XF-SOFTWARE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS entPhysicalIndex FROM ENTITY-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB OBJECT-GROUP, MODULE-COMPLIANCE FROM SNMPv2-CONF Integer32, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC xfPlatform, XfProductnumber, XfProductRevision FROM XF-TOP-MIB; -- xfSoftwareMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200803060000Z" -- March 06, 2008 at 00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "Ericsson-Norway" CONTACT-INFO " " DESCRIPTION "This MIB contains the objects which support software inventory information." REVISION "200803051803Z" -- March 05, 2008 at 18:03 GMT DESCRIPTION "N : Removed BITS" REVISION "200711261244Z" -- November 26, 2007 at 12:44 GMT DESCRIPTION "M Extended xfSwLmUpgradeOperStatus and xfSwReleaseOperStatus with ftp error codes" REVISION "200706110912Z" -- June 11, 2007 at 09:12 GMT DESCRIPTION " K added preparingForTest(9) to xfSwGlobalState" REVISION "200704100909Z" -- April 10, 2007 at 09:09 GMT DESCRIPTION "J Added extra value testingFromManual(8) to xfSwReleaseOperStatus Added xfSwGlobalState " REVISION "200306191030Z" -- June 19, 2003 at 10:30 GMT DESCRIPTION "D Changed description of xfSwNpuPassiveSwitch to state that a warm restart is required to activate the fallback Added noFailure(3) to xfSwLoadModuleFailure" REVISION "200203080841Z" -- March 08, 2002 at 08:41 GMT DESCRIPTION "C Changed contact info Added one state to the xfSWBoardStatus Added objects for multiple load modules per board and type of the load module. " REVISION "200201140911Z" -- January 14, 2002 at 09:11 GMT DESCRIPTION "B write to xfSwReleaseAdminStatus for active release has no effect Added conformance Change syntax for product number and revision Change name to xfSwBoardStatus" REVISION "200110101215Z" -- October 10, 2001 at 12:15 GMT DESCRIPTION "A Initial Revision" REVISION "200401301351Z" -- January 30, 2004 at 13:51 GMT DESCRIPTION "E Added objects for progress indication, Better fault indication. New release handling." REVISION "200408030823Z" -- August 03, 2004 at 08:23 GMT DESCRIPTION "F due to new scope in Neptune removed ..AdditionalInfo, xfSwLmUpgradeNewProductNumber and xfSwLmUpgrade/xfSwLoadModuleDescription. added xfSwReleaseSBLType and xfBoardTrafficDisturbance changed the values of xfSwLmUpgradeOper and AdminStatus. Removed not used values and removed 'holes' in the enum values." REVISION "200501310826Z" -- January 31, 2005 at 08:26 GMT DESCRIPTION "G Added xfSwLoadModuleDescription, minSoftwareRevision(5)to xfSwBoardStatus and xfSuLmUpgradeDescription" REVISION "200502090813Z" -- February 09, 2005 at 08:13 GMT DESCRIPTION "H reintroduced xfSwBoardLoadModuleIndex as index" ::= { xfPlatform 7 } -- -- Textual conventions -- -- Textual conventions -- -- -- XfSwRelease ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of one of the two software releases." SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2) XfSwEnableDisable ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This TC is used for objects that can have these values." SYNTAX INTEGER { enable(1), disable(2) } -- -- Node definitions -- -- Node definitions -- -- xfSwObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSoftwareMIB 1 } -- xfSwLoadModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XfSwLoadModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table contains information about the load modules that are part of the system releases as described by the xfSwReleaseTable." ::= { xfSwObjects 1 } -- xfSwLoadModuleEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwLoadModuleEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about 1 software load module." INDEX { xfSwRelease, xfSwLoadModuleIndex } ::= { xfSwLoadModuleTable 1 } XfSwLoadModuleEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xfSwRelease XfSwRelease, xfSwLoadModuleIndex Integer32, xfSwLoadModuleProductNumber XfProductnumber, xfSwLoadModuleRevision XfProductRevision, xfSwLoadModuleOperStatus INTEGER, xfSwLoadModuleFailure INTEGER, xfSwLoadModuleProgress Integer32, xfSwLoadModuleDescription SnmpAdminString } -- xfSwRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwRelease MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There are two software releases present on the node: - an active release, normally the most recent release and the one that is running - a passive release, that is the previous release or the one that is currently being download to upgrade the active release. xfSwRelease is an index into the active or passive release. xfSwActiveRelease indicates which release is active." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 1 } -- xfSwLoadModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Unique value within one release for each load module." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 2 } -- xfSwLoadModuleProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Product number of the load module. Normally something like 'CAXR102_012/1'." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 3 } -- xfSwLoadModuleRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the load module. Normally something like 'R1A'." