FSC-SERVERCONTROL2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN --#FILENAME "SC2.MIB" --#DESCRIPTION "ServerControl MIB, edition 2 - for systemboard and server hardware monitoring" --#REVISION "9.02.02" --#VENDOR "Fujitsu Technology Solutions" --#TRAP-ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications --#TRAP-VARIABLES sc2NotificationsTrapInfo -- Copyright 2019 FUJITSU LIMITED -- All rights reserved IMPORTS OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 mib-2 FROM RFC1213-MIB DisplayString FROM RFC1213-MIB Counter, Gauge, IpAddress FROM RFC1155-SMI; PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) 1 } sni OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 231 } sniProductMibs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sni 2 } sniExtensions OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sniProductMibs 10 } sniServerMgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sniExtensions 2 } sniInventory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sniServerMgmt 1 } sniCommon OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sniServerMgmt 2 } fscServerControl2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sniCommon 10 } sc2Notifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 20 } -- -- Textual conventions -- TrueFalse ::= INTEGER { false(1), true(2) } TrueFalseUnknown ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), false(2), true(3) } UnitClass ::= INTEGER { unknown(1), standardServer(2), storageExtension(3), bladeServerChassis(4), bladeServer(5), clusterNode(6), multiNodeChassis(7), multiNodeServer(8), virtualServer(9), virtualPartition(10), systemboardInPartition(11), virtualServerVmware(20), -- obsolete, virtualServer(9) used instead -- virtualServerHyperV(21), -- obsolete, virtualServer(9) used instead -- virtualServerXen(22), -- obsolete, virtualServer(9) used instead -- virtualServerPan(23) -- obsolete, virtualServer(9) used instead -- } CompStatus ::= INTEGER { ok(1), warning(2), error(3), unknown(5), notPresent(6), notManageable(7) } LogSeverity ::= INTEGER { informational(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } OsLogSeverity ::= INTEGER { ok(1), warning(2), error(3) } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2AgentInfo -- DESCRIPTION "This group defines agent specific objects like agent name, -- vendor name and versions as well as the agent's write and -- shutdown permission by SET commands" -- -- sc2AgentInfo group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2AgentInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 1 } sc2AgentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Agent identification string" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 1 } sc2AgentCompany OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Agent's company name (e.g. Fujitsu Technology Solutions)" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 2 } sc2AgentVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Agent's version string (e.g. 1.05)" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 3 } sc2AgentBuild OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Compilation time and date of agent program" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 4 } sc2AgentWriteAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), write-not-allowed(2), write-allowed(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines whether writable objects can be written (except shutdown/power-off operations)" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 5 } sc2AgentShutdownAllowed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), shutdown-not-allowed(2), shutdown-allowed(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines whether shutdown/power-off objects can be written" ::= { sc2AgentInfo 6 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2UnitInformation -- DESCRIPTION "This group describes the units and their dependencies" -- -- sc2UnitInformation group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2UnitInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 2 } sc2LocalServerUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier number of the local server (usually is ID 1). This ID can be used as index into the sc2Units table." ::= { sc2UnitInformation 1 } sc2NumberUnits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of available units (size of sc2Units table)." ::= { sc2UnitInformation 2 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2UnitTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Description of all units in this MIB" -- -- sc2UnitTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2UnitTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Units ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Description of all units in this MIB" ::= { sc2UnitInformation 3 } sc2Units OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Units ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2uUnitId } ::= { sc2UnitTable 1 } Sc2Units ::= SEQUENCE { sc2uUnitId INTEGER, sc2UnitClass UnitClass, sc2UnitCabinetNr INTEGER, sc2UnitDesignation DisplayString, sc2UnitModelName DisplayString, sc2UnitManufacturer DisplayString, sc2UnitSerialNumber DisplayString, sc2UnitLocation DisplayString, sc2UnitContact DisplayString, sc2UnitAdminURL DisplayString, sc2FrontDoorStatus INTEGER, sc2HousingOpenStatus INTEGER, sc2MsgLogLanguages DisplayString, sc2UnitWorldWideName DisplayString, sc2RemcsId DisplayString, sc2AssetTag DisplayString, sc2MsgLogAvailable TrueFalse, sc2ManagementIpAddress DisplayString, sc2HasUefiFirmware TrueFalse, sc2ManagementIpAddressV6 DisplayString } sc2uUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Units 1 } sc2UnitClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitClass ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit classification (type)" ::= { sc2Units 2 } sc2UnitCabinetNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit cabinet number (used for addressing storage extension cabinets or server blades). The ID of the local server is usually 0." ::= { sc2Units 3 } sc2UnitDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit designation / housing type (e.g. 'H200R')" ::= { sc2Units 4 } sc2UnitModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit model name (e.g. 'PRIMERGY RX100')" ::= { sc2Units 5 } sc2UnitManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit manufacturer name (e.g. 'Fujitsu Technology Solutions')" ::= { sc2Units 6 } sc2UnitSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit serial number (e.g. 'YBCL123456')" ::= { sc2Units 7 } sc2UnitLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit location string (e.g. 'ServerCenter Room 17, Rack 9')" ::= { sc2Units 8 } sc2UnitContact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit contact name (e.g. 'Mr. Bond')" ::= { sc2Units 9 } sc2UnitAdminURL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "URL of administration HTML interface (e.g. 'http://MyServer/admin')" ::= { sc2Units 10 } sc2FrontDoorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), open(2), closed(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status describing whether the front door is open or closed" ::= { sc2Units 11 } sc2HousingOpenStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), open(2), closed(3), opened-and-closed(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status describing whether the housing is open or closed" ::= { sc2Units 12 } sc2MsgLogLanguages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Supported languages of text message log (comma-seperated list of decimal language codes, see sc2MessageTextLogTable). e.g. '1031,1033' means German and English are supported. English (1033) is the default language and is always available." ::= { sc2Units 13 } sc2UnitWorldWideName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit World Wide Name. A 64-bit sized address for storage devices (e.g. '6661E2B0A00B88FB')" ::= { sc2Units 14 } sc2RemcsId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "REMCS system identification string (binary data): Format of Fujitsu REMCS ID (40byte) Format = TTMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmCCnnnnnnnnnnnn TT : 2byte : Type ID for Company Name MM...M : 12byte : Model Name mm...m : 12byte : Device Name CC : 2byte : Checksum nn...n : 12byte : Serial number" ::= { sc2Units 15 } sc2AssetTag OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Customer specific asset tag (40 bytes)" ::= { sc2Units 16 } sc2MsgLogAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Replies whether a message log is available on this unit" ::= { sc2Units 17 } sc2ManagementIpAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IPv4 address of the server for management purpose with PRIMEQUEST systems only. This is the interface address for managing a server by external management clients when the server has more than one LAN interfaces (represented by an IPv4 address string)." ::= { sc2Units 18 } sc2HasUefiFirmware OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Replies whether the system is equipped with UEFI firmware" ::= { sc2Units 19 } sc2ManagementIpAddressV6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IPv6 address of the server for management purpose with PRIMEQUEST systems only. This is the interface address for managing a server by external management clients when the server has more than one LAN interfaces (represented by an IPv6 address string)." ::= { sc2Units 20 } sc2UnitTableUpdateCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter defining the update revision of the unit table. This counter is incremented with every table contents change/update." ::= { sc2UnitInformation 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2UnitParentTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Parent-child relationship of all units: list the parent of all available units. -- Only units that have a parent are listed in this table." -- -- sc2UnitParentTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2UnitParentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2UnitParents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parent-child relationship of all units: list the parent of all available units. Only units that have a parent are listed in this table." ::= { sc2UnitInformation 5 } sc2UnitParents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2UnitParents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2pUnitId } ::= { sc2UnitParentTable 1 } Sc2UnitParents ::= SEQUENCE { sc2pUnitId INTEGER, sc2ParentUnit INTEGER, sc2ParentUnitClass UnitClass } sc2pUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2UnitParents 1 } sc2ParentUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier of this unit's parent" ::= { sc2UnitParents 2 } sc2ParentUnitClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitClass ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parent unit classification (type). This is the same value as in sc2Units table, but can be used for easy class detection." ::= { sc2UnitParents 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2UnitChildTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Parent-child relationship of all units: list all children of all available units. -- Only units that have children are listed in this table." -- -- sc2UnitChildTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2UnitChildTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2UnitChilds ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Parent-child relationship of all units: list all children of all available units. Only units that have children are listed in this table." ::= { sc2UnitInformation 6 } sc2UnitChilds OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2UnitChilds ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2cUnitId, sc2cChildNr } ::= { sc2UnitChildTable 1 } Sc2UnitChilds ::= SEQUENCE { sc2cUnitId INTEGER, sc2cChildNr INTEGER, sc2ChildUnit INTEGER, sc2ChildUnitClass UnitClass } sc2cUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2UnitChilds 1 } sc2cChildNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Child number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2UnitChilds 2 } sc2ChildUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Child unit" ::= { sc2UnitChilds 3 } sc2ChildUnitClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX UnitClass ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit classification (type). This is the same value as in sc2Units table, but can be used for easy class detection." ::= { sc2UnitChilds 4 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Management -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains information needed for system management" -- -- sc2Management group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Management OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ManagementNodeTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "SNMP management node addresses (how to address the units)" -- -- sc2ManagementNodeTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ManagementNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2ManagementNodes ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNMP management node addresses (how to address the units)" ::= { sc2Management 1 } sc2ManagementNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2ManagementNodes ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2mnUnitId, sc2mnNodeNr } ::= { sc2ManagementNodeTable 1 } Sc2ManagementNodes ::= SEQUENCE { sc2mnUnitId INTEGER, sc2mnNodeNr INTEGER, sc2UnitNodeIfType INTEGER, sc2UnitNodeAddress DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeIpNetmask DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeGateway DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeName DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeClass INTEGER, sc2UnitNodeMacAddress PhysAddress, sc2UnitNodeUseDHCP INTEGER, sc2UnitNodeControllerType DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeControllerModel DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeControllerFWVersion DisplayString, sc2UnitNodeControllerStorage INTEGER, sc2UnitNodeSNMPEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2UnitNodeCIMEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2UnitNodeRemoteIPMIEnabled TrueFalseUnknown } sc2mnUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 1 } sc2mnNodeNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node address number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 2 } sc2UnitNodeIfType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ip(2), ipx(3), ip-v6(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node interface type" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 3 } sc2UnitNodeAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node address (e.g." ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 4 } sc2UnitNodeIpNetmask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node address (e.g." ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 5 } sc2UnitNodeGateway OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node address (e.g." ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 6 } sc2UnitNodeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node name (DNS name, e.g. apollo.ts.fujitsu.com)" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 7 } sc2UnitNodeClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), primary(2), secondary(3), management-blade(4), secondary-remote(5), secondary-remote-backup(6), baseboard-controller(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node class: primary: local operating system interface secondary: local management controller LAN interface management-blade: management blade interface (in a blade server chassis) secondary-remote: remote management controller (in an RSB concentrator environment) secondary-remote-backup: backup remote management controller baseboard-controller: local baseboard management controller (BMC)" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 8 } sc2UnitNodeMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node hardware (MAC) address" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 9 } sc2UnitNodeUseDHCP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), use-fixed-address(2), use-dhcp(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Management node uses DHCP to obtain its address" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 10 } sc2UnitNodeControllerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the remote management controller (for identification), like 'RSB', 'RSB S2', 'RSB S2 LP'... These names will not be changed if defined once." ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 11 } sc2UnitNodeControllerModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The model name of the remote management controller (for displaying), like 'Remote Service Board', 'RemoteView Service Board S2'... This name should not be used for identification, only for displaying (can be changed in different firmware versions)!" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 12 } sc2UnitNodeControllerFWVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The FW version of the remote management controller" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 13 } sc2UnitNodeControllerStorage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-available(2), available-sdcard(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the controller specific external storage used for the system management." ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 14 } sc2UnitNodeSNMPEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "SNMP interface is enabled at management node" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 15 } sc2UnitNodeCIMEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CIM protocol is enabled at management node" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 16 } sc2UnitNodeRemoteIPMIEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Remote IPMI is enabled at management node" ::= { sc2ManagementNodes 17 } sc2NodeTableUpdateCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter defining the update revision of the management node table. This counter is incremented with every table contents change/update." ::= { sc2Management 2 } sc2ManagementChannelType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), primary(2), secondary(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of the management channel currently used (this MIB instance)." ::= { sc2Management 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ManagementProcessorTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "System management service processors" -- -- sc2ManagementProcessorTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ManagementProcessorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2ManagementProcessors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System management service processors" ::= { sc2Management 4 } sc2ManagementProcessors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2ManagementProcessors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2spUnitId, sc2spProcessorNr } ::= { sc2ManagementProcessorTable 1 } Sc2ManagementProcessors ::= SEQUENCE { sc2spUnitId INTEGER, sc2spProcessorNr INTEGER, sc2spModelName DisplayString, sc2spFirmwareVersion DisplayString, sc2spBatteryStatus INTEGER, sc2spBatteryDischargeTime INTEGER, sc2spTimeOnBattery Counter, sc2spDoBatteryChargeCycle INTEGER, sc2spBatteryChargeLevel Gauge } sc2spUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 1 } sc2spProcessorNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service processor number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 2 } sc2spModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service processor model name" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 3 } sc2spFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service processor firmware version / revision" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 4 } sc2spBatteryStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-present(2), ok(3), on-battery(4), recharging(5), failed(6), discharging(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Service processor backup battery status" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 5 } sc2spBatteryDischargeTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum time (in seconds) this backup battery can discharged, after that a shutdown will be performed (-1 = unknown)" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 6 } sc2spTimeOnBattery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time (in seconds) the service processor is running on battery since power fail (will be cleared on power recovery)" ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 7 } sc2spDoBatteryChargeCycle OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Perform a discharge/charge cycle on the backup battery by writing a non-zero value. Reading this object just returns the value 0." ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 8 } sc2spBatteryChargeLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reads the current charge level of the rechargeable battery (in percent of the maximum capacity)." ::= { sc2ManagementProcessors 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ManagedUpsNodeTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "UPS nodes managed by the units" -- -- sc2ManagedUpsNodeTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ManagedUpsNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2ManagedUpsNodes ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS nodes managed by the units" ::= { sc2Management 5 } sc2ManagedUpsNodes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2ManagedUpsNodes ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2upsUnitId, sc2upsNr } ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodeTable 1 } Sc2ManagedUpsNodes ::= SEQUENCE { sc2upsUnitId INTEGER, sc2upsNr INTEGER, sc2upsVendorName DisplayString, sc2upsModelName DisplayString, sc2upsMgmtAddress DisplayString, sc2upsMibRoot DisplayString, sc2upsSnmpCommunity DisplayString } sc2upsUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 1 } sc2upsNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 2 } sc2upsVendorName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS vendor name" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 3 } sc2upsModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS model name" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 4 } sc2upsMgmtAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS management interface target address (represented as string; may contain an IP V4 address, IP V6 address or a URL)" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 5 } sc2upsMibRoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS MIB root OID; specifies the root OID of the MIB to be used to query UPS via SNMP (empty string if no SNMP agent available)" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 6 } sc2upsSnmpCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UPS SNMP community name (empty string if no SNMP agent available)" ::= { sc2ManagedUpsNodes 7 } sc2UpsNodeTableUpdateCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter defining the update revision of the UPS node table. This counter is incremented with every table contents change/update." ::= { sc2Management 6 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2ServerInformation -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains information about server units" -- -- sc2ServerInformation group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2ServerInformation OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ServerTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table containing information about the available servers" -- -- sc2ServerTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ServerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Servers ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table containing information about the available servers" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 1 } sc2Servers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Servers ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2srvUnitId } ::= { sc2ServerTable 1 } Sc2Servers ::= SEQUENCE { sc2srvUnitId INTEGER, sc2srvPhysicalMemory INTEGER, sc2srvLastBootResult INTEGER, sc2srvCurrentBootStatus INTEGER, sc2srvShutdownCommand INTEGER, sc2srvShutdownDelay INTEGER, sc2srvUUID DisplayString, sc2srvPhysicalMemoryOs INTEGER, sc2srvUUIDWireFormat DisplayString, sc2srvOsPlatform INTEGER, sc2srvBiosVersion DisplayString, sc2srvHasEncryptedPartitions TrueFalseUnknown, sc2srvTrustedExecutionTechnologyEnabled TrueFalseUnknown } sc2srvUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Servers 1 } sc2srvPhysicalMemory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of physical main memory installed (MBytes)" ::= { sc2Servers 2 } sc2srvLastBootResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), os-boot-successful(2), diagnostic-boot-successful(3), no-boot-cpu(4), no-bootable-media(5), os-failed-to-load(6), diagnostic-boot-failed(7), hardware-failure(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Result of last system boot" ::= { sc2Servers 3 } sc2srvCurrentBootStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), off(2), no-boot-cpu(3), self-test(4), setup(5), os-boot(6), diagnostic-boot(7), os-running(8), diagnostic-running(9), os-shutdown(10), diagnostic-shutdown(11), reset(12) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the current boot" ::= { sc2Servers 4 } sc2srvShutdownCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), power-off(2), power-on(3), power-cycle(4), shutdown-and-off(5), shutdown-and-reset(6), shutdown-and-power-cycle(7), raise-nmi(8), abort-pending-command(9), reset(10) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Shutdown the server and switch off or reset; a delay (see object below) can be defined before the command is being executed; when reading that value, always unknown(1) is replied; argument tells what kind of action: power-on: switch power on power-off: switch power off power-cycle: switch power off and switch power on again. shutdown-and-off: execute a shutdown then power off shutdown-and-reset: execute a shutdown then reset shutdown-and-power-cycle: execute a shutdown then power off and on again raise-nmi: raise an NMI (normally causes debugger to start) reset: execute a reset (without shutdown) The value unknown(1) cannot be set." ::= { sc2Servers 5 } sc2srvShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay time (seconds) the agent waits before executing the shutdown command (see previous command). 0 = immediate action, no delay -1 = unknown (delay not supported) The value unknown(-1) cannot be set." ::= { sc2Servers 6 } sc2srvUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Universal Unique ID (UUID) number (as specified in RFC 4122; shown in network byte order, big-endian) - this is a world-wide unique ID number of the server. Can be used for identifying a server. The format is like this: '33221100-5544-7766-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF'" ::= { sc2Servers 7 } sc2srvPhysicalMemoryOs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of physical main memory available to the operating system (MBytes). This value is similar to 'sc2srvPhysicalMemory', but may be less if the system has mirror or hot spare memory modules." ::= { sc2Servers 8 } sc2srvUUIDWireFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Universal Unique ID (UUID) number (shown in the wire format; little-endian for the first three fields, as consistently used in the PC industry) - this is a world-wide unique ID number of the server. Can be used for identifying a server. The format is like this: '00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF'" ::= { sc2Servers 9 } sc2srvOsPlatform OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), intel-x86(2), intel-x64(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reports about the current operating system platform (x86, x64)" ::= { sc2Servers 10 } sc2srvBiosVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System BIOS version" ::= { sc2Servers 11 } sc2srvHasEncryptedPartitions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether encrypted file systems (e.g. by Windows BitLocker) are used (may prevent from BIOS updates)" ::= { sc2Servers 12 } sc2srvTrustedExecutionTechnologyEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether Intel Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) is enabled (may prevent from BIOS updates)" ::= { sc2Servers 13 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2UnitPowerOnOffTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Unit power-on and -off information" -- -- sc2UnitPowerOnOffTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2UnitPowerOnOffTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2UnitPowerOnOff ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit power-on and -off information" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 2 } sc2UnitPowerOnOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2UnitPowerOnOff ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2ooUnitId } ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOffTable 1 } Sc2UnitPowerOnOff ::= SEQUENCE { sc2ooUnitId INTEGER, sc2PowerOnOffStatus INTEGER, sc2LastPowerOffSource INTEGER, sc2LastPowerOnSource INTEGER, sc2LastPowerOnTime INTEGER, sc2PowerOnCounts INTEGER, sc2PowerOnDuration INTEGER, sc2PowerOffDuration INTEGER, sc2PowerFailRecovery INTEGER, sc2PowerCommand INTEGER, sc2PowerSupplyRedundancy TrueFalseUnknown, sc2PowerSupplyMatchStatus INTEGER } sc2ooUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 1 } sc2PowerOnOffStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), off(2), on(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current power on/off status" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 2 } sc2LastPowerOffSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), swoff-command(2), power-button(3), ac-fail(4), clock(5), fan-fail(6), temperature-critical(7), temperature-damage(8), power-supply-failure(9), watchdog(10), remote-off(11), hardware-fail(12), peripheral-bus-error(13), cpu-error(14), nmi(20), hardware-reset(23), warmstart(24), reset-button(25), ac-fail-reboot(26), keyboard(29), remote-manager(31), remote-manager-reset(32), power-cycle(33), power-limiting(35), mmb-continuous-operation(36), watchdog-power-cycle(37), viom-inventory-board(38), viom-init-boot(39), repeated-fan-fail(40), repeated-temperature-critical(41), firmware-restart(242), housing-opened(243) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reason why the system was switched off last time" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 3 } sc2LastPowerOnSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), swon-command(2), power-button(3), ac-fail(4), clock(5), fan-fail(6), temperature-critical(7), temperature-damage(8), power-supply-failure(9), watchdog(10), remote-on(11), hardware-fail(12), peripheral-bus-error(13), cpu-error(14), nmi(20), hardware-reset(23), warmstart(24), reset-button(25), ac-fail-reboot(26), mgmt-processor-fail(27), pci-pme(28), keyboard(29), chipcard-reader(30), remote-manager(31), remote-manager-reset(32), power-cycle(33), viom-inventory-board(38), viom-init-boot(39), firmware-restart(242), housing-closed(243) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source the system was switched on from" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 4 } sc2LastPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time and date (UTC) the system was booted (seconds since 1/1/1970; 0 = unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 5 } sc2PowerOnCounts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tells how often the server was switched on in its life (0 = unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 6 } sc2PowerOnDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tells how long the system has stayed ON in its life (in seconds; 0 = unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 7 } sc2PowerOffDuration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Tells how long the system has stayed OFF in its life (in seconds; 0 = unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 8 } sc2PowerFailRecovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-available(2), as-before(3), remain-off(4), switch-on(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action on AC power recovery after AC has failed. not-available(2) : function not available, behavior is hardware-defined. as-before(3) : server gets the same power state as before the AC fail. remain-off(4) : server remains off on power resume. switch-on(5) : server is always switched on on power resume. The value unknown(1) cannot be set, a SET will deliver 'badValue'." ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 9 } sc2PowerCommand OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), off(2), on(3), power-cycle(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Switch the unit on or off; mainly used for extension cabinets; argument tells what kind of action: on: switch power on off: switch power off power-cycle: switch power off and switch power on again No graceful system shutdown is performed - use sc2srvShutdownCommand if shutdown of a server is requested! The value unknown(1) cannot be set and will be delivered if the object is read." ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 10 } sc2PowerSupplyRedundancy OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether the power supply system contains redundant power supplies and whether redundancy is available" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 11 } sc2PowerSupplyMatchStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), mismatch(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of power supply matching - 'ok' if power supplies do not mismatch" ::= { sc2UnitPowerOnOff 12 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PerformanceTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Server performance and utilisation information (Obsolete! Please use sc2PerformanceValueTable!)" -- -- sc2PerformanceTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PerformanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Performance ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance and utilisation information (Obsolete! Please use sc2PerformanceValueTable!)" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 3 } sc2Performance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Performance ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2perfUnitId, sc2perfNr } ::= { sc2PerformanceTable 1 } Sc2Performance ::= SEQUENCE { sc2perfUnitId INTEGER, sc2perfNr INTEGER, sc2PerformanceType INTEGER, sc2PerformanceObjectNr INTEGER, sc2PerformanceName DisplayString, sc2PerformanceValue Gauge } sc2perfUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Performance 1 } sc2perfNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance entry number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Performance 2 } sc2PerformanceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { cpu(1), cpu-overall(2), pci-load(3), pci-efficiency(4), pci-transfer(5), memory-physical(6), memory-total(7), memory-percent(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance object type (description see below)" ::= { sc2Performance 3 } sc2PerformanceObjectNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance object number (0..n; for types with multiple objects)" ::= { sc2Performance 4 } sc2PerformanceName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name (short description) of the performance value (e.g. 'CPU1'). Can be used for displaying a list of performance values in the management frontend." ::= { sc2Performance 5 } sc2PerformanceValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance value (value interpretation depending on type; 0xffffffff = unknown): cpu: Load of a single CPU in percent cpu-overall: Overall CPU load in percent pci-load: PCI bus load in percent pci-efficiency: PCI bus efficiency in percent (100% is optimum) pci-transfer: PCI bus transfer rate in MBytes/sec. memory-physical: Physical memory usage in MBytes memory-total: Total memory usage (physical + virtual) in MBytes memory-percent: Physical memory usage in percent" ::= { sc2Performance 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2TimerOnOffTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Power on/off timer table" -- -- sc2TimerOnOffTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2TimerOnOffTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2TimerOnOff ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power on/off timer table" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 4 } sc2TimerOnOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2TimerOnOff ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2tooUnitId, sc2tooDayOfWeek } ::= { sc2TimerOnOffTable 1 } Sc2TimerOnOff ::= SEQUENCE { sc2tooUnitId INTEGER, sc2tooDayOfWeek INTEGER, sc2OnTime INTEGER, sc2OffTime INTEGER } sc2tooUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2TimerOnOff 1 } sc2tooDayOfWeek OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Day of the week the times should act upon (index); 1=Sunday, 2=Monday..." ::= { sc2TimerOnOff 2 } sc2OnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time the system should be switched on (by the real-time clock; in minutes since midnight; -1 = disabled, no on time). Only values -1 and 0..1439 are allowed." ::= { sc2TimerOnOff 3 } sc2OffTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time the system should be switched off (by the real-time clock of software; in minutes since midnight; -1 = disabled, no on time). Only values -1 and 0..1439 are allowed." ::= { sc2TimerOnOff 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PowerMonitoringTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Power monitoring table" -- -- sc2PowerMonitoringTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PowerMonitoringTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PowerMonitoring ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power monitoring table" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 5 } sc2PowerMonitoring OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PowerMonitoring ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2pmUnitId } ::= { sc2PowerMonitoringTable 1 } Sc2PowerMonitoring ::= SEQUENCE { sc2pmUnitId INTEGER, sc2pmCurrentPowerMonitoringAvailable TrueFalse, sc2pmCurrentPowerMonitoringEnabled TrueFalse, sc2pmNominalPowerConsumption INTEGER, sc2pmCurrentPowerConsumption Gauge, sc2pmCurrentPowerControl INTEGER, sc2pmPowerLimitStatus INTEGER, sc2pmPowerLimitThreshold INTEGER, sc2pmPowerLimitWarning INTEGER, sc2pmRedundancyCritLevel INTEGER, sc2pmPowerControlMode INTEGER, sc2pmPowerDisplayUnit INTEGER } sc2pmUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 1 } sc2pmCurrentPowerMonitoringAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power monitoring and control available on this server: true: Power monitoring and power control is available false: Power monitoring and power control is not available" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 2 } sc2pmCurrentPowerMonitoringEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power monitoring enable value: true: Power monitoring and data gathering is enabled false: Power monitoring and data gathering is disabled or not available" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 3 } sc2pmNominalPowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Nominal (maximum) value of the system's power consumption (in Watts; -1 if value not available)" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 4 } sc2pmCurrentPowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current value of the system's power consumption (in Watts; -1 if value not available)" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 5 } sc2pmCurrentPowerControl OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), best-performance(3), minimum-power(4), automatic(5), limited(7), low-noise(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power mode control value: disabled: The baseboard management controller does not control the power saving behaviour best-performance: The baseboard management controller gives best performance to the system (power consumption may be increased) minimum-power: The baseboard management controller controls the system in way to consume minimum power (performance may be reduced) automatic: The baseboard management controller automatically controls power consumption between good performance and low power consumption limited: The baseboard management controller controls power consumption by power limit low-noise: The baseboard management controller controls the power to ensure running with lowest noise" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 6 } sc2pmPowerLimitStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), warning(3), error(4), disabled(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power limitation status (valid if power control = limited) ok: power consumption is within specified range warning: power consumption is above warning threshold (sc2pmPowerLimitWarning) but below limit error: power consumption is above limit (sc2pmPowerLimitThreshold) disabled: power consumption limiting is disabled" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 7 } sc2pmPowerLimitThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum limit value of the system's power consumption (in Watts; -1 if value not available; only valid if limiting enabled)" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 8 } sc2pmPowerLimitWarning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Warning limit level (in percent of the maximum limit threshold; 0 if value not available; only valid if limiting enabled)" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 9 } sc2pmRedundancyCritLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Upper critical power consumption level (in Watts; -1 