-- Mib files packaged on Tue Mar 17 11:28:59 EDT 2015 for Storage Array Firmware V7.1.5 (R408054) EQL-LLDP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- ****************************************************************** -- LLDP (IEEE 802.1AB) MIB -- ****************************************************************** IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, enterprises, Counter32, Counter64, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] TimeInterval, MacAddress, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] ifIndex FROM RFC1213-MIB equalLogic FROM EQUALLOGIC-SMI eqlGroupId FROM EQLGROUP-MIB eqlMemberIndex FROM EQLMEMBER-MIB ; eqlLldpMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201503171528Z" ORGANIZATION "EqualLogic Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Customer Support Postal: Dell Inc 300 Innovative Way, Suite 301, Nashua, NH 03062 Tel: +1 603-579-9762 E-mail: US-NH-CS-TechnicalSupport@dell.com WEB: www.equallogic.com" DESCRIPTION "Link Layer Discovery Protocol MIB module. Copyright (c) 2010-2012 by Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This software may not be copied, disclosed, transferred, or used except in accordance with a license granted by Dell Inc. This software embodies proprietary information and trade secrets of Dell Inc. Copyright (C) IEEE (2009). This version of this MIB module is published as subclause 11.5.1 of IEEE Std 802.1AB-2009; see the standard itself for full legal notices." REVISION "201007230000Z" -- 7/23/2010 00:00GMT DESCRIPTION "Initial revision - based on IEEE 802.1AB-2009 Copyright (C) IEEE." ::= { enterprises equalLogic(12740) 21 } eqlLldpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eqlLldpMib 1 } ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IEEE 802.1AB - LLDP Textual Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------- EqlLldpV2ChassisIdSubtype ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the source of a chassis identifier." SYNTAX INTEGER { chassisComponent(1), interfaceAlias(2), portComponent(3), macAddress(4), networkAddress(5), interfaceName(6), local(7) } EqlLldpV2ChassisId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the format of a chassis identifier string." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (255)) EqlLldpV2PortIdSubtype ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the source of a particular type of port identifier used in the LLDP MIB." SYNTAX INTEGER { interfaceAlias(1), portComponent(2), macAddress(3), networkAddress(4), interfaceName(5), agentCircuitId(6), local(7) } EqlLldpV2PortId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the format of a port identifier string." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255)) EqlLldpV2State ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This describes the state of LLDP for the port." SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), noPeer(1), active(2), multiplePeers(3) } -- -- Dynamic LLDP interface table contains status information and -- counters for LLDP. -- eqlLldpDynamicIfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF EqlLldpDynamicIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "EqualLogic-Dynamic A table of LLDP information per each interface of a system. Each row in this table supplies values for one port's LLDP parameters." ::= { eqlLldpMIBObjects 1 } eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpDynamicIfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the LLDP table, containing information about LLDP on a single interface." INDEX { eqlGroupId, eqlMemberIndex, ifIndex } ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfTable 1 } EqlLldpDynamicIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { eqlLldpRemMacAddress MacAddress, eqlLldpV2RemChassisIdSubtype EqlLldpV2ChassisIdSubtype, eqlLldpV2RemChassisId EqlLldpV2ChassisId, eqlLldpV2RemPortIdSubtype EqlLldpV2PortIdSubtype, eqlLldpV2RemPortId EqlLldpV2PortId, eqlLldpV2RemPortDesc OCTET STRING, eqlLldpV2RemSysName OCTET STRING, eqlLldpV2RemSysDesc OCTET STRING, eqlLldpV2State EqlLldpV2State, eqlLldpV2RemMgmtAddr OCTET STRING } eqlLldpRemMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MAC address associated with the LLDP peer." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 1 } eqlLldpV2RemChassisIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpV2ChassisIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of encoding used to identify the chassis associated with the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 2 } eqlLldpV2RemChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpV2ChassisId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string value used to identify the chassis component associated with the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 3 } eqlLldpV2RemPortIdSubtype OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpV2PortIdSubtype MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of encoding used to identify the port associated with the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 4 } eqlLldpV2RemPortId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpV2PortId MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string value used to identify the port component associated with the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 5 } eqlLldpV2RemPortDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string value used to identify the description of the given port associated with the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 6 } eqlLldpV2RemSysName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string value used to identify the system name of the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 7 } eqlLldpV2RemSysDesc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The string value used to identify the system description of the remote system." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 8 } eqlLldpV2State OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX EqlLldpV2State MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current LLDP state for the port." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 9 } eqlLldpV2RemMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The management address reported by the remote system. If multiple addresses were reported, they are delimited by commas." ::= { eqlLldpDynamicIfEntry 10 } END