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 4 } -- xfSwLoadModuleOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { passive(1), upgradeStarted(2), upgradeFinished(3), upgradeFailed(4), upgradeAborted(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the software upgrade process for this load module. passive(1) the load module is not involved in a upgrade process and is not active. I.e.it is part of the previous software release. upgradeStarted(2) a load module will have this status directly after the SBDF info for this module is loaded and the xfSwLoadModuleAdminStatus of the release was set to upgradeStarted. upgradeFinished(3) indicates that this load modules has been retrieved and burned into the flash memories. This is the state of load modules that are part of an active release. upgradeFailed(4) upgraded has failed for a reason, e.g. file transfer checksum was wrong, see xfSwLoadModuleFailure. upgradeAborted(5) when the manager has aborted the upgrade of the complete release whilst this load module wasn't upgradedFinished yet this will be its status. " ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 5 } -- -- xfSwLoadModuleFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { downloadFailure(1), programFailure(2), noFailure(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The objects specifies the cause of a software upgrade failure for this load module. " ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 6 } -- xfSwLoadModuleProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the progress in downloading the respective load module when part of an upgrade of an NE to a software baseline." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 8 } -- xfSwLoadModuleDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a textual description of the load module, indicating PIU type as stated by the entPhysicalDescription MO." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleEntry 9 } -- xfSwReleaseTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XfSwReleaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This contains the information on the active and passive software releases." ::= { xfSwObjects 2 } -- xfSwReleaseEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwReleaseEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a software release. There are always only two releases. For the active release write is possible but will have no impact and will result in a inconsistentValue error response." INDEX { xfSwReleaseIndex } ::= { xfSwReleaseTable 1 } XfSwReleaseEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xfSwReleaseIndex XfSwRelease, xfSwReleaseProductNumber XfProductnumber, xfSwReleaseRevision XfProductRevision, xfSwReleaseAdminStatus INTEGER, xfSwReleaseOperStatus INTEGER, xfSwReleaseSBLType INTEGER } -- xfSwReleaseIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwRelease MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the Release the info for which this row is applicable." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 1 } -- xfSwReleaseProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Product number of the installed software package in this release. Normally something like 'CAXR102 012/1'. For the active release this is a read-only object." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 2 } -- xfSwReleaseRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of the installed software package in this Release. Normally something like 'R1A'. For the active release this is a read-only object." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 3 } -- xfSwReleaseAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upgradeStarted(1), upgradeAborted(2), activeAndRunning(5), upgradeTest(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the desired status for this release. To start a software upgrade the manager has to set xfSwReleaseProductNumber and xfSwReleaseRevision. After that it will set this object to upgradeStarted. Which will lead to downloading the SBDF-file from the FTP Server. For the active release this is a read-only object." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 4 } -- xfSwReleaseOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { passive(1), upgradeStarted(2), upgradeFinished(3), testing(4), upgradeFailed(5), upgradeAborted(6), running(7), testingFromManual(8), errorInternal(50), errorFileStorage(51), ftpPingFailed(52), ftpNoAccess(53), ftpConnectionDetailsMissing(54), ftpConnectionDetailsInvalid(55), ftpConnectionTimeout(56), ftpNoSuchRemoteFile(57), ftpNoSuchRemoteDir(58), ftpServiceNotAvailable(421), ftpUnableToOpenDataConnection(425), ftpConnectionClosed(426), ftpFileBusy(450), ftpLocalError(451), ftpInsufficientStorageSpace(452), ftpSyntaxError(501), ftpCommandNotImplemented(502), ftpBadSequenceCommands(503), ftpParameterNotImplemented(504), ftpNoLoggedIn(530), ftpNeedAccount(532), ftpFileUnavailable(550), ftpExceededStorageAllocation(552), ftpFileNameNotAllowed(553) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of this release. passive(1) release not involved in upgrade and currently not running. upgradeStarted(2) the release is in the process of being upgraded upgradeFinished(3) All load modules of the release are downloaded and burned in the respective flash memories. testing(4) This release is running as test and not committed yet. upgradeFailed(5) The upgrade to this release failed, e.g. due to FTP server failure. upgradeAborted(6) The manager has order to abort the upgrade to this release. running(7) This is the release that is running now and all new boards should upgrade to. testingFromManual(8) Same as value testing(4) but indicating that this