-- ***************************************************************** -- MeruNetworks Text Convention MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2005 by MeruNetworks -- All rights reserved -- -- ***************************************************************** MERU-TC DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC meru-modules FROM MERU-SMI; meruTextualConventions MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200506050000Z" ORGANIZATION "Meru Networks" CONTACT-INFO "support@merunetworks.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB defines all the managed objects used to manage the Meru WLAN infrastructure" ::= { meru-modules 1 } MwlAclEnvState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes ACL Environment State" SYNTAX INTEGER { aclEnvDisabled (0), -- Disabled aclEnvAllow (1), -- Permit List Enabled aclEnvDeny (2) -- Deny List Enabled } MwlAddressAssignmentType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP Address Assignment Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipAssignmentStatic (1), -- Static IP address assigned ipAssignmentDynamic (2), -- IP address discovered ipAssignmentDynamicDhcp (3), -- DHCP ipAssignmentUnknown (4) -- Unknown } MwlAddressIfAssignmentType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Interface IP Address Assignment Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ifIpAssignmentNone (0), -- No IP address assigned ifIpAssignmentStatic (1), -- Static IP address assigned ifIpAssignmentDhcp (2) -- DHCP } MwlApIpAssignmentType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP IP Address Assignment Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { apIpAssignmentNone (0), -- No IP apIpAssignmentStatic (1), -- Static IP apIpAssignmentDhcp (2) -- DHCP } MwlAdministrativeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Administrative State for Controller" SYNTAX INTEGER { adminStateUnlocked (1), -- Unlocked adminStateLocked (2), -- Locked adminStateShuttingDown (3), -- ShuttingDown adminStateUnknown (4), -- Unknown adminStateForceShuttingDown (5) -- Force Shutting Down } MwlAdmissionControl ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Quality-of-Service Admission Control" SYNTAX INTEGER { admitall (0), -- Admit all pendingflag (1), -- Request Pending rejectflag (2) -- Reject Request } MwlAntennaSet ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Antenna Set Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { antennaSetUnknown (0), -- Unknown antenna antennaSetInternal (1), -- Fixed antennaSetExternal (2), -- External antennaSetExternalDualMode (3), -- External Dual-Mode antennaSetRsAntenna (4) -- RS-Antenna } MwlApAssignType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Assignment Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { assignApUnknown (0), -- Unknown AP type siblingAp (1), -- Sibling AP assignedAp (2), -- Assigned Station discoveredAp (3) -- Discovered AP or Station } MwlApType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { apUnknown (0), -- Unknown AP type apStation (1), -- Station apAccessPoint (2) -- Access point } MwlApIndoorOutdoorType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Location Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { apIndoor (0), -- Indoor AP apOutdoor (1) -- Outdoor AP } MwlApMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Modes" SYNTAX INTEGER { apModeService (1), -- Service Mode apModeScanRogues (100), -- ScanRogues Mode apModeScanSpectrum (101) -- ScanSpectrum Mode } MwlAuthenticationAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Authentication Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsAuthenticationAlg8021x (1), -- 802.1x nmsAuthenticationAlgMd5 (2), -- MD5 nmsAuthenticationAlgTls (3), -- TLS nmsAuthenticationAlgTtls (4), -- TTLS nmsAuthenticationAlgPeap (5), -- PEAP nmsAuthenticationAlgWeb (6) -- WEB } MwlAuthenticationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Authentication Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsAuthenticationTypeLocal (1), -- local nmsAuthenticationTypeRadius (2), -- radius nmsAuthenticationTypeTacacs (3) -- tacacs+ } MwlManagementFrameProtection ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Management Frame Protection Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsManagementFrameProtectionTypeDisable (0), -- disable nmsManagementFrameProtectionTypeCapable (1), -- capable nmsManagementFrameProtectionTypeRequired (2) -- required } MwlCaptivePortalAuthenticationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Captive Portal Authentication Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsCaptivePortalAuthenticationTypeRadius (0), -- radius nmsCaptivePortalAuthenticationTypeLocal (1), -- local nmsCaptivePortalAuthenticationTypeLocalRadius (2) -- local and radius } MwlCaptivePortalExternalServerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes External Server Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsCpExternalServerFortinetConnect (0), -- Fortinet-Connect nmsCpExternalServerFortinetPresence (1) -- Fortinet-Presence } MwlCaptivePortalModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Captive Portal Mode Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsCaptivePortalModeTypeDefault (0), -- default nmsCaptivePortalModeTypeCustom (1) -- custom } MwlAuthSuiteBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Authentication Suites" SYNTAX BITS { authNone (0), -- None authEap (1), -- EAP authPsk (2), -- Pre-shared Key authCert (3), -- Cert-Auth authAll (4) -- All } MwlActionStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Action status. Currently used by reboot only" SYNTAX INTEGER { actionNone (0), -- None actionStart (1), -- Start actionStop (2), -- Stop actionInProgress (3), -- InProgress actionError (4), -- Error actionDone (5), -- Done actionForceStart (6) -- Start } MwlAlarmState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Alarm State" SYNTAX INTEGER { alarmStateNoAlarm (1), -- No Alarm alarmStateMinor (2), -- Minor alarmStateMajor (3), -- Major alarmStateCritical (4) -- Critical } MwlNotificationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Notification Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { notifUnknown (0), -- Unknown notifLinkDown (101), -- Link Down notifApDown (102), -- AP Down notifApWirelessIfDown (103), -- AP Wireless Interface Down notifApSoftwareVersionMismatch (104), -- AP Software Version Mismatch notifSoftwareLicenseExpired (105), -- Software License Expired notifSoftwareLicenseViolated (106), -- Software License Violated notifMasterDown (107), -- N+1 detected MASTER Down notifApWirelessIfStationCapacityFull (108), -- AP Wireless If Station Capacity Full notifWncMemoryUsageHigh (109),-- Controller Memory Usage High notifWncCpuUsageHigh (110), -- Controller CPU Usage High notifApMemoryUsageHigh (111), -- AP Memory Usage High notifApCpuUsageHigh (112), -- AP CPU Usage High notifDhcpAddressPoolExhausted (113), -- DHCP Address Pool Exhausted notifWatchdogFailure (114), -- Watchdog Failure notifApRadioCardFailure (115),-- AP Radio Card Failure notifRadiusServerFailure (116), -- Radius Server Failed notifRogueApDetected (117), -- Rogue AP Detected notifApRuntimeError (118), -- AP Runtime Error notifAlarmHistoryFull (119), -- Alarm History Full notifEventLogFull (120), -- Event Log Full notifPowerModuleFailure (121),-- Power Module Failure notifFanModuleFailure (122), -- Fan Module Failure notifApWirelessIfDownDuetoFallbackChannelNotFound (123), -- AP Wireless Interface Down notifApLicenseExceeded (124), -- AP License Exceeded notifNewApPostChPl (125), -- New AP in the network after channel planning notifAdminLoginFailure (201), -- Admin Login Failure notif8021xAuthFailure (202), -- 802.1x Authentication Failure notifTkipIntegrityCheckFailure (203), -- TKIP Message Integrity Check Failure notifMicCounterMeasureActivation (204), -- MIC Counter Measure Activation notifCacLimitReached (205), -- CAC limit is reached notifControllerIpAddressChange (206), -- Controller IP Address Change notifDfsChannelUpdate (207), -- DFS Channel Update notifCertificateError (208), -- Certificate Error notifCertificateInstalled (209), -- Certificate Installed notifRadiusServerSwitchover (210), -- Radius Server Switchover notifRadiusServerSwitchoverFailure (211), -- Accounting Radius Server Switchover notifAlarmHistoryThresholdExceed (212), -- Alarm History Reached Threshold notifEventLogThresholdExceed (213), -- Event Log Reaches Threshold notifRadiusServerRestored (214), -- Primary Radius Server Restored notifSystemIdChanged (215), -- System ID Changed notifInterferenceDetected (216), -- Interference detected notifHighChannelUtilization (217), -- High Channel Utilization notifLowChannelQuality (218), -- Low Channel Quality notifNoLicenseEnforcementExpired (219), -- notifPowerNotAtDisableLacp (220), -- notifSwitchNotSupportDisableLacp (221), -- notifAp822HwRevNotSupported (222), -- notifOap832PowerNotSupported (223), -- PowerSuppyType 802.3af notifReinitDb (224), -- Reinit of DB notifApModelNotSupported (225), -- AP model not supported