CTRON-IGMP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- This module provides authoritative definitions for Cabletron's -- enterprise-specific IGMP MIB. -- -- This module will be extended, as additional sub-sections -- of this naming tree are defined. -- -- Cabletron Systems reserves the right to make changes in -- specification and other information contained in this document -- without prior notice. The reader should consult Cabletron Systems -- to determine whether any such changes have been made. -- -- In no event shall Cabletron Systems be liable for any incidental, -- indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever (including -- but not limited to lost profits) arising out of or related to this -- document or the information contained in it, even if Cabletron -- Systems has been advised of, known, or should have known, the -- possibility of such damages. -- -- Cabletron grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties -- a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection -- with the management of Cabletron products. -- Copyright (1999-2005) Enterasys Networks -- Note: This design of this MIB owes much to the designers of -- the Internet Group Management Protocol MIB. -- -- This module will be extended, as needed. IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, IpAddress, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI RowStatus, DisplayString, TruthValue, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB dot1dBasePort FROM BRIDGE-MIB PortList, VlanId FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB ctIGMPBranch FROM CTRON-MIB-NAMES; ctIGMP MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200505092030Z" -- Mon May 9 20:30 GMT 2005 ORGANIZATION "Enterasys Networks, Inc" CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Enterasys Networks 50 Minuteman Rd. Andover, MA 01810-1008 USA Phone: +1 978 684 1000 E-mail: support@enterasys.com WWW: http://www.enterasys.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module defines a portion of the SNMP enterprise MIBs under the Cabletron enterprise OID pertaining to configuration of IGMP." REVISION "200505092030Z" -- Mon May 9 20:30 GMT 2005 DESCRIPTION " Added the IgmpProtocolClassTc, and IgmpProtocolIdTc TEXTUAL CONVENTIONS, added the ctIGMPProtocolClassificationTable." REVISION "200503152038Z" -- Tue Mar 15 20:38 GMT 2005 DESCRIPTION "Deprecated the ctIGMPPolicyTable and the ctIGMPStaticTable. Added ctIGMPStaticGroupTable, ctIGMPExtCacheTable, ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterTable, ctIGMPPortTable, and the ctIGMPStatsCntrs groups." REVISION "200312101456Z" -- Wed Dec 10 14:56 GMT 2003 DESCRIPTION "Added the ctIGMPStaticEntry Table for static multicast configuration." ::= { ctIGMPBranch 1 } -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Textual Conventions -- ------------------------------------------------------------- IgmpPortModeTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention maps out possible igmp port modes." SYNTAX INTEGER { reporter(1), source(2) } IgmpProtocolClassTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This textual convention describes the possible ways IGMP can classify received frames." SYNTAX INTEGER { multicastData(1), routingProtocol(2), ignore(3) } IgmpProtocolIdTc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Bit definitions for each of the IP protocol numbers assigned by IANA." SYNTAX BITS { hopopt (0), -- IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option [RFC1883] icmp (1), -- Internet Control Message [RFC792] igmp (2), -- Internet Group Management [RFC1112] ggp (3), -- Gateway-to-Gateway [RFC823] ip (4), -- IP in IP (encapsulation) [RFC2003] st (5), -- Stream [RFC1190,RFC1819] tcp (6), -- Transmission Control [RFC793] cbt (7), -- CBT [Ballardie] egp (8), -- Exterior Gateway Protocol [RFC888,DLM1] igp (9), -- any private interior gateway [IANA] -- (used by Cisco for their IGRP) bbnRccMon (10), -- BBN RCC Monitoring [SGC] nvpII (11), -- Network Voice Protocol [RFC741,SC3] pup (12), -- PUP [PUP,XEROX] argus (13), -- ARGUS [RWS4] emcon (14), -- EMCON [BN7] xnet (15), -- Cross Net Debugger [IEN158,JFH2] chaos (16), -- Chaos [NC3] udp (17), -- User Datagram [RFC768,JBP] mux (18), -- Multiplexing [IEN90,JBP] dcnMeas (19), -- DCN Measurement Subsystems [DLM1] hmp (20), -- Host Monitoring [RFC869,RH6] prm (21), -- Packet Radio Measurement [ZSU] xnsIdp (22), -- XEROX NS IDP [ETHERNET,XEROX] trunk1 (23), -- Trunk-1 [BWB6] trunk2 (24), -- Trunk-2 [BWB6] leaf1 (25), -- Leaf-1 [BWB6] leaf2 (26), -- Leaf-2 [BWB6] rdp (27), -- Reliable Data Protocol [RFC908,RH6] irtp (28), -- Internet Reliable Transaction [RFC938,TXM] isoTp4 (29), -- ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 [RFC905,RC77] netblt (30), -- Bulk Data Transfer Protocol [RFC969,DDC1] mfeNsp (31), -- MFE Network Services Protocol [MFENET,BCH2] meritInp (32), -- MERIT Internodal Protocol [HWB] sep (33), -- Sequential Exchange Protocol [JC120] x3pc (34), -- Third Party Connect Protocol [SAF3] idpr (35), -- Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol [MXS1] xtp (36), -- XTP [GXC] ddp (37), -- Datagram Delivery Protocol [WXC] idprCmtp (38), -- IDPR Control Message Transport Proto [MXS1] tpPlusPlus (39), -- TP++ Transport Protocol [DXF] il (40), -- IL Transport Protocol [Presotto] ipv6 (41), -- Ipv6 [Deering] sdrp (42), -- Source Demand Routing Protocol [DXE1] ipv6Route (43), -- Routing Header for IPv6 [Deering] ipv6Frag (44), -- Fragment Header for IPv6 [Deering] idrp (45), -- Inter-Domain Routing Protocol [Sue Hares] rsvp (46), -- Reservation Protocol [Bob Braden] gre (47), -- General Routing Encapsulation [Tony Li] mhrp (48), -- Mobile Host Routing Protocol[David Johnson] bna (49), -- BNA [Gary Salamon] esp (50), -- Encap Security Payload [RFC2406] ah (51), -- Authentication Header [RFC2402] inlsp (52), -- Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA [GLENN] swipe (53), -- IP with Encryption [JI6] narp (54), -- NBMA Address Resolution Protocol [RFC1735] mobile (55), -- IP Mobility [Perkins] tlsp (56), -- Transport Layer Security Protocol [Oberg] -- using Kryptonet key management skip (57), -- SKIP [Markson] ipv6Icmp (58), -- ICMP for IPv6 [RFC1883] ipv6NoNxt (59), -- No Next Header for IPv6 [RFC1883] ipv6Opts (60), -- Destination Options for IPv6 [RFC1883] ipProt61 (61), -- any host internal protocol [IANA] cftp (62), -- CFTP [CFTP,HCF2] ipProt63 (63), -- any local network [IANA] satExpak (64), -- SATNET and Backroom EXPAK [SHB] kryptolan (65), -- Kryptolan [PXL1] rvd (66), -- MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol [MBG] ippc (67), -- Internet Pluribus Packet Core [SHB] ipProt64 (68), -- any distributed file system [IANA] satMon (69), -- SATNET Monitoring [SHB] visa (70), -- VISA Protocol [GXT1] ipcv (71), -- Internet Packet Core Utility [SHB] cpnx (72), -- Computer Protocol Network Executive [DXM2] cphb (73), -- Computer Protocol Heart Beat [DXM2] wsn (74), -- Wang Span Network [VXD] pvp (75), -- Packet Video Protocol [SC3] brSatMon (76), -- Backroom SATNET Monitoring [SHB] sunNd (77), -- SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary [WM3] wbMon (78), -- WIDEBAND Monitoring [SHB] wbExpak (79), -- WIDEBAND EXPAK [SHB] isoIp (80), -- ISO Internet Protocol [MTR] vmtp (81), -- VMTP [DRC3] secureVmtp (82), -- SECURE-VMTP [DRC3] vines (83), -- VINES [BXH] ttp (84), -- TTP [JXS] nsfnetIgp (85), -- NSFNET-IGP [HWB] dgp (86), -- Dissimilar Gateway Protocol [DGP,ML109] tcf (87), -- TCF [GAL5] eigrp (88), -- EIGRP [CISCO,GXS] ospfIgp (89), -- OSPFIGP [RFC1583,JTM4] spriteRpc (90), -- Sprite RPC Protocol [SPRITE,BXW] larp (91), -- Locus Address Resolution Protocol [BXH] mtp (92), -- Multicast Transport Protocol [SXA] ax25 (93), -- AX.25 Frames [BK29] ipip (94), -- IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol [JI6] micp (95), -- Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. [JI6] sccSp (96), -- Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. [HXH] etherIp (97), -- Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation [RFC3378] encap (98), -- Encapsulation Header [RFC1241,RXB3] ipProt99 (99), -- any private encryption scheme [IANA] gmtp (100), -- GMTP [RXB5] ifmp (101), -- Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol [Hinden] pnni (102), -- PNNI over IP [Callon] pim (103), -- Protocol Independent Multicast [Farinacci] aris (104), -- ARIS [Feldman] scps (105), -- SCPS [Durst] qnx (106), -- QNX [Hunter] an (107), -- Active Networks [Braden] ipComp (108), -- IP Payload Compression Protocol [RFC2393] snp (109), -- Sitara Networks Protocol [Sridhar] compaqPeer (110), -- Compaq Peer Protocol [Volpe] ipxInIp (111), -- IPX in IP [Lee] vrrp (112), -- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol [RFC3768] pgm (113), -- PGM Reliable Transport Protocol [Speakman] ipProt114 (114), -- any 0-hop protocol [IANA] l2tp (115), -- Layer Two Tunneling Protocol [Aboba] ddx (116), -- D-II Data Exchange (DDX) [Worley] iatp (117), -- Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol [Murphy] stp (118), -- Schedule Transfer Protocol [JMP] srp (119), -- SpectraLink Radio Protocol [Hamilton] uti (120), -- UTI [Lothberg] smp (121), -- Simple Message Protocol [Ekblad] sm (122), -- SM [Crowcroft] ptp (123), -- Performance Transparency Protocol [Welzl] isisIpv4 (124), -- ISIS over IPv4 [Przygienda] fire (125), -- [Partridge] crtp (126), -- Combat Radio Transport Protocol [Sautter] crudp (127), -- Combat Radio User Datagram [Sautter] sscopmce (128), -- [Waber] iplt (129), -- [Hollbach] sps (130), -- Secure Packet Shield [McIntosh] pipe (131), -- Private IP Encapsulation within IP [Petri] sctp (132), -- Stream Control Transmission Protocol [Stewart] fc (133), -- Fibre Channel [Rajagopal] rsvpE2eIgn (134), -- RSVP-E2E-IGNORE [RFC3175] mobHeader (135), -- Mobility Header [RFC3775] udpLite (136), -- UDPLite [RFC3828] mpls (137), -- MPLS-in-IP [RFC-ietf-mpls-in-ip-or-gre-08.txt] ipProto138 (138), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto139 (139), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto140 (140), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto141 (141), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto142 (142), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto143 (143), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto144 (144), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto145 (145), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto146 (146), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto147 (147), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto148 (148), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto149 (149), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto150 (150), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto151 (151), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto152 (152), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto153 (153), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto154 (154), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto155 (155), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto156 (156), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto157 (157), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto158 (158), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto159 (159), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto160 (160), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto161 (161), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto162 (162), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto163 (163), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto164 (164), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto165 (165), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto166 (166), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto167 (167), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto168 (168), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto169 (169), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto170 (170), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto171 (171), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto172 (172), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto173 (173), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto174 (174), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto175 (175), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto176 (176), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto177 (177), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto178 (178), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto179 (179), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto180 (180), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto181 (181), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto182 (182), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto183 (183), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto184 (184), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto185 (185), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto186 (186), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto187 (187), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto188 (188), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto189 (189), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto190 (190), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto191 (191), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto192 (192), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto193 (193), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto194 (194), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto195 (195), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto196 (196), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto197 (197), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto198 (198), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto199 (199), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto200 (200), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto201 (201), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto202 (202), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto203 (203), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto204 (204), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto205 (205), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto206 (206), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto207 (207), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto208 (208), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto209 (209), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto210 (210), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto211 (211), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto212 (212), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto213 (213), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto214 (214), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto215 (215), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto216 (216), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto217 (217), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto218 (218), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto219 (219), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto220 (220), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto221 (221), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto222 (222), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto223 (223), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto224 (224), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto225 (225), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto226 (226), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto227 (227), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto228 (228), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto229 (229), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto230 (230), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto231 (231), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto232 (232), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto233 (233), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto234 (234), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto235 (235), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto236 (236), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto237 (237), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto238 (238), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto239 (239), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto240 (240), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto241 (241), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto242 (242), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto243 (243), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto244 (244), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto245 (245), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto246 (246), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto247 (247), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto248 (248), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto249 (249), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto250 (250), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto251 (251), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto252 (252), -- Unassigned [IANA] ipProto253 (253), -- Use for experimentation and testing [RFC3692] ipProto254 (254), -- Use for experimentation and testing [RFC3692] ipProto255 (255) -- Reserved [IANA] } -- -- ctIGMP Config -- ctIGMPConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctIGMP 1 } ctIGMPNewDefaultState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the state in which IGMP will view new VLAN IDs added to the system. A value of Enable (1), indicates that IGMP will create entries for all new VLANs in the ENABLE state. A value of Disable (2), indicates IGMP will create entries for all new VLANs in the DISABLED or 'not in service' state." DEFVAL { disable } ::= { ctIGMPConfig 1 } ctIGMPMibRev OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the revision of the IGMP MIB in the firmware." ::= { ctIGMPConfig 2 } ctIGMPMibRevString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a