a test phase after a SBL from Manual mode. As such a fall-back will result in manual mode, i.e. no SBL. The 50 series errors are reported by the FTP client on the node. errorInternalError(50) An internal error detected before FTP operation. errorFileStorage(51) Error when erasing flash to store the downloaded file at the node. ftpPingFailed(52) FTP ping failed. ftpNoAccess(53) Not able to send the FTP commands. ftpConnectionDetailsMissing(54) FTP connection details are missing. ftpConnectionDetailsInvalid(55) FTP connection details are invalid. ftpConnectionTimeout(56) FTP connection timeout is detected. ftpNoSuchRemoteFile(57) No such remote file exists. ftpNoSuchRemoteDir(58) No such remote directory exists. The 400 series errors occur when the command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place, but the error condition is temporary and the action may be requested again. ftpServiceNotAvailable(421) Service not available, closing control connection. This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down. Possible causes are transfer timeouts and/or FTP server resets. ftpUnableToOpenDataConnection(425) Can't open data connection. Try changing from PASV to PORT mode. ftpConnectionClosed(426) Connection closed and file transfer is aborted. Possible causes are out of local diskspace and loss of connection. ftpFileBusy(450) Requested file action not taken. File unavailable (e.g file busy). ftpLocalError(451) Requested action aborted due to local error in processing. ftpInsufficienStorageSpace(452) Requested action not taken due to insufficient storage space on the server. The 500 series errors occur when the command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place. ftpSyntaxError(501) FTP Syntax error in parameters or arguments. ftpCommandNotImplemented(502) FTP Command not implemented. ftpBadSequenceCommands(503) Bad sequence of the FTP commands. ftpParameterNotImplemented(504) FTP command not implemented for that parameter. ftpNotLoggedIn(530) Not logged in. Your username and/or password is being rejected, contact the server adminstrator. ftpNeedAccount(532) Need account for storing files. ftpFileUnavailable(550) Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g.file not found, no access). Contact the server adminstrator. ftpExceededStorageAllocation(552) Requested file action aborted.Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or data set). Contact the server adminstrator. ftpFileNameNotAllowed(553) Requested action not taken. File name not allowed. Try changing the file name or getting rid of spaces in the file name." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 5 } -- xfSwReleaseSBLType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { definedByEricsson(1), definedByOperator(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether the SBL information in the SBDF is generated by Ericsson or by an operator. This is based on a check of the SBDF. Of course this will only be a reliable object when the software can distinguish between Ericsson and operator defined SBDFs, i.e. upgrading from R2A." ::= { xfSwReleaseEntry 6 } -- xfSwActiveRelease OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwRelease MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates which of the two Releases is active at the moment, i.e. active is the software actually running." ::= { xfSwObjects 3 } -- xfSwBootTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates when the XF NE will warm restart to test the new software release. If all fields have value 0 an immediate boot will be performed." ::= { xfSwObjects 4 } -- xfSwCommitType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { operatorCommit(1), nodeCommit(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "In case of a scheduled restart, i.e. valid date and time in xfSwBootTime, two different commit procedures can be followed: operatorCommit(1) The manager commits the software release under test by setting the xfSwRelease- AdminState to activeAndRunning. nodeCommit(2) The release under test is accepted when the node is able to establish contact through the DCN with an external IP-address. Default values is operatorCommit(1)." ::= { xfSwObjects 5 } -- xfSwBoardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XfSwBoardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table holds the information about software present on the boards in the XF-NE. Boards without software will not be in this table." ::= { xfSwObjects 6 } -- xfSwBoardEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwBoardEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry in the table." INDEX { entPhysicalIndex, xfSwLoadModuleIndex } ::= { xfSwBoardTable 1 } XfSwBoardEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xfSwBoardLoadModuleIndex Integer32, xfSwBoardLoadModuleType OBJECT IDENTIFIER, xfSwBoardProductNumber XfProductnumber, xfSwBoardRevision XfProductRevision, xfSwBoardStatus INTEGER, xfSwBoardSuProgress Integer32, xfSwBoardMinProductNumber XfProductnumber, xfSwBoardMinRevision XfProductRevision, xfSwBoardTrafficDisturbance INTEGER } -- xfSwBoardLoadModuleIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..10) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index to the load module on the board. A board may contain more than one load module. " ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 1 } -- xfSwBoardLoadModuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object indicates of what type the software is, like DP (Device Processor) or FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) or another type. New type can be defined by defining a new OID in a other MIB. " ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 2 } -- xfSwBoardProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a string indicating the product number of the software in the active flash memory. " ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 3 } -- xfSwBoardRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a string indicating the revision of the software in the active flash memory." ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 4 } -- xfSwBoardStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), active(2), upgrading(3), wrongSoftware(4), minSoftwareRevision(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the software on the board: Unknown(1) The status of the software is unknown for example at startup. Active(2) Software on the board is OK and running Upgrading(3) Software is in the process of being upgraded WrongSoftware(4) Wrong software on the board and for some reason not being upgraded yet. MinSoftware revision(5) The board was tried to downgrade to a software revision that is not compatible with the hardware. The xfSwBoardStatus is only of use in case version control is enabled. If version control is not enabled the unit will always runs its software." ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 5 } -- xfSwBoardSuProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the progress of the software upgrade process for each individual PIU. This indicates both flash erasing and programming. This object indicates this for both upgrade to a baseline as well as for inserted PIUs. In case the software upgrade of the board takes less than 10 seconds this objects will directly go to 100%." ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 6 } -- xfSwBoardMinProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a string indicating the product number of the minimally acceptable software revision for this unit type/variant. " ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 7 } -- xfSwBoardMinRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a string indicating the revision of the minimally acceptable software revision for this unit type/variant." ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 8 } -- xfSwBoardTrafficDisturbance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disturbing(2), notDisturbing(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates that software upgrade of this load module on this unit might lead to traffic disturbance. This could for example happen in the exceptional case where the load module includes FPGA code for the traffic system." ::= { xfSwBoardEntry 9 } -- xfSwNpuObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSwObjects 7 } -- Software related objects specific for NPU. The NPU is the only PIU -- for which the passive memory bank is of interest to external -- management, since a fall-back to it can be performed. -- -- xfSwNpuPassiveProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Product number of NPU software in passive bank." ::= { xfSwNpuObjects 1 } -- xfSwNpuPassiveRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision of software in passive bank on NPU." ::= { xfSwNpuObjects 2 } -- xfSwNpuPassiveSwitch OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { switch(1) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object can be used to switch the NPU passive software. As a safety precaution this object is only available when the node is in installation mode or when the node is accessed through the USB port (if present). A warm restart is required to activate the fallback. A switch leads to all xfSwUpgradePreferences being set to their default values, i.e. no version control." ::= { xfSwNpuObjects 3 } -- xfSwLoadModuleTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSwObjects 8 } -- The following software types where known at time of definition -- of this MIB. -- -- xfDeviceProcessorSoftware OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used for DP software load modules." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleTypes 1 } -- xfPciFpgaCode OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Used for PCI FPGA load modules." ::= { xfSwLoadModuleTypes 2 } -- xfSwUpgradePreferences OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSwObjects 9 } -- These objects are used to configure the software -- upgrade process, i.e. all from only informing to -- total control. -- -- xfSwVersionControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwEnableDisable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable/disable version control. Default: disable." ::= { xfSwUpgradePreferences 1 } -- xfSwAutoUpgrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwEnableDisable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable/disable automatic software upgrade. In case xfSwVersionControl is enabled a change of the value will cause all PIUs to be checked again. Default: disable." ::= { xfSwUpgradePreferences 2 } -- xfSwAutoDowngrade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwEnableDisable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable/disable automatic software downgrade. In case xfSwVersionControl is enabled a change of the value