notifServiceDown (226), -- Service Down notifPlanningChannelBad (227),-- Planning channel not good notifImproperApRfPositioning (228), -- RF positioning of AP is not proper notifMcaChannelChange (229), -- Channel changed due to dynamic update from ARRP notifApPowerChanged (230) -- } MwlNotificationSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Notification Severity" SYNTAX INTEGER { notificationSevInfo (0), -- Information notificationSevMajor (1), -- Major notificationSevMinor (2), -- Minor notificationSevCritical (3), -- Critical notificationSevClear (4), -- Clear notificationSevUpdate (5) -- Update } MwlAntenna ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Antenna Sides" SYNTAX INTEGER { antennaNothing (0), -- None antenna1 (1), -- Left antenna2 (2), -- Right antennaBoth (3), -- Both antennaAll (4) -- All } MwlAssignmentAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Assignment Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { assignmentAlgoRssi (1), -- RSSI assignmentAlgoPressure (2), -- Pressure assignmentAlgoActivity (3), -- Activity assignmentAlgoRssiTrending (4), -- RSSI Trending assignmentAlgoAvailRsrc (5), -- Avail Rsrc assignmentAlgoUnknown (6) -- Unknown } MwlAssociationState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Association State" SYNTAX INTEGER { assocstateprobing (0), -- Probing assocstateauthentication (1), -- Authenticating assocstateassociated (2) -- Associated } MwlApAuthState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Aithentication State" SYNTAX INTEGER { apAuthKeyed (0), -- Authorized apAuthNokey (1), -- Authorization Denied apUnauth (2) -- No Authentication Attempted } MwlAvailabilityStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Availability Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { availStatusPowerOff (1), -- Power off availStatusOffline (2), -- Offline availStatusOnline (3), -- Online availStatusFailed (4), -- Failed availStatusInTest (5), -- In Test availStatusNotInstalled (6) -- Not Installed } MwlBeaconCoordinationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Beacon Coordination Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { beaconCoordinationModeCoordinated (0), -- centralized beaconCoordinationModeLocal (1), -- Beacon coordination performed locally beaconCoordinationModeDistributed (2) -- distributed } MwlBlock ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Rogue AP blocking" SYNTAX INTEGER { blockNone (0), -- No mitigation blockSelected (1), -- Block only BSSIDs in blocked list blockAll (2), -- Block all BSSIDs that are not in the ACL wiredRogue (3) -- Block Clients seen on the wire } MwlCoordAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Coordination Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { coordAlgoDefault (1), -- Default coordAlgoUnknown (2) -- Unknown } MwlCypherSuiteBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Cypher Suites" SYNTAX BITS { cypherNone (0), -- None cypherWep40 (1), -- WEP64 cypherWep104 (2), -- WEP128 cypherTkip (4), -- TKIP cypherCcmp (8), -- CCMP-AES cypherCcmpTkip (16), -- CCMP/TKIP cypherWpiSms4 (32), -- WPI-SMS4 cypherClear (64), -- Clear cypherAll (127) -- all } MwlL2BridgingsBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX BITS { bridgingNone (0), -- None bridgingAirf (1), -- AirFortress bridgingIpv6 (2), -- IPV6 bridgingAtalk (4) -- AppleTalk } MwlACMSupportsBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX BITS { acmNone (0), -- None acmVoice (1), -- ACM Voice acmVideo (2) -- ACM Video } MwlDropPolicy ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Policies for dropping packets for Quality-of-Service" SYNTAX INTEGER { drophead (0), -- Head droptail (1) -- Tail } MwlDataplaneMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Dataplane Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { dataplaneModeTunneled (0), -- Tunneled dataplaneModeBridged (1) -- Bridged } MwlProfileOwner ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Profile Owner" SYNTAX INTEGER { profileOwnerController (0), -- controller profileOwnerNmsServer (1) -- nms-server } MwlApRole ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Role" SYNTAX INTEGER { apRoleAccess (0), -- access apRoleGateway (1), -- gateway apRoleWireless (2) -- wireless } MwlEncryptionAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Encryption Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { encryptionWep (1), -- WEP encryptionTkip (2), -- TKIP encryptionCcmp (3), -- CCMP encryptionUnknown (4), -- none encryptionClear (5) -- Clear } MwlIfAdministrativeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Interface Administrative State" SYNTAX INTEGER { adminStateDown (1), -- Down adminStateUp (2), -- Up adminStateTesting (3) -- Testing } MwlOperChanChangeReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Operational Channel Change Reason" SYNTAX INTEGER { operChanChangeNone (0), -- None operChanChangeDfs (1), -- Dfs operChanChangeMesh (2) -- Mesh } MwlOperStatusChangeReason ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Operational Status Change Reason" SYNTAX INTEGER { operStatusChangeFailure (0), -- Failure operStatusChangeDfs (1) -- Dfs } MwlEssApAdminMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes ESS-ATS AdminMode" SYNTAX INTEGER { essApAdminModeDown (1), -- Down essApAdminModeUp (2), -- Up essApAdminModeScanRogues (3), -- ScanRogues essApAdminModeUnlicensed (4), -- NoLicense essAdminModeDisabled (5), -- Disabled essAdminModeNoservice (6), -- NoService essApAdminModePowerdown (7), -- PowerDown essApAdminModeScanSpectrum (8)-- ScanSpectrum } MwlLedMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes LED Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { ledModeNormal (0), -- Normal ledModeNodeId (1), -- NodeId ledModeBlink (2), -- Blink ledModeDark (3) -- Dark } MwlLogSeverity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Log Severity" SYNTAX INTEGER { logSevEmerg (0), -- Emergency logSevAlert (1), -- Alert logSevCritical (2), -- Critical logSevError (3), -- Error logSevWarn (4), -- Warn logSevNotice (5), -- Notice logSevInfo (6), -- Info logSevDebug (7), -- Debug logSevTotal (8) -- Total } MwlLogType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Log Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { logUnknown (0), -- Unknown logApDetected (1), -- ApDetected logDbBackup (2), -- DbBackup logDbRestore (3), -- DbRestore logSwUpgrade (4), -- SwUpgrade logConfigAdd (5), -- Add Configuration logConfigMod (6), -- Modify Configuration logConfigDel (7), -- Delete Configuration logCertExpiry (8), -- SSL Certificate logVlan (9), -- VLAN logHaStart (10), -- HA Start logHaShutdown (11), -- HA Shutdown logHaNodeDead (12), -- HA Node Dead logHaStatus (13), -- HA Node Status logHaConfigErr (14), -- HA Node Config Err logHaLinkStatus (15), -- HA Node Link Status logApAdministrativeReboot (16), -- AP Administrative Reboot Requested logControllerAdministrativeReboot (17), -- Controller Administrative Reboot Requested logDiscLicensingFailure (18), -- AP licensing failed logMicCountermeasure (19), -- MIC Countermeasure logMicFailureAp (20), -- MIC Failure from AP logMicFailureClient (21), -- MIC Failure from Client logTypeTotal (22) -- Total } MwlMimoMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes MIMO Mode Values" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsMimoMode2x2 (0), -- 2x2 nmsMimoMode3x3 (1), -- 3x3 nmsMimoMode1x1 (2), -- 1x1 nmsMimoMode4x4 (3) -- 4x4 } MwlNatType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes NAT Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { natTypeNone (1), -- None natTypeStaticOneToOne (2), -- Static natTypeDynamicOneToOne (3), -- Dynamic1to1 natTypeDynamicNapt (4), -- DynamicNapt natTypeUnknown (5) -- Unknown } MwlNetProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Supported Network Protocols" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsIpprotoUnknown (0), -- Unknown nmsIpprotoTcp (6), -- TCP nmsIpprotoUdp (17) -- UDP } MwlNmsInterfaceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Interface Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ifTypeActive (0), -- Active ifTypeRedundant (1) -- Redundant } MwlNodeRelationship ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Node Relationship" SYNTAX INTEGER { noderelationshipnone (1), -- None noderelationshipbound (2), -- Bound noderelationshipvisible (3) -- Visible } MwlNodeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Node Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nodeTypeWnc (1), -- Controller nodeTypeAp (2), -- Access point nodeTypeAsc (3), -- ASC nodeTypeSta (10), -- Station nodeTypeOther (11), -- other nodeTypeUnknown (12) -- unknown } MwlOperationalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Operational State" SYNTAX INTEGER { operationalStateUnknown (0), -- Unknown operationalStateEnabled (1), -- Enabled operationalStateDisabled (2), -- Disabled operationalStateUnlicensed (3), -- NoLicense operationalStateEnabledWith11nlic (4), -- EnabledWNLicense operationalStatePowerDown (5) -- PowerDown } MwlPowerSupply ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Power Supply Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { powerSupply8023Af (0), -- 802.3-af powerSupply8023At (1), -- 802.3-at powerSupply5vDc (2), -- 5V-DC powerSupplyDual8023Af (3), -- dual-802.3-af powerSupply12vDc (4), -- 12V-DC powerSupply8023AtPlus (5) -- 802.3-at-plus } MwlRadiusMacDelimiter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes RADIUS MAC Delimiter type" SYNTAX INTEGER { radiusMacDelimiterNone (0), -- None radiusMacDelimiterHyphen (1), -- Hyphen (-) radiusMacDelimiterSingleHyphen (2), -- Single Hyphen (-) radiusMacDelimiterColon (4) -- Colon (:) } MwlRadiusPasswordType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes RADIUS Password Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { radiusPasswordTypeSharedSecret (0), -- Shared Key radiusPasswordTypeMacAddress (1) -- MAC Address } MwlWlanOptimize ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes WLAN Optimization Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { optimizeNone (0), -- No Optimization optimizePerformance (1), -- Optimize For Performance optimizeHandoff (2), -- Optimize For Handoff optimizeCoverage (3), -- Optimize For Coverage optimizeInteroperability (4), -- Optimize For Interoperability optimizeRogueap (5) -- Optimize For Rogue AP Mitigation } MwlOnOffSwitch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes On/Off Switches" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsOff (0), -- Off nmsOn (1) -- On } MwlPublishEssId ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Publish Essid Options" SYNTAX INTEGER { publishEssidOff (0), -- Off publishEssidOn (1), -- On publishEssid24g (2), -- 2.4GHz Only publishEssid5g (3) -- 5GHz Only } MwlAllOnSelectedSwitch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes All ON/Selected Switches" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsSelected (0), -- Selected nmsAllOn (1) -- All ON } MwlPrivacyBit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Privacy Bit" SYNTAX INTEGER { privacyBitAuto (0), -- Auto privacyBitOn (1), -- On privacyBitOff (2) -- Off } MwlQosAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes QoS Actions" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsQosActionForward (1), -- FORWARD nmsQosActionCapture (2), -- CAPTURE nmsQosActionDrop (3) -- DROP } MwlQosCodec ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes QoS CODEC Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsCodecDefault (1), -- Default nmsCodecaG711ULaw64k (2), -- G.711, U-law, 64kbps nmsCodeca1016 (3), -- 1016 Audio, Payload Type 1 nmsCodecaG721 (4), -- G721 Audio, Payload Type 2 nmsCodecaGsm (5), -- GSM Audio, Payload Type 3 nmsCodecaG7231 (6),-- G7231 Audio, Payload Type 4 nmsCodecaDv14 (7), -- DV14 Audio, Payload Type 5 nmsCodecaDv142 (8), -- DV14.2 Audio, Payload Type 6 nmsCodecaLpc (9), -- IPC Audio, Payload Type 7 nmsCodecaG711ALaw64k (10), -- G.711 A-law Audio, Payload Type 8 nmsCodecaG722 (11), -- G.722 Audio, Payload Type 9 nmsCodecaG7221 (12),-- G.7221 Audio, Payload Type * (24kbps) nmsCodecaG722132k (13), -- G.7221 Audio, Payload Type * (32kbps) nmsCodecaMpa (14), -- MPA Audio, Payload Type 14 nmsCodecaG728 (15), -- G728 Audio: Payload Type 15 nmsCodecaG729 (16), -- G729 Audio: Payload Type 16 nmsCodecaRed (17), -- MSN Codec Audio, Payload Type * nmsCodecaSiren (18),-- Vivo Siren Audio, Payload Type * nmsCodecvH261 (19), -- H.261 Video nmsCodecvH263 (20) -- H.263 Video } MwlQosProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes QoS Protocols" SYNTAX INTEGER { qosprotocolsip (1), -- SIP qosprotocolh323 (2), -- H.323 qosprotocolsccp (3), -- SCCP qosprotocolhttp (4), -- HTTP qosprotocolother (5), -- other qosprotocolnone (6), -- none qosprotocolunknown (7) -- unknown } MwlQosCodecProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Qos Codec Protocols" SYNTAX INTEGER { qoscodecprotocolsip (1), -- SIP qoscodecprotocolh323 (2), -- H.323 qoscodecprotocolsccp (3), -- SCCP qoscodecprotocolhttp (4), -- HTTP qoscodecprotocolnone (5), -- other qoscodecprotocolunknown (6) -- unknown } MwlQosCallState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX INTEGER { qoscalldisconnectedstate (0), -- Disconnected qoscallconnectedstate (1), -- Connected qoscallholdstate (2), -- On-Hold qoscallconferencingstate (3) -- Conferencing } MwlServiceAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Service Actions" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsServiceActionAdd (1), -- Add nmsServiceActionRemove (2), -- Delete nmsServiceActionChange (3) -- Modify } MwlSecurityPolicyAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX INTEGER { securityPolicyActionDeny (0), -- Deny securityPolicyActionAllow (1),-- Forward to Default VLAN securityPolicyActionRedirect (2), -- Forward to Configured VLAN securityPolicyActionNum (3) -- Number of enum values } MwlL2SecurityModeBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes L2 Security Modes" SYNTAX BITS { l2SecurityModeNone (0), -- None l2SecurityModeOpen (1), -- Open l2SecurityMode8021x (2), -- 802.1x l2SecurityModeSwk (4), -- Static WEP keys l2SecurityModeWpa (8), -- WPA l2SecurityModeWpaPsk (16), -- WPA PSK l2SecurityModeWpa2 (32), -- WPA2 l2SecurityModeWpa2Psk (64), -- WPA2 PSK l2SecurityModeMixed (128), -- MIXED l2SecurityModeMixedPsk (256), -- MIXED_PSK l2SecurityModeWai (512), -- WAI l2SecurityModeWaiPsk (1024), -- WAI PSK l2SecurityModeAll (2047) -- Wildcard } MwlL2SecurityMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes L2 Security Modes" SYNTAX INTEGER { l2SecurityModeNone (0), -- None l2SecurityModeOpen (1), -- Open l2SecurityMode8021x (2), -- 802.1x l2SecurityModeSwk (4), -- Static WEP keys l2SecurityModeWpa (8), -- WPA l2SecurityModeWpaPsk (16), -- WPA PSK l2SecurityModeWpa2 (32), -- WPA2 l2SecurityModeWpa2Psk (64), -- WPA2 PSK l2SecurityModeMixed (128), -- MIXED l2SecurityModeMixedPsk (256), -- MIXED_PSK l2SecurityModeWai (512), -- WAI l2SecurityModeWaiPsk (1024), -- WAI PSK l2SecurityModeAll (2047) -- Wildcard } MwlTunnelTerminationModeBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Tunnel Termination Modes" SYNTAX BITS { tunnelTerminationNone (0), -- None tunnelTerminationPeap (1), -- PEAP tunnelTerminationTtls (2) -- TTLS } MwlL2SecurityDetailMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes L2 Security Modes" SYNTAX INTEGER { stationSecurityModeNone (0), -- None stationSecurityModeOpen (1), -- Clear stationSecurityMode8021x (2), -- 802.1x stationSecurityModeSwk (4), -- Static WEP keys stationSecurityModeWpa (8), -- WPA stationSecurityModeWpaPsk (16), -- WPA PSK stationSecurityModeWpa2 (32), -- WPA2 stationSecurityModeWpa2Psk (64), -- WPA2 PSK stationSecurityModeMixed (128), -- MIXED stationSecurityModeMixedPsk (256), -- MIXED_PSK stationSecurityModeAll (511), -- Wildcard stationSecurityMode8021xInProgress (512), -- 802.1x-in-prog stationSecurityModeWpaInProgress (1024), -- WPA-in-prog stationSecurityModeWpaPskInProgress (2048), -- WPA PSK-in-prog stationSecurityModeWpa2InProgress (4096), -- WPA2-in-prog stationSecurityModeWpa2PskInProgress (8192), -- WPA2 PSK-in-prog stationSecurityModeMixedInProgress (16384), -- MIXED-in-prog stationSecurityModeMixedPskInProgress (32768) -- MIXED_PSK-in-prog } MwlL3SecurityMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes L3 Security Modes" SYNTAX INTEGER { l3SecurityModeOpen (1), -- None l3SecurityModeVpn (2), -- VPN Only l3SecurityModeWebauth (4), -- WebAuth l3SecurityModeAll (7) -- All Modes } MwlCaptivePortalMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Captive Portal" SYNTAX INTEGER { captivePortalDisabled (0), -- Disabled captivePortalModeVpn (1), -- VPN captivePortalModeWebauth (2), -- WebAuth captivePortalModeAll (3) -- VPN/Web-Auth } MwlCaptivePortalAuthState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Captive Portal Authentication State" SYNTAX INTEGER { captivePortalStateClear (0), -- Open captivePortalStateWebauth (1) -- WEBAUTH } MwlCaptivePortalAuthMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Captive Portal Authentication Method" SYNTAX INTEGER { captivePortalAuthMethodInternal (0), -- internal captivePortalAuthMethodExternal (1) -- external } MwlSnmpPrivilege ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SNMP Privileges" SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpRo (1), -- read-only snmpRw (2) -- read-write } MwlSnmpV3AuthProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SNMPv3 Authentication Protocol" SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpV3UsmNoAuth (0), -- read-only snmpV3UsmHmacMd5Auth (1), -- read-only snmpV3UsmHmacShaAuth (2) -- read-only } MwlSnmpV3PrivProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol" SYNTAX INTEGER { snmpV3UsmNoPriv (0), -- read-only snmpV3UsmDesPriv (1) -- read-only } MwlTransmitRateBGBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11bg Transmit Rates" SYNTAX BITS { bgtransmitRateNotSupported (0), -- None bgtransmitRate1 (1), -- 1 Mbps bgtransmitRate2 (2), -- 2 Mbps bgtransmitRate55 (4), -- 5.5 Mbps bgtransmitRate11 (8), -- 11 Mbps bgtransmitRate6 (16), -- 6 Mbps bgtransmitRate9 (32), -- 9 Mbps bgtransmitRate12 (64), -- 12 Mbps bgtransmitRate18 (128), -- 18 Mbps bgtransmitRate22 (256), -- 22 Mbps bgtransmitRate24 (512), -- 24 Mbps bgtransmitRate33 (1024), -- 33 Mbps bgtransmitRate36 (2048), -- 36 Mbps bgtransmitRate48 (4096), -- 48 Mbps bgtransmitRate54 (8192) -- 54 Mbps } MwlTransmitRateBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11b Transmit Rates" SYNTAX BITS { transmitRateNotSupported (0), -- None transmitRate1 (1), -- 1 Mbps transmitRate2 (2), -- 2 Mbps transmitRate55 (4), -- 5.5 Mbps transmitRate11 (8) -- 11 Mbps } MwlTransmitRateAGBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11ag Transmit Rates" SYNTAX BITS { agtransmitRateNotSupported (0), -- None agtransmitRate6 (16), -- 6 Mbps agtransmitRate9 (32), -- 9 Mbps agtransmitRate12 (64), -- 12 Mbps agtransmitRate18 (128), -- 18 Mbps agtransmitRate22 (256), -- 22 Mbps agtransmitRate24 (512), -- 24 Mbps agtransmitRate33 (1024), -- 33 Mbps agtransmitRate36 (2048), -- 36 Mbps agtransmitRate48 (4096), -- 48 Mbps agtransmitRate54 (8192) -- 54 Mbps } MwlTransmitRateHTBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11n HT Transmit Rates" SYNTAX BITS { httransmitRate31 (2147483648), -- MCS 31 httransmitRateNotSupported (0), -- None httransmitRate0 (1), -- MCS 0 httransmitRate1 (2), -- MCS 1 httransmitRate2 (4), -- MCS 2 httransmitRate3 (8), -- MCS 3 httransmitRate4 (16), -- MCS 4 httransmitRate5 (32), -- MCS 5 httransmitRate6 (64), -- MCS 6 httransmitRate7 (128), -- MCS 7 httransmitRate8 (256), -- MCS 8 httransmitRate9 (512), -- MCS 9 httransmitRate10 (1024), -- MCS 10 httransmitRate11 (2048), -- MCS 11 httransmitRate12 (4096), -- MCS 12 httransmitRate13 (8192), -- MCS 13 httransmitRate14 (16384), -- MCS 14 httransmitRate15 (32768), -- MCS 15 httransmitRate16 (65536), -- MCS 16 httransmitRate17 (131072), -- MCS 17 httransmitRate18 (262144), -- MCS 18 httransmitRate19 (524288), -- MCS 19 httransmitRate20 (1048576), -- MCS 20 httransmitRate21 (2097152), -- MCS 21 httransmitRate22 (4194304), -- MCS 22 httransmitRate23 (8388608), -- MCS 23 httransmitRate24 (16777216), -- MCS 24 httransmitRate25 (33554432), -- MCS 25 httransmitRate26 (67108864), -- MCS 26 httransmitRate27 (134217728), -- MCS 27 httransmitRate28 (268435456), -- MCS 28 httransmitRate29 (536870912), -- MCS 29 httransmitRate30 (1073741824) -- MCS 30 } MwlTransmitRateVHT ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11ac VHT Transmit Rates" SYNTAX INTEGER { acTransmitRateMcs07 (0), -- MCS 0-7 acTransmitRateMcs08 (1), -- MCS 0-8 acTransmitRateMcs09 (2), -- MCS 0-9 acTransmitRateNone (3) -- None } MwlUpgradeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Software Upgrade State" SYNTAX INTEGER { upgradeStart (1), -- The upgrade has just started upgradeInProgress (2), -- The upgrade is in progress upgradeFailed (3), -- The upgrade has failed upgradeDone (4) -- The upgrade has completed successfully } MwlVlanType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VLAN Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { vlanNone (0), -- No Tunnel vlanDefaultOnly (1), -- Configured VLAN Only vlanRadiusOnly (2), -- RADIUS VLAN Only vlanRadiusAndDefault (3), -- RADIUS And Configured VLAN vlanGre (4), -- GRE vlanPool (5) -- VLAN pool } MwlAirFirewall ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX INTEGER { airfirewallNone (0), -- None airfirewallOuis (1) -- Air Firewall } MwlOffHours ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX INTEGER { offhoursNone (0), -- None offhours (1) -- Daily Out-of-service } MwlOffHoursService ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes OffHours Service" SYNTAX INTEGER { offhoursNoservice (0), -- No Wlan offhoursNowireless (1) -- No Wifi for Anybody } MwlDailyOutOfService ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Daily Out of Service" SYNTAX INTEGER { noDailyOutOfService (0), -- No Daily Out of Service dailyOutOfServiceOff (1), -- Daily Out of Service is Off dailyOutOfServiceOn (2) -- Daily Out of Service is On } MwlVpnStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VPN Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { clearActive (0), -- Clear Active vpnBypass (1), -- Bypass VPN vpnActive (2), -- VPN Active webAuthActive (4), -- Web Auth Active vpnWebActive (5) -- VPN and Web-Auth Active } MwlVpnDetailStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VPN Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { stationClearActive (0), -- Clear Active stationVpnBypass (1), -- Bypass VPN stationVpnActive (2), -- VPN Active stationWebAuthActive (4), -- Web Auth Active stationVpnWebActive (5), -- VPN and Web-Auth Active stationVpnInProgress (8), -- VPN in Progress stationWebauthInProgress (16),-- WebAuth in Progress stationVpnWebauthInProgress (32) -- VPN-WebAuth in Progress } MwlSslUsrAuthProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SSL Authentication Protocol Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { sslAuthProtocolUnknown (0), -- Unknown sslAuthProtocolNone (1), -- None sslAuthProtocolChap (2) -- chap } MwlDhGroupType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Diffie-Hellman Groups for IKE Policy" SYNTAX INTEGER { dhGroup2 (2), -- Group 2 dhGroup3 (3), -- Group 3 dhGroup4 (4), -- Group 4 dhGroup5 (5) -- Group 5 } MwlIpSecModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IPSEC Mode Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipsecUnknownMode (0), -- Unknown ipsecTunnelMode (1) -- Tunnel } MwlIpSecDataChannelType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IPSEC Data Channel Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipsecUnknown (0), -- Unsupported ipsecEsp (1) -- ESP } MwlIpEncryptionAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP Encryption Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { encryptionUnknownAlgorithm (0), -- Unsupported encryption3des (1) -- 3DES } MwlIpAuthenticateAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP Authentication Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { authUnknown (0), -- Unsupported authPreShareKey (1) -- Pre-shared Key } MwlIpHashAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP Hash Algorithm" SYNTAX INTEGER { hashUnknown (0), -- Unsupported hashSha (1), -- Secure Hash Algorithm hashMd5 (2) -- Message Digest Algorithm 5 } MwlIpSecAuthAlgorithm ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IPSEC Authentication Algorithms" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipsecAuthUnknown (0), -- Unsupported ipsecAuthShaHmac (1), -- sha-hmac ipsecAuthMd5Hmac (2) -- md5-hmac } MwlCertFileType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SSL Certificate File Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { certUnknownType (0), -- Unsupported Type certPemType (1), -- Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM)-formatted file. certPfxType (2) -- Personal Information Exchange (PFX)-formatted file. } MwlUrlType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes URL Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { cliBadUrl (0), -- Unknown FT type cliFtpUrl (1), -- ftp cliTftpUrl (2), -- tftp cliSftpUrl (3), -- sftp cliHttpUrl (4), -- http cliHttpsUrl (5), -- https cliScpUrl (6), -- scp cliFileUrl (7) -- file } MwlCertificateFormType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Certificate Form Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsShortForm (0), -- Short nmsLongForm (1) -- Long } MwlRadiusServerSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes RADIUS Server Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsRadiusServerNone (0), -- None nmsRadiusServerPrimary (1), -- primary nmsRadiusServerSecondary (2), -- secondary nmsRadiusServerAll (3) -- all } MwlDiscoveryOrder ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Discovery Order" SYNTAX INTEGER { discoveryFromL2First (0), -- L2 preferred discoveryFromL2Only (1), -- L2 only discoveryFromL3First (2), -- L3 preferred discoveryFromL3Only (3) -- L3 only } MwlApDiscoveryState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Discovery State" SYNTAX INTEGER { noDiscoveryLayer (0), -- None discoveryFromL2 (1), -- L2 discoveryFromL3 (2) -- L3 } MwlLicenseType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes License Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { featureTrial (0), -- Trial featurePermanent (1) -- Permanent } MwlLicenseReserveType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes License Reserve Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { countedLicense (0), -- Limited uncountedLicense (1) -- Unlimited } MwlSofwFeatureType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Software Feature Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { sofwControllerBasic (0), -- Controller sofwApBasic (1), -- AP100 sofwFeatMax (2) -- MAXFEAT } MwlSofwControllerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Software Controller Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { sofwAll (0), -- Not Applicable sofwController (1), -- Active Controller sofwStdbyController (2) -- Standby Controller } MwlDscpType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes DiffServ Class Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { dscpDisabled (-1), -- DiffServ Disabled dscpCs0 (0), -- DiffServ class CS0/DE/Best-Effort (DSCP Value: 000000) dscpCs1 (8), -- DiffServ class CS1 (DSCP Value: 001000) dscpAf11 (10), -- DiffServ class AF11, AF1 DP-low (DSCP Value: 001010) dscpAf12 (12), -- DiffServ class AF12, AF1 DP-med (DSCP Value: 001100) dscpAf13 (14), -- DiffServ class AF13, AF1 DP-high (DSCP Value: 001110) dscpCs2 (16), -- DiffServ class CS2 (DSCP Value: 010000) dscpAf21 (18), -- DiffServ class AF21 (DSCP Value: 010010) dscpAf22 (20), -- DiffServ class AF22 (DSCP Value: 010100) dscpAf23 (22), -- DiffServ class AF23 (DSCP Value: 010110) dscpCs3 (24), -- DiffServ class CS3 (DSCP Value: 011000) dscpAf31 (26), -- DiffServ class AF31 (DSCP Value: 011010) dscpAf32 (28), -- DiffServ class AF32 (DSCP Value: 011100) dscpAf33 (30), -- DiffServ class AF33 (DSCP Value: 011110) dscpCs4 (32), -- DiffServ class CS4 (DSCP Value: 100000) dscpAf41 (34), -- DiffServ class AF41 (DSCP Value: 100010) dscpAf42 (36), -- DiffServ class AF42 (DSCP Value: 100100) dscpAf43 (38), -- DiffServ class AF43 (DSCP Value: 100110) dscpCs5 (40), -- DiffServ class CS5 (DSCP Value: 101000) dscpEfphb (46), -- DiffServ class EF (DSCP Value: 101110) dscpCs6 (48), -- DiffServ class CS6 (DSCP Value: 110000) dscpCs7 (56) -- DiffServ class CS7 (DSCP Value: 111000) } MwlControllerHwType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Controller Hardware Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { wncUnknownModel (0), -- Unknown wncDevelPc (1), -- Development PC wncMc1000 (2), -- MC1000 wncMc1100 (3), -- MC1100 wncMc3000 (4), -- MC3000 wncMc500 (5), -- MC500 wncMc500a (6), -- MC500a wncMc5000 (7), -- MC5000 wncMc4000 (8), -- MC4000 wncMc4100 (9), -- MC4100 wncMc1500 (11), -- MC1500 wncMc3200 (13), -- MC3200 wncMc4200 (14), -- MC4200 wncMc6000 (15), -- MC6000 wncMc1500v (16), -- MC1500V wncMc3200v (17), -- MC3200V wncMc4200v (18), -- MC4200V wncMc1550 (19), -- MC1550 wncMc1550v (20), -- MC1550V wncFwc50d (21), -- FWC50D wncFwc2hd (22), -- FWC2HD wncFwc5hd (23) -- FWC5HD } MwlWncControllerState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Controller State" SYNTAX INTEGER { wncStandalone (0), -- Standalone Controller wncMaster (1), -- Master Controller wncSlave (2), -- Slave Controller wncCluster (3) -- Cluster Member } MwlApHwType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Hardware Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { apUnknownModel (0), -- Unknown ap300 (12), -- AP3xx ap310 (13), -- AP310 ap311 (14), -- AP311 ap320 (15), -- AP320 ap301 (18), -- AP301 ap302 (19), -- AP302 ap301i (20), -- AP301i ap310i (21), -- AP310i ap302i (22), -- AP302i ap320i (23), -- AP320i ap1010 (24), -- AP1010 ap1020 (25), -- AP1020 psm3x (26), -- PSM3x ap400 (27), -- AP400 ap433e (28), -- AP433e ap433i (29), -- AP433i ap432e (30), -- AP432e ap432i (31), -- AP432i ap1010e (32), -- AP1010e ap1020e (33), -- AP1020e ap433is (34), -- AP433is ap433es (35), -- AP433es oap432e (36), -- OAP432e oap433e (37), -- OAP433e oap433es (38), -- OAP433es ap110 (39), -- AP110 ap120 (40), -- AP120 ap1014i (41), -- AP1014i ap332e (42), -- AP332e ap332i (43), -- AP332i ap832e (44), -- AP832e ap832i (45), -- AP832i ap822e (46), -- AP822e ap822i (47), -- AP822i ap122 (48), -- AP122 oap832e (49), -- OAP832e fap421evi (50), -- FAP-U421EV fap423eve (51), -- FAP-U423EV ofap422ev (52) -- FAP-U422EV } MwlApRegulatoryType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Regulatory Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { ap1000RegIndex (1), -- AP1000 ap300Mb72RegIndex (2), -- AP300-MB72 ap300Mb82RegIndex (3), -- AP300-MB82 ap400RegIndex (4), -- AP400 ap110RegIndex (5), -- AP110 ap330RegIndex (6), -- AP330 ap800RegIndex (7), -- AP800 ap800bRegIndex (8), -- AP800B ap122RegIndex (9), -- AP122 oap800RegIndex (10), -- OAP800 fap421RegIndex (11), -- FAP421 fap423RegIndex (12), -- FAP423 ofap422RegIndex (13) -- OFAP422 } MwlApRfType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP RF Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { apRfUnknownModel (0), -- Unknown apRf1 (1), -- RF1 apRf2 (2), -- RF2 apRf3 (3), -- RF3 apRf4 (4), -- RF4 apRf5 (5), -- RF5 apRf6 (6), -- RF6 apRf7 (7), -- RF7 apRf8 (8), -- RF8 apRf9 (9), -- RF9 apRf10 (10), -- RF10 apRf11 (11), -- RF11 apRf12 (12), -- RF12 apRf13 (13), -- RF13 apRf14 (14), -- RF14 apRf15 (15), -- RF15 apRf16 (16), -- RF16 apRf17 (17), -- RF17 apRf18 (18), -- RF18 apRf19 (19), -- RF19 apRf20 (20), -- RF20 apRf21 (21), -- RF21 apRf22 (22) -- RF22 } MwlApIfModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Interface Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { apModeUnknown (0), -- Unknown apBMode (1), -- 802.11b apAMode (2), -- 802.11a apAbMode (3), -- 802.11ab apGMode (4), -- 802.11g apBgMode (5), -- 802.11bg apAgMode (6), -- 802.11ag apAbgMode (7), -- 802.11abg apNMode (8), -- 802.11n apBnMode (9), -- 802.11bn apAnMode (10), -- 802.11an apAbnMode (11), -- 802.11abn apGnMode (12), -- 802.11gn apBgnMode (13), -- 802.11bgn apAgnMode (14), -- 802.11agn apAbgnMode (15), -- 802.11abgn apAn1s20Mode (16), -- 802.11an1s20 apAn1s40Mode (17), -- 802.11an1s40 apAn2s20Mode (18), -- 802.11an2s20 apAn2s40Mode (19), -- 802.11an2s40 apAn3s20Mode (20), -- 802.11an3s20 apAn3s40Mode (21), -- 802.11an3s40 apBgn1s20Mode (22), -- 802.11bgn1s20 apBgn1s40Mode (23), -- 802.11bgn1s40 apBgn2s20Mode (24), -- 802.11bgn2s20 apBgn2s40Mode (25), -- 802.11bgn2s40 apBgn3s20Mode (26), -- 802.11bgn3s20 apBgn3s40Mode (27), -- 802.11bgn3s40 apAc1s20Mode (28), -- 802.11ac1s20 apAc1s40Mode (29), -- 802.11ac1s40 apAc1s80Mode (30), -- 802.11ac1s80 apAbgnAcMode (31), -- 802.11abgn_ac apAc2s20Mode (32), -- 802.11ac2s20 apAc2s40Mode (33), -- 802.11ac2s40 apAc2s80Mode (34), -- 802.11ac2s80 apAc3s20Mode (35), -- 802.11ac3s20 apAc3s40Mode (36), -- 802.11ac3s40 apAc3s80Mode (37), -- 802.11ac3s80 apAnAcMode (38), -- 802.11an_ac apAn4s20Mode (39), -- 802.11an4s20 apAn4s40Mode (40), -- 802.11an4s40 apBgn4s20Mode (41), -- 802.11bgn4s20 apBgn4s40Mode (42), -- 802.11bgn4s40 apAc4s20Mode (43), -- 802.11ac4s20 apAc4s40Mode (44), -- 802.11ac4s40 apAc4s80Mode (45) -- 802.11ac4s80 } MwlApIfConfigModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Interface Configuration Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { apConfigModeUnknown (0), -- Unknown apConfigBMode (1), -- 802.11b apConfigAMode (2), -- 802.11a apConfigGMode (4), -- 802.11g apConfigBgMode (5), -- 802.11bg apConfigAnMode (10), -- 802.11an apConfigBgnMode (13), -- 802.11bgn apConfigAcMode (18) -- 802.11ac } MwlAntennaType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Antenna Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { antennaConnNone (0), -- Unknown antennaConn24g (1), -- 2.4GHz antennaConn5g (2), -- 5GHz antennaConnDual (3), -- Dual antennaConnExt (4), -- External antennaConnInt (5) -- Internal } MwlBandType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes RF Band Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { rfband24g (1), -- 2.4GHz rfband5g (2) -- 5GHz } MwlChannelBandType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Channel Band Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { channelBMode (1), -- 802.11b channelAMode (2), -- 802.11a channelGMode (3), -- 802.11g channelBgMode (4), -- 802.11bg channelAbgnMode20mhz (5), -- 802.11abgn20Mhz channelAbgnMode40mhzAbove (6),-- 802.11abgn40MhzAbove channelAbgnMode40mhzBelow (7),-- 802.11abgn40MhzBelow channelNMode20mhz (8), -- 802.11n20Mhz channelNMode40mhzAbove (9), -- 802.11n40MhzAbove channelNMode40mhzBelow (10), -- 802.11n40MhzBelow channelAcMode (11) -- 802.11ac } MwlAntennaSetLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Antenna Set Selection" SYNTAX INTEGER { antennaSetLocUnknown (0), -- Unknown antennaSetLocLeft (1), -- Left antennaSetLocRight (2), -- Right antennaSetLoc1 (4), -- A1 antennaSetLoc2 (8), -- A2 antennaSetLoc3 (16), -- A3 antennaSetLoc4 (32), -- A4 antennaSetLoc5 (64), -- A5 antennaSetLoc6 (128), -- A6 antennaSetLoc7 (256), -- A7 antennaSetLoc8 (512), -- A8 antennaSetLoc9 (1024), -- A9 antennaSetLocIntegrated (2048), -- Integrated antennaSetLocInternal (4096) -- Internal } MwlIfDataRateOptionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Interface Data Rate Option Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { dataRateManual (0), -- Manual dataRateAuto (1) -- Automatic } MwlAntennaLinkType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Antenna Link Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { antennaLinkUnknown (0), -- Unknown antennaLinkPmp (1), -- Point-To-Multi-Point antennaLinkPtp (2) -- Point-To-Point } MwlDuplexModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Duplex Mode Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsDuplexFull (0), -- Full Duplex nmsDuplexHalf (1) -- Half Duplex } MwlBgProtectionModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11bg Protection Mode Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { bgProtectionAuto (0), -- Auto bgProtectionOn (1), -- On bgProtectionOff (2) -- Off } MwlHtProtectionModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes 802.11HT Protection Mode Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { htProtectionAuto (0), -- Auto htProtectionOn (1), -- On htProtectionOff (2) -- Off } MwlIpProxyType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the following types" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsGeneric (0), -- Generic nmsIpPathFinder (1), -- IPPathFinder nmsEnumerationHeader (2) -- EnumerationHeader } MwlFirewallCapability ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes none/configured/radius-configured" SYNTAX INTEGER { firewallNone (0), -- none firewallConfigured (1), -- configured firewallRadiusConfigured (2) -- radius-configured } MwlSecurityLogging ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Security Logging Options" SYNTAX INTEGER { securityloggingOff (0), -- Off securityloggingAllow (1), -- Allow securityloggingDeny (2), -- Deny securityloggingAll (3) -- All } MwlPMKcachingBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes PMK Caching Options" SYNTAX BITS { pmkCachingDisabled (0), -- Disabled pmkCachingEnabled (1) -- Enabled } MwlKDDI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Key Rotation Options" SYNTAX INTEGER { kddiDisabled (0), -- Disabled kddiEnabled (1) -- Enabled } MwlVcellType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Virtual Cell Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsVcellPap (0), -- On nmsVcellVcell (1) -- Off } MwlFilterModeType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IGMP Snoop filter Mode Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { exclude (0), -- Source Exclude include (1) -- Source Include } MwlBgRadioMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP150 Vcell Enable/Disable" SYNTAX INTEGER { virtualMode (1), -- Enable nonVirtualMode (2) -- Disable } MwlThrdPartyIdsIps ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Third Party Ids/Ips" SYNTAX INTEGER { thrdPidsIpsSnortWireless (1), -- Enabled thrdPidsIpsNone (2) -- Disabled } MwlQosRulesMatchClassBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Qos Rules Match Class" SYNTAX BITS { qosrulesmatchclassOff (0), -- Off qosrulesmatchclassOn (1) -- On } MwlQosRulesMatchClass ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Qos Rules Match Class" SYNTAX INTEGER { qosrulesmatchclassOff (0), -- Off qosrulesmatchclassOn (1) -- On } MwlChannelWidth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Channel Width" SYNTAX INTEGER { channelWidth20 (1), -- 20 MHz channelWidth40Above (2), -- 40 MHz Extension channel above channelWidth40Below (3), -- 40 MHz Extension channel below channelWidth80 (4) -- 80 MHz } MwlBonding ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Bonding Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { bondingSingle (0), -- Single Mode bondingDual (1), -- Dual Mode bondingNone (2) -- None } MwlConnectivityStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Connected/Disconnected Switch" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsDisconnected (0), -- Disconnected nmsConnected (1) -- Connected } MwlCapabilityModeBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Capability Mode of station" SYNTAX BITS { nmsStaCapabilityNone (0), -- None nmsStaWmmMode (1), -- WMM Mode nmsStaApsdMode (2), -- APSD Mode nmsSta80211RMode (4), -- 802.11r Mode nmsSta80211KMode (8), -- 802.11k Mode nmsSta80211UMode (16), -- 802.11u Mode nmsSta80211VMode (32), -- 802.11v Mode nmsSta80211WMode (64) -- 802.11w Mode } MwlClientType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Client Type of station" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsClientData (1), -- Data client nmsClientSipPhone (2) -- SIP Phone client } MwlDeviceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Station Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsStationWireless (0), -- Wireless Station nmsStationWired (1) -- Wired Station } MwlStationState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Station State" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsStationStateUnknown (0), -- Unknown nmsStationStateInit (1), -- init-state nmsStationStateVlan (2), -- VLAN-state nmsStationStateAssign (3), -- assigned-state nmsStationStateAssociated (4),-- associated nmsStationState8021x (5), -- 802.1x-State nmsStationStateKey (6), -- Key State nmsStationStateIpDiscover (7),-- ip-discovery nmsStationStateCaptivePortal (8), -- captive-portal nmsStationStateDisassociated (9) -- disassociated } MwlStaDiagStap ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Station Diagnostics Statistics Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { staMacFilterAclCnt (1), -- Station MAC Filter ACL Count staMacFilterAclFailCnt (2), -- Station MAC Filter ACL Fail Count staWepKeyIndexMismatchCnt (3),-- Station WEP Key Index Mismatch Count staAssignFailCnt (4), -- Station Assignment Fail Count staAssociationCnt (5), -- Station Association Count staKeyExchangeCnt (6), -- Station Key Exchange Count staKeyExchangeFailCnt (7), -- Station Key Exchange Fail Count staMicFailCnt (8), -- Station MIC Fail Count staIpDiscoveryCnt (9), -- Station IP Address Change Count staRadiusAuthCnt (10), -- Station MAC Filter Radius Count staRadiusAuthFailCnt (11), -- Station MAC Filter Radius Fail Count staCpGuestUserAuthCnt (12), -- Station Captive Portal Guest User Count staCpGuestUserFailCnt (13), -- Station Captive Portal Guest User Fail Count staDecryptFailCnt (14), -- Station Decrypt Fail Count staSoftHandoffCnt (15) -- Station Soft Handoff Count } MwlEnableDisableOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Enable/Disable Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsDisable (0), -- Disable nmsEnable (1) -- Enable } MwlSourceEnableDisableOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Enable/Disable Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsSourceEnable (1), -- Enable nmsSourceDisable (2) -- Disable } MwlLocationSourceOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Location Source Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsLocationSourceWifi (1), -- WIFI nmsLocationSourceBle (2), -- BLE nmsLocationSourceAll (3) -- All } MwlReportFormatType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes legacy/forti-presence" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsReportFormatFortiPresence (1), -- Forti-Presence nmsReportFormatLegacy (2) -- Legacy } MwlPacketCaptureMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes L2/L3 Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { l2Mode (0), -- l2 mode l3Mode (1) -- l3 mode } MwlRxTxOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Rx/Tx/Both Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { rxOnly (0), -- rx only txOnly (1), -- tx only rxTxBoth (2) -- Both RxTx } MwlRateLimitMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Rate Limit Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { station (0), -- station cumulative (1) -- cumulative } MwlBandSteeringMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Band Steering Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { bandSteeringDisable (0), -- Band Steering Disable bandASteering (1), -- Band Steering to A Band bandNSteering (2) -- Band Steering to N Band } MwlPapBroadcastSsidMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes SSID Broadcast for Vport Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { papBroadcastSsidDisabled (0), -- Disabled papBroadcastSsidAlways (1), -- Always papBroadcastSsidTillAssociation (2) -- Till-Association } MwlEncapsulationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Packet Capture Profile Encapsulation Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ppi (0), -- ppi legacy (1) -- legacy } MwlUplinkType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Uplink Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsUplink (0), -- Uplink nmsDownlink (1), -- Downlink nmsUplinkLacp (2) -- Uplink-lacp } MwlVpnConnectivityStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VPN Connection Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { vpnDisconnected (0), -- Disconnected vpnConnected (1) -- Connected } MwlVpnAuthenticationStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VPN Authentication Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { vpnUnknown (0), -- Unknown vpnNoCertificate (1), -- No Certificate vpnValidCertificate (2), -- Valid Certificate vpnInvalidCertificate (3), -- Invalid Certificate vpnCertificateRevoked (4), -- Certificate Revoked vpnCertificateExpired (5), -- Certificate Expired vpnCertificateUnknownCa (6) -- Unknown CA Certificate } MwlVpnAuthenticationType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes VPN Authentication Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { vpnAuthTypeUnknown (0), -- Unknown vpnAuthTypeX509Certificate (1)-- X509 Certificate } MwlCertificateStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Certificate Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { certStatusUnknown (0), -- Unknown certStatusNotInstalled (1), -- Not