--/* -- * -- * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2002 by Extreme Networks Inc. -- * -- * Extreme Networks -- * http://www.extremenetworks.com -- * -- * extracted from $Extreme_Id: extreme.mib,v 2006/01/09 15:15:18 build-sc Exp $ -- * -- */ -- << end >> -- ============================================================================ -- -- Extreme Traps -- EXTREME-TRAP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS extremenetworks, extremeV1Traps FROM EXTREME-BASE-MIB extremeSlotNumber FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremeSlotModuleConfiguredType FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremeSlotModuleInsertedType FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremeSlotModuleState FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremePowerSupplyNumber, extremeFanNumber FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremeCurrentTemperature FROM EXTREME-SYSTEM-MIB extremeEsrpGroup, extremeEsrpState, extremeEsrpNetAddress FROM EXTREME-ESRP-MIB extremeEsrpActivePorts, extremeEsrpInternalActivePorts FROM EXTREME-ESRP-MIB extremeEsrpTrackedActivePorts, extremeEsrpTrackedIpRoutes FROM EXTREME-ESRP-MIB extremeVlanIfIndex, extremeVlanIfDescr FROM EXTREME-VLAN-MIB extremeEdpPortIfIndex, extremeEdpNeighborId, extremeEdpEntryAge, extremeEdpNeighborVlanName, extremeEdpNeighborVlanIpAddress FROM EXTREME-EDP-MIB sysUpTime, sysDescr, ifPhysAddress, ifDescr FROM RFC1213-MIB ifAlias FROM IF-MIB NOTIFICATION-TYPE FROM SNMPv2-SMI; extremeOverheat NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremeCurrentTemperature } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A overheat trap indicates that the on board tempature sensor has reported a overheat condition. System will shutdown until unit has suficiently cooled such that operation may begin again. A cold start trap will be issued when the unit has come back on line." ::= {extremeV1Traps 6} extremeFanfailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremeFanNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fan failed trap indicates one or more of the cooling fans inside the device has failed. A fanOK trap will be sent once the fan has attained normal operation." ::= {extremeV1Traps 7} extremeFanOK NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremeFanNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fan has transitioned out of a failure state and is now operating correctly." ::= {extremeV1Traps 8} extremeInvalidLoginAttempt NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A user attempted to login to console or by telnet but was refused access due to incorrect username or password" ::= {extremeV1Traps 9} extremePowerSupplyFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremePowerSupplyNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more sources of power to this agent has failed. Presumably a redundant power-supply has taken over." ::= {extremeV1Traps 10} extremePowerSupplyGood NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremePowerSupplyNumber } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more previously bad sources of power to this agent has come back to life without causing an agent restart." ::= {extremeV1Traps 11} extremeRpsAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attached Redundant Power Supply device is indicating an alarm condition." ::= {extremeV1Traps 12} extremeRpsNoAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Attached Redundant Power Supply device is no longer indicating an alarm condition." ::= {extremeV1Traps 13} -- -- SmartTrap definition -- extremeSmartTrap NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, sysDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies that the value of one of the object identifiers (or the value of an object below that in the MIB tree) defined in the extremeSmartTrapRulesTable has changed, and hence a new entry has been created in the extremeSmartTrapInstanceTable. Such a trap is sent at most once every thirty seconds if one or more entry was created in the last thirty seconds." ::= {extremeV1Traps 14} -- -- Traps for Black Diamond -- extremeModuleStateChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { sysUpTime, extremeSlotNumber, extremeSlotModuleConfiguredType, extremeSlotModuleInsertedType, extremeSlotModuleState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies that the value of the extremeSlotModuleState for the specified extremeSlotNumber has changed." ::= {extremeV1Traps 15} -- extremeModuleOverheat TRAP-TYPE -- ENTERPRISE extremenetworks -- VARIABLES {sysUpTime, extremeSlotNumber } -- DESCRIPTION -- "Signifies that the temperature sensor on the module -- inside this slot has reported an Overheat condition." -- ::= 16 extremeEsrpStateChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {sysUpTime, sysDescr, extremeVlanIfIndex, extremeVlanIfDescr, extremeEsrpGroup, extremeEsrpState, extremeEsrpNetAddress, ifPhysAddress, extremeEsrpActivePorts, extremeEsrpInternalActivePorts, extremeEsrpTrackedActivePorts, extremeEsrpTrackedIpRoutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signifies Esrp state change" ::= {extremeV1Traps 17} extremeSlbUnitAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The server load balancer has activated a group of virtual servers that it normally would not activate. This may be due to the failure of another server load balancer." ::= {extremeV1Traps 18} extremeSlbUnitRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The server load balancer has deactivated a group of virtual servers that it normally has active. This indicates that something is wrong in the server load balancer; for example, its ping check may be failing." ::= {extremeV1Traps 19} extremeEdpNeighborAdded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {sysUpTime, extremeEdpPortIfIndex, extremeEdpNeighborId, extremeEdpEntryAge, ifAlias, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This node discovers a new neighbor through Extreme Discovery Protocol." ::= {extremeV1Traps 20} extremeEdpNeighborRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS {sysUpTime, extremeEdpPortIfIndex, extremeEdpNeighborId, extremeEdpEntryAge, ifAlias, ifDescr } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No EDP updates are received from this neighbor within the configured timeout period and this neighbor entry is aged out by the device." ::= {extremeV1Traps 21} END