if value not available); power supply redundancy lost if level is exceeded" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 10 } sc2pmPowerControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), best-performance(3), minimum-power(4), automatic(5), scheduled(6), limited(7), low-noise(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configured power control mode value: disabled: The baseboard management controller does not control the power saving behaviour best-performance: The baseboard management controller gives best performance to the system (power consumption may be increased) minimum-power: The baseboard management controller controls the system in way to consume minimum power (performance may be reduced) automatic: The baseboard management controller automatically controls power consumption between good performance and low power consumption scheduled: The baseboard management controller controls power consumption by schedule limited: The baseboard management controller controls power consumption by power limit low-noise: The baseboard management controller controls the power to ensure running with lowest noise" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 11 } sc2pmPowerDisplayUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), watt(2), btu(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configurd unit for the display of power consumption values: Watt: Power consumption values are displayed in Watts Btu/h: Power consumption values are displyed in Btu" ::= { sc2PowerMonitoring 12 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2UtilizationHistoryTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Utilization history table (for power consumption); table only contains existing -- values (no values for non-existing values)" -- -- sc2UtilizationHistoryTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2UtilizationHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2UtilizationHistory ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Utilization history table (for power consumption); table only contains existing values (no values for non-existing values)" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 6 } sc2UtilizationHistory OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2UtilizationHistory ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2uthUnitId, sc2uthEntity, sc2uthTimeStamp } ::= { sc2UtilizationHistoryTable 1 } Sc2UtilizationHistory ::= SEQUENCE { sc2uthUnitId INTEGER, sc2uthEntity INTEGER, sc2uthTimeStamp INTEGER, sc2uthHardwareUUID DisplayString, sc2uthAverageValue Gauge, sc2uthMinValue Gauge, sc2uthMaxValue Gauge } sc2uthUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 1 } sc2uthEntity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { powerConsumptionDay(1), powerConsumptionMonth(2), powerConsumptionYear(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Utilization value entity; describes what kind of value to be requested: powerConsumptionDay: power consumption values of the last 24 hours; one value (Watts) per minute powerConsumptionMonth: power consumption values of the last month; one value (Watts) per hour powerConsumptionYear: power consumption values of the last year; one value (Watts) per day" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 2 } sc2uthTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time stamp of the currenty history entry (time_t = seconds since 1/1/1970, 0:00 AM as GMT)" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 3 } sc2uthHardwareUUID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "UUID of the hardware instance that delivered the value (from object sc2srvUUID); may change if an installation is migrated to another hardware (e.g. in blade environments)" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 4 } sc2uthAverageValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average value (in Watts) within the monitored time period (minute, hour, day)" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 5 } sc2uthMinValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum (lowest) value within the monitored time period" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 6 } sc2uthMaxValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum (highest) value within the monitored time period" ::= { sc2UtilizationHistory 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PowerSourceInformationTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Power source information table" -- -- sc2PowerSourceInformationTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PowerSourceInformationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PowerSourceInformation ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power source information table" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 7 } sc2PowerSourceInformation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PowerSourceInformation ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2psiUnitId } ::= { sc2PowerSourceInformationTable 1 } Sc2PowerSourceInformation ::= SEQUENCE { sc2psiUnitId INTEGER, sc2psiPowerSourceType DisplayString, sc2psiPowerSourcePhase INTEGER, sc2psiPowerSourceVoltage INTEGER } sc2psiUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2PowerSourceInformation 1 } sc2psiPowerSourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System input power source type (e.g. 'AC', 'DC')" ::= { sc2PowerSourceInformation 2 } sc2psiPowerSourcePhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), single-phase(2), three-phase(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System input phase of power source." ::= { sc2PowerSourceInformation 3 } sc2psiPowerSourceVoltage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System nominal input voltage of power source (in Volts; -1 if value not available)." ::= { sc2PowerSourceInformation 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2VirtualIoManagerTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Virtual I/O Manager (VIOM) information table" -- -- sc2VirtualIoManagerTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2VirtualIoManagerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2VirtualIoManager ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Virtual I/O Manager (VIOM) information table" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 8 } sc2VirtualIoManager OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2VirtualIoManager ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2viomUnitId } ::= { sc2VirtualIoManagerTable 1 } Sc2VirtualIoManager ::= SEQUENCE { sc2viomUnitId INTEGER, sc2viomCurrentManagerId DisplayString, sc2viomEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2viomBiosSupport TrueFalseUnknown, sc2viomConnectionStatus INTEGER } sc2viomUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2VirtualIoManager 1 } sc2viomCurrentManagerId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Identification string of the VIOM manager that currently manages this server" ::= { sc2VirtualIoManager 2 } sc2viomEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "True if the server is enabled for VIOM" ::= { sc2VirtualIoManager 3 } sc2viomBiosSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "True if the BIOS supports VIOM" ::= { sc2VirtualIoManager 4 } sc2viomConnectionStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The connection status for VIOM - bit field: Bit 0 - waiting for VIOM table Bit 1 - waiting for inventory table Bit 2 - waiting for external power-on event" ::= { sc2VirtualIoManager 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfigurationTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Power Supply redundancy configuration table" -- -- sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfigurationTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfigurationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power Supply redundancy configuration table" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 9 } sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2PSRedUnitId } ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfigurationTable 1 } Sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration ::= SEQUENCE { sc2PSRedUnitId INTEGER, sc2PSRedundancyMode INTEGER, sc2PSRedundancyModeConfig INTEGER, sc2PSRedundancyRequiredPowerSupplies INTEGER, sc2PSRedundancyPopulatedPowerSupplies INTEGER, sc2PSRedundancyConfigurationStatus CompStatus, sc2PSRedundancyThresholdStatus CompStatus, sc2PSRedundancyStatus INTEGER } sc2PSRedUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 1 } sc2PSRedundancyMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-specified(2), no-redundancy(3), psu-redundancy(4), dual-ac-redundancy(18), triple-ac-redundancy(34) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configured power supply redundancy mode; configured in Server Configuration" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 2 } sc2PSRedundancyModeConfig OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), no-redundancy(2), redundancy-1-1(19), redundancy-2-1(35), redundancy-2-2(36), redundancy-3-1(51) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Configuration of number required power supplies for the different redundancy modes specified in sc2PSRedundancyMode: no-redundancy(2): no redundancy required redundancy-1-1(19): 1 required + 1 spare PSU (psu-redundancy mode) or 1 PSU per AC phase (dual-ac-redundancy mode) redundancy-2-1(35): 2 required + 1 spare PSU (psu-redundancy mode) redundancy-3-1(51): 3 required + 1 spare PSU (psu-redundancy mode) redundancy-2-2(36): 2 PSUs per AC phase (dual-ac-redundancy mode)" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 3 } sc2PSRedundancyRequiredPowerSupplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of power supplies required for configured redundancy mode" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 4 } sc2PSRedundancyPopulatedPowerSupplies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of power supplies populated for configured redundancy mode" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 5 } sc2PSRedundancyConfigurationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the redundancy configuration; reports the status about whether enough power supplies are installed to operate at the configured redundancy mode" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 6 } sc2PSRedundancyThresholdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of redundancy threshold; reports the status about whether the actual power consumption exceeds the maximum power consumption level for the configured redundancy mode." ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 7 } sc2PSRedundancyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-available(2), ok(3), warning(4), error(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of power supply redundancy; similar to sc2PowerSupplyRedundancy, but with additional status evaluation according to the power supply redundancy configuration. not-available(2): redundancy not required and not available (no error) ok(3): redundancy required and available warning(4): redundancy required but not available error(5): redundancy required but severe problem detected" ::= { sc2PowerSupplyRedundancyConfiguration 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PerformanceValueTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Server performance and utilisation values" -- -- sc2PerformanceValueTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PerformanceValueTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PerformanceValues ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance and utilisation values" ::= { sc2ServerInformation 10 } sc2PerformanceValues OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PerformanceValues ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2PerfValUnitId, sc2PerfValType, sc2PerfValObjectNr } ::= { sc2PerformanceValueTable 1 } Sc2PerformanceValues ::= SEQUENCE { sc2PerfValUnitId INTEGER, sc2PerfValType INTEGER, sc2PerfValObjectNr INTEGER, sc2PerfValName DisplayString, sc2PerfValCurrentValue Gauge } sc2PerfValUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n). For performacne values on local system use 1!" ::= { sc2PerformanceValues 1 } sc2PerfValType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { physicalMemoryUsageMb(1), physicalMemoryUsagePercent(2), totalMemoryUsageMb(3), totalMemoryUsagePercent(4), overallCpuUsagePercent(5), logicalCpuUsagePercent(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance object type (description see below)" ::= { sc2PerformanceValues 2 } sc2PerfValObjectNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance object number (1..n; for types with multiple objects)" ::= { sc2PerformanceValues 3 } sc2PerfValName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name (short description) of the performance value (e.g. 'CPU1'). Can be used for displaying a list of performance values in the management frontend." ::= { sc2PerformanceValues 4 } sc2PerfValCurrentValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server performance value (value interpretation depending on type; 0xffffffff = unknown): physicalMemoryUsageMb: Physical memory usage in MBytes physicalMemoryUsagePercent: Physical memory usage in percent totalMemoryUsageMb: Total memory usage (physical + virtual) in MBytes totalMemoryUsagePercent: Total memory usage (physical + virtual) in percent overallCpuUsagePercent: Overall CPU load in percent logicalCpuUsagePercent: Load of a single CPU in percent" ::= { sc2PerformanceValues 5 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Environment -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains information about a unit's environmental status -- (temperature, fans...)" -- -- sc2Environment group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Environment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2TemperatureSensorTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensors" -- -- sc2TemperatureSensorTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2TemperatureSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2TemperatureSensors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensors" ::= { sc2Environment 1 } sc2TemperatureSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2TemperatureSensors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2tempUnitId, sc2tempSensorNr } ::= { sc2TemperatureSensorTable 1 } Sc2TemperatureSensors ::= SEQUENCE { sc2tempUnitId INTEGER, sc2tempSensorNr INTEGER, sc2tempSensorDesignation DisplayString, sc2tempSensorIdentifier DisplayString, sc2tempSensorStatus INTEGER, sc2tempCurrentTemperature Gauge, sc2tempWarningLevel INTEGER, sc2tempCriticalLevel INTEGER, sc2tempCriticalReaction INTEGER } sc2tempUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 1 } sc2tempSensorNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 2 } sc2tempSensorDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor designation (e.g. TEMP-PS1)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 3 } sc2tempSensorIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature sensor identification string (e.g. TEMP-RSB1)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 4 } sc2tempSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-available(2), ok(3), sensor-failed(4), failed(5), temperature-warning-toohot(6), temperature-critical-toohot(7), temperature-normal(8), temperature-warning(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the temperature sensor" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 5 } sc2tempCurrentTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current temperature at this sensor (degrees Celsius; 0 if unknown or sensor failed)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 6 } sc2tempWarningLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum temperature - warning level (degrees Celsius; 0 if unknown or undefined)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 7 } sc2tempCriticalLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum temperature - critical level (degrees Celsius; 0 if unknown or undefined), system shutdown may occur if this level is exceeded" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 8 } sc2tempCriticalReaction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), continue(2), shutdown-and-poweroff(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reaction if temperature exceeds the critical level (the value unknown(1) cannot be set)" ::= { sc2TemperatureSensors 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2FanTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Cooling devices (fans, liquid cooling pumps)" -- -- sc2FanTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2FanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Fans ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cooling devices (fans, liquid cooling pumps)" ::= { sc2Environment 2 } sc2Fans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Fans ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2fanUnitId, sc2fanNr } ::= { sc2FanTable 1 } Sc2Fans ::= SEQUENCE { sc2fanUnitId INTEGER, sc2fanNr INTEGER, sc2fanDesignation DisplayString, sc2fanIdentifier DisplayString, sc2fanStatus INTEGER, sc2fanCurrentSpeed Gauge, sc2fanQuality Gauge, sc2fanFailReaction INTEGER, sc2fanFailShutdownDelay INTEGER, sc2fanCoolingDeviceType INTEGER } sc2fanUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Fans 1 } sc2fanNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cooling device number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Fans 2 } sc2fanDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cooling device designation (e.g. FAN-PS1)" ::= { sc2Fans 3 } sc2fanIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cooling device identification string (e.g. FAN-1-POWERSUPPLY)" ::= { sc2Fans 4 } sc2fanStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), ok(3), failed(4), prefailure-predicted(5), redundant-fan-failed(6), not-manageable(7), not-present(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the cooling device" ::= { sc2Fans 5 } sc2fanCurrentSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current cooling device speed (revolutions per minute; 0 if unknown or failed)" ::= { sc2Fans 6 } sc2fanQuality OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Quality of cooling device (in percent of nominal speed - measured at full speed)" ::= { sc2Fans 7 } sc2fanFailReaction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), continue(2), shutdown-and-poweroff(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Reaction if the cooling device fails (the value unknown(1) cannot be set)" ::= { sc2Fans 8 } sc2fanFailShutdownDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay time (in seconds) when shutdown should commit on cooling device fail (if shutdown-and-off is configured; 0 = immediately, -1 = unknown, cannot be set)" ::= { sc2Fans 9 } sc2fanCoolingDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), fan(2), liquid(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Type of cooling device (whether fan or liquid cooling pump) fan(2): fan liquid(3): liquid cooling pump" ::= { sc2Fans 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2AirflowTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Exhaust airflow volume table" -- -- sc2AirflowTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2AirflowTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Airflow ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Exhaust airflow volume table" ::= { sc2Environment 3 } sc2Airflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Airflow ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2afUnitId } ::= { sc2AirflowTable 1 } Sc2Airflow ::= SEQUENCE { sc2afUnitId INTEGER, sc2afExhaustAirflowVolume INTEGER, sc2afExhaustAirflowVolumeUnit DisplayString } sc2afUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Airflow 1 } sc2afExhaustAirflowVolume OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System exhaust airflow volume ('-1' if value not available)" ::= { sc2Airflow 2 } sc2afExhaustAirflowVolumeUnit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System exhaust airflow volume unit (e.g. 'cbm/h', 'ccm/min', ...)" ::= { sc2Airflow 3 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Hardware -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains information about hardware components (systemboard, -- power supplies, voltages, ...)" -- -- sc2Hardware group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Hardware OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2SystemBoardTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "System board (main board) information" -- -- sc2SystemBoardTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2SystemBoardTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2SystemBoard ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System board (main board) information" ::= { sc2Hardware 1 } sc2SystemBoard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2SystemBoard ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2sbUnitId, sc2sbBoardNr } ::= { sc2SystemBoardTable 1 } Sc2SystemBoard ::= SEQUENCE { sc2sbUnitId INTEGER, sc2sbBoardNr INTEGER, sc2SystemBoardModelName DisplayString, sc2SystemBoardProductNumber DisplayString, sc2SystemBoardRevision DisplayString, sc2SystemBoardSerialNumber DisplayString, sc2SystemBoardDesignation DisplayString, sc2SystemBoardSDCardSlotPresent TrueFalseUnknown } sc2sbUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 1 } sc2sbBoardNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System board number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 2 } sc2SystemBoardModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Model name (e.g. 