NSCRTV-EPONEOC-EPON-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS BridgeId, Timeout FROM BRIDGE-MIB IpAddress, Unsigned32, Integer32, Counter32,OBJECT-TYPE, TimeTicks, Gauge32, Counter64, MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI DateAndTime, MacAddress, TimeStamp, RowStatus, TruthValue, DisplayString, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; nscrtvRoot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 17409 } -- DESCRIPTION -- "nscrtvRoot定义全国广电设备管理MIB根节点。" nscrtvHFCemsTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvRoot 1 } nscrtvEponEocTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvRoot 2} -- DESCRIPTION -- "nscrtvEponEocTree定义EPON、EoC管理系统MIB根节点," -- "所有EPON、EoC系统的MIB均应在该节点下定义。" propertyIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvEponEocTree 1} -- DESCRIPTION -- "属性(Property)MIB的分支节点标识。" alarmsIdent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvEponEocTree 2} -- DESCRIPTION -- "告警(Alarms)MIB的分支节点标识。" eponTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvEponEocTree 3} -- DESCRIPTION -- "EPON MIB的分支节点标识。" eoCTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { nscrtvEponEocTree 4} -- DESCRIPTION -- "EoC MIB的分支节点标识。" eponAlarmTree OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { alarmsIdent 11 } eponTrapObjectGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponAlarmTree 1 } eponAlarmObjGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponAlarmTree 2 } eponManagementObjGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponAlarmTree 3 } systemObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 1 } sniObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 2 } ponPortObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 3 } onuObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 4 } uniObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 5 } igmpManagementObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 6 } vlanManagementObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 7 } qosManagementObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 8 } stpManagementObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 9 } performanceStatisticObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 10 } eponLinkedEoCManagementObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { eponTree 11 } EponDeviceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Epon olt/onu设备索引号。 ONU ID的组成(4字节)(高--低) Olt device-8bit OLT Card-8bit Pon port-8bit OnuNUM-8bit Note: ---- 1. OLT device must not be 0. 2. Card here shall confirm the last byte definition of EponCardIndex to indicate the main-slot and sub-slot index. 3. Pon port must not be 0. 4. The useful ONU logical ID MUST never be set to 0, where NUM of 0 has another meaning, to indicate that the ONU logical ID is meaningless, or said to not applied. Usage guide: ----------- This TC could be used for OLT SNI, OLT PON port, OLT ONU ID ONU UNI, OLT device, trunk. If the refered MIB object does not have clear definition, refer to the following: Applied Obj - Descriptions of Index ------------------------------------------------------------------ OLT Pon Port - OnuNum shall be set to 0, OLT SNI - Same as OLT Pon Port OLT onu ID - Set OnuNUM to corresponding ONU logical ID ONU UNI - Same as OLT ONU ID OLT device - Set card, pon port and OnuNUM to 0 Trunk - Card to 0x3F, pon port to trunk ID, OnuNUM to 0 Olt device to corresponding ONU device " SYNTAX Unsigned32 EponCardIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 板卡索引号 For easy presenting the chassis view by NMS, bCardIndex shall be formatted in a following manner: Four bytes of INTEGER, from the most significant byte to the least significant bytes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reserved byte Reserved byte Reserved byte Sub-slot 2-bit Main-slot 6-bit Notes: ----- 1. Reserved bytes shall be set to 0. 2. The main-slot shall be started from 1, and shall be in a consecutive manner, for all slots, including service slots, control slots, switch slots, power slots,FAN slots, etc.For example, 1, 2, 3 3. The sub-slot shall be started from 1, and shall be in a consecutive manner. For example, 1, 2. If no sub-slot concept of a main-slot, set to 0. 