will cause all PIUs to be checked again. Default: disable." ::= { xfSwUpgradePreferences 3 } -- xfSwAcceptFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwEnableDisable MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Used to enable/disable setting of new PIUs, that fail to up/downgrade, in 'out of service'. PIUs that are out of service will not be taken into service on the disable/enable transistion. Default: enable." ::= { xfSwUpgradePreferences 4 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF XfSwLmUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is used to upgrade a single load module. For each known load module an entry is present." ::= { xfSwObjects 10 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfSwLmUpgradeEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Entry in the table." INDEX { xfSwLmUpgradeIndex } ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeTable 1 } XfSwLmUpgradeEntry ::= SEQUENCE { xfSwLmUpgradeIndex Integer32, xfSwLmUpgradeProductNumber XfProductnumber, xfSwLmUpgradeRevision XfProductRevision, xfSwLmUpgradeAdminStatus INTEGER, xfSwLmUpgradeOperStatus INTEGER, xfSwLmUpgradeProgress Integer32, xfSwLmUpgradeFailure INTEGER, xfSwLmUpgradeDescription SnmpAdminString } -- xfSwLmUpgradeIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (1..100) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects used to index the table." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 1 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductnumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Product number of the load module. Normally something like 'CAXR102_012/1'." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 3 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX XfProductRevision MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Revision to which the load module should be upgraded. Normally something like 'R1A'." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 4 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { upgradeStarted(1), upgradeAborted(2), activeAndRunning(3), upgradeTest(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the desired status for this release. To start a software upgrade the manager has to set xfSwLmUpgradeRevision. After that it will set this object to upgradeStarted. Which will lead to downloading the SBDF-file from the FTP Server. For the active release write is possible but will have no impact." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 6 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), upgradeStarted(2), upgradeFinished(3), upgradeTested(4), upgradeFailed(5), upgradeAborted(6), errorInternalError(50), errorFileStorage(51), ftpPingFailed(52), ftpNoAccess(53), ftpConnectionDetailsMissing(54), ftpConnectionDetailsInvalid(55), ftpConnectionTimeout(56), ftpNoSuchRemoteFile(57), ftpNoSuchRemoteDir(58), ftpServiceNotAvailable(421), ftpUnableToOpenDataConnection(425), ftpConnectionClosed(426), ftpFileBusy(450), ftpLocalError(451), ftpInsufficienStorageSpace(452), ftpSyntaxError(501), ftpCommandNotImplemented(502), ftpBadSequenceCommands(503), ftpParameterNotImplemented(504), ftpNotLoggedIn(530), ftpNeedAccount(532), ftpFileUnavailable(550), ftpExceededStorageAllocation(552), ftpFileNameNotAllowed(553) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the status of the software upgrade process for this load module. active(1) the load module is active and running on the PIU. upgradeStarted(2) a load module will have this status directly after the SRDF info for this module is loaded and the xfSwLmUpgradeAdminStatus of the release was set to upgradeStarted. upgradeFinished(3) indicates that this load modules has been retreived and burned into the flash memories.This is the state of load modules that are part of an active release. upgradeTested(4) This release is running as test and not committed yet. upgradeFailed(5) upgraded has failed for a reason, e.g. file transfer checksum was wrong, see xfSwLmUpgradeFailure. upgradeAborted(6) when the manager has aborted the upgrade of the complete release whilst this load module wasn't upgradedFinished yet this will be its status. The 50 series errors are reported by the FTP client on the node. errorInternalError(50) An internal error detected before FTP operation. errorFileStorage(51) Error when erasing flash to store the downloaded file at the node. ftpPingFailed(52) FTP ping failed. ftpNoAccess(53) Not able to send the FTP commands. ftpConnectionDetailsMissing(54) FTP connection details are missing. ftpConnectionDetailsInvalid(55) FTP connection details are invalid. ftpConnectionTimeout(56) FTP connection timeout is detected. ftpNoSuchRemoteFile(57) No such remote file exists. ftpNoSuchRemoteDir(58) No such remote directory exists. The 400 series errors occur when the command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place, but the error condition is temporary and the action may be requested again. ftpServiceNotAvailable(421) Service not available, closing control connection. This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it must shut down. Possible causes are transfer timeouts and/or FTP server resets. ftpUnableToOpenDataConnection(425) Can't open data connection. Try changing from PASV to PORT mode. ftpConnectionClosed(426) Connection closed and file transfer is aborted. Possible causes are out of local diskspace and loss of connection. ftpFileBusy(450) Requested