textual representation of the revision of the IGMP MIB in the firmware." ::= { ctIGMPConfig 3 } ctIGMPConfigGroupTblFullAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { routers(1), flood(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object defines the behavior of IGMP when its group table is full. The user may choose to send multicast frames to known routers, or flood these frames to the vlan." DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { ctIGMPConfig 4 } -- -- The ctIGMP Vlan Table -- ctIGMPVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the VLANs on which IGMP is enabled." ::= { ctIGMP 2 } ctIGMPVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) representing a VLAN on which IGMP is enabled." INDEX { ctIGMPVlanId } ::= { ctIGMPVlanTable 1 } CtIGMPVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPVlanQueryInterval Integer32, ctIGMPVlanStatus RowStatus, ctIGMPVlanVersion INTEGER, ctIGMPVlanQuerier IpAddress, ctIGMPVlanQueryMaxResponseTime Integer32, ctIGMPVlanRobustness Integer32, ctIGMPVlanLastMembQueryIntvl Integer32, ctIGMPVlanQuerierUpTime Integer32, ctIGMPVlanQuerierExpiryTime Integer32, ctIGMPVlanQuerierIP IpAddress } ctIGMPVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VlanId value of the Vlan for which IGMP is enabled." ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 1 } ctIGMPVlanQueryInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency at which IGMP Host-Query packets are transmitted on this Vlan." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.2" DEFVAL { 125 } ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 2 } ctIGMPVlanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The activation of a row enables IGMP on the Vlan. The destruction of a row disables IGMP on the Vlan." ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 3 } ctIGMPVlanVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { version1(1), version2(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The version of IGMP which is running on this Vlan. This object can be used to configure a switch capable of either value. For IGMP to function correctly, all and routers on a Vlan must be configured to run the same version of IGMP on that Vlan." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 4" DEFVAL { version2 } ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 4 } ctIGMPVlanQuerier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address of the IGMP Querier on the Vlan to which this switch is attached." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 3" ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 5 } ctIGMPVlanQueryMaxResponseTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..25) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum query response time advertised in IGMPv2 queries on this Vlan." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.3" DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 6 } ctIGMPVlanRobustness OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Robustness Variable allows tuning for the expected packet loss on a Vlan. If a Vlan is expected to be lossy, the Robustness Variable may be increased. IGMP is robust to (Robustness Variable-1) packet losses." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.1" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 7 } ctIGMPVlanLastMembQueryIntvl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "tenths of seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Last Member Query Interval is the Max Response Time inserted into Group-Specific Queries sent in response to Leave Group messages, and is also the amount of time between Group-Specific Query messages. This value may be tuned to modify the leave latency of the network. A reduced value results in reduced time to detect the loss of the last member of a group." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.8" DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 8 } ctIGMPVlanQuerierUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since ctIGMPVlanQuerier was last changed." ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 9 } ctIGMPVlanQuerierExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds remaining before the Other Querier Present Timer expires. If the local system is the querier, the value of this object is zero." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.5" ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 10 } ctIGMPVlanQuerierIP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source IP address used by a switch when acting as IGMP querier for a Vlan. The value chosen must be in the valid IP address space for any attached routed interface(s) on the Vlan. A value of indicates that the switch will not act as querier for the Vlan." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 7" -- DEFVAL {""} ::= { ctIGMPVlanEntry 11 } -- -- The IGMP Cache Table -- ctIGMPCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPCacheEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the IP multicast groups for vlans with members on a particular interface." ::= { ctIGMP 3 } ctIGMPCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPCacheEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the ctIGMPCacheTable." INDEX { ctIGMPCacheAddress, ctIGMPCacheVlanId, ctIGMPCacheIfIndex } ::= { ctIGMPCacheTable 1 } CtIGMPCacheEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPCacheAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPCacheVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPCacheIfIndex InterfaceIndex, ctIGMPCacheLastReporter IpAddress, ctIGMPCacheUpTime TimeTicks, ctIGMPCacheExpiryTime TimeTicks, ctIGMPCacheVersion1HostTimer Integer32 } ctIGMPCacheAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information." ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 1 } ctIGMPCacheVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VlanId for which this entry contains information." ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 2 } ctIGMPCacheIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The interface for which this entry contains information for an IP multicast group address." ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 3 } ctIGMPCacheLastReporter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP address of the source of the last membership report received for this IP Multicast group address on this interface. If no membership report has been received, this object has the value" ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 4 } ctIGMPCacheUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time since the system joined this group address, or zero if the system is not currently a member." ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 5 } ctIGMPCacheExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry will be aged out." ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 6 } ctIGMPCacheVersion1HostTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time remaining until the local switch will assume that there are no longer any IGMP version 1 members on the IP subnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv1 Membership Report, this value is reset to the group membership timer. While this time remaining is non-zero, the local switch ignores any IGMPv2 Leave messages for this group that it receives on this interface." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.11" ::= { ctIGMPCacheEntry 7 } -- -- The IGMP Receiver Policy Table -- ctIGMPPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the IGMP group policy for vlans with members on a particular interface." ::= { ctIGMP 4 } ctIGMPPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the ctigmpPolicyTable." INDEX { ctIGMPPolicyAddress, ctIGMPPolicyVlanId, ctIGMPPolicyIfIndex } ::= { ctIGMPPolicyTable 1 } CtIGMPPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPPolicyAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPPolicyVlanId Integer32, ctIGMPPolicyIfIndex InterfaceIndex, ctIGMPPolicyStatus RowStatus, ctIGMPPolicyInclusion INTEGER } ctIGMPPolicyAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The IP multicast group address for which this entry contains information. A value of indicates all multicast groups." ::= { ctIGMPPolicyEntry 1 } ctIGMPPolicyVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The VlanId for which this entry contains information." ::= { ctIGMPPolicyEntry 2 } ctIGMPPolicyIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The interface for which this entry contains information for an IP multicast group address. A value of zero indicates all ports." ::= { ctIGMPPolicyEntry 3 } ctIGMPPolicyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The activation of a row enables IGMP policy for this entry. The destruction of a row disables any IGMP policy for this entry." ::= { ctIGMPPolicyEntry 4 } ctIGMPPolicyInclusion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { include(1), exclude(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The IGMP policy for this entry." DEFVAL { exclude } ::= { ctIGMPPolicyEntry 5 } -- -- The ctIGMPStaticEntry Table -- ctIGMPStaticTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the static IGMP entries." ::= { ctIGMP 5 } ctIGMPStaticEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPStaticEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) representing a static entry that IGMP will act upon." INDEX { ctIGMPStaticGroupAddress, ctIGMPStaticVlanId } ::= { ctIGMPStaticTable 1 } CtIGMPStaticEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPStaticGroupAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPStaticVlanId Integer32, ctIGMPStaticOutPortList PortList, ctIGMPStaticRowStatus RowStatus } ctIGMPStaticGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION " The IP multicast group address for IGMP to send multicast data to." ::= { ctIGMPStaticEntry 1 } ctIGMPStaticVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4094) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The VlanId for IGMP to send multicast data to." ::= { ctIGMPStaticEntry 2 } ctIGMPStaticOutPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The set of ports configured by management for this multicast group and this VLAN to which multicast group-addressed data frames are to be forwarded." ::= { ctIGMPStaticEntry 3 } ctIGMPStaticRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The activation of a row creates a static entry. The destruction of a row deletes a static entry." ::= { ctIGMPStaticEntry 4 } -- -- The ctIGMPStaticGroup Table -- ctIGMPStaticGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPStaticGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the static IGMP entries." ::= { ctIGMP 6 } ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPStaticGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) representing a static entry that IGMP will act upon." INDEX { ctIGMPStaticGroupIPAddress, ctIGMPStaticGroupVlanId, ctIGMPStaticGroupSourceIPAddress } ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupTable 1 } CtIGMPStaticGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPStaticGroupIPAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPStaticGroupVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPStaticGroupSourceIPAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPStaticGroupIncludeList PortList, ctIGMPStaticGroupExcludeList PortList, ctIGMPStaticGroupRowStatus RowStatus } ctIGMPStaticGroupIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP multicast group address for IGMP to send multicast data to." ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 1 } ctIGMPStaticGroupVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VlanId for IGMP to send multicast data to." ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 2 } ctIGMPStaticGroupSourceIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP source address of this entry. For IGMP Version 2, use" ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 3 } ctIGMPStaticGroupIncludeList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of ports configured by management for this multicast group and this VLAN to which multicast group-addressed data frames are to be forwarded." ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 4 } ctIGMPStaticGroupExcludeList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The set of ports configured by management for this multicast group and this VLAN for which received IGMP reports will not be accepted." ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 5 } ctIGMPStaticGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The activation of a row creates a static entry. The destruction of a row deletes a static entry. Not in service disables a static entry" ::= { ctIGMPStaticGroupEntry 6 } -- -- The IGMP Extended Cache Table -- ctIGMPExtCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPExtCacheEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the IP multicast groups for vlans with members on a particular interface. This table provides a version 3 capable ctIGMPCacheTable, with a bridge portlist leaf vs mib2 interface index." ::= { ctIGMP 7 } ctIGMPExtCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPExtCacheEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry (conceptual row) in the ctIGMPCacheTable." INDEX { ctIGMPExtCacheAddress, ctIGMPExtCacheVlanId, ctIGMPExtCacheSourceIPAddress } ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheTable 1 } CtIGMPExtCacheEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPExtCacheAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPExtCacheVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPExtCacheSourceIPAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPExtCacheLastReporter IpAddress, ctIGMPExtCacheUpTime TimeTicks, ctIGMPExtCacheExpiryTime TimeTicks, ctIGMPExtCacheVersion1HostTimer Integer32, ctIGMPExtCacheOutPortList PortList, ctIGMPExtCacheSrcPort INTEGER } ctIGMPExtCacheAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The IP multicast group address for this entry." ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 1 } ctIGMPExtCacheVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The VlanId for this entry" ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 2 } ctIGMPExtCacheSourceIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The IP source address of this entry." ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 3 } ctIGMPExtCacheLastReporter OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The IP address of the source of the last membership report received for this IP Multicast group address on this interface. If no membership report has been received, this object has the value" ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 4 } ctIGMPExtCacheUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The time since the system joined this group address, or zero if the system is not currently a member." ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 5 } ctIGMPExtCacheExpiryTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The minimum amount of time remaining before this entry will be aged out." ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 6 } ctIGMPExtCacheVersion1HostTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The time remaining until the local switch will assume that there are no longer any IGMP version 1 members on the IP subnet attached to this interface. Upon hearing any IGMPv1 Membership Report, this value is reset to the group membership timer. While this time remaining is non-zero, the local switch ignores any IGMPv2 Leave messages for this group that it receives on this interface." REFERENCE "Network Working Group RFC2236, November 1997. Section 8.11" ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 7 } ctIGMPExtCacheOutPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The set of bridge ports for this multicast group, VLAN, and source IP address, to which multicast group-addressed data frames are being forwarded." ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 8 } ctIGMPExtCacheSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..65535) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The source bridge port of the multicast data stream if available" ::= { ctIGMPExtCacheEntry 9 } -- -- The ctIGMPDiscoveredRouter Table -- ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing the routers seen on particular ports of a vlan through either protocol snooping or ICMP Router Discovery." ::= { ctIGMP 8 } ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry representing the routers seen on particular ports on a given vlan id." INDEX { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterVlanId } ::= { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterTable 1 } CtIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterPortList PortList, ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEgressPortList PortList, ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterStaticPortList PortList } ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VlanId for IGMP to send multicast data to." ::= { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry 2 } ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of bridge ports that IGMP has seen routing protocols, IGMP queries, or ICMP Router Discovery frames on." ::= { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry 3 } ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEgressPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The set of bridge ports that IGMP believes has valid egress." ::= { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry 4 } ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterStaticPortList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PortList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The set of bridge ports to flood all multicast frames to for this vlan id. This leaf is OPTIONAL" ::= { ctIGMPDiscoveredRouterEntry 5 } -- -- ctIGMPPort Table -- ctIGMPPortTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPPortTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The (conceptual) table listing a bridge port's bindings to multicast group addresses, vlan ids, and