-- ===================================================== -- -- Meru Networks Enterprise MIB: MERU-WLAN-MIB -- -- Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Meru Networks, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- ===================================================== MERU-WLAN-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS NOTIFICATION-TYPE, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC mwWncVarsHostName FROM MERU-CONFIG-CONTROLLER-MIB mwTopoStaapApId, mwTopoStaapStaId FROM MERU-TOPOLOGY-MIB mwApNodeId, mwApPowerSupplyType FROM MERU-CONFIG-AP-MIB; meruWlanMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200511010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Meru Networks" CONTACT-INFO "Meru Networks support@merunetworks.com" DESCRIPTION "This MIB defines the traps from Meru WLAN infrastructure." REVISION "200511010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Made the following changes for release 3.2 - added wpa2 related trap objects - added descriptions for multiple objects - made meru-reqs obsolete - revised contact information " REVISION "200301281851Z" DESCRIPTION "Initial revision" ::= { meru-wlan 1 } ActionStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { actionStatusStart (1), actionStatusStop (2), actionStatusInProgress (3), actionStatusInError (4), actionStatusDone (5) } UpgradeState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" SYNTAX INTEGER { upgradeStateStart (1), upgradeStateInProgress (2), upgradeStateFailed (3), upgradeStateDone (4) } -- ====================================================================== -- REGISTRATION -- ====================================================================== meru OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "OID assigned by the IANA. All Meru MIBs are located under this subtree." ::= { enterprises 15983 } meru-reg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru 1 } meru-wlan OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "" ::= { meru-reg 1 } -- This OBJECT IDENTIFIER is used to set sysObjectId mwlWncNodeReg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan 2 } meru-generic OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru 2 } meru-products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru 3 } -- ====================================================================== -- MERU WLAN MIB SUBTREE -- ====================================================================== meru-wlan-MIB OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-products 1 } meru-wlan-conf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-MIB 1 } meru-wlan-groups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-conf 1 } meru-wlan-compls OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-conf 2 } meru-wlan-objs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-MIB 2 } mwlGlobalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-objs 1 } meru-wlan-events OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-MIB 3 } meru-caps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru 4 } meru-expr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru 6 } -- ====================================================================== -- Organized in a manner similar to the IOSCLI Configuration modes -- Naming scheme is meruWlanxxxObjects where Xxx is the IOSCLI -- Configuration mode, initially capitalized. Submodes are in the -- same classification as the main mode -- ====================================================================== meruWlanApObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { meru-wlan-conf 3 } -- This variable defines the polling period used between WNC-ASC and ASC-ATS -- to refresh the statistic caches mwlGlobalReboot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActionStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable with the value 'start' triggers the reboot of all the node in the WLAN." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 6 } mwlTrapContent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the details of a trap." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 14 } mwlGlobalSave OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ActionStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Setting this variable with the value 'start' triggers the save of the running configuration to the startup configuration, so that changes will persist across reboots. All changes made via SETs for SNMP tables are applied to the running configuration only. You should set this variable at the end of every group of updates if you want your configuration to persist." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 16 } mwlWiredIfMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the MAC Address of Wired Interface." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 17 } mwlWirelessIfMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the MAC Address of Wireless Interface." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 18 } mwlApMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the MAC Address of Access Point." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 19 } mwlStationMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the MAC Address of Station." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 20 } mwlWirelessIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Index of Wireless Interface." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 21 } mwlWncSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the software version of WNC." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 22 } mwlApSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the software version of AP." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 23 } mwlLicenseFeatureName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the feature name of license." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 24 } mwlTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Time Stamp." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 25 } mwlIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the IP Address." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 26 } mwlOldIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Old IP Address." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 27 } mwlNewIpAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the New IP Address." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 28 } mwlApModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Model name of AP." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 29 } mwlStationCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the station capacity of Wireless Interface." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 30 } mwlCpuUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes CPU Usage." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 31 } mwlMemoryUsage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes Memory Usage." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 32 } mwlCpuId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the CPU Id." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 33 } mwDhcpSvrPoolName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the DHCP Server Pool Name." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 34 } mwlRadiusSvrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the RAIUS Server Type (Authentication/Accounting)." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 35 } mwlRecordNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Record Number." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 36 } mwlAttemptNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Login Attempt Number." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 37 } mwlEssProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the ESS Profile name." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 38 } mwlSecProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Security Profile name." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 39 } mwlLimitNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Limit Number." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 40 } mwlChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Channel Number." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 41 } mwlOldSystemId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Old System ID." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 42 } mwlNewSystemId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the New System ID." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 43 } mwlModuleId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Module Id." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 44 } mwlDaysLeft OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes the Days Left for No License Enforcement Expiry." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 45 } mwlApLicenseCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object describes AP License Count." ::= { mwlGlobalObjects 46 } -- ====================================================================== mwlTopoStaAtsAdd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwTopoStaapApId, mwTopoStaapStaId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlTopoStaAtsAdd trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a station entry has been added to the station and AP topology table. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 7 } mwlTopoStaAtsRemove NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwTopoStaapApId, mwTopoStaapStaId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlTopoStaAtsAdd trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a station entry has been removed from the station and AP topology table. