-- ***************************************************************** -- MGNT2-NMS.TXT: MIB -- --MIB Part Number: 3MI01003AAAE --MIB Version:01 -- -- Copyright (c) 2009 by Ekinops -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** EKINOPS-MGNT2-NMS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ekinops, EkiOnOff FROM EKINOPS-MIB MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, Unsigned32, Counter32, Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI SnmpUDPAddress FROM SNMPv2-TM TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, DateAndTime, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF; mgnt2NMS MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201511120000Z" ORGANIZATION "Ekinops" CONTACT-INFO "Ekinops 3, rue Blaise Pascal F-22300 Lannion / FRANCE Tel : +33 (0)2 96 05 00 30 Fax : +33 (0)2 96 48 62 39 E-mail: support@ekinops.fr" DESCRIPTION "MIB for managing Ekinops 360 Network Element via a NMS." REVISION "200907261500Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version." REVISION "201504130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Add bindings for Node Controller Add objects for Linux download Add objects for SoftwareDownload" REVISION "201511120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Appropriate Limits on SYNTAX of some OBJECT-TYPE)" REVISION "201606060000Z" DESCRIPTION "new synthesisAlarm alarmtype " ::= { ekinops 1000 } mgnt2NMSMibObject OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMS 1 } mgnt2SupportMCConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMS 2 } mgnt2SupportMCCompl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SupportMCConf 1 } mgnt2SupportMCGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2SupportMCConf 2 } -- -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Mgnt2NotificationId Mgnt2NotificationId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains a unique event/alarm numbering." SYNTAX Counter32 -- Mgnt2AlmProbableCause Mgnt2AlmProbableCause ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to specify the OID of the probable cause of the generated notification." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), adapterError (2), applicationSubsystemFailure (3), bandwidthReduced (4), callEstablishmentError (5), communicationsProtocolError (6), communicationsSubsystemFailure (7), configurationOrCustomizationError (8), congestion (9), corruptData (10), cpuCyclesLimitExceeded (11), dataSetOrModemError (12), degradedSignal (13), dteDceInterfaceError (14), enclosureDoorOpen (15), equipmentMalfunction (16), excessiveVibration (17), fileError (18), fireDetected (19), floodDetected (20), framingError (21), heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem (22), humidityUnacceptable (23), inputOutputDeviceError (24), inputDeviceError (25), lanError (26), leakDetected (27), localNodeTransmissionError (28), lossOfFrame (29), lossOfSignal (30), materialSupplyExhausted (31), multiplexerProblem (32), outOfMemory (33), ouputDeviceError (34), performanceDegraded (35), powerProblem (36), pressureUnacceptable (37), processorProblem (38), pumpFailure (39), queueSizeExceeded (40), receiveFailure (41), receiverFailure (42), remoteNodeTransmissionError (43), resourceAtOrNearingCapacity (44), responseTimeExecessive (45), retransmissionRateExcessive (46), softwareError (47), softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated (48), softwareProgramError (49), storageCapacityProblem (50), temperatureUnacceptable (51), thresholdCrossed (52), timingProblem (53), toxicLeakDetected (54), transmitFailure (55), transmitterFailure (56), underlyingResourceUnavailable (57), versionMismatch (58), authenticationFailure (59), breachOfConfidentiality (60), cableTamper (61), delayedInformation (62), denialOfService (63), duplicateInformation (64), informationMissing (65), informationModificationDetected (66), informationOutOfSequence (67), intrusionDetection (68), keyExpired (69), nonRepudiationFailure (70), outOfHoursActivity (71), outOfService (72), proceduralError (73), unauthorizedAccessAttempt (74), unexpectedInformation (75), informationalStatus(1000) } -- Mgnt2ObjectClassId Mgnt2ObjectClassId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the SNMP entry table object identity (Managed Object Class) of the instance where the event/alarm occured." -- SYNTAX Integer32 SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), chassis(3), backplane(4), container(5), -- e.g., chassis slot or daughter-card holder powerSupply(6), fan(7), sensor(8), module(9), -- e.g., plug-in card or daughter-card port(10), stack(11), -- e.g., stack of multiple chassis entities cpu(12), mgnt(13) } -- Mgnt2AlmSeverity Mgnt2AlmSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the severity of an alarm stored in alarm Table. The cleared severity is not foreseen inside APT table." SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), indeterminate(5), cleared(6) } -- Mgnt2AlmType Mgnt2AlmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of an alarm stored in alarm Table." SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), communicationsAlarm (2), qualityOfServiceAlarm (3), processingErrorAlarm (4), equipmentAlarm (5), environmentalAlarm (6), integrityViolation (7), operationalViolation (8), physicalViolation (9), securityServiceOrMechanismViolation (10), timeDomainViolation (11), synthesisAlarm (12) } -- Mgnt2EventType Mgnt2EventType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object identifies the type of an event stored in event log Table." SYNTAX INTEGER { objectCreation (1), objectDeletion (2), attributeValueChange (3), stateChange (4), activityLog (5) } Mgnt2EventSourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the