'D1297')" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 3 } sc2SystemBoardProductNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Product number (may be identical to ModelName)" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 4 } sc2SystemBoardRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Revision string (e.g. 'WGS1 GS3')" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 5 } sc2SystemBoardSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Serial number (not available for all boards)" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 6 } sc2SystemBoardDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Designation (important when multiple system boards are available)" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 7 } sc2SystemBoardSDCardSlotPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "System board contains SD card slot" ::= { sc2SystemBoard 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PowerSupplyTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Power supplies" -- -- sc2PowerSupplyTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PowerSupplyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PowerSupply ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supplies" ::= { sc2Hardware 2 } sc2PowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PowerSupply ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2psUnitId, sc2psPowerSupplyNr } ::= { sc2PowerSupplyTable 1 } Sc2PowerSupply ::= SEQUENCE { sc2psUnitId INTEGER, sc2psPowerSupplyNr INTEGER, sc2PowerSupplyDesignation DisplayString, sc2PowerSupplyIdentifier DisplayString, sc2PowerSupplyStatus INTEGER, sc2psPowerSupplyLoad INTEGER, sc2psPowerSupplyNominal INTEGER } sc2psUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 1 } sc2psPowerSupplyNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supply (bay) number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 2 } sc2PowerSupplyDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supply designation (e.g. PS1)" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 3 } sc2PowerSupplyIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supply identification string (e.g. PS1)" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 4 } sc2PowerSupplyStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-present(2), ok(3), failed(4), ac-fail(5), dc-fail(6), critical-temperature(7), not-manageable(8), fan-failure-predicted(9), fan-failure(10), power-safe-mode(11), non-redundant-dc-fail(12), non-redundant-ac-fail(13) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supply status" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 5 } sc2psPowerSupplyLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Actual power supply output load in Watts (0 = not available)" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 6 } sc2psPowerSupplyNominal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Nominal power supply output load in Watts (0 = not available), the maximum value the power supply can provide" ::= { sc2PowerSupply 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2VoltageTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Voltages - all voltage values are in 1/100th Volts; -- a value of 330 means 3.30 Volts (0xffffffff = unknown)" -- -- sc2VoltageTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2VoltageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Voltages ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltages - all voltage values are in 1/100th Volts; a value of 330 means 3.30 Volts (0xffffffff = unknown)" ::= { sc2Hardware 3 } sc2Voltages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Voltages ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2voUnitId, sc2voSensorNr } ::= { sc2VoltageTable 1 } Sc2Voltages ::= SEQUENCE { sc2voUnitId INTEGER, sc2voSensorNr INTEGER, sc2VoltageDesignation DisplayString, sc2VoltageStatus INTEGER, sc2VoltageCurrentValue Gauge, sc2VoltageNominalValue INTEGER, sc2VoltageMinimumLevel INTEGER, sc2VoltageMaximumLevel INTEGER, sc2VoltageCurrentLoad Gauge } sc2voUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Voltages 1 } sc2voSensorNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage sensor number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Voltages 2 } sc2VoltageDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage designation string (e.g. 12V, 3V3, ...)" ::= { sc2Voltages 3 } sc2VoltageStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-available(2), ok(3), too-low(4), too-high(5), out-of-range(6), warning(7) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage status not-available(2): no voltage available (e.g. CPU voltage on empty CPU socket) ok(3): voltage value is in normal range too-low(4): voltage value is below nominal range too-high(5): voltage value is above upper limit out-of-range(6): voltage value is out of normal range (cannot detect whether too low or too high) warning(7): voltage warning (e.g. battery failure predicted)" ::= { sc2Voltages 4 } sc2VoltageCurrentValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage current value (in mV; 0xFFFFFFFF = unknown; negative voltages are reported as negative values: -1770 (0xFFFFF916) means -1.77 Volts)" ::= { sc2Voltages 5 } sc2VoltageNominalValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage nominal value (in mV; -1 = unknown; negative voltages are reported as negative values)" ::= { sc2Voltages 6 } sc2VoltageMinimumLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage minimum level (in mV; -1 = unknown; negative voltages are reported as negative values)" ::= { sc2Voltages 7 } sc2VoltageMaximumLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage maximum level (in mV; -1 = unknown; negative voltages are reported as negative values)" ::= { sc2Voltages 8 } sc2VoltageCurrentLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current output load on this voltage line, in percent of the maximum load (0xFFFFFFFF = unknown)" ::= { sc2Voltages 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2CPUTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "CPU description table" -- -- sc2CPUTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2CPUTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2CPUs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU description table" ::= { sc2Hardware 4 } sc2CPUs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2CPUs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2cpuUnitId, sc2cpuNr } ::= { sc2CPUTable 1 } Sc2CPUs ::= SEQUENCE { sc2cpuUnitId INTEGER, sc2cpuNr INTEGER, sc2cpuDesignation DisplayString, sc2cpuStatus INTEGER, sc2cpuModelName DisplayString, sc2cpuManufacturer DisplayString, sc2cpuStep DisplayString, sc2cpuCurrentSpeed INTEGER, sc2cpuNumberLogicals INTEGER, sc2cpuCacheL1Size INTEGER, sc2cpuCacheL2Size INTEGER, sc2cpuCacheL3Size INTEGER, sc2cpuNumberCores INTEGER, sc2cpuFamily INTEGER, sc2cpuEnabledCores INTEGER, sc2cpuMultithreadingEnabled INTEGER, sc2cpuConfigurationStatus INTEGER, sc2cpuMCDRAMSize INTEGER, sc2cpuMCDRAMSpeed INTEGER, sc2cpuMCDRAMMode INTEGER, sc2cpuMCDRAMCacheSize INTEGER, sc2cpuMCDRAMMemoryModel INTEGER } sc2cpuUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2CPUs 1 } sc2cpuNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU (socket) number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2CPUs 2 } sc2cpuDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU designation (e.g. CPU-2)" ::= { sc2CPUs 3 } sc2cpuStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-present(2), ok(3), disabled(4), error(5), failed(6), missing-termination(7), prefailure-warning(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU status: unknown(1): CPU status could not be evaluated not-present(2): CPU socket is empty ok(3): CPU is available and working properly disabled(4): CPU was manually disabled in BIOS setup error(5): CPU has encountered errors but is still in use failed(6): CPU has failed and is disabled missing-termination(7): CPU socket needs a terminator module when not populated but the terminator is missing prefailure-warning(8): CPU has encountered too many correctable errors within a certain time period and is predicted to fail in near future" ::= { sc2CPUs 4 } sc2cpuModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU model name (e.g. Pentium Xeon)" ::= { sc2CPUs 5 } sc2cpuManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU manufacturer name (e.g. Intel)" ::= { sc2CPUs 6 } sc2cpuStep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU step / revision" ::= { sc2CPUs 7 } sc2cpuCurrentSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU speed (frequency in MHz, -1 if unknown)" ::= { sc2CPUs 8 } sc2cpuNumberLogicals OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of (physically available) logical CPUs within one physical CPU (for hyper-threading and multi-core CPUs). This is the sum of all cores and all logical CPUs of a hyper-threading CPU, -1 if unknown or not available." ::= { sc2CPUs 9 } sc2cpuCacheL1Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of first level cache (in kBytes, 0 if unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2CPUs 10 } sc2cpuCacheL2Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of second level cache (in kBytes, 0 if unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2CPUs 11 } sc2cpuCacheL3Size OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of third level cache (in kBytes, 0 if unknown or not available)" ::= { sc2CPUs 12 } sc2cpuNumberCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of (physically available) cores within one physical CPU (for multi-core CPUs, platform dependent), 0 if unknown or not available" ::= { sc2CPUs 13 } sc2cpuFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU family code. This enumerated value is specified by the DMTF SMBIOS specification (processor information, type 4)." ::= { sc2CPUs 14 } sc2cpuEnabledCores OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of effectively enabled cores within one physical CPU (for multi-core CPUs; 0 if unknown)" ::= { sc2CPUs 15 } sc2cpuMultithreadingEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multithreading of CPU enabled" ::= { sc2CPUs 16 } sc2cpuConfigurationStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), normal(2), disabledManually(3), hotSpare(4), mirror(5), notUsable(7), configurationError(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU configuration status: unknown(1): CPU status could not be evaluated normal(2): Regular CPU configuration disabledManually(3): CPU was manually disabled (in BIOS setup) hotSpare(4): CPU is a hot-spare CPU (for future use) mirror(5): CPU is mirrored (for future use) notUsable(7): CPU is currently not usable (due to configuration problems) configurationError(8): CPU misconfiguration" ::= { sc2CPUs 17 } sc2cpuMCDRAMSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Size of the onboard MCDRAM (GByte; 0 if no MCDRAM is available)" ::= { sc2CPUs 18 } sc2cpuMCDRAMSpeed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Speed of the onboard MCDRAM (MT/s; 0 if no MCDRAM is available)" ::= { sc2CPUs 19 } sc2cpuMCDRAMMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(1), flat(2), cache(3), hybrid(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Operation mode of the onboard MCDRAM: undefined(1): Mode is not defined (no MCDRAM available) flat(2): MCDRAM is used as standalone memory exclusively or in addition to external RAM cache(3): MCDRAM is used as a cache for external RAM hybrid(3): Part of MCDRAM is used as a cache, rest as standalone memory (see sc2cpuMCDRAMCacheSize)" ::= { sc2CPUs 20 } sc2cpuMCDRAMCacheSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Portion of the onboard MCDRAM used as a cache in hybrid mode (in percent; 0 if no MCDRAM is available or other mode than hybrid)" ::= { sc2CPUs 21 } sc2cpuMCDRAMMemoryModel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { undefined(1), all2all(2), subNumaCluster2(3), subNumaCluster4(4), hemisphere(5), quadrant(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory model of the onboard MCDRAM: undefined(1): Model is not defined (no MCDRAM available) all2all(2): All2All subNumaCluster2(3): Sub NUMA Cluster - 2 subNumaCluster4(4): Sub NUMA Cluster - 4 hemisphere(5): Hemisphere mode quadrant(6): Quadrant mode" ::= { sc2CPUs 22 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2MemoryModuleTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Main memory module table" -- -- sc2MemoryModuleTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2MemoryModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2MemoryModules ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Main memory module table" ::= { sc2Hardware 5 } sc2MemoryModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2MemoryModules ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2memUnitId, sc2memModuleNr } ::= { sc2MemoryModuleTable 1 } Sc2MemoryModules ::= SEQUENCE { sc2memUnitId INTEGER, sc2memModuleNr INTEGER, sc2memModuleDesignation DisplayString, sc2memModuleStatus INTEGER, sc2memModuleBank INTEGER, sc2memModuleCapacity INTEGER, sc2memModuleStartAddress INTEGER, sc2memModuleForm DisplayString, sc2memModuleType DisplayString, sc2memModuleCorrErrors Counter, sc2memModuleUncorrErrors Counter, sc2memModuleApproved INTEGER, sc2memModuleConfiguration INTEGER, sc2memModuleFrequency INTEGER, sc2memModuleMaxFrequency INTEGER, sc2memModuleVoltInterface DisplayString } sc2memUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 1 } sc2memModuleNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module (socket) number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 2 } sc2memModuleDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module designation (e.g. DIMM-2)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 3 } sc2memModuleStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-present(2), ok(3), disabled(4), error(5), failed(6), prefailure-predicted(7), hot-spare(8), -- obsolete mirror(9), -- obsolete raid(10), -- obsolete hidden(11) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module status: unknown(1): Module status could not be evaluated not-present(2): Module socket is empty ok(3): Module is available and working properly disabled(4): Module was manually disabled in BIOS setup error(5): Module has encountered errors but is still in use failed(6): Module has failed and was disabled prefailure-predicted(7): Module has encountered too many correctable errors within a certain time period and is predicted to fail in near future hidden(11): Module socket is not available and should be hidden" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 4 } sc2memModuleBank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module bank number (-1 if unknown) Due to the fact that modern mainboards do no longer have fixed banks, this value is OBSOLETE!" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 5 } sc2memModuleCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module size (capacity in MBytes; -1 if unknown)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 6 } sc2memModuleStartAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module start address (in MBytes; -1 if unknown) Due to the fact that modern mainboards do no longer show start addresses, this value is OBSOLETE!" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 7 } sc2memModuleForm OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module form (SIMM, DIMM, ...)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 8 } sc2memModuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module type (SDRAM, DDRAM, DDR2, DDR3, ...)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 9 } sc2memModuleCorrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of memory module correctable errors (-1 if unknown)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 10 } sc2memModuleUncorrErrors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of memory module uncorrectable errors (-1 if unknown)" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 11 } sc2memModuleApproved OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), no(2), yes(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module approved for this machine" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 12 } sc2memModuleConfiguration OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), normal(2), disabled(3), hotSpare(4), mirror(5), raid(6), notUsable(7), configurationError(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module configuration: unknown(1): Module configuration could not be evaluated normal(2): Module is in normal non-redundant configuration or slot is empty disabled(3): Module is disabled (manually through BIOS setup) hotSpare(4): Module is a hot-spare (standby) module, which will be used as a run-time-replacement for failed modules mirror(5): Module is part of a mirror configuration raid(6): Module is part of a RAID configuration notUsable(7): Module is not usable in the actual configuration because of architectural restrictions configurationError(8): Module is not active due to memory misconfiguration This object replaces the previous redundancy status values hot-spare and mirror in sc2memModuleStatus." ::= { sc2MemoryModules 13 } sc2memModuleFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module actual front side bus frequency (in MHz; -1 if unknown). This value is based on the BIOS settings" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 14 } sc2memModuleMaxFrequency OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module maximum front side bus frequency (in MHz; -1 if unknown). This value is based on memory module SPD data" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 15 } sc2memModuleVoltInterface OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module interface voltage interface description" ::= { sc2MemoryModules 16 } sc2cpuMultithreadEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Multithreading of CPU enabled This object is OBSOLETE for future implementations; use object 'sc2cpuMultithreadingEnabled' from 'sc2CPUTable' instead!" ::= { sc2Hardware 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ComponentPowerConsumptionTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table of component power consumption data" -- -- sc2ComponentPowerConsumptionTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ComponentPowerConsumptionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2ComponentPowerConsumption ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of component power consumption data" ::= { sc2Hardware 7 } sc2ComponentPowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2ComponentPowerConsumption ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2cpcUnitId, sc2cpcComponentClass, sc2cpcComponentIndex } ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumptionTable 1 } Sc2ComponentPowerConsumption ::= SEQUENCE { sc2cpcUnitId INTEGER, sc2cpcComponentClass INTEGER, sc2cpcComponentIndex INTEGER, sc2cpcDesignation DisplayString, sc2cpcCurrentValue INTEGER } sc2cpcUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumption 1 } sc2cpcComponentClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { processor(3), disk(4), system-board(7), memory-unit(8), processor-module(9), power-supply(10), gpu(11), chassis(23), sub-chassis(24), disk-bay(26), cooling-device(29), cooling-unit(30), memory-device(32), total-power(224) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component class enumeration (based on IPMI v1.0 entity ID)" ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumption 2 } sc2cpcComponentIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component index within class (1..n)" ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumption 3 } sc2cpcDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component designation" ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumption 4 } sc2cpcCurrentValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current component power consumption in Watts" ::= { sc2ComponentPowerConsumption 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2TrustedPlatformModuleTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Trusted Platform Module (TPM) status information (see corresponding TPM specification for detailed description of these states)" -- -- sc2TrustedPlatformModuleTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2TrustedPlatformModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2TrustedPlatformModule ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Trusted Platform Module (TPM) status information (see corresponding TPM specification for detailed description of these states)" ::= { sc2Hardware 8 } sc2TrustedPlatformModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2TrustedPlatformModule ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2tpmUnitId } ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModuleTable 1 } Sc2TrustedPlatformModule ::= SEQUENCE { sc2tpmUnitId INTEGER, sc2tpmHardwareAvailable TrueFalseUnknown, sc2tpmBiosEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2tpmEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2tpmActivated TrueFalseUnknown, sc2tpmOwnership TrueFalseUnknown } sc2tpmUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 1 } sc2tpmHardwareAvailable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPM hardware is available ('unknown' if hardware availability cannot be detected; no interface found)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 2 } sc2tpmBiosEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPM hardware is enabled by BIOS ('unknown' if hardware is not available; a reboot is required to change this value)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 3 } sc2tpmEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPM is enabled (by software; cannot take ownership if disabled; 'unknown' if hardware is not available or disabled)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 4 } sc2tpmActivated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPM is activated (by software; 'unknown' if hardware is not available or disabled)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 5 } sc2tpmOwnership OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TPM ownership is established (valid endorsement key is existing; 'unknown' if hardware is not available or disabled)" ::= { sc2TrustedPlatformModule 6 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2PersistentMemoryModuleTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Additional information about persistent (non-volatile) memory modules to extend the sc2MemoryModuleTable. -- This table uses the index numbers of the previous sc2MemoryModuleTable, but only contains rows where a persistent DIMM module is detected." -- -- sc2PersistentMemoryModuleTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2PersistentMemoryModuleTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2PersistentMemoryModules ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Additional information about persistent (non-volatile) memory modules to extend the sc2MemoryModuleTable. This table uses the index numbers of the previous sc2MemoryModuleTable, but only contains rows where a persistent DIMM module is detected." ::= { sc2Hardware 9 } sc2PersistentMemoryModules OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2PersistentMemoryModules ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2memUnitId, sc2memModuleNr } ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModuleTable 1 } Sc2PersistentMemoryModules ::= SEQUENCE { sc2nvmemMemoryModeEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemPersistentModeEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemPackageSparingCapable TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemEncryptionEnabled TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemFirmwareRevision DisplayString, sc2nvmemTotalSize INTEGER, sc2nvmemRawCapacity INTEGER, sc2nvmemVolatileCapacity INTEGER, sc2nvmemPersistentCapacity INTEGER, sc2nvmemVolatilePercent INTEGER, sc2nvmemPersistentPercent INTEGER, sc2nvmemVolatileStart DisplayString, sc2nvmemPersistentStart DisplayString, sc2nvmemHealthStatusNonCritical TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemHealthStatusCritical TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemHealthStatusFatal TrueFalseUnknown, sc2nvmemPowerOnTime Counter, sc2nvmemUpTime Counter, sc2nvmemLiftetimeRemaining INTEGER, sc2nvmemAveragePowerBudget INTEGER, sc2nvmemPeakPowerBudget INTEGER } sc2nvmemMemoryModeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Volatime memory mode is enabled" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 1 } sc2nvmemPersistentModeEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Persistent memory mode is enabled" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 2 } sc2nvmemPackageSparingCapable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Module is capable of providing spare memory" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 3 } sc2nvmemEncryptionEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory encryption is enabled" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 4 } sc2nvmemFirmwareRevision OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Firmware revision" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 5 } sc2nvmemTotalSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total size of memory module (in GBytes; including reserved spare space)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 6 } sc2nvmemRawCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Maximum capacity that can be allocated for use in any of the supported modes (in GBytes; excluding reserved space)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 7 } sc2nvmemVolatileCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Capacity of volatile memory (in GBytes)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 8 } sc2nvmemPersistentCapacity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Capacity of persistent memory (in GBytes)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 9 } sc2nvmemVolatilePercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Capacity of volatile memory (in percent of total size)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 10 } sc2nvmemPersistentPercent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Capacity of persistent memory (in percent of total size)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 11 } sc2nvmemVolatileStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Start address of the volatile memory region" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 12 } sc2nvmemPersistentStart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Start address of the persistent memory region" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 13 } sc2nvmemHealthStatusNonCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Non-critical (warning) status" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 14 } sc2nvmemHealthStatusCritical OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Critical status" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 15 } sc2nvmemHealthStatusFatal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalseUnknown ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fatal error status (data loss has occurred or is imminent)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 16 } sc2nvmemPowerOnTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cumulated duration the DIMM has been powered on (in seconds; 0 = unknown)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 17 } sc2nvmemUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current uptime of the DIMM for the current power cycle (in seconds; 0 = unknown)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 18 } sc2nvmemLiftetimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Predicted remaining lifetime (in percent; -1 = unknown)" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 19 } sc2nvmemAveragePowerBudget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Average Power Budget in mW" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 20 } sc2nvmemPeakPowerBudget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Peak Power Budget in mW" ::= { sc2PersistentMemoryModules 21 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Recovery -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains information about recovery (message log, watchdogs, -- recovery settings...)" -- -- sc2Recovery group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Recovery OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2MessageLogTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Error and event message handling" -- -- sc2MessageLogTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2MessageLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2MessageLogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error and event message handling" ::= { sc2Recovery 1 } -- -- Message data of the following message log entries. Valid for the MIB table -- "sc2MessageLogs", object "sc2msgLogEntryData". The messages are encoded as binary -- data with following format: -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | MessageTime | ErrorCode | CabinetNumber | ObjectId | AddParams (max. 15) | -- | (DWORD) | (WORD) | (DWORD) | (DWORD) | (DWORDs) | -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- MessageTime: Time and date (GMT) when this message occured (seconds since 1/1/1970, 0:00 AM); -- 0x00000000 if time is unknown. -- ErrorCode: Error message number, upper 2 bits are severity: -- 00 = Informational, 01 = minor, 10 = major, 11 = critical -- LSByte: ErrorDetail, MSByte: ErrorClass and Severity. -- CabinetNumber: Number of the cabinet (server, storage extension) where this message comes from. -- ObjectId: Object number that created the message (e.g. Fan 2 = object ID 2). -- AddParams: Additional parameters specifying additional message details (depending on the -- error code; the number of arguments (0..15) is defined by the message size) -- -- The log messages can be decoded by using the message file ERRMSG.INI. -- Each MIB table entry can contain only one message entry! -- -- Special handling for ErrorCode 3F00: -- Messages with this error code are are not encoded, but all bytes of the -- arguments (CabinetNumber, ObjectId and all AddParams) have to be interpreted -- as clear text (DisplayString): -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- | MessageTime | ErrorCode | Clear text message text | -- | (DWORD) | (3F00) | (DisplayString) | -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The severity is inserted into the error code as for "normal" error codes. -- sc2MessageLogs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2MessageLogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2msgUnitId, sc2msgLogEntryNr } ::= { sc2MessageLogTable 1 } Sc2MessageLogs ::= SEQUENCE { sc2msgUnitId INTEGER, sc2msgLogEntryNr INTEGER, sc2msgLogEntryData OCTET STRING } sc2msgUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MessageLogs 1 } sc2msgLogEntryNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MessageLogs 2 } sc2msgLogEntryData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry data (binary; one message per table entry)" ::= { sc2MessageLogs 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2WatchdogTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Watchdogs" -- -- sc2WatchdogTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2WatchdogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2Watchdogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Watchdogs" ::= { sc2Recovery 2 } sc2Watchdogs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2Watchdogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2wdUnitId, sc2WatchdogType } ::= { sc2WatchdogTable 1 } Sc2Watchdogs ::= SEQUENCE { sc2wdUnitId INTEGER, sc2WatchdogType INTEGER, sc2WatchdogStatus INTEGER, sc2WatchdogTime INTEGER, sc2WatchdogAction INTEGER } sc2wdUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2Watchdogs 1 } sc2WatchdogType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), hardware(2), software(3), bios(4), boot(5), management-controller(6), remote-management-controller(7), cpu(8) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Watchdog type" ::= { sc2Watchdogs 2 } sc2WatchdogStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), disabled(2), enabled(3), not-available(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Watchdog status" ::= { sc2Watchdogs 3 } sc2WatchdogTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Watchdog timeout period in seconds (-1 = unknown)" ::= { sc2Watchdogs 4 } sc2WatchdogAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), continue(2), reset(4), nmi(5), power-cycle(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Watchdog timeout action; the value unknown(1) can't be written. Not all watchdog type allow setting all of the values (-> BADVALUE)." ::= { sc2Watchdogs 5 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2RecoverySettingTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "ASR&R (Automatic server recovery and restart) settings" -- -- sc2RecoverySettingTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2RecoverySettingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2RecoverySettings ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ASR&R (Automatic server recovery and restart) settings" ::= { sc2Recovery 3 } sc2RecoverySettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2RecoverySettings ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2asrUnitId } ::= { sc2RecoverySettingTable 1 } Sc2RecoverySettings ::= SEQUENCE { sc2asrUnitId INTEGER, sc2asrNrRebootRetries INTEGER, sc2asrDefaultRebootRetries INTEGER, sc2asrNextBootSource INTEGER, sc2asrRebootFailAction INTEGER, sc2asrRestartDelay INTEGER, sc2asrPostErrorHalt INTEGER } sc2asrUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 1 } sc2asrNrRebootRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current number of retries to reboot/restart the server when a failure shutdown (and power-off) had occured. After this number of retries the action defined in 'sc2asrRebootFailAction' will be executed (-1 = unknown, no retries)." ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 2 } sc2asrDefaultRebootRetries OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Default number of retries for server failure reboot. The above object 'sc2asrNrRebootRetries' will be set to this value after the server is working properly for a certain amount of time." ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 3 } sc2asrNextBootSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operating-system(2), reserved(3), diag-system(4), remote-disk(5) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Source medium to boot from (next time): operating-system: boot from floppy or hard disk diag-system: boot from alternate diagnostic system (only for SCSI systems, load diagnostic system from alternate IDE disk). remote-disk: boot from remote network disk" ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 4 } sc2asrRebootFailAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), switch-off(2), boot-diag-system(3), no-diag-system(4), remote-image-disk(5), pxe(6), rsb-usb(7), remote-storage(8), stop-reboot(9), diag-interrupt-assert(10) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Specifies the action after a specified number of failed reboot retries (the object 'sc2asrNrRebootRetries' has reached zero). The value no-diag-system(4) means that a diagnostics system is not available." ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 5 } sc2asrRestartDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Delay (in minutes) after that the system should be automatically switched on again (by real-time clock) after an error power-off. Setting this value to zero means immediate restart (power-cycle only). Automatic restart may be disabled by setting the 'sc2asrRebootFailAction' to 'switch-off' and the 'sc2asrDefaultRebootRetries' to zero." ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 6 } sc2asrPostErrorHalt OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), halt-on-any-error(2), no-halt-on-any-error(3), other(9) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Describes what to do when a POST error has occured (halt on any error, no halt on any error...)." ::= { sc2RecoverySettings 7 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2MessageTextLogTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Error and event message handling, reported as text strings" -- -- sc2MessageTextLogTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2MessageTextLogTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2MessageTextLogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Error and event message handling, reported as text strings" ::= { sc2Recovery 4 } -- -- The message log entries in this table are reported as clear text strings. -- The sequence number is a unique entry number (unique in a unit) and can -- be used to avoid duplicate entries. It may start with any number (not -- necessarily 0). -- The oldest entries have the lowest sequence number. -- The log can be queried in different languages, the language code defines what -- language to be reported. See object "sc2MsgLogLanguages" in "sc2UnitTable" -- for the available languages. -- Each MIB table entry can contain only one message entry! -- The table entries may not correspond to the entries in the preceding "sc2MessageLogs" table! -- sc2MessageTextLogs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2MessageTextLogs ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2msgTextLogUnitId, sc2msgTextLogLanguage, sc2msgTextLogSeqNr } ::= { sc2MessageTextLogTable 1 } Sc2MessageTextLogs ::= SEQUENCE { sc2msgTextLogUnitId INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogLanguage INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogSeqNr INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogTimestamp INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogMessage DisplayString, sc2msgTextLogErrorCode INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogSeverity INTEGER, sc2msgTextLogCSSComponent TrueFalse } sc2msgTextLogUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 1 } sc2msgTextLogLanguage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry language (index, Windows language code) e.g. 1031, 1033 for German, English (default; always available)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 2 } sc2msgTextLogSeqNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry sequence number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 3 } sc2msgTextLogTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry time stamp (time_t = seconds since 1/1/1970, 0:00 AM as GMT)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 4 } sc2msgTextLogMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry message string (multi-byte string; multi-language; not every language may be implemented)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 5 } sc2msgTextLogErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry error code" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 6 } sc2msgTextLogSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { informational(1), minor(2), major(3), critical(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry severity" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 7 } sc2msgTextLogCSSComponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component which caused the log message may be replaced by the customer (CSS=Customer Self Service)" ::= { sc2MessageTextLogs 8 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2MessageLogActionHintTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Action text strings for error and event messages" -- -- sc2MessageLogActionHintTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2MessageLogActionHintTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2MessageLogActionHints ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action text strings for error and event messages" ::= { sc2Recovery 5 } sc2MessageLogActionHints OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2MessageLogActionHints ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2mlaLanguage, sc2mlaErrorCode, sc2mlaType, sc2mlaIndex } ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHintTable 1 } Sc2MessageLogActionHints ::= SEQUENCE { sc2mlaLanguage INTEGER, sc2mlaErrorCode INTEGER, sc2mlaType INTEGER, sc2mlaIndex INTEGER, sc2mlaMessage DisplayString } sc2mlaLanguage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action text language (index, Windows language code) e.g. 1031, 1033 for German, English" ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHints 1 } sc2mlaErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action text error code (index)" ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHints 2 } sc2mlaType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { summary(1), cause(2), resolution(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message log entry severity" ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHints 3 } sc2mlaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action text entry string index (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHints 4 } sc2mlaMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Action message string" ::= { sc2MessageLogActionHints 5 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Status -- DESCRIPTION "This group contains status summary information" -- -- sc2Status group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Status OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 8 } sc2AgentStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Overall status of all monitored components in this agent ok(1): all components are working properly; no warnings, no errors warning(2): at least one component reports a warning status or a redundant component reports an error status error(3): at least one non-redundant component reports an error status unknown(5): none of the components has a valid status (e.g. during initialization) notPresent(6): none of the components is present notManageable(7): none of the components is manageable" ::= { sc2Status 1 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2StatusComponentTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table with status values of the components in this agent. The table -- summarizes all instances of one component to one status value." -- -- sc2StatusComponentTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2StatusComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2StatusComponents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table with status values of the components in this agent. The table summarizes all instances of one component to one status value." ::= { sc2Status 2 } sc2StatusComponents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2StatusComponents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2csUnitId } ::= { sc2StatusComponentTable 1 } Sc2StatusComponents ::= SEQUENCE { sc2csUnitId INTEGER, sc2csStatusOverall CompStatus, sc2csStatusBoot CompStatus, sc2csStatusPowerSupply CompStatus, sc2csStatusTemperature CompStatus, sc2csStatusFans CompStatus, sc2csStatusVoltages CompStatus, sc2csStatusCpu CompStatus, sc2csStatusMemoryModule CompStatus } sc2csUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 1 } sc2csStatusOverall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Overall status (worst status of all components) in this unit" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 2 } sc2csStatusBoot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Boot status (errors from power-on selftest and boot)" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 3 } sc2csStatusPowerSupply OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Power supply status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 4 } sc2csStatusTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Temperature status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 5 } sc2csStatusFans OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Fan status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 6 } sc2csStatusVoltages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Voltage status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 7 } sc2csStatusCpu OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "CPU status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 8 } sc2csStatusMemoryModule OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module status" ::= { sc2StatusComponents 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2ComponentStatusSensorTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "This table contains the component status sensor table of the BMC (baseboard management -- controller). Additionally it also holds the CSS (Customer Self Service) information." -- -- sc2ComponentStatusSensorTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2ComponentStatusSensorTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2ComponentStatusSensors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This table contains the component status sensor table of the BMC (baseboard management controller). Additionally it also holds the CSS (Customer Self Service) information." ::= { sc2Status 3 } sc2ComponentStatusSensors OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2ComponentStatusSensors ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2cssUnitId, sc2cssSensorNumber } ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensorTable 1 } Sc2ComponentStatusSensors ::= SEQUENCE { sc2cssUnitId INTEGER, sc2cssSensorNumber INTEGER, sc2cssSensorDesignation DisplayString, sc2cssSensorDevice DisplayString, sc2cssSensorDeviceInstance INTEGER, sc2cssSensorPhysicalLed TrueFalse, sc2cssSensorCssComponent TrueFalse, sc2cssSensorStatus INTEGER, sc2cssComponentServicePartId DisplayString } sc2cssUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 1 } sc2cssSensorNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "BMC component status sensor number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 2 } sc2cssSensorDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component status sensor designation string" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 3 } sc2cssSensorDevice OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of device (entity) the component status sensor belongs to" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 4 } sc2cssSensorDeviceInstance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Instance number of device (entity) the component status sensor belongs to" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 5 } sc2cssSensorPhysicalLed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If set, component has a physical status LED showing the sensor status" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 6 } sc2cssSensorCssComponent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TrueFalse ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "If set, component may be replaced by the customer (CSS 'custormer-self-service' component)" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 7 } sc2cssSensorStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), ok(2), identify(3), prefailure-warning(4), failure(5), not-present(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status returned by the component status sensor" ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 8 } sc2cssComponentServicePartId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Spare part number of the replaceable component; used to create a link to the spare part list on the service's spare part catalogue. This usually is the component's designation string, with blanks substituted by underscores." ::= { sc2ComponentStatusSensors 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2cssTableSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of entries in the component status sensor table" ::= { sc2Status 4 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Maintenance -- DESCRIPTION "Objects for system maintenance (initiate test trap, get controller/BIOS firmware versions...)" -- -- sc2Maintenance group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Maintenance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2MaintenanceObjectTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table containing some other maintenance objects" -- -- sc2MaintenanceObjectTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2MaintenanceObjectTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2MaintenanceObjects ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table containing some other maintenance objects" ::= { sc2Maintenance 1 } sc2MaintenanceObjects OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2MaintenanceObjects ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2mtUnitId } ::= { sc2MaintenanceObjectTable 1 } Sc2MaintenanceObjects ::= SEQUENCE { sc2mtUnitId INTEGER, sc2ErrorCounterStartTime INTEGER, sc2SendTestTrap INTEGER, sc2AddTrapDestination IpAddress } sc2mtUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2MaintenanceObjects 1 } sc2ErrorCounterStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Memory module error counter start time (seconds since 1/1/1970, -1 if unknown). This is the time when the error counters were started or reset last time." ::= { sc2MaintenanceObjects 2 } sc2SendTestTrap OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Send a test trap (test alarm) to the manager application(s) to test connection and trap configuration; trap cannot be disabled. Initiate test trap sending by writing a non-zero value. Reading this object just returns the value 0." ::= { sc2MaintenanceObjects 3 } sc2AddTrapDestination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Add the specified IP address (of the management station) to the trap destination list of this server. That client will become an alarm receiver for traps of this server." ::= { sc2MaintenanceObjects 4 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2FirmwareVersionTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Controller firmware version table" -- -- sc2FirmwareVersionTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2FirmwareVersionTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2FirmwareVersions ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controller firmware version table" ::= { sc2Maintenance 2 } sc2FirmwareVersions OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2FirmwareVersions ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2fwUnitId, sc2fwType } ::= { sc2FirmwareVersionTable 1 } Sc2FirmwareVersions ::= SEQUENCE { sc2fwUnitId INTEGER, sc2fwType INTEGER, sc2fwModelName DisplayString, sc2fwVersion DisplayString } sc2fwUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2FirmwareVersions 1 } sc2fwType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { bios(1), management-controller(2), remote-management-controller(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controller/firmware type" ::= { sc2FirmwareVersions 2 } sc2fwModelName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controller/firmware model name (e.g. 'Copernicus'...)" ::= { sc2FirmwareVersions 3 } sc2fwVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Controller/firmware version string (e.g. '3.81.02')" ::= { sc2FirmwareVersions 4 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2Deployment -- DESCRIPTION "Objects for software deployment, mainly for deploying software to blade servers." -- -- sc2Deployment group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2Deployment OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 10 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2DeployInfoTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table with data of deployment information. -- -- This table is OBSOLETE (no longer used for new implementations)!" -- -- sc2DeployInfoTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2DeployInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2DeployInfo ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table with data of deployment information. This table is OBSOLETE (no longer used for new implementations)!" ::= { sc2Deployment 1 } sc2DeployInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2DeployInfo ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2dplInfoUnitId } ::= { sc2DeployInfoTable 1 } Sc2DeployInfo ::= SEQUENCE { sc2dplInfoUnitId INTEGER, sc2DeployInfoChassisId DisplayString, sc2DeployInfoMacAddr1 PhysAddress, sc2DeployInfoMacAddr2 PhysAddress, sc2DeployInfoMacAddr3 PhysAddress, sc2DeployInfoMacAddr4 PhysAddress, sc2DeployInfoIpAddr1 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoIpAddr2 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoIpAddr3 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoIpAddr4 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoNetMask1 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoNetMask2 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoNetMask3 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoNetMask4 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoGateway1 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoGateway2 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoGateway3 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoGateway4 IpAddress, sc2DeployInfoHostname DisplayString, sc2DeployInfoMasterImageReference DisplayString, sc2DeployInfoStatusOfBlade INTEGER, sc2DeployInfoLanStatusOfSlot INTEGER, sc2DeployInfoAutomaticRecovery INTEGER, sc2DeployInfoStatusOfCloning INTEGER, sc2DeployInfoBootMode INTEGER } sc2dplInfoUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 1 } sc2DeployInfoChassisId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Chassis serial number" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 2 } sc2DeployInfoMacAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC address 1" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 3 } sc2DeployInfoMacAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC address 2" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 4 } sc2DeployInfoMacAddr3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC address 3" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 5 } sc2DeployInfoMacAddr4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "MAC address 4" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 6 } sc2DeployInfoIpAddr1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address 1" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 7 } sc2DeployInfoIpAddr2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address 2" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 8 } sc2DeployInfoIpAddr3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address 3" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 9 } sc2DeployInfoIpAddr4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP address 4" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 10 } sc2DeployInfoNetMask1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP subnet mask 1" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 11 } sc2DeployInfoNetMask2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP subnet mask 2" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 12 } sc2DeployInfoNetMask3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP subnet mask 3" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 13 } sc2DeployInfoNetMask4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP subnet mask 4" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 14 } sc2DeployInfoGateway1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP gateway 1" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 15 } sc2DeployInfoGateway2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP gateway 2" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 16 } sc2DeployInfoGateway3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP gateway 3" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 17 } sc2DeployInfoGateway4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "IP gateway 4" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 18 } sc2DeployInfoHostname OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Host name" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 19 } sc2DeployInfoMasterImageReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "URL in UNC notification (but in ASCII) to remote image file (with the extensions of *.img, *.cfg, *.txt)" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 20 } sc2DeployInfoStatusOfBlade OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), power-down(2), standby(3), system-boot-failure(4), bios-setup(5), booting(6) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of this server: power-down(2): waiting for boot standby(3): power management mode system-boot-failure(4): system boot failure bios-setup(5): BIOS setup or boot phase booting(6): ACPI OS currently booting" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 21 } sc2DeployInfoLanStatusOfSlot OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), false(2), true(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines wether the IP-LAN definitions are valid or not." ::= { sc2DeployInfo 22 } sc2DeployInfoAutomaticRecovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), false(2), true(3) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Defines if this server blade should be provided automatic recovery." ::= { sc2DeployInfo 23 } sc2DeployInfoStatusOfCloning OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), not-cloned(2), cloning(3), cloned(4) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of current cloning process." ::= { sc2DeployInfo 24 } sc2DeployInfoBootMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), normal(2), pxeBiosSetup(3), pxeLan0(4), pxeLan1(5), pxeLan2(6), pxeLan3(7) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Boot mode of the server for remote deployment: normal(2): boot from standard disk subsystem pxeBiosSetup(3): boot from PXE according to BIOS setup settings (for OEM systems) pxeLanx(y): boot from PXE LAN interface x (0..3)" ::= { sc2DeployInfo 25 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2OemDeployInfoTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table with data of server OEM information. -- -- This table is OBSOLETE (no longer used for new implementations)!" -- -- sc2OemDeployInfoTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2OemDeployInfoTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2OemDeployInfo ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table with data of server OEM information. This table is OBSOLETE (no longer used for new implementations)!" ::= { sc2Deployment 2 } sc2OemDeployInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2OemDeployInfo ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2odplInfoUnitId, sc2odplParamId } ::= { sc2OemDeployInfoTable 1 } Sc2OemDeployInfo ::= SEQUENCE { sc2odplInfoUnitId INTEGER, sc2odplParamId INTEGER, sc2OemDeployInfoParamData DisplayString } sc2odplInfoUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2OemDeployInfo 1 } sc2odplParamId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OEM parameter ID (index, 1..10)" ::= { sc2OemDeployInfo 2 } sc2OemDeployInfoParamData OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "OEM parameter data" ::= { sc2OemDeployInfo 3 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2DeployLanInterfaceTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table with system LAN interfaces information: -- This table lists all real LAN interfaces in same physical order -- as the BIOS uses it for PXE boot. -- Only on-board interfaces are listed; no virtual interfaces." -- -- sc2DeployLanInterfaceTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2DeployLanInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2DeployLanInterfaces ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table with system LAN interfaces information: This table lists all real LAN interfaces in same physical order as the BIOS uses it for PXE boot. Only on-board interfaces are listed; no virtual interfaces." ::= { sc2Deployment 3 } sc2DeployLanInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2DeployLanInterfaces ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2dplLanUnitId, sc2dplLanInterfaceNr } ::= { sc2DeployLanInterfaceTable 1 } Sc2DeployLanInterfaces ::= SEQUENCE { sc2dplLanUnitId INTEGER, sc2dplLanInterfaceNr INTEGER, sc2dplLanMacAddress PhysAddress } sc2dplLanUnitId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Unit identifier (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2DeployLanInterfaces 1 } sc2dplLanInterfaceNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LAN interface number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2DeployLanInterfaces 2 } sc2dplLanMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PhysAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "LAN interface hardware (MAC) address" ::= { sc2DeployLanInterfaces 3 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2DriverMonitoring -- DESCRIPTION "Objects for monitoring operating system event logs on -- driver events or errors and generating status upon these events." -- -- sc2DriverMonitoring group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2DriverMonitoring OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fscServerControl2 11 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table of components monitored by the driver monitor. -- Foreign index sc2uUnitId is from sc2UnitTable." -- -- sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2DriverMonitorComponents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of components monitored by the driver monitor. Foreign index sc2uUnitId is from sc2UnitTable." ::= { sc2DriverMonitoring 1 } sc2DriverMonitorComponents OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2DriverMonitorComponents ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2uUnitId, sc2drvmonCompClass, sc2drvmonCompIndex } ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable 1 } Sc2DriverMonitorComponents ::= SEQUENCE { sc2drvmonCompClass INTEGER, sc2drvmonCompIndex INTEGER, sc2drvmonCompName DisplayString, sc2drvmonCompType INTEGER, sc2drvmonCompDriverName DisplayString, sc2drvmonCompLocationDesignation DisplayString, sc2drvmonCompLocationKey DisplayString, sc2drvmonCompStatus CompStatus, sc2drvmonCompErrorAcknowledge INTEGER } sc2drvmonCompClass OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), software(2), network(3), storage(4) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component class (index)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 1 } sc2drvmonCompIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component index (index, 1..n). This is an index over all component classes, but unit specific." ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 2 } sc2drvmonCompName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name or designation of the component" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 3 } sc2drvmonCompType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), pci(2), usb(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Component (bus) type" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 4 } sc2drvmonCompDriverName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the driver that created the event record" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 5 } sc2drvmonCompLocationDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device location designation (if it is an adapter or other hardware component); e.g. 'PCI Slot #2' or 'IOB#1-FUNC#0'" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 6 } sc2drvmonCompLocationKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Device location key, used for identifying the component in other tables (like PCI device table); e.g. 'TYPE_PCI&BUS_3&DEV_14&FUNC_0'" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 7 } sc2drvmonCompStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX CompStatus ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of the component; caused by specific error events, reset by corresponding 'component OK' events or by manual acknowledge" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 8 } sc2drvmonCompErrorAcknowledge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Acknowledge an error condition (reset error or warning status) of the component by writing a non-zero value (reading this object just returns the value 0)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorComponents 9 } -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- TABLE sc2DriverMonitorMessageTable -- STATUS mandatory -- DESCRIPTION "Table of messages gathered by the driver monitor. The messages are based -- on the monitored operating system event log and are available in translated languages. -- Foreign indexes: sc2uUnitId is from sc2UnitTable, sc2msgTextLogLanguage from sc2MessageTextLogTable, -- sc2drvmonCompClass, sc2drvmonCompType and sc2drvmonCompIndex from sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable. -- When sc2drvmonCompIndex is 0, the event could not be assigned to any component." -- -- sc2DriverMonitorMessageTable: -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc2DriverMonitorMessageTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Sc2DriverMonitorMessages ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Table of messages gathered by the driver monitor. The messages are based on the monitored operating system event log and are available in translated languages. Foreign indexes: sc2uUnitId is from sc2UnitTable, sc2msgTextLogLanguage from sc2MessageTextLogTable, sc2drvmonCompClass, sc2drvmonCompType and sc2drvmonCompIndex from sc2DriverMonitorComponentTable. When sc2drvmonCompIndex is 0, the event could not be assigned to any component." ::= { sc2DriverMonitoring 2 } sc2DriverMonitorMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Sc2DriverMonitorMessages ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "" INDEX { sc2uUnitId, sc2msgTextLogLanguage, sc2drvmonCompClass, sc2drvmonCompIndex, sc2msgTextLogSeqNr } ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessageTable 1 } Sc2DriverMonitorMessages ::= SEQUENCE { sc2drvmonMsgSeqNr INTEGER, sc2drvmonMsgTimestamp INTEGER, sc2drvmonMsgMessage DisplayString, sc2drvmonMsgEventId INTEGER, sc2drvmonMsgSeverity OsLogSeverity, sc2drvmonMsgErrorCode INTEGER, sc2drvmonOrigLogMessage DisplayString, sc2drvmonOrigLogSource DisplayString, sc2drvmonOrigLogId INTEGER, sc2drvmonOrigLogSeverity OsLogSeverity } sc2drvmonMsgSeqNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Driver message entry sequence number (index, 1..n)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 1 } sc2drvmonMsgTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Driver message entry time stamp (time_t = seconds since 1/1/1970, 0:00 AM as GMT)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 2 } sc2drvmonMsgMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message entry string (multi-language; not every language may be implemented, then English message has to be requested)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 3 } sc2drvmonMsgEventId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message entry error code (this code is a driver monitor specific error code)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 4 } sc2drvmonMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OsLogSeverity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message entry severity (may be different from original event log severity)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 5 } sc2drvmonMsgErrorCode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Message entry error code (must be used to get summary, causes and resolutions from sc2MessageLogActionHintTable table)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 6 } sc2drvmonOrigLogMessage OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Original operating system event log / syslog entry message (only available in the server's original language or in english, depending on the driver that created that entry)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 7 } sc2drvmonOrigLogSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Original log entry source name" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 8 } sc2drvmonOrigLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Original log entry ID number (may not be available for some platforms/controllers, then ID = 0)" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 9 } sc2drvmonOrigLogSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OsLogSeverity ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Original event log entry severity" ::= { sc2DriverMonitorMessages 10 } sc2drvmonTableUpdateCount OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Counter defining the update revision of the driver monitoring tables. This counter is incremented with every change/update of the driver monitoring tables." ::= { sc2DriverMonitoring 3 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2NotificationsTrapInfo -- DESCRIPTION "This group defines the notifications/traps and their parameter variables. -- They are not accessible directly, but sent together with traps." -- -- sc2NotificationsTrapInfo group: -- -- ********************************************************************************************** sc2NotificationsTrapInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sc2Notifications 1 } sc2TrapInfoServerName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the server the trap comes from" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 1 } sc2TrapInfoTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Time when the trap occured (in seconds since 01/01/1970 00:00h)" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 2 } sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Cabinet number generating the trap" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 3 } sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Designation string for object that generated the trap (fan, temperature sensor...)" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 4 } sc2TrapInfoString OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Additional string to be displayed in the trap text" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 5 } sc2TrapInfoInteger OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Additional number to be displayed in the trap text" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 6 } sc2TrapInfoInteger2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Additional number to be displayed in the trap text" ::= { sc2NotificationsTrapInfo 7 } -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- GROUP sc2NotificationsTraps -- DESCRIPTION "This group defines the traps." -- -- Trap enterprise: sc2Notifications ( -- -- ********************************************************************************************** -- -- Trap number range for this MIB: 2000..2199 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Test trap, agent and controller problems -- sc2TrapTest TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "Test trap to verify trap connection." --#TYPE "Test trap" --#SUMMARY "Test trap from server %s (no error)." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Note: This is no error condition." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2000 sc2TrapCommunicationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The communication with management controller failed!" --#TYPE "Communication lost" --#SUMMARY "Communication with the Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s lost." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2001 sc2TrapCommunicationEstablished TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The communication with the management controller was reestablished" --#TYPE "Communication established" --#SUMMARY "Communication with the Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s established again." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2002 sc2TrapControllerSelftestWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Controller selftest warning." --#TYPE "Controller selftest warning" --#SUMMARY "The Server Management controller in cabinet %d has detected an minor problem during selftest of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2003 sc2TrapControllerSelftestError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Controller selftest error." --#TYPE "Controller selftest error" --#SUMMARY "The Server Management controller in cabinet %d of server %s failed." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2004 sc2TrapBiosSelftestError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "A critical error happend while BIOS selftest. This error needs to be acknowledged to clear the error condition." --#TYPE "Critical BIOS selftest error" --#SUMMARY "A critical error happend while BIOS selftest in cabinet %d of server %s. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem.\nPress 'Acknowledge BIOS selftest status' in ServerView to get the\nerror condition cleared when the problem is fixed." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2005 sc2TrapSevereSystemError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The system was restarted after a severe problem. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information." --#TYPE "The system was restarted after a severe problem" --#SUMMARY "The system was restarted after a severe problem at cabinet %d of server %s. See server management message log (recovery log) for detailed information." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: See message log (recovery log) to get the error reason and fix the problem." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Cooling deviced (fans and liquid cooling pumps) -- sc2TrapFanAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated hot-plug fan or liquid pump was inserted." --#TYPE "Fan added" --#SUMMARY "Cooling device '%s' was inserted into cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2010 sc2TrapFanRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated hot-plug fan or liquid pump was removed." --#TYPE "Fan removed" --#SUMMARY "Cooling device '%s' was removed from cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2011 sc2TrapFanOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated fan or liquid pump is working again." --#TYPE "Fan OK" --#SUMMARY "Cooling device '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is working again." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2012 sc2TrapFanCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated fan or liquid pump became critical" --#TYPE "Fan failure predicted" --#SUMMARY "Cooling device '%s' will fail in near future in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2013 sc2TrapFanFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated fan or liquid pump failed." --#TYPE "Fan failed" --#SUMMARY "Cooling device '%s' failed in cabinet %d of server '%s'." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace defect fan or liquid pump. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2014 sc2TrapRedundantFanFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated redundant fan or liquid pump failed" --#TYPE "Redundant fan failed" --#SUMMARY "The redundant cooling device '%s' failed in cabinet %d of server %s. System can become critical if another cooling device in this group fails." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Temperature -- sc2TrapTempOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the indicated sensor has decreased to the normal level." --#TYPE "Temperature normal" --#SUMMARY "Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is within normal range." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2020 sc2TrapTempWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the indicated sensor has reached the warning level." --#TYPE "Temperature warning" --#SUMMARY "Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the warning level." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check fan openings.\nCheck fans.\n Reduce ambient temperature. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2021 sc2TrapTempCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The temperature of the indicated sensor is out of tolerance range. The system will shut down and power off if shutdown is enabled." --#TYPE "Temperature critical" --#SUMMARY "Temperature at sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the critical level." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check fan openings\nCheck fans\nReduce ambient temperature.\nLet the system cool down before restart. Attention: Do not operate system with cover removed. Proper airflow will not be guaranteed!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2022 sc2TrapTempSensorOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated broken temperature sensor is OK again." --#TYPE "Temperature sensor OK" --#SUMMARY "Temperature sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is working again." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2023 sc2TrapTempSensorBroken TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "The indicated temperature sensor is broken." --#TYPE "Temperature sensor broken" --#SUMMARY "Temperature sensor '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is broken or not connected." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check connection or replace temperature sensor." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Power supply -- sc2TrapPowerSupplyAdded TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "One hot-replace power supply was added." --#TYPE "Power supply added" --#SUMMARY "Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s was added." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2030 sc2TrapPowerSupplyRemoved TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "One hot-replace power supply was removed" --#TYPE "Power supply removed" --#SUMMARY "Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s was removed" --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2031 sc2TrapPowerSupplyOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Power supply is working again." --#TYPE "Power supply OK" --#SUMMARY "Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is working again." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2032 sc2TrapPowerSupplyCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power supply status has become critical." --#TYPE "Power supply critical" --#SUMMARY "Insufficient operating power supplies available in cabinet %d at server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace defective power supply.\nInstall additional power supply." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2033 sc2TrapPowerSupplyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "One hot-replace power supply failed." --#TYPE "Power supply failed" --#SUMMARY "Power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s failed." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace defect power supply. Attention: Power supply redundancy is lost. To restore redundancy replace defect power supply as soon as possible!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2034 sc2TrapRedundantPowerSupplyFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "One redundant hot-replace power supply failed" --#TYPE "Redundant power supply failed" --#SUMMARY "Redundant power supply '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s failed. System can become critical if another power supply fails." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2035 sc2TrapPowerSupplyRedundancyLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power supply redundancy no longer available." --#TYPE "Power supply redundancy lost" --#SUMMARY "Power supply redundancy in cabinet %d at server %s lost. System will become critical if a power supply fails." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2036 sc2TrapPowerSupplyCriticalTemperature TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Critical temperature in power supply." --#TYPE "Critical temperature at power supply" --#SUMMARY "Temperature at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached the critical level." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2037 sc2TrapPowerSupplyFanFailurePrediction TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Fan failure prediction in power supply." --#TYPE "Fan failure prediction at power supply" --#SUMMARY "Fan failure is predicted at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2038 sc2TrapPowerSupplyFanFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Fan failure in power supply." --#TYPE "Fan failure at power supply" --#SUMMARY "Fan failure at power supply '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2039 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Power failure -- sc2TrapAcFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Mains failed in the specified cabinet. This trap can only happen in storage extension cabinets without UPS or BBU. A server will not have time to send this trap." --#TYPE "AC failed" --#SUMMARY "AC failure in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check line voltage / power supply of cabinet." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2040 sc2TrapDcFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "DC power failed in the specified cabinet. This is the result of the system's power-good sensor monitoring. The system may stop when this condition occurs." --#TYPE "Power failed" --#SUMMARY "DC power failure in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check power supply units; add additional power supply.\nReplace power supply unit(s); check AC power." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2041 sc2TrapOnBattery TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger, sc2TrapInfoInteger2 } DESCRIPTION "The server is operating on battery power - by UPS or backup battery unit (BBU)." --#TYPE "AC failed - server is operating on battery" --#SUMMARY "AC failure. Cabinet %d at server %s is running on battery power. The remaining battery lifetime is approximately %d minutes." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0, 3 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Check mains line voltage." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2042 sc2TrapOnMains TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The mains voltage returned after a power failure." --#TYPE "AC OK" --#SUMMARY "Mains returned after power failure in cabinet %d at server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Voltages -- sc2TrapVoltageOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Power supply voltage is within normal range again." --#TYPE "Voltage OK" --#SUMMARY "Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is within normal range again." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2050 sc2TrapVoltageTooLow TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Power supply voltage is too low." --#TYPE "Voltage too low" --#SUMMARY "Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is too low." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2051 sc2TrapVoltageTooHigh TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Power supply voltage is too high." --#TYPE "Voltage too high" --#SUMMARY "Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is too high." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2052 sc2TrapVoltageFailed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Power supply voltage is out of range." --#TYPE "Voltage out of range" --#SUMMARY "Power supply voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s is out of range." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2053 sc2TrapBatteryVoltagePrefail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Battery is predicted to fail" --#TYPE "Battery failure predicted" --#SUMMARY "Battery voltage '%s' in cabinet %d at server %s: Battery is predicted to fail in near future." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE DEGRADED ::= 2054 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Memory errors -- sc2TrapCorrectableMemErrorAddr TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "A correctable memory error at specified address was detected." --#TYPE "Correctable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Correctable memory error at address %d in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2060 sc2TrapUncorrectableMemErrorAddr TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrectable memory error at specified address was detected." --#TYPE "Uncorrectable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Uncorrectable memory error at address %d in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2061 sc2TrapCorrectableMemErrorBank TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A correctable memory error at specified bank was detected." --#TYPE "Correctable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Correctable memory error at bank '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2062 sc2TrapUncorrectableMemErrorBank TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrectable memory error at specified bank was detected." --#TYPE "Uncorrectable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Uncorrectable memory error at bank '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2063 sc2TrapCorrectableMemErrorModule TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A correctable memory error at specified module was detected." --#TYPE "Correctable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Correctable memory error at module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2064 sc2TrapUncorrectableMemErrorModule TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrectable memory error at specified module was detected." --#TYPE "Uncorrectable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Uncorrectable memory error at module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2065 sc2TrapCorrectableMemError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "A correctable memory error at unknown location was detected." --#TYPE "Correctable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Correctable memory error in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: In case of a persistent error try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2066 sc2TrapUncorrectableMemError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "An uncorrectable memory error at unknown location was detected." --#TYPE "Uncorrectable memory error" --#SUMMARY "Uncorrectable memory error in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Try to locate defect memory module:\nGo to window View / System Board / Memory Modules.\nReplace defect memory module." --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2067 sc2TrapMemErrorModulePrefail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A memory module is predicted to fail (prefailure)." --#TYPE "Memory module prefailure" --#SUMMARY "Memory module failure is predicted for module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A memory module failure is predicted. Too many errors have occured implying that the module could fail in near future. Action: Replace the failing module." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2068 sc2TrapMemErrorModuleFailing TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A memory module is failing." --#TYPE "Memory module failing" --#SUMMARY "Memory module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is failing. Too many errors have occured." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A memory module is failing. Action: Replace the failing module immediately!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2069 sc2TrapMemErrorModuleReplaced TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A memory module had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module." --#TYPE "Memory module replaced" --#SUMMARY "Memory module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module" --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A memory module had failed. So many errors had occured that its bank was taken out of service and replaced by a hot-spare bank. Action: Replace the failed module immediately!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2070 sc2TrapMemErrorLoggingDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Too many correctable memory errors; logging disabled." --#TYPE "Memory error logging disabled" --#SUMMARY "Too many correctable memory errors in cabinet %d at server %s. Error logging was disabled." --#SUMMARY "If logging was disabled and not automatically enabled again, you have to reboot your server to enable memory error logging again.\nIf logging is disabled, prefailure detection is also not active!" --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "ATTENTION! If logging was disabled and not automatically enabled again, you have\nto reboot your server to enable memory error logging again.\nIf logging disabled, prefailure detection does not work!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2071 sc2TrapMemErrorLoggingEnabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Memory errors logging enabled again." --#TYPE "Memory error logging enabled" --#SUMMARY "Error logging was enabled again in cabinet %d at server %s (after being disabled because of too many errors)" --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Error logging was enabled again after being disabled because of too many errors." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2072 sc2TrapMemErrorAnyModuleReplaced TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "A memory module had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module." --#TYPE "Memory module replaced" --#SUMMARY "A memory module in cabinet %d of server %s had failed and was replaced by a hot-spare module" --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A memory module had failed. So many errors had occured that its bank was taken out of service and replaced by a hot-spare bank. Action: Replace the failed module immediately!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2073 sc2TrapMemErrorRedundancyLost TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "A memory error caused loss of memory redundancy" --#TYPE "Memory redundancy lost" --#SUMMARY "Memory configuration in cabinet %d of server %s has lost redundancy" --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A severe memory error occured. Memory redundancy is lost. Action: Replace failing module as soon as possible to regain redundancy!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2074 sc2TrapMemNVDIMMLifetime TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "An NVDIMM memory module has reached a certain level of lifetime" --#TYPE "NVDIMM Memory module lifetime" --#SUMMARY "Non-volatile memory (NVDIMM) module '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s has reached %d percent of lifetime" --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0, 4 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: CPU errors -- sc2TrapCpuSpeedChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent if the CPU clock frequency was changed because of a temperature problem." --#TYPE "CPU speed changed" --#SUMMARY "CPU speed at server %s changed to %d percent of its maximum speed." --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2080 sc2TrapCpuPrefail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A CPU is predicted to fail (prefailure)." --#TYPE "CPU prefailure" --#SUMMARY "CPU failure is predicted for CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: A CPU failure is predicted. Too many errors have occured implying that the CPU could fail in near future. Action: Replace the failing CPU." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2081 sc2TrapCpuIerr TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A CPU internal error (IERR) occurred" --#TYPE "CPU IERR" --#SUMMARY "Internal error (IERR) occurred on CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: CPU internal error (IERR) occurred. Action: Replace failing CPU if error occurs repeatedly." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2082 sc2TrapCpuDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "A CPU is disabled by BIOS" --#TYPE "CPU disabled" --#SUMMARY "CPU '%s' in cabinet %d of server %s is disabled." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Warning: CPU was disabled by BIOS after CPU Error occurred. Action: Reenable CPU. If error persists, replace failing CPU." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2083 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Power on/off, shutdown, reboot, server suspend, server recovery, logging -- sc2TrapCabinetSwitchedOff TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when a cabinet is switched off. For obvious reasons it cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off." --#TYPE "Cabinet switched off" --#SUMMARY "Cabinet %d was switched off because of %s (server %s)." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 3, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Note: For obvious reasons this trap cannot be sent when the main cabinet is switched off." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2090 sc2TrapCabinetSwitchedOn TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when a cabinet is switched on." --#TYPE "Cabinet switched on" --#SUMMARY "Cabinet %d was switched on because of %s (server %s)." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 3, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2091 sc2TrapPowerOffTimeReached TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the server is going to be switched off by schedule in some minutes." --#TYPE "Scheduled power off time reached" --#SUMMARY "The scheduled power-off time is reached in cabinet %d on server %s! System shutdown in %d minutes." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0, 3 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2092 sc2TrapServerShutdown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when a server is being shut down." --#TYPE "Server shutdown" --#SUMMARY "The reason %s causes a shutdown at server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2093 sc2TrapShutdownCancelled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent if a pending server shutdown was cancelled by the user." --#TYPE "Shutdown cancelled" --#SUMMARY "Shutdown at server %s cancelled by the user." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2094 sc2TrapBootRetryCountZero TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when a boot retry counter gets zero on power up." --#TYPE "Boot retry counter zero" --#SUMMARY "Boot retry counter is zero on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2095 sc2TrapServerBoot TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when the server was booted" --#TYPE "Server booted" --#SUMMARY "Server %s was booted." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2096 sc2TrapServerStandby TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when the server entered standby mode" --#TYPE "Standby mode entered" --#SUMMARY "Server %s entered standby mode." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2097 sc2TrapServerSuspend TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when the server entered suspend mode" --#TYPE "Suspend mode entered" --#SUMMARY "Server %s entered suspend mode." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2098 sc2TrapServerResumed TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "This trap will be sent when the server resumed from standby or suspend mode" --#TYPE "Resume from standby or suspend mode" --#SUMMARY "Server %s resumed from standby or suspend mode." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2099 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Message/event logging -- sc2TrapMessageLogFull TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The System Event Log (message log) is full. No more messages can be logged. This trap will not occur on wrap-around log types" --#TYPE "Message log full" --#SUMMARY "The System Event Log on server %s in cabinet %d is full. No more messages can be logged! Please clear unneeded log entries as soon as possible!" --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2100 sc2TrapMessageLogWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "The warning threshold for the number of System Event Log entries has been exceeded." --#TYPE "Message log warning" --#SUMMARY "The System Event Log for cabinet %d at server %s has exceeded %d percent of its capacity." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0, 3 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2101 sc2TrapBootMessageLogEntry TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "An error message was written into the systemboard's message log. This could have happened when an error occured before the server management agents were running or any error without a specific trap. See server management message log for detailed error description." --#TYPE "Error in message log" --#SUMMARY "An error was recorded on server %s before the management agents were started (boot phase)." --#SUMMARY "See server management message log (Recovery log) for detailed information." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Intrusion detection -- sc2TrapIntrusionAssertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The front door or housing was opened" --#TYPE "Front door or housing opened" --#SUMMARY "The front door or housing of cabinet %d was opened on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2110 sc2TrapIntrusionDeassertion TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The front door or housing was closed" --#TYPE "Front door or housing closed" --#SUMMARY "The front door or housing of cabinet %d was closed on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2111 sc2TrapIntrusionChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "The front door or housing was opened or closed" --#TYPE "Front door or housing opened/closed" --#SUMMARY "The front door or housing of cabinet %d was opened or closed on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2112 sc2TrapPciBusError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "PCI bus system/parity error" --#TYPE "PCI bus system/parity error" --#SUMMARY "A PCI bus system or parity error happened in cabinet %d on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE NONOPERATIONAL ::= 2113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Power on/off (continued) -- sc2TrapPowerOnTimeReached TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoInteger } DESCRIPTION "This trap is sent when the server is going to be switched on by schedule in some minutes. It will be sent by the Remote Management Controller." --#TYPE "Scheduled power on time reached" --#SUMMARY "The scheduled power-on time is reached in cabinet %d on server %s! System will be powered on in %d minutes." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0, 3 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Customer self service -- sc2TrapCssWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Customer self service component changed to warning status" --#TYPE "Customer self service warning" --#SUMMARY "Warning status on component '%s' in cabinet %d of server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2120 sc2TrapCssFail TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Customer self service component changed to fail status" --#TYPE "Customer self service fail" --#SUMMARY "Fail status on component '%s' in cabinet %d of server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer." --#ARGUMENTS { 3, 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2121 sc2TrapCssWarningServer TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Customer self service component changed to warning status" --#TYPE "Customer self service warning" --#SUMMARY "Warning status on component '%s' at server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2122 sc2TrapCssFailServer TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoObjectDesignation } DESCRIPTION "Customer self service component changed to fail status" --#TYPE "Customer self service fail" --#SUMMARY "Fail status on component '%s' at server '%s'. This component may be replaced by the customer." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Action: Replace affected component, may be replaced by the customer!" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Power Consumption -- sc2TrapPowerLimitOk TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power consumption limit changed to Ok status" --#TYPE "Power limit status ok" --#SUMMARY "Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' ok." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2130 sc2TrapPowerLimitWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power consumption limit changed to warning status" --#TYPE "Power limit status warning" --#SUMMARY "Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' has exceeded the warning threshold." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2131 sc2TrapPowerLimitCritical TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power consumption limit changed to critical status" --#TYPE "Power limit status critical" --#SUMMARY "Power limit status in cabinet %d of server '%s' has exceeded the critical threshold." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY CRITICAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2132 sc2TrapPowerLimitDisabled TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoCabinetNr } DESCRIPTION "Power consumption limiting disabled" --#TYPE "Power limiting disabled" --#SUMMARY "Power limiting in cabinet %d of server '%s' disabled." --#ARGUMENTS { 2, 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "" --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2133 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Virtual IO Manager (VIOM) -- sc2TrapViomInitiateCommunication TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "VIOM communication initiation request - VIOM manager action required. This trap is intended to signal the Virtual IO Manager that the iRMC wants to confirm the usage of the VIOM table. This trap may be repeated several times until the manager responds to the trap." --#TYPE "VIOM communication initiation" --#SUMMARY "VIOM communication initiation request from server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Note: This is no error condition." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2140 sc2TrapViomStatusChanged TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime } DESCRIPTION "VIOM status has changed - VIOM manager information. If the user or a server management component deactivates VIOM, the iRMC will send a VIOM status trap. This trap will not be sent if VIOM was activated, because no user interface except the Virtual IO Manager shall be capable to enable VIOM." --#TYPE "VIOM status changed" --#SUMMARY "VIOM status has changed on server %s." --#ARGUMENTS { 0 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#HELP "Note: This is no error condition." --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Trap group: Driver Monitoring -- sc2TrapDrvMonEventMessage TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "Driver Monitoring detected an informational event." --#TYPE "Driver Monitoring information event" --#SUMMARY "Driver Monitoring information event at server %s:" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY INFORMATIONAL --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2150 sc2TrapDrvMonEventWarning TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "Driver Monitoring detected a warning event." --#TYPE "Driver Monitoring warning event" --#SUMMARY "Driver Monitoring warning event at server %s:" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY MINOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2151 sc2TrapDrvMonEventError TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE sc2Notifications VARIABLES { sc2TrapInfoServerName, sc2TrapInfoTime, sc2TrapInfoString } DESCRIPTION "Driver Monitoring detected an error event." --#TYPE "Driver Monitoring error event" --#SUMMARY "Driver Monitoring error event at server %s:" --#SUMMARY "%s" --#ARGUMENTS { 0, 2 } --#SEVERITY MAJOR --#TIMEINDEX 1 --#STATE OPERATIONAL ::= 2152 END