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 8 } mwlTopoStaAtsModify NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwTopoStaapApId, mwTopoStaapStaId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlTopoStaAtsAdd trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a station entry has been modified in the station and AP topology table. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 9 } mwlRogueApDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRogueApDetected trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a rogue AP is detected in the wireless network. The AP id, mac address, and other information are described in mwlTraContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 13 } mwlRogueApRemoved NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRogueApRemoved trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a rogue AP is removed from the wireless network. The AP id, mac address, and other information are described in mwlTraContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 14 } mwlAtsDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that one of the AP (Ats) in the wireless network is to enter down state. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 18 } mwlAtsUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that one of the AP (Ats) in the wireless network is to enter up state. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 19 } mwlWatchdogFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWatchdogFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that WatchDog is down in the controller. The controller is identified by mwWncVarsHostName and the details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 22 } mwlWatchdogUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWatchdogUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that WatchDog is up in the controller. The controller is identified by mwWncVarsHostName and the details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 23 } mwlCertificateError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlCertificateError trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a SSL certificate is corrupted or expired. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 24 } mwlCertificateInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlCertificateInstalled trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity acting in an agent role, has detected that a SSL certificate is installed. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 25 } mwlApSoftwareVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWncSoftwareVersion, mwlApSoftwareVersion, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApSoftwareVersionMismatch trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the software version in AP (Ats) does not match that in the controller. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 26 } mwlApSoftwareVersionMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWncSoftwareVersion, mwlApSoftwareVersion, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApSoftwareVersionMatch trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that mwlApSoftwareVersionMismatch is cleared. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 27 } mwlApInitFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApInitFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the AP initialization failed. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 28 } mwlApInitFailureCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApInitFailureCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that mwlApInitFailureCleared is cleared. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 29 } mwlApRadioCardFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApRadioCardFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that a radio card in AP failed. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 30 } mwlApRadioCardFailureCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApRadioCardFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that mwlApRadioCardFailure was cleared. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 31 } mwlAuthFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlStationMacAddr, mwlEssProfileName, mwlSecProfileName, mwlAttemptNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAuthFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that an incoming supplicant's access request is rejected due to an authtication failure. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 32 } mwlRadiusServerSwitchover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlOldIpAddr, mwlNewIpAddr, mwlRadiusSvrType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadiusServerSwitchover trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the controller switched from primary radius server to secondary one. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 33 } mwlRadiusServerSwitchoverFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlOldIpAddr, mwlRadiusSvrType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadiusServerSwitchoverFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the controller failed in switching over from the primary radius server to the secondary one. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 34 } mwlRadiusServerRestored NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlNewIpAddr, mwlRadiusSvrType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadiusServerRestored trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the controller etected the primary radius server back online and reverted to the primary radius server. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 35 } mwlAcctRadiusServerSwitchover NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAcctRadiusServerSwitchover trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the controller switched from primary accounting radius server to the secondary one. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 36 } mwlAcctRadiusServerSwitchoverFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAcctRadiusServerSwitchoverFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the controller failed in switching over from the primary accounting radius server to the secondary one. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 37 } mwlMicFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlStationMacAddr, mwlEssProfileName, mwlSecProfileName, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMicFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that an AP detected message integrity code (MIC) failure. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 38 } mwlMicCounterMeasureActivated NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMicCounterMeasureActivated trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that MIC countermeasures feature gets activated. This feature gets activated if more than one MIC failure is detected within a pre-defined time period. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 39 } mwlMasterDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName, mwlIpAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMasterDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that one of the Master controllers in the N+1 network is to enter down state. The Master controller is identified by mwWncVarsHostName and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 40 } mwlMasterUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName, mwlIpAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMasterUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that one of the Master controllers in the N+1 network is to enter down state. The Master controller is identified by mwWncVarsHostName and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 41 } mwlAtsNeighborLoss NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsNeighborLoss trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the ats neighbor loss." ::= { meru-wlan-events 42 } mwlAtsNeighborLossCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsNeighborLossCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the ats neighbor loss which was detected earlier has been cleared." ::= { meru-wlan-events 43 } mwlHandoffFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlHandoffFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected failure in hand off." ::= { meru-wlan-events 44 } mwlHandoffFailCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlHandoffFailureCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected failure in hand off is cleared." ::= { meru-wlan-events 45 } mwlResourceThresholdExceed NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlResourceThresholdExceed trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the consumption of resources has exceeded the threshold. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 46 } mwlResourceThresholdExceedCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlResourceThresholdExceedCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the consumption of resources which had exceeded the threshold is now cleared. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 47 } mwlSystemFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSystemFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected failure in the system. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 48 } mwlSystemFailureCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSystemFailureCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the system which had a failure previously is now cleared. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 49 } mwlApBootimageVersionMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApBootimageVersionMismatch trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the bootimage version in AP (Ats) does not match that in the controller. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 50 } mwlApBootimageVersionMatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApBootimageVersionMatch trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the mwlApBootimageVersionMismatch is cleared. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 51 } mwlMacFilterDeny NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMacFilterDeny trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the station which is denied access. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 52 } mwlMacFilterDenyCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlMacFilterDeny trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected mwlMacFilterDeny is cleared. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 53 } mwlSoftwareLicenseExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlLicenseFeatureName, mwlTimeStamp, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSoftwareLicenseExpired trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the software license has expired. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 54 } mwlSoftwareLicenseInstalled NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlLicenseFeatureName, mwlTimeStamp, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSoftwareLicenseInstalled trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the software license has been installed. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 55 } mwlApTemperature NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApTemperature trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the temperature on the ap has raised. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 56 } mwlApTemperatureCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApTemperatureCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the temperature on the ap has come down to normal. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 57 } mwlHardwareDiagnostic NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlHardwareDiagnostic trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected hardware Diagnostics. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 58 } mwlHardwareDiagnosticCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlHardwareDiagnosticCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, mwlHardwareDiagnostic trap is cleared. The system is identified by mwWncVarsHostName." ::= { meru-wlan-events 59 } mwlCacLimitReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlLimitNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlCacLimitReached trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected the CAC limit is reached. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 60 } mwlRadarDetected NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadarDetected trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received the RADAR detected notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 61 } mwlOperationalChannelChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlChannelNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlOperationalChannelChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received the Operational channel change notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 62 } mwlLicensingServerDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlLicensingServerDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received the Licensing server is down. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 63 } mwlNUpgradeLicenseCheckoutFail NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlNUpgradeLicenseCheckoutFail trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received the 802.11 N Upgrade license checkout fail notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 64 } mwlNoLicenseEnforcementExpired NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwWncVarsHostName, mwlIpAddr, mwlDaysLeft, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlNoLicenseEnforcementExpired trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received No License Enforcement on Active Slave of NPlus1 will be expired. The Master controller is identified by mwWncVarsHostName and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 65 } mwlApWirelessIfDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessIfDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface failure notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 66 } mwlApWirelessIfUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessIfUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface failure clear notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 67 } mwlApWirelessStaCapacityFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlApMacAddr, mwlApModelName, mwlStationCapacity, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessStaCapacityFull trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface station capacity full notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 68 } mwlApWirelessStaCapacityRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlApMacAddr, mwlApModelName, mwlStationCapacity, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessStaCapacityRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface station capacity recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 69 } mwlWncCpuUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlCpuId, mwlCpuUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWncCpuUsageHigh trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Wnc CPU Usage high notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 70 } mwlWncCpuUsageRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlCpuId, mwlCpuUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWncCpuUsageRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Wnc CPU Usage recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 71 } mwlWncMemUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlMemoryUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWncMemUsageHigh trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Wnc Memory Usage high notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 72 } mwlWncMemUsageRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlMemoryUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWncMemUsageRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Wnc Memory Usage recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 73 } mwlApCpuUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlCpuId, mwlCpuUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApCpuUsageHigh trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP CPU Usage high notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 74 } mwlApCpuUsageRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlCpuId, mwlCpuUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApCpuUsageRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP CPU Usage recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 75 } mwlApMemUsageHigh NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlMemoryUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApMemUsageHigh trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP Memory Usage high notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 76 } mwlApMemUsageRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlMemoryUsage, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApMemUsageRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP Memory Usage recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 77 } mwlDhcpSvrPoolExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwDhcpSvrPoolName, mwlTrapContent} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlDhcpSvrPoolExhausted trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received DHCP Server Pool Exhausted notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 78 } mwlDhcpSvrPoolRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwDhcpSvrPoolName, mwlTrapContent} STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlDhcpSvrPoolRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received DHCP Server Pool Recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 79 } mwlRadiusSvrFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlIpAddr, mwlRadiusSvrType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadiusSvrFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Radius Server Failure notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 80 } mwlRadiusSvrRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlIpAddr, mwlRadiusSvrType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlRadiusSvrRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Radius Server Recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 81 } mwlAlarmHistoryFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAlarmHistoryFull trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Alarm History Full notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 82 } mwlAlarmHistoryRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAlarmHistoryRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Alarm History Recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 83 } mwlEventLogFull NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlEventLogFull trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Event Log Full notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 84 } mwlEventLogRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlEventLogRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Event Log Recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 85 } mwlAdminLoginFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTimeStamp, mwlIpAddr, mwlAttemptNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAdminLoginFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Admin Login Failure notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 86 } mwlWncIpAddrChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlOldIpAddr, mwlNewIpAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlWncIpAddrChange trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Wnc IP Address Change notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 87 } mwlAlarmHistoryReachThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAlarmHistoryReachThreshold trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Alarm History reaches threshold notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 88 } mwlEventLogReachThreshold NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlEventLogReachThreshold trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Event Log reaches threshold notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 89 } mwlAtsRuntimeError NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsRuntimeError trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received the notification indicating an internal error in AP configuration. This error is detected by AP itself and results in reboot of AP without affecting any service, to get correct configuration. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 90 } mwlAtsRuntimeErrorCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsRuntimeErrorCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the AP Runtime Error condition is cleared. The AP (Ats) is identified by mwApNodeId and details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 91 } mwlSystemIdChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlIpAddr, mwlOldSystemId, mwlNewSystemId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSystemIdChanged trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received System Id change notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 92 } mwlSoftwareLicenseViolationRaised NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlLicenseFeatureName, mwlTimeStamp, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSoftwareLicenseViolationRaised trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the software license violation has raised. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 93 } mwlSoftwareLicenseViolationRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlLicenseFeatureName, mwlTimeStamp, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSoftwareLicenseViolationRaised trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the software license violation has recovered. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 94 } mwlPowerModuleFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlModuleId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlPowerModuleFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the power module is failed. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 95 } mwlPowerModuleClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlModuleId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlPowerModuleClear trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the power module is running. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 96 } mwlFanModuleFailure NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlModuleId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlFanModuleFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the fan module is failed. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 97 } mwlFanModuleClear NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlModuleId, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlFanModuleClear trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the fan module is running. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 98 } mwlApWirelessIfDownDuetoFallbackChanNotFound NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessIfDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface down notification due to DFS Fallback Channel Not Found. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 99 } mwlApWirelessIfDownDuetoFallbackChanNotFoundRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlWirelessIfIndex, mwlWirelessIfMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApWirelessIfUp trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP wireless interface down clear notification by DFS Fallback Channel Found. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 100 } mwlAtsLicenseExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlApLicenseCount, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsLicenseExceeded trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the AP (Ats) is using Buffer License and AP (Ats) License is completely Used. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 101 } mwlAtsLicenseExceededCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlApLicenseCount, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlAtsLicenseExceededCleared trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the AP (Ats) Buffer License usage is cleared and AP (Ats) License is completely Used. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 102 } mwlPowerNotAT NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApPowerSupplyType, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlPowerNotAT trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Power Not AT notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 103} mwlSwitchSupport NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlSwitchSupport trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received Switch not supporting LACP notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 104} mwlApHwRevNotSupported NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApHwRevNotSupported trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP Hw Rev Not Supported notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 105} mwlApHwRevNotSupportedRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApHwRevNotSupportedRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received AP Hw Rev Not Supported Recovered notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 106} mwlPowerSupplyTypeNotAtForOAP832 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlPowerSupplyTypeNotAtForOAP832 trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received PS type not Supported notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 107} mwlPowerSupplyTypeAtForOAP832 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlPowerSupplyTypeAtForOAP832 trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received PS Type At For OAP832 notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 108} mwlReInitDB NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlRecordNumber, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlReInitDB trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received ReInitDB notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 109} mwlApModelNotSupported NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlApModelNotSupported trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received ApModelNotSupported notification. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 110} mwlServiceDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlServiceDown trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that one of the Timer in the wireless network is to enter down state. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 111} mwlBadPlanningChannel NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlBadPlanningChannel trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in agent role, has detected bad planning channel due to wifi interference or due to other reasons like not able to beacon. The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 112} mwlImproperAPRFPositioning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlImproperAPRFPositioning trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in agent role, has detected RF positioning of AP is not proper for deciding optimal channel The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 113} mwlChannelChangeDynamicUpdateMCA NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlChannelChangeDynamicUpdateMCA trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in agent role, has detected channel change for the interface due to dynamic update from MCA The details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 114} mwlNewAPAfterChannelPlanning NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlNewAPAfterChannelPlanning trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received notification of new AP in the network after channel planning is done. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 115} mwlNewAPAfterChannelPlanningRecovered NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mwApNodeId, mwlApMacAddr, mwlTrapContent } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A mwlNewAPAfterChannelPlanningRecovered trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting in an agent role, has received notification to clear the New AP alarm after channel planning got detected. Details of the trap is described by mwlTrapContent." ::= { meru-wlan-events 116} meru-reqs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "" ::= { meru 5 } END