event source." SYNTAX INTEGER { event (1), control (2), config (3) } -- Mgnt2LacState Mgnt2LacState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the State attribute for the Local Access Control. This attribute can be set: - by Agent at creation time to accessRequested - by EML to the values accessGranted or accessDenied" SYNTAX INTEGER { accessDenied (0), accessRequested (1), accessGrantedCraft (2), accessGrantedCli (3), accessGrantedSnmp (4) } -- Mgnt2ServerAddress Mgnt2ServerAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention define a server adress. It can be either only the IP address of the server if server is running on default port. ex : '' or IP adress and server port separated by ':' allowing to connect a server running on unusual port. ex : '' " SYNTAX OCTET STRING -- Mgnt2UploadDownloadFileEncoding Mgnt2UploadDownloadFileEncoding ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the agent's capability in term of which file encoding styles it supports." SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), ascii(2), xml(3), bin(4), data(5) } -- Mgnt2UploadDownloadFileCompression Mgnt2UploadDownloadFileCompression ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the agent's capability in term of which file compression styles it supports." SYNTAX INTEGER { noCompression(1), bzip(2), gzip(3) } -- Mgnt2UploadDownloadActionStatus Mgnt2UploadDownloadActionStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the download status and allow to start download." SYNTAX INTEGER { success (0), start (1), -- (value set by a manager to start ftp) inProgress (2), failed (3), automatic (4), -- used when NE is master to download file(s) (ie : load software packages) abort (5) -- (value set by a manager to abort ftp) } -- Mgnt2UploadDownloadErrorCode Mgnt2UploadDownloadErrorCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the upload/download error code." SYNTAX INTEGER { noError (0), missingLogin (1), missingPassword (2), missingFile (3), serverUnreachable (4), badPassword (5), noSpaceLeft (6), corruptedFile (7), canceled (8), -- Error code when ftp has been aborted by manager noWriteAccess (9) -- Manager has no write access undefinedError (10), -- internal agent error accessViolation (11), -- tftp error fileExist (12), -- tftp error : file already exists wrongDirection (13), -- cannot send to NMS a pmPackage wrongName (14), wrongCompression (15) } -- Mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActionStatus Mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActionStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the upload/download error code." SYNTAX INTEGER { noError (0), missingLogin (1), missingPassword (2), missingFile (3), serverUnreachable (4), badPassword (5), noSpaceLeft (6), corruptedFile (7), canceled (8), -- Error code when ftp has been aborted by manager noWriteAccess (9) -- Manager has no write access } Mgnt2DownloadFileType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the the file type to download/upload." SYNTAX INTEGER { pmPackage (0), mgntPackage (1), configurationFile (2), logFile (3), perfFile (4), wavePlan (5), adminPackage (6) } -- -- Alarm Management -- Active Alarm List: mgnt2ActiveAlarmTable mgnt2ActiveAlmTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines the MGNT2-NMS Active Alarm table This table is used by Agent in order to store the active alarms, managing system can only read them." ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 1 } mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a single alarm in the Active Alarm table. Entries in this table are created by SNMP NE and will be automatically deleted by SNMP NE when it is genereted a cleared-alarm." INDEX { mgnt2ActiveAlmNotificationId} ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmTable 1 } Mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2ActiveAlmNotificationId Mgnt2NotificationId, mgnt2ActiveAlmObjectClassIdentifier Mgnt2ObjectClassId, -- mgnt2ActiveAlmObjectClassInstance Mgnt2ObjectInstanceId, OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- ekinops addressing mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePm DisplayString, mgnt2ActiveAlmBoardNumber Integer32, mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortType DisplayString, mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortNumber Integer32, mgnt2ActiveAlmProbableCause Mgnt2AlmProbableCause, mgnt2ActiveAlmSeverity Mgnt2AlmSeverity, mgnt2ActiveAlmSpecificProblem DisplayString, mgnt2ActiveAlmAdditionalText DisplayString, mgnt2ActiveAlmType Mgnt2AlmType, mgnt2ActiveAlmTime DateAndTime, --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2ActiveAlmNodeControllerIpAddress IpAddress, mgnt2ActiveAlmChassisId DisplayString --Fin } mgnt2ActiveAlmNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2NotificationId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 1 } mgnt2ActiveAlmProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmProbableCause MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 2 } mgnt2ActiveAlmObjectClassIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2ObjectClassId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 3 } mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 4 } mgnt2ActiveAlmBoardNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 5 } mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the type of the port who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 6 } mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the port number of the PM that sent the last trap" ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 7 } mgnt2ActiveAlmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 8 } mgnt2ActiveAlmSpecificProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the alarm specific problem description. Indicates further refinements to the problem identified by the alarm type. If more than one specific problem is described in this object, the problem descriptions are separated by <;> characters. The format of the displayString is for further study." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 9 } mgnt2ActiveAlmAdditionalText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 10 } --mgnt2ActiveAlmType OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX DisplayString -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "" --::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 11 } mgnt2ActiveAlmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual convention" ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 11 } mgnt2ActiveAlmTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates when the alarm has been generated." ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 12 } --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2ActiveAlmNodeControllerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the IP address of the Node Controller" ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 13 } mgnt2ActiveAlmChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the chassis ID " ::= { mgnt2ActiveAlmEntry 14 } -- Fin -- Alarm log table: mgnt2AlmLogTable mgnt2AlmLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2AlmLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines the Alarm Log table. It is used to store the alarms generated by SNMP NE." ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 2 } mgnt2AlmLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry contains information about single alarm notification. Entries in this table are created automatically by Agent and they are never deleted because the Log behavior is automatically set to Wrap, hence when no more entry will be created (log full) new log entry will cause the deletion of the oldest one." INDEX { mgnt2AlmLogNotificationId } ::= { mgnt2AlmLogTable 1 } Mgnt2AlmLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2AlmLogNotificationId Mgnt2NotificationId, mgnt2AlmLogObjectClassIdentifier Mgnt2ObjectClassId, -- mgnt2AlmLogObjectInstanceIdentifier Mgnt2ObjectInstanceId, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm DisplayString, mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber Integer32, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType DisplayString, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortNumber Integer32, mgnt2AlmLogProbableCause Mgnt2AlmProbableCause, mgnt2AlmLogSeverity Mgnt2AlmSeverity, mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem DisplayString, mgnt2AlmLogAdditionalText DisplayString, mgnt2AlmLogAlarmType Mgnt2AlmType, mgnt2AlmLogTime DateAndTime, --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2AlmLogNodeControllerIpAddress IpAddress, mgnt2AlmLogChassisId DisplayString --Fin } mgnt2AlmLogNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2NotificationId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 1 } mgnt2AlmLogProbableCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmProbableCause MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 2 } mgnt2AlmLogObjectClassIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2ObjectClassId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 3 } mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 4 } mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 5 } mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the type of the port who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 6 } mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the port number of the PM that sent the last trap" ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 7 } mgnt2AlmLogSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmSeverity MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The perceived severity of the alarm, as specified by the agent that generated it." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 8 } mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions. This object is only present if it was included in the alarm trap corresponding to this AlarmLog entry." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 9 } mgnt2AlmLogAdditionalText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 10 } mgnt2AlmLogAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2AlmType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 11 } mgnt2AlmLogTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates when the alarm has been generated." ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 13 } --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2AlmLogNodeControllerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the IP address of the Node Controller" ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 14 } mgnt2AlmLogChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the chassis ID " ::= { mgnt2AlmLogEntry 15 } -- Fin -- -- Event Management -- Event log table: mgnt2EventLogTable mgnt2EventLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2EventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contain information about single event notification not alarm. Entries in this table are created automatically by Agent and they are never deleted because the Log behavior is automatically set to Wrap, hence when no more entry will be created (log full) new log entry will cause the deletion of the oldest one." ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 3 } mgnt2EventLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2EventLogEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the mgnt2EventLogTable" INDEX { mgnt2EventLogNotificationId } ::= { mgnt2EventLogTable 1 } Mgnt2EventLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2EventLogNotificationId Mgnt2NotificationId, mgnt2EventLogObjectClassIdentifier Mgnt2ObjectClassId, -- mgnt2EventLogObjectInstanceIdentifier Mgnt2ObjectInstanceId, mgnt2EventLogSourcePm DisplayString, mgnt2EventLogBoardNumber Integer32, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortType DisplayString, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortNumber Integer32, mgnt2EventLogEventType Mgnt2EventType, mgnt2EventLogSourceType Mgnt2EventSourceType, mgnt2EventLogReason DisplayString, mgnt2EventLogAdditionalText DisplayString, mgnt2EventLogTime DateAndTime, --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2EventLogNodeControllerIpAddress IpAddress, mgnt2EventLogChassisId DisplayString --Fin } mgnt2EventLogNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2NotificationId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 1 } mgnt2EventLogObjectClassIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2ObjectClassId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 2 } --mgnt2EventLogObjectInstanceIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE -- SYNTAX Mgnt2ObjectInstanceId -- MAX-ACCESS read-only -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "See textual conventions." --::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 3 } mgnt2EventLogSourcePm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 4 } mgnt2EventLogBoardNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual conventions." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 5 } mgnt2EventLogSourcePortType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the type of the port who sent a trap" ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 6 } mgnt2EventLogSourcePortNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the port number of the PM that sent the last trap" ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 7 } mgnt2EventLogEventType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2EventType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the type of the event logged." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 8 } mgnt2EventLogSourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2EventSourceType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the source type of the event logged." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 9 } mgnt2EventLogReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 10 } mgnt2EventLogAdditionalText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 11 } mgnt2EventLogTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates when the event has been generated." ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 12 } --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2EventLogNodeControllerIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the IP address of the Node Controller" ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 13 } mgnt2EventLogChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This OID gives the chassis ID " ::= { mgnt2EventLogEntry 14 } -- Fin -- -- Re -- -- Upload/Download file mgnt2UploadDownload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 5 } mgnt2UploadDownloadFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "software file name including eventually file path" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 1 } mgnt2UploadDownloadAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2ServerAddress -- SYNTAX SnmpUDPAddress MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION -- "Address of the server on which software file is located -- Represents a UDP address: -- octets contents encoding -- 1-4 IP-address network-byte order -- 5-6 UDP-port network-byte order" "See textual convention" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 2 } mgnt2UploadDownloadLogin OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Login for ftp" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 3 } mgnt2UploadDownloadPasswd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Password for ftp. A manager sets this value with ftp account password using SNMP. For security reasons if a manager reads this entry, NE must return an empty string (instead of password). " ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 4 } mgnt2UploadDownloadTxRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Communication retries between the Client and Server. <0> denotes one (first) transmission and no retries in case of failure no re-transmissions are required." ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 5 } mgnt2UploadDownloadActionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2UploadDownloadActionStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry used to know status of upload/ download to start upload/download operation (Action)" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 6 } mgnt2UploadDownloadErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2UploadDownloadErrorCode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual convention" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 7 } mgnt2UploadDownloadDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " FTP direction : 0 : From NE to external server 1 : From external server to NE " ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 8 } mgnt2UploadDownloadProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Percentage of software file(s) downloaded. Only significant in case mgnt2UploadDownloadActionStatus is 'inProgress' or 'automatic' " ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 9 } mgnt2UploadDownloadReceivedFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of