Installed certStatusInstalled (2) -- Installed } MwlCertRequestStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Certificate Request Status" SYNTAX INTEGER { certReqStatusNone (0), -- None certReqStatusCsrGenerated (1),-- CSR Generated certReqStatusCsrGenerationInProgress (2), -- CSR Generation In Progress certReqStatusCsrGenerationFailed (3), -- CSR Generation Failed certReqStatusCsrUploadFailed (4), -- CSR Upload Failed certReqStatusCertInstalled (5), -- Certificate Installed certReqStatusCertInstallationInProgress (6), -- Certificate Installation In Progress certReqStatusCertDownloadFailed (7), -- Certificate Download Failed certReqStatusCertInstallationFailed (8), -- Certificate Installation Failed certReqStatusCertDeleted (9), -- Certificate Deleted certReqStatusCertDeletionInProgress (10), -- Certificate Deletion In Progress certReqStatusCertDeletionFailed (11), -- Certificate Deletion Failed certReqStatusCaCertDownloaded (12), -- CA Certificate Downloaded certReqStatusCaCertDownloadInProgress (13), -- CA Certificate Download In Progress certReqStatusCaCertDownloadFailed (14) -- CA Certificate Download Failed } MwlFastEthernetType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes FastEthernet Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsPrimaryFastethernet (1), -- Primary Ethernet nmsSecondaryFastethernet (2) -- Secondary Ethernet } MwlVpnMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Vpn Connectivity Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { modeNonVpn (0), -- Non-VPN modeVpn (1) -- VPN } MwlRegionSettings ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Region Settings" SYNTAX INTEGER { regionUnknown (0), -- Unknown regionUs (1), -- US regionIntl (2) -- International } MwlSpectrumBandsBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Spectrum Bands" SYNTAX BITS { spectrumSubbandNone (0), -- None spectrumSubband24ghz (1), -- 2.4GHz, channels, 1-14 spectrumSubband5ghzLow (2), -- 5GHz low-band, channels 36-64 spectrumSubband5ghzMedium (4),-- 5GHz mid-band, channels 100-140 spectrumSubband5ghzHigh (8) -- 5GHz high-band, channels 149-165 } MwlESSRFVirtualizationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes ESS RF Virtualization Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { essRfVmodeVcell (0), -- Virtual Cell essRfVmodeVport (1), -- Virtual Port essRfVmodeNcell (2) -- Native Cell } MwlIFRFVirtualizationMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Interface RF Virtualization Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { ifRfVmodeVport (0), -- Virtual Port ifRfVmodeNcell (1) -- Native Cell } MwlYesNoSwitch ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Yes/No Switches" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsNo (0), -- No nmsYes (1) -- Yes } MwlIpMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP Address Modes" SYNTAX INTEGER { modeUnknown (0), -- Unknown Mode modeIpv4 (1), -- IPv4 Mode modeIpv6 (2), -- IPv6 Mode modeDualStackIp (3) -- Dual Stack IP } MwlChannelCenterFrequency ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes ChannelCenterFrequency" SYNTAX INTEGER { channelCenterFrequency0 (0), -- 0 channelCenterFrequency42 (42),-- 42 channelCenterFrequency58 (58),-- 58 channelCenterFrequency106 (106), -- 106 channelCenterFrequency122 (122), -- 122 channelCenterFrequency155 (155) -- 155 } MwlNetworkType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Network Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { networkTypeWired (0), -- Wired networkTypeWireless (1) -- Wireless } MwlIpv6AddrType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IPV6 Address Types" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4Addr (0), -- IPV4 Address globalUnicastAddr (1), -- Global Unicast Address globalUnicastDhcpAddr (2), -- Global Unicast DHCP Address linkLocalAddr (3), -- Link Local Address tempAddr (4) -- Temporary Address } MwlvenueGroup ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Hotspot Venue Group" SYNTAX INTEGER { venueGroupUnspecified (0), -- Unspecified venueGroupAssembly (1), -- Assembly venueGroupBusiness (2), -- Business venueGroupEducational (3), -- Educational venueGroupFactoryIndustrial (4), -- Factory and Industrial venueGroupInstitutional (5), -- Institutional venueGroupMercantile (6), -- Mercantile venueGroupResidential (7), -- Residential venueGroupStorage (8), -- Storage venueGroupUtilityMiscellaneous (9), -- Utility and Miscellaneous venueGroupVehicular (10), -- Vehicular venueGroupOutdoor (11) -- Outdoor } MwlvenueType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Hotspot Venue Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { venueGroupTypeUnspecified (0),-- Unspecified venueTypeAssemblyArena (101), -- Assembly-Arena venueTypeAssemblyStadium (102), -- Assembly-Stadium venueTypeAssemblyPassengerTerminal (103), -- Assembly-Passenger Terminal venueTypeAssemblyAmphitheater (104), -- Assembly-Amphitheater venueTypeAssemblyAmusementPark (105), -- Assembly-Amusement Park venueTypeAssemblyPlaceOfWorship (106), -- Assembly-Place of Worship venueTypeAssemblyConventionCenter (107), -- Assembly-Convention Center venueTypeAssemblyLibrary (108), -- Assembly-Library venueTypeAssemblyMuseum (109),-- Assembly-Museum venueTypeAssemblyRestaurant (110), -- Assembly-Restaurant venueTypeAssemblyTheater (111), -- Assembly-Theater venueTypeAssemblyBar (112), -- Assembly-Bar venueTypeAssemblyCoffeeShop (113), -- Assembly-Coffee Shop venueTypeAssemblyZooAquarium (114), -- Assembly-Zoo or Aquarium venueTypeAssemblyEmergencyCoordinationCenter (115), -- Assembly-Emergency Coordination Center venueTypeBusinessDoctorDentistOffice (201), -- Business-Doctor or Dentist Office venueTypeBusinessBank (202), -- Business-Bank venueTypeBusinessFireStation (203), -- Business-Fire Station venueTypeBusinessPoliceStation (204), -- Business-Police Station venueTypeBusinessPostOffice (206), -- Business-Post Office venueTypeBusinessProfessionalOffice (207), -- Business-Professional Office venueTypeBusinessResearchDevelopmentFacility (208), -- Business-Research and Development Facility venueTypeBusinessAttorneyOffice (209), -- Business-Attorney Office venueTypeEducationalSchoolPrimary (301), -- Educational-School,Primary venueTypeEducationalSchoolSecondary (302), -- Educational-School,Secondary venueTypeEducationalUniversityCollege (303), -- Educational-University or College venueTypeFactoryIndustrialFactory (401), -- Factory-Industrial venueTypeInstitutionalHospital (501), -- Institutional-Hospital venueTypeInstitutionalLongTermCareFacility (502), -- Institutional-Long-Term Care Facility venueTypeInstitutionalAlcoholDrugRehabilitationCenter (503), -- Institutional-Alcohol and Drug Re-habilitation Center venueTypeInstitutionalGroupHome (504), -- Institutional-Group Home venueTypeInstitutionalPrisonJail (505), -- Institutional-Prison or Jail venueTypeMercantileRetailStore (601), -- Mercantile-Retail Store venueTypeMercantileGroceryMarket (602), -- Mercantile-Grocery Market venueTypeMercantileAutomotiveServiceStation (603), -- Mercantile-Automotive Service Station venueTypeMercantileShoppingMall (604), -- Mercantile-Shopping Mall venueTypeMercantileGasStation (605), -- Mercantile-Gas Station venueTypeResidentialPrivateResidence (701), -- Residential-Private Residence venueTypeResidentialHotelMotel (702), -- Residential-Hotel or Motel venueTypeResidentialDormitory (703), -- Residential-Dormitory venueTypeResidentialBoardingHouse (704), -- Residential-Boarding House venueTypeVehicularAutomobileTruck (1001), -- Vehicular-Automobile or Truck venueTypeVehicularAirplane (1002), -- Vehicular-Airplane venueTypeVehicularBus (1003), -- Vehicular-Bus venueTypeVehicularFerry (1004), -- Vehicular-Ferry venueTypeVehicularShipBoat (1005), -- Vehicular-Ship or Boat venueTypeVehicularTrain (1006), -- Vehicular-Train venueTypeVehicularMortorBike (1007), -- Vehicular-Mortor Bike venueTypeOutdoorMuniMesh (1101), -- Outdoor-Muni-mesh Network venueTypeOutdoorCityPark (1102), -- Outdoor-City Park venueTypeOutdoorRestArea (1103), -- Outdoor-Rest Area venueTypeOutdoorTrafficControl (1104), -- Outdoor-Traffic Control venueTypeOutdoorBusStop (1105), -- Outdoor-Bus Stop venueTypeOutdoorKiosk (1106) -- Outdoor-Kiosk } MwlHotspotAccessNetworkType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Hotspot Access Network Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { hotspotAccessNetworkTypePrivateNetwork (0), -- Private Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypePrivateNetworkWithGuestAccess (1), -- Private Network with Guest Acesss hotspotAccessNetworkTypeChargeablePublicNetwork (2), -- Chargeable Public Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypeFreePublicNetwork (3), -- Free Public Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypePersonalDeviceNetwork (4), -- Personal Device Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypeEmergencyServicesOnlyNetwork (5), -- Emergency Services Only Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypeTestExperimentalNetwork (14), -- Test or Experimental Network hotspotAccessNetworkTypeWildcardNetwork (15) -- Wildcard Network } MwlHotspotAuthenType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Hotspot Authentication Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { hotspotAuthenTypeAcceptanceTermsConditions (0), -- Acceptance of Terms and Conditions hotspotAuthenTypeOnlineEnrollmentSupported (1), -- On-line enrollment supported hotspotAuthenTypeHttpHttpsRedirection (2), -- http/https redirection hotspotAuthenTypeDnsRedirection (3) -- DNS redirection } MwlIPv6AvailabilityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP version 6 Availability Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv6AvailabilityTypeNotAvailable (0), -- Address type not available ipv6AvailabilityTypeAvailable (1), -- Address type available ipv6AvailabilityTypeNotKnown (2) -- Availability of the address type not known } MwlIPv4AvailabilityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes IP version 4 Availability Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { ipv4AvailabilityTypeNotAvailable (0), -- Address type not available ipv4AvailabilityTypeAvailable (1), -- Address type available ipv4AvailabilityTypePortRestrictedAddressAvailable (2), -- Port-restricted IPv4 address available ipv4AvailabilityTypeSingleNatedPrivateAddressAvailable (3), -- Single NATed private IPv4 address available ipv4AvailabilityTypeDoubleNatedPrivateAddressAvailable (4), -- Double NATed private IPv4 address available ipv4AvailabilityTypePortRestrictedSingleNatedPrivateAddressAvailable (5), -- Port-restricted IPv4 address and single NATed IPv4 address available ipv4AvailabilityTypePortRestrictedDoubleNatedPrivateAddressAvailable (6), -- Port-restricted IPv4 address and double NATed IPv4 address available ipv4AvailabilityTypeNotKnown (7) -- Availability of the address type is not known } MwlNAIRealmAuthMethod ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes NAI Realm Authenticatin Method" SYNTAX INTEGER { naiRealmAuthMethodEapTlsCertificate (0), -- EAP TLS Certificate naiRealmAuthMethodEapTtlsMschapv2UsernamePassword (1) -- EAP TTLS MSCHAPv2 Username/Password } MwlApGroupType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Group Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { apGroupTypeLocation (0) -- Location Type } MwlVpnClientProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Supported VPN Client Protocols" SYNTAX INTEGER { vpnClientProtoTcp (0), -- TCP vpnClientProtoUdp (1) -- UDP } MwlRadiusCalledStationIdType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes RADIUS CalledStationId Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { radiusCalledStationIdTypeDefault (0), -- Default radiusCalledStationIdTypeMacAddress (1), -- MacAddress radiusCalledStationIdTypeMacAddressSsid (2) -- MacAddress:SSID } MwlServiceDataFeature ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Service Data Feature" SYNTAX INTEGER { serviceDataServiceConnect (0),-- Service-Control serviceDataApplicationVisibility (1) -- Application-Visibility } MwlServiceDataType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Service Data Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { serviceDataServiceConnectService (0), -- Service serviceDataServiceConnectLocation (1), -- Location serviceDataServiceConnectEssidVlan (2), -- SSID/VLAN serviceDataServiceConnectNetwork (3), -- Wired/Wireless serviceDataAppVisibilityApplication (4), -- Application serviceDataAppVisibilityEssid (5), -- Essid serviceDataAppVisibilityStation (6), -- Station serviceDataAppVisibilityAp (7)-- AP } MwlServiceDataFilterType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Service Data Filter Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { serviceDataFilterEssid (0), -- EssId serviceDataFilterAp (1), -- AP serviceDataFilterLocation (2),-- ApGroup serviceDataFilterEssidAp (3), -- EssId/AP serviceDataFilterEssidLocation (4) -- EssId/ApGroup } MwlRedirectionProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Redirection Protocol" SYNTAX INTEGER { redirectionProtocolHttps (0), -- https redirectionProtocolHttp (1) -- http } MwlApRebootReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP Reboot Reason Code" SYNTAX INTEGER { apRebootReasonCodeInvalid (0),-- invalid apRebootReasonCodeManual (1), -- Manual apRebootReasonCodeConfigChange (2), -- Config Change apRebootReasonCodeWatchdog (3), -- Watchdog apRebootReasonCodeLostConnection (4), -- Lost Connection apRebootReasonCodeSoftwareUpgrade (5), -- Software Upgrade apRebootReasonCodeRadioFailure (6), -- Radio Failure apRebootReasonCodeInvalidPower (7), -- Invalid Power apRebootReasonCodeUnknown (8),-- Unknown apRebootReasonCodeCannotDownloadConfig (9), -- Cannot Download Config apRebootReasonCodeRestoreDefault (10), -- Restore Default apRebootReasonCodeApCrash (11), -- Ats Crash apRebootReasonCodeKernelCrash (12), -- Kernel Crash apRebootReasonCodeSoftLockup (13), -- Soft Lockup apRebootReasonCodeBandspeedTerminated (14), -- BandSpeed Service Terminated apRebootReasonCodeLastEntry (15) -- Last Entry } MwlBridgedVlanType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Bridged VLAN Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { noVlan (0), -- No VLAN staticVlanOnly (1), -- Static VLAN Only radiusVlanOnly (2), -- RADIUS VLAN Only radiusAndStaticVlan (3) -- RADIUS And Static VLAN } MwlCliCmdGenWriteMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Write Mode" SYNTAX INTEGER { cliCmdGenWriteModeOverwrite (0), -- Overwrite cliCmdGenWriteModeAppend (1) -- Append } MwlVoiceClientType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Voice Client Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { voiceClientTypeNone (0), -- none voiceClientTypeAscom (1), -- ascom voiceClientTypeSpectralink (2)-- spectralink } MwlMMProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes MMP Protocol Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { mmpTypeBinary (0), -- Basic mmpTypeKv (1) -- KeyValue } MwlApMacAssignOption ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes eth0/eth1 Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsEth0 (0), -- eth0 nmsEth1 (1) -- eth1 } MwlNplus1NotifType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes N+1 Notification Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nplus1NotifTypeNp1Stop (1), -- N+1 Stop nplus1NotifTypeReboot (2), -- Reboot nplus1NotifTypeUpgrade (3), -- Upgrade nplus1NotifTypeTakeover (4), -- Takeover nplus1NotifTypeFallback (5), -- Fallback nplus1NotifTypeIpConflict (6),-- IP Conflict nplus1NotifTypeGatewayUp (7), -- Gateway Up nplus1NotifTypeGatewayDown (8), -- Gateway Down nplus1NotifTypeSlave (9) -- Slave } MwlTimerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Timer Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { timerTypeAbsolute (0), -- absolute timerTypePeriodic (1) -- periodic } MwlApplicationActionType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Application Action Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { appActionTypeAllow (0), -- Allow appActionTypeBlock (1) -- Block } MwlAppVisibilityFlowType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Application Visibility Flow Type" SYNTAX INTEGER { appVisibilityFlowTypeAllowed (0), -- Allowed appVisibilityFlowTypeBlocked (1) -- Blocked } MwlApplicationBWUnit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Application Bandwidth Unit" SYNTAX INTEGER { appBwUnitKbps (0), -- Kbps appBwUnitMbps (1), -- Mbps appBwUnitGbps (2) -- Gbps } MwlDaysOfTheWeekBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Days Of The Week" SYNTAX BITS { daysOfTheWeekNotSupported (0),-- None daysOfTheWeekSunday (1), -- Sunday daysOfTheWeekMonday (2), -- Monday daysOfTheWeekTuesday (4), -- Tuesday daysOfTheWeekWednesday (8), -- Wednesday daysOfTheWeekThursday (16), -- Thursday daysOfTheWeekFriday (32), -- Friday daysOfTheWeekSaturday (64) -- Saturday } MwlTimerIntervalState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Timer Within or Out Of Interval" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsTimerStateInInterval (0), -- In nmsTimerStateOutOfInterval (1)-- Out } MwlEssIdType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Type of EssId" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsEssidTypeRegular (0), -- Regular nmsEssidTypeBackup (1) -- Backup } MwlState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Start/done Option" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsStateUnknown (0), -- Unknown nmsStateStart (1), -- Start nmsStateDone (2) -- Done } MwlTxBeamSupport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Tx Beamforming support type" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsTxBeamformingDisabled (0), -- Disabled nmsTxBeamformingSuMimo (1), -- SU MIMO nmsTxBeamformingMuMimo (2) -- MU MIMO } MwlMcaApStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Planned/Unplanned AP" SYNTAX INTEGER { nmsMcaUnplanned (0), -- Unplanned nmsMcaPlanned (1) -- Planned } MwlArrayDataTypeAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " This defines the actions for the array data type" SYNTAX INTEGER { addValue (1), deleteValue (2), updateValue (3) } END