } mgnt2GigmManagerIpIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the IP address of the manager" ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 1 } mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the manager:This OID defines the IP address of the SNMP Manager attached to the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 2 } mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressTableRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of this row." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 3 } mgnt2GigmManagerTrapPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manager UDP port." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 4 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableCtrl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of Ctrl." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 5 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of config." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 6 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of event." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 7 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmCrit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of crit alarm." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 8 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmMajor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of major alarm." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 9 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmMinor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of minor alarm." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 10 } mgnt2GigmManagerRegistrationTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time-out for manager activities." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 11 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of warning alarm." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 12 } mgnt2GigmManagerEnableAlarmIndeterminate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enabling trap of indeterminate alarm." ::= { mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressEntry 13 } mgnt2GigmBoardIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the Chassis:This OID defines the IP address of the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 2 } mgnt2GigmIPAddresByDHCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address retrieved by DHCP:If enabled, the IP address is retrieved by DHCP, in which case changes take effect after a board reset. If disabled the object, mgnt2GigmBoardIpAddress defines the address" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 3 } mgnt2GigmNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Netmask for the board IP address:This OID defined the IP Subnet mask of the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 4 } mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gateway IP address Table: This table contains all the gateway IP addresses." ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 5 } mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { mgnt2GigmGatewayIndex } ::= { mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2GigmGatewayIndex Integer32, mgnt2GigmGatewayAddress IpAddress, mgnt2GigmGatewayOrder Integer32 } mgnt2GigmGatewayIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..1) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index of the IP address of the gateway" ::= { mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry 1 } mgnt2GigmGatewayAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the gateway :This OID defines the IP address of the gateway attached to the Chassis" ::= { mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry 2 } mgnt2GigmGatewayOrder OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gateway priority: This OID defines the priority of the gateway (lower number for higher priority)" ::= { mgnt2GigmGatewayAddressEntry 3 } mgnt2GigmSyslog OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the syslog server:This OID defines the IP address of the syslog of the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 6 } mgnt2GigmNtpServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the ntp server:This OID defines the IP address of the ntp server for the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 7 } mgnt2GigmNodeIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Node IP address :This OID defines the Node IP address in node controller mode for the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2IPmanagment 8 } mgnt2ModulesManagement OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 2 } mgnt2GigmBoardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmBoardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of PMs plugged in the Chassis" ::= { mgnt2ModulesManagement 1 } mgnt2GigmBoardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmBoardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Definition for the PMs table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexBoards } ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmBoardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexBoards Integer32, mgnt2Position Integer32, mgnt2Name DisplayString, mgnt2PortNumber Integer32, mgnt2LineNumber Integer32, mgnt2GroupNumber Integer32, mgnt2RootOIDInventory OBJECT IDENTIFIER, mgnt2SlotOcc DisplayString, mgnt2SubFunctionLabel DisplayString, mgnt2SlotStatus Mgnt2SlotStatus } mgnt2IndexBoards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for PMs table" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 1 } mgnt2Position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM Slot number:This OID gives the slot number in which the PM is plugged" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 2 } mgnt2Name OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM name:This OID gives the name of the PM plugged in the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 3 } mgnt2PortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Client Ports:This OID gives the number of client ports on the PM plugged in the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 4 } mgnt2LineNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Line Ports:This OID gives the number of line ports on the PM plugged in the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 5 } mgnt2GroupNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of Groups:This OID gives the number of group of clients on the PM plugged in the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 6 } mgnt2RootOIDInventory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "root oid of the inventory leaf of the corresponding PM" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 7 } mgnt2SlotOcc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM Slot occupied:This OID gives the slots taken by this PM" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 8 } mgnt2SubFunctionLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Sub Function Label: This OID gives the name of the sub function embedded on the Chassis. (applied only on the 100G Chassis)" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 9 } mgnt2SlotStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2SlotStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot Status: This OID gives the status of the slot in the Chassis: See Textual COnvention" ::= { mgnt2GigmBoardEntry 10 } mgnt2GigmSelectedBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..256) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM Slot number selected:PM selected for further operations in the Ekinops module board tree. This number is the slot number." ::= { mgnt2ModulesManagement 7 } mgnt2GigmMibsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmMibsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "List of MIBs supported by the Chassis SNMPAgent" ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 4 } mgnt2GigmMibsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmMibsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Row definition for MIBs table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexMibs } ::= { mgnt2GigmMibsTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmMibsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexMibs Integer32, mgnt2MibName DisplayString, mgnt2MibPartNumber DisplayString } mgnt2IndexMibs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Index for MIBs table" ::= { mgnt2GigmMibsEntry 1 } mgnt2MibName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "MIB name:This OID gives the name of the MIBs supported by the SNMP Agent" ::= { mgnt2GigmMibsEntry 2 } mgnt2MibPartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "MIB Part Number:This OID gives the part number of the MIBs supported by the SNMP Agent" ::= { mgnt2GigmMibsEntry 3 } mgnt2GigmLogicalName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Mgnt2 name:This OID defines the name of the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 5 } mgnt2GigmEqptType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..128) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Equipment type:This OID defines the type of the Equipment" ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 6 } mgnt2GigmTrapCount OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 7 } mgnt2GigmTrapCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Trap counter:This OID counts the number of trap sent" ::= { mgnt2GigmTrapCount 1 } mgnt2GigmResetTrapCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset trap counter:This OID reset the trap counter to 0" ::= { mgnt2GigmTrapCount 2 } mgnt2GigmSecurity OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 8 } mgnt2GigmRoCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Get community:This OID defines the community for the SNMP Get function" ::= { mgnt2GigmSecurity 1 } mgnt2GigmRwCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Set community:This OID defines the community for the SNMP Set function" ::= { mgnt2GigmSecurity 2 } mgnt2GigmTrapCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap community:This OID defines the community for the SNMP Trap function" ::= { mgnt2GigmSecurity 3 } mgnt2GigmTime OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 9 } mgnt2GigmCurrentHour OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..23) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Hour time:This OID defines the hour of the chassis' time" ::= { mgnt2GigmTime 1 } mgnt2GigmCurrentMinute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(0..59) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Minute time:This OID defines the minute of the chassis' time" ::= { mgnt2GigmTime 2 } mgnt2GigmCurrentYear OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1970..3000) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis year date:This OID defines the year of the chassis' date" ::= { mgnt2GigmTime 3 } mgnt2GigmCurrentMonth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis month date:This OID defines the month of the chassis' date" ::= { mgnt2GigmTime 4 } mgnt2GigmCurrentDay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..31) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis day date:This OID defines the day of the chassis' date" ::= { mgnt2GigmTime 5 } mgnt2Authentication OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SNMPAgentData 10 } mgnt2GigmRadiusServer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IP address of the RADIUS server:This OID defines the IP