-- %DNP% $Id: RBN-TC.my,v 2011/02/22 17:26:18 thatcher Exp $ -- %DNP% $Source: /cvsroot/pkt/sw/se/xc/bsd/config/snmp/mibs/Attic/RBN-TC.my,v $ -- ***************************************************************** -- RBN-TC Textual Convention MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2000, 2002-2009, 2011 Ericsson AB -- All rights reserved. -- -- ***************************************************************** RBN-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, Integer32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC rbnModules FROM RBN-SMI; rbnTC MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201101191800Z" -- Jan 19, 2011 ORGANIZATION "Ericsson AB." CONTACT-INFO " Ericsson AB. Postal: 100 Headquarters Dr San Jose, CA 95134 USA Phone: +1 408 750 5000 Fax: +1 408 750 5599 " DESCRIPTION "Defines common textual conventions used in RBN mib modules." REVISION "201101191800Z" -- Jan 19, 2011 DESCRIPTION "Update CONTACT-INFO & ORGANIZATION. " REVISION "200910201700Z" -- Oct 20, 2009 DESCRIPTION "Added new textual convention: RbnUnsigned64 for read-write capable 64 bit integer value." REVISION "200406191700Z" -- June 19, 2004 DESCRIPTION "Added new textual convention: RbnPortMediumType. Correct warnings given by smilint." REVISION "200303171700Z" -- March 17, 2003 DESCRIPTION "Added new textual convention: RbnVidOrUntagged." REVISION "200211110000Z" -- November 11, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Moved definitions of RbnSlot and RbnPort from RBN-PVC-MIB. Updated range on RbnSlot and RbnPort." REVISION "200206260000Z" -- June 26, 2002 DESCRIPTION "Updated CONTACT-INFO. Added new textual conventions: RbnKBytes and RbnPercentage." REVISION "200007140000Z" -- July 14, 2000 DESCRIPTION "Initial version." ::= { rbnModules 2 } RbnCircuitHandle ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d:1d:2x-2x-2x" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for individual circuits. The string is composed of the following: Octet 1 slot 2 port 3-8 circuit identifier slots/ports are numbered 0..n. The SMS CLI also numbers slots/ports 0..n but SE CLI numbers slots/ports 1..n. For example: When the SE CLI refers to slot/port 1/2, this maps to to the RbnCircuitHandle slot/port 0/1 " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) RbnKBytes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage size, expressed in units of 1024 bytes." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647) RbnPercentage ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d%" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This Textual Convention describes an object that stores a whole integer percentage value." SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) RbnSlot ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The chassis slot number. This is the physical slot number as reported in the CLI command 'show hardware' on SMS and the CLI command 'show port' on SE." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) RbnPort ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The chassis port number. This is the physical port number as reported in the CLI command 'show hardware' on SMS and the CLI command 'show port' on SE." SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255) RbnVidOrUntagged ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The twelve-bit VLAN Identifer (VID) used to uniquely identify the VLAN to which the frame belongs. The VID is encoded as an unsigned binary number. An untagged frame does not carry any identification of the VLAN to which it belongs and is designated with a value of 4096." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..4096) RbnPortMediumType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Medium type of NAS port." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), dsl(11), cable(12), wireless(13), satellite(14) } RbnUnsigned64 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "8d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unsigned 64 bit integer value is represented as an OCTET STRING. This allows an unsigned integer value in the range 0..18446744073709551615. The octets are ordered with the first octet containing the highest ordered bits of the integer and the 8th octet containing the lowest ordered bits, corresponding to network byte order." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(8)) END