file action not taken. File unavailable (e.g file busy). ftpLocalError(451) Requested action aborted due to local error in processing. ftpInsufficienStorageSpace(452) Requested action not taken due to insufficient storage space on the server. The 500 series errors occur when the command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place. ftpSyntaxError(501) FTP Syntax error in parameters or arguments. ftpCommandNotImplemented(502) FTP Command not implemented. ftpBadSequenceCommands(503) Bad sequence of the FTP commands. ftpParameterNotImplemented(504) FTP command not implemented for that parameter. ftpNotLoggedIn(530) Not logged in. Your username and/or password is being rejected, contact the server adminstrator. ftpNeedAccount(532) Need account for storing files. ftpFileUnavailable(550) Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g.file not found, no access). Contact the server adminstrator. ftpExceededStorageAllocation(552) Requested file action aborted.Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or data set). Contact the server adminstrator. ftpFileNameNotAllowed(553) Requested action not taken. File name not allowed. Try changing the file name or getting rid of spaces in the file name. " ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 7 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeProgress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100) UNITS "percent" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates the progress in downloading the respective load module when part of an upgrade of an inserted PIU." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 8 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { downloadFailure(1), programFailure(2), noFailure(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the cause of a software upgrade failure. " ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 9 } -- xfSwLmUpgradeDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..30)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates a textual description of the load module, indicating PIU type as stated by the entPhysicalDescription MO." ::= { xfSwLmUpgradeEntry 10 } -- xfSwGlobalState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { noUpgrade(0), sblStarted(1), sblWaitForActivate(2), sblWaitForCommit(3), manualStarted(4), manualWaitForActivate(5), manualWaitForCommit(6), unitUpgrade(7), cachingLoadModules(8), preparingForTest(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This objecty indicates the global state of the Software Upgrade process. noUpgrade(0), no Software upgrade ongoing sblStarted(1), a SBL upgrade is started and SBDF and Load Modules are downloading sblWaitForActivate(2), a SBL upgrade is finished and waiting for an activation sblWaitForCommit(3), a SBL upgrade is in test phase and waiting for commit manualStarted(4), a manual upgrade is started and Load Modules are downloading manualWaitForActivate(5), a manual upgrade is finished and waiting for an activation manualWaitForCommit(6), a manual upgrade is in test phase and waiting for commit unitUpgrade(7), an unit is inserted and in the process of upgrading cachingLoadModules(8), software upgrade is in the process of downloading the load modules for cache. preparingForTest(9), a period after a power-up/restart the node prepares to enter the test phase. During this period some units might restart and it is not possible to commit the software upgrade." ::= { xfSwObjects 11 } -- xfSwConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSoftwareMIB 2 } -- xfSwCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSwConformance 1 } -- this module -- this module -- xfSwFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement everything." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { xfSwGroup, xSwGroupR2 } ::= { xfSwCompliances 1 } -- xfSwGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { xfSwConformance 2 } -- xfSwGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { xfSwRelease, xfSwLoadModuleIndex, xfSwLoadModuleProductNumber, xfSwLoadModuleRevision, xfSwLoadModuleOperStatus, xfSwReleaseIndex, xfSwReleaseProductNumber, xfSwReleaseRevision, xfSwReleaseAdminStatus, xfSwReleaseOperStatus, xfSwActiveRelease, xfSwBootTime, xfSwCommitType, xfSwBoardProductNumber, xfSwBoardRevision, xfSwNpuPassiveProductNumber, xfSwNpuPassiveSwitch, xfSwLoadModuleFailure, xfSwNpuPassiveRevision, xfSwBoardStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Group of all software related objects." ::= { xfSwGroups 1 } -- xSwGroupR2 OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { xfSwBoardSuProgress, xfSwLmUpgradeIndex, xfSwLmUpgradeProductNumber, xfSwLmUpgradeRevision, xfSwLmUpgradeAdminStatus, xfSwLmUpgradeOperStatus, xfSwBoardMinProductNumber, xfSwBoardMinRevision, xfSwVersionControl, xfSwLoadModuleProgress, xfSwLmUpgradeFailure, xfSwBoardTrafficDisturbance, xfSwReleaseSBLType, xfSwLmUpgradeProgress, xfSwAutoUpgrade, xfSwAutoDowngrade, xfSwGlobalState, xfSwAcceptFailure, xfSwLoadModuleDescription, xfSwLmUpgradeDescription } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "All objects added for MINI-LINK Traffic Node R2." ::= { xfSwGroups 2 } -- xfSwObsoleteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { xfSwBoardLoadModuleIndex, xfSwBoardLoadModuleType } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Description." ::= { xfSwGroups 3 } END -- -- 10_19603-crxr10201_1_software.mi2 --