address of the external RADIUS server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 1 } mgnt2GigmRadiusPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "TCP port number of the RADIUS server:This OID defines the TCP port number of the external RADIUS server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 2 } mgnt2GigmRadiusSecret OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shared secret of the RADIUS server:This OID defines the shared secret password of the RADIUS server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 3 } mgnt2GigmLdapHost OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "IP address of the LDAP host:This OID defines the IP address of the external LDAP server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 4 } mgnt2GigmLdapPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "TCP port number of the LDAP server:This OID defines the TCP port number of the external LDAP server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 5 } mgnt2GigmLdapBase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "LDAP base:This OID defines the name of the search base of the LDAP server for authenticationLDAP base name spelled as follows: 'ou=users,ou=network,dc=yourcompany,dc=net'" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 6 } mgnt2GigmLdapVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Protocol number in use by the LDAP server:This OID defines the protocol version used by the external LDAP server for authenticationProtocol version used by the external LDAP server for authentication" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 7 } mgnt2GigmLdapBindDn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "LDAP Bind DN:This OID defines the login name used to connect into the LDAP server base for authenticationLDAP binddn spelled as follows: 'cn=ldap_admin,dc=yourcompany,dc=net'" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 8 } mgnt2GigmLdapBindPw OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Credentials to bind the LDAP server with:This OID defines the credentials to bind the LDAP server with for authenticationCredentials for LDAP access (bindpw)" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 9 } mgnt2GigmLdapScope OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Scope for LDAP base search:This OID defines the search scope for an LDAP base search LDAP search scope" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 10 } mgnt2GigmLdapPamPasswd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PAM password handling:This OID defines the way the PAM password is handled for LDAP authentication The 'pam_password' option sould be one of the following: 'clear', 'crypt', 'md5', 'racf', 'exop'" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 11 } mgnt2GigmAuthenticationType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AuthTypeValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Authentication type in use" ::= { mgnt2Authentication 12 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 Software Management tables -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2DwlUploadingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "SNMP Agent SW packages in ram: List of the SNMP agent software packages available in /ram for download on the Chassis managment module flash" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 1 } mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the package uploading table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexUpload } ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingTable 1 } Mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexUpload Integer32, mgnt2DwlUploadFileName DisplayString, mgnt2ImmediateReplacement EkiState, mgnt2FileUpload EkiOnOff, mgnt2DeletePackageFromRam EkiOnOff, mgnt2FlashingInProgress EkiOnOff } mgnt2IndexUpload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index for uploading table" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 1 } mgnt2DwlUploadFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Package filename in RAM:This OID gives the name of the SNMP agent software packages in RAM" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 2 } mgnt2ImmediateReplacement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Immediat Agent Replacement:This OID indicates to switch to selected SNMP agent immediately or after reset of the MGNT2" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 3 } mgnt2FileUpload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Agent File Upload:This OID validates the upload of the SNMP agent from RAM to FLASH" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 4 } mgnt2DeletePackageFromRam OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Delete Package from RAM:This OID requests to delete the SNMP Agent SW package from RAM" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 5 } mgnt2FlashingInProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Flashing in Progress:This OID indicates whether there is a file upload to FLASH in progress" ::= { mgnt2DwlUploadingEntry 6 } mgnt2DwlPackageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2DwlPackageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "List of SNMP agent software packages present in flash memory" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 2 } mgnt2DwlPackageEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DwlPackageEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the package management table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexPackage } ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageTable 1 } Mgnt2DwlPackageEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexPackage Integer32, mgnt2DwlPackageFileName DisplayString, mgnt2ExtractedPack EkiOnOff, mgnt2SwitchTo EkiOnOff, mgnt2Immediate EkiOnOff, mgnt2DeletePackageFromFlash EkiOnOff, mgnt2PackageExtractionInProgress EkiOnOff } mgnt2IndexPackage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index for package management table" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 1 } mgnt2DwlPackageFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Package File name in FLASH:This OID gives the name of the SNMP agent software package in FLASH" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 2 } mgnt2ExtractedPack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Extracted SNMP agent software pack.: Indicates whether the package is currently extracted in the FLASH. If it is, it must not be deleted" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 3 } mgnt2SwitchTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Switch to package:This OID activates the SNMP Agent Software package" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 4 } mgnt2Immediate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Immediate SNMP agent activation: This OID indicates whether the package is scheduled for immediate activation or activation will take place following the next reset" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 5 } mgnt2DeletePackageFromFlash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Delete package from FLASH:This OID deletes the SNMP agent software package from the FLASH" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 6 } mgnt2PackageExtractionInProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Package extraction in progress:This OID indicates that a SNMP agent software activation is in progress" ::= { mgnt2DwlPackageEntry 7 } mgnt2DwlUploadingTableUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Uploading Table update:This OID updates the contents of the uploading table" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 3 } mgnt2LoadPMTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2LoadPMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "List of the PM module software files (GW/SW) present on the repository" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 4 } mgnt2LoadPMEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2LoadPMEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the LOAD article table" INDEX { mgnt2LoadPMIndex } ::= { mgnt2LoadPMTable 1 } Mgnt2LoadPMEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2LoadPMIndex Integer32, mgnt2LoadFileName DisplayString, mgnt2LoadFileType EkiLoadGWSW, mgnt2LoadState EkiLoadState, mgnt2LoadModuleNumber Integer32, mgnt2LoadResetMethod EkiLoadPermutMethod, mgnt2LoadResetMode EkiLoadPermutMode, mgnt2LoadBankNumber Integer32, mgnt2LoadDownloadProgress Integer32, mgnt2LoadTransfer EkiOnOff, mgnt2LoadDelete EkiOnOff } mgnt2LoadPMIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index for Load article table" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 1 } mgnt2LoadFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM Upgrade filename:This OID gives the name of the file" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 2 } mgnt2LoadFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiLoadGWSW MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade file type:This OID gives the type of file (gateware or software)" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 3 } mgnt2LoadState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiLoadState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade status:This OID gives the status of the selected Load file" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 4 } mgnt2LoadModuleNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..8) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM ugprade target:This OID defines the slot number of the PM to upgrade" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 5 } mgnt2LoadResetMethod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiLoadPermutMethod MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade reset method:This OID defines the reset method (manual, immediate or scheduled)" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 6 } mgnt2LoadResetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiLoadPermutMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade reset mode:This OID defines the type of reset (cold or warm)" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 7 } mgnt2LoadBankNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade bank number:This OID defines the target bank number in the PM's flash" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 8 } mgnt2LoadDownloadProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade progress:This OID gives the upgrade progress (percentage)" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 9 } mgnt2LoadTransfer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade transfer:This OID launchs the transfer of the associated file to the selected PM's flash" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 10 } mgnt2LoadDelete OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "PM upgrade delete file:This OID deletes the associated file from the RAM of the management board" ::= { mgnt2LoadPMEntry 11 } mgnt2LoadPMTableUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Load PM Table update:This OID updates the contents of the Load table" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 5 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "List of Ekicraft software packages present in flash memory" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareManagement 6 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the package management table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexEkicraftPkg } ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgTable 1 } Mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexEkicraftPkg Integer32, mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgFileName DisplayString, mgnt2DwlEkicraftExtractedPack EkiOnOff, mgnt2DwlEkicraftSwitchTo EkiOnOff, mgnt2DwlEkicraftImmediate EkiOnOff, mgnt2DeleteEkicraftPkgFromFlash EkiOnOff, mgnt2EkicraftPkgExtractionInProgress EkiOnOff } mgnt2IndexEkicraftPkg OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..4) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index for Ekicraft package management table" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 1 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Package File name in FLASH:This OID gives the name of the Ekicraft software package in FLASH" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 2 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftExtractedPack OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Extracted Ekicraft software pack.: Indicates whether the package is currently extracted in the FLASH. If it is, it must not be deleted" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 3 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftSwitchTo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Switch to package:This OID activates the Ekicraft Software package" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 4 } mgnt2DwlEkicraftImmediate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Immediate Ekicraft activation: This OID indicates whether the package is scheduled for immediate activation or activation will take place following the next reset" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 5 } mgnt2DeleteEkicraftPkgFromFlash OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Delete package from FLASH:This OID deletes the Ekicraft software package from the FLASH" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 6 } mgnt2EkicraftPkgExtractionInProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Package extraction in progress:This OID indicates that an Ekicraft activation is in progress" ::= { mgnt2DwlEkicraftPkgEntry 7 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- Config management tables -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "List of configuration files uploaded to RAM" ::= { mgnt2ConfigManagement 1 } mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the package uploading table" INDEX { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigIndex } ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesTable 1 } Mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigIndex Integer32, mgnt2CnfConfigFileName DisplayString, mgnt2CnfConfigSlot Integer32, mgnt2CnfConfigUpload EkiOnOff, mgnt2CnfDeleteConfigFile EkiOnOff } mgnt2CnfUploadConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index of config files" ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry 1 } mgnt2CnfConfigFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration filename in RAM:This OID gives the name of the configuration file in RAM" ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry 2 } mgnt2CnfConfigSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..3) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration target:This OID defines the target slot number for the configuration file" ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry 3 } mgnt2CnfConfigUpload OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration Upload:This OID uploads the configuration file to the specified slot number in the PM FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry 4 } mgnt2CnfDeleteConfigFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration delete from RAM:This OID deletes the configuration file from RAM" ::= { mgnt2CnfUploadConfigFilesEntry 5 } mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "List of configuration files uploaded to RAM" ::= { mgnt2ConfigManagement 2 } mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Row definition for the package uploading table" INDEX { mgnt2CnfManageConfigIndex } ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesTable 1 } Mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2CnfManageConfigIndex Integer32, mgnt2CnfManageConfigFileID DisplayString, mgnt2CnfManageConfigFileName DisplayString, mgnt2CnfModuleSlotNumber Integer32, mgnt2CnfBackupConfig EkiOnOff, mgnt2CnfRestoreConfig EkiOnOff, mgnt2CnfExportConfig EkiOnOff, mgnt2CnfDeleteConfig EkiOnOff } mgnt2CnfManageConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Index of config file slots" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 1 } mgnt2CnfManageConfigFileID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration file ID in FLASH:This OID gives the ID of the configuration file in MGNT2 FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 2 } mgnt2CnfManageConfigFileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration file name in FLASH:This OID gives the name of the configuration file in MGNT2 FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 3 } mgnt2CnfModuleSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(3..6) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration target:This OID defines the target module slot number for the configuration file" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 4 } mgnt2CnfBackupConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration backup:This OID backups the configuration of the specified module to the selected file in MGNT2 FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 5 } mgnt2CnfRestoreConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration Restore:This OID restores the configuration of the specified module from the selected file in MGNT2 FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 6 } mgnt2CnfExportConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration Export:This OID exports the selected file in MGNT2 FLASH to a file in RAM" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 7 } mgnt2CnfDeleteConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Configuration delete from FLASH:This OID deletes the configuration file from the MGNT2 FLASH" ::= { mgnt2CnfManageConfigFilesEntry 8 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 Remote inventory -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2RinvHwPlatform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Hardware inventory:This OID gives the Hardware inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 1 } mgnt2RinvSoftwarePackage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Software package inventory:this OID gives the Software package inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 2 } mgnt2RinvGateware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Gateware inventory:This OID gives the gateware inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 3 } mgnt2RinvAgent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Software inventory:This OID gives the software inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 4 } mgnt2RinvCraft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Craft inventory:This OID gives the craft inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 5 } mgnt2RinvLinux OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Chassis Linux inventory:This OID gives the linux inventory of the Mgnt2 management module" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 6 } EkiPlugInState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Plug-in state" SYNTAX INTEGER { absent(0), loaded(1), versionError(2), symbolError(3) } mgnt2GigmPlugInTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of Plug-ins present" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 7 } mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Definition for the Plug-ins table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexPlugIns } ::= { mgnt2GigmPlugInTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexPlugIns Integer32, mgnt2PlugInRinv DisplayString, mgnt2PollingPresent EkiPlugInState, mgnt2SnmpPresent EkiPlugInState } mgnt2IndexPlugIns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for PMs table" ::= { mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry 1 } mgnt2PlugInRinv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Plug-in RI:This OID gives the remote inventory of the plug-in" ::= { mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry 2 } mgnt2PollingPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiPlugInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Polling present:This OID gives the presence of the polling plug-in" ::= { mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry 3 } mgnt2SnmpPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiPlugInState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Snmp present:This OID gives the presence of the snmp plug-in" ::= { mgnt2GigmPlugInEntry 4 } mgnt2RinvBackpanel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Backpanel inventory:This OID gives the Backpanel inventory of the chassis" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 8 } mgnt2RinvFan OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fan inventory:This OID gives the fan inventory of the chassis" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 9 } mgnt2RinvUboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "U-Boot inventory:This OID gives the U-Boot inventory" ::= { mgnt2RemoteInventory 10 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 Error counters -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2GigmErrorCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of error counters" ::= { mgnt2ErrorCounters 1 } mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Definition for the error counters table" INDEX { mgnt2IndexErrorCounter } ::= { mgnt2GigmErrorCounterTable 1 } Mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2IndexErrorCounter Integer32, mgnt2ErrorCounterSlotNumber Integer32, mgnt2ErrorCounterValue Integer32 } mgnt2IndexErrorCounter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for error counters table" ::= { mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry 1 } mgnt2ErrorCounterSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Slot number:This OID gives the slot number for the corresponding counter" ::= { mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry 2 } mgnt2ErrorCounterValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count value:This OID gives the value of the error counter" ::= { mgnt2GigmErrorCounterEntry 3 } mgnt2GigmResetErrorCounters OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset error counters:This OID reset the error counters to 0" ::= { mgnt2ErrorCounters 2 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 Perf objects -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2PerfCapabilityTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "List of Perf capability of PMs plugged in the Chassis" ::= { mgnt2Perf 1 } mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row Definition for the Perf capability table" INDEX { mgnt2PerfCapIndexBoards } ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityTable 1 } Mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2PerfCapIndexBoards Integer32, mgnt2PerfCapPosition Integer32, mgnt2PerfCapName DisplayString, mgnt2PerfCapStatus EkiOnOff, mgnt2PerfCapOidEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER } mgnt2PerfCapIndexBoards OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for Perf cap table" ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry 1 } mgnt2PerfCapPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM Slot number:This OID gives the slot number in which the PM is plugged" ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry 2 } mgnt2PerfCapName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PM name:This OID gives the name of the PM plugged in the Mgnt2" ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry 3 } mgnt2PerfCapStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the perf cap:This OID gives the capability of the pm to do performance" ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry 4 } mgnt2PerfCapOidEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID of the object perf enable:This OID gives the OID of the perf enable object of the correspondind mib of the module" ::= { mgnt2PerfCapabilityEntry 5 } mgnt2GigmPerf15minSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "15 min sync perf : this oid send a 15min sync to all modules" ::= { mgnt2Perf 2 } mgnt2GigmPerf24hSync OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "15 min sync perf : this oid send a 24h sync to all modules" ::= { mgnt2Perf 3 } mgnt2PerfResyncNMS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2PerfResyncValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Resync Perf : this oid allows to create an historical perf file for all modules" ::= { mgnt2Perf 4 } -- ***************************************************************** -- -- MGNT2 Board management -- -- ***************************************************************** mgnt2alarms OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2Hardware 1} mgnt2controls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2Hardware 2} mgnt2config OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2Hardware 3} --- ***************************************************** --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- ALARMS --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- ***************************************************** --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the synthAlm0 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 0 } mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Mgnt Fuse B Fail :This OID indicates that the fuse of the power input B is in fail condition on the Management board Status of the MGNT Fuse B MGNT_DEF_FUSE_B powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 16 } mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Mgnt Fuse A Fail :This OID indicates that the fuse of the power input A is in fail condition on the Management board Status of the MGNT Fuse A MGNT_DEF_FUSE_A powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 15 } mgnt2AlmDef48b OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Power Input B Present :This OID indicates that there is not input power on the right power connector (B) This alarm indicates if the power input B is present (right power connector) DEF_48B powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 12 } mgnt2AlmDef48a OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Power Input A Present :This OID indicates that there is not input power on the right power connector (A) This alarm indicates if the power input B is present (left power connector) DEF_48A powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 11 } mgnt2AlmFansFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chassis Fan Module Failure :This OID indicates that at least one of the three FAN unit of the FAN module is in fail condition FANS_FAILURE other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 10 } mgnt2AlmAbsFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chassis Management Module Failure :This OID indicates that the Chassis Management module is in fail condition ABS_FAILURE other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm0 9 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the synthAlm1 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmsynthAlm1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 1 } mgnt2AlmAcknowledge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarm Ack. :This OID indicates the alarms have been acknowledged by the user (locally or remotely) This status indicates the alarms have been acknowledged by the user (locally or remotely) ACKNOWLEDGE other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm1 16 } mgnt2AlmCritVisual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Critical Chassis Alarm :This OID indicates at least one Critical alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) This alarm indicates at least one Critical alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) CRIT_VISUAL other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm1 3 } mgnt2AlmUrgVisual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Major Chassis Alarm :This OID indicates at least one Major alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) This alarm indicates at least one Major alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) URG_VISUAL other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm1 2 } mgnt2AlmNurgVisual OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Minor Chassis Alarm :This OID indicates at least one Minor alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) This alarm indicates at least one Minor alarm is active on the complete chassis (including TR-FAN, MGNT and PM) NURG_VISUAL other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmsynthAlm1 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the boardMgmntSet1 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 16 } mgnt2AlmPmFanAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN module present in Chassis :This OID indicates the presence of the FAN module in the Chassis. This alarm indicates if the FAN module is detected in the chassis. PM_FAN_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 14 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot11Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 11 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 11 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 11 PM_SLOT11_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 12 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot10Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 10 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 10 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 10 PM_SLOT10_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 11 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot9Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 9 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 9 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 9 PM_SLOT9_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 10 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot8Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 8 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 8 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 8 PM_SLOT8_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 9 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot7Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 7 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 7 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 7 PM_SLOT7_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 8 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot6Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 6 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 6 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 6 PM_SLOT6_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 7 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot5Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 5 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 5 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 5 PM_SLOT5_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 6 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot4Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 4 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 4 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 4 PM_SLOT4_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 5 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot3Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 3 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 3 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 3 PM_SLOT3_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 4 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot2Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 2 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 2 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 2 PM_SLOT2_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 3 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot1Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 1 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 1 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 1 PM_SLOT1_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet1 2 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the boardMgmntSet2 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 17 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot20Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 20 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 20 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 20 PM_SLOT20_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 9 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot19Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 19 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 19 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 19 PM_SLOT19_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 8 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot18Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 18 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 18 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 18 PM_SLOT18_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 7 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot17Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 17 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 17 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 17 PM_SLOT17_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 6 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot16Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 16 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 16 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 16 PM_SLOT16_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 5 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot15Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 15 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 15 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 15 PM_SLOT15_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 4 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot14Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 14 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 14 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 14 PM_SLOT14_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 3 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot13Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 13 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 13 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 13 PM_SLOT13_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 2 } mgnt2AlmPmSlot12Absent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PM present in Chassis slot 12 :This OID indicates the presence of a PM in Slot 12 of the Chassis . This status indicates if a PM is detected in slot 12 PM_SLOT12_ABSENT other(1) other (1) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmboardMgmntSet2 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the fanMgmnt article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 20 } mgnt2AlmFanFilterAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Dust Filter Presence :This OID indicates that the dust filter is not present This alarm indicates if the Dust Filter is detected in the chassis. FAN_FILTER_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 16 } mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #6 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 6. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #6 is in fail condition PB_FAN6_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 7 } mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #5 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 5. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #5 is in fail condition PB_FAN5_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 6 } mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #4 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 4. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #4 is in fail condition PB_FAN4_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 5 } mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #3 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 3. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #3 is in fail condition PB_FAN3_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 4 } mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #2 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 2. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #2 is in fail condition PB_FAN2_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 3 } mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Unit #1 Failed On Fan Module :This OID indicates a failure on fan 1. Removal of the fan unit or no rotation sets the OID. This alarm indicates if the FAN #1 is in fail condition PB_FAN1_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanMgmnt 2 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the fanPwrMgmnt article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmfanPwrMgmnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 24 } mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Fuse B Fail :This OID indicates that the fuse of the power input B is in fail condition on the Fan board Status of the FAN Fuse B FAN_DEF_FUSE_B powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanPwrMgmnt 16 } mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Fuse A Fail :This OID indicates that the fuse of the power input A is in fail condition on the Fan board Status of the FAN Fuse A FAN_DEF_FUSE_A powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanPwrMgmnt 15 } mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Main Power :This OID indicates a failure on the main power of the FAN module This alarm indicates if one of the tow main power convert of the FAN module is in fail condition FAN_PWR_FAIL_1 powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanPwrMgmnt 13 } mgnt2AlmFanPwrProtOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fan Backup Power :This OID indicates the backup power on the FAN module is switched on FAN_PWR_PROT_ON powerProblem (36) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmfanPwrMgmnt 12 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the removeablefanModuleFail article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmremoveablefanModuleFail OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 25 } mgnt2AlmFan4ModuleAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #4 Present In Chassis :This OID indicates the presence of the FAN module #4 in the Chassis. This alarm indicates if the FAN module #4 is detected in the chassis. FAN4_MODULE_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveablefanModuleFail 4 } mgnt2AlmFan3ModuleAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #3 Present In Chassis :This OID indicates the presence of the FAN module #3 in the Chassis. This alarm indicates if the FAN module #3 is detected in the chassis. FAN3_MODULE_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveablefanModuleFail 3 } mgnt2AlmFan2ModuleAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #2 Present In Chassis :This OID indicates the presence of the FAN module #2 in the Chassis. This alarm indicates if the FAN module #2 is detected in the chassis. FAN2_MODULE_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveablefanModuleFail 2 } mgnt2AlmFan1ModuleAbsent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #1 Present In Chassis :This OID indicates the presence of the FAN module #1 in the Chassis. This alarm indicates if the FAN module #1 is detected in the chassis. FAN1_MODULE_ABSENT other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveablefanModuleFail 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the removeableFanModuleMgmnt article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmremoveableFanModuleMgmnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 26 } mgnt2AlmFan4ModuleFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #4 Failure :This OID indicates a failure on FAN module #4 This alarm indicates if the FAN module #4 is in fail condition FAN4_MODULE_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveableFanModuleMgmnt 4 } mgnt2AlmFan3ModuleFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #3 Failure :This OID indicates a failure on FAN module #3 This alarm indicates if the FAN module #3 is in fail condition FAN3_MODULE_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveableFanModuleMgmnt 3 } mgnt2AlmFan2ModuleFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #2 Failure :This OID indicates a failure on FAN module #2 This alarm indicates if the FAN module #2 is in fail condition FAN2_MODULE_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveableFanModuleMgmnt 2 } mgnt2AlmFan1ModuleFail OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FAN Module #1 Failure :This OID indicates a failure on FAN module #1 This alarm indicates if the FAN module #1 is in fail condition FAN1_MODULE_FAIL heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmremoveableFanModuleMgmnt 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the swAlarm1 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmswAlarm1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 32 } mgnt2AlmPollingManagerError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Polling Manager fail :This OID indicates a failure on the Manager polling the PM's This alarm indicates if there is a polling manager failure between the MGNT and the Pm's POLLING_MANAGER_ERROR adapterError (2) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmswAlarm1 3 } mgnt2AlmFifoCmdError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " SNMP Agent to Transport comm FIFO fail :This OID indicates a failure inside the FIFO stack. The FIFO containing the messages from the agent (write) to the PMs is full This alarm indicates if there is a communication mismatch between the MGNT board and all PM FIFO_CMD_ERROR adapterError (2) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmswAlarm1 2 } mgnt2AlmApiError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Comm fail between Agent and Transport :This OID indicates a failure detected on the Agent.The failure is located on a communication process with the modules. This alarm indicates if there is a communication mismatch between the MGNT board and a single PM API_ERROR adapterError (2) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmswAlarm1 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the apiErrorCode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmapiErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " API Error Identification :Error number and description of the abs1AlmApiError object API_ERROR_CODE_1 " ::= { mgnt2alarms 33 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the logMgmnt article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmlogMgmnt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 34 } mgnt2AlmLog80Full OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Log File Full Warning :This OID indicates that a log file is 80% full. This alarm indicates that one of the log file is 80% Full LOG_80_FULL fileError (18) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmlogMgmnt 2 } mgnt2AlmLogFileFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Log File Full Alarm :This OID indicates that a log file is full. This file must be cleared to insure correct log function This alarm indicates that one of the log file is Full LOG_FILE_FULL fileError (18) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmlogMgmnt 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the ntpSyncLoss article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2AlmntpSyncLoss OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2alarms 35 } mgnt2AlmCpuTempOverRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " CPU HighTemperature Warning :This OID indicates a temperature over the expected range on the CPU This warning indicates that the temperature of the CPU is reaching its internal limit CPU_TEMP_OVER_RANGE other(1) equipmentAlarm (5) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmntpSyncLoss 2 } mgnt2AlmNtpSyncLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " NTP Sync Loss :This OID indicates a loss of synchronisation with the NTP Server. This alarm indicates a loss of synchronisation with the NTP Server. NTP_SYNC_LOSS timingProblem (53) timeDomainViolation (11) (2) " ::= { mgnt2AlmntpSyncLoss 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- CONTROLS --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- ***************************************************** --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the synth5 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2Ctrlsynth5 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 5 } mgnt2CtrlChassisColdReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Cold Reset of the Management Module :This oid triggers a 'cold' reset of the Chassis . This type of reset is not traffic affecting and the modules configuration remains unchanged. This control initiates a cold reset of the MGNT board, " ::= { mgnt2Ctrlsynth5 4 } mgnt2CtrlChassisWarmReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Reset of the Management Module :This oid triggers a 'warm' reset of the Chassis . This type of reset is not traffic affecting and the modules configuration remains unchanged. This control initiates a warm reset of the MGNT board, " ::= { mgnt2Ctrlsynth5 3 } mgnt2CtrlChassisShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Shut Down of the Management Module :This OID shall be set before shutting down the Chassis power. A delay of 5 sec is necessary between this OID is set and power is shut down. This control initiates a shutdown of the MGNT board, " ::= { mgnt2Ctrlsynth5 2 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the testLed article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrltestLed OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 