-- MIB File: BROCADE-CONTEXT-MAPPING-MIB.mib -- ********************************************************************* -- BROCADE-CONTEXT-MAPPING-MIB.mib: Extreme SNMP Context Mapping MIB -- -- June 2015, Prabhu Sundaram -- -- Copyright (c) 2018 Extreme Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ********************************************************************* BROCADE-CONTEXT-MAPPING-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB RowStatus, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC bcsiModules FROM Brocade-REG-MIB; brocadeContextMappingMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201805291200Z" -- May 29, 2018 12:00pm ORGANIZATION "Extreme Networks, Inc." CONTACT-INFO "Postal: Extreme Networks, Inc. 6480 Via Del Oro San Jose, CA 95119 USA Phone: +1 408 579-2800 E-mail: support@extremenetworks.com WWW: http://www.extremenetworks.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB module is for the management of the SNMP context in the Extreme managed entities. An SNMP context, or just 'context' for short, is a collection of management information accessible by an SNMP entity. An item of management information may exist in more than one context. An SNMP entity potentially has access to many contexts. While SNMP context itself is generically defined to cater to the access of multiple instances of the MIB modules and management information, it is required to define what 'context' means for a given managed entity. This MIB module provides the management of such context. As technology evolves, the definition of the context can evolve and hence such definition should be extensible. The context referred in this management module is same as 'contextName' as defined in the SNMPv3 PDU and also maps to the 'snmpCommunityContextName' of snmpCommunityTable in 'SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB'. The rest of the elements of procedure described for processing SNMP PDU remains the same. Glossary of the terms used in this MIB: -------------------------------------- SNMP Context - Name of the SNMP context name used in SNMPv3 PDU/SNMPv2 community mapping. VRF - Virtual Routing and Forwarding. " REVISION "201805291200Z" -- May 29, 2018 12:00pm DESCRIPTION "Updated ORGANIZATION and CONTACT-INFO with Extreme Networks" REVISION "201506180000Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial version of this MIB module." ::= { bcsiModules 7 } bContextMapMIBNotifs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { brocadeContextMappingMIB 0 } bContextMapMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { brocadeContextMappingMIB 1 } bContextMapMIBConform OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { brocadeContextMappingMIB 2 } bcmContexMapConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bContextMapMIBObjects 1 } bcmContextMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF BcmContextMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tabe that provides the mapping of SNMP context represented by the value of (vacmContextName) to the various entities within the entities within the managed device." --/ REFERENCE -- "D. Harrington, 'An Architecture for Describing Simple Network -- Management Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks', -- RFC 3411, Dec 2002." ::= { bcmContexMapConfig 1 } bcmContextMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BcmContextMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A conceptual entry (row) of this table. Each entry represents a Context and has all the mapping information of the managed device." INDEX { bcmContextMappingVacmContextName } ::= { bcmContextMappingTable 1 } BcmContextMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { bcmContextMappingVacmContextName SnmpAdminString, bcmContextMappingVrfName SnmpAdminString, bcmContextMappingStorageType StorageType, bcmContextMappingRowStatus RowStatus } bcmContextMappingVacmContextName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The vacmContextName given to the SNMP context. This is a human readable name identifying a particular SNMP VACM context at a particular SNMP entity. The empty contextName (zero length) represents the default context." ::= { bcmContextMappingEntry 1 } bcmContextMappingVrfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object specifies the VRF name mapped to this 'context'." ::= { bcmContextMappingEntry 2 } bcmContextMappingStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row." DEFVAL { nonVolatile } ::= { bcmContextMappingEntry 3 } bcmContextMappingRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object facilitates the creation, modification or deletion of a conceptual row in this table." ::= { bcmContextMappingEntry 4 } -- -- Conformance -- brocadeContextMapMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bContextMapMIBConform 1 } brocadeContextMapMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { bContextMapMIBConform 2 } brocadeContextMapMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for entities which implement BROCADE-CONEXT-MAPPING-MIB." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { brocadeContextMapConfigGroup } OBJECT bcmContextMappingRowStatus SYNTAX INTEGER { active (1), createAndGo (4), destroy (6) } DESCRIPTION "Only 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and 'active' need to be supported." ::= { brocadeContextMapMIBCompliances 1 } -- -- Units of Conformance -- brocadeContextMapConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { bcmContextMappingVrfName, bcmContextMappingStorageType, bcmContextMappingRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects for the management of the Extreme SNMP context Mapping." ::= { brocadeContextMapMIBGroups 1 } END