source addresses." ::= { ctIGMP 9 } ctIGMPPortTableEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPPortTableEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry representing the binding of bridge port to multicast group address, vlan id, and source IP address." INDEX { ctIGMPPortMode, dot1dBasePort, ctIGMPPortTableGroupAddress, ctIGMPPortTableVlanId, ctIGMPPortTableSourceIPAddress } ::= { ctIGMPPortTable 1 } CtIGMPPortTableEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPPortMode IgmpPortModeTc, ctIGMPPortTableGroupAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPPortTableVlanId VlanId, ctIGMPPortTableSourceIPAddress IpAddress, ctIGMPPortTableExpireTime Integer32 } ctIGMPPortMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IgmpPortModeTc MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The mode of the given bridge port." ::= { ctIGMPPortTableEntry 1 } ctIGMPPortTableGroupAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The multicast group address bound to this port entry." ::= { ctIGMPPortTableEntry 2 } ctIGMPPortTableVlanId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VlanId MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The vlan id bound to this port entry." ::= { ctIGMPPortTableEntry 3 } ctIGMPPortTableSourceIPAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The IP source address bound to this port entry." ::= { ctIGMPPortTableEntry 4 } ctIGMPPortTableExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The time in seconds that this port will expire in." ::= { ctIGMPPortTableEntry 5 } -- -- IGMP Statistics/Counters -- ctIGMPStatsCntrs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ctIGMP 10 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsGroupFull OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Flag to indicate if the group table is full(true) or not(false)." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 1 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV1QueriesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 1 queries this device has sent out." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 2 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV2QueriesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 2 queries this device has sent out." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 3 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV3QueriesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 3 queries this device has sent out." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 4 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumGSQueriesSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of Group Specific queries this device has sent out." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 5 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumQueriesRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP queries this device has seen from the network." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 6 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV1ReportsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 1 reports this device has received." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 7 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV2ReportsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 2 reports this device has received." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 8 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumV3ReportsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP Version 3 reports this device has received." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 9 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumLeavesReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of IGMP leaves this device has received." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 10 } ctIGMPStatsCntrsNumDroppedFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The number of frames dropped by IGMP on this device." ::= { ctIGMPStatsCntrs 11 } --- --- Protocol Classification table --- ctIGMPProtocolClassificationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CtIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This table contains a listing of how IGMP will classify received IP protocol frames. For example, for a UDP multicast frame received which is IP type 17, IGMP can classify that frame in one of three ways. It can be classified as a multicast data frame, a routing protocol, or it can be ignored. A user may have a need to multicast TCP frames, but still want to send them ONLY to IGMP clients. To do this one would set protocol id 6(TCP) to 'multicastPata'" ::= { ctIGMP 11 } ctIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CtIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry representing the binding of IP protocol id, to the IGMP classification of a received frame." INDEX { ctIGMPProtocolClassification } ::= { ctIGMPProtocolClassificationTable 1 } CtIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ctIGMPProtocolClassification IgmpProtocolClassTc, ctIGMPProtocolIdentifier IgmpProtocolIdTc } ctIGMPProtocolClassification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IgmpProtocolClassTc MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The classification of this protocol id. 1 - Classify as multicast data frame. 2 - Classify as a routing protocol. 3 - Classify as Ignore." ::= { ctIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry 1} ctIGMPProtocolIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IgmpProtocolIdTc MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION " The set of IP protocol ids to apply the classification to. Example: If this set has protocols(bits) 1 and 5 set to a '1', and the classification is 'multicastData', this will force IGMP to treat received frames with IP protocol ids of 1 and 5 as 'multicast data', and forward those frames to IGMP joined clients. Similarly if ids 1 and 5 were set to 'routing protocol' then IGMP would treat received frames with these ids as routing protocols, etc. " ::= { ctIGMPProtocolClassificationEntry 2} END