4. For fixed device, if no slot concept, NE shall set both main-slot and sub-slot to 0, to indicate this is meaningless. For modulized device, they MUST not be set to 0.This definition shall applied to both OLT and ONU. 5. For trunk, since there is no slot concept, set main-slot to all-1 and sub-slot to 0. This definition shall applied to both OLT and ONU. For example, 0x00 00 00 0A, represents main-slot 10, no sub-slot 0x00 00 00 42, represents main-slot 2, sub-slot 1 0x00 00 00 3F, represents a trunk " SYNTAX Unsigned32 EponPortIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Epon端口索引号 The device port number shall start from 1. Nunber 0 had specific meaning, stands for portIndex is meaningless, for the situation defined. " SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) EponAlarmCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Alarm codes, uniquely indentifies each kind of alarm. Refer to EPON alarm definition table" SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) EponAlarmInstance ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " Alarm instance, which define the detailed management object reported the alarm. For example, OLT device 1, slot 2, port 3 reports a port down alarm. It is represents in OCTET STRING format. 1. The first four OCTET has same definition as EponDeviceIndex TC. 2. The fifth OCTET is the slot definition of ONU, which shall have same definition as last byte definition in EponCardIndex TC. 3. The sixth OCTET is the UNI port ID of ONU, which is similar to EponPortIndex TC. 4. The seventh and eighth OCTETS are reserved and shall be set to 0 at any time, and shall be ignored by maangement system. For example, 0x01 02 03 04 05 06 00 00, represents OLT device 1, slot 2, port 3, ONU logical ID 4, slot 5 UNI port 6 of the connected ONU. " SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (8) ) EponSeverityType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " 告警严重程度" SYNTAX INTEGER { critical(1), major(2), minor(3), warning(4), info(5), clear(6) } AutoNegotiationTechAbility ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Technology ability of auto negotiation. Refer to clause of IEEE 802.3 2005 edition" SYNTAX BITS { tenBaseTFullDuplex(1), tenBaseTHalfDuplex(2), hundredBaseTFullDuplex(3), hundredBaseTHalfDuplex(4), thousandBaseTFullDuplex(5), thousandBaseTHalfDuplex(6), thousandBaseXFullDuplex(7), thousandBaseXHalfDuplex(8), fdxPause(9), fdxApause(10), fdxSpause(11), fdxBpause(12) } TAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION " First four octets sames definition of IpAddress, stands for NMS IP address The last four octets same definition of INTEGER, stands for trap UDP port " SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) EponStats15MinRecordType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "15分钟性能统计记录的索引号 索引号为0表示当前15分钟性能数据 1..96表示历史的15分钟性能,1代表最新的数据,96代表最老的数据" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..96) EponStats24HourRecordType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "24小时性能统计记录的索引号 索引号为0表示当前24小时性能数据 1..30表示历史的24小时性能, 1代表最新的数据,30代表最老的数据" SYNTAX INTEGER (0..30) EponStatsThresholdType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "门限类型,见 性能量定义表 1- InOctets 2 InPkts 3 InBroadcastPkts 4 InMulticastPkts 5 InPkts64Octets 6 InPkts65to127Octets 7 InPkts128to255Octets 8 InPkts256to511Octets 9 InPkts512to1023Octets 10 InPkts1024to1518Octets 11 InPkts1519to1522Octets 12 InUndersizePkts 13 InOversizePkts 14 InFragments 15 InMpcpFrames 16 InMpcpOctets 17 InOAMFrames 18 InOAMOctets 19 InCRCErrorPkts 20 InDropEvents 21 InJabbers 22 InCollision 23 OutOctets 24 OutPkts 25 OutBroadcastPkts 26 OutMulticastPkts 27 OutPkts64Octets 28 OutPkts65to127Octets 29 OutPkts128to255Octets 30 OutPkts256to511Octets 31 OutPkts512to1023Octets 32 OutPkts1024to1518Octets 33 OutPkts1519o1522Octets 34 OutUndersizePkts 35 OutOversizePkts 36 OutFragments 37 OutMpcpFrames 38 OutMpcpOctets 39 OutOAMFrames 40 OutOAMOctets 41 OutCRCErrorPkts 42 OutDropEvents 43 OutJabbers 44 OutCollision 50 Temperature Note: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1. For 50 Temperature, this parameter shall only applied to a. Slot level, for each service/switch/management card, for chassis-based system. b. Node-level, for fixed box. 2. For 50 Temperature, shall be applied to both OLT and ONU 3. For 50 Temperature, since no 15-min performance data collection are required, system shall ensure the temperature polling interval no less than 5 seconds. The alarm shall be only generated when the threshold is acrossed for three continuous intervals, and shall be cleared, when the threshold is not accrossed any more, for three continous intervals. " SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1024) -- -- END of NSCRTV-EPONEOC-EPON-MIB -- END