files received during upload/download (significant when status is 'automatic')" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 10 } mgnt2UploadDownloadRemainingFiles OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of files remaining for upload/download (significant when status is 'automatic')" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 11 } mgnt2UploadDownloadFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DownloadFileType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File type to download/upload : - 0 : pmPackage - 1 : mgntPackage - 2 : configurationFile - 3 : logFile - 4 : perfFile" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 12 } mgnt2UploadDownloadFileCompression OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2UploadDownloadFileCompression MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See Textual convention" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 13 } mgnt2UploadDownloadDeleteLastFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EkiOnOff MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2UploadDownload 14 } -- -- Configuration Management mgnt2Configuration OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 6 } mgnt2ConfigurationChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "Entry used to identify uniquely configuration file content. (Used to check alignement between NE configuration and configuration known by NM)" ::= { mgnt2Configuration 1 } mgnt2ConfigurationActionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : activate 1 : activated 2 : failed" ::= { mgnt2Configuration 2 } mgnt2ConfigurationActivationErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : noError 1 : badValue 2 : missingFile 3 : emptyFile 4 : wrong file" ::= { mgnt2Configuration 3 } mgnt2ConfigurationActivationErrorString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String explaining Error code. For example, in case of bad value(s), faulty parameter(s) name(s) are given" ::= { mgnt2Configuration 4 } -- -- SW Management mgnt2SoftwareDownload OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 7 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : activate 1 : downgrade 2 : abort 3 : activated 4 : downgraded 5 : failed" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 2 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : noError 1 : badValue 2 : missingFile 3 : emptyFile 4 : wrong file" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 3 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationErrorString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "String explaining Error code. For example, in case of bad value(s), faulty parameter(s) name(s) are given" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 4 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationSlotNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..32) MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 5 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationClearFile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : keepfile 1 : clearfile " ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 6 } -- Add for Linux / 5EK package mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationFilename OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "software file name including eventually file path" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 7 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationAutoRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 0 : norestart 1 : autorestart " ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 8 } mgnt2SoftwareDownloadActivationFileType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2DownloadFileType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "File type to download/upload : - 0 : pmPackage - 1 : mgntPackage - 2 : configurationFile - 3 : logFile - 4 : perfFile" ::= { mgnt2SoftwareDownload 9 } -- End Add for Linux / 5EK package -- -- Local Access Control -- mgnt2LacTable mgnt2LacTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Mgnt2LacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MGNT2 Local Access control table. This table is used to give access to the Craft Terminals or/and NMS." ::= {mgnt2NMSMibObject 8 } mgnt2LacEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2LacEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry is automatically created by Agent at start-up time." INDEX { mgnt2LacIndex } ::= { mgnt2LacTable 1 } Mgnt2LacEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mgnt2LacIndex Integer32, mgnt2LacState Mgnt2LacState, mgnt2LacNoResponseTimeOutPeriod Integer32 } mgnt2LacIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index for the Local Access Control table." ::= { mgnt2LacEntry 1 } mgnt2LacState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Mgnt2LacState MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "See textual convention" ::= { mgnt2LacEntry 2 } mgnt2LacNoResponseTimeOutPeriod OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the No Response TimeOut Period attribute for the Local Access Control." ::= { mgnt2LacEntry 3 } -- NM Registration table -- See MGNT2-MIB table mgnt2GigmManagerIpAddressTable -- -- NM Polled Info mgnt2PolledInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 10 } mgnt2PolledInfoLastAlarmNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the notification identifier of the last alarm stored inside AlarmLog." ::= { mgnt2PolledInfo 1 } mgnt2PolledInfoLastEventNotificationId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object contains the notification identifier of the last Event stored inside EventLog." ::= { mgnt2PolledInfo 2 } mgnt2PolledInfoConfigurationChecksum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry used to identify uniquely configuration file content. (Used to check alignement between NE configuration and configuration known by NM)" ::= { mgnt2PolledInfo 3 } -- -- Notification/Traps -- mgnt2TrapNMSAlarm mgnt2TrapNMSAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mgnt2AlmLogNotificationId, mgnt2AlmLogObjectClassIdentifier, -- mgnt2AlmLogObjectInstanceIdentifier, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm, mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortNumber, mgnt2AlmLogProbableCause, mgnt2AlmLogSeverity, mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem, mgnt2AlmLogAdditionalText, mgnt2AlmLogAlarmType, mgnt2AlmLogTime, --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2AlmLogNodeControllerIpAddress, mgnt2AlmLogChassisId --Fin } STATUS current --&FILTNAME "critical" --&ACTIONS { log, critical } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "critical", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Critical Alarms ($9) detected on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "major" --&ACTIONS { log, major } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "major", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Major Alarms ($9) detected on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "minor" --&ACTIONS { log, minor } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "minor", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Minor Alarms ($9) detected on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "warning" --&ACTIONS { log, warning } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "warning", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Warning ($9) detected on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "indeterminate" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "indeterminate", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Indeterminate Alarms ($9) detected on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "clear" --&ACTIONS { log, normal } --&CLEARS { "critical", "major", "minor", "warning", "indeterminate" } --&MATCH { mgnt2AlmLogSeverity "cleared", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm "$3", mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber "$4", mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType "$5", mgnt2AlmLogSpecificProblem "$9"} --&MESG "Alarms ($9) cleared on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" DESCRIPTION "This notification reports Alarm event." ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 11 } -- mgnt2TrapNMSEvent mgnt2TrapNMSEvent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mgnt2EventLogNotificationId, mgnt2EventLogObjectClassIdentifier, -- mgnt2EventLogObjectInstanceIdentifier, mgnt2EventLogSourcePm, mgnt2EventLogBoardNumber, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortType, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortNumber, mgnt2EventLogEventType, mgnt2EventLogSourceType, mgnt2EventLogReason, mgnt2EventLogAdditionalText, mgnt2EventLogTime, --Rajout binding Node Controller 1 avril 2015 mgnt2EventLogNodeControllerIpAddress, mgnt2EventLogChassisId --Fin } STATUS current --&FILTNAME "config" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH {mgnt2EventLogSourceType "config"} --&MESG "Configuration ($9) set to $10 on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "event" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH {mgnt2EventLogSourceType "event"} --&MESG "$9 ($10) on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" --&FILTNAME "control" --&ACTIONS { log, info } --&MATCH {mgnt2EventLogSourceType "control"} --&MESG "Maintenance ($9) set to $10 on $5 on $3 (Slot $4) ($A)" DESCRIPTION "This notification reports an Event." ::= { mgnt2NMSMibObject 12 } -- -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE To be completed mgnt2SupportMc MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This module compliance describes a set of objects required for MGNT2-NMS SNMP Agent implementation." MODULE -- mgnt2NMS MANDATORY-GROUPS { mgnt2ActiveAlmGroup, mgnt2AlmLogGroup, mgnt2EventLogGroup } ::= { mgnt2SupportMCCompl 1 } mgnt2ActiveAlmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mgnt2ActiveAlmProbableCause, mgnt2ActiveAlmObjectClassIdentifier, mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePm, mgnt2ActiveAlmBoardNumber, mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortType, mgnt2ActiveAlmSourcePortNumber, mgnt2ActiveAlmSeverity, mgnt2ActiveAlmType, mgnt2ActiveAlmTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group describes the mandatory objects needed for the Active Alarm management configuration." ::= { mgnt2SupportMCCompl 2 } mgnt2AlmLogGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mgnt2AlmLogProbableCause, mgnt2AlmLogObjectClassIdentifier, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePm, mgnt2AlmLogBoardNumber, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortType, mgnt2AlmLogSourcePortNumber, mgnt2AlmLogSeverity, mgnt2AlmLogAlarmType, mgnt2AlmLogTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group describes the mandatory objects needed for the Alarm log management configuration." ::= { mgnt2SupportMCCompl 3 } mgnt2EventLogGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mgnt2EventLogObjectClassIdentifier, mgnt2EventLogSourcePm, mgnt2EventLogBoardNumber, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortType, mgnt2EventLogSourcePortNumber, mgnt2EventLogEventType, mgnt2EventLogSourceType, mgnt2EventLogTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group describes the mandatory objects needed for the Event log management configuration." ::= { mgnt2SupportMCCompl 4 } END