18 } mgnt2CtrlLedOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Switch off Leds Test :This OID switches off all the Leds as a test feature This control initiates a test leds turning all the LEDs of the complete chassis to OFF " ::= { mgnt2CtrltestLed 3 } mgnt2CtrlRedLed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Red Leds Test :This OID switches on all the red Leds as a test feature This control initiates a test leds turning all the LEDs of the chassis to red " ::= { mgnt2CtrltestLed 2 } mgnt2CtrlGreenLed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Green Leds Test :This OID switches on all the green Leds as a test feature This control initiates a test leds turning all the LEDs of the chassis to green " ::= { mgnt2CtrltestLed 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the logFile article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrllogFile OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 19 } mgnt2CtrlLogFileReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Log File Reset :This OID clears all the log files " ::= { mgnt2CtrllogFile 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntSaveConfig article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrlmgntSaveConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 23 } mgnt2CtrlSaveConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Save Configuration :This OID is used save the configuration related to the enable and mode traps objects This control saves the customer configuration on the MGNT board " ::= { mgnt2CtrlmgntSaveConfig 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntGetGlobalConfig article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrlmgntGetGlobalConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 24 } mgnt2CtrlGetGlobalConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Get Global Chassis Config :This OID is used to create a global configuration file of the chassis This control creates a single configuration file from PM's and MGNT configuration file into the RAM " ::= { mgnt2CtrlmgntGetGlobalConfig 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntPutGlobalConfig article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrlmgntPutGlobalConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 25 } mgnt2CtrlPutGlobalConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Put Global Chassis Config :This OID is used to extract a global configuration file of the chassis This control creates configuration files to PM's and MGNT from a single configuration file in the RAM " ::= { mgnt2CtrlmgntPutGlobalConfig 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntAcknowledge article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CtrlmgntAcknowledge OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2controls 26 } mgnt2CtrlAcknowledge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarm Ack. :This OID is used to acknowledge the current active alarms of the chassis This control is used to acknowledge the current active alarms of the chassis " ::= { mgnt2CtrlmgntAcknowledge 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- CONFIG --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --- ***************************************************** --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the ethPort2 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgethPort2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 17 } mgnt2CfgChassisEthernetSplit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Chassis Ethernet Split :This OID enables the split between the two kendings. Enable/Disable the switch between the two kendings " ::= { mgnt2CfgethPort2 2 } mgnt2CfgEthPort2Disable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 2nd Ethernet Port Disable :This OID disables 'Ethernet Port 2' .When not required, this port must be disabled in order to prevent unwanted access. Disable the second Ethernet port " ::= { mgnt2CfgethPort2 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntDccEnable article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgmgntDccEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DccAccessValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DCC Access :This OID selects the mode to enable the DCC on the slots. This Mode enables the Slots 2-4-6-8-10 , or the Slots 2-6-10-14-18. Defines the DCC access on the backplane of the chassis (Slots 2-4-6-8-10 or Slots 2-6-10-14-18) " ::= { mgnt2config 18 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the pmTrapEnable article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 20 } mgnt2CfgPmConfigTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Config Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a trap when the configuration of a PM plugged in the chassis is modified In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on PM configuration modificatio " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable 6 } mgnt2CfgPmControlTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Control Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a trap when a control is sent to a PM plugged in the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on control sent to PM " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable 5 } mgnt2CfgPmMinorTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Minor Alarm Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the minor alarm trap for all the PM plugged in the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on minor alarm detected on PM " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable 3 } mgnt2CfgPmMajorTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Major Alarm Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the major alarm trap for all the PM plugged in the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on major alarm detected on PM " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable 2 } mgnt2CfgPmCriticalTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Critical Alarm Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the critical alarm trap for all the PM plugged in the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on critical alarm detected on PM " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmTrapEnable 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntTrapEnable article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 21 } mgnt2CfgMgntEventTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Event Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a trap when an event occurs on the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on event detected in the chassis " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 7 } mgnt2CfgMgntConfigTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Config Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a trap when the configuration of a MGNT plugged in the chassis is modified In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on MGNT configuration modification " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 6 } mgnt2CfgMgntControlTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Control Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a trap when a control is sent to a MGNT plugged in the chassis In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on control sent to MGNT " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 5 } mgnt2CfgMgntMinorTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Minor Alarm Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the minor alarm trap for the MGNT and FAN board In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on minor alarm detected on MGNT and FAN " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 3 } mgnt2CfgMgntMajorTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Major Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the major alarm trap for the MGNT and FAN board In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on major alarm detected on MGNT and FAN " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 2 } mgnt2CfgMgntCriticalTrapEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " MGNT Critical Alarm Traps Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of the critical alarm trap for the MGNT and FAN board In detailed traps mechanism, enable the trap emission on critical alarm detected on MGNT and FAN " ::= { mgnt2CfgmgntTrapEnable 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the mgntTrapMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgmgntTrapMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2TrapModeValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Traps Mode :This OID is used to define the trap mode (synthetic or detailed mode) Selects the traps mechanism " ::= { mgnt2config 22 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the syslogEnable article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgsyslogEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 23 } mgnt2CfgSyslogAlarmEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Syslog Alarm Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a syslog, when an alarm occurs Enable a syslog emission on an alarm detected on the chassi " ::= { mgnt2CfgsyslogEnable 4 } mgnt2CfgSyslogCtrlEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Syslog Control Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a syslog, when a control is set Enable a syslog emission on a control operated on the chassis " ::= { mgnt2CfgsyslogEnable 3 } mgnt2CfgSyslogConfigEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Syslog Config Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a syslog, when the configuration has been changed. Enable a syslog emission on a configuration change detected on the chassis " ::= { mgnt2CfgsyslogEnable 2 } mgnt2CfgSyslogEventEn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Syslog Event Enable :This OID, when set, enables the generation of a syslog, when an event has been detected Enable a syslog emission on event detected on the chassis " ::= { mgnt2CfgsyslogEnable 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the ntpTimeZone article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgntpTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-12..12) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " NTP Time Zone :This OID defines the time zone of the MGNT board for the NTP server This object defines the time zone of the MGNT board (from -12 to +12 hours from the GMT). " ::= { mgnt2config 24 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the pmConfEnable article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgpmConfEnable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 25 } mgnt2CfgPmRestoreEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Automatic Config Restore :This OID enables the automatic PM configuration restore mechanism on PM insertion This parameter enables the automatic PM configuration restore mechanism on PM insertio " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmConfEnable 2 } mgnt2CfgPmBackupEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Automatic Config Backup :This OID enables the automatic PM configuration backup mechanism on PM insertion or PM configuration modification. This parameter enables the automatic PM configuration backup mechanism on PM insertion or PM configuration modificatio " ::= { mgnt2CfgpmConfEnable 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the inactivityTimeout article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfginactivityTimeout OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Idle Timeout :This OID defines the idle timeout (in minutes) to automatically logout from the craft and from the CLI. This object defines the idle timeout (in minutes) to automatically logout from the craft and from the CLI " ::= { mgnt2config 26 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the cliAccess article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgcliAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2CliAccessValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " CLI access :This OID selects the protocol for the remote access to a CLI user. This object defines the protocol used for a remote CLI. " ::= { mgnt2config 27 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the craftAccess article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgcraftAccess OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2CraftAccessValues MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " CRAFT access :This OID selects the remote access to a CRAFT user. This object defines the access for a remote CRAFT. " ::= { mgnt2config 28 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the perfModes1 article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgperfModes1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiSynchroMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " PERF Synchro Source :This OID selects the source of the synchronisation (Internal/External). This object defines the source of the synchronization to operate performance monitoring. " ::= { mgnt2config 29 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the alarmModelActiv article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgalarmModelActiv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AckMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Acknowledge mode :This OID defines the alarms akcnowledge mode This configuration defines the alarms akcnowledge mode " ::= { mgnt2config 30 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the networkInput article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgnetworkInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2NetMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Network input :This OID selects the connection of the Ethernet Network input to either the switches (2) or the daughter board (1) , in this case the MGNT can act as a router This configuration defines the use of the Network input of the front panel " ::= { mgnt2config 31 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the masterEthMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgmasterEthMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2MasterEthMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DHCP Master Ethernet Mode :This OID selects the mode of the Master Ethernet in DHCP mode (2) or in Static Mode(1) This configuration defines the use of the Master Ethernet Mode " ::= { mgnt2config 32 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the subnetMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgsubnetMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2SubnetEthMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " DHCP Subnet Mode :This OID selects the mode of the Subnet in DHCP mode (2) or in Static Mode(1) This configuration defines the use of the Subnet Mode " ::= { mgnt2config 33 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the rstpMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgrstpMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 34 } mgnt2CfgRstpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " RSTP Enable :This OID enables the RSTP algorythm This configuration defines the use of RSTP " ::= { mgnt2CfgrstpMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the lldpMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfglldpMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 35 } mgnt2CfgLldpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " LLDP Enable :This OID enables the LLDP algorythm This configuration defines the use of LLDP " ::= { mgnt2CfglldpMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the logMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfglogMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2LogFileMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Log Mode :This OID enables the log file mode This configuration defines the use of the log mod " ::= { mgnt2config 36 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the nodeMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgnodeMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 37 } mgnt2CfgNodeControllerEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Node Controller Mode :This OID enables the node controller mode This configuration defines the use of the node controller mod " ::= { mgnt2CfgnodeMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the unprivilegedUsersMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgunprivilegedUsersMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 38 } mgnt2CfgRestrictUnprivilegeUsers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Restrict Unprivileged Users Rights :This OID enables the restriction of unprivileged user rights to modify their own password This parameter enables the restriction of unprivileged user rights to modify their own password " ::= { mgnt2CfgunprivilegedUsersMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the oscDccLinkUpThreshold article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgoscDccLinkUpThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OSC/DCC Link Up Thresh. [10-30]s :This OID defines the confirmation threshold to consider an OSC/DCC link as up This parameter defines the confirmation threshold to consider an OSC/DCC link as up " ::= { mgnt2config 39 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the oscDccLinkDownThreshold article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgoscDccLinkDownThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " OSC/DCC Link Down Thresh. [2-3]s :This OID defines the confirmation threshold to consider an OSC/DCC link as down This parameter defines the confirmation threshold to consider an OSC/DCC link as down. " ::= { mgnt2config 40 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the accountAutoLock article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgaccountAutoLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Account Auto-Lock [-1 / 1-10] err :This OID defines the number of error password to lock an account. This counter is reset on successful login or after an administrator defined period (see Fail count reset) Set to -1 to disables the feature. This parameter defines the number of error password to lock an account. This counter is reset on successful login or after an administrator defined period (see Fail count reset) Set to -1 to disables the feature. " ::= { mgnt2config 41 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the failCountReset article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgfailCountReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Fail Count Reset [-1 / 1-10] hrs :This OID defines the minimum time (in hours) to reset the failed login counter. This counter is also reset on successful login. Set to -1 to disable the feature. This parameter defines the minimum time (in hours) to reset the failed login counter. This counter is also reset on successful login. Set to -1 to disable the feature " ::= { mgnt2config 42 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the ftpMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgftpMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 44 } mgnt2CfgFtpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FTP Enable :This OID enables the FTP protocol This configuration enables the FTP protocol " ::= { mgnt2CfgftpMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- LEAF for the tftpMode article --- ***************************************************** mgnt2CfgtftpMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2config 45 } mgnt2CfgTftpEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " TFTP Enable :This OID enables the TFTP protocol This configuration enables the TFTP protocol " ::= { mgnt2CfgtftpMode 1 } --- ***************************************************** --- TRAPS --- ***************************************************** mgnt2TrapBoardNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the slot number of the PM that sent the last trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 50 } mgnt2TrapSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the trap severity" ::= { mgnt2Traps 51 } mgnt2TrapSourcePm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the mnemonic of the pm who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 52 } mgnt2TrapSourcePortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the type of the port who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 53 } mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..16) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the port number of the PM that sent the last trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 54 } mgnt2TrapSourceLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the label of the alarm who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 55 } mgnt2TrapSourceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the value of the alarm who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2Traps 56 } mgnt2TrapEventLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the label of the event" ::= { mgnt2Traps 57 } mgnt2TrapNodeControllerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the IP address of the Node Controller" ::= { mgnt2Traps 58 } mgnt2TrapChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the chassis ID " ::= { mgnt2Traps 59 } mgnt2TrapApi NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber,mgnt2AlmapiErrorCode} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "API Error" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1", mgnt2AlmapiErrorCode "$2"} --&MESG "API Error number $2 received from Board in slot $1 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Api error trap with its number" ::= { mgnt2Traps 1 } mgnt2TrapSwError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2AlmFifoCmdError} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "SW Error" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFifoCmdError "$1"} --&MESG "Software Error detected" DESCRIPTION "Chassis software error other API" ::= { mgnt2Traps 2 } mgnt2TrapBoardInserted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Board Inserted" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1"} --&MESG "Board Inserted in Slot $1 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "A board has been plugged in" ::= { mgnt2Traps 4} mgnt2TrapBoardRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Board Removed" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1"} --&MESG "Board Removed from Slot $1 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "A board has been plugged out" ::= { mgnt2Traps 5 } mgnt2TrapRestoreConfDone NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Config Restored" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1"} --&MESG "The Configuration of Board in Slot $1 has been restored ($A)" DESCRIPTION "The Configuration has been restored from the management board" ::= { mgnt2Traps 6 } mgnt2TrapGlobalPowerFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2AlmDef48b, mgnt2AlmDef48a} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Power A Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmDef48b "off", mgnt2AlmDef48a "on"} --&MESG "Power Input A Fail on Chassis ($A)" --&FILTNAME "Power B Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmDef48b "on", mgnt2AlmDef48a "off"} --&MESG "Power Input B Fail on Chassis ($A)" --&FILTNAME "Power A and B Fail OFF" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "Power A Fail ON", "Power B Fail ON"} --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmDef48b "off", mgnt2AlmDef48a "off"} --&MESG "Power Input A and B Present on Chassis ($A)" DESCRIPTION "A global power supply failure has been detected" ::= { mgnt2Traps 8 } mgnt2TrapFanPowerFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB , mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA, mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "FAN Fuse A Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB "off", mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA "on", mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 "*"} --&MESG "Power Input A Fail on FAN ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN Fuse B Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB "on", mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA "off", mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 "*"} --&MESG "Power Input B Fail on FAN ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN Fuse A and B Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, critical } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB "on", mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA "on", mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 "*"} --&MESG "Power Input A and B Fail on FAN ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN Fuse A and B Fail OFF" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "FAN Fuse A Fail ON", "FAN Fuse B Fail ON", "FAN Fuse A and B Fail ON"} --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB "off", mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA "off", mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 "off"} --&MESG "Power Input A and B Present on FAN ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN Power Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseB "off", mgnt2AlmFanDefFuseA "off", mgnt2AlmFanPwrFail1 "on"} --&MESG "Power Converter Fail on FAN ($A)" DESCRIPTION "A Fan power supply failure has been detected" ::= { mgnt2Traps 9 } mgnt2TrapGigmPowerFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseA, mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseB} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Fuse B Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseA "off", mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseB "on"} --&MESG "Power Input B Fail on MGNT ($A)" --&FILTNAME "Fuse A Fail ON" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseA "on", mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseB "off"} --&MESG "Power Input A Fail on MGNT ($A)" --&FILTNAME "Fuse A and B Fail OFF" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "Fuse B Fail ON", "Fuse A Fail ON"} --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseA "off", mgnt2AlmMgntDefFuseB "off"} --&MESG "Power Input A and B Present on MGNT ($A)" DESCRIPTION "A power supply default has been detected in the management board" ::= { mgnt2Traps 10 } mgnt2TrapFanFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail, mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail, mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail, mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail, mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail, mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "All trap Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, critical } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "on"} --&MESG "The FAN tray is in Failure condition (all FAN fail) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 1 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "*"} --&MESG "Fan number 1 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 2 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "*"} --&MESG "Fan number 2 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 3 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "*"} --&MESG "Fan number 3 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 4 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "*"} --&MESG "Fan number 4 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 5 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "on", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "*"} --&MESG "Fan number 5 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN 6 Fail" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "*", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "on"} --&MESG "Fan number 6 Fail on FAN Module ($A)" --&FILTNAME "FAN Fail OFF" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "All trap Fail"} --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmPbFan1Fail "off", mgnt2AlmPbFan2Fail "off", mgnt2AlmPbFan3Fail "off", mgnt2AlmPbFan4Fail "off", mgnt2AlmPbFan5Fail "off", mgnt2AlmPbFan6Fail "off"} --&MESG "The FAN tray is fully operational (no FAN fail)" DESCRIPTION "A Fan failure has been detected" ::= { mgnt2Traps 11 } mgnt2TrapLogFileFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber, mgnt2AlmLog80Full, mgnt2AlmLogFileFull} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "Log almost full" --&ACTIONS { log, warning } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1", mgnt2AlmLog80Full "on", mgnt2AlmLogFileFull "off"} --&MESG "The log of Board in slot $1 is 80% full ($A)" --&FILTNAME "Log Full" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1", mgnt2AlmLog80Full "*", mgnt2AlmLogFileFull "on"} --&MESG "The log of Board in slot $1 is Full ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Indicates that the corresponding log file is almost full" ::= { mgnt2Traps 20 } mgnt2TrapAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapSeverity, mgnt2TrapSourcePm, mgnt2TrapBoardNumber, mgnt2TrapSourcePortType, mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber, mgnt2TrapSourceLabel, mgnt2TrapSourceValue, mgnt2TrapNodeControllerIpAddress,mgnt2TrapChassisId} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "critical clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "critical detect" } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Critical", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "off" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) cleared on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "critical detect" --&ACTIONS { log, critical } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Critical", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "on" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) detected on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "major clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "major detect" } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Major", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "off" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) cleared on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "major detect" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Major", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "on" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) detected on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "minor clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "minor detect" } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Minor", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "off" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) cleared on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "minor detect" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Minor", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "on" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) detected on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "warning clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "warning detect" } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Warning", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "off" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) cleared on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "warning detect" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Warning", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "on" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) detected on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "indeterminate clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "indeterminate detect" } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Indeterminate", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "off" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) cleared on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" --&FILTNAME "indeterminate detect" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSeverity "Indeterminate", mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$2", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$4", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$5", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$6", mgnt2TrapSourceValue "on" } --&MESG "$1 Alarms ($6) detected on $2 (Slot $3) on $4 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Indicates that an alarm state has changed" ::= { mgnt2Traps 30 } mgnt2TrapEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber, mgnt2TrapEventLabel, mgnt2TrapNodeControllerIpAddress,mgnt2TrapChassisId} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "event" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&CLEARS { "critical detect" } --&MATCH {mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$1", mgnt2TrapEventLabel "$2" } --&MESG "$2 (Slot $1) ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Indicates that an event has occured" ::= { mgnt2Traps 31 } mgnt2TrapControl NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapSourcePm, mgnt2TrapBoardNumber, mgnt2TrapSourcePortType, mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber, mgnt2TrapSourceLabel, mgnt2TrapSourceValue, mgnt2TrapNodeControllerIpAddress,mgnt2TrapChassisId} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "control sent" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$1", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$2", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$4", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$5" } --&MESG "Controls ($5) has been set to $6 on $1 (Slot $2) on $3 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Indicates that a control has been set to the module" ::= { mgnt2Traps 32 } mgnt2TrapConfig NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {mgnt2TrapSourcePm, mgnt2TrapBoardNumber, mgnt2TrapSourcePortType, mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber, mgnt2TrapSourceLabel, mgnt2TrapSourceValue, mgnt2TrapNodeControllerIpAddress,mgnt2TrapChassisId} STATUS current --&FILTNAME "config sent" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2TrapSourcePm "$1", mgnt2TrapBoardNumber "$2", mgnt2TrapSourcePortType "$3", mgnt2TrapSourcePortNumber "$4", mgnt2TrapSourceLabel "$5"} --&MESG "Config Word ($5) has been set to $6 on $1 (Slot $2) on $3 ($A)" DESCRIPTION "Indicates that a config word has been changed" ::= { mgnt2Traps 33 } END